Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ethelred moved to block the swing with his shield. The force from Grainne's blow was harder than he had anticipated, almost as if it was a real duel. Had he offended her by not using his magic? Was it pent up frustration at being out of commission for this mission? Or did she just dislike Ethelred?

"Very well, if you desire, I will stop holding back," Ethelred said as he channeled his ice powers through his shield in an attempt to freeze Grainne's sword to it. He then pushed forward and suddenly willed the ice from his shield to release her sword, intent on imbalancing her. If she managed to keep her footing and not fall over, Ethelred would follow up with a horizontal smack from his lance in another attempt to knock her down.

When the Harzel knight shouted, Ethelred immediately stopped what he was doing to see what was going on. What looked like a massive boulder was rolling straight for the fort at incredible speeds.

Ethelred mounted his horse and prepared for a fight, while staying out if its way. If the boulder was moving more slowly, he'd attempt to freeze the ground in front in an attempt to make it skid, but there wasn't enough time.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Luna gave Sucaria a questioning look when the maid mentioned she must sleep because of the travel. She wanted to question it a bit more directly as she only meant it as a joke about not being able to sleep at night. "Yes, well, I understand. Sleep is rather important." Luna mentioned as she and Sucaria started to work together on a tent, working fast as if the two were use to such things.

That was when Elnith mentioned missing her bed. A thought Luna could only relate to. "I understand what you mean. I've spent so much time on the road myself that a nice bed feels like a barely tangible dream at times. Enclosed by walls that keep you safe and warm and not having to concern yourself with what bandit or wild monster is going to creep up on you at night." Tents weren't too difficult if you had multiple people working on them at least.

After listening in on what Fio mentioned to their new giant friend, Luna spoke up herself. "Ancient smithing techniques, impressive as I would expect from a giant smith." Luna mentioned, "I've read on it some small bit so you must be very well trained." The Knightess continued, complementing the giantess. "If my understanding is correct at least."

After mentioning that compliment, Luna turned back to Sucaria, "Did you want to share a tent with me again, Sucaria? I wanna make sure you don't go wandering off at night again." The Knightess teased her maid about their last little journey. "There's nothing to compel you like last time I suppose but I don't want my dear maid to wander off without me again."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Llobrokor Mountains

“Puh-leeze.” Wisp harrumphed. “You can’t apply normal logic to fey magic! I’m good at altering physical properties of things!” She’d huff, sitting on the floor of the jar as Fio would acquiesce to her demands, earning a smug little nod from the unseelie as she’d consider this a victory.

“O-oh. Dragon scale…?” Gunnrun briefly stumbled over her words, eyes quickly glancing towards her prosthetic hand. “Well that’s something a bit…difficult. My teacher certainly can!” She’d grin. “Hes the best smith in the city! I’ve heard he’s worked on dragon scale before, and is a direct descendant of one of the smiths that worked on Lunestel! Also made this little thing for me.” She’d wave her artificial hand around with a bright grin.

“Miss…Gunnrun, you wouldn’t happen to be Master Grettir’s apprentice would you?” Elnith inquired.

“Ah? You know him?”

“Oh i’ve met him in passing some years ago when I had this armor forged by a different smith. He was too busy to work on my armor though, so I didn’t get to know him too much. I wasn’t aware he had an apprentice though, let alone one that had mastered the ancient methods of forging.”

“Ehehe, its nothing that special. Its just using our natural fire affinity to strengthen armor and weapons you know.”

“Compelled?” Sucaria tilted her head to the side. “...oh you mean at Nids end…” Sucaria sleepily glanced at the bed. “...I still…feel uneasy. Maybe good idea…”

“Heeeey hurry up with the Honey Bread!” Wisp shouted from inside her prison.

“So why do you guys wanna work dragon scale? You guys kill a dragon kin up in the mountains or are gonna hunt them? They’re not real dragons but still dangerous and have a hard material to work with.”

Harzel Plains

The ball of fury rolled across the land, crushing everything beneath it as it’d careen on its path of destruction, faster than Even Ethelreds horse could match and much to fast for freezing to be particularly effective. It would have continued completely unobstructed, right into the fort itself had it not been for Reinhardt.

The dragon slayer positioned himself between the fort and the boulder, digging his feet into the ground with a determined snarl. Arms out, the massive boulder would slam into Reinhardt, the dragonslayer taking the full brunt of the force from it. With a strong grip, Reinhardt attempted to raise the thing above his head, going with the momentum of the beast and throw it in a direction away from the fort.

As it sailed through the air, the beast unrolled from its form.

A slender, smaller dragon creature built seemingly for speed and agility would land gracefully on the ground. Its orange scales gleaming in the sunlight, long, razor sharp claws. A long, sinuous tail covered in more spikes. Its face was a bit flatter than one might expect of a dragon, but a fierce, scornful gaze came from its two blood-red colored eyes.

“Hmm…” And upon its head, a crown of horns, seemingly twisted into the form of a part of the Reinhardt family crest. “...yooou…are the ones…that killed the Herald of Perdition…?” It spoke, standing before the group. “...interesting.”

The creature extended its head upwards, a shrill, bloodcurdling roar following. Faster than Reinhardt could draw his blade, it would already be upon him, leaping across the field in a single lunge, its claws poised to strike.

What Luana would see was slightly concerning. It seemed to have a connection to the mountains, same as the black Wyvern. It too, was some twisted creation it seemed like, and as she gazed into the spear to glean information from it…she could see it. A fight it had previously been in, just briefly. Its talons slicing wounds into a bear. Nothing fatal, but mere seconds later it would fall over.

Seemingly completely dead.

Whatever this meant was something for her to decide.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Damn Reinhardt, you scary!”

— Luana Roycroft

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor

Luana waited for the dragon bolder to roll over her, but it never came. When she stood up to see why that was, the knight that she had been talking to decided to just take it head on and throw it backwards. Clearly, Reinhardt had more than earned his reputation as an invincible warrior. Luana would be lying if she said she didn't feel a bit useless right now.

But she did have something to contribute. Maybe. There was something up with that dragon's claws. From what she observed, the bear hadn't been incapacitated by the scratch it took, but something that happened afterwards. Poison? A curse? Those were Luana's best guesses. Telling Reinhardt not to get hit seemed a little silly, so maybe she could help him out more directly.

She reached into her pouch and flung some acorns over Reinhardt's shoulder. With any luck, they'd smack into the dragon's claws and coil thick roots around them. She didn't know if he could handle whatever those talons did, but she was sure he could handle a good clubbing. The dragon's claws hadn't been strong enough to slay the bear outright, so maybe it would have difficulty slicing through its wooden mittens.

”There's something potent in those claws.” She called over his shoulder. Luana attempted to circle around the dragon. When fighting strong prey, it was always best to spread out and surround them.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"If you could introduce us to him once we arrived, we would greatly appreciate it," Fio said, as she approached the jarred fairy with the honey bread. Certainly, there was quite lucky. The first giant they meet was the apprentice of a blacksmith capable of working dragonscale? It was almost too good to be true.

But sometimes coincidences, both good and bad, happened in the real world. Thinking them impossible, or overthinking them, was an exercise in foolishness.

When there was no other explanation, sometimes it really was just how things worked out.

Delivering the honey bread to the unseelie, Fio considered what the fairy had told her. While she knew that unseelie magic was strange in many ways... While she had one on hand like this, it only made sense to see just how that worked.

"If you demonstrate your magic on this stick, I'll give you another piece."

She held up the stick in question, carefully inserting it into the jar after the first piece of honey bread.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 6 days ago

This wyvern was very different from the previous one. Blindingly fast but not very large, it still seemed that on the surface it'd pose less of a challenge to the team. However, this hope was shattered when Luana shouted a warning, claiming that its claws had some sort of poison in them.

He didn't fully understand how the druid's powers worked, but Luana had proven herself and Ethelred was keen on trusting her. Besides, if this wyvern was meant to be the equal of the bigger one, the one it referred to as the Herald of Perdition, it made sense that it had to be much deadlier than it looked.

The Frozen Knight jumped off his horse- he didn't know if his icy steed was affected by the poison, but he didn't want to risk it- and charged Elias' location. If the dragonslayer could hold it in place, the Ethelred should be able to strike it with his lance.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Llobrokor Mountains

“Hmhm, I can…but I can’t guarantee he’d want to see you.” The giant replied with a small frown. “Some wild little humans ‘ave been causing us a bit of trouble. Little rascals.” She seemed more amused than anything at the mention of this. “Ah, maybe you guys could help with that. Some of them ran off with an heirloom of his or somethin.”

“Oh, you finally understand how great I am?” Wisp retorted, eagerly grabbing the honey bread that was offered. “Very well, let me just-” She’d quickly devour the honey bread, a look of pure bliss plastered on her face as she’d devour the bread. “-finish that one. Ahem, now watch and be amazed!” Wisp would take the stick offered to her into her hands. She’d bring a claw to the bark, slowly scratching a few small runes onto the stick. Fio could see them, but she couldn’t quite read them. They were far older and far more ancient than any human used runes.

As the fairy worked her magic, the twig began twisting just slightly. Not breaking or cracking, just…twisting. Bowing in the center without a hint of effort or outside force. She would then proceed to grab either end of the stick with her hands. One pulled, starting to elongate the stick like a piece of dough but a quick check would reveal it was still very much a normal, mundane twig.

A few more motions with her hand would drag out more little points on the stick…it was almost as if the little fey was molding the stick like clay into whatever shape she wanted.

“Heheh, amazed? This is easy, low level fey magic. Any fairy worth their wings can manipulate reality like this. I could show you some illusion magic, too! Or maybe you'd be interested in how I could make the inside of this jar bigger than it is on the outside? Or maybe…you’d be interested in a curse or two? I can still turn you into a little frog...also can I keep this stick? I won’t use it to break out, promise!”

@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise
Harzel Plains

The drakes claws lashed out, Reinhardt reacting fast enough to Luana’s warning and aid that the drakes claw smashed against the acorns. Thick roots immediately sprouting, coiling around the beasts claws, up its long, slender forearms towards its elbows.

“Hmm….one of…clan of purifiers…?” The beast grumbled, but he’d soon find Reinhardt’s hand grabbing its non tangled claw, a powerful jab delivered right to the beasts face causing it to hiss and recoil in pain as Reinhardt thus grabbed it by the horns, dragging its face to the ground before attempting to wrestle the beast, holding it for Ethelred to deliver a hopefully fatal blow.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Smol baby add.”

— Luana Roycroft

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin

What had looked like a bad situation was coming under control. They couldn't assume this was the only dragon present, which was all the more reason to get it under control as fast as possible.

Now that Luana was behind it, she lobbed more seeds at it's rear quarters. With Reinhardt holding it down, it would hopefully lose the ability to resist too much. Luana did wonder if it might be worth capturing and interrogating it, since it could speak. But was that a risk they wanted to take with something so dangerous?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 6 days ago

Elias had grabbed the wyvern, and Luana was making the effort to assist restraining it. If being disintegrated didn't stop him for long, surely whatever dark powers the wyvern possessed would barely slow him down. If just one blow from this beast was enough to kill, it would be prudent to kill it as quickly as possible, which is what Ethelred intended on doing.

There was the option of capturing it, but Ethelred wasn't going to take the risk. This thing was too malevolent to parlay with, too dangerous to spare.

Ethelred thrust his lance at the creature's head, channeling his powers of ice through it. Unless his queen or the other knights spoke up, this beast would receive no quarter from him.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

So, it seems the bandits who were present weren't the only humans in the area. And on top of that, they'd committed a theft of one of the Smith's treasured belongings. Not only was it likely they'd have to retrieve it to get a leg in the door, but earnestly accepting the task also meant that the giants would have a positive impression of them.

It was, while more work, ultimately an excellent inroad.

"Gladly, I can't tolerate thieves," Fio said, her attention drifting from the jar for a moment, "If you could tell us what you know of the perpetrators, that would help greatly."

She paused for a moment. Continuing this conversation on two fronts was tiresome, but she couldn't deny the fact that the unseelie's utility magic intrigued her. Indeed, the two that interested her above all was her capacity to manipulate objects' properties and the mention of altering space inside of the jar.

"I'll take the stick, thank you. You may be able to have it back in the future, however."

It wasn't just a move the Sword Witch made out of caution, but one of curiosity. If these altered objects retained this traits in the hands of others, that would make this a far more useful capability.

And as long as she had access to an Unseelie, why not try and get everything she could out of her?

"I'm curious about the spatial alteration, as well," she said, "And I'd like to see further demonstrations of the changes you can make to objects. If you do, you'll get extra honey bread, and maybe I'll throw in some new snacks for you. Do you understand?"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

As Luna and Sucaria finished up the tent, Luna gave a happy little nod. "Alright. We'll use the tent together. I'll have to stay close to make sure you don't wander off again." The knightess joked remembering the fright she had about waking up to a missing Sucaria the last time. Luna looked over to Elnith, checking on her companions progress. "You're doing fine for your tent? Need help?"

All the while, Luna kept her ears open to what Fio was talking to their giant friend about. "What's this? Helping hunt down an old heirloom from some bandits? We could manage this, easy." The knightess added. Giving her thoughts on the matter. She would ask some questions but she let Fio handle that as leader. After that, the knightess looked toward Elnith and Sucaria. "Guess we're going to be busy."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Llobrokor Mountains

“Dunno much. Some woman was leadin’ them. Green clothes. Used a bow!” Gunnrun nodded. “But he can tell ya more when we get to the city tomorrow, aye? I think I’ma turn in for the night. Hands hurtin’ a little and I’ve had a bit of a long day.” She’d say, though it didn’t seem like she had any bedroll or something with her, the Giant would merely lay down on the ground next to the group on her side, holding her head up with one arm for now. “Don’t you little ‘uns worry. I’ll make sure nothing sneaks up on us while ya’ll sleep.”

“H-hey not fair! This is crueltyyyy!” Wisp whined, watching a tool of her future amusement being snatched from her with ease. Still, the promise of new snacks and more bread caused Wisp to pause her whining lightly, pressing her malformed claws against the glass and judging Fio’s words. “Hmph, I’m a powerful fairy not a kids plaything.” She’d grumble. “But fine. I can show you. Later though, being bounced around and smelling this horses’ butt all day has made me tired.”

“Indeed, we likely shall. I was hoping this would be a simple matter, but…” Elnith sighed. “Seems there’s no end to trouble. How unfortunate.” The swordswoman sighed, tossing a few sticks into a fire pit she had been working on quietly. Sucaria would simply plop herself down on Luna’s bed, and though her face was as mildly unreadable as it usually was there was definitely a certain bit of excitement to her demeanor as she’d wait for Luna to also turn in for the night.

And assuming there was nothing major else the group wished to speak of, nothing else would bother them through the night.

The next morning passed without incident as well. Camp was broke, cleaned up and Sucaria had made breakfast for everyone. Aside from her also giving Fio the same drink from yesterday and looking at her expectantly, nothing unusual happened as Gunnrun.

“You guys sure you don’t want me to carry you all?” She’d ask. They had gone quite a bit of ways into the mountains now, Gunnrun traversing the rugged terrain with barely breaking a sweat. “We’ll be there soon now. See that mountain o’er there?” She’d point with her prosthetic to a large mountain just across a valley they’d have to go down. “Other side of there and we’ll be there.”

Wisp was snoozing quietly in the jar still, having behaved herself.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“Mhm…interesting. You are…strong.” As Reinhardt struggled with the beast, it seemed oddly calm for its predicament. Its head and horns were locked down certainly, and as Luana would throw more seeds at it it merely ignored them - for the seeds and bindings on its front claws were already withering and dying within seconds. “Alas…strength will get one…only so far.”

In the same instance that Ethelred’s lance struck forwards, the beast would suddenly twist its head, its long neck twisting and turning as though it had no bones in its body whatsoever as it shoved off the ground with its rear legs, its sinuous body not bothering or being held down by Luana’s plants as its body was now nearly completely vertical, the beasts head managing to pull itself free from the situation from its odd positioning. The Frozen knights lance barely grazed the top of its head, ice forming on its head, but quickly seemingly to melt and decay as the beast would grab ahold of Reinhardt’s shoulder with a claw and with uncanny agility and dexterity leaped off the knight, landing some distance away gracefully on all fours.

“I…am the Herald of War. Of Bloodshed. Of violence. Theyyyy…will die. Yooou, will die.” The beast made another leap backwards, another airy roar escaping its maw before it leaped forward, coiling its body together into a sphere once more and barreling towards the three knights. Once it reached Reinhardt once more it instead shifted its focus to Luana as it uncoiled, horns and fangs bared towards the druid.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Clearly I shitpost just a little too hard last week.”

— Luana Roycroft

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin

It was difficult to call Luana's actions futile, as she had discovered something else about the dragons claws. You didn't even have to be cut by them. Just allowing them to touch something, be it plant or person, was enough to cause it to wither and die. That made this overgrown lizard quite a bit harder to deal with. It wasn't even just its claws, even the ice on its head decayed and sloughed away like dead skin. Or was it just melting? That made more sense, but it was really hard to tell. It leapt away with its superior speed and prepared to attack the closest target.

That would be Luana, of course.

She had tried to maneuver around their target, but it had escaped and now had her in its sights. It was faster than her, bigger than her, stronger than her, and any defense she could mount against it with her magic would wither and die in seconds. The thought of reinforcing her spells with a good freezing from Ethelred's attacks did cross her mind, but if could decay ice, what was stopping it from decaying petrified wood? Even Endless Eclipse was useless in this situation. That thing's claws would hue her living handle almost instantly.

"This is gayer than all the yuri bait surrounding the queen.”

With all of Luana's options exhausted, the only thing left to do was run for the castle and hope the others could cover her escape. Come to think of it, Lif said something about testing weaponry on a mountainside. Maybe they'd be fine testing something out on this dragon. She's have to seek them out, which shouldn't have been hard given what her spear was capable of.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 6 days ago

The wyvern had avoided the knights' attempt to swiftly kill it. Perhaps most alarming was seeing ice seemingly rot off of its face. What kind of monster could cause the gruesome impossibility of making water decay? It'd clearly be a good idea to not let the thing touch him- Ethelred's armor might not be able to withstand the wyvern's corruption.

At least they were able to get some more information out of it. The wyvern claimed to be the Herald of War, and that the big black one was the Herald of Perdition. This was just one of many signs that it was closely affiliated with their fallen foe. Come to think of it, the emblem on its head was similar to that on the so-called Herald of Perdition's chest.

As the wyvern curled into a ball and charged again, the Frozen Knight braced his lance against the ground, ready if it came after him. Instead, however, the wyvern turned to target Luana instead. As it descended upon Luana, Ethelred charged at the monster, swinging his lance at it like a bludgeon. Luana didn't have Elias' immortality or Ethelred's armor, so it would be wise to not let it hurt her.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

As Luna turned in for the night, she seemed slightly perplexed when Sucaria was in her bed but thought that the maid might still be concerned about getting up. "Well, let's not let you get up and walk away for the night." Luna said, as she laid down, trying to give a little room to her maid though, in as tight a spot as it were the two were basically touch somehow or another throughout the night.

In the morning, Luna was up and helping Sucaria with breakfast. As Sucaria offered the drink to Fio, she made some motions asking her to take a sip and pretend to like it. Even if she didn't like it. Regardless, after finishing her prep for breakfast she was ready to leave.

Despite the fact that they had traveled for quite a while now, their destination was effectively in sight and Gunnrun offered to carry them the rest of the way. It might be a small bit dangerous and a small slight to one's pride if one took pride in not getting carried around, but it was definitely the easiest way to get there. Giants were generally honest folk, so Luna highly doubted Gunnrun was going to just run off with them either.

The biggest issue would be their horses though. She wasn't sure if the horses would stay safe with the giant and might have to get left behind which was not a good thing. Well, Fio was put in charge so, yet again, Luna waited for the answer she expected from the petite mage.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Rune_Alchemist@BrokenPromise@Crimson Paladin

Elias hissed a curse as the Dragon slipped from his grip. Even though the monstrosity didn't have the sheer bulk, might, or raw destructive power (thus far), of the previous 'Herald'-- the speed and agility displayed by this 'Herald of War' was utterly confounding.

Not only was the creature's decaying touch slowly chewing through his armor, but it seemed as if the creature could... Decay the structure of magics? Elias was under no illusions that he had as much insight into the arcane as even an apprentice mage, yet he felt that such a description was the closest thing to what he was witnessing as the creature seemed to erode even the magical ice and frost produced from Ethelred's abilities.

Shaking the errant thoughts from his head, Reinhardt braced himself against the oncoming charge of the dragon-- only for the creature to lunge toward Luana!

Launching himself forward, the knight attempted to shoulder check the dragon off course with a violent burst of speed and force!

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Llobrokor Mountains

“Suit yourselves.” Gunnrun shrugged, seemingly a little disappointed by the lack of being able to help more. It would not be long before the group found themselves down in the valley, mountains to either side of them as they trekked through a sparse, rocky forest. Not that Gunnrun had much trouble with the foliage, easily finding her way through the tall pine trees.

It would be a little after noon when the group would finally reach their destination. Gunnrun would have to help them up the final hurdle, lifting most of them up a sheer cliff that was little more than a stepping stone for the giant, and once they’d finally be pulled up they’d find themselves standing in front of a massive gate carved of pure white stone.

Either side was flanked by a humanoid giant carved of the same stone, the one on the right holding a giant hammer. The one on the left of the gate, a sword held at chest height, extending across the gap between the other giant, seemingly serving as the top of the gate itself as it extended across two sides of a mountain. And beyond, the party could see the massive houses and dwellings that served as the homes for the giants.

Leading them through the gate, the party would get some friendly hellos from other giants. Some commented about Gunnrun needing to stop bringing strays home, and others asked if she knew some humans had followed her home again. She’d laugh such comments off, leading the group to a place where they could store their horses for now and soon to a workshop.

“So uhm, before you go in. Mister Grettir…he’s not exactly really fond of humans a lot.” She’d say with a bit of hesitation. “Before even this stuff happened, he wasn’t really fond of them and this has really soured his opinion more-”

The door to the workshop opened, nearly bonking Gunnrun in the face. A gray haired giant stepped out, a long grey beard extending down to his chest as he’d briefly glance at Gunnrun. He was shirtless, save for a large apron with a number of forging tools held in it and long, thick pants.

“Master Grettir!”

“Gunnrun. Where ‘ave you been?”

“Oh you know, out.”

The other giant hadn’t noticed the humans yet.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

Luana, made it towards the fort just in the nick of time. The dragon only slowed only as Elia’s rammed his shoulder into the beast, sending it flying wildly off course. It however, did not stay down for long, rolling across the ground and acrobatically leaping on its front claws several feet away from Ethelred, the lance just barely missing the beasts body by a hairs breadth. The other knights, if they weren’t already aware of the situation, were now.

“Luana, was it?” Luana, in her haste would nearly bump into Lonan as he exited the castle calmly, the Queen behind him only a few steps, followed by Grainne who seemed to have taken the time to inform the both of them what was happening. “Seems our meeting will be cut short, your majesty.”

“Hmph, a creature such as this shall not pose a problem.”

The drake narrowed its eyes at the group.

And then it laughed.

“I know…better than to fight a losing battle.” The dragon moved, its speed as uncanny as ever as its claws instead, turned on the rank and file knights as it leaped towards the castle. “Consider this…a parting gift.” It leaped off the side of the castle, launching itself towards a small squad of rank and file knights at the top.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
Avatar of Crimson Paladin

Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 6 days ago

It was good that Lonan and Sorcha had finally joined the fight. This wyvern was a nimble one, with Ethelred having barely been able to scratch it so far. With those two, they'd have far more options. Lonan's water powers in particular synergized very well with Ethelred's power over ice.

"Be careful when touching it, Luana thinks its claws are venomous, and it can decay anything that touches it- even ice!" he warned them. His armor and lance could regrow, and Elias could seemingly regenerate any injury, but for the others, he was unsure how well their weapons or bodies would withstand contact with it.

The wyvern, however, had other plans. Seeing that it was outmatched, it decided to target the other knights, for seemingly no reason except to spite them!

"Leave them out of this, wyvern!" Ethelred shouted, no doubt in vain. "My queen, he's going to kill them!" The Frozen Knight moved forward towards the inside of the fort. The most he could do at this point would be to perhaps save one knight...

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Luna didn't mind much when the giant had to help them move. Still, the city of the giants was quite the interesting place. She had heard the stories but hearing and seeing were quite the different beasts. "This place is interesting." Luna mentioned, waving back and saying hello to those that greeted her as she studied the city. The large buildings were something quite interesting to see. It was funny to learn just how large these buildings would have to be to comfortably fit a giant. The knightess also learned about their giant guide. She seemed to be the type to leave the village and come back with humans in tow.

When they came to the giant's master's place, she warned that he wasn't a fan of humans. Understandable, perhaps. If the representatives of humanity were those familiar sounding bandits... Well, perhaps she'd feel the same in his shoes. Still, she hoped to make this first impression of them a good one. "Greetings, Sir Grettir. My name is Lunalel Lightsword and my companions and I hail from Airedale in service to Queen Sorcha." Luna had hoped that Grettir might at least recognize her name and not think of her as the same as a bandit at least. "I hope we aren't a bother, but we were looking for the services of a giant to work on dragon scale."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Llobrokor Mountains

The giant paused, turning his attention to the human that had greeted him. A scowl, immediately painting itself over his visage as the muscled, gargantuan humanoid looked down at the group of humans that Gunnrun had brought with her.

“Lightswords, eh?” He’d chuckle. “A bother? Oh sure, a lightsword is never a bother.” He’d fold his arms. “But since when do the lightswords go gallivanting around as knights in service to a so called queen of some dirty human village, huh? Go back to lookin’ after the graves of our ancestors and get out of here. Don’t care what you want, I’m not looking to help.”

“Master Grettir maybe you could ask them about the heirloom…”

“And what? Suppose I could, suppose I could just go there myself and take it from those whelps myself.”

“And get yourself expelled from the city!”

“Yeah, well, I don’t much like anyone here anyways.”

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“...Lonan! Move!” Sorcha shouted, her own blade being drawn as she’d move into action herself. There was no keeping up with this beast on their own. It was far too fast, far too agile. It might not have had the sheer destructive potential of the black wyvern, but it had a different deadliness about it.

“Too fast!” The swordsman shouted as the beast was much faster than he could react too, even as he’d summon his spectral steed, the beast had already reached its target. The land drakes claws rent into their armor and flesh, leaving them alive, but only seconds later did all collapse, dead onto the ground. “You cowardly beast!”

The drake merely laughed at this assertion, its claws ripping into the neck of another knight.


“Everyone retreat into the fort!” He’d leap into the fray, blocking a blow with his own blade from the drake as it’d make a move onto another of the knights. “The Queen of Airedale’s knights and I will handle this!”

“Ethelred, Luana, slow that beast down as much as you can while the other knights retreat!” It was too late for the dozen or so knights that had already been slain, but if they could slow it down as the other knights at least got to safety.

The drake moved again, beelining towards another group of knights, much faster than they could retreat.
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