Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina perked up as Livia called her out by name. It would seem that her credentials had been noticed after all… Although even if Giselle hadn’t seen it fit to provide more details on her employable skills during her correspondence with Livia, the Farisian maid doubted that mistress of the Violet Garden didn’t have the intelligence resources to build a robust profile on every maid that she employed.

Either way, Polina was eminently qualified for either task. She considered herself exceptionally skilled at bodyguarding, and no doubt Lucrecia had a similar skillset, but she ultimately found the role a bore. She found herself far more interested in playing the role of a noble for a night. Those were some skills that she didn’t get to use often, and one night of somewhat unrestrained amusement sounded like a good time to her. She glanced towards Lucrecia, raising an eyebrow in silent communication before speaking to Livia. “It would be my pleasure to act as your escort for the ball, mistress,” she replied, with a light smile.

Assuming Lucrecia hadn’t an issue with it, she was a good bodyguard, too. Polina suspected that Livia didn’t truly need a bodyguard, but she had no real evidence to back it up.

She felt excited. This was going to be a fun mission. Now, how far could she play the role of an unhinged Farisian noble without jeopardizing the mission too much? Hmm.

Maybe she could get away with a reasonable amount, considering the demon maid would be tagging along. It really seemed like a recipe for disaster. Well, that wasn’t her problem, was it?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Katherine's face went from amazement and glee to shock and disappointment. She took a step back as if she had been directly hit with sharp words in a physical sense. "Suited toward.... another endeavour? But I wanted a pretty dress....." The Firbolg uttered, taken aback by being put on the other team. The team where she continued her existence as a maid. She clung to one of her teammates, Lyssa as she were the closest and put on a show. "Lyssaaaaaa... I wanted to wear a pretty dress..." She cried, though it seemed a small bit fake. There weren't many questions to ask from the Firbolg. She was much too busy pitying herself for not being able to wear the dress she had already planned in her head. "Woe is me...." She complained again as she hugged Lyssa.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Her tail furiously swishing back and fort, Elizstrazia was decidedly less then pleased. Certainly, the idea that the slap to her backside was a compliment wasn't lost on her, but she had still been directly touched without her permission.

Not that no contact was good, but she didn't say it was okay!

On top of that, this mission was nothing like what she'd wanted. Eliza wanted something where she could tear through the enemy until there was nothing left but blood and guts.

This wasn't a mission where she could do that at all.

She wasn't going to throw it all away just because she didn't like it, but she wasn't happy, either. Certainly, she could conceal the parts of her body that marked her as a demon, but she didn't like to do it at all.

Still, it looked like that was going to be necessary.

"... Hmph... I'll do whatever, then, as long as we can get this stupid mission done with and move on to something better."

That was her only comment on the matter, really.

@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Click This
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maison d’Violette
0800 hours.

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Eeeh~?” Lyssa giggled, leaning into the hug. “Silly Kat. You’re already wearing a dress that looks pretty on you.” The pink haired maid responded with a light grin. “Oh, Oh I know! We can go pester Tiki for a dress for later! Ooor maybe they’d be fine with you going with just your underwear! You’re pretty enough I don’t think anyone would mind~”

“I’m vetoing that idea.” Livia replied with a sigh. “As much as I’m sure some of you would love to see Miss Katherine without her dress on, lets refrain from it.”

“Aww~” It was Lyssa’s turn to pout folding her hands behind her back and pursing her lips in a pout before giggling and her attitude almost doing a one eighty. “Well its fine I’ve already seen it anyways!”

“...I’m going to ignore that comment.” Livia cleared her throat as Nynette glared at Lyssa, pulling a knife from her dress and cleaning it more than what was likely needed. “I realize this may not be what you wanted, Eliz…but think of it like this; If something goes wrong and your partners are physically threatened, you're the perfect candidate to help resolve such an issue.” A small frown. “And in my experience, missions involving demons hardly ever go to plan.”

~The Daily lives of Maids~

Havershel Estate

The days leading up to the auction were a flurry of activity for the maids. Training. Preparations. Bernadette fixed the radios while Viatrix could be found most days leading up on the shooting range, practicing her long range marksmanship. Livia kept herself busy in her study most days, declining requests to spend days among the maids and prefer focusing on work. Finally, though, it was the day for the operation to take place.

Running down the street of the city, the personal luxury vehicle rumbled, Livia wearing a fashionable dress suit herself made of dark reds and golds. A violet colored shoulder cape hanging over her left shoulder while at her right hip had the slender blade she carried for self defense fastened to it.

“Before we get there, some background on Sir Havershel that may be useful for the both of you during the showing.” Livia began, addressing Polina and Lucrecia. “About a decade ago is when the higher society became aware of him.” The private luxury vehicle was driving down a road, just on the outskirts of the city, passing by several wealthy villas and even a number of Vineyards. “Started a vineyard and winery that makes high class, luxury wine for wealthy clients. It was quite a hit…and that’s where most of his wealth and fame comes from. His family was otherwise just a small time fief holder until he started this business of his. A few years later he married the daughter of another noble family and not long after he had a son. He’s known for throwing…quite some private parties and being of a somewhat difficult temperament in private. I have several suspicions about him in general but I’ve not thought it important to look into him so far as its mostly harmless. If there’s anything else you need to know, now’s the time to ask. Otherwise we’ll be arriving shortly.”

The vehicle would slow, rumbling up to a gate as it’d pull through as the driver would state their affiliation and show their invitations. Curiously, though, there was also a horse-drawn carriage that seemed to carry a banner of the Church of Oros parked off to the side…

“Crrrk-” Lucrecia would hear the static of the radio on her ear crackle quietly. “Hello Lulu, hope you didn’t forget our deal.” Myrilla voice spoke over the radio quietly. “Remember the plan.” She had given the maid a little relic of her own. Something that was an exact replica of the totem the demon was sealed in, that was also sealed with a lower level demon. It should hold up to passing scrutiny. Long enough to fool anyone looking at least. “I’ll leave the rest to you. Don’t disappoint, or I’ll have to get a little rough with you, but I think you might like that, yeah, ahahah. I’ll be in touch.”


“Hello hello? Can you hear me?” Bernadette’s sleepy voice would break the infiltration team's silence. “Good. I wove the head gear and wiring into your headdresses to make it extra discreet so you can talk and hear me without anyone getting suspicious.” The Infiltration team arrived much in a much different fashion than the others. The Clemantis dropped them some distance away out of sight. The ideal scenario would have been to infiltrate in the early morning hours with a good cover story, but due to the somewhat hasty nature the operation had begun they had opted for a quicker and somewhat more dirty approach.

Their goal? Find a way inside one of the auxiliary buildings in the estate, blend in with the servants and find out any information regarding Havershel and his potential crimes as well as the location of the artifact and a way into the vault.

“The ball will officially start in an hour. Lady Livia and her escorts will be arriving here soon. Many of the maids will be distracted then, so it’ll be a good opportunity to start poking around.” Now at the edges of the property, aside from a few guards standing at a back entrance and a servant out in the yard cleaning linens no one so far had noticed them.

“Thank you, Detty, I’ll take it from here.” Viatrix’s voice interrupted. “Bernadette is correct. Just know that I’ll be watching from the Clemantis. If anything happens you can count on me, fufu. Tiki made sure to match your uniform to the dresses of the Havershel estate down to the finest detail so just watch your words and you'll be fine.” Viatrix giggled lightly. The radio would crackle, followed by silence. No doubt they should keep contact to a minimum unless it was something extremely important. That just left to figure out how to get inside the building properly.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Katherine and Eliz didn't have much to work with. It was late in the morning so there was no real sneaking in the stealthy way. "I want to be the one wear a dress and going into that ball like some noble lady." But it didnt work oit that way. "It's such a disappointment being passed up by the early shooting maid."

It was then that Bernadette spoke on the comms. "Yes, I hear you. Loud and clear." Kqtherine had let her annoyance be known quite obviously before this moment and in her voice. To her other infiltration allies, she motioned to the maid cleaning linens. "We'll say you two are new at being maids and need the experience with linens. What do you two say?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

During the days leading up to the auction, Lucrecia participated in her regular maid duties. However, she did make sure to find time to practice the magic she had learned while studying with Rosanna. Of course, her mind was also filled with thoughts in regards to the plan she had made with Myrilla. While she had already agreed to the operation, she was still filled with mixed feelings. One could even say that she was actually...nervous, in spite of her years spent hardening her mettle. Depending on how this went, she was in danger of facing the wraith of either two dangerous women: her unpleasant hardass of a combat instructor, or the matriarch of their organization herself.

Myrilla did swear on her honor that she would take full responsibility for the operation if it came to that, but there was no guarantee how Lady Livia would react to it. Myrilla was one thing, but the Signora was another matter entirely. She was frightening in a different way, Lucrecia felt there was some type of darkness that laid under that stoic professionalism Livia usually shows, she for some reason felt that she may no be prepared to see that side of her. She certainly didn't want to, as she could probably come up with a much worse punishment than having her head served as an hors d'oeuvre. However, Myrilla said something about being able to meet with that sack-o-shit Rosandic, and she was not the less curious. Well...less curious and more so bloodthirsty.

She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't notice Livia talking about the mission as they road to the Havershel estate. "I see, Signora." She responded, hoping to give Livia the indication that she was indeed listening. "I do have one question. Are there any other dangerous items aside from the relic in question that should be investigated? Why is the one relic mentioned in particular of so much interest? How much do you know about the demon that lays inside?" After asking her question, she of course heard her radio buzz, along with the gritty voice of her instructor on the line. She silently and without any gestures confirmed her orders, not wanting to give Livia any raise of suspicion. She figured simply asking about the relic along with other items made enough sense on its own, as they were there to confiscate it from the noble in the first place.

Hopefully, things wouldn't turn out to grimly for the accented maid...

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

With only a few days between the briefing and the mission, Polina too was a busy maid. She had taken the initiative to approach Tiki again for the second time in the past couple days for her to tailor a dress suitable for a noble at a ball while still being fit for combat. Taking to some training and preparation of her own, including acclimating to and making sure she could hide weapons with her selected garment, the Farisian maid felt as prepared as she could be on the day of the ball.

Sitting in the vehicle together with Livia and Lucrecia, Polina was wearing a shoulderless dress in dark blue. The cut of it was just low enough for some of her cleavage to be visible yet remain classy. The A-line cut of the garment terminated just below her knees, which were covered with black stockings and where a hidden handgun and combat knife were strapped to her upper thigh, together with smaller blades hidden under other parts of her dress. Like her mistress, she had a more visible sidearm strapped to a belt around her waist. It wasn’t the knightly sword that she more regularly used, but a smaller, thinner dress blade that was still common enough as a defense weapon among the nobility, and something that Polina was just as proficient in. Unlike her appearance as a maid, her blue-gray hair was let down and meticulously styled, leaving her the spitting image of a typical martially inclined noble lady from Farry.

“So, he’s not just a fool in messing with things beyond his understanding, but a typical idiot with new money that spends trying to get the approval of his betters,” Polina commented on Livia’s mini-briefing. Speaking more casually, she was already partially in character, but half of it was simply removing the filters from her inner monologue. “I can’t imagine his peers don’t hold certain opinions of him in private.”

She nodded, smoothing her dress as she agreed with Lucrecia’s questions. Polina added a question of her own, “Perhaps a bit late to ask this, but do we have a copy of the full guest list? Just in case there are more… problematic elements among them.” She eyed the parked horse-drawn carriage of the church as they passed it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Elizstrazia hated this assignment. It wasn't as if she had any problem with the outfit, but the very idea of concealing her demonic features was enough to frustrate her. At least when it was combined with all of this. She could understand the idea if they had to interact with normal humans closely, but on top of that they had to hide every part of their purpose and go undercover?

It was aggravating, to say the least.

"Fine. Whatever," she responded to Katherine with an irritable huff, folding her arms across her chest as she stamped her foot. Plus she had to wear shoes. She didn't even need shoes normally! Shoes were a stupid human invention because they didn't have feet protected by scales!

Grumbling, without another look at her fellow maids, Elizstrazia proceeded to march directly up to the nearest guard.

"Hey. You."

The irritation was dripping from her voice.

"Get out of my way. I'm a maid, and I need to do my job. You're in the way of that job. Do you know how much pain a broom can cause? Do you? If you don't want to find out, get out of my way so I can work."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“As far as I am aware and as I’ve been able to find out,” Livia began as the vehicle pulled to a halt in front of the manor. “It is the only piece in his collection that is of any interest. If my theory and knowledge is correct…that particular relic was used to seal a powerful Arch-demon in ages past by the name of Xrael of the Blood-letting flame. I don’t need to tell you how dangerous such an artifact is.” She didn’t spare a glance to the carriage as the door opened. She’d step out, adjusting her blade lightly and making sure everything was in proper order before holding out a hand to help Polina out of the vehicle.

“Unexpected guests,” She’d say. “Tend to make such events much more interesting in my experience.” Livia would leave Lucrecia to exit the vehicle herself, as she’d instead take Polina’s hand in hers, a soft smile displayed as she’d lead her ‘date’ up to the entrance of the manor. After showing the invitation, the trio would be allowed in without a second glance.

The entry hall was richly decorated in greens and golds, the floor polished and shined to perfection, chatter of other nobles already present and heard from within the main banquet and showing hall where the trio was soon led to. A servant pushed open the heavy double doors, and as they stepped inside, they were greeted with at least a two dozen nobles from all around the empire of varying status.

It seemed they had arrived just in time. Lord Havershel wasn’t anywhere to be seen for the moment, but a servant was informing everyone that the majority of the guests that had said they’d be arriving for the showing had arrived and the showing and the showing will be starting shortly. A number of tables had been set out with refreshments.

As the carriage suggested however, two members of the church of Oros had already made their presence known. A blond haired woman in a robe, likely some sort of priestess. Next to her was a dark haired woman wearing armor, draped in the black imagery of the Church. They were in a quiet corner of the room, receiving quite obvious glares from some of the other nobles gathered.

“What say we go introduce ourselves?” Livia asked her companion. “It's not everyday a member of the Oros church attends an event held by the nobility.”


Lyssa watched Eliz run off, glancing between Katherine and the demon. With a giggle, she’d shrug and follow off after Eliz, ignoring Katherine’s proposed idea. The guard in question was standing near the entrance. He didn’t seem particularly enthused to be here, a long, bored yawn escaping his throat as Eliz approached.

“Gah-!“ Which, rather humorously, gave him a bit of a start right in the middle of it. He quickly regained his composure, blinking a bit in surprise as he’d stare down at the diminutive maid in front of him. “H-huh? What are you talking about?” He’d frown, glancing over at Katherine and the other maid that was washing the linens. Lyssa walked up behind Eliz.

“Sorry boss, what she’s saying is to let us in.”

“...uh, right sure.” He’d say, glancing to the pink haired maid, seemingly weighing his options. “Don’t have a key or something? Must be new,” He’d shrug, not seeming intent on checking their credentials. “You think they’d tell me when they're getting new maids, but nooo, never do.” He’d say, moving to open the door to the place for them, pulling out a hefty key to unlock it. “Go see the head maid and get your keys if I were you.”

Perhaps suspiciously so.

Once inside, they’d find themselves in small hallway. A number of other maids were moving about. It seemed this was a storage and quarters for the live-in maids and other workers. None seemed to bat them too much of an eye, aside from pushing past.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Katherine thought the demon got the idea when she started to move... Only to... "H-hey! Dumbass!" She started to yell but quieted it to a loud whisper. Instead of helping the one maid out and getting in rather sneakily, the demon just demanded to be let in. Katherine followed closely behind. They couldn't get too separated so early into the investigation, could they? She gave a sweet smile to the guards as the small group were let in. After the doors were closed behind them, Katherine looked towards Eliz. "We could have done that more sneakily, you know." Her voice critical of the demon's actions.

Still slightly annoyed her plan was ignored, Katherine turned to the hallway. "Well, regardless. We know what we need. Perhaps an office. I'll be able to find something probably if we get the right room. I have many eyes, of course." Katherine stated, whispering to her comrades. "We just need to look busy." She wasn't exactly sure where to look exactly, so that would require a little bit of scouting. Not to mention gathering up information about the people here. Know the right things about the place and you can easily explain away what you're doing.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

“In the Principality, we throw out unexpected guests and politely yet firmly tell them to leave and never come back,” Polina quipped, yet half-heartedly grousing. She was all for interesting experiences, but that ended when it was directed at her and more inconvenient than it was worth. The meddling of the Church was one, for example.

With a nod of acknowledgement to Lucrecia in her role as their guard, she accepted Livia’s hand, schooling her face into a noble bearing with a light smile of her own—that wasn’t too hard, considering her tendency to plaster a poker face even as a maid. Really, there weren’t too many differences in etiquette in carrying yourself as a noble lady versus falling into the role of a high-class maid.

Maids for high-ranking nobles or royalty tended to be nobles themselves, after all. Polina had just gone about the recruitment for her positions in a slightly more unorthodox way.

As they entered, she glanced about, allowing herself to take in the sights somewhat less subtly than she would as a maid on a combat mission. As a noble’s abode went, it wasn’t particularly exceptional, although Polina thought the man that owned it had overused the amount of gold leaf a little bit. It was on character if anything, though.

It didn’t take too long for Polina to catch the two members of the church among the crowd of nobles and other distinguished guests. Apart from their unique garb that stood out in the sea of noble splendor, they were being ostracized by the other guests. Understandably so.

“They seem rather lonely tonight, so it would be the only polite thing to do,” Polina replied, agreeing with Livia’s suggestion –obviously an order—despite her own distaste of the clergywomen.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

A grande demone?! What does Myrilla intend to do with that?! Lucrecia silently exclaimed to herself. Her reservations were building up by the minute. She couldn't imagine what her instructor wanted with such a creature, the implications made her stomach sink. She could at least understand the desire; and arch demon was a powerful creature, possesses abilities that far surpassed any human. Perhaps with this creature in her possession Myrilla intended to... No, that couldn't be, she wouldn't do that. At least, she thought as much, she didn't know Myrilla too well or her past history with their Matron. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to have second thoughts now, she was truly in the thick of this hair-brained scheme. Thankfully, it seems Livia's suspicions weren't risen at this point, helped by Polina also chiming in the questioning.

The group had finally arrived at the estate, the pair of Livia and Polina exited the car, the former leading the latter. Such to be expected of the one who held the 'authority' in the relationship. Lucrecia was left to exit the car on her own, which didn't matter to her. As the acting bodyguard, she wore no elegant or snazzy dress to the occasion. She was dressed in an clean cut and modest business professional outfit. A black jacket and matching slacks with a glossy finish, underneath the jacket was bulletproof padded vest and a white collar button-up. One could be too careful in these situations. On one of the jacket's side pockets a gold chain could be seen dangling, it was attached to a gold pocket watch. There was pin attached to her front pocket that bore the Fiore crest on it, signifying her affiliation with the house. To complete the outfit she wore dress stiletto shoes, which were lined with elaborate engravings on their edges. She wore her hair up in a stylish bun as opposed to its usual appearance. In various places hidden on her wardrobe, she held a couple of small firearms and throwing knives. Such things should be standard given her role for the event.

She followed closely behind Lady Livia and Polina as the trio entered the Estate, as any good bodyguard would. As the doors were opened for them, they were meet with the sight of dozens of nobles and other affluent members of high society. The inside was overly decorated with gold and green linings; they were likely as gaudy and tacky as the man who owned the estate, she imagined. The host and master of the estate, Lord Havershel himself, had yet to appear in the main hall. He apparently would be showing his face soon, though, as most of the guests had now arrived.

Lucrecia, along with the others, had took notice of the two members of the Oros Church present here. One has the appearance of a priestess or clergywoman, the other a paladin of some sort. In addition to their appearance, the glares they received from the party goers made them hard to miss. Normally, it would be surprising to see members of their rank attending a gathering meant only for nobles, but Lucrecia felt there was something else these ladies were after. At worst, she may have to consider them potential obstacles in the plan, as she could hazard a guess as to what they were after.

In regards to introducing themselves and starting conversation, Lucrecia had to qualms to the idea. She didn't resent members of the church like others may have, to them they were just more passerbys in her daily activities. Passerbys with certain authority and tendencies that were different from others certainly. Lucrecia silently nodded to Livia's suggestion and dutifully followed the pair to where the two women were sitting.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

Of course, that was also an acceptable method of removing unwanted guests. She however, was much more of a fan of using such people for entertainment…unfortunately, this was neither her party nor the type of people she wanted to shame if she still wanted good relations with the church.

“A paladin and a Clergywoman from the Oros church,” Livia greeted as she’d approach the two. “Now there’s a surprise. To what do we owe the pleasure of the churches’ magnanimity.” Immediately, the paladin tensed, hand moving to her weapon as she’d glare at the trio approaching her.

“...it is quite alright, Madeline.” The clergywoman responded. “Lady Fiore of the Maison d’Violette. I could ask the same of you.” A servant passed by, offering drinks to the group which Livia gratefully took.

“Hm? Didn’t expect me of all people to be here, miss…?”

“Cassandre Marcien.” She bowed politely. “I was told that you may be here, and if you were that what we assume is correct. That simply leaves the reason why you left the church in the dark about this.”

“Mhm…Dear Marcien,” Livia responded with a sigh. “Keep talking like that and people here might get some wrong idea. The good count has decided to show off his collection of antiques. Nothing more nothing less.”

“That aside, Miss Fiore, who is your entourage?”


Now that they were inside, they could at least blend in with the other maids. Probably. Several were moving about, the hustle and bustle preparing both the dinner for the evening as well as making sure everything was absolutely spotless. Amidst the chaos the three would at least, go unnoticed so long as they didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.

“Office, huh…” Lyssa frowned. “I don’t think he’d keep anything suuuper important like what we're looking for in an office.”

A quick glance around would show that they were likely in an area specifically meant for servants to work in. A few bunks for live in maids could be seen not too far away, and checking further down the hallway showed a long, well cleaned and decorated lobby where a few maids were talking with a stern looking butler about cleaning it seemed. They could also hear shouts from a nearby kitchen. Rather curiously though, a young boy could be seen doing a terrible job of trying not to be seen as he’d poke his head around the corner of a hallway and scurry off down another thinking he hadn’t been seen.

the only other potential lead that they had was the maids quietly whispering about lord Havershel often spending long hours in an art gallery on the second floor.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

“With greetings as warm as these, it’s a mystery why the church is no longer held in a higher esteem,” Polina dryly observed as they approached, pitching her voice high enough to just be heard by her intended audience. Really, for all of the distaste she had for the church, didn’t they train their paladins to be more than just attack dogs?

For all the casualness she showed now, she wasn’t going to vocalize that particular thought.

She stood silently along with Lucrecia as Livia engaged the two churchwomen, although she took the liberty of looking engaged as etiquette entailed. She too took a drink with a nod and a thank you, taking a sip of the offered wine as the clergywoman spoke.

“I can always respect a man’s decision to build a private museum,” she voiced. “The style he enthuses… let’s just say it is rather unorthodox, but I cannot fault the man for a love of history. But, ah—where are my manners?”

Etiquette here presupposed that Livia was to be the one to introduce her, but Polina decided to go ahead nonetheless. “Paulina Lafayette. A pleasure,” she greeted, giving a customary curtsy as she tugged at the hems of her dress. She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

As far as names went when you were going undercover disguised as a noble, hers was airtight. Being actual fallen nobility helped; having one of your two bosses being the actual monarch of a country vouching for you also helped quite a bit when said princess could wave her hand and declare such things so. If anybody bothered to investigate, there was indeed a Farisian lady from the small noble house of Lafayette. Polina hadn’t originally intended to invoke the alias while working under the Maison, but it made sense.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Are you sure? If it's an office he works in all day, that would be the safest place to store anything." The Firbolg mentioned with a small shrug. "But fine. Maybe we'll check out this art gallery we heard about." The maid mentioned, looking around the place, noticing an somewhat out of place boy in this busy bustling place. "Though, that boy looks a little suspicious. Perhaps we should track him down for our "employer" to make sure he's not stealing anything." Katherine suggested. She might be able to search out the Art Gallery fairly easily with her dolls. Well, so long as there weren't many guards.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Havershel Estate

"Lulu. A pleasure." She responding to the Church officials calmly.

If Roksandic was attending this party somewhere, she couldn't risk giving her actual name out. Even now she was eyeing the crowd, seeing if she could spot him among the party goers. Still was of course curious of how Myrilla even knew of the man in the first place, let alone that he was still alive after the whole scandal. Thinking about it made her blood boil even now. Her stained reputation during that ordeal also led to her not giving her real name here. She couldn't afford to blow Livia's, and Myrilla's, plans here.

Fortunately, being their hired security detail afforded Lucrecia certain benefits. The officials, and the other attendees for that matter, wouldn't be too interesting in hearing the story about someone who's just hired security detail. They should be fine with just receiving a basic greeting and having it kept at that. That's what Polina was for, serving as Livia's partner for this gathering one would expect her to engage in frivolous conversation. Hopefully that would take attention away from the accented maid and make her role in this operation easier.

"I'm accompanying Lady Fiore and Lady Lafayette as their protector for tonight's gathering. I do hope that everyone enjoys the festivities tonight safely and responsibly."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


She hated this. She hated every part of it.

Why did this have to be her first mission? She wasn't a fool. She was well aware that she wasn't suited to this kind of work. She'd gotten too fed up to hold back with the guard.

But now that they were inside, all she found herself able to do was fume in irritation.

Elizstrazia was pissed off, to say the least.

What was she even doing here? Was there really nothing else?

The Scale Demon huffed to herself. She had absolutely no kind words for anyone they were supposed to be trying to subtly question. To put it simply, she was perfectly aware she wouldn't be subtle.

And the fact she couldn't show how resplendent and perfect she was only served to make her more angry.

Still, given the situation, the fact that she wasn't distracted by anything else aside from her own anger, perhaps that was why she was capable of noticing it.

Elizstrazia could feel it.

That boy.

There was something strange about him. The way he was peeking around the corner and running off wasn't it, that was just someone trying to be sneaky. No, no, it was something else.

Something that felt like it wasn't quite right in comparison to the other people in this place.

Narrowing her eyes, the white-haired maid approached, rounding the corner and immediately locking onto his presence. Time to put her legs to use.

She caught up with him in moments.

"Just what are you doing?" she asked, eyes narrowed, "Hmph, scurrying around like a rat is unbecoming, isn't it? Even for a-"

She paused, catching herself.

"-a boy like you."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Paulina. A pleasure.” Cassandre replied, curtsying towards the presumed noblewoman. “You as well, Miss Lulu. I take it you’re a maid from the Maison?”

“Indeed, she is one of my brightest and best new recruits.”

“If I may, your holiness, something about this woman doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Madeline, you know who Miss Fiore is. A scholar and wizard that helps us hunt those that would use such powers for evil.” Cassandre frowned towards her escort. “That she is…shall we say, makes those of holy power somewhat uneasy is only natural.” A sharp look towards Livia. “I mean no disrespect, of course.”

“Mhm, truth is truth, no matter what one believes. I would not assume disrespect for stating such.” Livia replied. “I take it then…you are somewhat aware of what is going on here, then?”

“Perhaps. Can we have a moment to speak privately?”

“Asking me to leave my quite beautiful date for a private rendezvous with a clergywoman? Is that something the church looks kindly upon?”

“How dare you insinu-”

“Madeline.” Cassandre interrupted, quickly silencing the escort. “Yes, in certain times it would.”

“As much as the idea of having a clergywoman privately to myself is, I must decline. The public knows of our relationship with the church to be sure, but we wouldn’t want to cause any misunderstandings.”

“I see.”

“So in that vein, I bid you adieu for the moment. I will be meeting with the Lord of the estate soon enough. Paulina, I’ll be by the food tables. Feel free to join me if you wish. Lucrecia, stay with her just in case.” Livia was likely going to speak to the nobles hanging around the refreshment tables as well as perhaps see if she could learn anything from the servants. Lucrecia and Polina could do the same, if they wished, or head off somewhere else in the exhibition hall for a few moments. The festivities would likely be starting soon.

“Perhaps, you’d like to stay and speak instead, Lady Lafayette?” Cassandre questioned. “If I may also be so bold as to ask your opinion on the Lady of the Maison?”


“Well, would you keep super secret important documents in some place as expected as a private study?” Lyssa questioned. “Super bad ya know that feels like your asking to get your secrets exposed.” The pink haired maid giggled. “A-h hey Eliz wait up!”

Before Katherine or Lyssa could react, Eliz was off after the boy. Being as terrible at being sneaky as he was, he wasn’t that hard to keep track of as he’d attempt hiding behind a vase stand as Eliza approached.

“Wah!” The boy in question was quite well dressed. Long blond hair, dressed in a fancy vest and long sleeves. While he couldn’t be older than seven or eight. “W-what sort of maid sneaks up on someone like that! Hmph, I should have you clean the stables as punishment!” The boy shouted in response. “I don’t know what you mean by a ‘boy’ like me, brat, but calling me a rat is a good way to get fired and never working as a maid again, you stupid looking art sculpture reject.”

“Ahaha, don’t mind her!” Lyssa walked up, preemptively grabbing Eliz by the shoulder and gripping the demon's shoulder surprisingly hard. “Hey what were you doing sneaky sneaking around. Looks like fun.”

“F-fun…?” The boy seemed caught off guard by this whole situation.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

The Farisian noblemaid gave Cassandre a nod, listening politely as the clergywoman briefly engaged with her fellow maid. Of course, the church being the church, they couldn’t spend more than a few seconds exchanging pleasantries before social etiquette was ruined yet again by the woman’s attack dog. Polina couldn’t help but to stare at the knight apparently named Madeline with an unladylike manner for a brief moment. Hunting down demons or not, was this really the best they could spare for someone they knew would be interacting with nobles? Important ones, at that?

Good thing Polina wasn’t involved in Oros politics anymore.

Deciding not to add a running commentary of her own at the byplay between her mistress and the two church women, she formed a blank, polite face as a mask. A mask that quickly failed, because she was pretty sure there was an entertained smile on it.

“Well, what a shame,” she finally said, giving Livia a nod as she went for the food tables. “I’ll join you later with some drinks then.” Polina decided to throw in a wink for good measure, before she turned back to the two clergywomen, intending on bidding them adieu as well.

“Ah? Well, I suppose it’s not every day that I the chance to speak with members of the church in such an illustrious setting,” she nodded. She quickly regretted indulging them at their sudden question.

“That is a bold question indeed, miss Marcien,” she replied, a somewhat amused tone in her voice. “If you weren’t from the church, I might have taken it as an attempt to be dragged into petty Orosian politics from a fellow noblewoman.” Polina gave her a polite smile. “But to answer your question, I admire Lady Fiore’s work as a force for good. I find her cause to be a very respectable one.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"A private place with a nice big lock is probably one of the best places what are you on--" It was then that Eliz walked over to confront the boy that seemed to be sneaking around. "H-hey. Eliz, easy girl." The firbolg said walking behind Lyssa to stop Eliz from doing something else stupid.. The boy seemed to be someone important with the way he was talking. A commoner kid wouldn't bother trying something like that ever. Well, a commoner kid that wasn't her smartass when she was little. Her guardian was never a good role model as a child and would often leave her alone in a spooky forest a lot. Well, the results of her upbringing were at the least worth something. After all, she survived being tossed out a ship using the magic she was taught.

That aside, she had a good idea who this kid would be. "Well, if I didn't know you were the son of the lord, I would be concerned with you being a rat. You have to admit the way you're sneaking about is a bit suspicious. Are you sure there's nowhere you're suppose to be right now?" The maid smiled, if he was sneaking around, he wasn't suppose to be here. She thought he might have to be at the event or locked in his room. "Would the lord be fine learning you're sneaking about here?" She asked, smiling.
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