A while back before I died, I pitched the idea of promoting The Valkyrie into a played character in the GM server. She was reviewed and accepted privately for use in the second mission. To make sure that opinions haven't changed (especially considering there's a new GM set and I'm not one of them), here she is again.
If you've reviewed her before, there have been changes to her powers as of today - flavor, mostly, and a nerf to Valr's acceleration.
@Letter Bee @Gerlando @QJT @SkyHresvelg


Tall Scandinavian.
Also, Punk Valkyrie. Long blonde hair, partially dyed in whatever bright color is on her mind. Garters, ripped jeans, leather boots, tiny jackets. The shades stay on. Is this a JoJo reference?
The Valkyrie part is reserved to wing motifs on her clothes, until her Noble Arm comes out. The shield is not part of any regular ensemble.
5’11” / 181cm
161 lbs / 73kg
Name: Indra Larsdottir
Age: 21
Nationality: Swedish
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Dís, an ornate and impractically designed winged spear, twice her height in length. Indra has described it as “anime.” (Pictured in Appearance)
Noble Arm Rank:
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Ranged, Pop Norse Mythology, Long-range
Misc Abilities:
Indra has a strong, if debatably “good,” sense of fashion. Humor too.
Having been slated to become an officer for almost five years now, Indra is starting to learn how to order soldiers around without resorting to magic. She can also shoot a gun straight.
Indra can smooth-talk. Or talk-and-talk. Indra’s a talker.
Only in Swedish, Icelandic, and English though. And she’s nearly fluent in German, Russian (especially the swearing), and Italian. She… knows a few languages. It’s a hobby. Looks like Tagalog is next.
Indra could teach almost anyone a thing or two about petty theft. She returns what she takes, it’s just a game.
Indra dresses tough, but doesn’t mean anything by it: she just loves the look. She loves strongly and broadly. She pets strangers’ dogs. She hugs her friends tightly without asking. At parties, she excuses herself to see whoever’s alone and ask if they’re okay.
She may drop bits of sarcasm or dark humor for the right audience, but never rudely.
It’s the same in war. She may kill. But never rudely.
Food, friends, f… umm… anime. Older is better, usually. Oh, music. Lots of music. Sabaton? Yellow Card? Jackson Five? Terraria OST? Try all at once. Animals, flowers, lollipops, pretty much all people. Looking good, feeling good, doing good.
…what she has to do.
Jumping and flying bugs. Losing touch with herself.
Indra was happy with her normal life. High school was going brilliantly. Grades were good, social circle was great, family was proud of her. She was well on her way to a job in, well, it could’ve been anything. Anything she’d put her mind to. Maybe.
Today, she could be fresh out of college, interviewing for that “anything” she was so looking forward to doing. Maybe she’d already be at work. Maybe she’d have proven herself by now and been respected in her field… though that’s a stretch. She’d at least be friends with the manager.
But then there’s what the Norns had in mind for her. What she really is.
Dís’s arrival was almost five years ago – it felt like it should’ve been embarrassing. It was the end of her junior year, the end of finals week, the end of a good movie at the end of a good movie night. She just kind of pumped her fist and… and then there was a spear there. And she'd grown wings. And that was the end of her life.
Or it felt like it was. For a while. She might have been cut out for a lot of things, but “national symbol” wasn’t one of them. Neither was… the military… like, at all. But she made do.
Or she’s making do.
Or – okay – she’ll make do.
Current Goal: Make do?
Military or Civilian Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
If you've reviewed her before, there have been changes to her powers as of today - flavor, mostly, and a nerf to Valr's acceleration.
@Letter Bee @Gerlando @QJT @SkyHresvelg


Tall Scandinavian.
Also, Punk Valkyrie. Long blonde hair, partially dyed in whatever bright color is on her mind. Garters, ripped jeans, leather boots, tiny jackets. The shades stay on. Is this a JoJo reference?
The Valkyrie part is reserved to wing motifs on her clothes, until her Noble Arm comes out. The shield is not part of any regular ensemble.
5’11” / 181cm
161 lbs / 73kg
Name: Indra Larsdottir
Age: 21
Nationality: Swedish
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Dís, an ornate and impractically designed winged spear, twice her height in length. Indra has described it as “anime.” (Pictured in Appearance)
Noble Arm Rank:
Power: B
Speed: B
Range: A
Persistence: B
Precision: C
Potential: C

Speed: B
Range: A
Persistence: B
Precision: C
Potential: C

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Ranged, Pop Norse Mythology, Long-range
Soul of Asgard: While Dís is manifested, Indra sprouts a pair of wings, made from a materialized form of her own soul - their texture has been described in many ways, including a lot of synonyms of "perplexing."
They are impenetrable and indestructible to any mundane force, as well as most known supernatural forces, and allow her to fly with near perfect maneuverability up to narrowly subsonic speed, ignorant of otherwise deadly G-forces.
She can grow them larger to shield herself or others, at a deadly sharp spike in stamina-over-time cost. She cannot safely manage a wingspan of over 6 meters.
If Indra's wings are severed (this would require digging into her back), the separation from her soul has... many interesting consequences, beginning with a Survivability coma. Dís is forcibly demanifested and Indra is left unconscious for 10 minutes. She should be all better when she wakes up.
Voice of Asgard: While Dís is manifested, Indra reverts to speaking in Old Norse, a language that she normally does not know. Anyone listening can understand her perfectly, and anyone that she chooses to address can hear her regardless of distance or interference, as long as she knows where they are. This ability extends to all conscious forms of life, though most animals can't reply, and hardly have to listen.
Valr: Indra is uncannily adept at using Dís as a weapon. She is undefeated in melee dueling (though she's only tried herself in training fights, the feat stands), and for long ranges, she can throw Dís in such a way that it rapidly accelerates through air up to Mach 6 and flies with negligible drop-off or deviation up to 60 kilometers, before sharply decelerating.
Any impact with a solid material that would normally halt or dramatically slow an object flying at such speed, will end this acceleration.
She can recall Dís back to her hand from any location using the same mechanics, sans the distance restriction, and catch it reliably with speed and reflexes otherwise inaccessible to her. This is slower, but often more convenient, than de- and re-manifesting it, especially midflight.
Due to the period of acceleration, her throw’s destructive power scales with distance, from that of a normal thrown spear at point-blank range, to that of a shoulder-launched rocket at 20 meters, to that of - though this isn’t really a comparison so much as a description - a hypersonic kinetic missile, past ten kilometers.
Glasir: A partially-developed healing ability, discovered very recently. By closing their eyes with her fingers, Indra can put a consenting person into a deathlike sleep. After exactly 27 hours, they rise in perfect health - better than they've ever felt - regardless of what happened to them in the meantime. Beginning and ending this process both take an enormous amount of energy from her, making this only conditionally worthwhile, especially for aiding Arms Masters.
“Consenting” doesn’t mean she has to ask and get a yes - after their eyes close, the patient will feel the tug of deep sleep, and must choose to give in, or else the feeling will simply pass. Getting legally recognized informed consent may help a patient choose to give in, but it isn’t needed to fully trigger Glasir.
If a patient dies while in the sleep of Glasir, Indra's stamina begins to take a sharp dive, and she goes into a Survivability coma within one minute. The 27-hour period is restarted, and both she and her patient remain disabled and dead for the duration. If Indra survives this period, the patient is resurrected, even from total obliteration... but Indra does not wake up. She will remain permanently comatose without extraordinarily intensive medical intervention.
Into Valhalla: When allies choose to follow Indra’s orders or lead - they must be following or obeying, not simply accompanying - in doing something mortally dangerous, all fear of the risks is dramatically mitigated, enabling cool heads or suicidal courage that might otherwise be unrealistic. This effect is weakened, but not absent, in Arms Masters. She will typically, but not necessarily, scream “Valhalla!” when she is invoking this - being more of the suicidal courage type herself.
They are impenetrable and indestructible to any mundane force, as well as most known supernatural forces, and allow her to fly with near perfect maneuverability up to narrowly subsonic speed, ignorant of otherwise deadly G-forces.
She can grow them larger to shield herself or others, at a deadly sharp spike in stamina-over-time cost. She cannot safely manage a wingspan of over 6 meters.
If Indra's wings are severed (this would require digging into her back), the separation from her soul has... many interesting consequences, beginning with a Survivability coma. Dís is forcibly demanifested and Indra is left unconscious for 10 minutes. She should be all better when she wakes up.
Voice of Asgard: While Dís is manifested, Indra reverts to speaking in Old Norse, a language that she normally does not know. Anyone listening can understand her perfectly, and anyone that she chooses to address can hear her regardless of distance or interference, as long as she knows where they are. This ability extends to all conscious forms of life, though most animals can't reply, and hardly have to listen.
Valr: Indra is uncannily adept at using Dís as a weapon. She is undefeated in melee dueling (though she's only tried herself in training fights, the feat stands), and for long ranges, she can throw Dís in such a way that it rapidly accelerates through air up to Mach 6 and flies with negligible drop-off or deviation up to 60 kilometers, before sharply decelerating.
Any impact with a solid material that would normally halt or dramatically slow an object flying at such speed, will end this acceleration.
She can recall Dís back to her hand from any location using the same mechanics, sans the distance restriction, and catch it reliably with speed and reflexes otherwise inaccessible to her. This is slower, but often more convenient, than de- and re-manifesting it, especially midflight.
Due to the period of acceleration, her throw’s destructive power scales with distance, from that of a normal thrown spear at point-blank range, to that of a shoulder-launched rocket at 20 meters, to that of - though this isn’t really a comparison so much as a description - a hypersonic kinetic missile, past ten kilometers.
Glasir: A partially-developed healing ability, discovered very recently. By closing their eyes with her fingers, Indra can put a consenting person into a deathlike sleep. After exactly 27 hours, they rise in perfect health - better than they've ever felt - regardless of what happened to them in the meantime. Beginning and ending this process both take an enormous amount of energy from her, making this only conditionally worthwhile, especially for aiding Arms Masters.
“Consenting” doesn’t mean she has to ask and get a yes - after their eyes close, the patient will feel the tug of deep sleep, and must choose to give in, or else the feeling will simply pass. Getting legally recognized informed consent may help a patient choose to give in, but it isn’t needed to fully trigger Glasir.
If a patient dies while in the sleep of Glasir, Indra's stamina begins to take a sharp dive, and she goes into a Survivability coma within one minute. The 27-hour period is restarted, and both she and her patient remain disabled and dead for the duration. If Indra survives this period, the patient is resurrected, even from total obliteration... but Indra does not wake up. She will remain permanently comatose without extraordinarily intensive medical intervention.
Into Valhalla: When allies choose to follow Indra’s orders or lead - they must be following or obeying, not simply accompanying - in doing something mortally dangerous, all fear of the risks is dramatically mitigated, enabling cool heads or suicidal courage that might otherwise be unrealistic. This effect is weakened, but not absent, in Arms Masters. She will typically, but not necessarily, scream “Valhalla!” when she is invoking this - being more of the suicidal courage type herself.
Misc Abilities:
Indra has a strong, if debatably “good,” sense of fashion. Humor too.
Having been slated to become an officer for almost five years now, Indra is starting to learn how to order soldiers around without resorting to magic. She can also shoot a gun straight.
Indra can smooth-talk. Or talk-and-talk. Indra’s a talker.
Only in Swedish, Icelandic, and English though. And she’s nearly fluent in German, Russian (especially the swearing), and Italian. She… knows a few languages. It’s a hobby. Looks like Tagalog is next.
Indra could teach almost anyone a thing or two about petty theft. She returns what she takes, it’s just a game.
Indra dresses tough, but doesn’t mean anything by it: she just loves the look. She loves strongly and broadly. She pets strangers’ dogs. She hugs her friends tightly without asking. At parties, she excuses herself to see whoever’s alone and ask if they’re okay.
She may drop bits of sarcasm or dark humor for the right audience, but never rudely.
It’s the same in war. She may kill. But never rudely.
Food, friends, f… umm… anime. Older is better, usually. Oh, music. Lots of music. Sabaton? Yellow Card? Jackson Five? Terraria OST? Try all at once. Animals, flowers, lollipops, pretty much all people. Looking good, feeling good, doing good.
…what she has to do.
Jumping and flying bugs. Losing touch with herself.
Indra was happy with her normal life. High school was going brilliantly. Grades were good, social circle was great, family was proud of her. She was well on her way to a job in, well, it could’ve been anything. Anything she’d put her mind to. Maybe.
Today, she could be fresh out of college, interviewing for that “anything” she was so looking forward to doing. Maybe she’d already be at work. Maybe she’d have proven herself by now and been respected in her field… though that’s a stretch. She’d at least be friends with the manager.
But then there’s what the Norns had in mind for her. What she really is.
Dís’s arrival was almost five years ago – it felt like it should’ve been embarrassing. It was the end of her junior year, the end of finals week, the end of a good movie at the end of a good movie night. She just kind of pumped her fist and… and then there was a spear there. And she'd grown wings. And that was the end of her life.
Or it felt like it was. For a while. She might have been cut out for a lot of things, but “national symbol” wasn’t one of them. Neither was… the military… like, at all. But she made do.
Or she’s making do.
Or – okay – she’ll make do.
Current Goal: Make do?
Military or Civilian Rank: 2nd Lieutenant