Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ganondorf shut his eyes for a moment as though considering something, chin pointed to the dusty floor "Hmmm..." his throat made a rumbling noise "Ingo is only as capable as he can be made to be capable, if you bend a man too far..." the Gerudo snapped his fingers " He breaks, and a man or a beast is no use broken. Ingo knows that, and he will be smart enough to know that his pathetic ranch is in too dangerous a route..." Ganondorf was of course speaking of the monsters upon which Hyrule Field is plagued, not that his loyal executioner had yet to realize that indeed there was a reason the dead walked and the roads were rife with danger.

"Then it will matter not to a pathetic worm like Ingo if his own niece inherits the land, only then we should deal with such pests. Once all have exhausted their usefulness. We shall worry about other pests to crush." everything has a place, Grindan would know that and know that there was a reason that the dead could be left to be a problem that once it festered they deal with the blight when it became a greater issue.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

A sigh escaped Grindan. This was a discussion they had gone through before and it was one they disagreed on. He understood the logic of what Ganondorf had said about the undead holding a purpose, Grindan's stance was that crushing them also served a purpose in solidifying Ganondorf's rule. "If you insist on letting the undead pests run loose, I'll oblige. But I warn that their presence does serve to make it harder for you to take advantage of the resources of your domain and can be viewed as the sign of a ruler too weak to maintain control over his own realm."

Some might have viewed what Grindan just said as disloyalty. That the king's word on the matter was final and that attempting to discuss the matter further was a sign of disrespect. The people who would think like that were, to Grindan, idiots and spineless worms unworthy of King Ganondorf's attention. Grindan would follow the commands of his liege, but it was his duty to point out some of the consequences of his decisions that may come up in the future to consider.

"At any rate. What would you have me do, your majesty?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ArmorPlated
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Having finished her morning routine, gathering various herbs and mushrooms throughout the forest, Dekkori plodded into Kakariko with her diminutive footsteps, inadvertently spooking one of the more jumpy guards. Exchanging the usual pleasantries, the man stepped aside and allowed her into the town proper. Adjusting her pack, she resumed her walk into town to make her scheduled deliveries and then pick up her weekly stock for her comparatively small pantry.

Making her rounds, Dekkori dutifully provided the residents of Kakariko Village medicines for their various ills, but quickly took notice of the arrival of Captain Ackermore, returned early from an expedition she had heard gossip about. Deciding she could investigate after she was done, Dekkori hurried along, tending to the villagers before packing her things away and returning to the center of town. Immediately, the Deku noticed someone new; a young Hylian woman sporting vibrant blue hair and fine clothes that had definitely seen better days was talking with the Captain. Seeing no reason to keep away, she adjusted her much lightened pack and approached the two, noting obvious signs of fatigue in both of the Hylians.

With a sigh she sets her pack next to the tree in the center of town and takes a seat in the shade, close enough to catch the Captain's attention, far enough away to avoid being accused of eavesdropping. Waving down one of the less important armored men hovering around the Captain, she quickly gained one's attention. As he approached, she piped up in a cheerful, disarming tone, "Would you mind terribly filling me in on what is going on? I must admit, I am terribly curious as to what exactly is happening." New faces usually meant new trouble, as disheartening as it sounded, it still rang true.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

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Meki awoke to the sound of the cuccos, their call seemed to beckon her all the way from the river. She'd noticed the water was warmer, well at least lacked the ominous chill of the other day. She gripped her spear in her hand to make sure it remained then pulled herself out of the water. She took a deep breath of the cool meadow air before completely removing herself from the river. She then made her way back to Kakariko Village.

Along the way children had gathered in their group in the puddles on the shore, all greeted her with waves and 'good morning'. The people of the village were so outgoing and welcoming. Meki responded back with waves of her own, answering the occasionally questions but dodging others, she had one goal in mind today, find the Impa woman many spoke of.

It took some time of Meki trying to recollect her bearings, without the direction of the water Kakariko village was a nightmare to navigate, and many questions to many villagers but eventually she finds herself at the bottom of a set of stairs to a simple house. She looks up at the door steps above her and takes a shaky breath. The woman might not even be home? Or perhaps she wasn't all that friendly. Pushing all the doubt down she calls out a shaky "Hello? Impa?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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Orin Ackermore

The early mist began to drift and lift out. Orin awaited, stoic and still, for the return of the guard. Not long in waiting, he spotted the pair of figures come forth, breaking the haze as they went. One was the guard; the other was an unfamiliar figure. The Captain squinted, trying to make out the newcomer as their features became clearer. So it's not the Rancher's daughter. Rather than the young, reheaded daughter of Talon, the person approaching was a grown women, clad in blue adornments that would have been pristine among nobility had it not been subjected to the farmlands and fields.

The captain held to the woman's story with keen interest. Her name rang a feint bell in his mind. It had been routine in the days of the Hylian King for high military and noble families to brush shoulders; he felt somewhat more at ease in the understanding that she was loyal to Hyrule, though skepticism still held a loose hold. Her tale was one of both intruige and worry for Orin. He had heard rumors of a figure of Goliathan stature patrolling the Kingdom and enforcing Ganondorf's will. Now he had confirmation that such a figure existed. It was unsettling to know of such a fierce Lieutenant of the enemy, but helpful at the same time.

When her tale concluded, Orin took his turn to speak.

"Captain Orin Ackermore," he said, introducing himself with an open hand patting lightly against his chest. "It's good to see that you're alive and well enough for the times, Ma'am." He paused and thought his next words. "You're welcome to stay here, of course. The people of Kakariko have been beyond hospitable to refugees from other parts of Hyrule, though it may take a day to sure up a suitable arrangement. For now, however, I'll need you to follow me. I've more inquiries of the state of matters beyond here."


The guard standing by Lanayru, silently dismissed by the Captain, spotted Dekkori sitting nearby. "Ah. Dekkori." The guard cracked a smile; the Motherly nature of the Deku Scrub had a way of lifting the tensions. "Just a refugee from Lon Lon Ranch. If you would, the Captain mentioned some injured soldiers that need tending to though."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ArmorPlated
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Dekkori's gaze lingered on the Captain and the new arrival he was staring down like a hawk, even as the Guardsman ambled over, an amicable grin directed her way. She'd earned a reputation throughout the town and a ways farther for helping as she did, and it lent her no small measure of trust. "Ah, Dekkori." She nodded in greeting at the guard. "Just a refugee from Lon Lon Ranch." Dekkori looked over the woman dressed in blue. She was exhausted, disheveled and definitely held herself in the way that Hylian nobility always did. It was in the posture mostly.

"If you would, the Captain mentioned some injured soldiers that need tending to though." Dekkori set here eyes back on the guard, her demeanor shifting dramatically in the span of a single moment. Gone was the warm, relaxed disposition she so often sported. "You returned with injured?" Dekkori was standing in an instant. Gone was the soft tone and relaxed posture, replaced with the tension of the untamed wilds, demanding attention and respect. A single finger pressed to the Guard's armored chest in command. "You will lead me to them. Now." It was more of a statement of fact than a request, the sharp stare of her gaze daring him to refuse. After the moment had passed, the Deku lifted her pack and took hold of her walking stick. Pressing it to the Guard's back, she pushed him gently but firmly until he took the hint.

Moving with adequate haste, the pair arrived at a house currently being used as a makeshift barracks. "Thank you dearie. Please let your Captain know that I would like to speak to him after I am done." Without giving her impromptu guide a chance to reply, she was entering the building, rifling through her now much emptier pack, looking for the medicines she always kept on hand for emergencies. The few militiamen milling about inside didn't look shocked to see Dekkori, but her demeanor drew their attention. One in the back beckoned her towards a door. The wounded were laid out on beds and cushions with various injuries. Some were only battered and bruised, others sported disfiguring injuries, and one poor young man had a horrific gash through his lower back. "Goddesses above, why was I not told of this?!" Dekkori gasped. Medicine in hand, she set to tending to the injured, worst first.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Tell me, are you familiar with the woods to the south Grindan?" his liege held his right hand in his left massaging the wrist as he sat at his bench before the dusty organ within the hall for a brief moment a light shone from his fist gone in a flash "It is home to sprites, and once a most...meddlesome whelp." such bitterness dripped from the Gerudo King's tone, clenching his shaking fists he looked as though he would fly into a rage any second before he calmed himself with a deep breath "Deep within the wretched woods the pathetic race of the Kokiri live, children though they may look they are a nuisance. But one of their kind is surely the descendant of the Sages. Do what you must to find them, kill them all for all if you must...Those of Sage blood are unmistakable, if you find them you should surely know."

Yet no answer came at the Zora's call, her heart beat quickly nervous that she may have come and been a mosf unwelcome guest yet she heard a soft voice from up the steps though it did not belong to Lady Impa it was a surprising yet welcome sight.

"I do apologize but Lady Impa is not here Meki," she was dressed in what looked like a white dress though plain as it were it was unmistakable of whom wore it even as she peaked out the door slightly "B-But do come in she will be back soon." Zelda, was not normally allowed to let in visitors to the house but she had heard much of the Zora from Impa "Do pardon me but do Zora drink tea?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Product
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"Thank you, Captain Ackermore. Your kindness and hospitality are greatly appreciated."

Lanayru thanked Captain Orin for his hospitality and followed him through the gates of Kakariko. As they walked through the town, Lanayru noticed the respect shown towards an elderly Deku Scrub by a guard, but the pair seemed to be in a hurry. Feeling exhausted from the night's events, Lanayru let out a yawn but tried to stay awake by striking up a conversation with the Captain in a soft voice. She asked about the future of Hyrule in the misty morning and expressed her concern for the safety of the princess.

"Is our princess safe?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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To say that Grindan was confused by the request that his liege had made would be an understatement. "...I'm sorry, did you just ask me to hunt down and kill the mythical, immortal forest children? The fairy tale stories that live deep in the depths of the magical, cursed forest in which Hyrulians go in, get lost and never return?" The executioner had heard stories of the southern woods. Any Hyrulian would have. For the first time in the long history of Grindan and Ganondorf knowing each other, Grindan looked... uneasy about something. Almost afraid.

"Look... I respect the vote of confidence, but I don't have access to the raw magical power that you do... or magic at all. If a strong arm and a solid axe was all it would take to defeat that forest, it would have been kindling years ago. I'm not saying that I won't try to do it, but unless you have the ability to teach me how to bypass or overcome the enchantments of the forest not much is going to come of the attempt."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lest the King have forgotten, his loyal servant and companion had no sorcerous abilities such as he had. It was odd to see the executioner look uneasy yet it mattered not, Ganondorf was silent for almost what seemed like a minute before he addressed Grindan once again, had it been any other who dared speak against him Ganondorf would have ended them where they stood however the executioner spoke out of turn he had a point.

"Hm, I haven't the means to teach you the things I know nor the time or patience. For now let me worry about the woods. There are other issues that need a more...hands-on approach." a strong arm and a solid are indeed, to cut down those who refused to kneel.

"Hmph, you know Grindan. I have allowed something to fester for too long now, the people of Kakariko should be reminded of whom is their king. You know best how to make anyone kneel, go and do so...However do not be so foolish as to storm the village Grindan." so was his orders, to address the situation in Kakariko to have the people submit to their new king. At his disposal the Gerudo King had not else to say lest the executioner inquire further.

From behind Orin the sudden sound of a familiar voice nearly made him jump though he was likely accustomed to being surprised by now "You failed to report to me sooner Ackermore." Impa's voice cool, and icy her posture practiced and imposing her footsteps almost silent as she walked towards him and Dekkori, as well as a newcomer whom felt the woman's gaze pass over her as if she could see right through Lanayru.

"We could feel the tremors from down here, there better not be a rock slide blocking the path now Captain." Impa was not too pleased by Orin's tardiness as well as negligence to giving her a report as soon as he arrived though she softened a bit in the company of the venerated deku scrub "I hope there were no casualties Ackermore. We can't afford to lose any more than we already have."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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@Dark Cloud

With the change in order, Grindan once again fell silent for a time. Unlike with the situation with the woods, this silence was one of contemplation and thought; While a massive, haunted wood was beyond his abilities, forcing a well protected village to change its allegiance without directly assaulting it was merely a challenge, rather then outright suicide.

If the Village had just been on its own, brute force could work, but it would be a costly endeavour. A narrow river crossing combined with the natural chokepoint that was the entrance stairway offered the defenders great advantages to prepare defences… if they were competent. Considering the primary defenders would be militia or solders of the old king, that wasn’t too likely… but desperation made for dangerous foes.

However, the village wasn’t on its own. The mountain pass that went via the village offered them reinforcements from the Goron, who were a hell of a lot more dangerous and competent then any solders in hiding would be. The river also provided easy access to the Zora, who could intervene and assault an attack from behind. Direct force was to be avoided then, as Ganondorf had rightly figured out.

As far as alternative options went, one clearly stood out in the executioner’s mind; siege.

Truthfully, it was the best option. Because of the wild monster attacks, farms had been abandoned or destroyed while those left had a more dangerous time transporting their goods. Refugees from Castle Town and the abandoned farmsteads had fled to Kakariko for safety, but this almost certainly put the village above its ability to feed itself. It was almost certainly dependant on outside supplies coming in to make up for the reserves it likely had to start using…

Not to mention, depending on numbers the village well might not be enough to cover their water needs alone anymore.

So after the moment of silence, Grindan at last offered his liege a small bow. “I will be taking some forces with me, but the village will change their tune soon enough. Any decrees you desire me to deliver once they do, your majesty?” there was the confidence that the executioner used for his tasks.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

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Orin Ackermore

Orin lead Lanayru through the village. People passed, giving slight waves of greeting as they noticed the Captain; he returned the pleasantries dutifully, while ignoring the whispers of uncertainty that followed as they noticed Lanayru treading in his wake. Strangers from the outside had become a rarity, and each was subject to scrutiny by the locals.

Before long, the pair came to the home of a Cucco keeper, who had opened their home to some of the Hylian Army. The Captain reached to pull the door open when a the familiar tone of a stern voice caught his ear from behind.

He turned hastily, side stepping Lanayru in the process.

"Lady Impa." The officer was noticeably flustered by the sudden appearance of his superior as he offered a salute. "I apologize. I had only just returned from the mountain pass when I was informed of a refugee." He indicated Lanayru standing behind him. [color=0072bc]"The trail up Death Mountain is too dangerous at this time to allow passage. We have injured; but to my knowledge there are no casualties.[color] He hung in silence for a second, glancing inconspicuously back to Lanayru. "Are you able to confirm the well-being of Her Majesty? I've been receiving inquiries."

@Product @Dark Cloud
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

After a moment of tenuous silence, Impa whom was massaging her temples breathed an exasperated sigh "That is most unfortunate but I'm relieved to hear there were no casualties. As for our guest, Jin just get her some lodgings." she barely did a once over of the girl, looked like a scholar of sorts maybe she had a reason to be here if not at the least opportune of times.

"Tell the men and woman she is fine," honestly Impa was growing tired of the folk fretting over the Princess but it was understandable, she was the only living member of the royal family after all "She is restless to say the least, I don’t know how much more faith I can put into legen-That will be all Ackermore."

Impa then knelt to get on the same level with the kindly old deku "I hope you won't mind tending to the wounded Dekkori?" she asked in a much softer tone when speaking to the deku.

After a moment of deliberation Ganondorf shook his head, Grindan knew what to say and do; the Gerudo King had faith that his loyal executioner would not fail to deliver. It was quite simple anyhow "Only that any resistance will be paid in blood, I will not stand for it. Now go, I will await your return." and with that the King turned and his hands hovered over the dusty keys of the grand organ. The winds of change like the sonorous echoes of the organ pipes were ever changing, and the chorus had yet to even begin.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The message to be delivered had been offered. Grindan himself offered his king a small bow before he turned to leave. He had to get some things organized; The recruitment of forces, the gathering of bows and arrows, shovels, ect. Logistics were always an important of any campaign and the benefits of using the undead made the process a lot easier in some ways; Didn't need to play for sanitation or sleeping quarters. But blockading a town required careful planning. It wasn't the kind of thing that could simply be half arsed after all.

Kakariko would submit. He doubted that they would drag it out to the point that everyone died, but pride might make them hold out until the third missed meal.
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