Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Enkryption Nibby definitely needs some sort of shapeshifting ability, which elemental magic would you like her to have? The basic element you pick will be the grounding for the wisdom based inert magic that gives her her shapeshifting ability, just a bit of flavour. If you and [Crimson Flame] are interested in nature magic, I think you'd have a basic grasp of earth, water, fire.

Nibby is the daughter of a male Dryad and an Arachne, so she's predisposed to Earth-based by default. Maybe a touch of Water and Fire to influence growth of plants by within her secret greenhouse/laboratory?

Shapeshifting for sure. I have a potential FC for her True Form.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Mae everything looks good, I wouldn't mind not having Fire Resistance though, maybe just lump it in with Gluttony, for being able to digest Earth based acids, and poisons. Which is fine by having Earth Resistance and Gluttony. Scrap the communication ability cause I think it's funnier if he doesn't have it maybe something a bit more primitive? As for what he does with most of his time?

Wormwood is out scavenging the woodlands for food or in the Hamlet at night digging through trashes. Honestly dogs and cats probably scare the bejesus out of him as they likely have either chased him off or scratched him over a piece of scrap food. He doesn't like to hurt mammals usually so he eats what he can. So maybe he can't communicate with animals but he knows when not to bother them, he has a good sense of survival instinct in that regard so he might be better at knowing how to avoid becoming an animals prey.

I don't think Charisma has a magic associated with it thus far as you have explained it, I don't think Wormwood if he does have magical abilities knows how to use them or even has them. He is most likely tied strongly to the earth in a primitive way. He isn't very spiritual, nor very superstitious but magic does scare the simple mind. Mind you he cannot read or write and has very little skill speaking the common tongue in a proper way. If he did have magic it would be minor and unnoticeable likely in the shape of a attribute changing way effecting his body functions. Though even then I can't see it.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zeroth
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@Zeroth I think story beat wise that'd fit in really well. Would you be willing to fit in having some sort of curse or wound from his last battle that butchered some of his high tier skills? A seasoned veteran should definitely start with some upgraded skills if his specialty. But I don't want a vastly different power level if it might tilt the balance too much. I think it'd be fun for his resistances to stay intact so we could do the tropes of the old man thing out to be a bit of a beast when he does need to be. And also his key weapon skill. But there would be a reason why he doesn't have access to some abilities he might of picked up...although if you prefer, we could instead say it's his ages that's made him rusty. Of course he can develop as oyu like through the roleplay either way.

Also yeah - the warzone is far to the south and won't affect the story, but it gives an opportunity for people to want to travel here and join the village. Any dangerous dungeons would have reasons to be sealed and people would have to go out of their way to find them.

My thoughts on progression were definitely along the lines of: For everyone else, they're growing and getting stronger. For him, it's more like "shaking the rust off." Rather than a curse or wound, though, a big limiter on his abilities aside from his actual age getting in the way would be his own sheer stubbornness--he really never wants to take another life again if he can at all help it, and he wouldn't even be willing to fight in self-defense or for his own honor in a large number of cases. Something like stopping an angry boar or cutting off fish heads wouldn't bother him, but he'd go pretty far out of his way to avoid violence as long as there wasn't someone else who needed his help--and in that case, it's easier to grab the dumb kid or whoever got themselves into trouble and drag them away than it is for him to actually inflict harm on someone again. If it were just him, and somebody wanted to kill him...he might just stand there, honestly.

Also, if it helps at all, I hadn't envisioned him having many magic-oriented skills aside from, maybe, some representation of "Murderous Intent that inflicts Fear status". If something like "Dynamic Vision: Able to see and track fast moving objects" counts as magic rather than something that could be trained, maybe some of those would be there, but no like "Enchant weapon with an element/Shoot a sword beam while screaming the move's name/Create shadow clone" type abilities. His whole deal is cutting--to the point that he could probably actually serve a secondary purpose to the village as a surgeon, if the need required it, because he's mastered not "swordsmanship" on its own, but the concept of "dividing substance using a sharp edge."

Maybe you could represent the degeneration of age by having "higher level" versions of skills with a strikethrough, and the lower level versions of them that are still usable until he "gets back into shape?" Some of them might have "degraded" multiple times, even, or it might not be a question of physical ability, but mental state--like maybe that "Murderous Intent" move from before isn't usable to the same extent anymore cause he doesn't have enough hatred in his heart anymore.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Mae looks good to me! And yes, Rowan would probably know how to swim. I think he'll be good for skills for now... None I can think of atm. I figure he can pick up combat skills through questing and training
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by scrawls
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scrawls the scribbly man himself

Member Seen 9 mos ago

For Boro's skills, this all looks great. Thank you!
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Enkryption Here we go, I added the shapeshifting wearing off while sleeping you mentioned earlier. Looking forward to seeing her FC:

Ignoble Magic - Earth
Ignoble Magic - Wind, Lesser
Ignoble Magic - Fire, Lesser
Also can't believe I missed these:
Crafting - Medicine
Crafting - Potions
Ancestry Arachne - Webbing
Ancestry Arachne - Tremorsense
Ancestry Dryadic - Ignoble Magic, Nature
Inert Magic Shapeshift while lucid, Human

Are there any addition dryadic/Arachne skills you'd like?

@Dark Cloud Sure no worries, swap it with Poison Resistance I and swap Passive: Communicate - Creature (Woodlands) with Dangersense (Predator). If you're happy with that change I'll start adding the skills to the list!

@Zeroth Tempted to give Goh a people wrangling skill Still need to check the OOC thread but add:
Dynamic Vision: Track Fast Moving Objects
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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@Crimson Flame woops, sorry, I wasn't very clear - I meant pick one from Animal Friendship or Animal Training, you can have any of the following you like:
Reputation: Hearth, Known
Passive Charming - Etiquette and Grace
Passive Charming - High Society

Would you like any magic at the start of the RP?
Also how powerful is Mary's relationship with Woodland Creatures? If she's Snow White like you could have a version of Wormwood's communicate with Woodland animal skill

Animal Friendship makes more sense than animal training. The animals kind of do what she wants because she’s nice them. So some kind og animal communication skill would be nice.

I love magic! The only magic I can think of that makes sense for her is some kind of nature magic.

One thing to know about me, I’m indecisive.

Passive: Identify - Cooking
Cooking - Baking
Animal Friendship
Passive Charming - Etiquette and Grace
Passive Charming - High Society
Reputation: Hearth, Known
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 29 min ago

Got room for another in this?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Mae looks good I'll slap it in the cs later tonight when I get home.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

@The Irish Tree we're pretty full, I think it would depend on whether the character concept filled a niche that wasn't currently represented. What are you thinking of playing?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 29 min ago

@The Irish Tree we're pretty full, I think it would depend on whether the character concept filled a niche that wasn't currently represented. What are you thinking of playing?

A funky farming scarecrow!

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

@The Irish Tree ok he's so perfect for the setting, what a sweet little bean with his dream of a toupee ;_; I was wondering whether I'd have to relegate farming to NPCs.

also crows are super intelligent so there's alot of fun there.

Feel free to add him up to the OOC list and we'll work on his skills there. I love he has max vitality, I'm curious what your aims for that were? I imagine standing out in the sun and rain would have caused it, but don't want to miss anythin on his skills
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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Think you'd have room for a witch character? I saw for the most part you didn't have anything QUITE like that do far.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 29 min ago

@The Irish Tree ok he's so perfect for the setting, what a sweet little bean with his dream of a toupee ;_; I was wondering whether I'd have to relegate farming to NPCs.

also crows are super intelligent so there's alot of fun there.

Feel free to add him up to the OOC list and we'll work on his skills there. I love he has max vitality, I'm curious what your aims for that were? I imagine standing out in the sun and rain would have caused it, but don't want to miss anythin on his skills

Roger roger! And, yeah, I figured his maxxed out vitality is due to him being more of a construct than a person, and the fact that scarecrows never really take "breaks".
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

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@AzureKnight We have a witch/doctor and two total potionmakersso that role is pretty well filled, what's your angle for a potential character?
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 4 days ago

@AzureKnight We have a witch/doctor and two total potionmakersso that role is pretty well filled, what's your angle for a potential character?

Something along the lines of a upcoming mage that wants to further her pursuit of magical knowledge, setting up an atelier in the Hamlet. She does this in the hopes of becoming a recognized as a royal court mage. Would that be fine?

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

@AzureKnightSorry, she's too close to Nibby, Jada and Zrer so I will decline the submission. Thankyou for the interest
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@AzureKnightSorry, she's too close to Nibby, Jada and Zrer so I will decline the submission. Thankyou for the interest

If I could quibble for the price of 2¢, I'd like to disagree. Saya looks like a Pure Caster, someone capable of going much farther and deeper into magic than either of those three. Speaking for myself, I know that Nibiria doesn't use magic for anything other of gardening, unless forced to. She is based in hard science and medical science, where magic is just a means to an ends.

Looking at Zrer, he doesn't feel like he'd conflict with Saya - if anything, he'd benefit the most from her existence, as she's the only character of three mentioned that could, potentially, be able to assist him in unlocking his magic, and returning him to his former glory.

And, Jada is basically the same relationship as Nibiria and Zrer, where both do the same thing, have similar methods, but are very different in their goals and means. They'd make immediately rivals - in a quiet way - as they both seek to learn all that the magical world can offer, but while Jada wants to learn for the betterment of all, Saya wants to learn for the betterment of her own social standing and way of living.

All in all, I can't override a decline, but I wanted to add my thoughts, since Nibiria was mentioned, and I'd never wanna be the cause of a rejected character.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Enkryption I really appreciate your thoughts actually, thanks for sharing.

I expect magic to be highly differential later in the RP, out the gate things are alot more similar so I didn't want anyone to feel their role is being diluted.

If @Yankee, you feel comfortable weighing in from an artefact/magical research angle. Jada could perhaps see Saya as a teacher.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

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@Mae Ultimately it comes down to you as the GM, and how many players you think you can handle since the cast is already very big. For me personally, I wouldn't mind it. I can also (with your permission) tweak Jada a little bit to better allow a character like Saya. For example, since she lives on a homestead it's possible her family keeps livestock - and she was expected to continue the family ranch until Brisk reopened the guild. Now that she got a job with the guild, she takes this chance to get closer to Boro and Saya in order to learn magic - making her more of a novice but also playing up the possibility of an apprenticeship when the country girl learns she might have some magical talent.

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