Big Trouble In The Big Apple: A JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Roleplay.

RP's Theme-Frank Sinatra- New York, New York.
All seems normal in the city that never sleeps. Cars blaring and people are performing their daily routes. Unaware of the madness that is happening all around them. A serial killer is running rampant in the big city. This killer is using their stand’s ability to commit the murders. The police are having a hard time trying to catch the suspect. None of them are able to find the suspect responsible for the crime. Only a small group of stand users will need to band together to find the culprit. Whether they need to bring them to justice or perform their own form of “justice.” is up to the player.
You the player will be playing a citizen of New York, or someone who is visiting New York. Whether they knew the person that was a victim of the murderer or are investigating the killings is up to you. What I was thinking of instead of creating your own stand, we will be picking legacy stands. So you can pick any stand from either parts 3-8. Of course, for the sake of balance, I will be banning people picking OP stands (i.e King Crimson, D4C, Mandom. Etc.) I am open to discussing and hashing out ideas for your character/stand. If you want to be a Hamon user that is something you could pick as your character’s ability. I am thinking of this rp having a small group of players. So I will be accepting at least three or four people. It is possible to have more than that depending on how many people are interested.
This will be an alternative version of the JOJO canon, so things will be very different from what happens in the series.
Information on Stands
Informations on Hamon