"As the Earth lays marked by perfected ironworks and the bellows of the wind resound a sovereign shriek, I alone stand atop the mountain facing westward: Unchained and Unrivaled. Oh, don't mind me, that's just an old saying my master always told me!"Name:
Kannazukl Kirei (神無月 綺礼) Birth name / Gāng Fēng Shén (鋼風神) - Mist Continent Alias*Note: The Mist Continent is the MGE Setting equivalent to China.
Race: Human
Magic/Abilities/Equipment: For combat, Kirei makes use of his immense strength and knowledge of battle tactics, tempted through intense training and numerous brawls. Most notably, he uses the Mitsurugi Takechi–ryū: (御剣 高地 剣流, Governing Highland Sword Style) to dispatch foes. It is a fighting style that applies aspects of the Mist Continent and Zipangu deity, known as Baihu or Byakko respectively, to its practitioners.. Being based on the White Tiger, Users combine aero and ferrokinesis to supplement their combat. This consists of peerless skill with various weapons, generated by the user’s metal control, along with martial arts reminiscent of a wild beast. His style is highly offensive and offers very little in lieu of defense, and relies on countering and enfeebling foes with blinding speed (Shinsoku) to avoid disadvantageous spots.
Aerokinesis: Kirei is able to generate and control wind with deadly efficiency within his general vicinity. This wind also allows him to lessen the power of lightning-based attacks and abilities.
Ferrokinesis: He is also able to create and control metal at will. With this ability, he is able to instantly generate various weapons and tools (Swords, polearms, sickles, flails, chains, etc.) to use in battle. He isn’t able to control metal that he didn’t create, however. In addition, he can also coat his skin in a layer of steel to increase his defense and add an extra punch to his attacks. This also increases the damage he takes from fire attacks.
Weapon Mastery: Kirei is essentially a master with any weapon he gets his hands on. From the precise and aesthetically pleasing katana and straight sword, to a crude and barbaric instrument like a club or flail, once it’s wielded by Kirei its threat level increases severely.
Martial Expert: Kirei’s hand-to-hand style consists of combining the grace of a martial mastery with that of a savage beast. His styles of martials arts come mainly from the Mist Continent, consisting of bone-breaking throws, forward strikes mean to incapacitate with one blow, and the predatory instinct of a tiger.
Vestige of the White Tiger: Kirei has also picked up a useful ability in the form of a buff for his allies. By emitting his chi, he can dispel negative mental ailments his allies may be suffering from and increase their fighting spirit. Those who are naturally not inclined to seek battle or violence may find that it has less of an effect. This buff applies to Kirei himself as well, his senses and willingness to engage gives him the air of a beastman mamono.
Personality: Kirei can be best described as a person that shows those around him different sides of himself, depending on his crowd. He usually, however, comes off as a polite and soft spoken individual. However, those perceptive will see that it’s more of him just going through the motions, and that there’s an underlying snarkiness and jovial man underneath the face. He can be rather brash and impulsive, making decisions that put him in harm’s way at times, as he feels it’s more fun that way. However, he never does anyway that would put his teammates at risk of that same harm. In his eyes, a leader should be the one to bear all the pain of their team and act as an unshakable beacon.
Kirei often acts like a cat, being playful and mischievous when the mood strikes him, in addition to being clever and insightful. He’s also an expert at holding grudges, being what some would describe as spiteful and short-tempered. Aside from all that, he’s actually surprisingly easy to talk to and get along with after he softens up.
Background: It’s no surprise that Lady Kyouko has connections in numerous places. These reach even as far as the Mist Continent, where some of her spies had given her whispers of a man who was part of a Triad syndicate that acted as vigilantes in the Mist Continent. Having reached out to the man, they explained the situation happening over in Zipangu. Kirei, not liking the idea of invaders wreaking havoc in his homeland, ultimately agrees to assist and sets sail for Akamagaseki. Much like a cat, he was curious why a mamono would track him down and request his aid so suddenly, which likely played a part in him agreeing in the first place.
Upon meeting with the Ryu and her peculiar Shoggo maid, she explained that she wanted Kirei to lead a small taskforce of mamono onto the island of Shizuyama, an anit-monster nation, and assess the situation and provide aid if needed. He agreed to the terms, and is now prepping for the operation and awaiting his fellow members.
”Yo! Name’s Gāng - whoops! No need for that alias here at home, we’re not in the Mist Continent after all. I’m Kannazuki Kirei, for now just think of me as a fighter-for-hire, here on behalf of little miss Ryu over there. Don’t mind Ms. Shoggo over there, she’s harmless from what I’ve gathered haha! Upon her request, I’ll be leading a little team of beasties over to Shizuyama in order to see what the hell those…What were they called again? Ah, Varjans, that’s right. I mean, anyone can already guess what it means when some assholes brings a whole damn fleet of troops to your doorstep. So, we’ll need to take ‘em out when things go south.
Keep in mind that the natives despise monsters and most of them haven’t seen one for ages, if that doesn’t bother you, then welcome abroad! Come to think of it, if it did bother you, why’d you come in the first place? But, I digress. You wanna grab some drinks and food before we head out, maybe? Careful, though, I wouldn’t trust the grub of Ms. Tentacles over there. Oh! Don’t tell her I said that…”
Theme song:
Todd Haberkorn (Well known as Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail)