Toasting to all the chaos xD
((FC: Camila Cabello // Dialogue color: FBFF80))
“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” — Marthe Troly-Curtin, Phrynette Married✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
Name: Reyna Chistine RosalesNickname(s):
- Rey
- Chris
- Chrissy
- Rose - a play on her last name.
Gender: Female.
Age: Twenty-three // August 17th // Leo
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual - Reyna has always said that she is attracted to anyone, just so long as the vibes are good.
Witch or Warlock: Witch
Schools of Magic:
- Enchantment (8)
- Sonic Scream: Reyna has the ability to let out a high frequency scream, causing those around her to become disoriented. In some instances, this can inflict pain - especially those times she’s made peoples ear drums burst.
- Emotional Manipulation: Reyna can pretty much make you feel anything and everything that she wants to. In order for this to work, you must be able to hear whatever Reyna is saying. This ability can work on up to five people. The young woman also enchants her music with her magic.
- Memory Manipulation: With this ability, Reyna has the ability to reach into other people's minds and read their thoughts. It’s easier to do this with passing thoughts, but Reyna can also dig around to find what she wants when given enough time. This isn’t a power that Reyna uses often, as it leaves her in a completely frozen and vulnerable state. Once in your mind, Reyna can find a memory and alter it to be either good or bad in your mind. She can also create false memories and implant them there. Other high level Enchantment mages have been known to kick Reyna out of their minds and back into her own. This ability only works on one target, and leaves Reyna with a splitting headache afterwards.
- Synchronicity: Reyna can curse or gift people with a few simple words. The blessings and downfalls are often simple ones unless you really piss her off. When in Reynas' favour, every stop light will be green, you’ll have money and love coming your way, etc. If you're cursed - well that means the opposite. Reyna can only bless/curse one target at a time.
- The young woman also has the ability to make things appear different than they are. She can enchant objects, people, and places to look as if they are something/someone different. Again, this can only work on one object/person at a time. She can also bless and curse objects.
- Shape shifting: A more intense version of her enchantment magic, not only can Reyna change minor things about her and other peoples appearances - she can look like someone or something else completely.
- Sin Magic (7): The Rosales family has always worked very closely with one particular deity - Santa de la Muerte. In every Rosales home, there has been an alter for Santa Muerte. She has looked over the family for many generations, and now Reyna has chosen to work even closer with her. Through Sin Magic, Reyna can do many things - all pertaining to the Seven Deadly Sins.
- Envy: Reyna can suppress other's magic, deflect it, or even 'absorb' the spell so that it becomes her own.
- Gluttony: A bit of a 'fun' spell, Reyna can emotionally manipulate people to become extremely hungry or thirsty, forcing them to gorge themselves to the extreme.
- Greed: Reyna inflict people with this emotional feeling as well, making them crave money, fame, love, etc to a near point of insanity.
- Lust: Another ability that's mainly used for fun, Reyna can make two people lust after each other so strongly to a point where they forget everything else for the time being. She must be able to see both targets the whole time that this spell is underway. Once the illusion is dropped, the natural relationship between the two targets will remain and resurface.
- Pride: Reyna can make one target at a time extremely over confident in their abilities and capabilities. Too scared to go cliff diving? Now you're not.
- Sloth: Laziness is a curse all by itself. With this ability, Reyna can summon three, slow moving 'mud creatures' to do her bidding. They are tough creatures, and about as smart as a rock - but they can be used to help her gather supplies, distract enemies, and other such things.
- Wrath: In times of great distress, anger, etc, Reyna can channel whatever overwhelming emotion she is feeling into a glowing ball of energy to be used in defensive spells.
- Evocation (5): Reyna specializes in and water/ice manipulation, though she can access other elements just like Evocation users.
Personality:Blunt • Trustworthy • Determined • Flirtatious • Menace to Society • Intelligent • Creative • CharismaticA warm personality and a genuine smile makes Reyna one of the more approachable people in Tanner. With a loud, outgoing, down to earth, live in the moment personality, it’s easy to see why she makes friends so quickly and has so many.
Sarcastic and blunt, Reyna has never had a problem telling people like it is. She has no time for fake people, fake words, or bullshittery in general. She’s the type of person to be the problem, and also end the problem.
Reyna has often been called a ‘Menace’ - often listening to her most impulsive thoughts and only thinking about what feels good in the moment. She’s loud, abrasive, and at times - just plain fucking insane. Her views on the world often don’t align with others, though she has no problem sharing said thoughts.
Flirtatious and determined, Reyna takes after her older cousin Tessa in the sense of earning a reputation as a bit of a hoe. She has standards of course, but has no problem letting her attraction be known. Once she sets her sights on someone - she's gotta have them.
Reyna has a love for all things old. Old movies, old records - she loves the history behind it all. She loves the way things were made with so much care and time back then. Reyna looks for the imperfections, the things that make it unique. Even in people.
Perhaps that's why she finds herself surrounded with the wild bunch. Messy people are the best to her. Perfect is boring. She loves watching people who don’t have their shit together, because she can see the way they think. The young woman loves the flaws that people have, because it’s what makes them, them. She loves the people who are too loud, or love things unabashedly. People who aren't afraid to be themselves appeal to her, and Reyna always does her best to make sure she spreads some love for everyone. A loyal friend, she's always there to help remind you to keep your chin up.
- Reyna is the youngest of three siblings, and the only girl. Her home life has always been great, as she was lucky enough to be blessed with a loving family. Being the baby of the family, Reyna was spoiled - perhaps just a little worse than her siblings. Regardless of her parents' affection, they instilled strong morals into Reyna - especially her work ethic. Growing up in her family's restaurant, Reyna slept on a cot behind the counter until she was old enough to walk around and help out. Once she was old enough, Reyna began washing dishes, eventually helping out in the kitchen, and working her way up through serving and bartending as well. Family gatherings were a common thing while Reyna was growing up. Her closest cousin - Tessa - was more like a sister to Reyna than everything.
- School was easy for Reyna, as book work came to her naturally. Her personality made it easy for her to make both friends and enemies, with Reyna being accepted into most social circles. She began partying in her Sophomore year, and the entire party girl persona had taken over by Junior year. Reyna had managed to graduate with a decent GPA, and spent the summer after graduating learning how to manage her families restaurant business on paper.
- When winter rolled around, Reyna found herself living with her cousin Tessa in Palm Beach Florida. Reyna had always imagined herself going off to college, but as her fathers health took a turn for the worst, she moved back home to Tanner shortly after her twenty-second birthday. Taking over the management of Mi Casa - a local Hispanic restaurant & her families business - this is where you can now find Reyna if she isn't writing music or surfing.
- Drives a Yellow 1970 Mustang Mach 1 Fastback.
- Reyna's hobbies include: surfing, writing poetry, collecting old records, spending time at the beach, hiking, and dancing. She's excellent at the tango, salsa, rumba and bachata. She also dances freestyle to hip pop.
- Reyna's music tastes are all over the place. If it tickles her ear holes, it get's added to the playlist.
- The young woman is a natural culinary genius. She spends most of her time in the kitchen - rather it be at work or at home. Her fajitas and tres leches cakes are nearly impossible to beat. Pallea is also another favorite dish of hers.
- Reyna plays a wide variety of instruments including the violin, cello, piano, electric, acoustic & bass guitar, and the drums.
- She prefers cold showers unless it's practically below freezing.
- Don't kill her vibe. More importantly than anything else, Reyna just wants to have a good time. If she's making an effort to try and lighten the mood, or make everyone have a good time, don't start being a downer.
- When her emotions get the best of her, she ends up talking in Spanish. Reyna can speak Spanish, French, and Portuguese and Russian.
- Reyna is a very affectionate person. When it comes to her close friends and family she has been known to hug, kiss, tickle, and everything else. Nicknames are also very common.
- Prefers orange juice over apple juice, and pancakes over waffles.
- Please - for the love of the gods - don't touch her hair.
- Aestethic.
"Too many of us ask why but not enough of us ask how,"
FC: Dodie Clark // Colour= DAA520
Name: Clara Kate KingNicknames:
- Ara
- Ari
- Weirdo- she was given this by someone teasing her in school and not quite understanding it was an attempt to tease she took to it
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Sexual Orientation: Unsure- Clara assumes she's aromatic as she has never really found herself in love but she's open to being proved wrong
Family: Kayla Teagan King (younger sister), Pheobe Mauve King (nee Peterson) (mother), Jacob Hunter King (father)Magic use
Witch or Warlock: Witch
School: Conjuration, transmutation and illusionConjurationKey spells
- Teleportation- For now Clara can teleport up to 100ft at the blink of an eye. She can also (attempt) to teleport to different places, the further away she is from the target the less forgiving the spell is amidst distractions and detail mistakes. If she knows the place extremely well or has a circle set up she's also more likely to succeed
- Conjure elements- Clara can call a strike of an elemental magic to hit her target like a lightning bolt.
- Summon animals- Clara can summon a small group of animals to surround her. They tend to be inclined to follow her commands... she thinks. Too bad she can't understand them
- Alter self- Clara can alter her appearance to fit her surroundings, such as forming gills to breath underwater
- Animate objects
IllusionKey spells
- Create illusions- Clara can create illusions that take hold of 2-3 senses (sight, smell, feel, taste and smell) at a time. With this she can also create powerful hallucinations.
Clara is a extremely energetic, she seems to be constantly bouncing from one thing to another, unable to keep her mind or body still. She seems to always have a couple of hyperfixations at anytime that she can and will spout random facts about, sometimes and not so appropriate times. She is naturally a very curious and inquisitive person but she doesn't quite understand social cues often leading her to step over boundaries and create awkward situations. Clara does have a big heart and cares a lot for the people around her.
Clara seems to still have a childlike naivety and whimsy to her that may lead to many to believe she's simple-minded but Clara is actually very intelligent, just not so much wise. She can be rather impulsive and lacks a lot of awareness, often walking herself into a lot of trouble. She is rather eccentric, she genuinely doesn't care how she's perceived so will often make bold choices without a care. She's not all that sensitive but it's hard to know if she genuinely isn't bothered by anything or doesn't full process the meanings behind some insults. Clara is also very creative; her outlets lie in many forms she's picked up over the years but the main ones she's kept up with is writing and playing songs on her guitar and painting.
Although Clara's maternal family had been in Tanner for many generations they were never really a prominent family. While they were ever-present in the coven and their doings they were never in the spotlight or given much pull over the coven, and that's just how they liked it. After a struggle to conceive Pheobe and Jacob were over the moon to welcome Clara into the world.
From her most formative years Clara was an extremely active child. She seemed to constantly have pools of energy, more so than many of her peers, however, she didn't utter a word before 5 years old. She also tended to keep mainly to herself in the playground, seeming to prefer her own company most of the time. As she got older that disinterest seemed to turn more into a struggle to make friends as she seemed to be unable to work out unspoken boundaries and social cues. Clara learnt to be content in her loneliness at this time, part of her was never really bothered by it, she was often wrapped up in her latest fixation. She jumped from one thing to another like a 'hobbies dolphin' as her mother would put it.
Clara really struggled in school. Although part of her enjoyed learning she struggled to stay on task, her mind often getting distracted and the classroom environment often made her overwhelmed. She was very quickly singled out as a kid who needed help in school, that help often coming in the form of easier worksheets and more input from her teacher. ll the while, her younger sister was constantly top of her class. All this left Clara feeling like she was stupid which led to her slacking off on her studies and rinse and repeat. That all changed when Clara's power started coming in.
Clara was 15 when she first exhibited signs of her powers, namely her illusion magic. She became absolutely enthralled by her magic, not so much on strengthening it but on the how it works. Clara spent hours and hours into researching amd questioning in an attempt to understand it. In this she found not only did she know more than she thought but she actually enjoyed studying.
After Sophomore year Clara dropped out of school and worked in her family's game shop until she was 18. She took a couple of remedial courses to get into college and went on to study a bachelor of science majoring in human biology in attempt to understand how magic works. Unlike school, Clara excelled greatly in college as she had more freedom over her study. After finishing college Clara returned to working the game shop, taking occasional trips to other covens to network amd learn more of what they know.
"I figure, if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one." - Calamity Jane
FC: Victoria Justice, color= Light Blue
Name: Willow Pixie Shernock
Gender Female
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Witch or Warlock: Witch
Schools of Magic:
Necromancy: (9)Cause Fear:Willow is able to tap into her opponent's greatest fear and bring it to life inside their mind. She is highly skilled in this area and is able to hold the illusion for several moments without becoming winded. While the person is seeing their fear, nobody else around them is able to experience it.Blindness:Her opponent can become blind for a duration of an hour as long as Willow keeps her focus on her opponent.
Transmutation: (8)Alter Self:Using natural weapons, she is able to grow claws and fangs to fight her opponent. It takes a great deal of energy for her to produce these weapons, but they are sturdy and can last for up to thirty minutes. She must keep her concentration and focus on her weapons for them to not disappear.
Personality:Despite having such dark abilities, Willow is actually very bubbly and lighthearted. She is very laid back and kind, always generous and can be a people pleaser. Willow is very authentic and true to herself. She believes in equality and justice for all mankind.
Willow is a huge animal lover and will stop her car for any and all animal crossings. She is definitely the type of person who will stop traffic, get out of her vehicle, and help a turtle cross the road.
When she is crossed, all her niceties fly out the window. She can be headstrong and ruthless in the face of a threat. Willow will stand up for any and all who need help.
- Grew up as an only child to witches Miriam and David Shernock in Tanner. The trio has never resided anywhere else, as her parents wanted her to grow up completely surrounded by the coven. After having discovered how dark their daughter's powers could be, Miriam quit her job as a Hospice nurse to make sure she grew up in a happy and loving environment. David continued on as a lawyer, mainly working for the cult.
- During high school and despite her loving and caring nature, Willow was an outcast. She was the hippie child who was always playing with strays. She had a tremendous soft spot for anything that was mistreated or harmed.
- After graduation she was finally able to get out of the city. She attended Harvard university to follow in her father's footsteps, then quickly realized that law wasn't her passion. Willow then went on to study social work and graduated at the top of her class. She returned home after college to open up her own little clinic where she helps those suffering from substance abuse.
![]() "Stories of my death have not been exaggerated at all." N A M E ⋮ Pallas Xenakis A G E ⋮ Appears to be in this Mid-Twenties G E N D E R ⋮ NB (AMAB) // Him/They S E X U A L I T Y ⋮ Pansexual E T H N I C I T Y ⋮ Greek H E I G H T ⋮ 6'3" W I T C H // W A R L O C K ⋮ Witch S C H O O L S OF M A G I C ⋮ DIVINATION ▮▮▮▮▮ ⋮ ▮▯▯▯▯ Portent ⋮ Pallas is able to see fifteen seconds into the future. It's not a lot, but it's enough to avoid a quick death for both him and his friends. He can only use it three times a day. Mantis (Diviniation) ⋮ This is more proper divination for his family. In this method, he has to imbibe wine mixed with someone's blood to conjure the spirits of his family. From there, they speak through him as to the future which awaits someone. The trick is, he doesn't remember what he says. He's even tried recording it, and the video goes to static. And he cannot divine on himself, as he doesn't bleed. What he says can reflect what will happen in the near future or a hundred years from now. There's no set timeline. He also speaks in rhyme and metaphors. ABJURATION ▮▮▮▯▯ ⋮ ▯▯▯▯▯ Nondetection ⋮ He can block someone from being able to find him using any form of location spell. This doesn't stop them from being able to open Twitter, but fortunately, he doesn't have much of an internet presence. NECROMANCY ▮▮▮▮▮ ⋮ ▮▮▯▯▯ Inflict Wounds ⋮ First and foremost, this is not how the Xenakis family operates. This is magic that he gleaned after his soul was placed into a soul jar. The person that he is affecting has to look him in the eyes and hear the words he saying, but after that, he is able to use this power to tether their bodies and inflict wounds. Whatever he does to himself will be duplicated onto them. The spell is broken if he is overcome with pain, after ten minutes, or if it is counterspelled. He can't make the wounds fatal, for if he dies the spell is broken before it reaches who it is supposed to influence, but he can make it hurt. Vicissitude ⋮ This spell can only be used upon the dead, but technically Pallas is dead. He can change the shape of his body by crafting his flesh and bone into different forms. This can range from hiding injuries that he has sustained that haven't killed him but would be worrying for anyone to see, to elongating his finger bones into sharpened claws, to giving himself sharpened teeth, to causing his ulna bone to leave his body and extend into a scythe-like blade. It's akin to turning one's body into a literal weapon. He mostly just uses it to reform himself, but it does mean he's never weaponless. It does ask if you want to hear him grunt in pain while he turns his thumb into a knife. It's immensely painful, and the limitations are within the realm of what a body can do. SOUL JAR Pallas has put his soul into a magical jar, allowing his body to become undead and basically unkillable. He can survive without air, food, or water. He's also immune to poison and sleeping potions, but not to the magic that induces this. He's also strong against the cold and ice magic, but in return is very vulnerable against fire, magic or not. This power comes with a lot of caveats, though. First, if the jar is destroyed, his soul will return to him rapidly aging him to his actual age (which will mean death). Second, if the jar falls into hands that are not his own, that person has power over him. Third, while he is unkillable he has to have time, and all his parts, to mend his dead body to "come back to life." If he's incinerated, it may take hundreds of years for him to come back together without assistance. If he's decapitated, again, and someone makes off with his head--he won't come back to life until it's met back with the rest of his body. There are reasons that there are large gaps between his appearances in Tanner, and some of them have to do with dealing with an undead body. | ![]() P E R S O N A L I T Y P E R S O N A L I T Y Pallas is the sort that brings cocaine to a book club meeting, wine to an intervention, and weed to a hospital. He truly doesn't understand social norms in this regard. He'd rather be halfway to the moon dragging someone with him than actually be a responsible adult. It's hard to take things seriously when you've seen so much and been through even more. Like your bachelor uncle, he has stories about all of his travels and adventures. He always brings gifts. And will take you out to ice cream despite your parents' objection. He's also not judgemental and a shoulder to lean on when you're feeling bad. Because whatever you think you've done that you can't come back from, he's probably done worse. Pallas is aware of his shortcomings, and he's more than happy to joke about them in a straightforward manner. No one is going to get under his skin by seeing all the chinks in his armor. He's prone to laughing about it, self-deprecating even harder. Pallas is what rock bottom looks like in a suit and a tie. He also has a tendency to use out-of-date terms for things the he doesn't know the modern equivalent of. H I S T O R I C A L I N A C C U R A C I E S H I S T O R I C A L I N A C C U R A C I E S The Xenakis family came from Greece in the late-1800s to early-1900s. They settled in Tanner, Washington after hearing that it was a safe haven for witches and warlocks alike. To ask why the Xankis family left Greece, they'd just laugh and say that had a "disagreement" with the Ottoman Empire. Though the Balkan War was on the horizon, bloodshed and death were on the horizon. The Xenakis were old-school fortune tellers. They had sat at the side of sultans, politicians, and even prominent criminal organizations. Ionas and Polina Xenakis were the heads of the family and had three children: Dimitrios, Micial, and Nicolaos. Other members of the Xenakis family came with them, including Ionas's brother, wife, and children. Though, they were half-blooded. Though the Xenakis were not the sort to treat them as secondary citizens, they were not allowed to be the head of the family. A few years after arriving, Ionas and Polina had their fourth and last child--Pallas. And then shortly after that, their house caught aflame while the three elder children were visiting their uncle. Ionas, Polina, and Pallas all lost their lives, or at least that is the story. Twenty years later, Pallas returned to Tanner and to the few remaining members of his family. They were more than ecstatic to have the prodigal son back, but they were less happy to have the sentient piece of hedonistic trash that he'd become. He promised to change his ways if they taught him the family way of divination. He'd inherited the family power of being able to glimpse into the future, but it was wildly untrained. They agreed, showing him the old arts of abjuration to hide himself and more methodic divination than his sporadic portence. What the family didn't know was that he'd made a living as a con artist, and he'd pissed off a very powerful witch of a very powerful coven in New York by stealing a valuable artifact. Surprisingly, years passed in peace. No comeuppance was delivered to him, and he assumed that he'd hidden himself perfectly from his actions. He studied hard to catch up with his cousins along with dipping his toes into some of the darker practices that they'd brought from the Ottoman Empire. Pallas even met a young girl in town that he fancied. Things were looking--up. That was until his family found him decapitated in his room one morning, the artifact having been stolen back. They buried him next to his parents and mourned his loss--again. One year later, he woke up. His family had reconnected his head before his burial, and it'd taken that long for him to "heal." Pallas was surprised about this before he panicked at the realization of how it happened. The ancient artifact that he'd stolen from the family was a soul jar, and he'd successfully put his soul into it. It was what he'd been researching in the older tomes. He'd thought it would be a way to protect himself if the coven came for him. It'd worked, but now he didn't have his soul jar. So, Pallas left the quaint town of Tanner once again. This time he'd be gone for thirty years, showing back up again having gotten a good lead on his soul jar. He showed up one morning, drinking their tea, eating their biscuits, and promptly scaring the shit out of them. He hadn't seemed to have aged a day. He wasn't back to catch up, though, he sought some of the old tomes he'd used before. Fifty years passed after that, and he returned having achieved his goals. He was ready to settle down. Tanner had changed, wildly, though. This would be in the late 1990s, and Pallas stuck out like a sore thumb. The remnants of the Xenakis family were in their thirties and had no intention of having any children. He pretended to be a cousin that had been born from a family that had stayed in Greece. This was the truth, but it was wildly truncated. He might have been able to keep this up except his bad luck had a tendency of following him. He was shot in the head. No one can really say why. But the rumor was that he was drunkenly belaboring a member of the town, and it had turned to fisticuffs... which had turned into Pallas having just brought insults to a gunfight. Pallas had only been buried a week, and per tradition, his gravesite was being visited by his family and a handful of the elders of the coven. So, when he dug himself out--they screamed, he screamed, and it was probably a nightmare for all involved. At that moment, he was excommunicated from the coven til there was a time that he would be needed. But they swore that he wouldn't be. Well, apparently hell froze over because he received a letter inviting him back to Tanner, Washington when his cousins requested his help with something. He wasn't given much in the way of respect or authority. They were just happy to use him for his knowledge, however, liquor-soaked it was. From what Pallas could tell, they were looking up an old Xenakis ritual, and he would be the last one to have seen it. He couldn't help, really. The last time he'd laid eyes on it, he'd been a baby. Most things from his childhood had gone up in flame. Yet, while the invitation that he'd received had been one for him to come and help, his stay wasn't free. He ended up working for the bed and breakfast that was run out of their big, old house that now only housed a few of them. It specialized in discreet stays and authentic Greek food. Timeless Taverna and Inn was the name of the place, and while it didn't see heavy traffic--it was nice punctuation for an idyllic stay in Tanner. Pallas pretty much handled a lot of the more heavy-duty tasks around the estate. That was about five years ago. While Pallas has been absolutely bored out of his mind with the mundanity of it all, he was happy to be back around family even if "Family Monopoly Nights" were the things of a capitalistic nightmare. E X T R A E X T R A FACECLAIM ⋮ Evans Nikopoulos HEXCODE ⋮ #ce5836 PLAYLIST ⋮ Just Some Vibes |
I'm a sucker for these types of RPs. I think it's too many years of watching everything on the CW when I was younger. Anyway, I'll throw this CS up for consideration. I will admit, I wanted to try something a little different with this character. I totally understand if it doesn't fit the vibe of the RP. I'm fine with changing whatever needs to be changed, or packing away the idea, entirely. I was trying to think of something different that still stayed with the main setup and themes of the game. I also left some things intentionally vague to be filled out by the GMs and the other players. Cohesiveness ftw.
_______________________________________________"Stories of my death have not been exaggerated at all."
N A M E ⋮ Pallas Xenakis
A G E ⋮ Appears to be in this Mid-Twenties
G E N D E R ⋮ NB (AMAB) // Him/They
S E X U A L I T Y ⋮ Pansexual
E T H N I C I T Y ⋮ Greek
H E I G H T ⋮ 6'3"
W I T C H // W A R L O C K ⋮ Witch
S C H O O L S OF M A G I C ⋮
DIVINATION ▮▮▮▮▮ ⋮ ▮▯▯▯▯
Portent ⋮ Pallas is able to see fifteen seconds into the future. It's not a lot, but it's enough to avoid a quick death for both him and his friends. He can only use it three times a day.
Mantis (Diviniation) ⋮ This is more proper divination for his family. In this method, he has to imbibe wine mixed with someone's blood to conjure the spirits of his family. From there, they speak through him as to the future which awaits someone. The trick is, he doesn't remember what he says. He's even tried recording it, and the video goes to static. And he cannot divine on himself, as he doesn't bleed. What he says can reflect what will happen in the near future or a hundred years from now. There's no set timeline. He also speaks in rhyme and metaphors.
ABJURATION ▮▮▮▯▯ ⋮ ▯▯▯▯▯
Nondetection ⋮ He can block someone from being able to find him using any form of location spell. This doesn't stop them from being able to open Twitter, but fortunately, he doesn't have much of an internet presence.
NECROMANCY ▮▮▮▮▮ ⋮ ▮▮▯▯▯
Inflict Wounds ⋮ First and foremost, this is not how the Xenakis family operates. This is magic that he gleaned after his soul was placed into a soul jar. The person that he is affecting has to look him in the eyes and hear the words he saying, but after that, he is able to use this power to tether their bodies and inflict wounds. Whatever he does to himself will be duplicated onto them. The spell is broken if he is overcome with pain, after ten minutes, or if it is counterspelled. He can't make the wounds fatal, for if he dies the spell is broken before it reaches who it is supposed to influence, but he can make it hurt.
Vicissitude ⋮ This spell can only be used upon the dead, but technically Pallas is dead. He can change the shape of his body by crafting his flesh and bone into different forms. This can range from hiding injuries that he has sustained that haven't killed him but would be worrying for anyone to see, to elongating his finger bones into sharpened claws, to giving himself sharpened teeth, to causing his ulna bone to leave his body and extend into a scythe-like blade. It's akin to turning one's body into a literal weapon. He mostly just uses it to reform himself, but it does mean he's never weaponless. It does ask if you want to hear him grunt in pain while he turns his thumb into a knife. It's immensely painful, and the limitations are within the realm of what a body can do.
Pallas has put his soul into a magical jar, allowing his body to become undead and basically unkillable. He can survive without air, food, or water. He's also immune to poison and sleeping potions, but not to the magic that induces this. He's also strong against the cold and ice magic, but in return is very vulnerable against fire, magic or not. This power comes with a lot of caveats, though. First, if the jar is destroyed, his soul will return to him rapidly aging him to his actual age (which will mean death). Second, if the jar falls into hands that are not his own, that person has power over him. Third, while he is unkillable he has to have time, and all his parts, to mend his dead body to "come back to life." If he's incinerated, it may take hundreds of years for him to come back together without assistance. If he's decapitated, again, and someone makes off with his head--he won't come back to life until it's met back with the rest of his body. There are reasons that there are large gaps between his appearances in Tanner, and some of them have to do with dealing with an undead body. ___________________________________________________________________________________P E R S O N A L I T Y
Pallas is the sort that brings cocaine to a book club meeting, wine to an intervention, and weed to a hospital. He truly doesn't understand social norms in this regard. He'd rather be halfway to the moon dragging someone with him than actually be a responsible adult. It's hard to take things seriously when you've seen so much and been through even more.
Like your bachelor uncle, he has stories about all of his travels and adventures. He always brings gifts. And will take you out to ice cream despite your parents' objection. He's also not judgemental and a shoulder to lean on when you're feeling bad. Because whatever you think you've done that you can't come back from, he's probably done worse.
Pallas is aware of his shortcomings, and he's more than happy to joke about them in a straightforward manner. No one is going to get under his skin by seeing all the chinks in his armor. He's prone to laughing about it, self-deprecating even harder. Pallas is what rock bottom looks like in a suit and a tie.
He also has a tendency to use out-of-date terms for things the he doesn't know the modern equivalent of.H I S T O R I C A L I N A C C U R A C I E S
The Xenakis family came from Greece in the late-1800s to early-1900s. They settled in Tanner, Washington after hearing that it was a safe haven for witches and warlocks alike. To ask why the Xankis family left Greece, they'd just laugh and say that had a "disagreement" with the Ottoman Empire. Though the Balkan War was on the horizon, bloodshed and death were on the horizon. The Xenakis were old-school fortune tellers. They had sat at the side of sultans, politicians, and even prominent criminal organizations.
Ionas and Polina Xenakis were the heads of the family and had three children: Dimitrios, Micial, and Nicolaos. Other members of the Xenakis family came with them, including Ionas's brother, wife, and children. Though, they were half-blooded. Though the Xenakis were not the sort to treat them as secondary citizens, they were not allowed to be the head of the family. A few years after arriving, Ionas and Polina had their fourth and last child--Pallas. And then shortly after that, their house caught aflame while the three elder children were visiting their uncle. Ionas, Polina, and Pallas all lost their lives, or at least that is the story.
Twenty years later, Pallas returned to Tanner and to the few remaining members of his family. They were more than ecstatic to have the prodigal son back, but they were less happy to have the sentient piece of hedonistic trash that he'd become. He promised to change his ways if they taught him the family way of divination. He'd inherited the family power of being able to glimpse into the future, but it was wildly untrained. They agreed, showing him the old arts of abjuration to hide himself and more methodic divination than his sporadic portence. What the family didn't know was that he'd made a living as a con artist, and he'd pissed off a very powerful witch of a very powerful coven in New York by stealing a valuable artifact.
Surprisingly, years passed in peace. No comeuppance was delivered to him, and he assumed that he'd hidden himself perfectly from his actions. He studied hard to catch up with his cousins along with dipping his toes into some of the darker practices that they'd brought from the Ottoman Empire. Pallas even met a young girl in town that he fancied. Things were looking--up.
That was until his family found him decapitated in his room one morning, the artifact having been stolen back. They buried him next to his parents and mourned his loss--again. One year later, he woke up. His family had reconnected his head before his burial, and it'd taken that long for him to "heal." Pallas was surprised about this before he panicked at the realization of how it happened. The ancient artifact that he'd stolen from the family was a soul jar, and he'd successfully put his soul into it. It was what he'd been researching in the older tomes. He'd thought it would be a way to protect himself if the coven came for him. It'd worked, but now he didn't have his soul jar.
So, Pallas left the quaint town of Tanner once again. This time he'd be gone for thirty years, showing back up again having gotten a good lead on his soul jar. He showed up one morning, drinking their tea, eating their biscuits, and promptly scaring the shit out of them. He hadn't seemed to have aged a day. He wasn't back to catch up, though, he sought some of the old tomes he'd used before.
Fifty years passed after that, and he returned having achieved his goals. He was ready to settle down. Tanner had changed, wildly, though. This would be in the late 1990s, and Pallas stuck out like a sore thumb. The remnants of the Xenakis family were in their thirties and had no intention of having any children. He pretended to be a cousin that had been born from a family that had stayed in Greece. This was the truth, but it was wildly truncated. He might have been able to keep this up except his bad luck had a tendency of following him. He was shot in the head. No one can really say why. But the rumor was that he was drunkenly belaboring a member of the town, and it had turned to fisticuffs... which had turned into Pallas having just brought insults to a gunfight.
Pallas had only been buried a week, and per tradition, his gravesite was being visited by his family and a handful of the elders of the coven. So, when he dug himself out--they screamed, he screamed, and it was probably a nightmare for all involved. At that moment, he was excommunicated from the coven til there was a time that he would be needed. But they swore that he wouldn't be.
Well, apparently hell froze over because he received a letter inviting him back to Tanner, Washington after his cousins stepped down from their position.E X T R A
FACECLAIM ⋮ Evans Nikopoulos
HEXCODE ⋮ #ce5836
PLAYLIST ⋮ Just Some Vibes
Hello everyone! Are you still accepting new characters?
heya! let me know if there's anything i need to edit or something like that ^-^Helen Alcantara
"The moon is full tonight. I wonder if she can see it too."
Name: Helen Alcantara
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Nationality: Filipino
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
- Harry Alcantara - little brother
- Josefino Alcantara- father
- Paulene Alcantara- mother (deceased)
Witch or Warlock: Warlock
School of Magic: Necromancy (8)Ever since she was little, Helena always had a strong connection to the dead, and them to her. She can see and talk to them just like any other living being would. This strong connection towards the supernatural comes naturally for her and the dead feel the same as well. She almost never uses her magic offensively but when she does, it's only to protect herself and her family from those that harm them.
Key Spells:
- Tether: Connection - Helen creates a poppet or an effigy to represent the target. To "link" the effigy to the target's soul, she integrates a piece of them into it like their toenail clippings or hair. While linked, whatever is done upon the effigy will reflect back on the target but they cannot be killed through it. To break the connection, the effigy of the target must be destroyed or set on fire.
- Haunting: Infestation - Calls upon a horde of ghouls and spirits within an area to strike fear in the hearts of Helen's foes and to generally create chaos. She uses this spell to make a person's house haunted or 'infested' with different types of ghosts. To make it more long-term, she can create a totem. When she creates a totem, she pours a bit of her soul energy into it so it becomes a medium for the ghosts to keep coming back to this specific place and continue to haunt it even when she's away. The totem lasts up to three days max on its own or until Helen's energy that's stored within the totem runs up. The infestation can be stopped when the totem is destroyed or set on fire.
- Kindred: Compassion - Uses her own spiritual energy or someone else's to heal the wounds of a living being, to create a protective shield, or to purify a corrupted soul.
- Possession: Legion - Helen's body becomes a channel, allowing multiple spirits to possess her at once. On top of giving her improved strength, speed, and dexterity, a dozen spectral arms will sprout out of her body to assist her in battle. However, it also uses up all her pent-up rage, fear, and sadness to cloud her judgement and make her act on instinct like a rabid animal, hellbent on destroying the person or group of people that made her feel such extreme negative emotions. She only uses this spell unconsciously in the most dire of situations and she can only come back to her true self by a purification spell or through an act of love from a loved one.
Personality:Helen is quiet and mostly keeps to herself. She's not the type to go clubbing at night or partying over someone's house; crowds drain the life out of her. She mostly likes calm, serene environments like a cafe, the forest, or her room. It's not like she hates socializing but personally, the living is too complex for her. The dead are more transparent, no pun intended, as they always say what they need and what they feel out loud right from the get-go. Worrying about what other people might think about you is useless when you're dead, after all. Besides, she's not that famous in her class anyway. While she might be more straightforward and a little too honest compared to what most people might think, she always helps those in need if it's within her capabilities. She's a very patient and understanding person who doesn't like conflicts and does everything she can to avoid them. It's a whole other matter if her loved ones are involved however, and Helen will stop at nothing to exact her revenge.
History/Bio:Helen's mother's side came from a long lineage of babaylan, priestesses who invoke the spirits of old for knowledge and guidance. The babaylan were killed by the Spaniards in their conquest for riches and religion, but those that managed to survive passed the gift of necromancy has been passed down from one generation to another. This gift became mostly dormant in some generations due to the changing times and most wanted nothing to do with it, choosing to ignore their gift for fear of being tormented by a modernized society. Paulene had the gift but unlike her sisters, she chose to accept it as part of her own. She was a researcher who traveled to provinces, the birthplace of their lineage, and learned from the elders that still believe in the power of the spirits and the spiritual plane. Even when these people were non-magical, their beliefs were far stronger than any kind of magic in the world.
In her quest to know more about her ancestry, she met and fell in love with Josefino. The two soon married and settled down in a quaint town. Josefino's brother invited the pair to come work for the US to earn more money and give their children a better future. While Paulene was hesitant in leaving her homeland, she decided to come with Josefino and work abroad, as her love for her family was stronger than her thirst for knowledge. It was there that Paulene met lots of people that practice magic, people that were also like her. She cried knowing she wasn't alone, that she wasn't a freak or a monster, and she wholeheartedly joined the Coven of her generation.
The pair's love bore Helen and years after, her brother Harry followed. Paulene saw Helen's gift for necromancy at a very young age and decided to control and hone her skills in the school of magic so she wouldn't suffer and be overwhelmed by it like Paulene was in her youth. Josefino was against it, he didn't believe in all that magic, ghosts, and crap. He knew her wife believed in it, and he thought she forgot all about it when they wedded, but it led to a lot of fighting and shouting matches between the two. One tragic night, a pair of hooligans attempted to steal from Paulene while she was out alone. One of them stabbed her in frustration and the two ran, leaving her bleeding to death.
The incident took a toll on the whole family. Josefino became depressed and secluded but he still did his very best to keep supporting the family on his own. Paulene's killers were caught and would spend the rest of their lives in prison, but it didn't uplift their spirits whatsoever. He made the topic of babaylans and other type of magic prohibited, but Helen still continued to practice her magic on her own using the writings and journals her mother left behind. Through reading, she found out about the existence of the Coven and decided to join it in order to further hone her skills and possibly learn more about her late mother.
Misc:FC: Janella Salvador
Text Color: DarkGray
<Snipped quote by baraquiel>
Hey! Thanks for the submission! Just a quick question. When did Helen move to Tanner? How long has she been there? The history section included lots about her families history but not much about Helen herself.
i revised what needed to be edited on Helen's bio. please have another look and tell me what you think. thanks again!Helen Alcantara
"The moon is full tonight. I wonder if she can see it too."
Name: Helen Alcantara
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Nationality: Filipino
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
- Harry Alcantara - little brother
- Josefino Alcantara- father
- Paulene Alcantara- mother (deceased)
Witch or Warlock: Warlock
School of Magic: Necromancy (8)Ever since she was little, Helena always had a strong connection to the dead, and them to her. She can see and talk to them just like any other living being would. This strong connection towards the supernatural comes naturally for her and the dead feel the same as well. She almost never uses her magic offensively but when she does, it's only to protect herself and her family from those that harm them.
Key Spells:
- Tether: Connection - Helen creates a poppet or an effigy to represent the target. To "link" the effigy to the target's soul, she integrates a piece of them into it like their toenail clippings or hair. While linked, whatever is done upon the effigy will reflect back on the target but they cannot be killed through it. To break the connection, the effigy of the target must be destroyed or set on fire.
- Haunting: Infestation - Calls upon a horde of ghouls and spirits within an area to strike fear in the hearts of Helen's foes and to generally create chaos. She uses this spell to make a person's house haunted or 'infested' with different types of ghosts. To make it more long-term, she can create a totem. When she creates a totem, she pours a bit of her soul energy into it so it becomes a medium for the ghosts to keep coming back to this specific place and continue to haunt it even when she's away. The totem lasts up to three days max on its own or until Helen's energy that's stored within the totem runs up. The infestation can be stopped when the totem is destroyed or set on fire.
- Kindred: Compassion - Uses her own spiritual energy or someone else's to heal the wounds of a living being, to create a protective shield, or to purify a corrupted soul.
- Possession: Legion - Helen's body becomes a channel, allowing multiple spirits to possess her at once. On top of giving her improved strength, speed, and dexterity, a dozen spectral arms will sprout out of her body to assist her in battle. However, it also uses up all her pent-up rage, fear, and sadness to cloud her judgement and make her act on instinct like a rabid animal, hellbent on destroying the person or group of people that made her feel such extreme negative emotions. She only uses this spell unconsciously in the most dire of situations and she can only come back to her true self by a purification spell or through an act of love from a loved one.
Personality:Helen is quiet and mostly keeps to herself. She's not the type to go clubbing at night or partying over someone's house; crowds drain the life out of her. She mostly likes calm, serene environments like a cafe, the forest, or her room. It's not like she hates socializing but personally, the living is too complex for her. The dead are more transparent, no pun intended, as they always say what they need and what they feel out loud right from the get-go. Worrying about what other people might think about you is useless when you're dead, after all. Besides, she's not that famous in her class anyway. While she might be more straightforward and a little too honest compared to what most people might think, she always helps those in need if it's within her capabilities. She's a very patient and understanding person who doesn't like conflicts and does everything she can to avoid them. It's a whole other matter if her loved ones are involved however, and Helen will stop at nothing to exact her revenge.
History/Bio:Helen was born in the Philippines with her brother being born years after. Her father Josefino decided to be an overseas worker in America to support the family while her mom Paulene performed these weird rituals to the locals of their province to help gain more money. It was odd for Helen back then that her mother told her and her brother never to mention her sideline to their dad, but since she was always helping people using her rituals, Helen thought it's possibly not that bad and followed her mother's order. Josefino came home during his free days and happily announced that he earned enough money to rent an apartment so he could take all of them to America as he, like others, believed their family would live a much happier and productive life in the States. Her mom and dad argued for a few days after that. Helen could still hear Paulene complaining that things were already fine as they were and she didn't want to leave her homeland. After much convincing and more arguing, she finally agreed and helped in taking the steps needed so they could migrate to America and move to a modest town called Tanner. It was a brand-new chapter in their lives and they were determined to face every challenge life threw at them together as a family.
Years later, tragedy struck as a very strong hurricane swept the nation and left destruction and death on its wake. Many died during its week-long onslaught, including Helen's mom. Their family was devastated as her mom's death took a heavy toll on them. Imagine her surprise when she woke up one morning and Paulene was waking her up with a smile on her face as if nothing happened. They had a family meeting and Paulene finally admitted the secret behind their family: Paulene's side came from a long lineage of babaylan, priestesses who invoke the spirits of old for knowledge and guidance during the Philippine pre-colonial era, and she and Helen were their only direct descendants left. Paulene was a strong necromancer that her spirit inhabited a doll, allowing her to remain in the mortal realm and keep watch over the family. It was a very unorthodox setting for Josefino who really didn't believe in ghosts and all that, but he was still more than happy he could still talk to his wife and she could still be there for their son in spirit, literally.
Helen started seeing ghosts and ghouls after that. Paulene was dedicated in passing all her knowledge to her daughter so that she could learn how to control her powers and not let it control her. It took lots of training of course, but she did manage to get the hang of things eventually. Probably a little too much though; Helen's parents were afraid she was getting closer to the dead than the living, and she's also constantly bullied in high school as other students thought she was too weird. Those were the most hectic years of Helen's life but she was glad she managed to get through them once she got into college. When she came back to Tanner after graduating, Paulene dropped another bombshell on her: her mother turned out to be a part of a group called the Coven. It comprised of a number of people with strong connection to magics and the supernatural, and that it had existed far, far longer than even before Helen's grandmother was born. Helen was even more surprised about the fact there were other people like her and Paulene.
Thinking that she had lots of time now, Helen decided to join the Coven as a legacy to find out more about, well, whatever it was she could learn more about. Besides, her parents kept nagging her about having more friends that were 'alive and breathing' so she thought this would be the perfect chance for that.
Misc:FC: Janella Salvador
Text Color: DarkGray