Ep. 1; Welcome to the Jungle Part 1
It felt like a short travel to the last known location of the two ships.
The trip went so smooth, everyone was perfectly cooperative. Sure, part of it was most of the crew being in stasis pods for the journey, the ship felt bigger, bots gave each other space. And yet, in hind sight, it was quiet.
Too quiet…
Apparently some of the Predacons on board were… “Decepticon Loyalists”; they had some kind of plan to take control of the ship, and… Who knows, but things didn’t go as planned for them, either.
They’d brought some of their allies out of stasis, and attempted a mutiny! The original leader of the mission (A Maximal, of course) tried to confront the "trouble makers" and put a stop to this before things really got out of hand. He'd attempted to appeal to their better nature, assured them he'd speak on their behalf, and push for leniency when they had to answer for what they'd done already.
Some hesitated, others looked to the self-identified leader, as if waiting to hear both sides before deciding on a response.
The chief mutineer made a show of hesitance, himself. He calmly approached, and stood before the bot that loomed large in comparison. Smiling coyly, "Perhaps an example needs to be made, Hm?"
Misinterpreting this, the Mission Leader shrugged a sigh of relief, and offered a hand, "Yes, exactly! There's no need for- !!"
In the same motion that the chief mutineer took his hand, he pulled it across his opponents chest, forcing an opening in his defenses; the other hand drew and projected the point of a collapsible javelin under his torso armor, right through his spark! He than let go of the hand he'd taken dishonestly, and turned his victims' head to face him, watching the light fade from his eyes as he spoke again.
"There! Now they know what it means to stand against us; way to take one for the team, and set the example!" With that, he withdrew the lance, roughly tipped him aside, pointed the lance at the onlookers, and screamed a battle cry, which seemed to stir his allies into a charge.
The Maximals on board, and those Predacons who refused to side with their "fellows", were pushed back to the bridge! They’d barricaded the doors, but it wasn’t going to keep them out forever.