Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

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What was the best job you’ve ever had?

Hamasaki Kaida, Shadow Contract (demon hunter)

My current job with the Demon Destruction Force! Yeah, calling it stressful would be putting it mildly. It's all worth it though, because my contract with dragon spirit Kazemi means I can help others make a real difference. Sounds cheesy, but ehh, I grew up on magical girl shows. Plus I've met some great people! Even if some of them say I get on their last nerve... But hey, somebody's gotta boost morale, right?

What items do you usually carry around with you?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Emeth
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What items do you usually carry around with you?

Rebecca Park, FBI

Ooh, lots of stuff. A concealed handgun with a suppressor, obviously. I got about three razor blades hidden inside my clothes, plus the one on my earring. Yep, it's real. Also, just as many handcuff keys. Redundancy is important. A bobby pin is pretty helpful to have, so I wear one of those too. I got a couple of those fully-metal Zebra pens that make for decent improv weapons in my suit pocket too, if I have to go somewhere without my gun. My glasses have a hidden camera built into the frame, so smile! These sunglasses are a bit special, too. The filter lets me see what's on my cell phone screen, while it just looks pure white to everyone else. My clipboard is also made of Kevlar, did you know we make those? Gosh, I could just go on and on. I haven't even talked about my suitcase yet! Anyway, that's more than enough from me!

What would you do if your devilishly handsome coworker turned out to be a werewolf? I'm uh, asking for a friend.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

What would you do if your devilishly handsome coworker turned out to be a werewolf? I'm uh, asking for a friend.

Hamasaki Kaida, Shadow Contract

A werewolf? I guess that's technically possible if someone has a possession contract with a wolf spirit or yokai, one of my coworkers is essentially a werecat, another's a werefox, and I'm, well, a weredragon. Anyway, I'd find it neat and would be interested in learning about their abilities, so we could figure out battle strategies and how to be an awesome team.

How do you respond to criticism?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 4323O2
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How do you respond to criticism?

Whisper Bea, Contract Killer

Well, people don't tend to criticize me. Those to do... eh, they never live for very long afterward. But I mean, if I really like a person and they do, I guess they can live. To answer your question- not well. Ha.

How do you respond to praise?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Emeth
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How do you respond to praise?

Federica Simonova - Demon Destruction Force, Class B

Ehh... Honestly, I don't know how to take it... I'm not great with compliments, to be honest. At least my boss is super blunt, so I know she's not trying to be mean when she says I'm "handy" to have around. I still get embarrassed, though... I still haven't told anyone that the cinnamon rolls I keep bringing to work are actually homemade. I'll probably get found out eventually... Oh well...

Hey, so... this is weird, but... got any advice on how to remember stuff? I feel like I forgot something really important...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Twisted Mind
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Twisted Mind The Haunted Cheesecake Person

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hey, so... this is weird, but... got any advice on how to remember stuff? I feel like I forgot something really important...

Bella Meri, teenage doll

"I mean, my brother- Zarius- is the one who remembers things for me. But I guess when he's not around, I keep a thing of sticky notes and a pen on me. I write things down. It's not too hard if I can remember where I put said sticky notes and don't lose my pen like I usually do." Bella checks her pocket at this moment. "Crap! Well, I guess I do have a question since I kinda have to ask one..."

What are your thoughts on cheesecake?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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What are your thoughts on cheesecake?

Tim Wolfe, Pokémon Breeder

Cheesecake is great. It’s rich and creamy and sweet. Yummy.

Do you have a pet?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Emeth
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Do you have a pet?

Raffaella Struna, 1st Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

Omigosh, yes! This adorable little flowery puff ball is called a Gupoo! Make sure you hold her tight so she doesn't float away! Isn't she so~ fluffy and cute? Her name is Pooka, and I love her so~ much! I can't believe some of the other students think Gupoo are boring! They love to be cuddled, and that's just the best! I love Caits and Owlettes too, but sometimes they scratch when you hold them. Blue Spotted Winks are naughty too, they love to bite! Having a Tree Monkey climb on you and play with your hair is fun! All the pets at the Academy are so much fun to play with, I love them all! Uhm... D-Don't tell anyone I'm in the Pet Bonding class, though! Being in an easy A class is s-super embarrassing!

How do you make friends in a new place? Everyone here is so much more amazingly skilled than me. I'm getting all nervous!
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>
Raffaella Struna, 1st Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

How do you make friends in a new place? Everyone here is so much more amazingly skilled than me. I'm getting all nervous!

Taegan Granlock 5th Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

“When you find the answer, tell me.”

“I am from the noble Granlock family. As a noble, it is my duty to lead the people to righteousness. People are just naturally drawn by noble presence and magnetic personality. As well they should. The common folk need a leader to guide them, and who better to do that than me?”

Uhm... D-Don't tell anyone I'm in the Pet Bonding class, though! Being in an easy A class is s-super embarrassing!

”Beg your pardon but… Easy A? I take it you have never owned a Blue Spotted Wink. I’m not surprised. Only a certain class of people can even afford one. Temperamental little creatures they are, but that’s why I love them.”

How do you form a genuine connection with someone? Not that I need help with mind you. I’m asking for a friend.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Emeth
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How do you form a genuine connection with someone? Not that I need help with mind you. I’m asking for a friend.

Raffaella Struna, 1st Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

O-Oh, well, um! There's certainly no easy way to do that, is there, ahaha!

Well, people tend to open up to others who share their interests. Even if you're not really interested in the same things as someone else, try it! Find something to like about it! Fake it 'til you make it! Yeah!

Anyone have any advice on stage fright? I just know my friends are going to say things like, "Aw, you're not going to perform? You're so cute, what a waste!" B-But no way! I can't I can't I can't! But I don't want to let them down either! AHH!! Help!
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Anyone have any advice on stage fright? I just know my friends are going to say things like, "Aw, you're not going to perform? You're so cute, what a waste!" B-But no way! I can't I can't I can't! But I don't want to let them down either! AHH!! Help!

Sophia Danvers, Pokemon Spiral (psychic type specialist)

Ha! Easy! Not that a star in the making like me would have any reason for it... eheheh... Assuming otherwise though, I'd say just imagine the crowd cheering you on as you show 'em your best skills! Of course, whatever they are can't possibly begin to compare to my psychic abilities, but there's nothing quite like being the center of everyone's attention! Maybe one day it'll even feel like enough...

How do you handle failure? Again, not that I'd know what it's like. Just curious.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Deja
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Sophia Danvers, Pokemon Spiral (psychic type specialist)

How do you handle failure? Again, not that I'd know what it's like. Just curious.

Kaspaan Mustaven, 2nd Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

Oh that's easy! Embrace it! I mean if it's meant to be it will be, put your energy towards either resolving it or carry on! You have only yourself to fail (sometimes!), and every failure has success in it's foundation. Unexpected little accidents you could call them! I hate to linger on mistakes, it's bad vibes in the pool of life.

I'd like to ask, how do you get you point across: mild or wild?

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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<Snipped quote by LuckyBlackCat>
Kaspaan Mustaven, 2nd Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

I'd like to ask, how do you get you point across: mild or wild?

Taegan Granlock 5th Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

“What kind of ridiculous question is that? Ugh, mild I guess. As a noble, I actually have to be taken seriously.”

How do you deal with an annoying rival?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 29 days ago

How do you deal with an annoying rival?

Kissimi Cresis, Sith Apprentice with Jedi Alliances

"They often end up dead, of course. Take the Jedi knight Mace Window. I killed him pretty quickly after our ship crashed- but don't you dare tell Megara Shade that. Alright, fine, some of my rivals don't end up dead- Shade- but that's only because they have something I need. Makes sense, right?"

How to you deal with clingy seven-year-olds? I totally wouldn't know since I'm asking for a friend.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DELETUSER7284


Banned Seen 2 mos ago

How to you deal with clingy seven-year-olds? I totally wouldn't know since I'm asking for a friend.

Francis Richardson, Psy.D. (SuperEgo)

"I would most likely put them in positions that make them uncomfortable in order to bring out their full potential and to enable them to be just disagreeable enough to be able to rely on themselves without having to flock back to me for everything. Because facing fears is important in an adult, it's best to condition it at an early age. Otherwise, you will be dealing with a clingy adult, and that is never pleasant."

What is your go-to recipe for the morning?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

What is your go-to recipe for the morning?

Renata Delarosa, Pokemon: The Next Hunt

Uuuuugh. I'm not a morning person in the slightest. I prefer to be active at night, when it's quiet and cool, and all the ghost types are out and about. Thank Arceus for the cafes on campus, iced coffee is great for feeling vaguely less zombie-like in the mornings.

How would you react to seeing a ghost? I'm so used to ghosts, I tend to forget how much they freak most people out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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<Snipped quote by TengenUzui96>

How would you react to seeing a ghost? I'm so used to ghosts, I tend to forget how much they freak most people out.

Adam Hayes; Pokemon the Next Hunt

“Punch it! If that doesn’t work, have Inferno use Flamethrower on it. If that also doesn’t work, one of my other mons can do something. I ain’t afraid of no Ghost, but if one thinks it can freak me out, it’s got another thing coming!”

Do you like hot days, or cold days? I like the sun myself. Cold can go fuck itself!
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Do you like hot days, or cold days? I like the sun myself. Cold can go fuck itself!

Renata Delarosa, Pokemon: The Next Hunt

Gonna have to disagree there. I guess I'm just used to Montenevera, but the rest of Paldea is so freaking hot! The cold is way easier to deal with, you can just wear more layers, but there's only so much you can do when it's like an oven outside. Again, cold beverages are lifesavers.

Are you more of a cat or dog person? I like both, but especially dogs, like my Greavard.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Twisted Mind
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Twisted Mind The Haunted Cheesecake Person

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Are you more of a cat or dog person? I like both, but especially dogs, like my Greavard.

Zarius Meri

Dogs are terrifying. They bite, and bark- ugh. Cats are so much better- they're nice and the only time they get mad is when you pet them too much or forget to feed them. Kittens are the best, honestly. Kittens and elderly cats. I just don't see how anybody can like dogs.

On the topic of animals, birds or ferrets?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SoulStealer
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On the topic of animals, birds or ferrets?

Avelixia Donner, Into The Unknown

"Birds for sure! I have this bird, his name is Finch, and he's amazing! If you just met him, you'd take my side for sure. He's a little angel finch! A good spy as well, but yeah. Good company, Finch is."

Would you rather spend a day in nature or at home inside? Why?
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