Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

With her conversation with Sir Ethelred concluded, Fio bowed her head politely and focused on the Queen's words.

Assigning her as leader for a mission to seek out and converse with giants? Seeking the assistance of a giant smith, for that matter?

Well, Fio could hardly contain her approval of the choice of leader. She felt entirely confident in her capacity in such a position. She was, after all, quite mentally capable. Not to say that the others were stupid in her eyes, but when it came to certain kinds of intelligence she did believe she was a step ahead of any of the knights. And that made her extremely well-suited to leadership.

When it came to giants, Fio had never personally interacted with them. What research she had done of them was also not entirely clear on all the details. She knew some aspects of their culture, their nature, but when it came to how best find a Giant Smith... Well, she was confident she would be able to figure it out, but at the same time it was important to have a good starting point.

She had some idea of what to look for, but any information helped.

"Do you have any suggestions on where to start?" asked the Sword Witch, "Not that I don't know what to look for, but the faster a Giant Smith is found, the better."

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Luna would be lying if she said she didn't desire to see Harzelslack, but she understood why the teams had been divided as so. First, the team heading there already had contact with the nation's border so it would make perfect senses why they would go. On the other hand, Luna had some constant contact with them where she figured was why she would go to recruit a giant smith. Though she was a small bit curious why Her Majesty had given Fio lead on this mission. Truthfully, Luna would have expected it to go to her all things considered but it wasn't a big bother to her really. Fio was smart, if a bit...Sensitive?

"The mountains west of our territory is probably our destination. I can't say I've been around the area much, though I've met a number of giants from that way." Luna mentioned with a nod. "I've not an exact location but I believe it was Llobrokor Mountain. Not exactly safe from what I hear, but what is safe?" Luna asked with a small smirk. "Have you been there, Elnith?" Luna asked the cursed knight, curious since she was signed on to this mission as well.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 days ago

Sorcha's briefing made it clear that she had a particular interest in dragon scales. She wanted to obtain the scales from the black wyvern, and wanted to enlist the services of a giant to hammer those scales into armor and weapons. Judging by her worry about the return of dragons, and the mention of a surge in wyvern activity, it sounded like she expected the band to be fighting more dragons in the near future, and wanted to be prepared accordingly.

The returned king that the black wyvern mentioned...he couldn't have been referring to Varakel, could he? After all, if the Old King could return to life, surely it'd be possible for the evil black dragon could as well. The thought made Ethelred shiver.

Ethelred's mission would be taking him to work with the forces of Harzelslack, to deal with wyverns that have been terrorizing the regions. Ethelred perked up a bit when Sorcha mentioned that they'd be working with Lonan and Grainne. It'd be good to see those two again, he thought. He wasn't sure if Luana and Grainne would get along, so it might be a good idea to observe their interactions carefully until he could be sure it wouldn't devolve into a scuffle. The wyverns would be tough foes, but assuming there were no unpleasant surprises awaiting them, it shouldn't be anything they hadn't already faced.

"Meet up with Lonan and his band, clear out the wyverns around the Llothbrokr mountains," Ethelred spoke, summing up his mission to ensure he had heard it correctly. "You can count on us, your highness."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Rune_Alchemist@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99

Reinhardt simply nodded through the introductions and recap as Vyrell caught him up to speed. Though he'd initially intended to greet the newcomer to the Queen's guard-- the mention of elves quickly invited a flurry of overenthusiastic questions and speculations from the newcomer that halted the Knight's words before they could even leave his mouth.

Clamping his mouth shut, Elias instead opted to simply hold his tongue until the briefing was concluded.

After hearing the upcoming assigned task, as well as the distribution of resources agreed upon between Airedale and Harzelslack, Reinhardt finally opened his mouth-- "And what of the Wyvern's heart?"

He paused, before continuing his thought, "If possible-- I wish to retrieve it for ourselves... There was something off with that creature compared to how the records of my family depict... And if there's another like it-- that would certainly explain the continued appearance of the whelps."

Elias shook his head, returning to the topic at hand-- "I am concerned about what the beast's heart implies, your majesty. If you would allow me to make such a request; I would hope to be allowed to take it for myself."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Airedale Keep, Meeting Room
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

“As Luna says, Fio. The mountains central to Albion are the home of the giants. Luna’s family has ties to the giants, so her judgment should be sound when dealing with them.” Sorcha replied to her court mage.

“As for myself, Luna, Fio.” Elnith smiled. “This armor was forged by them. They’re quite the generous people, if reclusive.” Her gaze turned to Fio a little, before smirking and seeming to stifle a laugh before shaking her head. “I’m sure they’ll welcome us with open arms.”

“The heart?” Sorcha continued, addressing Reinhardt’s concern. “...Hm, I did not think it terribly important myself. Such a cursed thing can only bring more curses, but…” A moment of silence as she pondered her knights question. “...If its a request, I can speak with the Harzel knights upon meeting them. Otherwise, it would have been theirs as per the agreement. Now then, Fio, Luna, Elnith.” She turned to the three of them. “You are dismissed. Feel free to leave soon as you are prepared. Luana…if you truly do have a desire to serve me, then join me in the throne room. Ethelred, Reinhardt, you have sometime to prepare, or join me as well if you wish.”

“Lugh and I will remain here to oversee Airedale.” Vyrell smiled, turning his head towards Sorcha as she left the room. “Ah, and my Lady, when you return we can discuss certain events where an important person was absent without telling anyone.”

“...A-ahem, yes, very well Vyrell.” Sorcha responded, swiftly leaving the room and heading out into the throne room, expecting Luana to follow.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Ahahahaha! I ascend!

— Luana Roycroft

"Welp! No reason to drag this out.” She saluted Ethelred. "Sounds like we'll be working together again!” Luana bent over and pat Lugh's head. She might have also sniffed his hair. "I know the queen didn't invite you, but I'm inviting you, so you can come along if you'd like!”

On her way towards the throne room, she stopped in front of Reinhardt. "Reinhardt right? You look capable, I can't wait to see what you're capable of!” Luana wrapped her arms around the knight and gave him a squeeze. "I can't hug Ethelred, so need to-” Her eyes shot open. "Wait, your not-” She released him and looked over her arms. Once she was satisfied, she sighed and looked back at Reinhardt with a sly grin. "I have to be careful around you folks! I know hugging some of you will turn me into an ice sculpture. It's hard! I'm a very physical person!”

Before departing for the throne room, she turned to the girls that were departing on their quest. "Elnith, Fio, Luna number two, I'm sure you'll be successful, but I'll be praying to Aigorost for your success anyway!” With a laugh, she vanished* behind the threshold of the door.

*But not like, literally vanished. She just moved swiftly.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Airedale Keep, Meeting Room
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

Sorcha had already made her way back to the throne room by the time Luana had made it. The queen walked up to her throne, as simply elegant as it was for now as she’d proceed to sit upon it.

“Luana. Kneel.” Gone was the slightly jovial nature the queen typically wore, and now it was replaced with her full authority as a queen, a sight rarely shown to her knights. The few servants that were around quietly made their way to the edges of the room. “You stand before me, Sorcha Mulryan…Queen, Sorcha Mulryan. Of your own accord, seeking an audience. I have allowed you to stay here as a kindness for your help at Hjrelskins fall, but I am not a woman of infinite charity. If you intend to stay in Airedale, and are genuine with your endeavor to help me and my cause…then I have but a simple request.” She’d stand again, in front of her throne.

“Swear fealty to me as your Queen. Above any God you serve, above any other mortal, you will serve me above all else.” The queen’s sky blue eyes seemed to shine with a slight glow as she spoke. “Speak thusly: I, Luana seek to serve Queen Sorcha Mulryan, above any God, mortal, spirit or beast. Upon betrayal, my life, shall be forfeit and my name stuck from any history or writing may the Queen forgive me.”

Hrelskin Fall’s Village

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Well, it looked like Luana was going to be officially knighted. That was fine enough, though Luna needed to get some items together for their trip. "For now, I shall go collect some things for the trip. Not to step on your toes, Fio, but Sucaria and I will gather together rations and the like for the road." The Knightess said, taking initiative, excited to get on the road to visit her highly distantly related related species. "Rations for four since I have a feeling a certain someone would follow along whether we asked her to or not." Luna mentioned, looking over to her maid for some short seconds with a tired look before it quickly turned into a soft smile. "What greater amount of loyalty can a woman ask for?" Luna teased before turning to Elnith.

"That aside, it's a pleasure to be working with you this time, Elnith." She gave a smile and offered a handshake. Whether the other woman accepted the hand or not, Luna would head out after to get their supplies together. She went about collecting rations for four people and prepared for the trip on her end. Just in case, she made sure to bring a hunting bow and some arrows in case they needed to forage for food later. While her magic was usable at range, it was a good way to alert other animals to her position. Well, regardless of otherwise, they should mostly be ready for a trip. The part that was hardest to account for was the mountains considering she had never been out that way before. Well, Elnith will probably have a better idea so perhaps it would be best to ask her opinion on the matter. Regardless, Luna was as ready as she would be to go. Except for one more question, perhaps. "Are you going to be riding on your own or with me?" Luna asked her maid, guessing at the answer she had expected.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 days ago

Ethelred made his way behind Sorcha and Luana to the throne room to witness the knighting. It wasn't something he needed to be present for, but he believed it was considered right and proper to attend the ceremony for their newfound ally.

In truth, he was a little surprised that Luana agreed to it. She hadn't exactly cast the impression as someone that would bind themselves to such a deep committment, especially after having only been with them a few days. On the other hand, Sorcha took just as big a risk in knighting Ethelred when he came to her. Sure, he had a bit of a reputation, but with his family's downfall, any knowledge of him would be hearsay, rumors, and spoken tales passed from mouth to mouth.

Being knighted had been quite meaningful for the Frozen Knight. The first reason was that he hadn't actually been knighted prior- knightood wasn't really a tradition in his family, and they saw no real value in the formality of it. If a man wanted to call himself a knight, if they deemed him worthy in strength and character, that was good enough for the Ethelings of Ceolread Castle. In fact, their own titles of Etheling were emblematic of their disregard for the others' perceived limitations of social mobility. In the culture they had come from, it roughly meant "prince", connoting to someone who possessed the standing to potentially become a king. By calling themselves Ethelings, it was understood that they were making a statement declaring themselves royalty, and defying the authority of anyone in this broken land- or anyone of their homeland- who dared to say otherwise.

If they were still around, they might have even suggested that being knighted by Sorcha was meaningless to them. To Ethelred, however, to be knighted by the returned King, whose court had codified the very concept of knighthood in Albion, was a very validating accomplishment and a great honor.

I hope she understands the full magnitude of the vows that she is making. Such an oath is not something to be made lightly.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Airedale Keep, Meeting Room
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

“Very well,” Sorcha would draw her blade, pulling it from its sheathe and holding it in front of Luana. “Hands over the blades point. Now,” Luana would feel it. A brief zap of electricity shocking her hands, leaving a painful electrical burn along her hands. “As the rightful ruler of Albion, and current Queen of Airedale and the surrounding lands, I knight thee in my name. You will serve none before me,” The blade now rest upon her shoulders, sharp edge against her neck. “Be it god, man, or even your own desires. Know that I shall accept no betrayal and such actions shall be met with a swiftest of actions and executions.”

The blade would be swiftly withdrawn, back into its sheathe, and instead by the Queens hand.

“On your feet then, sorry about that I have to at least try to look the part sometimes.” A smile as she’d pull Luana to her feet. “Ethelred, Reinhardt? Lets get going. I’m eager to see these so-called wyverns.”

Without further words unless one of her knights had anything to say, the Queen would proceed to gather the horses and supplies, setting off towards Harzel….

Llobrokor Mountains

Fio, not having much experience with riding horses would opt to ride with Luna. This, was fine for the most part. There wouldn’t be any issues or running into anything troubling on their travel through the mountains…save for one slight Issue. A certain maid, that had been in her opinion, quite wrongly displaced. Fio had taken to sitting in front of Luna, while Sucaria was behind her. Most of the trip, Sucaria was simply spent quietly staring at Fio and when camp would be made, the Maid seemed to definitely go out of her way to definitely not mess with Fio. that’d require her to be upset, which she wasn’t.

Passing through Lightsword territory and through the graveyard of the giants, they’d soon find themselves at the foot of the mountains, Elnith leading them across winding hills and crossing dangerously close to the wastes before soon finding themselves near the towering sky piercing mountains in central Albion.

“What do you know about the giants, Luna?” Elnith queried. “I hear your family has giant blood in your veins.” Sucaria was quietly sitting behind the Knight as Elnith spoke to her companion. “They’re such kind people, you know…they took me in when even my own parents disowned me, ahah.” Elnith smiled, not seeing anything particularly wrong with that statement.

Sucaria reached into her dress, though for now did nothing else.

@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Guy0fV4lor
Harzel Plains

The travel across the land to Harzel followed roughly the same path they had taken last, stopping briefly in Redwater to resupply and rest in civilization for the night, thankfully without any more or other Fomorian incidents happening…though there were unsettling rumors of people going missing occasionally, but most passed it off to impish fey. Still, there was little to be done about such rumors now.

Aside from this, and running off some Fomorians harassing the main road the knights would reach their destination relatively undisturbed, eventually finding themselves close to the Harzel border, where the scorched and blasted forest, still smoldering from the Wyvern’s apocalyptic blast of fire had charred the very land itself.

“...so this is the destruction that Wyvern had wrought.” Sorcha commented idly as they rode past at an even, steady pace. “An impressive feat, slaying such a beast unharmed.” She’d glance towards Reinhardt, but said nothing as instead, she’d pull a small short, one handed sword from her steed's saddle bags. “Reinhardt, I was considering your particular issue with weapons constantly breaking.”

She’d casually pass the blade to him.

“This blade has been in my possession for quite some time. Its nothing impressive, but its sturdy and forged by both the dwarvish smiths of a far off land and a clan of elves I spent a good portion of the last decade with.” She didn’t seem to think much of handing him the blade. “Ethelred, about how much further to that fort? We will be meeting the Harzel knights at the place where you slew that beast at. I desire to see its carcass myself. What about you, Luana? Your a druid and quite in tune with the land, are you not? What do you make of that destruction out there?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lunalel was, for the most part, uneasy all through the trip. Somehow, she had managed to get two beauties to ride on her horse with her. That in itself was fine. Neither of them were very heavy, one in particular especially so. No, the problem came with what they were doing. Fio, for her part, was somewhat understandable. She was not very fond of horses, it seemed, and was doing her best to not show. How obvious it was to Luna that the girl was, in fact, very cautious every second of the ride. As fidgety as she was. Still, as much as she had known Fio by now, it would be best not to mention it.

The other problem was behind her. Her maid, loyal follower and dear friend. With all those things combined, Luna never worried much about what she was doing even if she seemed to be doing very suspicious things. On the other hand... Sucaria was very much so like a predator eyeing its prey. It made Luna silently question exactly what she was planning. It was very obvious and very deliberate but Luna didn't want to say much. Not until they had stopped to break. It was not a problem for her or Sucaria to dismount though it seemed Fio would need help. Luna helped the short woman down though perhaps a small bit more handsy than intend.

After Fio had left Luna to tie up the horse, the Knightess asked her maid, "Just don't try to eat her or anything." Luna said, unsure of what was on the maid's mind before they took to camp for the night.

That was when Elnith questioned Luna's knowledge of Giants. "Probably not as much as someone with first hand knowledge of their city." Luna mentioned with a small smile. "Well, I'd have to agree with you. All the giants I've had the pleasure to meet with were quite pleasant. Though they like to keep to themselves plenty. I've seen a number of them between patrols and visiting Giant's Rest and of the one's I've invited to Castle Lightsword I've had only a couple accept. Though, it might also be on account of their size, I suppose. Still, the few that did have visit were quite the interesting folk." Luna did her best to not frown at the last part of Elnith's statement. It did the woman no good to feel bad for her at that.

"But yes, we do have giant's blood, as diluted as it may be by now. Still, it helps with the cold nights and puts me above the average man in physical strength. And that would be without training." Luna added with a smile. "Most importantly, it gives me quite a bit of an ability to drink a lot." Luna laughed a small bit at her own joke about drinking a small bit too much at times before looking over at Sucaria reaching into her pocket before looking back to Elnith. "Did I miss a bad interaction between the two of them? Sucaria has been eyeing Fio like a wolf."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

”Boy are they serious about following the rules.”

— Luana Roycroft

That’s quite the vow. Is it possible for anyone to dedicate themselves that much to someone they just met?

Well, if it’s what the elves want, you’d be crazy to refuse.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor


Luana’s eyes scanned the burned landscape. Her eyes were squinted, but it wasn’t clear if it was the heat or a tiny detail she was trying to spot. Ash still fell from the sky, and some of it settled on Luana’s head. But the queen’s words snapped her out of her focus.

”I’ve determined that the forest was definitely burned by something!” She nodded, as if proud of the discovery. ”Though such destruction is not wholly unusual, even without the presence of fire breathing lizards, a single lightning bolt is enough to start a smoldering fire. If conditions are right, the fire can get hot enough that the heat alone will cause the surrounding trees to catch fire. I’ve heard of it happening in forests, and the hunters within described it as a racing wall of fire. Inhaling the heated air is enough to scar your lungs. Impressive stuff! ” She looked back towards the charred landscape. ”If you wanted to know where this fire started, I could go to a ‘burning’ area and follow the fire’s path back to its ‘burnt’ origin to find out what direction these wyvern came from. And if we found multiple sources it could suggest…” She trailed off. ”I would recommend talking to the locals and get a few eyewitnesses accounts of what’s been happening. I don't know how long ago the great Wyvern came through here, or even if this was from the more recent attacks. Getting a bit more information would make finding our mark easier.” She looked at the head of her spear. ”Though I could also confirm real quick if this fire was started by a Wyvern right now.”

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 days ago

"You'll get to see the source of this destruction soon enough, Dame Luana," Ethelred assured her, making a point to use her new title. "Assuming, of course, the Harzelslack forces haven't moved it." The druid was certainly enthusiastic. Assuming she wasn't overstating her skills, she'd be quite useful in tracking down these wyverns, assuming they left any sort of trail or sign that she in any of her forms could pick up on.

"I believe the Harzelslack fort lies that way, not far from here, your highness," he answered Sorcha, pointing in the approximate direction of the fort. "The black wyvern perished right outside it."

Ethelred wasn't sure what the corpse would be like at this point, or how much Harzelslack had already managed to process it. It was a bit amusing that this dreaded beast, this powerful lord of wyverns, was now just a carcass to be butchered.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It wasn't that she was scared of riding horses.

She wasn't! Anyone making that accusation was clearly wrong and trying to make her look bad. It was just that she didn't like it.

She wasn't scared.

She wasn't scared of falling off. She wasn't scared of getting bitten. She definitely wasn't scared of getting kicked.

It was clearly, obviously just dislike. She certainly wasn't feeling anxious the entire ride.

Saying as much was obviously slander.

Fio most certainly wasn't trembling slightly as she was taken down from horseback. And she definitely didn't briefly acknowledge with deep relief that she was now no longer forced to sit astride a beast that could accidentally harm her in any number of ways. In theory, if she was scared of horseback riding, though, it wouldn't be as if she was scared of horses in isolation. Rather, it would be the idea of falling off and somehow agitating the horse that frightened her.

If it frightened her.

Which it definitely didn't.

As Fio set about unpacking her supplies, she paused for a moment.

The maid was staring at her. In spite of her(clearly nonexistent) fear of riding on horseback, Fio hadn't failed to notice Sucaria's gaze prior to their stop.

"... If you're annoyed at me for some reason, maid, isn't it best for you to just say it? Hmph."

The small witch let out a huff, folding her arms as she turned to face her, a frown on her face.

"It's not as if I can so much as apologize if I don't have any idea what I've apparently done wrong."

Not that she had any intention of apologizing.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Llobrokor Mountains

“Eat? But I’m not hungry…” Sucaria replied in her usual somewhat distant manner to Lunas request.

“...Luna…” Elnith sighed, frowning slightly as she’d hold a hand to the side of her face. “How can you have such a blessed appearance yet be so wholly innocent…” The other swordswoman would say with a mildly troubled expression as Fio would dismount their steed. Truthfully, it was a good idea. They’d likely have to leave the horses behind soon enough anyways. No way they were getting through the mountains.

“Nhn? Annoyed?” Sucaria, instead of dismounting from the steed, would dismount from the steed as well, quietly looking at Fio curiously, hand still in her dress as she’d take a few moments to contemplate her response. “...No? Not annoyed. Wanted to give something.” She’d say with a small frown, pulling her hand from her dress.

And produced a small canteen.

“...you seemed nervous…?”

If Fio happened to look inside the flask, the drink was a suspiciously dark red color.

It was then, the party would become aware of a tiny, somewhat irritated and angry sounding voice coming from Luna’s steed. Specifically, a little bag on the back flank of the horse.

“Hey! HEEEY! Why you gotta put me here of all places this animal reeks!” The fairy, having previously named herself as ‘Wisp’. “C’mon let me out already I’ve served my time lemme oooout! I’ll curse every last one of yooou, grrrr!”

The growling was much less threatening then she likely thought.

Harzel Plains

“We’ve already slayed the beast. Its source is no longer.” Sorcha responded to Luana. “Rather, I was more interested in the fire itself. Does it feel…unnatural? Strange? It is fine if you cant say. I was merely curious as to what your druidic powers could tell us about it.” Reinhardt, accepting the blade would sheathe it at his side as the group would travel along the path…and not far in the distance they would find the Harzel fort.

And next to it, the now butchered body of the great Wyvern.

Before they could approach, however, a familiar set of faces would ride up. Lonan followed briefly not far after by Grainne. The girl had a number of bandages adorning her face and she wasn’t wearing her armor. Seemed she was still healing a bit from the beating she took from the Wyvern she had fought.

“Sir Reinhardt! Sir Ethelred…and…” Lonan would slow his horse to a halt as he’d come upon them. “...your Majesty.” A reverent bow of his head followed.

“Ahaha, no need to be so formal with me, Sir Lonan. As far as I’m concerned your aid was invaluable in slaying that beast.”

“Your kindness is appreciated, your Majesty. I say much the same to you three. I must say, the unkind rumors the knights are spreading about you are quite…well, completely false it seems.”

“Hmph, I do not let such things bother me, and you should not either. With time, they will accept me as Queen.”

“...quite confident of that, aren't you?”

“Yes. I am.” Sorcha’s eyes briefly fell on Grainne. “Your squire?”

“Yes, Grainne.” Strangely, the redhead didn’t seem her usual fiery self that the two of them had met during the incident.

“Well, then, shall we head to the fort?”

“Of course, your majesty.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

”You wot m8?!”

— Luana Roycroft

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor

After Luana explained how she could learn more about the attacks, it seemed her traveling company already knew what had caused the fire. ”This was just a test?” She pursed her lips. ”Your grace, I think you may be overestimating my druid magic. I only know enough to let me turn into common animals and grow plants. Inferring anything about the land or flames would have to be done through my spear or good old fashioned leg work. If the creature is slain and the body's location found there is little I can help with.” She had to question Aigorost's decision to have her swear fealty to the queen, but decided there wasn't much to be done about it now. It was natural to be curious of a new member's abilities.

But before long they were shuffled off to the fort. Not much to report here. Being a hunter, Luana had seen many large creatures being proccessed, so the great Wyvern was of little interest to her. But being of little interest still made it more interesting than everything else going on. Just pleasantries between acquaintances, none of which offered Luana as much as a hello. But maybe that was normal for royalty? It seemed they were getting closer to the fort, which would present more opportunities to cause some light hearted havoc examine things closer.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


A red fluid. A very dark red fluid.

When she took in its scent, it had a distinctly metallic odor.

"... I'm not a vampire," Fio said, flatly, handing the flask back without another word. Was that Sucaria's effort to frighten her in some way? For some perceived slight? The heart was much worse then this.

Unless she somehow thought that a flask of blood was an acceptable offer for a drink, in which case the Sword Witch was worried for entirely different reasons.

Before she could say anything else to the maid, she was interrupted by the sound of a certain passenger's complaints. With a sigh, the small girl approached the horse once more, reaching into the saddlebag and retrieving the jar that housed the unseelie.

"You're still in there because you keep making threats like that," she said, with a huff. Besides, having an unseelie prisoner was quite valuable in terms of research opportunities. It wasn't as if she had any intention of harming her.

Not that Wisp needed to know that.

"Now behave, or you're not going to get any honey bread," Fio continued, "Or do I need to get the centipedes?"

She had never gotten the centipedes. She never wanted to get the centipedes. She didn't even know where to get the centipedes and would hopefully never learn.

Not that Wisp needed to know that.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Blessed Appearance?" Luna questioned blushing a small bit. "Wholly innocent?" Where did that even come from!? "I-I'm not sure what you even mean by that Elnith." Luna responded frantically pondering the intentions of even saying that. "It's not like I'm some innocent little flower or anything of the sort. I've seen my fair share of combat and cruelties on the battlefield." The Knightess answered, still unsure.

"That aside," Luna mentioned changing the subject, "How much long would it take us to reach the Giant's home?" She questioned the only person in the group that seemed to have been there. It's been quite a bit of travel so far so it never hurt to ask. It was about that time the little unseelie Fio brought started to start complaining about cursing them if she wasn't freed from the horse. "What a mouth that one has on her." Luna commented, "Never really thought I'd ever be traveling with a small unseelie in a bottle." The Lightsword mentioned before looking over to her maid to see how she was doing before turning back hoping to hear Elnith's answer.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 days ago

It was good to see Lonan and Grainne again. Lonan in particular was handling interaction with the queen quite well- if he was offended at all by the queen's long-term goals being at a cross-purpose with the king of Harzelslack, he didn't show it.

The squire didn't quite seem herself, though. Fighting the wyverns- or being injured by them- must have humbled her and cooled her fire. It was honestly a little sad to see- for all her abrasive attitude, it didn't seem right seeing her almost broken like this. Perhaps she just needed a little coaxing to bring out her spirit. With a plan in mind, he rode up next to the squire as they headed to the castle.

"Nice to see you again, Grainne," he spoke, breaking the ice. "I thought we made a good team last time, I'm glad they sent you and Lonan for this."

If engaging with her in conversation didn't compel her to snap at him with some biting words, perhaps his aura of cool air would.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Rune_Alchemist@BrokenPromise@Crimson Paladin

Reinhardt remained silent as the group rode from Airedale toward the lands under Harzelslack rule despite the clear chattiness of the newest member of the cohort-- Elias himself hadn't felt particularly like talking for the past few weeks... Not since how horrifically the last operation had gone.

But nonetheless, he still offered Lonan and Grainne a small nod as he remained off to the side as they would continued toward the fort.
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