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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

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The first of many tasks

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Castle Mandelein | Location: Mandelein, Kerremand

Ashon sat with the others as they enjoy their breakfast, thankfully, he managed to enjoy a good night of rest, but 10 people and 6 beds did end up with things rather spicy. Thankfully for everyone else the wooden doors were made of a sturdy construction as, Manfred & Dory took one bed, with the other occupied by Casii & Isii, in their room. The other rooms were split by sex, with Ymiico and Laska taking the girls room, leaving the boys squabbling over beds as Qasem huddled up with Kaspar, and Cal… despite Ashon offering a friendly suggestion to help warm the sheets for him, preferred to sleep alone. This left Ashon as it suited him, laying back upon the wooden floor.

As he was helping himself to a variety of the different breakfast mushrooms, Ines presented them with the bill. She appeared to look toward the most authoritative looking of the group at that moment, Manfred, who hesitated for a moment.

“Großer Bruder, der uns behandelt? - Big brother treating us? Ashon pounced as he slide himself next to Manfred, sticking his arm around him, “er ist sehr großzügig! - he is very generous! There was no room needed for imagination as Manfred felt and heard the chink of his coin purse being handled as Ashon presented coins toward their darling patron. “Etwas für die schöne Frau hinzugefügt - Added something for the beautiful woman He winked toward her and gave the moustached leader a goofy grin. As Manfred checked his waist, his coin purse appeared to be unmolested.

After the blushing innkeeper decided to supply them with the information they needed to get started, they decided to split up into three parties.
Countess Dorothea and Sister Laska, being the authoritative figures of the group, were to meet Herr Dubosque at the Church. Taking the curious Ymiico with them.
Qasem, Manfred, and Isii went to play the Good, Bad, and the Ugly cop down at the Barracks.
Ashon, Cal, Casii, Kaspar went to the Square to do some shopping.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by pantothenic
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pantothenic bored salaryman

Member Seen 3 days ago


Thanks to all the built up misunderstandings, Yalen had been given the "seat of honor" at the dinner table. The meal tonight was obviously distant from the Constantian palette, but he was ever the foodie and didn't hesitate to dig in, at least after giving everyone's food a quick check for toxins. He picked up a bread-like dumpling and bit into it, and was taken aback by how dry the outer shell was. His hand instinctively went for his cup of tea, but then he noticed that there was a savory, almost broth-like filling inside, and it was delicious. While idly listening to a conversation between Rikard and their guide, Yalen's attention was caught by the mention of a particular phrase. "Bái wèibīng? What does that mean?" He asked Xiulan.

The smile fell off of her face as if he had just spilled his food, but the guide quickly recovered. "Oh, zem. Yes!" she exclaimed, after finishing a bite. "Zey are... like ze elite policeman in ze country, I sink. If zis problem was serious, Captain Zhu will call zem." She took a sip of her water. It seemed that they served it warm - almost hot - here instead of cool. "I know how is sound," she sighed. "Like I'm bad host, just deny deny deny, but if the problem was serious, I will tell you." For a moment, her eyes flicked about, almost imperceptibly quick, scanning her immediate surroundings and the mezzanine above before returning to Yalen. She smiled.

Yalen picked up on the obvious hint and became alarmed. Before giving her a response, he began scanning the first and second floor for eavesdroppers, while masking his pause with a sip of tea. There were two guards at the front door and one at the rear. Two appeared to be resting already, and another in conversation with Captain Zhu up on the mezzanine floor. For the moment, there was nobody listening in aside from Yin, busy bringing in some new plates, but then she was back out. Xiulan's eyes met Yalen's. She smiled again, knowingly, this time. "You are a smart man, I sink," she told him quietly. "Nobody is watch wiss his eyes or listen wiss his ears." She paused for a moment, taking another dumpling. "See!" she concluded cheerily. "Retan is a very safe place!" She leaned in and punched him lightly on the shoulder. "I can see you like our food too, hmm?" She rose, quite suddenly. "Come!" she encouraged, gesturing for him to follow. "Come, I show you how we make. Yin doesn't mind."

Yalen had to hold back a smirk. He wasn't expecting a catch this big on the first day. He scooted out of his chair and stood up. "Really? I'd love to see that."

"Oh good!" exclaimed Xiulan, "because I want to show you!" She managed a little giggle and it was apparent that she'd had a bit to drink. She led him out of the courtyard and through a large set of double doors. It was dim where they were, with few lanterns to light their way: enough to see by, but not in detail. There were candles in wall sconces they could've lit, but she didn't light them. After a moment, not too far from the noise of the kitchen, she opened a small door and abruptly pulled Yalen inside. It was... a closet.

"...Quite." Yalen uncomfortably shifted as his medicine pouch dug into his waist. He turned his head slightly so he wouldn't be breathing over her face. Suspecting that this woman hadn’t captured him to sample the quality of Constantian men, he got straight to the point.

"So, let's talk shall we? It's obvious that the Traveler is not our only concern here. Who, or what, are you really afraid of?"

"Ze Hēi wèishì," she whispered, practically mouthing it, but she shook her head. "Like ze Bái wèibīng. Zey are not ze normal police. Nobody know he's real name or what looks like. Only ten of zem." She took a moment to swallow. "Sorry for my breass. It's bad." She let out a nervous chuckle. "Zey are not bad person. Zey are to help wiss find the Traveler. Very strong, zough. Very secret. I sink you are not here to do ze work." She paused for a moment, going still and holding a finger to her lips. Seemingly satisfied, she then continued.

"You must to understand: Retan have a different culture to Eastern country. Zis is a very political sing, I sink. Hēi wèishì handle it. Zey say you do it. Zey make some mistake, zey say you do it. You say nossing, okay?" she all-but demanded. "Or I get in big trouble and you get new guide, less fun." It was a poor attempt at levity, but an attempt nonetheless. Then, there came a series of clanks from the kitchen and the sound of a door opening. Xiulan yanked Yalen out before either Yin or her father could round the bend in the hallway. It was the latter, in this case and they spoke rapidly in Retanese. He regarded Yalen with a smile and said some things that the youth could not understand, but his gestures were clear, and Yalen picked up 'Yin' in there. "He say we can go see how ze foods are made," the guide explained, perfectly cheery again. "Come come!" She already had Yalen by the hand, and she fluttered into the kitchen with him in tow.

Yalen was not offended by her haste. He didn't intend to drag her any deeper into this mess. For now he allowed himself to be led along to keep up appearances, but behind his calm smile was a spark of determination. Someone else would give him more information, willingly or not. No matter what, he needed a name.

They returned to the courtyard table a few minutes later with Yin and another few platters of food, Yalen picking at one already and Xiulan playfully scolding him, none the wiser, or so it would seem. He would keep his mouth shut for the rest of the meal, but later on when dinner was concluded Yalen would go on to share what he had learned with the others, while making an open request for them to dig up more information about the secret police.

Twilight had fallen on the city, and most respectable work had been wrapped up for the day. This was the hour of crooks, carousers, and courtesans. Yalen had no idea if the capital city had an enforced curfew, but he felt the ice was still too thin to risk treading its surface. The team had been informed that they should be ready at eight o’ clock by the reckoning of Rettanese timepieces, and a skilled chemical mage could delay their sleep for some time, so Yalen elected to use the night hours for self study. He placed a cushion next to his coffee table and used it as a desk, producing what appeared to be a handwritten book as well as note taking materials.

An hour or so after sunset he bookmarked a page in his tome and rubbed his eyes. Yalen tapped his pen against his chin idly, then looked at his free hand. He gripped the writing implement tightly and pricked his thumb with it, allowing a miniscule trickle of blood to flow freely from the wound. The priest discarded his pen and clutched his wrist, while closing his eyes in concentration.


Yalen stared at his thumb expectantly for… something to happen. A few seconds had to pass for him to realize that the intended effect had not materialized.


Still nothing. He sighed and hastily stitched his finger closed with binding magic. Then he got off of the floor cushion and crawled dejectedly into bed. He was finally beginning to drift off, but before he was able to, the tethered mage was swept by a mild sense of paranoia, though he knew not the cause. The compulsion was too strong for Yalen to ignore, so to alay his personal fears he distracted himself with some productive meditation. Spreading his awareness outwards, he cast his mental net and began to passively investigate the energy sources he found. He was particularly interested in finding evidence of magic use, but despite being able to sense over a distance of over seven kilometers, Yalen detected no more than two incidents of magic. It was certainly night time, but Wanggang contained hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people within its walls. Statistically there should have been more magic use nearby, even given his limited ability to read more than a few energy sources at a time.

Something feels off here… Yalen thought to himself. He was about to give up when, at the very last minute, he felt the presence of a magic user. A proper mage this time, burning with energy that could only be mustered by someone trained extensively in drawing. They didn’t feel human though. Or did they? He felt like he recognized this kind of signature from one of the species he encountered during the Trials, but the memory was already faded from disuse.

They’re tangling with someone else. After widening his radius Yalen realized that there was a second individual close to the first one, and they seemed to be caught in a chase. The second one was definitely not human. Either that, or they were simply so strong that his mind could only see them as a monster.

The signatures eventually faded from his focus. Yalen investigated the humanoid thoroughly before he lost the connection, committing the fuzzy sensation to memory as best as he could. It was a very small chance, but he might come close to that unseen individual tomorrow. If that happened, he would know, and he would find them.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by RezonanceV
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RezonanceV Signature Element

Member Seen 10 days ago

Evander Fino Synesti

Pelova Fascino: 
Little Semers

Location: Pelova Fascino (formerly Moli's Emporium) Erasand’Enise

The night was filled with the sound of revelry, and the air thickened with anticipation. Mudville, a small town outside the city of Ersand'Enise, was hosting the grand debut of Pelova Fascino. This new fashion company promised to revolutionize how people dressed by representing some of Sipenta's most illustrious cultures. The owner, Yuliya, had spared no expense to make the event a spectacle, and the attendees arrived in droves, eager to witness the unveiling of the latest trends.

The line was monitored by one of Emiliano's men, a tall, broad-shouldered, big-headed Darrahnic who hailed from Virang. Albeit his frame intimidating, the gentleness in his eyes comforted the arriving attendees. Guards were stationed in various locations with and without identifiable attire. Some were to act as obvious deterrents, while others were to blend in. Two men in cloaks met in the fields adjacent to Pelova Fascino and between Miller's Hook.

"Non e un serpente." Evander stated unequivocally. Emiliano responded without hesitation, "Vive nell'acqua." The two reached out their hands and shook firmly.

Evander inquisitively asked, "Are the men in order?" Emiliano confirmed, "Like threads on a string, m'lord." Tonight's affair was important. Everything had to happen just as they debuted the Pelova Fascino fashion brand to some of the highest players in Ersand'Enise and abroad. Depending on first impressions, these sorts of ventures soared or burned as Icarus to the sun. People from all over arrived using the teleportation gates of Ersand'Enise, making their trip south, passing through the Seagate to the Pelova Fascino entrance.

"What about the little ones? Evander waved his hand low, signaling to Emiliano, the height of children. The network of Mudvillian children under Emiliano's influence was by the dozen. Some dashed around like squirrels on branches, others kept still in dark places eavesdropping on irrelevant and relevant conversations, and few found their magic in infiltrating other networks of adults and children.

Emiliano smirked, which would not have been visible to Evander if Emiliano was not a head taller than him, "The little semers are doing what they do best." He took a breath as he looked out into the lines of sowed land where crops would rise high in the coming season, "dispersed like seeds on this field, they grow and share their yield at unique lengths with mild tastes, they share with me a warning, there is a cause mixed in with the mud, and it does not wish to see your wealth step into its puddles."

Evander listened to the surprisingly poetic Emiliano, "Beyond a seafarer and a mercenary I see," he placed his hand into his pocket to pull out coin, "do find out who keeps the mud from drying and sowing new seeds." Evander extended his hand to place the coin in Emilaino's grasp. The two pulled back after their exchange; Emiliano bowed respectfully and turned toward Miller's Hook, while Evander turned toward Pelova Fascino's for the event.

Inside Pelova Fascino's show, the fashion was nothing short of breathtaking. Gowns flowed like waterfalls, their intricate embroidery shimmering in the light of the torches and lanterns. Accessories sparkle like stars across constellations, drawing attention to every curve and contour. All of it was designed by Isabella Lowell, a master of her craft, who had lent her talents to Yuliya's vision.

Yuliya, for her part, was radiant. She stepped onto the stage, her eyes glimmering with pride and toward opportunity. She promised to drive new ideas to inspire and uplift Mudville and the city of Ersand'Enise to show the world these were two great places to be. But then, something happened. A sudden gust of wind swept through the venue, rattling tables and chairs. In the midst of the chaos, a figure appeared. A ghostly apparition was hovering just above the ground. And it looked familiar.

Evander's eyes widened his heart still. He recognized the ghost, Hugo.

The ghost of Hugo hurled accusations at Yuliya, blaming her for his death. And then, he was gone. The crowd was silent, their faces etched with fear and confusion. Evander could feel a cold sweat drip from his brow, but he snapped out of it, reminding them it's a show. He stood up and began to clap, "What a heart-pumping end!" Others began to clap; some could not distinguish whether the ghost was real, honest, or an illusion to give publicity to Pelova's brand as a fashion show and a play. Ultimately, they erupted into applause, Yuliya giving her final remarks before closing out the evening as Evander's security graciously ushered the attendees out from the building.

Some attendees were leaving with Pelova Fascino's clothing, some praising, and some still questioning what just happened. A room divided, maybe, but Evander was not about to let the house follow. He immediately approached Yuliya and Isabella, who were gathering to debrief about the evening, "Yuliya, was that a part of the show?" Evander asked rhetorically; he knew it wasn't, "You might take offense to this; I don't think you are strong enough to have killed Hugo, at least not alone." He smirked, "To me, this feels more like a message to break the reputation of Pelova Fascino before it gets off the ground; otherwise, why would Hugo's ghost have waited this long to accuse you and why on the day of Pelova's opening and not a place where there would be more witnesses?" The whole thing seemed ridiculous the more Evander spoke about it out loud. Then he remembered Emiliano's warning, may those little semers yield something worth biting.

Setting Sails: 
All Aboard to Sirrahi Land

Location: Docks of Ersand'EniseErasand’Enise

Evander, a Marquis of Revidia, stood tall and proud on the docks, his eyes fixed on the galleon before him. His father, a strong Duke of Revidia, next to the L'anguila himself, sent Evander one ship. The ship kept a crew of 50 to 75 men, and at the front was a powerful figurehead carved into the shape of a dragon's head - the Black Devil. The ears of it looked to outstretch like wings as if ready to take flight. Evander paused at the craftsmanship as a sailor drew down the bridge to allow access to the deck from the dock.

"Is that you, Lord Synesti?" The sailor croaked in a harsh voice, the result of smoking tobacco on long voyages through a pipe he carved years ago. Evander took a heavy step on the bridge and walked across to meet the sailor's gaze arm's distance away, "Captain Marsilio Baresi." The two stood in silence with straight-laced faces. And then, the two cracked into laughter, "Oh how you've grown!" Marsilio embraced Evander as if they were kin. The formalities broke quickly as Marsilio grabbed the shoulders of Evander with his barrel hands, pushed him slightly back with a firm hold, and repeated himself while adding, "...into a fine man!"

As a young kid, Evander could remember having toured Captain Marsilio's boat quite a few times. He was one of his father's most trusted and experienced captains. Marsilio's family traced back to the Synesti's rise in power during Revidia's emergence. They were cast from a line of shipbuilders, traders, and navy raiders. The Baresi's were loyal, stubborn, and hardy. Preferring hard work over political maneuvering, they had no issues hooking into the curtails of the Synesti's to move to the social status they have today. A symbiotic relationship as the Synesti's had no issues with the Baresi's consistently birthing children who managed to be some of the most competent sailors of Severna and possibly abroad.

Captain Marsilio took a step to the side as he wrapped his gigantic arm around the shoulder and neck of Evander, his bear paw cupping the outside, making the head of Evander's shoulder seem small. He guided Evander along the side of the boat and to the back where the Captain's quarters and wheel were located, "Ya' know, it's been twelve years since we've seen each other. I remember when you played on these very decks., do you remember?" The two passed sailors tying rope and smiling as if they knew Evander already. Evander could feel the strength of his friend's arm lying heavy on his back, "I remember you, and I remember Stefano. Wait, where is Stefano?"

The two stopped as Marsilio let his arm cascade down Evander's back and dropped to his side. Evander could not help but see Marsilio as a mountain . Marsilio sighed, which Evander perceived as a gust of wind, heavy and somber, "She took him." Marsilio then looked at the stairs. They stood at the base and stepped up. Evander knew what he meant, She, was the ocean.

The two reached the Helm. Marsilio's gloom overcame him as he opened up about Stefano, "I know ya, and your gonna ask, before ya do, I'll share with you. Stefano and I were making a trip to Belzagg, got attacked by some pirates, Weggos sort, we managed to defend our vessel. Still, Stefano took a knife to the neck by a pirate who called himself Sanka, soul of the Weggosi coast, woulda had him... but... he had Stefano in the heat of battle, used him to get close to the edge, cut him, and dove in." Evander felt a bit of sadness introduce itself into his heart, and then it transformed into a rage, "What in Ahn-Eshiran's name, what were they after?"

Marsilio shook his head, "The egg of a Black Devil." Evander understood the implications of a pirate leading a Black Devil in the Ensolian Sea, "How long ago was this?" Marsilio replied with some angst, "Three years ago, if it hatched and took to him, it'll be a problem if it hasn't become one already somewhere we have not heard about yet." Evander sighed, "Another freedom-preaching fanatic standing on sand castles instead of cornerstones." The two nodded as they turned to the deck, where they both could see Marsilio's crew of fifty, busy as ants, scurrying up and down the rigging, tying ropes, and hoisting sails. Evander was in the presence of skilled sailors, men who knew the sea and its ways, men who stood against men and beasts alike.

Marsilio's barrel chest rose as he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs to total capacity, "Aye men! Be respectful to our guests and greet yourselves before we set sail!" The deck ceased to move, all eyes facing the Helm, all eyes on Evander, in unison they shouted, "Aye, sir! Welcome aboard the Devil's Revenge." Marsilio turned to Evnader with a smile; Marsilio would find that Weggosi one day and take his life for Stefano's.

After the greeting from the crew, another figure came up to the Helm to pass along a letter, "From Harrachara.". The figure turned to leave, and Evander opened the envelope. It was an invitation.

Into the Fire

Location: Dune SeaTorragon

He could see the desert drawing toward him as if he had tugged the scene to his face. The gate opened into the barren sands of Torragon's Dune Sea; without missing a step, Evander landed effortlessly. His acrobatic talent instinctively kicked into gear when he needed it for those split-second saves. His feet crunched the sand below, and he stood upright to gain orientation of the situation.

The heat of the Dune Sea was nothing compared to what he remembered when meeting the Sirrahi. This place... had a sun that was rejuvenating Evander's mana and triggering memories of Toleus' arrival. This isn't the place, but it feels like it. The Sirrahi... the desert... the mission... if he was going to get close to them again, this might be it.

The others: Desmond, Tku, Benny, and Fiske, all arrived with Evander, appearing in front of Yalen and Isabella. Immediately they were warned of the Sand Wyrm that bore down the necks of Zarina, Ayla, Jocasta, and the rangers they came with. Without a second notice, Benny yelled out his intent to initiate the battle against the Sand Wyrm, "Eat shit, Worm! The calvary is here!"

Evander turned to face the Sand Wyrm in the distance.

"What in Eschiran... so that is a Sand Wyrm." Evander had only heard of these mighty beasts in the books. Never had he set eyes on one. It's hulking size was more than he could comprehend, not to mention there was probably more of it burrowed in the sand beneath all of them. The sheer force of the Sand Wyrm's presence was that compared to a titan. Waterfalls of sand cascaded down its side as it shifted its own weight from side to side. At the moment, it looked benign, but for how long?

Evander spoke out loud, "The Sand Wyrm does not look to be attacking, I don't think attacking it would do us good if it is not seeing us as a threat." The size of it was all Evander could focus on. It would kill most of them, if not all of them by the time the battle was through.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago


Benedetto pulled up at the last second possible, but the concussive force still sent Zarina flying. To her credit, she landed easily enough. The Wyrm, meanwhile, seemed well and truly pacified. It rose slowly from the sand, serpentine but for the small, streamlined limbs currently tucked into its sides. The scale of it was truly breathtaking. "Just because we don't need to blow it up doesn't mean we're taming a fucking Sand Wyrm, Benny announced, very much not about to be ordered around by some noble girl like he was a common servant.

The rangers were being ushered through a portal by Escarra as he spoke. It seemed to be something of a standoff now. The colossal dragon towered overhead, and the Revidian could tell that this was perhaps but a third of its total length. Great saurian eyes flicked about the group of tiny humans and he thought to reach out and sense what else was in the area. Dirt, critters, and... temporal ripples. They weren't his and it occurred to him that they were probably Jocasta's but... they had a lack of finesse to them that did not match her skill level. Then, he felt a surge, and the creature clearly felt it too. It rose up in a threat display before a pair of halassa materialized out of thin air in front of it and dropped roughly to the ground.

The desert titan swept in immediately and the the big tortoises had no chance. They thrashed and spat and steamed, but the crack of their shells and the sight of the sand wyrm rearing back and swallowing them was one that burned itself into more than one memory. It eyed the group of youths for a moment and then, with a ground-shaking twist, turned on the spot and sank beneath the sands, leaving hardly a ripple in its wake. Benedetto's eyes narrowed. "Anyone else feel that temporal fuckery?" he asked, not singling Jocasta out for sole praise. "Looks like someone put big n' beautiful there up to this little stunt." Jocasta's portal was still up and she regarded him evaluatively. "Benny's not wrong, for once," she replied. "We should group up with Yalen and Izzy and figure this out."

"Trail's gonna go grow cold," Benny spat.

"Trail's gonna begin back at the rangers' camp," came the reply, and they fairly glared at each other. She could never resist an opportunity to insult him and, before they were back at the school, she would be given cause to regret it.

Then, came a new voice. "Actually, it begins some ways before that." It was Manuel Escarra. "And it's... strange. Now, I think we should step through this young woman's portal."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Metropolis | Location: Wánggǎng, ReTan

Maura bit into the bao bun, finding it to be very delicious, as the steamed dough was soft like cotton with a seasoned meat filling. She picked up another of the buns with the chopsticks as she leaned over toward Abdel, presenting with her hand to prevent it from falling. “Say ‘Awh’ ~” she brought the delight toward the boy's mouth, so he may enjoy it as well.

She started to begin some small talk with the others, especially Blossom and the Inn-Keeper's daughter, as she attempted to use their goodwill for further useful information she may benefit from.

“Wánggǎng holds much interest for me, so does greater ReTan too. We are very fortunate to be here, especially to enjoy this authentic cuisine, far better than what is found in Ersand’Enise which pales in comparison using our local ingredients.” She mulled for a moment as she tried to say it in ReTanese for them. “大包很好吃。比 Ersand'Enise 好。” She looked toward Blossom, gauging the woman's opinion of her attempt of translation.

Maura started to ask about local delicacies, trade, and shipping, making mental notes. “Is there a harbour, a port, nearby? We love looking at the boats.” She looked hopeful toward them, wishing to enlist their aid with her request. “船在哪里?”

"We have same interest for your country here!" Xiulan replied cheerily, but she soon lost the thread of what the tethered girl was saying. Auth... Aunetic? Pales? Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, for she was a poor translator, and she took another sip of her drink. "Oh, you know some Retanese!" Xiulan cheered, saved from having to pretend any further. She clapped a little bit.

Yin, meanwhile, smiled at the attempts, grateful for being included. Aside from her sudden enthusiasm towards the dragons, however, she was more reserved than her peer.

Finally, they came upon the subject of the port. It was strange, thought the translator, that Maura used 'we', but she knew Avincian much better than her Retanese counterpart, and so Xiulan deferred, of course. "Hmmm, port?" she responded. "We have many ports." She began listing them, ticking off one after another on her fingers. "Zere is a main port not zat far from where walked. I believe you can see it? Zere is king's port close to zere for special sings. We have port for foreigner only. There is fishing port too!" She plucked another dumpling with her chopsticks. "I sink you will see some of zis tomorrow, actually."

Maura smiled as she thought of something, "Nothing as compared to you. 我的语言是托拉贡语 (My language is Torragonese)". She coughed for a moment to clear her throat, as she switched to her native tongue. "Hola soy Maura". She spoke to them in her own tongue, some basic introductions to demonstrate it. The language is far more beautiful than Avincian, with its more charming and pleasant rich sounds. Goal to build more good will and endearment. She soon shared a little about her home.

"My hometown is Varrahasta, a beautiful city that stretches out into the sea due to the number of boats. 小船隔海将城市延伸到地平线". She attempted some poet expression in the local language, to help give the mental image of boats to the horizon. Her eyes cast between them as she smiled sweetly. Nothing better than the image of a sweet lil' helpless girl who is homesick. "We find that the gentle rocking of the boats help sleep at night. The sound of the water lapping against them is peaceful. 船有助于睡眠"

There is something that itch her mind though, the difference between the main port and foreigner port. Her instinct is to assume taxation, though they are being confined to what is termed the foreigner district. It seems the culture here is far more isolating in particular than back home. “What makes someone a foreigner, and someone not a foreigner?” Whilst it may seem a simple question on the surface, she attempts to tease out the details during the conversation.

Xiulan was well into her cups and quite oblivious at this point. "Oh, I'm from an inland city myself," she chirped. "But your country sounds so interesting!"

Then, Maura kept going, and Xiulan arched an eyebrow and scowled in thought. "Well, I don't know what government said, but the foreigner is someone not be born in your country." She shrugged innocently and took another sip of her drink. This foreign girl used 'we' when she talked, and far be it from a Retanese to question her speech, but wasn't that for more than one person? She blinked. Wait! The 'royal we!' What if she's royal!? It would explain so much: why she was pretending to be a merchant, why she was so well-educated, why she was an invalid but allowed outside the home! That must have been it! The translator swallowed, trying to hide her nervousness. "So, what do you want to know about ze docks?" she asked helpfully. "I can accompany you, zere," she further offered.

Maura arched an eyebrow at the response as she noticed a switch in tone. The docks appeared to be making her feel very uncomfortable, perhaps worthy of a solo adventure. She paused for a moment as she began to switch subjects. “Well… there is something that has been bothering me a lot. Maybe you help us tomorrow?”. She raised her eyebrows as she adopted that puppy-eyed look. “You see, due to being foreigners, we are not adopting the appropriate Hanfu and this makes us stick out. Could you assist us by taking us to a tailor or clothing store?” As she canned the others, she tried to recall the different words. “Those are Nobles… so they should wear Beizi and Pifeng? The others would wear an Aoqun and Shanku? Kaureerah is a Yiji, so something fitting her station of the arts. Yalen would wear a suitable Daopao.” Maura started to point everyone out, and assigned them to the categories as she understood them, with Niallus and Abdel falling under the military as well, to permit their heavier hand in the future. Maura paused after pointing out the rest, as she considered her next question. “We… govern an Island, and represent my country's interest. What would be suitable for me to wear?” The conversation continued as things grew later into the night.

Maura, due to necessity, was assigned a room on the ground floor, which suited her perfectly. With a peck upon Abdel’s cheek as she bid him goodnight with a sweet smile, they parted for the evening. She would have loved to bring him along, but it might have been too much for what she had planned.

Dressing up appropriately from clothes she could find to fit in better with the surrounding ReTan people, she started to edge her way toward the rear entrance as he noticed the guard. A small hurdle as she does the elementary distraction technique. With the use of her magic, a little vase fell over and smashed. The guard’s ears pricked as he looked around the area, approaching the location with the tune of shi shui (是谁) leaving his lips. She simply rolled on through the door, the low quiet rolling sound and not the pitter-patter of footsteps the others would have left as she made it into the streets outside.

Thankfully, her conversation with Xiulan aided her direction as she oriented herself to the path taken to arrive at the inn and, like the girl said, she could make out the sight of it from where she was. “Time to have a better look without the Nannies breathing down our necks.” She rolled through the streets toward her destination.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Niallus Saberhagen

Event: Metropolis | Location: Wanggang, ReTan

Some of the foods that were on the table in front of him, Niallus never really tried ReTan cuisine before. Either way it smelled pretty good. Picking up a dumpling then taking a bite out of a dumpling, it's soft, other than that, it was good. Looking across the table, it seems Rikard is having a conversation with the guide. After taking another bite of the dumpling.

"Do you think that matter outside has been settled?" he asked Xiulain.

Xiulan smiled quickly at Niallus' inquiry, but it did not reach her eyes. "I sink it is probably be done," she replied. "The police are very good to catch people." She tried another dumpling. "So," she exclaimed, moving the conversation along, "How do we like the food?"

Niallus smiles, nodding his head. "I do. I've never tried food like this before." he takes a sip of his drink to wash it down. The drink was pretty good too. "By any chance, could I be shown how to make these, so I can make them back home?"

Niallus ponders to himself about this police that Xiulan mentioned. Something seemed off to him. If the police were good at capturing people, then why ask us to come here. Then again it might just be that he knows very little about ReTan and its culture. "Can I ask you something. What can you tell me about this police that you mentioned? Do they have titles based on rank? I'm only asking since I know very little about ReTan." he asks her.

Xiulan's face grew visibly paler - almost comically so if it wasn't for just how strong the reaction was. "Oh, you know. Zey have ze ranks." She waved her hand dismissively and let out a nervous laugh. "Zis isn't really my specialty, you know." She hammered back her cup of baiju in a most unladylike fashion, but then Captain Zhu was there, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder. They conferred rapidly in Retanese for a moment and the head guard's eyes flicked between Niallus and Xiulan. A handful of Avincian words could be heard mixed in with the Retanese before Captain Zhu spoke. "Retan have many police. You see tomorrow." He addressed Niallus directly.

Something wasn't adding up. She's definitely hiding something based on how she was suddenly acting from that question. Looking at Captain Zhu, he's response made Niallus smile "That's good can't wait to see." he said with a smile. It would best for Niallus not to ask questions like this, especially in front of Zhu. He would have to ask Xiulan when she on her own. But for now it'll be best to avoid them for now.

After he finished eating he asked Xiulain if she, or the some cooks could show him how to make the dumpling. She happily shown him to the kitchen, where he was shown how to make them. It wasn't actually that difficult. First, he poured boiling water over the flour while mixing with chopsticks, Then added the room temperature water. Stir until no more liquid can be seen.
Combine and knead the dough with your hands until it becomes smooth.
Cover the bowl then rest for 30 minutes. While waiting he sorted out what filling he would like to choose, but Xiulan mentioned that he could try different fillings when he is home. After putting the filling into some of the dough, the time came to fold the dough to hold the filling. Niallus thought he did a good job. When they were fully cooked some of the dumpling had their fillings bursting out.

Niallus just smiled and figured that he put to much filling in them, but didn't mind, he'll just have to practice some more. He thanked Xiulan for showing him on how to make them. Then tried to find his way back to the others.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Event: Primitive

Tku popped through the portal fully expecting to fight the sand wyrm. Well, distract it for the most part, Dami knows that Tku had no shot at defeating such a foe. But that tension was changed into an intense curiosity as it seemed the Royal Sand Wyrm was… jovial? It was a scene like no other and whatever magic these ladies were using was past even his wildest imaginations.

Of course, our teammate Benedetto was ready to fight and was for lack of a better term, primed to try and kill it. Tku was more than ready to not fight this, but a small disturbance and disagreement had the platinum warrior flying. ”Oh shit,” Tku exclaimed from the shock of it. He was about to ask if they were okay, but they surprisingly landed and recovered with some ease. Oh this is going to be an experience, Tku thought as he adjusted his expectations. Still, he used a bit of binding on the platinum knight even if they seemed alright, just to be sure.

The wackness seemed to not reach its crescendo yet with them now suggesting to tame an Alpha Sand Wyrm. Taming any fully grown animal was difficult to impossible from what Tku had experienced but a sand wyrm? Us little people are like nothing to them, we are just small beings to them, no more significant than a puppy to us. The ideas were like they had already partaken in some of Luun’tils finest products. It almost came off as a joke but then a hallassa just appeared in front of everyone and Benny just confirmed it wasn’t anyone here. Tku just shook his head and moved onto the ranger who died. There was nothing left but Tku traveled the desert enough to know that they wanted to have something to mark the area.

He knew the stone of this area fine enough but cut a stone out of a particularly distinguished segment. Shaping the stone so that it would be visible for some time before the sand sweeps it away like everything else. Whatever he could do to help with the process he did and tried to be more of a facilitator of it and let the rangers do it as they wanted. After that was said and done, he followed Escarra’s suggestion. Where will this lead me, Tku pondered, knowing no matter where it went it would be interesting.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: None
Crick in Ass No Where

It had been a restless night, the yellowing sun rising above the horizon to take the chill of dawn away. Casii had found a comfortable spot, dangling out of their second story window as she watched the town wake from their slumber.

One that Casii had found little sleep, though she never found comfort held up in a yanii building. The air was too stagnant, and the walls seemed to close around her. Isii didn't get much sleep either, it seemed. No doubt in regard to her lashing out and there was something about that that stuck with Casii. Fighting for their lives is one thing but there was something more in Isii's twisted motivation to interrogate that dumb yanii for information. Was there really information there because in Casii's eyes those were some bums who picked a bad target and she often didn't mistake things like that. Something about it made Casii consider that Isii wasn't coming from a good place.

That frightened the fuck out of her.

Dark magic always didn't feel right from the way it removed existence outright to the unnatural monsters it seemed to bring forth. Casii liked to believe all of life had some kind of connection and transference. You die, you become fertilizer. That was natural but whatever Isii was learning interrupted that. There was nothing natural about it. There were times Casii made her opinion on that matter known, but seeing as she hadn't seen the things Isii had in Tarlon, she didn't have much leg to stand on.

Fight horror with horror or something like that.

Still, what Isii did yesterday wasn't sitting well. Casii asked about her last night, but Isii was played it off. She did that, trying not to make her worry but come on. She'd worry.

Reaching into her bag, Casii found half a half jamb'ysp scrapped the inside against her teeth before burying it into her cheek. Taking mental stock as her hand shuffled around her bag, she frowned realizing she had been slacking on keeping her stock up. Two left. A consequence of being distracted or lazy, even. She didn't care which but she'd need to slip away at some point if she was going to survive this trip. Then again, maybe the yaniis here had some. They were not far from Qarii'Muuna, relatively anyway, so they might have some from trade. Maybe Tusa did come all the way out here in his shitty raft.

"Humph. Vyshta's favored fool." She leaned forward and spat, letting her spit drop to the ground. She dipped back in to throw on her jacket, the wyrm scaling and froabas leather glittering in the sunlight as she peered out the window again. She picked up her staff and leapt out, landing in a low crouch.

Time to see what the yanii sellers had. If she could understand this crazy yanii speak.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Event: Metropolis

Things were odd, there was no magic use and the one time she could have felt it being used, the guards ran off for quite awhile. Now they were being fed excellent food sitting in a very nice inn with beautiful views. It was wonderful and generous and if Ingrid was here as an envoy for friendly relationships, then this would make sense. But no, they were here to hunt down a traveler agent that was murdering people.

It seems her teammates also had some inkling that something was wrong. With everyone else asking Blossom questions, Ingrid played the lazy and ignorant noble who happily ate any food that was presented to her. Asking questions to Yin as she ate.

Not even the first day and there was much to speculate on. Though with Blossoms maybe intentional drinking we could get some time to discuss.

The meal concluded without too much hassle and people started to share what they knew. Yalen had gained a great deal of information from blossom. So they had a white guard and a black guard, and the black guard was hunting down the traveler and we are the convenient cover for them. Zenith Upta talked about how a connection with Rettan would be made if we pulled this off correctly. If the White guard are the elite and the Black guard are even more so, they might work with the very higher ups, possibly even the twin emperors.

Ingrid nodded to tell Yalen she understood but started to whisper to him in Perrench, a common language at the school but maybe not here at least. ”Je n’aime pas rester assis alors que nous pourrions faire les choses nous-mêmes. Et toi?” She felt Yalen wasn’t the type to sit around but maybe this could tell him she would support efforts on finding things out ourselves.

After washing up Ingrid decided to finally approach Maura after that little stunt she pulled. It didn’t really matter if they make a full of themselves now knowing that they are simply here as a convenient cover story for them. Still, Ingrid wanted to set the matter straight. She strolled over to Maura, ”Evening Maura,” Ingrid smiled. ”They sure did give a grand welcoming to us, and thank you for coming up with such respectable names for everyone,” Ingrid complimented Maura on her quick action, ”But that name you gave me was a bit much” Ingrid made no effort to hide her mild distaste for the name, ”As far as I am aware, we are not on good enough terms to be so lax with each other. Let’s try to be at least cordial in the meantime.” Ingrid yawned, ”Rest well Maura, you’ll have a lot of rolling to do tomorrow.” and headed off to her an Niallus’s room.

Once she was in her room she intended to just settle down with Niallus but her mind was caught up in all that was going on, just who could be in the Black guard and why were they using us. It sounds like they are near the level of the arch-Zeno’s at the academy so why then. Her mind couldn’t help but see them as a sacrifice for the white and black guard to remove problematic sectors. Something along the lines of, Oh the government didn’t do that, it was the nasty foreigners, this is why you can only trust the government. It’s an old trick, one that is surprisingly effective. And that didn’t sit right with her. Ingrid has done her fair share of bad things, but she would rather avoid making herself a public enemy here for any time she would want to do business in Retan.

The other thing that bothered me was if the guards came back. Even if the supposed legendary blackguards were on the case, common guards might be seen as expendable. Ingrid isn’t a traveler expert, but she has on more than one occasion dealt with them and both times their tactics were to lead their foe into an engagement where they are outnumbered. Ingrid snuck out and checked on the guards, believing herself to be stealthy with her mixture of arcane and kinetic magic. The only guard unaccounted for was the guard captain…

"What you do!?" demands a voice as she tries to slip around a corner undetected. It was Captain Zhu, Ingrid nearly had a heart attack, he snuck up on her so well and she was sensing for people as well. She quickly assessed the situation and determined that it was salvageable. She collected herself and spoke in her broken rettanese something along the lines of she was worried for his men because she had also encountered the Traveler. She tried to come off genuine but she couldn’t tell if she was really understood. At the very least Captain Zhu sent her back off to her room without any issue. Still, she was surprised how easy she was to sneak up on. Time to get some rest for tomorrow before it's too late, afterall there are no Zeno Bucks here.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

Present: Yalen Castel @pantothenic, Maura Mercador @Ti, Trypano Somia @A Lowly Wretch, Ingrid Penderson @dragonpiece, Niallus Saberhagen @McKennaJ71, and Abdel Varga @YummyYummy

When they woke up in the morning, Xiulan was not there. It was cool and overcast and the cityscape was red and gold and increasingly barren brown where trees peeked out among the sea of rooftops. In fact, she was not there for the start of breakfast either and, when she arrived, sweat pasted a few stray locks of hair to her forehead and she was noticeably out of breath despite her efforts to hide it. People had already started eating and the meal consisted of items one might not normally have considered 'morning food'.

"Very sorry!" she chirped, sliding into a seat beside Yalen. "I have some sings to arrange zis morning. We have a busy day!" They bundled up as they ate, but the inn was kept quite warm and it wasn't strictly necessary. Yin and Mr. Wei scurried about, attending to everything they needed and a good many things that they didn't. If one were to look carefully, it would be evident that both seemed to have bags under their eyes, and the younger of the two quickly hid a yawn at more than one point. They were nothing if not professional, however: all smiles and helpfulness when they needed to be.

A couple of the students, as well, were possibly not as... bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as they might've been. Kaureerah picked at her guitar a bit listlessly as a couple of fleeting, significant glances passed between her and Yalen. Maura was perhaps a bit less energetic than usual. She had been out last night, scouting some locations by the docks, and she had sensed something, fleetingly, as if it were the echo of some great distant 'crash': intense magic use, and powerful. It had been too much to ask for her to follow it, however, and she had returned to familiarizing herself with the area unsupervised, not entirely sure what - if anything - she was searching for. She had employed magic sparingly, when needed, to help her navigate the built environment or light her way. Yet, after some time doing this, she could sense them at the fringes of her range: people, always people following her, and brief flares of minor magic use, but never more, and never getting too close.

It was a different world by day, and how alien yet familiar, how exciting and new and gorgeous Retan was! Xiulan seemed eager to split her time mostly between Yalen and Maura as they were led through the spice market and the textile market. There was some time to shop, escorted for their own safety, of course, before they were taken to see a customs house, invited into a beautiful island pavillion in a lake within a walled garden for tea, and then shown around what was called a 'Guardian Station'. The uniforms of the people there seemed to vary by department, though the majority were blue, red, and orange, with a smattering of green, brown, and gold, the last of them similar to those of their escort. There, they were each given a folder to study for later, with details of the gruesome murders of mostly-minor government officials by the Traveler's Agent, who local law enforcement had nicknamed the 'Pale Ghost'.

Wherever the group of foreigners went, save the Station, curious onlookers seemed to follow them and some attempted to sell them items. Even within the station, a few still craned their necks or stole glances or whispered among their fellows. During this time, they saw not a single Constantian or Severan face, much less anything more exotic.

It was the later afternoon by the time they were led to a restaurant at the edge of a great plaza, where the colourful Exemplar of Creation and Destruction, Wu Long, was waiting for them in his official robes, surrounded by orderlies and guards who he soon dismissed to other tables to be treated to a dinner well above their pay grade. "Good to see you," he greeted each of the students, somehow able to recall all of their names. "Your first full day in ReTan," he remarked, leading them to a table. "How invigorating, I'm sure. How exciting. I bet you learned much." His tone was... queer. Was it sarcasm? Was he simply that earnest? Was he probing?

Their host made polite conversation with them all, and they found him somewhat more open than the others they had spoken with. When Rikard, sitting beside Xiulan, commented that they were being rather purposely and prominently displayed on the patio, she blushed and her eyes darted about awkwardly for the umpteenth time that evening, but the Exemplar merely let out a bark of laughter. "Oh, absolutely!" he confirmed, "for that is the Retanese way." He took a moment to dab at the corners of his mouth with a napkin. "I find we are an odd paradox, as a people: very taken with displays of influence, wealth, and exclusivity, yet sneaky." He nodded. "We are sneaky, I fear, as you may have already gathered, and opaque."

The sun was getting low as dinner was served, its golden rays like great fingers of light across the flagstones, long and lengthening shadows separating them. People bustled about on their evening business, some pausing to glance at the odd group so displayed on the patio. When they noticed the Exemplar, they bowed deeply in his presence and, receiving a nod, continued on their way. "This is my country," Wu Long assured them, "and I love it despite its imperfections."

Indeed, there were families walking about, young couples holding hands or kissing under trees, and children running about, their play powered mostly by imagination. In particular, two little boys had been at it for some time, one moving as if in a bubble of slow time and the other always trying to get in behind him. They'd now broken into something of an argument. "但我是睡鲤鱼。你应该慢慢绕着我走!(But I'm Sleeping Carp. You're supposed to move slowly around me!) the former insisted. "不!我是笑鱿鱼也许我用了我的特殊能力,我已经在你身后了。" (No! I'm Laughing Squid. Maybe I used my special ability and I'm already behind you.) They continued bickering for another minute or so before they moved on, and some of the group idly watched them.

Captain Zhu plucked up the courage to speak, then, when the show was over. He had been quiet and deeply respectful int he presence of one so revered. It was Xiulan who translated for him. "You may have notice how little magic used here," she said, and he continued for her to translate further. "We know zat zis is not ze way of your land." As he spoke, she spoke. "But we belief it is better for few trusted people have it when we need zan everybody." He gestured outward in an all-encompassing gesture and Wu Long was silent, poised and listening. "You see how peaceful and prosperity it has make our nation."

The Exemplar stabbed at his food with his chopsticks and bit down. "Well spoken, Captain..." He quickly repeated himself in Retanese. Captain Zhu bowed his head crisply and deeply.

The sun began to set in earnest and lanterns glowed ever brighter into the burgeoning gloom. It was then that those not already drunk on their fifth cup of baiju and alert enough towards their surroundings may have noticed something: magic use. Their host noticed it too, and he straightened. Five men and a woman in grey uniforms similar to those of the Guardians strode briskly towards one of the large and opulent houses across the square. People cut them a wide berth, bordering on outright fear.

Wu Long began cleaning himself up and the students would feel a significant amount of energy drawn his way, but he remained outwardly nonchalant, even as the area began to feel almost-uncomfortably warm. Captain Zhu rose to his feet and barked out orders to his men. Dai, Huang, Xie, and Peng quickly joined him, drawing as well. Wang, Chen, Zhang, and Zheng spread out. "我应该把它们带到安全的地方吗?" (should I take them somewhere safe?) Xiulan inquired with some urgency, but Wu Long merely dusted some crumbs from his robes and tilted his head to one side. "No," he replied in Avincian, much to the translator's visible distress and a worried look from Captain Zhu. "It is not business that concerns us anyhow, and I think our guests can handle themselves should the need arise, else why would they be here?" He addressed the biros. "Get ready for a show, I think. You're about to see the Grey Ghosts in action." His eyes narrowed and an almost predatory smile creased his lips.

From inside the house, some two hundred yards distant, came flares of quick, precise, powerful magic. Then, to Kaureerah's shock and dismay, an older man was dragged out into the street and flung roughly to the pavement by two of the grey-robed figures. "你的主人在哪里!?" (Where is your master?) demanded the sole woman of the group. She was beautiful, but steely-eyed and severe in bearing. "不知道!" (Don't know!) he insisted, "我知道!" (I don't know!) he cried.

"我不相信你" (I don't believe you.) came the frosty reply. The already-thinning crowds swirled back to a distance, radiating fear, but they did not entirely flee as kicks rained down upon the old servant. "What's his crime?" Kaureerah blurted, clearly distraught at the display. "How do they know he's guilty!?"

Xiulan shifted uncomfortably, but she put on a sympathetic smile and grabbed hold of the eeiako's hand. "I know it is... distressing," she admitted, and Kaureerah noticed that her hand was trembling, "But if the Grey Ghosts come for him, he is guilty already. One hundred percent, or he's master. He has been done some very bad sing. Do not to worry."

Wu Long sat there, tall and stoic, expression unreadable. "Do not worry," he repeated, with slightly better grammar, "This is Retan."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Castle Mandelein | Location: Mandelein, Kerremand

Ashon approached the herbalist healer’s house. He would have had assumed Casii took an interest here, but the shop next door was far more exciting for her and Cal, and it wouldn’t be fair to deprive them of that. As he approached the herbalist's house, it was easy to tell that the locals respected the building with a sense of reverence. It is an old building which is not in keeping with the more modern surrounding ones, speaking of how within its walls lies the healing knowledge of centuries past. The shop itself is a small, humble abode, with a thatched roof and wooden shutters on the windows. A small garden lies out front which extends around the side and far behind it was bursting with a variety of herbs, flowers, and plants.

He enters as the rich scent of dried herbs fills his senses, passing through the beads at the entrance to help keep out insects, as he is greeted by the sight of shelves lining the walls, filled to the brim with various jars and containers of herbs and remedies. The shelves themselves are made of rough-hewn wood, and each one is labelled in spidery handwriting, denoting the contents within.

The shop appeared to be presently empty as he began to browse the interior. He moved to pick up a jar of dried chamomile flowers, peering through the glass as he read the note which appeared to imply these were perfect for soothing stomach pains and promoting restful sleep. He inspected a bunch of fresh mint, as he breathed in the crisp aroma, similarly a note said about aiding digestion and freshening breath, as he thought about Penny for a moment, taking a leaf and chewing upon it. The pot next to it was pungent in its fragrance, the note describing it as rosemary, which can help stop wounds from becoming infected and also aid memory retention. In the corner, stood a bundle of sage, which was perfect for burning to purify the air or to soothe sore throats when brewed as a tea. Next to it, a jar of goldenrod, which is used to treat respiratory infections and inflammation, whilst laying to the side of it, a bundle of dried lavender, which is commonly used to aid in relaxation and promote calmness.

As Ashon wanders further into the herbalist's abode, he notices that even the walls were adorned with wreaths of dried flowers and herbs, hung in various places throughout the house. He spied a bunch of St. John's wort, the note describing its use for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to treat depression and anxiety, as a small pot of Echinacea, perfect for boosting the immune system, sits on a nearby table. Whoever ran this place, it is clear, it was a treasure trove of healing remedies and natural cures. Every shelf, every corner, is filled to the brim with the wisdom of nature.

The herbalist enters through from a rear and approached Ashon with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye. She pauses for a moment, taking in his presence, and then speaks in a soft, yet enigmatic voice in native Kerreman: "Welcome, dear traveller. You've come to the right place, but perhaps not for what you seek. The secrets of nature are hidden deep, but fear not, for I am here to guide you. Let the winds of change carry you to what you truly need."

Ashon raised his eyebrow to the woman, regarding her presence as he adopted a wide sincere grin, “Oh wise one, fear not, I come seeking not only herbs, but also wisdom from a great one such as yourself."

“He who seeks answers must be willing to look beyond the surface. So too must he who seeks healing look beyond the leaves and roots. Come, see what I have prepared for those who seek more than just the ingredients." She cast her hand to the collection of made potions as she started to pick and describe the use of each one.

“I am a potion of green and gold, I cure the body and make it bold. From a wound, I'll stop the bleeding, and help you get back to eating.”
Healing potion: This potion is made from a blend of herbs that promote healing, such as yarrow, chamomile, and comfrey. When consumed, it can help to heal wounds and injuries, and can even be effective against some illnesses.

“When dreams elude you and slumber seems far, This potion of roots shall help you reach the stars. Its scent is pungent, its taste is strong, But drink it down and sleep will come along.”
Sleep potion: This potion is made from a blend of herbs that promote relaxation and sleep, such as valerian root, lavender, and passionflower. It can be useful for people who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or for those who need help calming down after a stressful day.

"I am a brew of purple and blue, a potion that can mend bones anew. I'll take away the pain and strife, and let you live a happy life."
Pain relief potion: This potion is made from a blend of herbs that can help to alleviate pain and inflammation, such as willow bark, ginger, and turmeric. It can be useful for people who suffer from chronic pain, as well as for those who have acute pain due to injury or illness.

“I am warm and spicy, But don't be hasty. Drink me slow, And your digestion will glow.”
Digestive potion: This potion is made from a blend of herbs that can help to soothe and improve digestion, such as peppermint, fennel, and ginger. It can be useful for people who suffer from indigestion, bloating, or other digestive issues.

“I am a potion made of dark purple hue, With elderberry, I'm perfect for you. Drink me up and I'll help you fight, Against the illness, I'll make things right.”
Immune-boosting potion: This potion is made from a blend of herbs that can help to strengthen the immune system, such as echinacea, elderberry, and astragalus. It can be useful for people who are prone to getting sick, or for those who are recovering from an illness or infection.

Ashon was rather impressed with the knowledge and collection. He had some knowledge through his alchemy class, but seeing it within this environment was something different, it inspired him to learn more. It was when he spied upon two vials which were not offered in the corner. “I see you have a corner with potions, may I know what is in those?”

She looked toward him in a questioning manner, ”Skuggvar”. As her hands moved over to the two vials, grasping a hold of them. “The one that brings life is as bitter as death, and the one that brings death is as sweet as life.” Shaking the pair of vials in front of his eyes.

After some haggling and negotiation, he arranged to stock potion supplies for the party, including the Skuggvar vials, and paid a princely sum in local currency with a few bennies thrown in to bulk up the amount. After both parties seemed satisfied, he picked up the basket to return to the inn.

It was when he put down his lucky stick against the counter, the woman started to cuss and curse at him. “Your walking stick is of cursed wood, it brings bad luck to those who wield it with good. Take it far from here, lest the curse follow and harm us all here.”

He awkwardly picked up his stick, scratching his back with it, dismissing the woman's concerns as he started to walk off from the shop. As he approached the door, he noticed the woman throw something at him. “It carries the stench of death, it draws dark spirits near. Keep it close, and they'll take you with them!” A ward against dark spirits? He caught it as he inspected the bag of powdered Plushtail, placing that in his pocket for later.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 3 days ago

Primitive: Fight or Flight

Desmond looked to Yalen, as the younger man spoke to him about bringing the others back safe, Desmond smiled and said, "Of course, you talking like-", Desmond instantly clenched his teeth as he felt an energy begin to work it's way into him, at first he fought it and nearly broke the connection. He had felt this energy multiple times now, as it was something he was familiar with at this point, a Command. Desmond then heard a word leave Yalen's mouth and sighed, it seemed it was a friendly Command. Desmond felt himself nearly break the connection, yet allowed it to go through, as he heard the priest roar to life and so too did Desmond's own manas and power.

It was something Desmond had now felt countless times, an over flowing of mana that well exceeded his own natural amount. Yet it also felt uncomfortable, he could feel his body shift, his blood vessels expanding, his heart beating harder and faster, he could even feel slight tinges of pain here and there as the amount of manas swelled and almost blocked blood flow. He let out a sigh as he said, "This feels weird, but thanks, this should do some good then. I'll make sure they come back". Desmond gives Yalen a nod and a pat on the shoulder before he looks to the others, preparing to leave. Desmond drew from his own gravity and began to float while saying, "Let's go save some damsels".

Desmond had made it to the fight around the same time Benedetto did, using Chemical, Kinetic, and magnetic magic to increase his propulsion. Yet he was met with a sight, a Royal Sand Wyrm just staring down onto them, as he was caught up on the gist of the situation and then ordered to do something, he said one thing, "Ayla, why are you always trying to tame everything we find?" It seemed most others were in agreement, taming it was the least of their priorities, as the moment the beast was given some food from Jocasta it left, allowing them to head into her portal with the Rangers, allowing them to maybe find where the temporal ripples are coming from. Desmond agreed and began to enter the portal saying, "Time's a wastin'. If we wanna find out who sent that beast at ya, we better start where the Ranger says it might be".
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

M A R C E L I N E ||

Present: Yalen Castel @pantothenic, Ayla Arslan @Ti, Evander Fino Synesti @RezonanceV, Tku Pictor @dragonpiece, Fiske Flachstrauch @jasbraq, and Zarina Al-Nader @YummyYummy, Desmond Catulus @Th3King0fChaos

"The door, Ayla! Help me with the door!" We get it closed just on time but, already, more of those tiny, metallic, flesh-eating beetles are pouring through and a moment of doubt takes me. I can't outrun them. I'm not fast. I've never been fast. One leaps at my face, tracing a glowing orange line through the sky, and I can hear that awful snapping and clicking they man. The air boils and distorts with heat and I draw as much as I can in and hammer the bugs back with a kinetic wave.

Ayla's trying something sonic and I feel my ears ring, but then I'm turning and running, disoriented by her careless attack. For what it's worth, she drops a couple dozen, but there are thousands now. More come for me. They're vicious and uncannily smart. They go straight for my head and my legs. If I raise my arms out of instinct to protect the former, they slip in and go for the soft bits around my sides. Brilliant, multicoloured streaks of light, they'd be entrancingly beautiful were they not vile hellspawn bent on my murder.

A bunch are in Ayla's hair and she tries to crush them with that prehensile trick she does, but they're tough, too! A handful land on her midsection and I scream for her to watch out, flicking a couple away while she crushes a third, but the fourth one flares and she's hurled away, a great big smoking burn all along her side. She lets out a pained cry and sprawls across the ground. "Nine lives, Kitty Cat! Come on!" I spare a few seconds and disintegrate some bugs to heal her, but they're fast and she's not quite good as new. She's on her feet, though, thanking me, and we're not cooked yet. Five months ago, when my tethering was out of control, I'd have been dead, full stop. I still might be. This is bad. Very bad.

I hit them with Arc Lightning once there are more, and it must fry upwards of a hundred, lighting up the dark and ruined halls of Zarfan like the middle of the day for a moment, but this is a straightaway and, even as we thin their numbers, more just pour in, and they gain on us.

Dimly, we can sense the others. I reach out as Ayla tries another of those pulses and it seems to placate the leading edge of the swarm, but more just overtake them. I know, vaguely, where Zarina and Tku are, fighting something insidious that I can't quite detect. I can feel the bursts of Desmond's gun and Fiske's Chemical Magic as swarms of something fiendishly fast envelop them. A colossal atomic something from Benedetto complements Evander's lightning, similar to my own, but their enemies are a pair of huge and stout I-don't-know-whats. Finally, there is the awe-inspiring power of Jocasta and Yalen. Whatever the couple that slays together is facing, they make quick work of it. Yet, they seem to have no more luck than Ayla and I in breaking through this weird magical fog that lives in the walls.

Ayla shouts at me to jump, and I do. Moments later, we're sliding down some kind of steep slope, the demon scarabs receding into the back, their burning, chittering mass still lighting up the path behind us. She saw one of those arrows, she explains. It's our working theory that Jocasta's been able to break through just enough to put them up. She's trying to direct us all to a meeting point by the temporal heart. I'm skeptical, but Ayla believes in her and I know my mother does, so I have to do what I'm worst at and trust. It's not like we have options.

The ground comes up fast, just as I try to brighten our way with a basic Arcane skill. I brake hard and fill myself with Kinetic force, but I can still feel an unwelcome twinge in my ankle. My Torragonese partner lands more smoothly and we find ourselves in a truly vast chamber. I brighten my light as I try to heal my ankle, and the great dim outlines of houses, palaces, and ziggurats loom, tenebrous, in the cavernous depths.

Then, there's the sound of the swarm again, and the tunnel entrance begins to glow like the mouth of a dragon just before it belches fire. "Run, Ayla!" I scream, but she's already doing it, slowing herself just enough so I can kind of keep up. I draw again, slowing a bit as I do so and converting on the spot. Wicked forks of lightning whip and spit across the ruined city and spider up the swarm until hundreds of scarabs ignite, but I spend too much time admiring my handiwork. The vanguard is already upon us. I feel a burst of impossible heat right behind me and the trailing hem of my dress - or the tattered edge of what's left of it is on fire! Ayla's hair cracks and swishes, batting scarabs away, but then three blow themselves and the area around her glows gold, blue, and purple for a moment. She's hurled away, hair fried up to shoulder length, and hits the ground, picking herself up as I push another wave back and she unleashes a blast of light to stun the onslaught. There has to be an arrow. Please, Jocasta! There has to be! I try to do something about Ayla's scrapes and bruises, but I can barely see, much less run and fight and try to find the arrow. It's too much! It's all too -

My foot catches on something. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm flying, and then falling, and that's when I see the arrow. It's illuminating a set of great double doors and beyond them I can sense the familiar swirl of temporal magic. Then, the ground is there and the bugs are surrounding me and I realize that I should've focused on staying on my feet. Then, I wouldn't be about to die.

L A D Y D E A T H ||

It is at this moment that we find our ten heroes separated into pairs and fighting for their very lives. Yes, I say 'ten heroes' because Yalen has decided to remain yet longer and Isabella is not among them. She is, at this very moment, back at San Agustin, courtesy of the Jocasta portal that brought Manuel Escarra and his rangers back and Marceline through to unite with her friends: a decision that, in retrospect, has proven to be her worst in some time.

As the Goddess of Death, I take no pleasure in people's suffering, much as I look forward to their entrance into my realm. Marceline is in grave danger and so are a couple of others. Is it their time? I cannot, in good faith, answer that question right now. Desmond has been drained of a good deal of his power and he does not see the Demon Bat coming up from behind and below. There are oh so many and Fiske cannot seem to successfully hide from them. They... detect him somehow, even with his magic in play. Benedetto has been hammering at the Sandy Threshers for some time, but they seem impervious to his atomic blasts and grounded against Evander's lightning. Both appear too proud to give any ground and I feel that I will soon be able to reel in their threads if they do not make a change. As for Zarina? She finds herself against an enemy that no armour will protect against and no amount of power repel. A sentient fog: quick, swirling, and endlessly reforming if dispelled, follows herself and Tku, its very presence blunting their senses, slowing their reactions, and draining them of their vitality. From it emerge skeletal monkeys, horses, and frogs, piling themselves at the pair, the dust created when they're destroyed or dispelled deadening the very magic in the air. Oh, and as for Yalen and Jocasta? They find themselves in the Hall of Needles, where the air itself burns and melts upon contact with them and small needles of obsidian launch themselves from the walls, floor, and ceiling by the hundreds.

It is said that the Dead City is a cursed place, so how is it that these ten fools ended up here? An investigation. After leaving a content and slightly bemused sand wyrm behind them, they followed a ranger's direction, their own magic senses, and consulted the message in the tube. It began glowing with an arrow to point them inexorably towards the city and inside of it: one that Jocasta replicated as a sort of signal. As the light of the outside world faded and they traveled ever deeper, strange energies swirled, for this was an ancient and cruel place and they could feel the weight of temporal energy at its very heart, beckoning to them just beyond a familiar challenge: mundane and not dissimilar to one already encountered by Zarina and Jocasta in another ancient place a good ways distant. A simple puzzle of colours and fives and splitting up for what was supposed to be mere seconds, it was spoken of in grateful terms, almost dismissive ones by some.

Their reward for solving it, however? THIS. Will they escape? How will they escape? For most, the arrows beckon. Are they Jocasta's work or someone else's? There is something familiar about them, for what it's worth. Do the other eight dare trust their only lead? What awaits on the other side of the doors they all now approach?

I cannot, in good faith, answer these questions. Only they can.

Primitive, Chapter Three: End of the Tunnel, begins! ||

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Meanwhile, the night before on the Metropolis mission...

Pointless... How utterly pointless.

So long they spent on pleasantries and yet nearly no time was spent in pursuit of this supposed agent of the Traveller that they were supposed to assist in catching. It seemed strange enough that a largely reclusive country would invite students to solve an internal dispute with agents of the Traveller. Any country with a self sufficient government would likely have mages of their own to take care of such matters so given how placid the state of matters was this was likely a political arrangement. As such Yalen's news came as no surprise to her.

"I suspect until the traveller's agent forces their hand our 'escort' is unlikely to afford us much freedom to pursue clues."

Such was as much as she had to say on the matter for that night. The food was sufficient. She ate not to taste but to absorb a sufficient amount of nutrients for her body to distribute. Needless to say her meal was terminated far earlier than most of the other students who went about pursuing other matters whilst she returned to her room to wait. It was annoying to feel as useless as she felt here. Without grounding in the culture or even the language she was mostly left to support the efforts of the others, keeping her magic use minimal to avoid exposing too much of her specialties preemptively. She kept to mystical forms of scanning exclusively, waiting for a moment where her skills might be required.

Perhaps there was an eagerness to validate her art, to prove that she can do more good than harm with what she's studied. On the other hand she was quite happy with the night passing without a bloodbath. Having to demonstrate her skills publicly would put her at risk of more scrutiny and she had underwent more than her desired share of that already.

Meanwhile, Metropolis mission, present day...

It was no mystery to her that some of her team members had gone out during the night to engage in extra-judicial activities. She had that particular matter already factored into this investigation plan. What bothered her was that she was unable to keep track of them. Without means of contacting them it would have been all to easy for any one of them to have been killed without any hope of interception from the main group body. Aside from that the main consequence appeared to be that their efforts over the night left them lacking in fervor for the daytime. Rookie behavior really.

Trypano ate little and spoke even less. Small talk was for small people. She had some respect for those who could pick through the broken language of these people and gather small hints of info from it but she had her suspicions that many of her schoolmates were not conversing tactically. Alas, it spared her the time to review the details around them while they were caught up in this theater of words.

The land was much like a wealthy lord's trophy wife, plenty of splendor and glitter. As they say however heavy makeup conceals the bruising. She looked not for all that was good with this land for a land that was good would have no need for their ilk around. Her eyes looked to the people around them. Their guides, their guards, possibly other things concealing themselves magically. Beneath all the gold, silver, silk and armor her attention was on the meat stuffed within. Who was weary, who's pulse was higher than resting, which guards were watching and which were otherwise occupied. As an outsider she studied them as an outsider might, peering at their little lives from above, perhaps literally given her height.

Only the folders on the details of the murders they were meant to be investigating took her attention away from this. She had made a request to see the bodies themselves but it seemed they would need to receive clearance first before they'd be authorized to inspect them. Something told her that they were unlikely to gleam anything useful from the evidence by the time it would be sanitized for their viewing. She'd need to wait for a fresher corpse to inspect, something she was sure would be showing up given these recent spikes in magic activity.

Much rhetoric was spoken by the Exemplar Wu Long as well as the captain in regards to their own land. She listened, but in lieu of response she kept her focus on the states of those around her. Words were plenty and cheap to trade but a bullet or well placed dark bolt could shift the dynamic of this conversation drastically should they be caught unawares. Out of politeness she ate alongside the others but she did not drink and her eating was purposefully slow, taking in little while her mind remained alert. The opportunity to wax philosophically on their culture was better spared for times when other's lives were not at stake.

It seemed an incident was taking place nearby. The guards seemed uneasy but the Exemplar thought it fit to let them spectate this, perhaps as a demonstration of sorts. A flexing of their power or even a subtle warning.

Of course Kaureerah, seemingly unaware of their own situation, exclaimed in righteous shock at this. One of the others would be better fit to de-escalate this situation, she would not weigh in on this matter.

She quietly hoped her team members had a single diplomatic bone in their bodies. Having to help them survive a blood-bath against Retan's many magi would be grueling and an international incident to say the least. All attention she definitely didn't need.

Involved - @dragonpiece,@Force and Fury,@YummyYummy,@pantothenic,@McKennaJ71,@Ti.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Primitive | Location: Zarfan, Torragon

Ayla and Marci were frantically trying to push the heavy door closed, but the beetles were hot on their heels. The door was old and warped, and it resisted their efforts to shut it. Sweat beads on their foreheads as they strained against the door, their muscles trembling with exertion. The sound of the beetles grew louder and more frenzied, and Ayla can feel as if their hot breath was against her neck. With her back against the door, she glanced over her shoulder through the gap as she saw the swarm closing in, their mandibles snapping hungrily. With a burst of strength, she shoved the door to shut it, but it only budged a fraction of an inch. Marci screamed as one of the beetles nips at her heel, and Ayla gritted her teeth in determination. They couldn't give up now, not when they were so close to safety. Bracing her feet against the ground, Ayla put all her weight behind the door, while Marci scrambled to help. The beetle swarm was almost upon them, and Ayla heard awful snapping and clicking through the crack in the door. She felt a surge of panic, but couldn't let it overcome her. Channelling all her fear into one final push, the door slammed shut with a deafening boom. The beetles screeched in frustration, their bodies slamming into the stone barrier. For a moment, Ayla and Marci stood there, panting and trembling, listening to the furious buzzing of the beetles on the other side. The door held, for now. But Ayla knew they couldn't rest for long, as there were more on the path ahead.

As the beetles closed in on Ayla and Marci, Ayla knew she had to act fast. She reached for her flute, took a deep breath to calm her racing heart, and began to play. A low and mournful melody at first, but gradually building in intensity, the sound waves collided with the beetles, destabilizing them and driving them back. The swarm writhed and twisted in the air, confused and disoriented by the assault on their senses. Ayla continued to play, the notes of her flute weaving a complex and beautiful pattern in the air as she directed the sonic magic to push the beetles further away. As she played, she focused her mind on her sonic magic, feeling the power flow through her fingertips. She changed the notes, moving them higher and higher until they became a piercing, high-pitched frequency that cut through the air like a knife. A couple dozen of the creatures fell from the air, buying some time, but there were still thousands heading in their direction.

The attacks were relentless, Ayla crushed three of the beetles that landed on her midsection, feeling a momentary sense of relief. However, her victory was short-lived, as the fourth and hidden beetle suddenly flared and self-destructed. The blast sent Ayla flying, and she landed on the ground, groaning in pain. Struggling to get back on her feet, Ayla found the pain too intense. Marci rushed over to her, attempting to patch up her wounds with binding magic. "Nine lives, Kitty Cat! Come on!" Ayla winced as Marci's quick work left her with a wound that would need to be redone later. Despite the pain, Ayla forced herself to stand up. She couldn't afford to stay down, not when they were still being pursued by the relentless swarm of beetles. With a determined look in her eyes, she readied her flute once again, determined to keep the swarm at bay.

As they journeyed and pushed forward, they eventually entered into a vast chamber as their senses were suddenly overwhelmed by its grandeur and immensity. The air is thick with the scent of dust and ancient stone, and their footsteps echo hollowly against the hard ground. As Marci brightened her light, the darkness receded, revealing the imposing structures that surrounded the girls. The outlines of houses, palaces, and ziggurats emerge from the shadows, their forms massive and imposing. They seem to stretch endlessly upwards, reaching towards the distant ceiling of the chamber. They loom in the cavernous depths like giants, casting deep shadows that seem to pulse and writhe. Their details are shrouded in mystery, hidden by the murky atmosphere and the passage of time. The very air seems to hold secrets, whispering tales of the long-forgotten ancient Zaqhory civilization and the mysteries they left behind. The darkness seemed to threaten to overwhelm them with its weight and enormity.

As the beetles started to close in through one of the side entrances, their frenzied buzzing grew louder and more intense. Marci's eyes narrowed as she focused her magic, calling forth a crackling bolt of lightning that blazed through the air, striking the swarm with deadly accuracy. The beetles writhed and twitched as they were electrocuted, but their numbers were still too great. They pressed on, their mandibles snapping hungrily as they closed in on their prey. Ayla's heart raced as she watched the beetles draw nearer, their bodies writhing and twisting in the air like a swarm of angry hornets. She knew they were in trouble, but she refused to give up and with determination in her eyes. With a fierce roar, Ayla whipped her hair around, the thick curls lashing out like a whip. The beetles screeched in fury as they were struck, their bodies tumbling through the air. Ayla continued to lash out, her hair flying in all directions as she drove the beetles back. But even as she fought, Ayla knew that they couldn't hold out forever. She watched in horror as several of the beetles self-destructed, their bodies exploding in a burst of fire and shrapnel. A wave of heat washed over her, and she felt her hair singe and burn as the flames licked at her skin. With a desperate cry, Ayla shielded herself and Marci with her hair, using it as a barrier against the fiery onslaught. The strands hissed and crackled as they were consumed by the flames, but they held fast, protecting the pair from harm. When the smoke cleared and the danger had passed, Ayla lowered her hair, gasping for breath. She felt her scalp stinging, and when she touched her hair, she could feel that it was badly burnt. The once-beautiful waist-length curls were now ragged and singed, barely reaching her shoulders. But Ayla knew that her sacrifice had been worth it, for they had survived.

Ayla's heart jumped as she caught sight of the arrow, guiding her towards the double doors ahead. Beyond them, she knew, was the temporal magic that could only have been left behind by Jocasta they had been searching for. However, her excitement was short-lived as she heard Marci collapse behind her. The swarm was upon them, and Marci's screams echoed in her ears. Ayla was frozen, torn between her own safety and that of her friend. She felt utterly powerless, tears streaming down her face as the water formed into blue flame. She looked at her hands, watching as the fire pooled within them as an idea formed in her mind. More of Ayla's body started to erupt into blue flame, along the length of sweat drenched clothing. With newfound strength, Ayla charged towards Marci and the swarm of beetles threatening to engulf her. The intense blue flame radiating from Ayla's body as she disappeared into the body of the swarm, replaced by a darkness as she appeared to have consumed. There was silence for a brief moment before she created an explosion, sending the beetles flying away as molten slag. "You have flight, so fly, you fool!" Ayla shouted, urging Marci to flee towards the door. But Ayla knew she couldn't hold them off forever. She continued to fight back with all her pyromancer might, pushing back the tendrils of the swarm as she shielded Marci. The dry heat of the ruin was causing the water to evaporate faster than she could reuse it, and Ayla could feel her strength waning. "Hold the door!" she yelled, using the last of her strength to propel herself towards it.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

Member Seen 1 day ago

Happenings at the church


@Yummyyummy, @Force and Fury

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Assani 16th

Location: Wánggǎng, ReTan
Day of the week: Taldes
Time: All Day
Characters: Abdel, Maura @Ti, Ingrid @dragonpiece, Niallus @McKennaJ71,
Yalen @Pantothenic, Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Reekar @Force and Fury,
Kaureerah, Xiulan, Wu Long, Captain Zhu, townsfolk, Dayanara, Qadira, Zorayas

“Bu! Bu …”

Abdel waved his arm in dismissal, his coordination clearly diminished and his voice higher pitched than usual. He was at his fourth glass of local Baiju with no notion of temperance ever crossing his mind. “I’m a uh-” he snapped his fingers, although his movements were impaired enough that no sound came from it, “Dragon friend!” he blurted out just as Zorayas, the infant Trickster Wyrm that wrapped around his body, emerged from his shirt collar to say hi to the group. Yin clapped in amusement as the critter wiggled its little body to the rhythm of laughter and clapping. He was having a good time and did not once deny Maura the chance to have him eat some dumplings.

Then came the late hours, and the team’s lightweight could barely walk, let alone remember where his room was! Thankfully, Maura was here to the rescue. “Yer a guud person Mohra …” he mumbled, cheek on his pillow and drool leaking already, “Wuv yewwww!” his eyes stayed closed, and soon he was already asleep.

A disturbance woke Abdel up in the middle of the night. Was it a scream? Furniture moved? He couldn’t tell with his head still light. His eyes were resisting any attempt to awaken, but he could at least reach out with the gift. “Hnnng, Silas?” he muttered in his sleep. The signature he recognized resembled his mark in Ersand’Enise so much. An eye opened and he saw Maura missing. Where did she go? Too many questions for his still drunken mind. It got far too tiresome when energy signatures came into the mix as he spread himself thin to try and detect his girlfriend too. He fell back to sleep.

When he awoke, Abdel had a hard time distinguishing dream and reality from that brief experience. It felt like a moment of semi-consciousness where reality and dream were hardly distinguishable. Also, his head was killing him! Thankfully, Xiulan was more than willing to share the tea she took for her own hangover.

The day started with another tour, and eventually the group was allowed to visit the streets and commerces. Abdel stayed at the station, however, to address an issue that had been gnawing at him - other than the nightly experience that remained hazy. The stables were his first destination, where he’d find his Skuggvars: Qadira and Dayanara. Both were sedated, although still awake. A specialised beastmaster permitted to use magic had been summoned to appease them, although even then their foreign nature never guaranteed total safety.

When Abdel stepped into the stables, both animals perked up. The carers were delighted to see the “dragon master” arrive to relieve them of their burden and the beasts were growing excited at the scent of their provider. After a bit of walking out of their cages with their muzzles on, the animals found their initial vigour. Abdel wandered about with the Skuggvars close behind him, and he wasn’t oblivious to the stares of awe from the locals. Awe and fear of the unknown, even as adolescents these predators were considerably bulky and the same height as their master.

Still, some were more courageous than others. Some children asked for pets which the teen had to unfortunately deny. Others wanted to draw the animals! One woman, just a few years older than Abdel, came up to the boy with what looked to be an offering, “Prease take! For Lóng Mastah!” she then retreated as Abdel hesitantly accepted the gift wrapped bauble, flushed. What he’d find was … A figurine? A doll? Some called these action figures due to how resilient they were and popular among children.

“它是什麼?很漂亮!(What is it? It is very pretty!)” inquired Abdel with the best of ability. The child that really wanted to pet Dayanara spoke up excitement, “這是一個 風暴雲 可動人偶!真幸運!(It’s a Stormcloud action figure! So Lucky!)” exclaimed the young boy, with Abdel getting bits and pieces to more or less grasp the meaning.

“暴風雲來自黑騎士。學者. (Stormcloud is from the Black Knights/Guard. The Scholar.)” explained the girl. Abdel recognized the term “Black Guard”, however he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it all. “她從許多瘟疫和枯萎病中拯救了我們的土地。並祝福有天賦的人在她的指導下獲得新的生命” (She saved our land from many plagues and blights. And blesses the gifted with a new life under her tutelage!) an elderly woman that joined the young woman’s side said as she slowly approached. By how gleeful she was to explain this phenomenon, Abdel could deduce that she may have gotten some sort of blessing from this person.

“Xièxiè.” Abdel bowed his head lightly and made the salutation sign with his hands. After showing his action figure to a few more kids, he departed to join his group and pursue whatever his guides had planned.

After a long day of touring and very little of doing the job they were sent to do, Abdel kicked back with another Baiju drink and watched his Skuggvars rest peacefully nearby. The two large animals were fed various meats from the locals that were fascinated, yet reasonably cautious, of the animals with Abdel approval. Many steaks were enjoyed by Qadira and Dayanara.

The addition of Exemplar Wu Long to their dinner, things would get more interesting even if Abdel did not dare to add much to the conversation. He also held back on the drinks out of concern for his potential behaviour toward the Life-and-Death man and his own ferocious animals. A quick glance was shot at the action figure he had sitting by his plate as he heard the children play. For such discreet legends, they were seen as quite the celebrities among the people.

Loving his country despite recognizing its flaws, even if they were quite glaring. Abdel mused, unable to help himself in comparing these words to his own experiences, I guess I feel the same about the Refuge, in some ways. I just hope the bads here aren’t as insidious as they were back home. he took a piece of caramel pork just as things started to get heated.

A man was arrested and questioned by a group known as the Grey Ghosts. The treatment of the man sparked a uniform reaction of displeasure from the foreigners, though the way they were expressed was different. Maura, in particular, favoured explaining a reasoning that could resonate with Wu Long’s experiences and perspective.

Abdel sat by and listened to Maura give his piece on the matter. He didn't expect anything less from the outspoken Torragonese, and envied her for her ability to do so in circumstances like these. ReTan was a different beast entirely and Abdel never felt more compelled to withdraw into silence than he did in this land. His girlfriend's words, however, motivated him to seize the initiative, especially after failing to utilise his investigation skills the other night due to his overindulgence.

“If I may,” his voice was stout and quite audible but his hand meekly rose up as if he needed permission to talk, “Maybe we can get some other leads that don't rely on witness statements.” he stood up, body straight and hands knitted together to make himself appear not all that imposing to Wu Long, “I work as an investigator, or more precisely, people finder, though some call it bounty hunter but that's ...” he scratched his cheek, “an exaggeration.” then he cleared his throat, going back to his point, “I'm experienced in tracking individuals affiliated with small militias, many associated with the Traveler. I could give the premises a scrub to see if I find any leads?”

To add to this proposition, he gestured to the two adolescent beasts that had been rested just outside the patio like guard dogs, “With them, there is no hiding if your culprit hasn't fled the region already.” he looked to Maura and smiled nervously, hoping his pitch could allow them to finally get the ball rolling when it came to their role here. And potentially uncover the truth regarding the situation unfolding before them.

"You are all welcome to exercise your skills in the service of what is right. I shall provide you with my utmost attention in observance." said Wu Long as he absently listened to Abdel’s offer.

Abdel nodded, first to the exemplar, then to Maura. They could figure out this enigma together. The young teen whistled, prompting the ears of his beasts to perk up, “Yip, yip!” he clapped his hand to motivate the animals to rise and get to work. They were to investigate the opulent home from which the older man was taken from.

With the hulking beasts in tow, Abdel entered the building that had supposedly been secured. The Skuggvars, now freed of their muzzles to allow their full detection potential to be realised, began to immediately sniff the premises. By how their blubber shook and their nostrils dilated, it seemed there were many scents, “Now if Maura can get me an item the so-called master valued and kept on their person, this can get easier.” he muttered to himself as he began the investigation.

It did not look like any home he had ever seen. Even if ReTan was as foreign as it got for Abdel, this made little sense. Beyond the clear signs of a fight and ransacking of the place, there was one massive detail anyone could notice: This was some sort of training facility. Weapon racks lined the walls, target dummies were spread out with some shattered and others upright, and the growing frustration of the animals made it clear to Abdel that far more than a few dozen had been here, “They only get this annoyed in very public places … Were there hundreds here?” he rubbed his chin in muse.

The sound of intense scratching disrupted Abdel thoughts. Qadira had started to frantically scratch and bag at the floorboards. Reaching out with the gift netted … Nothing? However, he did notice an odd discrepancy in airflow as he focused on the details. Was there a basement or cellar? As the young Virangish prepared to inspect the floor, Dayanara let out a low and intimidating growl. Her tail whipping even had Abdel show anxiety toward the animals he had thought he had tamed. This was never a good sign. The riled up animal was looking up at the ceiling, and so did the young Tethered.

Above and below, the beasts had found something. Abdel felt a wave of fear flow through him. But it wasn’t enough to stop him from pursuing his job as an investigator. With mild binding magic and kinetic magic, he sought out an opening to the ceiling. What was in there? He really hoped it was some animal Dayanara found alluring.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Silas Rieger@Tackytaff, Yuliya Ilyanovich Vasilieva @Suicharte, Nazih Iqbal@Ziegenkonig, Esmi’nesta’tawaar@BlackRoseSiren, Yvain de Berbignon@jasbraq, Penelope 'Penny' Pellegrin@Force and Fury, Sven Bjørnsson

A second agreement was reached, of a sort. With Silas and Yuliya bothing being markedly absent from the small room, the rest of the Biros agreed to help the Hegelan boy with his mysterious plan to lead the Begemot away from Tagayungri. Between them, the students would need to find meat, ruce seeds, begemot tracks and waste, and whatever other smelly food that could be procured for making a lure.

Nikolai would be found waiting for them with breakfast in the morning. While dissapointed to learn they oppted for a less permenant solition he promises to aid as much as he can, though he warns he cannot speak for the rest of the village which might be less understanding of merciful plans towards the monster that had terrorized their homes.

Indeed, when they were escorted to the surrounding effect farmlands, work was already well underway to move the remaining livestock and crops further north and into the mountains where it could be protected from the monster.

"If Ozodbek won't help us we'll have to find way to protect ourselves." The farmer they'd seen arguing with the elder yesterday explained to Nikolai on their arrival.

"No need for defenssiveness Dastan, I understand the troubles you face." Nikolai replied before explaining the situation to the farmer.

The latters face darkened as the steward concluded the plan the biros had explained to him. "You want us to sacrafice more of what little we have left to that monster?" He spat on the ground and glared at the students standing behind Nikolai. "No. Kyrguz will help her own. We will protect ourselves untill real help comes."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Qasem Laghmani

Castle Mandelein II

It was a snug and cozy fit for all the Biros to stay within the few provided rooms and beds given them. But Qasem was accustomed to lacking accomidations in remote places, and lost little sleep from it. He was the first one out for breakfast, though conversation with the locals in the inns main hall was sparse due to his ignorance of the local dialect and their barely-veild distrust and discomfort of his pressence.

If their prejudice bothered Qasem, he concealed it well. He greeted his fellow students with open arms and welcome words as they descended to join him and got what little information they could from the innkeep before making plans to investigate for the day over their meal.

"I should like to see the ones that accosted us the other day," He finally spoke once Manfred announcied his intentions to head for the barracks first, where the highwaymen were being held. "We never really had the chance for a proper introduction after all."

Qasem returned to the inn with Manfred, and watched as the Leutenant continued fuirther down the street and around a corner.

"A dissapoitning endevour, but not enirely fruitless." He confided to his temporary partner. "Shame they weren't more forthcomming, but it seems we'll need to go to higher athorities to get anywehre." He checked the sky for any sign of that drizzle plauging them since stepping through the protal might let up, but found none. "We'll hear what the others learned from the church and the town, then try reaching Garf."

The pair spent the remainder of their afternoon investigations asking the frequenters of the inn and it's owners for whatever information they were willing to provide about the handfull of names they'd managed to gather: Herr Dubosque, Annette Haken, constable Laura, and Graf Anselm.
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