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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 22 min ago

Axel Sweetlake & Delaney Barlowe

Location: Outside. Huddeen clinic.
Timeframe Around 2PM

Interaction(s): Axel & Delaney
Previously: Axel here and Delaney here

Axel held the brown bag he had earlier filled with two apple danishes in his right hand. He looked at his watch on his left. 1:50. A habit he tended to do, but time didn't matter much anymore. He lingered outside on the porch, the front door locked behind him. Axel didn't like to go outside. Not after what he saw, what he experienced that day at the market. Realistically, he knew there hadn't come a zombie through their street in a while. But that doesn't mean it can't happen. Their street wasn't fortified, wasn't protected and there was no watch. There's a plausible danger in going out. But this time, Axel had to. He needed more insulin. After a deep breath, the young chef walked down the porch steps and then steadily down the sloped path toward the street. Axel was observant, looking up and down the street for threats.

He wasn't a fighter, but he had an axe hanging on his belt. A bit much? Probably. But if needed, it would definitely help him. Doom comes to those who are unprepared, and Axel was fit and strong. And scared.

He passed the house of the Graves, then the Holloways, cursing himself again for his negligence. There, he crossed the street, his eyes on the brushes of what passes off as a park, and the gazebo that was the eyecatcher of the plot. There, he spotted ol' Velero's tenants. Axel furrowed his brows for a moment, wondering why they were there, but decided that it was not his business. Maybe he would say hi to them later. Arriving at the clinic, Axel looked around him and over his shoulder before entering the building.

A bark. Axel smiled. Weasley. The dog rounded a corner in a protective manner, but his ears perked up and he wagged his tail as he spotted Axel. "Hey boy," Axel said as he hunched down to pet the dog. "Where's your mum?"

Delaney had been lost in thought when she heard Weasley suddenly bark. First, she was terrified. Then she rolled her eyes at herself for jumping to assumptions. No zombie would be able to get through a door. Or could they? She didn't want to think of the possibilities. And then came the voice. The very voice that plagued her dreams for weeks. And, the one belonging to the patient file that was still on her screen.

Clearing her throat, she quickly looked in a mirror and made sure her hair and makeup were intact. She took in a deep breath and stood before moving to the front of the clinic. Delaney couldn't help the flush creeping up her neck as she took in the appearance of the man standing before her. The breath rushed out of her and she started to ramble. "Axel. Hi. I was planning on visiting you today. How are you feeling?"

Axel was scratching Weasly, who had ended up showing his belly to the young man. He looked up as Delaney rounded the same corner Weasly did. She looked good, in one piece. The midday rays through the window made her hair redder than it was. Flashbacks of her hair tousled up and his hands in it briefly crossed his mind, but he shook them away. She planned on visiting him today? He smiled and stood straight again, holding out the paper bag in his hand. "Hey, meal service, you ordered your favourite?" he jested. He knew her favourite because she always ordered the same thing at the Greenhouse. A mocha latte and an apple danish. The Greenhouse, the last time they really spoke.

"I'm feeling absolutely peachy. How are you?"

Her eyes immediately went to the paper bag and her breath hitched. It was kind of him to remember her favorite. Was it more? The last time the two of them had seen each other was at the Greenhouse. The last time they'd experienced everything together. She cleared her throat and reached out for the bag, a shy smile on her face. "You're too sweet. Thank you."

At the question, she held the bag against her chest and shrugged. "I'm good. Great. Um. You know, besides the zombie stuff." Why couldn't she speak properly around him anymore? She gave a small laugh at herself for feeling like an absolute schoolgirl. "I'm good."

Axel nodded as he pushed up the sleeves of his shirt, he chuckled a little at her comment. "Oh, just the zombie stuff? Inconsequential, really." When the dog circled his feet, Axel crouched down and petted him again. Why was this conversation so awkward? They used to be able to converse easily, joking around, talking about their work, Harper, etcetera. Sometimes she talked so much Axel had to refill her coffee since it had gone cold. Except Axel knew full well why they were awkward right now. The young chef coughed in his hand to fill the silence. "I actually came here for myself too. I was wondering if you still had some insulin?" He asked.

She couldn't help but to keep her eyes on him. The man had consumed her mind since that day in the Greenhouse. She couldn't help her eyes going to his arms. Delaney remembered how strong they were, yet gentle when needed. Shaking her head to rid herself of the memory, she let herself process his question. Her eyes widened a bit and she nodded quickly. "Insulin. Yes. I do. How much do you need? Are you out? I can go get you some. How's your sugar been? Have you been watching your diet?" She was rambling like an idiot and couldn't help it.

A smile crept on Axel's face as the nurse practitioner rambled. He leaned against the front desk, unmanned and abandoned. "I'm almost out. Just.. give me some for a week or two? I wouldn't want anyone else to be missing out, as well." His eyes were on the ground to conceal his smile, a slight red tint to his cheeks, as she rambled about his health. A topic Axel severely disliked talking about. He got these questions from Harper enough as it is. "It's fine, and my diet is as good as anyone's in a zombie apocalypse."

Nodding, she took a breath as she searched his face. She knew he hated talking about his health, but it was important to her that he took care of himself. Everybody needed to be on their A-game with what was happening on the streets. Delaney chewed the inside of her cheek. She was about to step towards the back where her fridge was before she stopped. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "I think- I think we need to talk about what happened."

Axel momentarily stilled. His jaw was clenched and he crossed his arms while remaining in his leaning position. "What is there to talk about?"

She watched his body language and the pit of her stomach fell. Delaney offered him a small grin and shook her head. "Nothing, I guess." So it meant more to her than it did to him. Good to know. She could stop obsessing over the man. She cleared her throat and straightened. "I'll go get the insulin. I'll be right back."

Hurrying out of the main lobby, she went back into the small lab that was set up. She took a choppy breath before grabbing the week's worth of insulin for him. Delaney grabbed a small prescription bag and put them inside. She quickly headed back out and handed him the bag. "There you go. One week's worth."

Axel placed his palm on his face and sighed as Delaney retreated. Why was he such an ass? It's not like him to be like this. Well, he is a bit of an ass sometimes, but never to her. When she walked back around the corner and held up her hand with the bag, Axel dropped his hands to his side, taking in a breath. "I'm sorry. There is just nothing to talk about because it happened. I don't regret it. Frankly, I had been wanting to for a long time. Maybe.. maybe not in that way. Take you out to dinner first.. or I don't know, something actually romantic, but I don't regret it." Axel stammered a bit, trying to find his words to ensure he won't fuck up what he was saying and insult her further. He was never good with girls, because frankly, he never had to really try. And maybe that's just part of the problem. "Do you regret it?"

He had been wanting to be with her? For a long time? The thoughts made her stop and blink at him. She never expected that. Sure, they had their little flirting back and forth whenever she visited the Greenhouse, but she had always thought it was innocent. Until that day. With a clearing of her throat, she put on a grin as she shook her head. "No. I don't."

She shifted her feet and shrugged. "A date would have been nice. Now, it just seems kind of redundant. With everything going on." Delaney tried to hand him the bag once more before movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Sucking in a breath, she quickly looked out of the window and rose a brow. "What the- what are they doing? Don't they know how dangerous it is to be outside?"

Axel took the bag from her hands. Her attention went to the window, however. He'd seen two people at the gazebo before and didn't think much of it. However, curiously crept in and he moved towards the window to see what Delaney was seeing.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Days
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Days Watermelon Enthousiast

Member Seen 1 day ago

Harper Sweetlake

Location: Kitchen, Sweetlake residence. Outside, Gazebo
Timeframe Just before 2

Interaction(s): Holly @Kuro, Kit @Martian, Jason @Force and Fury, Alena and Carson @Starlance
Previously: Here

Harper peeked through the blinds of the kitchen window, watching Axel leave the house. Mixed feelings occupied her mind, having earlier told Axel that she'd stay inside, only would hop over to Holly to bring the food. And Holly was just two houses over, past the graves. Safe, right? But... the Gazebo was right across Holly. So technically..

Harper shook her head. She can try and justify it in her head but she still kind of lied to Axel, something she doesn't do. Still, she wasn't about to miss out on the meeting at the Gazebo. Not just because it would be important for their survival, but also because she missed people. She missed her friends, Holly, Lee, Kit, Jason, hell even Davey. The others, too. The young woman pursed her lips as she thought about them. It won't be normal, like before. Can't joke around like before, talking about where to go to college, talk about crushes, new music, all the good stuff.

Nope, she wouldn't let herself sink there. It wasn't like her, anyways. Seeing Axel's frame disappear from her view, she let the blinds slip from her fingers and turned around. The bag she had filled earlier, with food for Holly, was standing by the kitchen door. She looked down at her phone, reading the messages that had come in, and Holly's thank you message. She'd convey her thanks to Axel later. With a deep breath in, and then out, Harper took the bag for Holly. Next to it, was a backpack that held a bottle of water and a bag of chocolate chip cookies baked by Axel. While Harper was sad that the ingredients were going bad, and that it forced Axel to mass-bake everything, she wasn't about to say no to cookies. She'd share them with the group.

By the front door, she tugged on her boots, the leather protective of her ankles in the April breeze. After putting on her jacket, she opened the front door and stepped onto the porch. Almost like a criminal, she crouched and walked like that towards the porch fence, peering around for Axel, or any non-alive people. Her eyes landed on the house in front of hers again, where Kit and Harry lived. She'd berate Kit later about ignoring her.

When she couldn't see her brother on the street anymore, having turned into the clinic, Harper stood up. She raised her hands above her hair and tied her hair into a ponytail before walking down the steps and toward the street. She past the Graves house first, crossing the street there toward the Sparlings. her mind thinking of Jason. A smile played on her face, thinking about her classmate. Then, past the Holloways. Her friend Holly, god how she missed hanging out. With all of them, frankly.

Walking toward the Gazebo, she spotted two figures already there. She didn't recognise them as any of her friends, but as she came closer, she recognised them as Velero's tenants. They came by The Greenhouse sometimes. With a bit of effort, Harper was sure she'd still remember their regular orders. When coming closer, she noticed Jason was within the Gazebo too, along with his siblings Lika and Winnie.

With a relieved smile on her face, she stepped on the gazebo steps and looked at those present. "Hey." She said to them.

Taking her phone from her back pocket, she looked at the time. 1:55. People should be showing up by now.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Holly's Bedroom, Holloway Residence
Timeframe Afternoon

Interaction(s): Lee @TGM
Previously: Click Here

"I still don't know how your mom listens to this stuff."

Holly sat backwards in her desk chair, resting her arms on the back of the seat. Jessie by Paw had been playing in the background through muted speakers, turned down to not draw any potential attention from lurking creeps. The brick walls of the house would've probably blocked the sound, but it was better to be safe than sorry, Holly felt.

Ever since Holly had found an antique cassette player at a yard sale, listening to music had become a common "hangout hobby" for the two girls. Raiding Mrs. Graves' music stash was their ritual, playing whatever weird tapes Lee pulled from old storage totes that probably hadn't seen the light of day in years. There were probably better ways to spend their time, but Huddeen never had much going for it even prior to the apocalypse. If you didn't want to hang at the Greenhouse—which, with Lee not being much of a socialite, didn't happen often—you had to figure out your own ways to have fun and games.

As the tape switched to the next song, Holly looked at her phone. It was almost time for their gathering, or meeting as Jason had put it. While Holly thought it was a great idea for them to put their heads together, after all, the apocalypse wasn't going anywhere soon, she still had her reservations. Leaving out the older folk wasn't going to help their situation, and despite being childhood friends, Holly often believed Jason wasn't quite the "sharpest tool in the shed". She felt awful for thinking so, but Holly didn't see Jason as one to take charge; prior antics leaving her unsure of his ability to lead and organize.

Regardless, his message to the "Survival Squad" was at least a start to potentially something greater. Something that might just keep them alive until rescue came—if it was coming at all.

"It's about time for Jason's meeting across the street." Holly announced, standing up from the chair. "I'm going to check on Morgan, see if she's still napping, before I head over there. You coming?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Holly's Bedroom, Holloway Residence
Timeframe Afternoon

Interaction(s): Holly @Kuro
Previously: Post #2

“Got nothing better to do.”

The blonde girl shrugged as she barely considered the question.

Lee thought it was all stupid, like a weird power play. The adults would find out sooner or later, and the spotlight would be on Jason to explain himself, which she doubted he’d handle well. The genius had added her brother to the group, and if she knew anything about Davey, it was that he didn’t care to keep secrets from their mother. If Lorrie asked, Davey asked how high. But then again, that was pretty much anyone around her mother. Well, except for Lee.

“If you were asking me, I’d say we do something else.” Lee remarked, in a tone that indicated she was either bored or unimpressed, “Plenty of stuff to check out in town. Could take the old trail in the woods and see what’s up. Could board up windows. Check on neighbors we haven’t heard from in awhile. See if they’ve turned into creeps. Gazebo meeting's dumb.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Holly's Bedroom, Holloway Residence
Timeframe Afternoon

Interaction(s): Lee @TGM
Previously: Click Here

“Plenty of stuff to check out in town. Could take the old trail in the woods and see what’s up. Could board up windows. Check on neighbors we haven’t heard from in awhile. See if they’ve turned into creeps. Gazebo meeting's dumb.”

Holly hesitantly considered the idea. On one hand, she had already promised to show up to the meeting. Not showing up would likely cause confusion and worry given recent events. But, on the other hand, there was Lee—her best friend; the person she trusted more than anyone else. Holly wasn't keen on running off into potential danger in the name of exploration, but she was always there to have Lee's back, much like Lee had hers. If Lee was brazen enough to go out there willingly, Holly felt it was her duty to tag along, even if it was just to keep her out of trouble like many times prior.

Of course, in this case "trouble" would mean keeping the two of them alive. This wasn't some schoolyard scrap she'd have to bail Lee out of, this was a matter of life and death. It meant having to potentially kill what was once someone they might've known—an action Holly wasn't sure she could do.

"I don't know, Lee. I'm not so certain myself." She began, uncertainty in her tone, "But you know me. If you want to go, then I'm going too. After all, someone has to keep you out of trouble."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Holly's Bedroom, Holloway Residence
Timeframe Afternoon

Interaction(s): Holly @Kuro
Previously: Post #3

“Was just testing you.”

That was the fallback. A common sentence Lee would lean on, as if she was testing the waters of a conversation. Things were often ‘stupid’ or ‘dumb’ when she wasn’t suggesting it.

She thought back at the messages Jason had sent the group chat, about how there wasn’t a fence around the neighborhood perimeter. Every house was fenced in, so he probably meant making a perimeter at the crossroads to the neighborhood. Honestly, it wasn’t the worst suggestion, it made sense, but what did Jason expect from a bunch of people who didn’t really have their own resources to pool from to do? Was Jason going to cut down a bunch of trees in the nearby woods and build a fence himself? He was an athlete, he wasn’t Davey. What could he really do? and why did he think he was the person to organize them all? The ‘adults’ had all the vehicles and practical skills. He had no practical skills. Hell, none of their senior class did. Lee’s skills were so few you could fit them on one hand–she knew what berries were safe to eat, what plants to avoid when hiking in the woods, how to play baseball, and how to play piano and guitar.

Not really a lot she could do either, which is why she suggested the stupid idea of scoping out houses and the town center.

“I'll do whatever.” She added, hands buried in her pockets, “Not like this thing will take long, anyway. Let’s get it over with.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
Avatar of Martian

Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Living Room, Kimura Residence
Timeframe Early Afternoon

Interaction(s): None
Previously: Link

Harry Kimura sat in the lounge chair for several hours, his attention focused on one of his mother’s magnum opuses. The plot and characters of Even Angels Cry was keeping the young man hooked. He felt bad that he had never given it a read before as it was truly something special. Just like his mother was. Emotion flared up in Harry’s heart but he quickly stuffed it down. Now was not the time to get all riled up. Instead his gaze stay affixed to the pages in front of him.

Harry barely noticed as his brother went from the kitchen to his bedroom. Right now all that mattered was finishing reading the book. It took about another hour for Harry to reach the conclusion, but when he did it was very satisfying. Again he couldn’t believe that he had never read it before. He was ashamed to know that he used to actively avoid anything to do with his parents.

Closing the hardcover, Harry took it back upstairs to the room that used to be his parents’ study. It was in this half-library, half-office that Eric Kimura and Jacqueline Nord had wrote many of their novels and short stories. It was a room that Harry had tried to stay out of as a child, as it seemed foreboding to the youth. But now just nostalgia flowed through Harry as he placed Even Angels Cry back on the bookshelf. A great feeling of loss washed over Harry as he remembered his parents.

Once more, Harry pushed away his feelings. He never liked talking about them, and sometimes wished they would just go away. Wanting his brain to focus on something else, Harry decided to grab some old paper maps his father had in his desk drawer. Harry’s father Eric had always had a thing for outdated formats, collecting things like 8 track or in this case, actual maps.

While they were OK for right now, Harry knew that the supplies here on Mulberry Street would run thin soon. So it would be a necessity to go out and scavenge, probably heading to the various communities that surrounded Huddeen, hence the maps. Harry could admit that he wasn’t well versed on the nearby towns, so he had been using the maps to try and plot out supply runs. Of course the people who seemed in charge here on Mulberry had yet to approve such a task.

Since the barricade was put up, Harry had been butting heads with the older folk, the true residents of Huddeen as they liked to style themselves. Perhaps this gathering of the younger residents that was coming up could swing the balance of who was in charge. With that thought, Harry set a timer on his phone for quarter to two.

Harry would then spend a lot more time going over the maps, making notes in a journal, as he hated typing long messages on his phone. Before he knew it, Harry’s phone chimed. He then quickly put away his maps before heading downstairs. He wondered if Kit had already left, but that was quickly answered when Kit emerged from his bedroom.

“I was wondering if I had to get you,” said Harry as he put on his shoes, “We’re cutting it kind of close.”

“Yeah, well I needed some me time,” responded Kit as he grabbed a bag from the kitchen, “But yeah, we should get going.”

Harry then left the Kimura house, Kit right behind him. The brothers then headed down Mulberry Street, taking the few minute walk it took to the gazebo in question. Harry noticed that they weren’t the first to arrive, so he tried to slink into the background. Truthfully, Harry had always felt out of place with the youths of his neighborhood, never really fitting in. It didn’t help that he had a reputation for thinking himself better than the town of Huddeen.

Location: Kitchen, Kimura Residence
Timeframe Early Afternoon

Interaction(s): None
Previously: Link

Kit Kimura quickly devoured his bowl of instant oatmeal, not caring that it was the cheaper brand. He then washed his bowl in the sink, still glad that the water was running, before returning to his cupboard. While he had promised Holly some food, Kit did note that they had little in the ways of extra food. The Kimura kitchen was slowly running low on a lot of staples, something Kit saw Harry acknowledge with his limiting of meals. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Kit could see that in maybe a week and a half he too could be asking for donations from the other people of Mulberry Street.

Still, Kit felt that he had to help, as it felt like the right thing to do. So he pulled out a reusable grocery bag and began filling it with the canned goods he had mentioned to Holly. A few cans of beans, some soup mix, and a can of evaporated milk made up Kit’s selection of goods. He considered heading over to the Holloway residence now, but decided he didn’t want to leave the house. Something about this particular day was really triggering Kit, his anxiety running rampant. He needed time to chill out.

After brushing his teeth, Kit headed back to his bedroom, collapsing down onto his bed. His body was still cold from the freezing shower, so he pulled his sheets over his body. He remained there for several minutes, unmoving, staring at the ceiling. Eventually his brain told Kit to get up, as it didn’t like his inactivity. Rising off the bed and heading over to his mirror and dresser, Kit’s eyes made contact with the photos attached to the mirror. They were Polaroid photos of his friends from high school, as Polaroid was retro which made it cool.

The photos were of a wide variety of students from Huddeen High School, representing many different cliques. That spoke to Kit’s ability to get along with anyone, as he had a huge friend base in town. But those positive memories of the past were overtaken by thoughts of today. Most of the people in the photos were probably dead. As they didn’t live on Mulberry Street, Kit had no way of knowing if they got to safety. They had shored up his street very early into the zombie crisis, unsure if anywhere else in town had managed to survive.

Needing to focus on something else, Kit grabbed the Nintendo Switch that was sitting on top of his dresser. While Kit was usually an avid gamer, he hadn’t felt like playing much since the whole end of the world thing. As a joke he considered playing a zombie killer game, but decided against it as he wanted an escape from real life, which now included zombies.

Going back to his bed, Kit decided to play through Zelda for the umpteenth time. Many hours were quickly sunk into the fantastic adventure, before Kit checked the time on his phone. It was ten minutes to two. Quickly saving, Kit turned off and then put away his Switch. Exiting his room, Kit saw his brother standing by the front door, putting on his shoes.

“I was wondering if I had to get you,” said Harry, “We’re cutting it kind of close.”

“Yeah, well I needed some me time,” responded Kit, “But yeah, we should get going.”

Kit then grabbed the bag of food for Holly, before throwing on some running shoes, Kit and his brother then departing their family home. Walking down the street, they reached the Merriweather gazebo in only a few minutes. A few of the other youths of Mulberry Street had already arrived, gathered around the gazebo. Kit walked over to the gathering but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t in the mood to talk as he was having an off day.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
Avatar of Carlyle


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Holly's Bedroom, Holloway Residence
Timeframe Afternoon

Interaction(s): Lee @TGM
Previously: Click Here

Just testing you—Lee's fallback as much as her catchphrase.

Holly had heard it plenty times before, and now was no different. It was her way of seeing what Holly had been thinking; to poke around in her thoughts for an answer. But this time, Holly figured Lee already knew what she'd been thinking. That despite the brave face her friend had been putting on, she was afraid. Afraid of dying, of losing another person she cared about. Holly was willing to follow Lee to the ends of the earth, but the very real reality of zombies had shaken her resolve that had already been teetering since her mother's death. The everyday confidence she often wore was now replaced with a façade, one that Lee probably already saw through with ease.

"I did promise Harper that I would pick up some food from her." Holly replied, walking to the door. "She's bringing it to the gazebo, so I need to stop by regardless."

With that, Holly made her way downstairs, Lee in tow. She stopped to check her sister's room on the way down, taking a moment to ensure that Morgan was still asleep. Although their father would have been there to watch over Morgan in her absence, Holly didn't have any confidence in her father to do so. Given the meeting was just across the street, however, Holly felt Morgan would've been fine alone temporarily, just like she was earlier when Holly had stopped by next door.

"Looks like everyone's already there." She took a careful look around their front yard first for any creeps before moving to cross the street. "Doesn't seem like they've started, though."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
Avatar of Force and Fury

Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

T H E S P A R L I N G S : T H E V E N U E

Location: Mulberry Park --> The Gazebo
Timeframe Early Afternoon

Interaction(s): Jason Sparling, Winnie Sparling
Previously: Survival Squad

The pitchfork had lasted about twenty seconds and as many yards. Lila had nearly tripped Jason and skewered Winnie, who still thought it was okay to walk right in front of people and just randomly stop moving. It was now in the eleven-year-old's hands, God help them all. Canvas bag full of pasta on her lap, Lila pushed her way across the grass, wheels threatening to sink into ground still spongy from a recent Spring rain.

"Shit, they all came," murmured Jason, and Lila, straining to keep up, pushed a bit harder, popping a hint of a wheelie to keep her front castors out of the mud. "You say it like it's a bad thing," she grunted in reply, but she could tell that he was nervous. He'd started something and now wasn't sure if he was the man for the job. "The fact that they're here means they feel the same way, or at least close," she tried. He was putting on airs of confidence with his swords and his 'tough guy' walk, but he didn't know what to do with his hands and that told her what she needed to know about her little brother's emotional state. "Yeah," he agreed belatedly. "I guess they wouldn't be here otherwise, right?"

"Right," Lila replied, straining against a tuft in the lawn.

"Right!" echoed Winnie, taking a momentary break from swinging her arms loosely from side to side and twisting to look at her older siblings.

The gazebo was just ahead and the grass was treacherous. There was a wood chip pathway nearby and it was, if possible, even worse... for reasons beyond the readily apparent as well. Bless their little hearts, they wonder why I left. In grade eight, when they'd had a petition assignment, Lila had written up a particularly eloquent one to the local council, researching online, finding links and recommendations, and double-checking her formatting with her mom's secretary in the hope that they would install a ramp and an accessible path to the Mulberry Park gazebo. The news station over in Rochester had even run a little feature when her petition had been selected. Then, after a couple of locals had complained that the ramp 'disturbed the historical character' of the gazebo, it had been torn down and rebuilt on the 'less attractive' far side, doubling the cost and not leaving enough funds for the paved path. She'd gotten 'levelling' and wood chips instead and, when the cameras had circled back for the conclusion of their feel-good story, it had ended up being one of the many, 'it's the thought that counts' moments in Lila's life, except, well... it hadn't. Good intentions don't magically make inaccessible things accessible. She'd made the mistake of smiling through the fiasco and playing along because she'd been a needy fourteen-year-old under social pressure, afraid of being left out or seen as ungrateful or not worth the trouble.

The nearer that she drew, arms and shoulders straining, the more that her mood began to sour. If the... zombies - the word was still surreal to say or even think in a serious context - showed up, she would be dead, full stop, all because some pointedly anonymous HOA-esque asshole almost a decade ago had been so certain that their right to a 'historic' vista outweighed hers to not have to be dependent on her fast-evaporating friends. For an extended moment, she glared at the path: utterly useless in its intended purpose. Then, Jason twisted. "If it's any consolation," he joked, "Fucker's probably zombie chow."

"Or a zombie," Lila snorted, shaking her head. "Now get outta my brain or at least pay me rent!"

He grinned.

"If I kill one, Jason, this whole fucking time, let it serendipitously be that piece of shit." She rolled her eyes and smirked. "Then my life will be complete." Jason slowed up until he was beside her. "Shake on it." He held out his hand and she took it. "Shake on it!" agreed Winnie, skipping up on her other side. Lila reached out with both hands and simultaneously shook, but her siblings didn't let go. "Now that we have her..." her brother teased, "I say we fling the cripple."

"Jason, I swear, if you do it -"

"The only question is 'how far'?" chirped her sister, malevolently Cheshire.

"Okay, seriously, the ground is muddy. I'll literally just faceplant!" Meanwhile, they were pulling her along, all three of them holding hands, until she reached the small paved area around the antique gazebo. Others stood around as they released her, some conversing, waiting for them or for some poorly-defined starting point. "Next time," Jason warned, as Lila let out a small, appreciative "thank you".

"She gonna fffflllllyyyy!" teased Winnie, twirling away, "But I get a ride, okay? That's what you owe me." She half-pivoted and struck a pose, as if she were about to stick her tongue out, before thinking better of it in front of the teens and twenties. Lila stuck her tongue out instead, giving Winnie social permission to respond in kind. "But then how am I gonna fly without a push from your big strong arms, Win-win?" Winnie bunched up her face, let out a little "Hmph!" and turned on her heel, bounding up the wooden steps with a series of loud thumps and leaning against a pillar. She faced her elders from a safe corner, eyes darting warily between them, trying not to be too intimidated.

"Up or down?" Jason asked, and Lila didn't want to be any more trouble. She crafted a smile and shook her head. "I'm fine here." She held up her fists and winked. "Besides, you need a perimeter guard who actually watches your six." Jason snorted. "Then she should have a weapon." He pulled his wakizashi from his belt, sheath and all, and handed it to her. Growing up around him and not knowing what the midsized sword that a Sengoku or Edo period samurai would carry was simply an impossibility, as was not looking like a complete dork in the current context. Somewhere between grateful and cringing, she thanked him and placed the sword across her lap as he swept some hair from his face and thumped up after Winnie. Lila rolled over to the foot of the steps so she could crane her neck and at least kind of participate. She already had her suspicions about how this was going to go, but she'd also given herself a job. She could only hope it wouldn't be required.

Location: Mulberry Park --> The Gazebo
Timeframe: Early Afternoon

Interaction(s): Lila Sparling, Winnie Sparling
Previously: Survival Squad

Jason wasn't smart. A comparative dearth of smiley faces on his tests and homework growing up had taught him that. Disapproving looks from adults, 'evaluations' for learning disabilities, and the sneering disdain of self-appointed smart people like Lee had taught him that.

Thing was... he wasn't dumb either, and he knew it. Maybe he wasn't book smart - all the books they'd read in school were for girls anyway - but he doubted anyone else here had his sense of spatial awareness or his intuitive understanding of angles, positioning, force, and motion. Maybe he didn't know all of the formulas, but he could tell where a ball was going to go as soon as it left someone's hands. He could guess, with near-certainty, whether he'd be able to make it somehwere before being caught.

The other part of that was knowing people, and reading them. He hadn't been good at that as a kid, but he'd worked at it, and his carefully-honed skills in that regard now told him that he'd messed up. He hadn't even wanted to be some kind of leader - merely get the ball rolling because it had been a couple of weeks and this was the new normal and nobody else had - yet now he was supposed to stand in front of a bunch of people - him: the class clown, the not-jock, the weeb - and deliver some kind of speech?

Jason sucked at speeches.

He gripped the hilt of his katana with one hand, finding sensory solace in its intricate surface. Bless Lila; she'd taken his mind off of the anxiety before, but now she was down there and he was up here and there were so many eyes and expressions and...

Fuck it. YEET.

"So, uhh, I'd like to thank you all for coming here, but, uh, first, I'd like to take a moment to recognize our security team for this event." He gestured in Lila's direction. "And our caterers." He took in those who had brought food for Holly and cleared his throat. "Finally, of course, how could we forget..." It was the quickest pause but it was a pause and he regretted it. Fuck! What were your names again? "Carson and, umm, Alena - for booking this venue ahead of time for us. We all know what a hot property it can be."

Jason grinned, impish and nervous in equal measures, and spread his hands. "So, listen, guys: I have some ideas, but I have no clue how to like... be a boss or whatever." He let out a snort. "I just saw that nothing was actually getting done and people were starting to run out of stuff, and the power's probably gonna go out soon, so I was juss like, 'we should probably all get together and figure shit out,' you know?" The middle Sparling glanced about, spurring himself to continue. "And I know the old people will probably find out, but I wanted it to be just us first so we actually get to talk without, I dunno, just being told what to do like we always are." He shrugged and walked over, leaning against one of the picnic tables under the shelter and crossing his arms. "That's the idea anyway. If anyone has a plan, I'm all ears." He paused and furrowed his brow. "Oh wait, and yeah, we should probably have like... a speaker's stick or like, you know, the conch from that book, like they had. Uhmm..." he trailed off.

"Lord of the Flies!" interjected Winnie, finding her voice.

"Yeah, that!" He'd ceded the floor. Now it was time to listen instead of speak... unless someone pissed him off. Someone would probably piss him off, or say something really dumb. Probably.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Location: The Gazebo
Timeframe Early Afternoon

Interaction(s): Gazebo Meeting

"Incoming." Carson perked up and grabbed his MacGyver hammer.
"Undead?" Alena readied her crossbow, still watching her direction.
"Alive." Carson breathed a sigh of relief after observing their gait and clothing for a moment and both relaxed again. No zombie was that clean and put together after two weeks outside.
"Hello." Carson greeted the new arrivals, setting his weapon down again and turning to the one he recognized the best. "Harper, was it? From the Greenhouse?"

'From the greenhouse' was about as far as Alena got, struggling in vain to recall what her name tag said, only managing to recall the look the other woman gave her the first time Alena ate at the restaurant and forgot tipping was expected in the United States. The other people were simply not connecting at all. "Nazdar." She greeted them cheerfully with a wave. The organizer left her with… mixed feelings. Usually if people didn’t let someone of his age take part in discussions, they had a very good reason. Not to mention the Gazebo wasn’t a particularly sheltered location, half the street could make out the gathering from their windows. She couldn’t help but bow theatrically when they were thanked for “booking the venue”.
While she didn’t have a “plan” so to speak, she took it as opening the floor to suggestions out of which a plan could be cooked up. ”We could start by figuring out who can do what and what secondary specialization you’d like to pick up.” Alena spoke up when it looked like no one else would, ignoring the mention of a talking stick and trusting people to be able to communicate without holding something, ”So that the person who’s, for example, a good cook also learns a little bit about farming. I’d hate to wake up one day to find the only person here who knows how to grow vegetables fell down the stairs and broke their neck.
As for food, I did intend to go hunting, but some jackass found their driver’s license in a box of frosted flakes, so that’s on hold until The Neighbors calm down a bit.”
A bit insensitive perhaps, she thought, checking for any negative reactions as she remembered too late that she was in the presence of people for whom the death lurking just beyond the street were their actual neighbors, ”I’ve got a backup plan for tonight in motion, but I’ll consider a meal for three to be great success.”

Biting his tongue as the “Shut up, I have the talking stick” meme wormed its way into his mind, Carson waited his turn before leaning forward in his chair to talk. ”We could regroup in only a few houses as opposed to being stretched out throughout the entire length of the street. Your message mentioned a fence, that would be easier and less resource intensive if we only had to fence in three or four houses.” He offered his two cents, ”We’d also only have to maintain a few houses as opposed to the whole street, could cannibalize the vacant ones for materials and furniture, we’d burn less wood to heat them when it gets colder and more people in a house means easier watchkeeping.”
”Not too consolidated though. Cabin fever for one, and let’s not lose all of our food just because one house burned down.” Alena cautioned, otherwise nodding along to his suggestion.
”You said you had some ideas yourself?” Carson turned to Jason, extending the arm that held his hammer into the middle of the group to offer it up as the Talking Stick.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Merriweather Gazebo, Mulberry Park
Timeframe Afternoon

Interaction(s): Survival Squad
Previously: Click Here

A wave of emotions rushed Holly as Lee and her crossed the street to the park's gazebo.

The fact that everyone was armed to the teeth still didn't sit well with Holly. It felt unnatural—uncomfortable, even—as much as it was needed for their own safety. Lila and Jason had swords. Winnie, a pitchfork. Even the Valero tenants came with a hunting crossbow and a makeshift pole hammer. In time, Holly figured, she would get used to it. But now? The sight of all the assorted weaponry put on her on edge.

Listening to Jason speak, Holly figured his speech would go as it did. He didn't have much of an idea as to what the street should do, despite having called the meeting himself. And then there was the comment from Alena, whose words ultimately stung more than anything else. She had tried believing that the zombies weren't their neighbors anymore, yet it was a concept that was difficult to come to terms with. Undead as the shambling corpses were, they still wore the faces of their once neighbors. They were people Holly knew. People she grew up around. And now, they wanted her dead; to eat her alive.

Biting her lip in anxiety, Holly pushed her thoughts away. They were supposed to be having a meeting, and so she decided to add her two cents in. After all, it was the least she could do now.

"Some of the houses already have fences. If they're not stuck in the ground, couldn't we, I don't know, use those? We'd just need to stick them back together again." Holly announced, then casting a glance to Lee and the Sparling siblings. "And a few of us here have some of the larger houses on Mulberry. I'm not sure how much room we have, but our house has a sunroom that leads off into the backyard. We always just used it for spare storage, so it's mostly empty right now."

Of course, that depends if dad doesn't freak out over it...

Holly took another look around the gazebo before speaking again. "Does anyone else have anything to add? Lee? Harper?"
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