Ryam Redwyne
28, born 13AC
Ryam stands tall, at 6'5", and was at one time an awkward gangly kid that more resembled a young horse than boy. But in the last three years, his muscles have filled in and made the Redwyne lad much broader. Ryam was always athletic, liking to run during the morning as the sun came up. Many of his family spoke in whispers of the transformation the lad had and more than one has told their father to prepare for the letters of suitors.
Ryam has a head of closely cut red hair that lays lazily and rarely requires a lot of styling. His skin is a mix of pale and 'red tan' which, thanks to constant sunburns has darkened and freckled. The Knight carries himself well, his stance and gait measured with purpose and never overdone. In fact, nothing on him is done to be flashy or draw attention. When he rarely isn't in armor, Ryam wears a simple tunic of silver, blue, or red, along with black breeches. And depending on if he's lounging or appearing in court changes whether the clothing is loosely fitted or not.
Ryam wears a suit of custom-fitted armor engraved with the sigil of the Redwyne house and that is the only engraving he allows. Unlike many Knights who attempt to blind their enemies with their flair, Ryam keeps his armor simple and optimized to do its job instead of looking pretty. In fact, his most garish belonging is an ornately engraved shield, homage to and with respect to the Lords Tyrell to which Ryam and his family swear fealty, in a very public show of loyalty. Aside from the shield, Ryam also has a tabard and helmet plume with the colors of his House, and the young man finishes his look with a shoulder-clasped cloak that is a deep dark blue with the burgundy grapes of the House Redwyne once again on display.
Ryam has a head of closely cut red hair that lays lazily and rarely requires a lot of styling. His skin is a mix of pale and 'red tan' which, thanks to constant sunburns has darkened and freckled. The Knight carries himself well, his stance and gait measured with purpose and never overdone. In fact, nothing on him is done to be flashy or draw attention. When he rarely isn't in armor, Ryam wears a simple tunic of silver, blue, or red, along with black breeches. And depending on if he's lounging or appearing in court changes whether the clothing is loosely fitted or not.
Ryam wears a suit of custom-fitted armor engraved with the sigil of the Redwyne house and that is the only engraving he allows. Unlike many Knights who attempt to blind their enemies with their flair, Ryam keeps his armor simple and optimized to do its job instead of looking pretty. In fact, his most garish belonging is an ornately engraved shield, homage to and with respect to the Lords Tyrell to which Ryam and his family swear fealty, in a very public show of loyalty. Aside from the shield, Ryam also has a tabard and helmet plume with the colors of his House, and the young man finishes his look with a shoulder-clasped cloak that is a deep dark blue with the burgundy grapes of the House Redwyne once again on display.
Description & Biography
Even as a young man, Ser Ryam Redwyne is exactly what one thinks of when one thinks of a Knight. Tall, broad-shouldered, and confident but also polite, empathetic, and understanding. Ryam grew up rather normally for a Lordling, running about the Arbor and getting the education afforded to children of privilege. But even as a child, Ryam understood and saw the divide between those with land and those without. Ryam never cared for those borders, however, making friends with all, including the peasants. He routinely invited ragamuffins from around the area to the estate and would play 'Knights' or 'war' all day and then invite them to eat.
A very bright child, Ryam excelled in his studies but had a particular knack for logistics, smaller-scale military tactics, and politics. Ryam had a nature about him that exuded confidence in himself even though it was tinged with inexperience and a desire to learn. Ryam loved to sit in meetings with his father and even help give judgment on some of the issues that came forward. The Redwyne came to enjoy court and saw it as the mission of those in the positions to help should. He was a firm advocate for his servants and tried his best to do what he could to make it easier for them. His room servants never had to worry about making or unmaking his bed, nor draw water for baths, nor preparing his clothing. Ryam got his own food, even helping carry other plates and he never accepted someone fetching anything for him. In fact, most of his 'servants' had nothing to do except other duties or rest.
When he turned nine, Ryam was sent to squire for Robin Darklyn who was serving as a member of the Kingsguard. Ryam learned a lot under Robin, who was an exceptional swordsman. Ryam barely took a single win in the countless practices but Robin constantly praised the lad and told any who would listen that the Redwyne would be dangerous as he grew older. Other than martial skills in the sword, lance, horse, and weapons of war Ryam also learned a lot about the court and how the Targaryen's operated. The young boy was enamored by the multitude of people and the many different personalities.
As he had in the Arbor, Ryam spent a lot of time when not training or attending to Robin in the streets of the budding city. He liked to discreetly assist where he could and always tried to help settle disputes where he could. Not many people cared what a teenager thought but one day, the lad stumbled and found himself falling face-first into the Sheath and Dagger, an establishment often called a brothel. The squire turned a deep shade of scarlet and turned to leave before being called out to by the proprietor. The Flame of Lys became a friend, the two taking walks through the streets and the woman taught Ryam much about how to spot liars and the shadier types.
In 37 AC the Vulture King launched an attack on the Stormlands. Robin and Ryam were sent to assist where they could and arrived just before Orys Baratheon took to battle. It was Ryam's first time ever experiencing war beyond the stories and it shocked the young man. He acquitted himself well and even saved Robin from a group of archers by taking a large kite shield and rushing in front of his Knight. The battle and scenes changed the young man, and he took on a quieter and more mature countenance. The boy was truly becoming a man. Ryam and Robin then assisted in the Vulture hunt and then Ryam was allowed leave to return to his family, accompanying Lady Vittoria Tyrell back to first Horn Hill, then Highgarden, and then the Arbor. Ryam always enjoyed spending time with his cousins and supported them wholeheartedly.
Wishing to accompany his cousin in her hunt for pirates, Ryam instead had to stick to his duty and instead returned to Kings Landing and his Knight who told the young man that he had taught him just about all that he could and that it was now up to Ryam to decide when he was ready and to simply conduct himself how the Redwyne believed a Knight should.
Barely a year later, when Ryam was just about to turn sixteen he participated in a tourney and won both the melee and the joust. Some people whispered that the competition wasn't nearly as impressive but despite this Ryam earned his Knighthood and the now Ser Ryam Redwyne stood after taking his vows with a look of fierce determination and measured acceptance. Ryam returned to his family, commissioned a set of armor, spent some time checking in with his old friends in the Arbor, and then set off for the Reach with a raven going before him to his cousin Vittoria, requesting the opportunity to join the Order of the Golden Rose.
And it is within the Order that Ryam continues his Knighthood, always looking to do good and never breaking his chivalric oaths. He has recently been in discussion to possibly take on the young Garett Tyrell as his own squire and the prospect both excites and worries the young man.
A very bright child, Ryam excelled in his studies but had a particular knack for logistics, smaller-scale military tactics, and politics. Ryam had a nature about him that exuded confidence in himself even though it was tinged with inexperience and a desire to learn. Ryam loved to sit in meetings with his father and even help give judgment on some of the issues that came forward. The Redwyne came to enjoy court and saw it as the mission of those in the positions to help should. He was a firm advocate for his servants and tried his best to do what he could to make it easier for them. His room servants never had to worry about making or unmaking his bed, nor draw water for baths, nor preparing his clothing. Ryam got his own food, even helping carry other plates and he never accepted someone fetching anything for him. In fact, most of his 'servants' had nothing to do except other duties or rest.
When he turned nine, Ryam was sent to squire for Robin Darklyn who was serving as a member of the Kingsguard. Ryam learned a lot under Robin, who was an exceptional swordsman. Ryam barely took a single win in the countless practices but Robin constantly praised the lad and told any who would listen that the Redwyne would be dangerous as he grew older. Other than martial skills in the sword, lance, horse, and weapons of war Ryam also learned a lot about the court and how the Targaryen's operated. The young boy was enamored by the multitude of people and the many different personalities.
As he had in the Arbor, Ryam spent a lot of time when not training or attending to Robin in the streets of the budding city. He liked to discreetly assist where he could and always tried to help settle disputes where he could. Not many people cared what a teenager thought but one day, the lad stumbled and found himself falling face-first into the Sheath and Dagger, an establishment often called a brothel. The squire turned a deep shade of scarlet and turned to leave before being called out to by the proprietor. The Flame of Lys became a friend, the two taking walks through the streets and the woman taught Ryam much about how to spot liars and the shadier types.
In 37 AC the Vulture King launched an attack on the Stormlands. Robin and Ryam were sent to assist where they could and arrived just before Orys Baratheon took to battle. It was Ryam's first time ever experiencing war beyond the stories and it shocked the young man. He acquitted himself well and even saved Robin from a group of archers by taking a large kite shield and rushing in front of his Knight. The battle and scenes changed the young man, and he took on a quieter and more mature countenance. The boy was truly becoming a man. Ryam and Robin then assisted in the Vulture hunt and then Ryam was allowed leave to return to his family, accompanying Lady Vittoria Tyrell back to first Horn Hill, then Highgarden, and then the Arbor. Ryam always enjoyed spending time with his cousins and supported them wholeheartedly.
Wishing to accompany his cousin in her hunt for pirates, Ryam instead had to stick to his duty and instead returned to Kings Landing and his Knight who told the young man that he had taught him just about all that he could and that it was now up to Ryam to decide when he was ready and to simply conduct himself how the Redwyne believed a Knight should.
Barely a year later, when Ryam was just about to turn sixteen he participated in a tourney and won both the melee and the joust. Some people whispered that the competition wasn't nearly as impressive but despite this Ryam earned his Knighthood and the now Ser Ryam Redwyne stood after taking his vows with a look of fierce determination and measured acceptance. Ryam returned to his family, commissioned a set of armor, spent some time checking in with his old friends in the Arbor, and then set off for the Reach with a raven going before him to his cousin Vittoria, requesting the opportunity to join the Order of the Golden Rose.
And it is within the Order that Ryam continues his Knighthood, always looking to do good and never breaking his chivalric oaths. He has recently been in discussion to possibly take on the young Garett Tyrell as his own squire and the prospect both excites and worries the young man.