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Zeroth Post


Hera González-Jones
Seventeen-Year-Old Class Valedictorian, portrayed by @mickilennial

Ethan Hubbard

Jessica Langbroek

Shin-ae Yun

Quinn Ashurn

Aaron West

William R. Nielsen, Jr.
At sixty-six years of age, William R. Nielsen, Jr. has been not only the Headmaster and Principal of Stockbridge Academy since 2004 but also something of a diplomat. Nielsen is an amicable man whose promises to investors and parents alike have earned him a positive reputation during his tenure. His fate is currently unknown.

Eleonóra Merkatz
At thirty-three, Eleonóra is one of the younger members of the faculty. A graduate of the University of Michigan, the witty albeit snarky instructor has found her calling within the History Department of Stockbridge. On top of American History (a requirement for newly minted Freshmen) she teaches Military History and Civics as electives. She has been with the school since 2016. Her fate is currently unknown.

Harrison M. Potter
Nearing the big 4-0, Harrison M. Potter, is growing unsettled. Already having to deal with Stockbridge students making the tired “Harry Potter” joke, his patience has grown quite thin. A member of the English Department of Stockbridge, Harrison takes pride on teaching classical literature, poetry, and the occasional epic. On top of 12th Grade English he serves as an AP Literature instructor as well. His fate is currently unknown.

Jessica Quinby
Technically Stockbridge’s Health Teacher, though it is no secret the burnout ex-Olympic athlete was hired to advise Stockbridge’s budding softball program. At thirty-eight, she’s accepted that she will never play professionally again, though she was pricklier when she joined Stockbridge in 2015. She also teaches an elective class focused around sports history, though that’s only been on the program for the past year. Most kids consider it an “easy a”. Her fate is currently unknown.

Mary Stevens
Mary Stevens is a member of the English Department of Stockbridge. Her fate is currently unknown.

Robert Toolsey
An inept Spanish Language teacher who had a lousy reputation with the students. He was devoured at the Auditorium during Lockdown.

Louis Jeffries
A member of the Science Department of Stockbridge. Often one of the tougher teachers in the school, though until recently was seen as someone who cared about the well-being and success of the students. Evidently, a zombie apocalypse can change a man. His fate is currently unknown.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

17 - Scorpio - Senior - 5'6" - Olivia Rodrigo

“It’s not personal, I just know you’re a dumbass.”
Hera, to pretty much anyone

Appearance Details

i keep rewriting this

Where should you start with González-Jones?

She’s an active overachiever, constantly on the hunt for the next item on her checklist. The more a college has to look at, she figures, the more likely they are to take her in on a full ride. Because she’s definitely not going to be able to pay for it and the idea of being perpetually indebted to a loan officer terrifies her immensely. Not that is all going to matter anymore given the state of the world.

How people perceive her is definitely going to hurt more than it will help, though. Not that is entirely her fault, either. People see “cheerleader”, “school newspaper”, “overachiever”, “national honor society” and they all start connecting dots. Her awful personality just takes it home. She keeps people at distance, cracks jokes that seem made of landmines, and every boyfriend she’s ever had has never been more than a brief distraction. To call her a mean girl wouldn’t be accurate, either, though. She doesn’t have a book of grudges or particularly go out of her way to make people’s life hell. She just doesn’t care. High School is just another short stop on a very long bus ride that she feels will never account for anything. Well, she wasn’t counting on the apocalypse and having to depend on others to survive. Life’s a bitch.

With her family, Hera is pretty fine with them. She doesn’t come from a super abusive household or have any distinct parental issues. The only real issue she’s ever had is her dad died in the line of duty before she could walk and as a result has pretty much only had her mother and her uncle to lean on. Not that she ever sees either of them much since it is through them she goes to a nice school and has everything she needs to succeed. She’s pretty fortunate to have them and they have taught her how to be fairly self-sufficient as a result.

Though given the pending end of the world, she has started to worry more than she ever has before.
Character Notes

- Her mother is a Nurse at a hospital a half-and-hour away from Alpena Heights. Hera suspects she's dead.

- Her uncle runs a restaurant in the northeastern corner of Alpena Heights.


Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

16 - Cancer - Junior - 5'11" - Ashton Moio

“When you feel alone out there, remember you're part of a team. There's a whole squad that's got your back.”
Ethan, motivating his teammates

Appearance Details

Still finishing what is likely to be his final growth spurt, Ethan retains a certain amount of teenage gangliness that keeps him from ever being mistaken for older than he is; despite creeping closer to six feet tall each day. His hair is always a few inches longer than an already 'boyish' medium length, leaving him perpetually looking severely overdue for a haircut. Despite having four older brothers to inherit from, most of Ethan's wardrobe consists of the latest GAP hoodies and jeans. The resulting look is unremarkable at best, and only Ethan's own outgoing attitude and social standing keep him from falling into Stockbridge's 'dork' category.

He has a soft face with kind brown eyes. Nothing about Ethan is guarded or stand-offish, and all his emotions are clearly displayed; even if only in one of three typical expressions: smiling friendliness, competitive focus, or mild confusion.

The youngest of seven children, Ethan is the last thing that stands between his doting parents and an empty nest. Each of the Hubbard children have left their mark on Stockbridge High over the past decade and a half, as one by one they graduated, moving on to greater things out-of-state. Valedictorian, artistic visionary, student body president, varsity captain, tech-genius, activist; the school's faculty joked about what his contribution might be as early as his first freshman week. They'd stopped after he was forced to take retake math over the summer.

His youngest elder sister graduated after his first year, leaving Ethan alone for the first time in his life. He threw himself into the school's social life to combat the sudden isolation at home. Good looks as well as his family's shining reputation in the sleepy town meant he was never short of friends, despite his grades never improving. A sudden spurt of growth at the end of sophomore year along with goading from his friends eventually led to Ethan trying out for the foot-ball team, where he found further success in friendships and bonding. While never the star athlete or team captain, Ethan found himself an appreciated member of just about any sports team Stockbridge had to offer, eventually making it to the varsity teams his junior year.

His future is still uncertain in many ways, but unlike the rest of his siblings, Ethan had never felt any hurry to leave Alpena Heights behind. The Hubbard call of ambition seemed to have quieted by the time his turn came around. While his parents, coaches, and peers discuss college and potential paths to greatness, Ethan doesn't think a quiet life working for his uncle's construction crew sounds so bad.
Character Notes

- Ethan's father is a pediatric doctor at the hospital outside of town

- Ethan's mother works the front desk for her brother's company, currently set up in a portable at a construction site on the edge of town.

- Smartphone
- Wallet
- House keys
- Backpack [Contains: 1 pen (not working), a blank notebook, multiple scrunched and forgotten handout sheets, one half-used roll of hockey tape, an uncontained mouthgaurd, and a hockey helmet.]

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle 3594

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

17 - Cancer - Senior - 5'2" - Sophia Lillis

"I thought that life couldn't be any shittier than it already was. I was wrong."
Jess, monologuing in her head

Appearance Details

As someone who isn't particularly interested in appearances, Jess isn't much of a standout.

Her attire often consists of anything baggy and/or with long sleeves, such as jackets and sweaters. Some of her peers have attempted to get a rise out of Jess by exclaiming that her family is poor or that she shops at the thrift store, but such words are meaningless to her. Practicality and comfort are more important to Jess than trying to impress others and buying into the next new fad that comes around.

Jess keeps her hair boyishly short, resulting from her dislike of long hair that gets in the way of everything. It once caused her to be mistaken as a boy by an elderly substitute teacher; an incident Jess has yet to live down.

When compared to the jocks, cheerleaders and other popular kids of Stockbridge, Jessica Langbroek is rather bog standard. Both of her parents, an on-call firefighter and a late night bartender, were Alpena natives, and chose to stay local. Although she had no control over this decision, Jess felt trapped by it, being forced to grow up in the "shithole of a city" she had come to believe Alpena to be over the years.

With her parents' jobs often keeping them away from home, Jess grew into a socially awkward kid that ate plenty of cheap TV dinners and typically fell asleep to infomercials on the couch. In turn, Jess quickly found herself uninterested in making friends or trying her best in school. She did her own thing, and didn't particularly care what anyone else thought.

In a cruel twist of fate, this outlook on life likely saved Jess' life when the infection found its way into her high school. None of her classmates cared if she lived or died, making it even easier to worm her way out of the chaos without attention.
Character Notes


- Allison Langbroek: Mother; works late nights bartending for extra cash. Late 30s. Fate is unknown.

- Henry Langbroek: Father; works as a firefighter. Bit of a local celebrity. Mid 40s. Probably dead as a result of his job.


- Aaron West: "If ego was a person, you'd have Aaron."

- Ethan Hubbard: "Seems cool, at least compared to his siblings."

- Hera González-Jones: "Too focused on the future to not be an asshole."

- Quinn Ashburn: "Don't buy into the happy-go-lucky façade."

- Wallet, containing identification, loose change, etc.
- Backpack, filled with assorted school supplies
- Apartment keys, labeled with the number 307
- Smartphone, hand-me-down and outdated

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

18 - Capricorn- Senior- 5'8" - Lee Bo-young

"I get called heartless a lot, and every time I want to scream."
Shin-ae Yun

Appearance Details

Tall and lithe, Shin-ae cuts quite a recognizable figure walking through the halls. While she couldn't be called buxom by any stretch of the imagination, she is not entirely devoid of curves; she does have an unmistakably feminine shape with a modest bust. Her angular pale face is framed by silky, pin-straight black hair that falls to somewhere just north of the small of her back, and set with eyes that are dark enough brown to be nearly the same. That face is set with a near-permanent expression of annoyance or frustration. Combined with the prim way that she tends to carry herself, it tends to give people the impression that she doesn't like them, regardless of anything that she might actually feel regarding them. Or, to put it simply: she has a colossal resting bitch face.

She has (or had, evidently) a closet filled with proper clothing. Button-down shirts and blouses, pencil skirts, cashmere cardigans, most done up in monochrome. She is looked at somewhat strangely sometimes, as her bearing and clothing combined with her overall attitude lend her an air of professionalism beyond her years, one that is far more formal than her actual genuine thought processes.

A whole lot of Student Council President Shin-ae's life has been defined through expectation.

Being the child of two Korean immigrants, she was, from the beginning, subjected to the tiger mom style of parenting, with all that entails. She had expectations HEAPED on her. Things that she needed to do. Things that were demanded of her, or else she'd be yelled at. The stringent rules in her household couldn't be called entirely negative, as they did impart to her a great deal of tenacity and discipline. But that's not really a consolation to a child so choked under those expectations, and while straight A's and knowing how to play the violin might impress her mother's co-workers, they do very little to prepare one for speaking with your peers on any meaningful level.

On that note, this has had a number of effects on how she interacts with others, first being 'the Shin-ae Stare,' dubbed as such by her vice president; that terrible resting bitch face that dogs her feet. She has a reputation among the student body for being a hardass, and the persistent reminders that she gives about decorum and conduct, something that she's a bit picky about, really have not helped. Consequently, Shin-ae is alone a great deal of the time; not only is she not really allowed to hang out with friends outside of school because of the draconian rules of her household, but there are few enough people who know what she's actually like. Which is quite personable, actually; she's not relaxed and laughing all the time, obviously, but she's friendly and helpful enough, and if you pay enough attention you can find the streak of dry humor that she has under the surface.

And it's a very good thing that she's started flouting her parents' rules now and then to spend time with other people. Because just like preparing one for a social life, those straight A report cards and violin recitals have done very, very little in preparing her for the apocalypse.
Character Notes

- Her mother Hanseul Yun works for a prominent tech company in a fairly high position. Shin-ae has no idea where she is right now.

- Her father Ji-ho Yun is a freelance photographer who works from home. She's extremely worried about him.

- Flip phone (yes, really, she isn't allowed a smartphone)
- Heavy backpack filled with supplies (textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. etc.)
- Violin case and violin

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

17 - Libra - Junior - 5'9'' - Sydney Sweeney

“Oh sweetie, you showed so much spirit! A shame it didn't move you to actually try.”
Quinn, to a student at tryouts

Appearance Details

Quinn is 5'9'' and has shoulder-length blonde hair and dark grey eyes. She is often seen wearing trendy clothes or in her cheerleading uniform. She wears make-up in light colors and often wears a silver bracelet on her left wrist (a gift from her late father). Quinn looks like a happy teen roaming the halls, rarely letting the mask fall despite the whirlwind of emotions plaguing her mind.

Quinn Ashurn is not a nice person.

Well, that's not 100% true. She tips over 20% at restaurants. She will give to the poor when able. She does her chores without being asked. Despite this, Quinn has a nasty streak in her. To her, it is the price one pays to be on top of the social hierarchy that is high school.

As one of the head cheerleaders on the team, she often has to make decisions on what is done during performances as well as who gets a spot. The power of such decisions has, more often than not, gone to her head and Quinn takes some pleasure in calling the shots.

Quinn does well in school, maintaining a 3.9 GPA and shows genuine promise in math class (though she will never admit it). Her mother is often overbearing and pushes her daughter to excel no matter the cost. Quinn is the youngest of 5 siblings and her older siblings are all out of the house and doing things for themselves, leaving Quinn to handle their mother.

Quinn dreams of going to college out of the country if only to get some distance from her family and this town.
Character Notes

- Quinn's mother works in local government.

-Quinn's older siblings rarely keep in touch, though her closest older sibling, Tracey, reaches out more often than not.

-Quinn dated a member of the football team sophomore year but the two broke up for 'reasons unknown'

-Purse with make-up, mints, keys, pens, mace, tampons, and her wallet.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

18 - Ares - Senior - 6’ - Brandon Flynn

“I’m going to cut you off… I don’t really care, man.”
Aaron, to a partner on a group project

Appearance Details

Aaron West stands at a solid six feet even, and weighs anywhere between 170 and 185 lbs depending on how much he’s bulking up for a certain season. He usually has a cocky grin plastered on his face, only to be replaced by a focused stare or cold indifference when it’s called for. He wears his high school varsity jacket with pride nearly anywhere he goes, with the appropriate patches for his roles on the Football, Basketball, and Baseball teams. A closer look reveals that his Varsity jacket is the only thing Aaron keeps pristine: the soles of his shoes have been worn down and smoothed, his jeans are always covered in grass or dirt stains, and his shirts are all older and worn out.

Aaron West was supposed to get out of here.

He was always running, from a young age. His parents say it’s because he was a born athlete, but he taught himself everything he knows. He rarely spent time home, his parents both being out working a shift or drinking themselves into a stupor to numb the pain of having to go in the next day. So, Aaron grew up on the local basketball courts, and was signed up for nearly every sports camp and little league team he could be. Anything to make sure he wasn’t home.

It wasn’t until high school Aaron pieced together how bad his home life was. Two parents that hated each other, but were too tired and jaded to seek happiness elsewhere. Besides, why chase a better life when they could just blame their kid? The only times they ever seemed to be interested in him was at the games of his they could make. He could be something one day. He was an investment. Not enough of one to put effort into making sure he stayed on top of his grades and didn’t have to repeat the 8th grade… but an investment nonetheless.

Despite being somewhat popular for being a triple sport athlete, Aaron has earned himself a reputation of being a difficult jerk. He’s been called everything from sardonic (a word he probably doesn’t even know) to downright arrogant and aggressive. His teammates put up with him as much as they can, but Aaron knows they’d never stick their neck out for him if they didn’t have to. At the end of the day, it’s for the best. He doesn’t want to be stuck in Alpena Heights like his parents, and there’s no point in making connections to a place that’ll be in his rearview the rest of his life. Everyone else is just baggage that’ll slow him down.

At least, that’s what he tells himself. It’s easier than admitting his own flaws, or how his devil-may-care attitude has hurt anyone who has tried to get close. Best for his ego to just claim they abandoned him, or that he doesn’t need anyone.

Of course, maybe he would have been something in another world. But here… the only thing Aaron has going for him is he can keep running.

He always keeps running.
Character Notes

- Aaron’s father is Henry West, a used car salesman who works at a dealership near the mall.

-Aaron’s mother is Barbara West, a waitress at a local diner.

-Aaron and his parents are only children.

-Smartphone, 2 generations old and with a cracked screen.
-Backpack, half-full since he forgot half his textbooks at home.
-Pack of cinnamon gum
-Keys to his car, a 2012 Hyundai Sonata, which is in the student lot.

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