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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Still fuming from being called short, when she clearly wasn't, definitely, damn stupid tall people being so tall and stupid, Elizstrazia paused for a moment when the maid who had initially elected to refer to her as such decided to ask her about why she was helping.

"Because it wa-"

She didn't have a chance to complete her answer. There was a distant crack of gunfire, and then something hot grazed her cheek, sent spiraling off in another direction from the impact.

It hurt. While it didn't manage to injure her, it still marred her skin with a smear, and it still stung. The impact had caused her head to snap sideways, and she stumbled slightly to the side before managing to catch herself with one bare, clawed foot.


The one who had shot her was already approaching, having come down from her perch. She was drawing a sword.

"... Okay. I see how it is. I get it."

Her hands clenched tight as she slammed her foot down, her crimson eyes burning. From her back a pair of draconic wings erupted, thin membranes stretched between the fingers that composed them.

Elizstrazia reasoned, simply, that killing someone who opposed her contract with Livia openly enough to attack her was simply defending herself. Simply defending Livia's investment in her. Thus, no-one could complain when-

"I'm going to spill your guts out all over the floor you bitch!"

-she took action.

Leaning forward, with one foot sliding back into position, her claws gleamed as she prepared to lunge forward...!

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@AzureKnight
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"I'm not teaching them these commands, they only do what I want them to do. Most of the time." Katherine answered the other maid's question about her dolls. "As usual, the only one to get in trouble is yours truly." Then Lyssa started to tease her about being heavy. "No one asked your opinion about such a sensitive topic! I'm quite petite as you can see!" The feline mentioned before Lyssa suddenly picked her up but...

It was obvious Katherine demanded to be carried like some princess rescued from an evil dragon or a newly wed bride... But no, instead she looked like a feline sack of potatoes slung over the back of this brutish girl! "Carry me properly! Like a person not a damn inanimate object!" Katherine limply slapped on Lyssa's back with the lack of strength she truly had. The dolls, meanwhile, just watched, shrugged and went back to what they were doing straightening the workshop out from the toils of the previous night.

As Lyssa ran her around, showing off the helpless feline over her shoulders. "Why are you like this!?" And soon, she passed by the her fellow maids and screamed for help to no avail. "HEY! GET ME OFF OF HER!" But they were gone about as quickly as they had shown up. It was truly an odd situation for the cat as they would soon be at the place of her inevitable doom.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

The older woman said nothing as Eliz made to retaliate. Blade drawn, she’d hold steady, not wavering as she would soon be in Eliz’s strike range. Myrilla simply smirked in response, her blade gleaming in the sunlight as she’d catch Eliz’s claws with it, a resounding sound of claw and scale raking against the metal of the sword.

“That’s a good attitude, demon,” She’d respond with a sharp coldness. “Lets see how arrogant you stay after I shatter your limbs like your fragile ego.” Eliz would hear it first. Gunfire as Myrilla’s other hand would draw the pistol at her side faster than the demon could register. The next thing she’d know, was pain. Right in her head, under her chin as a bullet plinked off her face. The blade was pulled from her claw, a swift motion followed as the blade went for Eliz’s neck.

Something told her it’d be dangerous if she let the blade connect


“Nyeheh, why am I cute? Cuz my mama made me~!” That was Lyssa’s response to katherine’s query of why she was the way that she was.The pink haired maid paid no heed to Katherine’s protesting, carrying her swiftly into the manor, making sure to have a firm grip on the Firbolg’s posterior as she’d run up the stairs towards the opposite wing. Past a few other maids, a very confused looking Rosanna before finally finding their way to the sitting room.

“We’re heeeeere!” Lyssa barreled into the room, cat still slung over her shoulder.

“...You could have chosen a more delicate way to enter.” Sitting on one of the luxurious looking couches was one Livia Fiore, teacup in hand, bringing it to her lips to sip from the beverage.

“Ahaha, pfft, that’d be boring though~” Lyssa walked over, and proceeded to grab Katherine by the waist, and sit her down on the opposite couch. “Well, my job’s done, ta-ta, i’m gonna go raid the kitchen for pancakes!”

“...lively, that one.” Livia curtly responded with a small smile. “Unlike you. Maid Katherine Lindall, was it?” Standing behind Lady Fiore was another maid. Long, violet colored hair, a small pin on her uniform of a nightshade flower. “Perhaps I should have Nynnette here personally correct your lack of manners on greeting your employer.” The maid, Nynette merely smiled demurely but said nothing.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It hurt.

There was no denying that. Being shot at that close range, even if it didn't even break her skin, was painful.

But it didn't compare to that. Nothing compared to that. Nothing ever would.

Elizstrazia gritted her sharp teeth, leaping back to evade the razor edge of the sword that had lashed out for her neck.

She was invited here. She had a contract.

Fuck this bitch.

Fuck this bitch.

She wanted it, she was going to get it, plain and simple. It didn't matter who she was, what she said, none of it. All that mattered is that she was going to end up a corpse.

And not one that was in only one piece, either.

"They won't even recognize your corpse when I'm done, you piece of trash!" Eliztrazia snarled, digging one clawed hand into the earth and ripping free a chunk of it, lifting it into the air and hurling it towards her opponent. But the moment it left her grasp, she was already off and running, aiming to get around to the woman's side.

All she'd need was one good hit.

Then she'd show the bitch what a mistake she'd made.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@AzureKnight
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina was leading the small group towards the training fields, following the stone path that the Farisian maid was now fully acquainted with when their conversation with the small demon maid to be was interrupted by the characteristic crack of a gunshot passing close by. The maid immediately fell into an alert stance, before recognizing that it came from the training fields, rather than being an external ambush. It didn’t take long for her to catch that the combat instructor was running straight at them, sword drawn.

From the reaction of the new maid, Polina suspected that this was not about how she had reverse pickpocketed Myrilla some macarons during their combat mission days ago. No, no, this was clearly something personal, and she decided that discretion was the better part of valor and stepped out of the situation rather than draw her own hidden knives and get involved in this little spat.
“Good luck,” she encouraged, even as the demon girl screamed and engaged the older maid.

The uninvolved maid produced a bag of bonbons this time, and popped one of the chocolate confections in her mouth. Glancing over at her fellow maids, if they were still uninvolved, she offered them a snack as well as she watched the impromptu duel… whether it was to the death remained to be seen, but Polina was sure that things would turn out fine. Probably. Maybe.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"I said unhand me Lyssa!" Katherine complained, pounding on the girl's shoulder until, soon enough, they entered the room where a very irritated Lady of the Manor waited. The Firbolg was swiftly sat down on a couch before Lyssa made herself scarce to go eat some pancakes. Katherine frowned as the other maid left, leaving her with the Miss Fiore and another maid.

The feline-earred woman sat as her employer chided her for not attending the greeting ceremony. There was a small look of annoyance on her face as the noblewoman continued and threatened to have the other maid, Nynette, "correct her lack of manners." The puppeteer sighed a small bit after the chastisement before speaking up herself. "Pardon me for my lack of manners, milady. As I'm sure you read, I'm a girl from a friendly, haunted forest so my knowledge of maid etiquette is a small bit lack. However, I made an assumption that you would prefer us to be fully battle ready in lieu of everyone being present to greet you."

Katherine didn't want to mention how she had, instead, been sleeping right until the point Lyssa came to retrieve her. "As you are aware, we had a... Chaotic landing in the last operation and my own personal squad had taken devastating losses in combat with a high demon. Since, I have been repairing the ones I could and building new ones otherwise... Well, I will apologize for taking initiative if you would have liked otherwise."

"So, as I have explained in as concise detail as possible, it would not be necessary for Miss Nynette here to need correct me on manners for I have apologized for any perceived mistake I may have made." Kat mentioned, hoping that this much would disuade her employer from needing any maid to give out "corrections."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Maison d’Violette

Lucrecia walked along the outside path with her fellow maids, doing her part in escorting their new demon comrade. Their walk up until a point went uneventful. That was, until, their peaceful trek was broken by a gunshot. Much like Polina, Lucrecia took a combat stance upon instant reaction. Judging by the point of impact and the angle from which the bullet came, Lucrecia quickly deduced that it was a warning shot and came from above them. If the sniper were truly serious, the demon would've been left with more than just a bruised cheek. Fired by their ill-tempted instructor from a high watchtower, Myrilla quickly jumped down and made a b-line toward the scale demon girl, her sword's steel glistening in the early sunlight.

Eliz, naturally angered by this sudden attack, met Myrilla in kind and brandished her claws to meet their instructor's blade. As they clashed, Myrilla used her free hand to shoot Eliz's chin, then pulled back her blade to make a slash at the demon's neck. An impressive motion, as to be expected from their combat teacher. Eliz would respond by throwing a stone she'd clawed up from the earth as distraction, as she attempted to hit Myrilla in her blind spot. During the whole ordeal, Polina decided not to interject and instead opted to dine on some more pastries she had stored in her pouch. Seem offered everyone else around some as well, though all Lucrecia could do was sigh.

"Merda..." She uttered in frustration. Pulling out a pistol with speed that almost matched Myrilla's, Lucrecia fired a shot at the stone she threw at Myrilla, caused a cloud of dust to come up. With this distraction, she'd use one of her machetes to block the instructor's slash and the other to parry the attack that Eliz had planned in retaliation.

Lucrecia was ordered by Lady Livia to keep Eliz out of any trouble and she'd do just that. Even if that trouble came from another superior...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

The other maids around, mostly seemed unsure of the situation, not having the full context of what exactly was going on. As far as they knew, this could just be a general training and consensual duel between instructor and student. Now having drawn quite a crowd, Polina’s sweets were eagerly accepted…by all but Sieg who was nowhere to be seen, having run off somewhere it seemed.

Myrilla’s movements were just as swift, if not more than Eliz’s. The instructor grinned excitedly, ready to intercept the chunk of earth with her blade.

A sudden shot from Lucrecia would interrupt the duel. The large chunk of earth the demon had thrown had fragmented into pieces and was knocked off course, a cloud of dust blowing away in the wind. A clang of steel as Myrilla’s blade would strike Lucrecia’s own, Eliz’s own strike being stopped in its tracks, though not without Lucrecia’s arm feeling a bit numb from the demons strength.

“Maid Lucrecia,” Myrilla coldly began. “You interfere with a…training exercise?”

“Myrilla, this is no training exercise.” Sieg’s voice interrupted the pair, heavy riot shield and Viatrix in tow. “You should be ashamed of yourself. I realize you are afflicted with a lust for battle, but this is no excuse!”

“Goodness, when sieg bolted into the infirmary and told me what was happening…well, I won’t say it doesn’t sound exactly like you.” Viatrix sighed.

“This is neither of yours business.” Myrilla growled. "If anything, this was a training exercise. One that one getting fat on her own food has failed completely." The instructor lowered her blade, huffing irritably. "The demon is swift footed, behaves exactly as a scale demon, if a little more aggressive and also is skilled at combat."

"...Myrilla, you...are being serious right now?" Viatrix frowned, holding a hand to her head. "This...was honestly your way of a...test? I knew you were about as tactless as a drunk hippo but this is..."

"I will be reporting this conduct to lady Fiore." Sieg continued. "Ill conceived training or not, this is unacceptable."

"Ahaha, do whatever you want, elf. I'm not going anywhere."

"...you must be Eliz." Viatrix turned to the demon, walking over and smiling affectionately. "I apologize for that one, she's...well, somewhat shall we say, not all there in the head. I'm Viatrix, the nurse and chief medical officer here at the Maison. If you would allow it I would like to take a look to make sure Myrilla hasn't harmed you too much."

"Oi I'm completely here in the head."

"...Polina, I will also be reporting your complete lack of care for a new, fellow maid that was an obvious target of bullying and hazing from a superior officer. We were explicitly told to treat her as any other maid. Would you have allowed this to happen if it was any other maid? If Myrilla threatened and was intent on seemingly mortally injuring them? If Eliz had been a normal human, she would very well be dead now."


“Hmm…” Livia frowned, humming lightly to herself. “That is no excuse. You should be trained in proper etiquette among one of the first things when employed by the Maison. I know Mariarca and the others are good at their jobs, so that just means…you’re being a problem student.” A small smile graced Livia’s lips. “Its quite rare for me to get involved in training myself, but if the others are having trouble handling you, then I suppose it would be up to me to do it.”

“Milady, your schedule is rather packed as it is. We have a meeting with members of the clergy as well as possible contacts and reports to review before we set the next operation in motion.” Nynette interjected, eyeing Katherine coolly.

“Yes, Nynnette, I am quite aware of things I must do.” A tired sigh. “But if one maid is slacking, then the others may slack as well, and that, will lead to further negligence and problem in the ranks.”

“One maid needs not be disciplined by you, milady. I trained the first generation of maids, I can certainly do so with…this miscreant.”

“Come now, Nynnette, let me have some fun will you? Something that isn’t talking with those idiot clergy members or dealing with nobles who are looking for every chance to stab someone in the back.”

“Milady, I have no power over your ultimate decisions, just suggestions.”

“Maid Katherine. Tonight, you shall report here for remedial training. Understood? Finish up whatever your doing and this order supersedes all others, is that clear?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Maison d’Violette

Lucrecia's charge had worked, and she was able to repel the clash of the demon recruit and their superior officer. Although, she made a slight wince at the numbing pain that came with stopping Eliz's attack."Scuse Madonna, but I was ordered by Signora Fiore herself to ensure little Eliz doesn't get into any sort of trouble. Even if it's you..." She replied to Myrilla. The arrival and reprimand of Sieg and Viatrix caused Myrilla to finally lower her blade, and hopefully Eliz would also back off. The battle instructor didn't seemed fazed at the fact that her actions would be reported to Lady Livia, apparently her job security was such that she was certain nothing too ramifying would happen to her. Must be nice...

Lucrecia couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the joke Viatrix made at Myrilla's expense, realizing too late that might have been a mistake. She turned to Polina for a moment when Sieg stated that she would also be reported to Lady Fiore, due in part to her lack of action in stopping Eliz from getting into conflict. The look Lucrecia gave her told something along the lines of, "Well that sucks..."

Sheathing her machetes, Lucrecia would again feel the numbness left from parrying Eliz's blow. It wasn't anything too serious though, and hopefully it would go away before she was sent out on another mission.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The resounding clash of her razor nails against steel rang out. But this time it wasn't against the insane bitch's sword. This time it was one of the other maid's.


Elizstrazia leaped back, prepared to try and go for another attack already, but then other maids appeared immediately to intervene as well. At least they were going after the nutcase who'd attacked her. But really, The scale demon would have felt far better if she was bleeding on the ground then anything else.

"You hear that, you insane bitch?" she snarled, "I'm don't give a damn what your reason was, I'm supposed to be here! Or do you usually shoot your new recruits in the face!?"

Her hands clenched. Part of her still wanted to try it. To lunge forward and kill her. Would it even break the rules, when she'd been attacked first? When the psycho didn't think she'd done anything wrong in the first place?

Really, it was only the other maids being in the way that made her stop.


Stomping one bare, clawed foot, the white-haired demon folded her arms, her crimson eyes drifting towards the other maid who had approached her.

"I'm fine, but if you want to admire me I won't complain."

That was probably the closest answer to a 'yes' that she'd give. No matter how much her cheek still stung.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@AzureKnight
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"The queen bee of the entire place wants to discipline me personally? I should take that as a compliment. That said, you're quite the tyrant, aren't you?" Katherine said that fairly straightforward. "And personally, I think there are some other maids that probably require more strict discipline that little old me that does my combat duties effectively." The firbolg mentioned with a small smile. "I wouldn't mind if this Miss here disciplined me a small bit." She said, shooting a small wink Nynette's way before standing. "Anyway, tonight. Remedial training. I'll even bring snacks if you want." Katherine finished before walking toward the exit before she heard any objections to her swift exit. "I'll see you later Miss Livia!" She added swiftly before she disappeared.

After she exited and made her way to breathe some fresh air, one of her completely "healthy" dolls walked up to her with a small notebook. "Oh, hello there cutie. Are you here because of a progress update?" She asked taking the little notebook and looking. There was a little tally mark notation next to "Fixed" showing that most of her dolls were back to operational. "Good, good. We'll be done with repairs soon. I'm going to be busy for the night so please carry out as previously ordered. The tyrant is going to "teach me" how to be more eloquent or something of the sort."

With that she started to walk a small bit, thinking about what an annoying situation she was in solely because she slept in a bit. She had considered that all until soon enough she came upon an odd sight. A demon? Here? Well, no one had really seemed to be forcing her out. Had she heard about that? She could not remember. She had sort of locked herself up the last bit. She walked a bit closer until she noticed that instructor being surrounded by some others and let out a small laugh. What did that woman manage to do to have to be admonished by the nurse? The Firbolg couldn't help but giggle a small bit more. Still, she got a bit closer to take a look at the cute little demon girl. How curious.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

That fight had gone about as well as Polina had expected it to. Eventually a maid or two stepped in and put a stop to the combat. She might have stopped Lucrecia from going in, but she doubted the more upstanding maid would have been inclined to be persuaded otherwise. Thankfully, it seemed her delicious bonbons were accepted and appreciated by nearly all.

Speaking of which…

“Now that all that’s done, I still have bonbons. Would anybody like more?” She offered the bag to Myrilla, Sieg, Eliz, and Lucrecia this time, even as the elven maid started to lecture her.

The Farisian maid turned to address her, even as she continued to hold the bonbon bag out to offer. “Yes, Sieg, I would have allowed this to happen if it was any other maid,” she answered. “It was not my place to intervene. I had no reason to think it was not a training exercise appropriately tailored to Eliz’s skill level. Besides, it is clear that the two of them have some issues that they need to personally work out regardless, and I have it on good authority that such things are best worked out in mutual combat,” she continued, by way of explanation. It wasn’t like she didn’t believe what she was saying, either. Only a little bit of it was bullshit. The fight just also happened to be good entertainment.

“I agree though, that was an unfortunate situation. Combat outside the fields is highly irregular, but this maid is innocent of any crimes but handing out sweets. Speaking of which, a bonbon, Sieg, Eliz? You can have more, treat it as part of your welcoming gift.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maison d’Violette


“I dislike that woman greatly.” Nynnette responded, coolly pouring more tea for Livia. “I would much rather skin her furry ears and tail alive then do anything like that with her.”

“She’s…certainly a unique one, isn’t she?” Livia mused idly, watching Katherine leave. “I suppose I’ll add a ‘not dismissed until I say so’ to that training as well, then.”

“My lady I implore you let me do it.”

“If you’re that eager, go bother the new Nightshade Recruits. The maison is not your job.”

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

“Hmph, yeah? And I was ordered to train everyone. A demon can’t be trained in the same way as a human.” She’d snarl, leaning down to put herself at height level with Eliz. “Especially some prudish scale demon with as much personality as their empty shells.”

“That is enough, Myrilla.” Viatrix frowned. “We’ve been friends for quite some time now, but if you insist on causing trouble I will remove you. Forcibly.”

“...tch, whatever. I got what I wanted. She checks out.” She’d heft her pistol over her shoulder, blade soon being sheathed at her side as shed turn around. “Watch your back, runt.” She’d snap towards Eliz. “And shove your bonbons down your own gullet.”

“If by issues you mean Myrilla picking fights like she usually does.” The elf replied with a sigh. “I suppose you are not entirely wrong, but it just doesn’t sit right with me. Combat isn’t everyones preferred method of solving issues.” She’d rest her riot shield on the ground as Viatrix laughed softly at Eliz’s proclamation.

“Well, if you’re free then Eliz. I’ll finish showing you around. The rest of you may do as you wish.” Viatrix smiled, kneeling down to Eliz’s level and placing a hand to her forehead. “...Mhm, here we go. A little healing spell.” Eliz would find the small scratches and wounds on her body being healed, her body healing and the small cuts slowly being written over. “There we are…I’m not sure how effective it’d be on a demon, but I think it worked fine.”

“I will pass on the bonbons as well. I shall be going to Myrilla to finish my training…and possibly challenge her to a duel.” The elf would say in response to Polina. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“Come along then, Eliz.” Viatrix would lead the demon and the maids that followed still back towards the infirmary. “I apologize for her poor impression. Do know that almost every other maid in the Maison is nothing like that.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Everything was over by now? How boring. Still, that demon girl was pretty cute, though she wondered why a random demon from the streets would be coming the the team of demon hunters. Well, perhaps she just hated demons a lot. Well, there was nothing to be gained from going away. She walked up to Viatrix and this Eliz girl with a smile. "Yes, some of us have other marbles lost. Hello Viatrix and... Eliz, was it? Katherine Lindall and your fellow maid." She extended a hand for a hand-shake, mostly to test how the demon would respond to it.

"Mind if I join you gals on the rest of your introduction? I've little else to do for the moment. Not until the lady of the house's timely lesson on etiquette." The Firbolg shrugged with a grin. "If you two don't mind, that is. Otherwise I'll probably head off to the workshop to finish up repairs on my dolls from that last encounter." Katherine seemed interested in the demon, her eyes obviously glancing over her quite a bit. "But I'd like us to know each other better."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

She didn't look. She didn't need to. The offered bonbon was snatched up in the blink of an eye by one clawed hand, and in the very same motion it was tossed into Elizstrazia's mouth. While she mostly ate meat, sweets were certainly within her area of approval as well. And an offering such as this only seemed suitable after that bitch attacked her out of no-where.

It certainly wasn't bad, though it was gone in a flash between the Scale Demon's sharp teeth.

In the same moment as she finished her bonbon, the petite demon who possessed a graceful, almost fragile-looking body that could be compared(especially by her) to a delicate work of art proceeded to extend two middle fingers towards the sky in Myrilia's direction.

"Fuck you too," she half-growled, "You can shove that training right up your ass."

She paused for only a moment when a hand was placed to her forehead and she noticed that Viatrix was performing a healing spell, briefly glancing down to see the minor cuts that had been inflicted upon her be written over by her usual pure, pristine, untouched flesh. Just how it should be.

So that's how it was, huh.

"You're way better then that crazy bitch," she commented, though she didn't want to acknowledge anything had been able to scratch her. At the same time, something that helped restore her to her full beauty wouldn't be denied either. Not that her beauty was ever lost. It never could be. Ever.

No matter what.

But at the same time, getting rid of those scratches wasn't a bad thing. So she'd simply express some kind of thanks without actually saying thank you or acknowledging why she was doing it.

As she turned to head into the mansion, with one last glare in the direction Myrilia had gone in, she paused again when another maid, Katherine, offered her a handshake.

For a few moments she simply stared at it, then cocked her head.

Was she expecting her to shake her hand?

"I'm supposed to be honest with all of you, right?" she questioned, "If that's the case, then there's no way I'm just going to shake your hand. You better praise me and tell me how thankful you are that I'm going to be your ally if you want a privilege like that."

@Click This@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist@AzureKnight
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina stood there politely as Myrilla continued her little spat with the other maids. It still wasn’t her place to intervene, and even if she did have the personality to meddle or try and smooth things out in that way, she was sure it wasn’t going to be appreciated by the combat instructor, which would surely come back to bite her in the ass somewhere down the line. The Farisian made did make her displeasure known when the older maid figuratively threw her offer back at her face.

“Perhaps another time then,”
she replied, unfailingly polite as usual. At least the elf maid had the good graces to politely decline in turn.

Kat arrived at that point, and she offered her a sweet as well, even as the demon in the center of all this snapped up her bonbon without a word said. Hmm. House training and etiquette lessons would still be needed. Then again, there was Myrilla, and between the two girls, only one orifice had not been verbally threatened in this conversation at this point…

Charming. Polina was sorely tempted to make up that deficiency with a quip, but she couldn’t figure out a way to keep it polite, so she swallowed the urge.

“Right. We’re going to have to get you in a maid dress and start your etiquette lessons first thing then,” she said aloud, echoing her earlier thoughts.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

Myrilla didn’t respond to the taunting other than a boisterous laugh, then roughly and crudely spitting on the ground with a snarl as she’d saunter off.

“Tsk, now now, none of that.” Viatrix would stop to lightly smack Eliz on the top of her head. “You don’t want to behave anything like her, do you? That is quite unbefitting of a scale demon wouldn’t you say?” Viatrix offered the demon an amused smirk “If nothing else, you’ll need to learn how to behave in public and when in front of others. We have a reputation to keep after all.” She didn’t press the issue for now though, that was Mariarca’s job.

“That said, lets continue hm? I would want to give you a brief medical, but since that little…event cost us a bit of time, I’ll show you to the dressing room and hand you over to Mariarca.” The nurse maid briefly turned her head to acknowledge Katherine with a friendly smile. “Feel free to join us as well, Katherine, before you end up skinned alive by our employer.” With Seig heading off to the training fields, Viatrix would take over the tour. Pointing out the training fields, the kitchens, showing her to the dorms and soon they’d be finding themselves heading towards the store rooms and where the resident tailor for the maids dresses were made.

“You know, all our uniforms are made here. Its not as well known, but our dresses are imbued with magical threads to help resist physical and magical sources of damage.” Viatrix informed her. “The lady that makes them is a bit of a recluse but she lives where she works. Have either of you met her personally? She’s quite a delightful conversationalist if you bring her some coffee…I don't quite know how she stands that horrid drink myself, though.”

“There you all are.” Mariarca would meet the group just outside a rather inconspicuous looking room. “How was the little tour, Eliz? Did anyone give you trouble?”

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago


She was plenty refined and elegant! How did anyone expect her to act when she was just attacked out of no-where?! Urgh, she was a scale demon, so wasn't her very existence refined enough?!

At least not everyone here appeared completely insane, even if some of them were a little annoying. Still, they'd just learn how much they needed to respect her later, then.

Elizstrazia was largely silent for the rest of the tour, though anyone paying attention would note she was checking to make sure all the dorms had windows. She was trying to be subtle, but there was one thing the scale demon practically never was.

At least when it came to things like this.

When they arrived at the store rooms, the small girl folded her slender arms across her chest.

"It was fine," she said, in response to Mariarca's question, "Except for the psycho who attacked me for no good reason on the training fields. She's not fine at all."

Given how much less harsh her language was, it was possible Viatrix's words had made her try to reign herself in. Slightly. At least while on the tour.

It was unlikely it would last beyond that.

@Click This@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist@AzureKnight
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Katherine spent the entirety of the tour studying the demon subtly. Something she seemed to be better at than this Scale Demon they apparently have recruited. Well, that much was fine. It just meant it was easier to read her when she needed to do such. Katherine knew pretty much everything about this place. She had plenty of time to look around when one has plenty of dolls to walk around in your stead after all.

After some short time, the tour ended and they came to the dressing room where Viatrix would speak of the one who created the maid's outfits. "I've attempted to speak to her about getting perfect dresses for my dolls. It was a short conversation but I'll have to consider coffee the next time I attempt." The Firbolg smiled. "I didn't have much time to talk and she was busy anyway. And besides, coffee's not too bad if you add a bit of cream and sugar to it." A bit of sugar to Katherine was it accumulating on the bottom of the mug.

After that Mariarca entered and asked Eliz if her tour went well and if people were treating her well, Katherine answered. "Yes, I've even kept my hands to myself. You should be praising my self-restraint!" The Firbolg said, proud of herself for something that normal people would consider a matter of fact, as she placed her hands on her hips arrogantly.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

Maison d’Violette

Lucrecia looked on as a simple bystander as Myrilla and Eliz had a bout of words after the fight was broken up, having already said her peace as she stated her understanding of the chain of command. Lady Livia would always come first before there "beloved" combat instructor. In a classy show of indifferent towards Eliz's taunts, she made a hardy laugh and spat at the ground before heading off. The other maids simply sighed and apologized to the little scale demon, seemingly used to this type of behavior from Myrilla. Guess she wasn't kept around for her sunny disposition...

"My apologies Eliz." Lucrecia said, walking over to her new demon comrade. "I haven't known Myrilla as long as the other senior maids, but I can tell she has a certain "way" about her, shall we say?"

Viatrix decided that enough time had been wasted and decided to point the group in the direction of the changing rooms, where the head maid Mariarca awaited them. Just then, Katherine, who had slept in and missed a great deal this morning, finally joined the group as well. Her, along with her unsettling dolls that always followed her. As the firbolg girl didn't seem to be at all ashamed of her conduct, Lucrecia could only mentally shake her head. She certainly had quite the few...eccentric associated with this gig. Nevermind that now, it back on to business.

"Yes, quite. Let us be off then." She said, cosigning Polina.

Arriving at the dressing room, they were all greeted by Mariarca, who Lucrecia greeted with a polite bow. "Eh, scusa, Madonna." Lucrecia started reluctantly. "Instructor Myrilla had attack Eliz earlier in the courtyards. Calling it a "training exercise", despite the fact it was far to violent to be as such. I had did my part in breaking it up, and Eliz of course is perfectly fine. All things considered..."
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