Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra nodded towards Willow and gave her a friendly smile. "Yep we did after taking the fight to Captain Hook's pirates, it'll take a day or so to get them assembled and ready though." Sierra said to Willow as she sat down next to her friend as she looked at her. "So what sort of adventure did you guys go on? I want to hear more." Sierra asked Willow she was really curious more about the details and whatnot as she watched Rapunzel coming out of the room and closing the door behind her wondering what they were talking about. Two of Robin Hood's men came into the tower looking at the group for a moment. "We are going to go on a patrol and do some hunting around the area for food would any of you want to come with?" They offered the group of kids and anyone else who wanted to come as well to, it was better than doing nothing really at the moment.

Lancelot gave Megan a smile seeing the resemblance but he didn't say anything about it as he waved her over. "How have you been? You've grown quiet a bit last time i've seen you." Lancelot said, he was genuinely curious about her and how her life was. "Can I get you anything?" Guinevere asked looking at Lancelot as he nodded slightly. "Some water and maybe some food to i'm starving." Lancelot said as Guinevere nodded and left the room to get some food.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Flynn took a knife and gently handed it to Rosalia. "Here use this just in case." He told her as he looked at Rose and then over to the strange red cannisters that she had pointed out, and then gestured to some of the torches that light up the room. "There's your fire source." Flynn told her as he ran over towards the cannisters and started to open them, and kicked them over as gas started to cover the floor. "Back through the way we came." Robin Hood suggested as Layla nodded and started to make her way back towards the door, holding it open for all of them to get through.

Robin Hood grabbed one of the torches along with his bow and arrow ripping off part of his shirt as he slowly made his way towards the door, drawing out his arrow aiming at the puddle of gas that was now slowly covering the floor, waiting for everyone to get through. Two guards suddenly ran forward and managed to both tackle Flynn and Rosalia the guard that was on top of Rosalia started to strangle her the knife that Flynn had given her was just barely in arms reach of her. Flynn was on the ground doing his best to stab Flynn with a knife, Flynn was struggling to fend him off.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Inside Maleficent’s Castle
Skills: Boxing

"Fine, hand-to-hand it is." Rose said, securing her bow. Good thing she hadn't drawn another arrow. She moved over to where Rosalia was being nearly strangled by one of the guards and punched him. The man backed off. And Rose smiled brightly at him. "Why don't you pick a fight with someone else?"

"Rosalia, go." She reiterated. It hadn't been Rosalia's fault. The dude had gotten to her before she could move. To give her some time, Rose threw another punch. Apparently, the guy was actually paying attention this time. Not that Rose was the best at boxing, anyway. The bar's bouncer had taught her on quiet days.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower - Outside

Cobly quite enjoyed the kiss from Maddie. He smiled back. "There is still the shower we both need. We can see if Merlin knows if there's a place for us to do that. I don't know how good the indoor plumbing is in this tower." The city had had running water. But this place was pretty removed.

He didn't want to go too far. The others could be back at basically any time. He noticed two of Robin Hood's men go inside the tower but didn't hear them. He did pause, watching, to see if they were bringing news of something the group would have to get involved in. Another dramatic thing. Some other fire they now had to deal with.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Maleficent’s Castle
Skills: Archery;

Apparently, no one was worried about bullets exploding. Cassiopeia sighed, moving to notch another arrow when Rose suddenly took charge. It was intense but kind of hot, too. Cassi picked up the bag with the laptop and smirked. ”I like it when you get all authoritative,” she teased. It reminded her of some of the tours they led together. Cassi quickly pecked Rose’s cheek and ran for the door.
On the other side of the door, Cassi crouched down and scanned the area. She noted a few guards patrolling the area, but they seemed oblivious to what was happening on the other side. Cassiopeia scanned the dungeon, looking for something to target. There were other options than outright killing. They weren’t the bad guys here; one didn’t have to kill to survive.
Luck was not on Cassi’s side. She couldn’t locate anything that would aid her. She suddenly envisioned smoke bombs and decided she needed to get her hands on some of those to minimize killing. Cassi adjusted the pack on her back to get at her arrows quickly. She notched one, aimed for a guard's leg and fired before she quickly loaded another and fired again to bring the guard down.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Inside

”Oh, um… where to begin…” It wasn’t as if a whole lot had happened in Agrabah. Honestly, it was all pretty straightforward. Willow was trying to figure out how to put it all together. ”Well, we met up with all our parents and then had to sneak into Agrabah. It was a little nerve-wracking, but we all wore disguises and managed to get through. We met Jasmine; she gifted me a saree; it’s gorgeous. Anyways, she got us into the palace for a party that was happening. Colby, Matthew and their parents broke into the vault to get this genie lamp. My mom and I had to distract some guards to keep their attention from the vault, which was really fun, actually,” Willow said, smiling at her mom. ”Then the worst happened, and Rumple saw us. But Maddie was quick and started a fire. It caused enough chaos to get us out and kept Rumple from doing anything to us. Actually, Maddie and Colby are decent guys once you get to know them.”
A pair of guards came in, announcing they were going for a hunt if any of them wanted to join. Willow wasn’t much of a hunter, but what else was there to do? ”Do you want to go?” Willow asked Sierra, secretly hoping another offer would present itself.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

How have you been? It was a simple question, but one that Megan was at first not certain how to answer. She was staring at the man who had helped to raise her, and while biologically had not been her father, had at least been an uncle of sorts. This was the man who had trained her to be a knight. This was the man who, according to the stories, would win over the heart of her mother and help to destroy the marriage of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. It was somewhat fascinating, knowing the tales, yet looking at Lancelot and just seeing the good knight, the kind uncle, a member of her family rather than the means of its destruction.

"I'm fine," Megan settled on. "I... am a healer who studies the dead, in the land I come from," Megan offered, translating medical examiner into terms Lancelot - and indeed the others - may understand. "I studied fencing and I now possess excalibur. I... I fancy women. I have a brother, who uncovers secrets to help the innocent. And I do not intend to return to that other land again." Her words felt awkward, but it was important to her now that these people know her - that her mother and father and honorary uncle knew her.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

As Colby smiled towards him, Maddie couldn’t help but be reminded of a poem he’d read so many times. The first two stanzas sticking out within his mind as he watched his childhood crush melt his troubles away. He looked away from Colby for a moment, staring towards the middle distance as he placed one finger on lips and tapped it gently. ”The sun was shining on the sea, Shining with all his might: He did his very best to make The billows smooth and bright-And this was odd, because it was The middle of the night. The moon was shining sulkily, Because he thought the sun Had got no business to be there After the day was done- ‘Its very rude of him’ he said ‘To come and spoil the fun’ ” Maddie recited as if reading it to a class before breaking out into a giggle before bumping his boyfriend gently with his shoulder. ”I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You make it very difficult to be upset.” Maddie stood up from the ground brushing off some of the dirt from his pants as watched the two men from Robin Hood’s people make their way towards the tower proper. He was curious as to what was happening, was it news of the other party? Or perhaps they saw something on patrol that they needed to report back?

Maddie wasn’t sure either way, but he had decided he didn’t currently care either. If it was pressing news he was certain the guards would’ve called them over as they made their way. So his attention was once again fully and utterly on his boyfriend. After all this was the longest time they’ve been allowed alone without some sort of interruption or epic event coming in the way. ”Oh…I didn’t even consider where this realm was in terms of plumbing or well…any advancements really. Do you think Wonderland has it?” His eyebrows knit in concern for a moment. ”Either way, seeing Merlin about this is probably the best bet. Last thing we need is to stray too far away from this place's enchantments and stumble upon Maleficent again. Especially if we ran into her while showering. Sure we have magic but that’s embarrassing enough to kill me without her trying” he joked before extending his hand out towards Colby so they could make their way towards the grand wizard himself.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Well the whole escaping thing was not going to really go well, nothing ever ended well for the group, and with the chaos going on around them though, she wasn't entirely sure what to do. Obviously the idea of taking off and running elsewhere would probably be a good idea, but she still wasn't entirely sure where they were supposed to go. She didn't know exactly how the group had gotten into the castle, only how she had ended up getting in, and that was basically through the equivalent of the front door or something like that.

Before she could do much of anything, one of the guards attacked her, tackling her to the ground and the guy was starting to try and strangle her. Rosalia went to see about reaching for the knife, having a hard time breathing, next thing she knew, Rose had knocked the guard off of her and told her to get going. Of course usually you didn't need to tell her twice, but as she got up with the knife in her hand, she saw that Flynn was still dealing with the guard that had tackled him. It took her a few swings (as she was not much of a fighter or anything), but she eventually managed to land a decent hit on the guy with the blade, enough to knock him off of him. Though now she was fine with the idea of getting the hell out of there, and started seeing about heading back the way they had seemingly come from. Figuring it best now to stay out of the way of all of the fighting.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

He was a bit curious as to what it was that Megan was talking about with Lancelot and her parents. Though he stayed out of it, figuring that they needed some time alone to more or less discuss everything that had happened in her life since she had truly last spoken to them. Must be nice to seemingly have a group of people who actually overall gave a damn about you. Then again, her family for the most part were the heroes of their story (aside from the messy drama with regards to Guinevere and Lancelot and all) while his father was very clearly a villain.

Actually that was the main thing that made his whole thing different, where everyone else had parents that were considered heroes, aside from his mother, his father was considered the villain. That definitely was a bit weird all things considering. His attention was pulled away for a brief moment as a few of Robin Hood's men were asking if anyone wanted to go hunting or something like that, and Jack just sort of shook his head. That wasn't exactly something he'd be interested in doing, or probably be very good at.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra leaned back slightly as she listened to Willow as she started to talk about her adventures in Agrabah as she smiled towards her. "That sounds like an interesting adventure." Sierra said to her as she looked over her shoulder at the group of Robin Hood's men asking if any of them wanted to go on patrol or hunt or something like that with them to kill the time. "No thank you but thank you for the offer though." She said to them as the men nodded it seemed that the group weren't interested which was fine. "More food for us then. But if you want to come just follow us out." One of the men said with a slight laugh as they started to head outside. Outside the two lover boys would see some of Robin Hood's men heading out some of them grabbing their gear as they started to head out.

Lancelot listened to Megan as she started to explain some of what she had been doing since the last time he had seen her. "A healer sounds really good, and why do you need to study the dead also have you been keeping up with your training?" Lancelot asked Megan, he wasn't surprised that Megan had gotten her hands on Excalibur now. After all it was going to be something that Megan would own one day once Camelot is restored to it's glory again and out of villain control. Arthur was glad that Megan didn't want to return back to the world that they had been sent off to. "Do you have anyone that you fancy back at home though?" Arthur asked looking over at Megan.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Flynn turned his attention towards Rosalia he was glad that she managed to get him off of himself and grabbed a knife as the guard tried to go at him again but managed to stab the man in the chest. "Hurry up and lets get out of here." Flynn said as he started to make his way back towards the entrance gently nudging Rosalia and Rose to move back the way that they had came. Once everyone was out of the room Robin Hood grabbed a nearby torch that was on the wall that was luckily lit, and tossed it into the gas that was on the floors powering the generators and things quickly started to catch on fire. Burning anyone who happened to be in the room as well to.

Robin Hood quickly closed the door shut and started to make his way towards the dungeon area again where Cassi decided to attack the guards if they weren't alert to their pressence they were now as one of the guards had a bow and managed to shoot back at Cassi which ended up slamming into her thigh which was going to hurt like hell. Layla took one of her throwing knives and threw it at the guard that shot at her sister, knocking him down to the ground. "I count ten of them." Flynn said as he stood in front of Rosalia to try and protect her, when there was a rather loud explosion that happened that rocked the entire room which left the men distracted for a moment as they headed off to investigate leaving only five left to deal with.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan had been expecting this question somewhat - particularly given that she was still carrying the skull she had acquired in Merlin's tower in her bags. "I study their death. I determine how, when, and where they died - and by whose hand they were slain, if any. It's important to know these truths. Death is the only thing guaranteed in life." Megan did not add that she had always been fascinated by the dead - she even remembered now in Camelot as a small child, seeing a knight dying at a tournament, the red blood staining his garb gripping her senses. "I studied fencing in Kansas - the other world," she then said, as to his question about the training. "But otherwise, no. Medical school was rather time consuming and I did not remember that I had been born to be a knight." To be a king.

Her father asked a more awkward and embarrassing question - if she fancied anyone. She had briefly caught feelings for one of their number, but it had felt like centuries since Megan had seen her, and those feelings had perished on the vine. "No, I do not. I don't know if I am the romantic type." That was somewhat of a lie. Megan did want romance. She just hadn't found anyone yet who wanted it with her. She wanted someone who would kiss her in the midst of a cemetery, whose eyes would dance with passion as they pressed their skin into the grave dirt, and who would whisper to her in tongues that had been long since thought extinct.

"But I suppose if I am to succeed you one day, Father, I will need a queen."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Maleficent’s Castle
Skills: Archery;

Cassiopeia bit down on her lip when the arrow embedded itself in her leg. She let out a pained groan before she snapped the shaft in half so that it wouldn’t snag on anything. Behind her, an explosion could be heard. ”So much for in and out,” she said.
Cassiopeia tried to shift her weight so she could limp out of the way. She didn’t need to be a burden or in the way any further. Once out of the way and stable, Cassi lined up for another shot to help her companions get free. With a shaky exhale due to the throbbing pain in her leg, Cassi released an arrow and hit one of the guards in the shoulder.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Inside

Willow smiled when Sierra declined to go. She was grateful for that, wanting to stay behind herself. Willow settled more into her chair and rested her hands in her lap. ”I told you about my tale; tell me more about what happened in Atlantis. How did you breathe underwater?”
Willow had always liked the Little Mermaid movie. She, like most children, had reenacted the entire thing in the swimming pool. For the longest time, she refused to swim normally and kept her legs together to move through the water.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Inside Maleficent’s Castle
Skills: Archery

Rose paused for a moment out of the soon-to-be very hot room to orientate herself. Cassi was shot by an arrow, though. Layla threw a dagger quicker than Rose could get her bow back up. She knocked an arrow and took aim at one of the other guards. They were going to be fighting their way out of here.

"Cassi, you okay?" Rose hadn't forgotten the cute little flirt from Cassi, and she had wanted to respond, but now didn't seem the best time. The room behind them shook with the explosion they had set up.

"Exit. Where?" Rose half shouted. They needed to get out of there now. Even if they had to run with the guards following them, if they fought each set of guards, it would take them too long to escape. The arrow went wide. She cursed to herself and knocked another arrow. This time going wide in the other direction. She apparently had been more rocked by the explosion than she anticipated. Her third arrow, while it did hit her target, it did minimal damage. What a waste.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower - Outside

"Looks like Robin Hood's men are off to do something. Want to go with them?" Colby leaned over and asked Maddie quietly. Maddie nodded. Colby stood up from his semi-leaned position.

"You guys going on patrol? Mind if we join?" Colby asked. He walked over to them. He was ready to leave the tower, at least for a bit. The place was getting crowded. He didn't want to go inside where everyone was gathering. And wandering off on their own was a dumb idea. At least this way they'd have back up.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

While an afternoon stroll with Robin’s men wasn’t exactly what Maddie had in mind, the opportunity did present itself. He’d be lying if he said it wasn't enticing. A perfect excuse to leave the tower behind and all those who were quickly joining it. He didn’t know what they were doing, but in the end it didn’t really matter much. Mads paused for a moment, deliberating on how best to ask Colby if he would mind changing directions, when to his surprise (although he really shouldn't be) Colby turned to ask him the same thing. Another reason why they were just perfect for each other, they’d already began to operate in a similar wavelength. More than he could say for the rest of the cast of would-be heroes lining the inside of the tower at the moment. Words escaped him for a moment, simply nodding back excitedly t onwards his boyfriend as he was asked the question. Colby already began to make his way towards the merry men, with Mads rolling his eyes with a bit of a chuckle as he quickly ran over towards the stump that held the spellbook their fathers had left for them to practice with. Much like Merlin’s tome, he was certain this one would contain a host of useful spells that they could use. So far they had flames, lightning, teleportation,a familiar, and a mystical mist to help cover their tracks. If they kept this up they’d be Arch Mages in no time at all, with Merlins blessing of course.

Mads finally caught up with Colby and the guards, lightly slapping his arm with the back cover of the spellbook to get his attention. ”Don’t forget this, silly. I have my own I got from Merlin so it's only right that you should keep this one.” He said with a wide grin before turning to face the guards. ”We’d love to help! And we know some magic too so it's not like we’ll be dead weight at all. Right Colby?” Maddie flashed a smile towards Colby as he asked him, it's not like the guards could really stop them from following them into the forest. Clearly they were asking for assistance inside, unless they really just wanted to alert everyone that they were about to embark on a patrol in which case…couldn’t they have just told them to deliver the news? They were already outside and clearly not up to too much when the men walked past them.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Well things could definitely be going better, but there wasn't much they could do about it at this point really. They were still stuck in the castle and really needed to get out of it. They were running around trying to figure out where best to really go, but there wasn't any place obvious. Her attention turned towards Flynn though as he basically led her along back towards the direction they were heading for the exit. Hopefully this wouldn't end too badly for them, maybe.

Rosalia was a bit unsure of where exactly they were going still, but there was a loud explosion that seemed to be fairly helpful in distracting the guards, or at least some of the guards in general. That still left a group of them that were there and around where they wanted to go, at least from what she could tell. She was very much not really wanting to have to get into much of a fight or anything, so she remained quiet as others shot and attacked some of the guys.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

He shook his head still with regards to the men who were heading out to go hunting or on patrol or something like that. Jack wasn't super sure about what to do at this point since Megan was still talking to her family members or something, so he glanced around the area, wondering what the others were doing. Seeing Willow and Sierra over to the side, and getting a bit bored, Jack decided to wander over to see what it was they were doing or talking about.

Walking over, he gave a slight wave, "Hey there," he said to Sierra and Willow as he walked over to the pair. "What are you two up to?" Jack asked, looking at the two of them. He wasn't exactly sure what it was that they had been talking about. But considering he wasn't sure how long Megan would be, plus he didn't really know Willow and figured this might be a chance to maybe get to know her or something like that.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Rapunzel could be seen walking out with what looked like a book as well to, as Sierra was about to answer Willow's question her attention turned towards Jack who approached the two of them and smiled at him. "We are just talking about our little adventures in Atlantica, it was pretty interesting. It was kind of cool since the mermaids there could also walk on their own, the kingdom itself was underwater but the buildings were pretty dry." Sierra said as she told Willow. "And Jack here managed to blow up a few of Hook's ships right?" Sierra said looking back at Jack.

Back outside where the boys were, the small group of Robin Hood's men looked at one another and shrugged slightly. "Sure why not." One of them said as Rapunzel came up to the group looking at the group and then over at Maddie and Colby. "I was wondering if you two would grab some medicinal herbs in the area for me?" Rapunzel asked them as she pulled out the book that she had brought with her, showing the two of them a page that had a few plants that were marked that were in the area. "We are running a little bit low since the attack last night." Rapunzel told them hoping that they would help her out.

Lancelot shook his head slightly as he rubbed the stubble on his chin when Megan explained what it actually entailed it seemed pretty interesting to him. "I'm sure it's really useful, also if you want to spar once i'm feeling better let me know." Lancelot said to her and smiled.. Arthur thought for a moment as he sat down on a nearby chair as Megan mentioned that she didn't fancy anyone yet and nodded slightly. "We can help you search for someone if you'd like us to." Arthur said to her as Guinevere spoke up. "If there is a type that you are interested in let me know." She said smiling towards her.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Robin Hood took out another arrow and launched it at the next guard managing to take him down as the arrow hit him dead center in the chest, he looked over at Rose asking for an exit. "The same way that we came in from." Robin Hood said, it was the closest exit that he could think of. Layla made her way towards Cassi and offered her a shoulder for her to lean on. "Here I got you sis." Layla offered to Cassi if she needed it, they would need to make their way back then. Flynn spotted a rack of barrels that they were being held by some rope. "Can I borrow that?" Flynn asked Robin Hood as he nodded handing him the bow and arrow.

He then launched it at the barrels managing to shoot the rope holding the barrels up, and they immediately started to tumble forward, taking out the remaining guards. "Lets head out then." Robin Hood said as Flynn nodded, he wasn't sure where the rest of the group came in from but he and Layla followed him forward down the flight of steps and into the cellar again where the opening was, luckily there weren't any guards down here yet.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Maleficent’s Castle

Rose showed just the right amount of concern during a fight. There was no time for intimate moments. Cassiopeia nodded. ”I’ll manage.” She had never had an arrow sticking out of her before but had a few broken bones, many sprains and a few hundred bruises over many years. She was no stranger to pain.
Layla joined them, and Cassiopeia took her offered help. ”Let’s get the hell out of here.” She shifted the bag with the laptop inside on her shoulder. After all that, there was no way she was losing it.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Inside

Willow was resting her head on her hand, listening to Sierra speak, when Jack walked over. Willow smiled and nodded at Jack before gesturing to a seat for him to sit and join them. She returned to Sierra’s explanation of Atlantis, and her eyes widened.
”Really? Wow. I suppose I should stop using Disney movies as references to this place… Although if the buildings were dry, I guess Atlantis is more like the movie Atlantis.” She looked at Jack when Sierra said he burned down a few ships. ”Speaking of, we saw Rumple in Agrabah. Your makeover definitely left its mark,” she informed him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan smiled slightly at Lancelot's offer to spar once he was recovered, although that may not be for quite a while given his condition. "I'd like that." Now that she remembered where she came from, the fencing tournaments and matches of Earth seemed so... quaint. She wanted a deadly duel between knights, blades flashing, the fight not to the touch but to the floor. A fight that only ended when the other begged mercy, knowing they could not continue. A fight where the only rule was to not get killed. A fight that would make her shiver with anticipation.

She raised an eyebrow, turning slightly pink as her parents suggested finding a match for her. She remembered that being somewhat normal in this world, arranged marriages between royals. But she also had grown up on Earth, where such things were antiquated. "Unless you can find a girl who shimmers like the moon and causes skeletons to dance, I do not know if a match for me would be possible," Megan confessed.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Inside Maleficent’s Castle

Rose was not excited about Cassi having an arrow sticking out of her, but with her limited medical knowledge (mostly based on her wilderness survival skills), she knew removing the arrow was dangerous. They'd have to break it until they could get actual medical help. But first she wanted to get them outside before trying to attend to Cassi's wound.

"Good, no dying. I forbid it." She tried to make herself sound as authoritative as possible to play on the flirt Cassi had done a bit ago, but there was too much concern in her voice for it to work. Back down in the cellar, Rose pointed their direction for Rosalia and Flynn. They hadn't been with them, so there was no reason for them to know where to go from here. This, of course, meant they'd have to cross that gap again.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower - Outside

Colby smiled and took the book from Maddie. "Thanks." He was excited about learning more magic. So far, he could summon a spectral cat, teleport (though he hadn't actually tried that one yet. He just had the spell memorized), and now lighting.

Rapunzel asked them to collect some herbs too. "Uh, sure. Do you mind if we take the book? I'm not good with plant identification." He held out his hands. He had never taken a botany class or anything. Like he knew Palm trees were actually trees but really thick and big grass but that was just trivia not real knowledge about plants.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Thank Alice the guards had agreed for them to go. It would've been a real pain if they had to sneak around trying to tail them in the event they still wanted to go. Maddie was fairly certain he'd seen an invisibility spell in there somewhere before and he'd have loved to test it out if it came to it. While he doubted the two of them had the power to disguise an entire army, he was certain they could at least cloak themselves with their mystical aptitude.

He hadn't expected Rapunzel to show up, nor for her to add some extra items on…whatever it was they just agreed to do. Luckily it was a fairly easy task, all they had to do was just locate some flowers with medicinal properties and hope they didn't accidentally confuse them for their potential poisonous counterparts. Maddie froze for a moment before Colbys quick questioning allowed him to relax. "Yeah…I'm not exactly a botanist myself. So the book would be appreciated. Especially if these plants have any doppelgangers to look out for. I know enough about foraging to know you need to be extra careful with what you grab."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

The arrow injury that Cassi had looked to be a bit painful, but they couldn't exactly do a whole lot at the moment about it. They were still in the castle and any sort of injuries that were gained while there they wouldn't be able to do anything about until they were back at the tower. She wasn't even entirely certain where they were going, since this was definitely not the way she had entered the castle. There was a passageway or something that would allow them to get out, because how else did everyone else get there.

Rosalia glanced backwards, and saw the commotion of the barrels that were falling and blocking the guards from following them a bit, "Nice shot," she couldn't help but comment as they entered the cellar area. Looking around, she wondered where exactly they were heading, or where the passage they were going through would let out. Right now though she was just fine with following along after the others to see where they'd go.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"Sounds like a fun conversation," Jack said with a bit of a shrug, before listening to the explanations that were going on with regards to what they had done. The comment about the whole him blowing up the ships, and he just shook his head. "All I did was light the fuse that was there. There already were a whole bunch of explosives so I didn't really blow anything up that was there. Besides their own fault for having so many explosives sitting around near a whole bunch of flammable objects."

Now his attention shifted to Willow as she mentioned running into his father back in Agrabah. Jack couldn't help but laugh as he heard about the scar he had left him was still there. "Well that is definitely amusing to say the least. And that is definitely something I can and will take credit for. He definitely deserved that, wonder how well that will go over if I run into him again," he added, "But yeah, it was kind of fun, a bit anticlimactic with blowing up the ships and all since that took a whole two seconds, but oh well, it worked out."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Over with the group outside Rapunzel smiled and nodded as she handed the book over towards Colby. "It has everything that you need to identify the plants that we need." She said as the men looked at her and then over at the two boys. "Anyway we should get going it shouldn't take more than an hour." One of the men said, Rapunzel nodded she needed to go and check up on some of her patients and check on Lancelot's wounds and change is bandages and clean them. "I have to head back now good luck." Rapunzel said as she headed back towards the tower.

"I actually never watched that movie." Sierra said to Willow she'd have to find someway to watch it or something like that but it was probably impossible now she wanted to live here after things were settled here. She turned to look at Jack and smiled slightly towards him, it probably would have taken forever to try and make a torch or something at least Jack was able to use his magic to get the job done anyway. She was surprised that Willow and the others ended up bumping into Rumple she was pretty sure that Jack had killed him or something, though she didn't feel sorry for him that he was now disfigured by his son. "I'm sure he has a lovely new look now." Sierra said with a slight laugh, Rapunzel came back into the tower she grabbed a few things as she made her way into Lancelot's room.

Back inside with Megan and her family both Arthur and Guinevere nodded, as long as Megan was happy that was all that mattered really to them. "We trust your judgement on finding your future spouse." Guinevere said to Megan giving her a loving smile when the door opened and Rapunzel came into the room holding some clean bandages and other things. "Lancelot needs some rest now, and I need to change his bandages." She said as Arthur and Guinevere nodded. "We'll be outside." Arthur said, if Megan wanted to she could stay and help

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Flynn looked over at Rosalia and smiled towards her after the compliment. "Thank you." Flynn said as he stared at the gaping hole in the castle wall revealing the outside. He slowly made his way towards it and looked out, seeing the narrow ledge that they'd have to cross now. "Is it a little bit late to say that I hate heights?" Flynn said, as Layla did a once over at her sister they needed to keep moving she wasn't sure how many more guards were after them. When she heard the sound of some footsteps. A young woman around their ages came out her skin was extremely pale and black hair. She wore what looked like rags, she must of escaped the prison cell during all of the chaos on her shoulder was what looked like a human hand that started to move like it was alive.

"If you are all escaping i'd like to come with." The woman said as Layla looked at the others as well as Flynn and Robin Hood, they seemed a little bit tense like they didn't trust her really. "We need to keep going, you are welcome to join us but don't do anything suspicious." Robin Hood said, as the woman nodded, Layla quickly started to make her way out and slowly started to cross the ledge, luckily she didn't end up slipping like last time, then came Flynn, and the new woman as well to Robin Hood remained behind until everyone was out and made it across. "Go and i'll be right behind you guys." Robin Hood said to the others.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Maleficent’s Castle —> Outside

They made it outside, but that was half the battle. Cassiopeia had to cross the crumbling, foot-wide ledge without falling. Cassiopeia gulped, not feeling overly confident. She already hated heights; being injured wasn’t helping that fear. ”Come on, Cass. You’ve survived worse than this.” With a sharp intake of breath, Cassiopeia made her slow way across the edge.
Once she hit the other side, she collapsed on the ground in relief. She knew she couldn’t rest yet. They had to escape the castle's shadow before she could get any first aid, but until the others crossed, she had time.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Inside

”I’m not sure it would hold up now that you’ve seen the real thing,” Willow said with a blush. She played with her hair before looking between Sierra and Jack. She looked at the floor, thinking back to seeing Rumple and how terrified she was. Willow had been sure they were about to be taken, and Rumple’s scared face did not help the fear factor.
”It was a sight to see for sure,” she said quietly. Willow pulled back from her thoughts and rubbed her hands on her legs. She smiled at her friends. ”What else did you do, Jack?”
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