Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


It was an odd thing.

They were so easily accepting of her and her story. Not that it was a lie, but if it had been her she'd have questioned every aspect of it. What trusting little lambs, hm? Cute, too weren't they? Huhuhu, perhaps she could play with them? Maybe one of them would want to dance amidst a rainy sky on a silvery white night?

Oh, Roze stopped talking so it was probably time to introduce herself, hm? It was a few somewhat awkward seconds before she actually managed to do it, though.

"Yes yes, hellos! Haaselle, at your service." A rather dramatic and overly energetic bow. "Don't worry yourselves over me. Tours are boring and Roze seems like the type that she'd be fun to hang around~" Instead of her hand though, Renee would get one of her tentacles, lightly coiling around the fey's wrist. "I've not worked with anyone before so I'll try not to get in anyone's way too much." Not that she didn't want to help, but at the same time she wasn't lying. Getting along well with other people was hard for her. Her extra limb retracted beneath her cloak again, her messy black hair obscuring her right eye as she offered Launus and Renee a grin.

A brief introduction, but it should be suitable.

Haaselle, for the entire trip couldn't keep herself entirely quiet - humming a slow, swaying tune to herself as she walked just behind the others. There was no meaning to it, other than just keeping herself entertained and when they finally reached the waterways she did quiet herself.

"Not the worst place I've been..." Haaselle commented quietly as Roze led them into the waterways. No, that was reserved for the tiny cell she had been confined to-She frowned, a small bit of pain forming in her temple as she shook her head. "In fact this place has a nice little charm to it, huhu~" She fell silent as Roze apparently found something belonging to one of the kids. It was a small and muted feeling that blossomed. Anger. Just a bit, but it was there. Not like her normal agitation or short temper with others.

Things proceeded to fall apart quickly after that.

Animals. Vile. Abhorrent. She used to like animals, but now they were just annoyances and sources of cacophonous noises. These creatures in particular made her tentacles squirm.

"Can't say I've ever seen them before myself, but I don't get out much." Despite the seriousness of the situation, there was not a hint of urgency or fear in her voice faced with the sudden appearance of the arachnids. Two, barreling for her. She might have been scared, if she was capable of feeling that in any meaningful capacity any more.

Haaselle simply made a flicking motion with her middle finger and her thumb towards one of the spiders as it leaped towards her. The creature immediately screeched as it was suddenly flung backwards, slamming into a wall as its entire upper half was crushed.

"Awfully squishy and weak, aren't they...?" A quiet giggle as she swiftly sidestep a spider that lunged at her. One of her tentacles lashed out, its normal black color now reflecting a the dim light as it impaled the creature from behind before tossing its carcass in the water as she spun on her heels to face the horde once more.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 12 days ago

Leon Hyksos

@Hammerman @Rune_Alchemist@AzureKnight

"I'm Leon, A pleasure." the hooded fae nodded and introduce himself in the dullest way possible to the group. You can almost skim past his presence from the way he interjects himself in the conversation.

Leon formed a dry crooked smile at them. He wasn't annoyed by them or anything, He was just baffled by how passionate and comfortable Lanus and Renee are with each other's skin. Quite the opposite of our secretive and lethargic knife-eared fae.

He then turns his attention to the newly added members of the team. The tower veteran Mrs. Roze and a stray recruit, who seems to be gliding on her feet. A tentacle girl who has been trailing her like a lost puppy.

Leon can read the emotion of the somber witch with his amplified esper powers. A telepathic gift that he didn't have before encountering that cursed book.

He can feel her burden like she is obligated to take care of her. The feeling of guilt that happens in her past. The psionic rogue didn't pry on for it too long as Roze seems uncomfortable talking about it let alone someone reading her private thoughts.

As for the new recruit, named Haassele. He can tell she's an esper. Her emotions and thoughts are somewhat distorted and lack clarity, quite uncommon for someone whose magic revolves around mastering one's mind.

Underneath this calmness and innocent face, there's some storm brewing in her. Quite the opposite of our meticulous fae, who doesn't like to take risks unless it's necessary and keeps his emotions at arm's length.

Either way, Leon is done sizing up the people he is working with. This should suffice. Analyzing people with telepathy can be tiresome and borderline creepy if you really think about it.

On to the mission!


Into the mouth of the underground waterworks

And it reeks! its repugnant stench is enough to make anybody hurl in disgust. And this is just the entrance of it. How can anyone be enticed by this smell, especially the children? Luckily for Leon lower part of his face is covered with bandages to filter out the smell.

As they delve into the maze-like tunnels known as the city's underground waste dump. The trail grows moist and hotter. Signs of struggle and infestation became clearer. The air is damp and feasible that someone or something inhabits this place.

With one glance at the torn-out jacket Roze is holding, Leon foresaw the past within a vision. A glimpse of a kid running for his life and being dragged out by a creature into their nest. The jacket he left was the last gasp of hope if somehow someway he would be found and miraculously rescued.

His train of thought was cut off as his danger sense abruptly kicks in. The feeling of imminent threat was registered in his mind, an unavoidable encounter that they have to fight their way through.

The others pointed out it as well as the pale spiders began to appear and flank them on all sides. Spiders from the fae forest that shouldn't even be here.

These white arachnids saw them as intruders or their next meal or both.

Leon changes his stance, swiftly drawing his daggers on both hands. Two spiders began to bare their fangs and started charging at him.

Unflinching from where he stood, The psionic fae didn't even bother to dodge nor move and foresaw the outcome of this brawl with his clairvoyance: Their future was forfeited at this moment.

That's how confident he is in feeding off the Grimiore's power.

Their movements were predictable almost too easy to read for Leon as they began to pounce on him.

Their frontal assault was met by a flying dagger hurled right between their red eyes, stopping them in their tracks, and obscuring their vision. making them screech in pain from where they stand.

The knife-throwing doesn't stop there as Leon began to conjure his twin psychic blades as his coup de grace for the two wounded beasts.

In one swoop, He throws them both like a boomerang in the air causing them to collide and pierce both of the spider's heads in succession, puncturing their brains from the side, and making them plop on their backs like a sack of potatoes.

The poor arachnids started twitching their eight legs ever so helplessly as their life was soon coming to an end.

The twin daggers return to Leon's hand as both of his opponents were unresponsive and disposed of.

"They're weak yes, but is it just me, or their attacks are well coordinated? not you're usual dumb creature I would say." Leon leaps backward and disengages in combat, rejoining the others in fending off these out-of-place albino forest spiders.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 9 days ago


Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @AzureKnight @PaulHaynek

Oh, that was news to Shavis. Did she just not remember that Einer was also nobility? And from what Ruecian said, also from that area as well? "Does put me at ease. Thanks, Einer." She snickered as she patted his shoulder before turning her full attention to their combat instructor. He didn't seem all too willing to come onto the mission with them but it didn't seem like he had that much of a choice.

"I always look sharp!" She said confidently with a grin. "I'm just gonna go get prepped real quick and I'll meet you guys in a bit." With that, she gave them a two fingered salute and hustled to get her coat cleaned. Thanks, Scarlett.

Once she was more situated with herself, Shavis met back with Einer and Reucian and headed out for their mission. She was curious about what kind of escort mission this would end up as. She even wondered if it would be a little disappointing for the young lady that they weren't the same people who went on that mission. Did she request them just to pull some stories out of them? She didn't voice out any of her thoughts during their short walk to the outskirts of the city, allowing the silence to permeate between them. Idly, she wondered what Hector was up to as well.

No time to think about that as a fancy carriage finally came into view where the young lady seemed to be waiting alongside her servant. She raised a hand in greeting but Reucian seemed to have the introductions covered. Aha, she sounded a tad disappointed that the local heroes didn't take up the mission aside from Ruecian. Understandable, considering she did request for them specifically.

Nevertheless, Shavis grinned widely. "Sorry the others were... uh... spoken for but I assure you we're just as capable!" ...Probably! "Name's Shavis, pleasure to meet you both." She responded with a bow of her head. Reucian wasn't being too formal but Shavis hoped she was being overly casual. Last thing she wanted was to fail etiquette and pass everything else.

She stood back and rubbed the back of her neck. "Er, I would like to ask what the route we're taking is. I could send some overhead reconnaissance ahead of us to make sure it's safe." She suggested. Shavis knew absolutely nothing about what this mission was going to be but if it was as simple as an escort mission, she could plan a bit ahead of time so they weren't caught off guard or anything like that.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

~ Town Borders ~

Einer was pleasantly surprised that Ruecian Valeniquen was going with them. Apparently, the client wished for someone who fought in that one dangerous quest with the malfested. The bard was not surprised, the fighters and the hitters were always the ones getting all the attention and all the glory.

The three magi met with their client at the town's borders, where they were greeted by a carriage noble in design and adorned with crests. No horses were near the wagon, which meant that the carriage was driven with magic. Einer raised an eyebrow, impressed. Even in Flugell, only the top of the tops drove around with their horseless carriages. It appeared this Molnar person was someone pretty high up.

There were two people by the carriage, one was an elderly butler in his tux and the other, Einer guessed, was the client herself. She introduced herself as Imre Dorothea Molnar. Her beauty was simple, unblemished fair skin, brown of hair and eyes. Definitely a girl that Lanus would... gladly greet. Her attire was simple for nobility too, a pink top and a long, black skirt. She didn't even seem to have any jewelry on her. her butler was also named as Nathaniel.

”Referring to what you said earlier, I believe the Triad Witch, Rozemyne Levina, was with you during that mission. I…thought that she would be joining you. Um…not to be rude, but, who are you two exactly? You appear to be a magus as well, one that perhaps uses magical music notes? Tell me, what are your names? Please forgive me if I sounded rude earlier.”
Imre Dorothea Molnar

Oh, her eyes pierced Einer's heart like pins upon their cushion. Her judgmental gaze told the musician everything he needed to know about what she thought of him. He was not Ruecian nor was he Shavis, who was this lost boy amongst these avatars of combat? Was he even worth learning about?

"There's nothing to forgive, milady. I understand that my compatriots are... worthier than I am. Indeed, I have yet to measure up to them." Einer responded, professionally concealing his sorrow. "I am Einer Devaron, a son of House Devaron of Flugell. A pleasure to meet you." The bard formally bowed. "Yes, the music I play is magical. It soothes souls and wounds, lifts curses and banishes Miasma even. Unfortunately, 'tis magic that is non-offensive. I have to lean on others if I am to be effective." One could not miss the tinge of hatred in his tone for the last sentence.

"My music also makes trips less dull. Perfect for this situation, don't you think?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Feeling someone bump into him the moment he rounded the corner, Damian had to take a step back to brace. Thankfully he didn't step on any of the books which fell.

Seeing who it was that bumped into him, the man was a little confused, though curious. "No need to apologize, no harm done."

Taking a knee Damian started grabbing some of the books that were out of the woman's reach. "Here, miss." Handing them to her with a small but warm smile, he gazed at the tome titles with curiosity. "Interesting set of tomes, miss. Which reptile are you focusing on?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 16 min ago

Hector Wyland

With the newfound bullets and adjusted rifle, Hector would rush headlong to the meeting place, a fair bit behind those who had already left for the quest. As such, he would be arriving a touch later, just as everyone was making introductions. A healthy bit of cardio never killed anyone.

@Polaris North, @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight

The sniper would make his presence known as he cleared his throat, saying: ”My deepest apologies for being late! I thought my gun could do with some tuning up,” before he would bow slightly to Imre and her servant, saying: ”Hector Wyland, at your service.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Hammerman @Silverstein @Rune_Alchemist

The group of Reavers were fending off the spiders quite handily; thanks to Lanus’s support, Renee was able to snipe and kill the remaining arachnids on the wall. That, however, left six of them to charge at Roze by her lonesome. Two attempted to shoot webbing at her, both from front and behind. Crossing her arms and pointing open palms in both directions, the webs were instantly burned away before they even got a chance to make contact with her body. For their trouble, the attacking spiders received a prompt ice needle to their skulls, which ended them right then and there. Baring their fangs with horrid screeches, another two jumped at her, meaning to hold and bite down on the young witch. This proved to be ineffective, as with a sudden squall and deft acrobatics, Roze flipped into the air high above her foes. Grasping her arm, she held out another palm at them as she channeled more mana into it, letting loose a large gust that tore the creatures to shreds. The final pair of monsters attempted to shoot Roze out of the air with more webbing; it seemed that Roze had left herself open in her multi-spellcasting.

Or so it appeared. Roze had frozen the silk nearing her, and used it to skid down toward the remaining creatures. Then, wielding her staff, generated a large shard of ice on it and swung it at them. With her attack, the last of the arachnids had been crushed into sticky mulch. Back on the ground, Roze quickly rejoined with the others. ”Nasty little things aren’t they? Is everyone alright?” She asked her teammates. She showed much relief as it seemed like everyone was unscathed. ”I’ve no idea how many of them made this place into a nest, but it seems like this rescue mission turned into an extermination job.” Roze then motioned for everyone to follow her down the main path, leading them further into the sewage system.

Roze attempted to sense for the mana signatures of the missing children while along the way, in addition to any more of their eight-legged friends. Thankfully, or unfortunately, she wasn’t sensing anything nearby. ”Hey Leon,” Roze began, ”I was thinking about what you said earlier, I think you might be onto something. Combining the way they coordinated their attack patterns along with them being her in the first place…” Roze paused her brainstorming for a moment; the group had reached a large valve system within the inner workings of the sewer. The triad witch’s eyes narrowed, reading her staff after looking around for a moment. ”We’re not alone!”

”Right you are, wench!” Spat an unpleasant voice, it sounded like a creature was attempting to mimic a human voice but failed miserably at it.

Immediately after the statement, Lanus would find a strong kick connecting with his gut, knocking him on his back. The revealed figure would then attempt to pounce on the Fae man and stab him with a large knife, thankfully Lanus was fast enough to dodge and get back on his feet. Before he and Renee could react, the figure flipped away and threw multiple knives at Haaselle and Leon. Thankfully with their esper insight they were able to dodge them easily enough. Roze attempted to shoot a fireball at their foe, but the figure proved too nimble and quickly evaded her spell. The figure landed high above them, on a part of the valve mechanism. Upon closer inspection, the figure appeared as a rouge-like assailant with long and messy white hair, wearing torn rags with tears and marks on them. His sharp and elongated ears marked him as a Fae, but something was off. His eyes had an eerie crimson hue to them, and his hunch and mannerism denoted some sort of feral aspect about him.

”You…” Roze said, her look telling she knew something about the man’s nature. ”What are you doing here?!”

”Building a family, you sorcerous wench!” A disgusting snarl accompanied his retort. ”You…fucking murderers!” he snapped. ”You…killed my family!!! Roze shook her head in disgust at the man’s tirade. ”Sorry, but I’m afraid I’ve no idea what your on about.”

”Bitch!” At this point the rogue was foaming at the mouth. ”You killed them not but moments ago, then you feign ignorance!! I’ll kill you all!” he exclaimed. The realization hit the party, he was talking about the widows!

”Everyone, be careful with this one.” Roze said. ”I’m sure you all can feel it, this poor fool is malfested.” A malfested Fae somehow found their way into the Republic waterways and attempted to make a “family” out of white widows he likely somehow brought with him. There was no time to think about that now, as the miasma-poisoned foe began his charge.

The man let out a nasty screech as miasma began to emit from his body, eventually the fell energy molding into an ethereal-like creature that appeared in the shape of another spider. ”Shit, that’s an apparition!” Roze said. Apparitions were wraiths that were born from exposure to the fell plague, they were trouble in more ways than Material Realm malfested as they were immune to physical attacks. The ghoul bellowed as it charged at the party. It swiped at Haaselle, knocked back several feet, whereas it shot an acidic webbing at Leon and forced him to dodge back a ways, watching as the silk burned through the concrete footing surrounding the structure. As Leon dodged, the creature promptly jumped after him, but as it did it seemed to have left something in its wake. Small blue wisps crackled on the ground where it was, which turned into little arachnids, further adding to the group’s pest problem. With more screeches, they charged at the Fae lovers.

Meanwhile, Roze was deadlocked with the corrupted Fae, feeling that the quickest way to deal with the threat was to cut it off at the source. He raked at Roze with fell claws, slicing away the ice she was using to stave him off. She retaliated with fiery wind slices, attempting to return the favor.

@Polaris North @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

The group turned as Hector made his presence known. Imre took immediate note of his labored breath and sweat rolling down his cheeks, being taken aback a little bit. However, she noticed the garb he was wearing, feeling it was a bit familiar somehow. Then, it all came together as he gave his name. ”Wyland…” Her eyes perked up at the realization. ”You must be a member of the Wyland household! I hardly believed it when Sir Einer revealed himself from the Holy Capital, but it seems Eon has two nobles from Flugell in their ranks! Goodness…” Quickly realizing that she had lost her composure, Imre blushed for a moment and cleared her throat. ”Oh, please excuse me! Sir Wyland, it’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Imre Dorothea Molnar. I’m the heiress to the noble house Molnar, and I thank you for escorting me on this trip.” She said with a polite bow.

”My lady, we shouldn’t dwindle away time.” Nathaniel said.

”Ah, yes you are correct. If you all would follow me, please, let us be on our way.” Imre said, gesturing for the party to follow her to the vehicle. Her servant opened all the doors for them, where the group would then load up the automobile. ”Thank you Nathaniel. Shall be off, everyone?”

Group was now on the road to the trading village that was further down south. The interior of the vehicle was as decorated as its outside. It contained comfortable leather seats lined with fine finish, in addition the insides were painted with a deep velvet color. Imre sat across from her three escorts, with her servant in the front as the designated driver. The drive currently was a pleasant one, as the main road was well paved and Nathan appeared quite experienced at manning the luxury auto. The group would be able to enjoy the view of the countryside whilst dabbling in idle chatter, Imre seemed oddly nervous but began to speak.

”So, um, Sir Valeniquen…” She began. ”That mission in the plains must’ve been quite the experience! Would you care to tell me about it?”

”It’s what you’d expect from a mission involving abominations and rotting.” He replied. ”Thought it was weird how the creature that caused the plague in that area in the first place just vanished, but no one else seems to know anything about it. Are you worried that it might show up here?”

”Well, a part of me certainly is, yes.” She responded, staring downward for a moment. ”I recently heard that a small village was completely wiped out from an attack by a monster. Although, no one in the area is alive to confirm what kind it was, and all that were left were lesser members of the fallen. Given its nature, it was likely by the same creature that attacked those plains.

It seemed this information was able to perturb Ruecian, causing his eyes to narrow somewhat. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as the auto came to a sudden halt. ”Everyone, step out of the car, quickly! Milady, please stay inside!” Nathan said in a panicked tone.

”Whatever for? What’s going on?!” Imre said.

”We have friends…” Rue said, sensing the mana outside the vehicle. ”Come on, let’s go and meet them.” He motioned for his team to exit the car as instructed. Upon stepping foot onto the ground, the Reaver would be greeted by a sizable group of miscreants. They had the look of assailants, their heads hidden by veil and hoods that only showed their eyes, and wielded painful looking weapons.

Ruecian stared at them with an uninterested expression on his face, his arms crossed. ”I can guess what you arseholes are after.” He said. ”But, I must warn you that a little “incident” this morning, yeah we’ll call it that, has me in a not-so-good mood right now. Go find some other noble to bother. That’s your only warning.”

One of the men’s eyes sharpened a bit as he looked the blue-scaled Belua over for a moment. ”You. You’re Ruecian Valeniquen, are you…?” He said.

”Last time I checked. That a problem?”

”Won’t be in a little bit, just give us a few minutes. Alright boys, let’s make quick work of this!" The members of the group in the front began to close in. One with clawed gauntlets charged at Rue with surprising speed, already in range to swipe with one of the claws. Rue was able to dodge it easily enough, however. While he did, another brigand had charged a ball of lightning from his palm. The sudden bolt nearly caught Ruecian off guard, but he was able to freeze it within an icy prison before it could hit its mark.

”Careful, these guys can use magic!” He warned his team. He knocked back the clawed attacker with a kick and ended him by showing a bolt of ice. Meanwhile, Shavis would find three assailants coming at her with enchanted polearms weapons. A sword glowing red, an axe glowing blue, and a spear glowing green. Perhaps the colors would give her an indication of what abilities they were imbued with, but she’d have to be careful all the same.

Einer and Hector would have five attackers pressing them, each with dangerous weapons. The lack of cover and good range would make it hard for the eye-patch noble to get a clean shot…possibly. It was definitely a good time for him to test out his upgraded rifle.


Xashan stared at the women pulling him toward the alleyway, but then could only chuckle at the situation. ”Goodness, you two are quite the characters. Luckily for you, I have a soft spot for pushy girls.” He scoffed. By grinding fine sand around his arms, Xashan pushed off the binding that held his arms.

”I don’t know what your tastes are, but I can pretty much tell you that you won’t find any good restaurants here. This is a pretty old part of town, full of abandoned buildings and whatnot. Perfect hangout spots for petty thieves and wannabe gang goons.” He continued. ”That’s why I said it’d be better to wait after the mission, where I can take you to a place with some real grub”.

The trio would find their conversation cut short, as a large stone was cast at them, nicking Lupina in the face a bit before shattering on the wall behind them. Looking at its origin point, the trio would see a group of pig-like Belua standing on top of a balcony overlooking them.

”You freakshows lost or something?” Said one of them with an unpleasant tone in his voice. They all began to jump down and casually walk up to the team of Reavers. ”In case you arseholes weren’t aware, this is Bad Boy Boar turf, and outsiders ain’t welcome. Turn ‘round before this gets uglier than the cat boy is.”

”Excuse me??” Xashan said, in an ireful tone.

”Although.” One of theBoar Belua said, having a nasty smile on his face. ”Now that I look at ya, the girl with the horns ain’t half bad. If you leave her here with us, we might overlook this transgression and call it even. Whaddaya say? As if the choice isn’t obvious…” He snorted as he laughed to himself.

Xashan decided to give them an immediate answer by hitting the goon who threw the rock with a large hand made out of sand. The power caused the boar to be sent spiraling into a nearby wall, where he left a sizable crater in.

”What genius makes a move on a lady whilst throwing shit at her? Although, you gravest mistake was in insulting my appearance.” He said. ”Think it’s time we taught you idiots some manners~!”

Full of anger, the gang jumped the trio, whether Scarlett and Lupina were prepared for it or not.


”Thank you.” Naomi said, taking back the books from Damian. She paused a moment to look over the man, something about him stood out to her. ”Oh, mainly aquatic ones. The Makara species in particular, need to learn a bit more about their biome and hormones during gestation periods. It’s…a long story.” She sighed to herself.

Looking back at the man, it seemed that something finally clicked in her brain, as she became wide-eyed and her mouth was more or less agape.

”You, you’re Damian Florestas! The legendary Beast Whisperer!” She exclaimed. ”The catalog of species of animals and magical beasts you’ve accumulated is no less than magnificent! Not only is our catalog numerous, but the creatures you’ve managed to capture the likeness of are uncannily rare! I’ve always used your works as a source to draw my research from.” She was starry eyed and when on and on rambling, regardless if Damian was listening or not.

”Wait! If you’re here, does…does that mean that you actually plan on joining the Tower? Th-That would be amazing!!”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Renee Terfiel and Lanus Retily
Interactions: @AzureKnight

”Nasty little things aren’t they? Is everyone alright?”

"We're fine, thankfully enough," Renee replied, dusting the remaining webs off her cloak and skirt.

"I’ve no idea how many of them made this place into a nest, but it seems like this rescue mission turned into an extermination job.”

"Yeah, this is bad." Lanus scratched his chin. "If you ask for my opinion, I think the chances that those kids are still alive are now below 10%."

Renee immediately shot him a glare. "Don't say that! You don't know that!"

"Ah, yes, of course. I did find you after all." He smiled.

...He's right, Renee thought, her gaze softening. With these spiders around, we'll need a miracle if we are to bring them back alive.

Renee silently clasped her hands together and prayed to the spirits for the kids to be safe. If she could survive the assault of the abominations on her village, these kids should be able to do the same.

The duo followed Roze further into the sewers. Lanus too tried to sense the life force of the children but to no avail. He quickly came to the conclusion that they were nowhere near them, which meant they would be even further in.

"Damn it…" He cursed under his breath.

”Hey Leon,” Roze began, ”I was thinking about what you said earlier, I think you might be onto something. Combining the way they coordinated their attack patterns along with them being her in the first place…” Roze paused her brainstorming for a moment; the group had reached a large valve system within the inner workings of the sewer. The triad witch’s eyes narrowed, reading her staff after looking around for a moment. ”We’re not alone!”

”Right you are, wench!” Spat an unpleasant voice, it sounded like a creature was attempting to mimic a human voice but failed miserably at it.

Immediately after the statement, Lanus would find a strong kick connecting with his gut, knocking him on his back.


Lanus was completely taken off-guard by the attack, his mind occupied by thoughts relating to the lost children.

He barely dodged the following knife, rolling over on the dirty sewer ground before he stood back up. Renee swiftly drew her bow, firing an arrow at him the exact moment he retreated. The arrow transformed into a bird, homing in on the fae. Unfortunately, the angle was too sharp and it hit a pipe instead, exploding it open, sending water raining down on the group.

"A malfested? Here?" Lanus drew his sword. "That explains the spider ambush. Stay behind me, Renee. He no doubt is a dangerous foe."

With a smile, he then said to the fallen fae, "Hey, you happen to see any kids around here? Sure hope your spiders haven't eaten any of them!"

Renee, however, reacted much less jovially.

A malfested fae… Renee thought to herself, sweat trailing down her forehead. That could've been me if Lanus didn't save me that day…

Chills crept down her neck. A rush of memories returned, memories she had buried deep down in her unconscious mind.

No… no… nonononono…

She began to shake vigorously. Her arms wrapped themselves around Lanus as she buried her face in his back.

Father… Mother… they… they were…

Lanus cursed under his breath. Damn it! Her trauma's coming back!

"Come to me, Dryad! Protect us from those infernal arachnids!"

With a blinding green light, a girlish figure appeared in front of the fae. She was dressed in a pure white dress, with green butterfly wings coming out from her back. Her green hair streamed down her shoulders all the way to her waist. Her hands were holding a green pulsating robe.

"Oh, my dear Lanus." She cooed. "You only call me whenever you get into trouble. Very well! Leave these filths to your lovely big sister!"

The orb shone brightly, bathing the ground which she was standing on. Her hair had already scattered tiny seeds around her bare foot the moment she was summoned. And with the power of her orb, the seeds blossomed, turning into a veritable bloom of roots, vines, and flowers. The roots and vines might not be able to stop the immune spider apparitions but the cloud of green spores was imbued in the dryad's magic. It slowed down the spiders to a crawl, taking away all their strength as it purified them from the inside. It gave Lanus all the time in the world to use his Glindrung. Imbued by his fire magic, he slashed and diced through the spiders, all the while ensuring that his lover was safe.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Someone was coordinating them? Well, wouldn't that be rather humorous. Perhaps they were just wanting to open a silk farm? Or maybe they were more akin to livestock? It was a silly idea, but it seemed everyone else agreed that someone was controlling the spiders. All she could really think about was...who cares? It seemed though, they would quickly be proven correct. The yellow clad girl hummed as the malfested started spewing insults at them claiming something about a family, the knives harmlessly deflected with both her tentacles and her telekinesis harmlessly flicking them aside.

She perhaps, felt a little bad now. How sad. How tragic, whoever this poor, poor fool was as a monstrous, ethereal spider formed out of the miasma and promptly assaulted them, Haaselle herself being knocked back several feet by the spectral spider.

"Tsk tsk, and you're sending your family to their deaths." Despite the seriousness of the situation, Haaselle only airily giggled as she'd get back to her feet, a toothy smile visible under her hood. "You must not value your family...what a bad parent, very bad. Don't hate us if they end up on my dinner plate then." That spider thing likely wouldn't be easy for her to deal with. She could get in a few good punches with her telekinesis, but mostly her abilities were entirely physical and she doubted illusions would work too well on it.

She turned swiftly towards Roze and the malfested fae, raising one of her hands and flicking a finger towards the creature, a solid telekinetic blast aimed towards knocking him away from Roze and giving her an opening to bonk finish him off.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 12 days ago

Leon Hyksos

@Hammerman @Rune_Alchemist@AzureKnight

Anger. Grief. Vindication.

These are the strong emotions Leon felt emitting from the infected white-haired fae.

Leon cocks his brows and notices the uncanny resemblance between him and the mysterious figure attacking them. Both are agile cutthroats, has the same fashion sense as he does, and uses daggers as their main weapon.

It's like staring at a mirror of himself if he got corrupted by fell energy and got way too emaciated beyond recognition and decided to become a full-time spider tamer.

'Sever their fate, these small fries have no place in our future.'

The grimoire began to whisper to him once more, hungry to end one's life. Leon hesitated to answer back as he was too busy dodging the spider's acidic webbing.

"Shit" Leon mouthed. He continues to gracefully weave, fending off the arachnids chasing him. Unfortunately for the nimble fae, His throwing daggers do not affect the ghostly spiders. They're intangible and pretty much immune to physical attacks.

"Okay plan B, grimy. show me what you got!" The knife eared fae prepared for the worst.

Leon's pupils became dilated. His heart pumps twice as fast at an alarming rate as his senses heighten like crazy. His body is trembling from the sheer amount of adrenaline he's producing and let the cursed grimoire take over his body, exposing his tattoos as it began to glow.

From his perspective, all of the movements surrounding him become stagnated; Slowed down as if he can move freely without the restraint from the laws of time and the burden of one's body.

He is free, Unbound, and Untouchable.

His presence became an irregularity from the flow of time. He became a glitch, an anomaly of events that doesn't belong in the present timeline.

He pulls out his anti-magic dagger in one hand and a blade conjured from pure esper energy in the other.

Leon goes to work and began shanking the spiders left and right at high speed with his future step skill. Appearing and reappearing where they least expect it, going to point A to B with a singular step.

To those observing his movements, it might look like he has the ability to stop time.

The hooded fae seems to be teleporting all over the place as the spiders can't keep up with his movements leaving afterimages of his past self.

They began to fumble on their own eight legs as Leon runs circles on them in terms of speed; Dispelling the fell energy with each stroke of his magebane dagger, taking away their intangibility and ghost-like attributes and killing them like normal spiders.

Even with their multiple arachnid eyes, they can't track nor react to the hasted assassin's killing spree as they get picked off piece by piece.

Leon's borrowed power that is definitely not corrupted is almost downright cheating and insulting to the fae summoner's so-called 'family'.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

ATTN: @AzureKnight (Xashan)
"Milli/Baast," Scarlett and Lupina extended their left arms,"incinerate/annihilate."

Swooshing off the guiding arms, the Spirit Animals would enter the fray with a violence; Milli growing into her massive form, as her body lit up with flame that seared the ground as she sailed over it, while Baast revealed himself with a force speed that cut the wind as he rushed. A warningless, blood-laden massacre should have occurred, as Milli and Baast sank tooth and fang into the Belua bullies, but their teeth could not find purchase, and their fangs could not break skin.

Where death was the chosen response, broken bones and deep bruises would replace, as Scarlett and Lupina seemed to be... off.

Xashan could feel a Galdric presence emanating from the women; sinister, wrapped into their very being, and lording over them, as it spread to their extended arm. Something was controlling them, and by extension, the brutality they had opened with.

It was clear to someone as seasoned as him, their benefactor didn't want them to spoil their rocky relationship with Eon Tower over something as trivial as two-bit chumps, and clearly didn't expect them to have self-control.

At least, now, he knew: they needed impulse and aggression control.

"And, knowing is half the battle," Maedelyn smirked, her blindfold unfurled around her neck, and her empty eyes glowing white with the Infinity of Knowledge.

The skirmish would end in short order, and leave Xashan to deal with the aftermath, as the gals collapsed. The King of the Desert Sand had plenty of time, as the would-be assailants weren't retreating to anywhere but a hospital bed and jail cell.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 9 days ago


Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

When Hector arrived as their third, Shavis beamed and waved at him, glad to have a familiar face closeby. She had a better gauge of his abilities which made fighting with him easier. Oh, much like Einer, it seems that Hector was some sort of noble as well? Wow, hotshots.

Shavis idly listened to the conversation between Imre and Ruecian. It was good to hear about considering she hadn't heard of the story of what happened there yet. The origin of the plague had disappeared? That was worrying. Maybe an investigation into it would be launched? The noble even claimed that another village had been decimated from a monster attack.


The vehicle stopped and Shavis immediately activated her gauntlets on reflex. "Aw, and here I thought we would be able to enjoy the countryside sight." She jokingly said as she exited behind Ruecian to see that there were, indeed, a couple of folks who seemed like they wanted to tussle. A kidnapping in process? For ransom of the noble? Ruecian seemed a little pissed and Shavis decided to keep her mouth shut regarding that.

"Roger that!" Shavis called out as the brigands made their first move at Ruecian. Pretty brave, really. "Hector, Einer. I'm gonna charge forward, please make sure Miss Molnar is within your sight. Thanks!" With that, she turned to her own attackers— three of them advancing with enchanted weaponry. Her eyes widened before she snickered as she raised her gauntlets. Two copies of Shadar came out from behind her, snarling. A sword. An axe. A spear. Fire. Ice. Poison, perhaps? Earth?

Imbuing herself with lightning to increase her speed and charged towards the spearman, hoping to catch him off-guard with the speed to deliver a lightning-imbued punch straight into his gut. As soon as she made her charge, both copies of Shadar ran forward and pounced at both the swordsman and the axeman.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The man chuckles at Naomi's enthusiasm, not at all put off by her earlier rambling. "Perhaps, there's a couple things I wanted to discuss with Arteus first before anything else happens. So, you mentioned something about the Makara right? About their biomes and hormonal variances?"

He gestures down the hall. "Perhaps we can swap notes as we walk?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

~ Road ~

Einer played his lyre as the group rode in Lady Molnar's fancy, horseless carriage while the noblewoman enthustiastically inquired details of Ruecian's previous quest.

But their peaceful ride came to an end when the butler stopped the carriage, and ushered all the Reavers out but keeping Lady Molnar inside. Einer sighed, guessing correctly that they were under some sort of attack. The lack of loud howls or roars meant that their attackers were on the... sentient side. Probably bandits or highwaymen, probably the sort of thugs that Einer fought in his previous mission. The bard readied his knuckles, ready to relive those previous glorious moments.

The Reavers emerged from the carriage and greeted the attackers, a band of hooded thugs with dangerous weapons. They appear to recognize Ruecian, but that did not deter them from attacking. Ruecian and Shavis charged ahead to unleash their power upon these overconfident fools while a group of five took on Hector and Einer.

The bard gripped his knuckles as he faced his first opponent, a muscular two-handed axe-wielder. The attacker swung his axe down, which Einer easily sidestepped to deliver a combo of punches at the enemy. But Einer's punches did nothing and the axe-wielder easily grabbed the bard and threw him at the ground. A light but fast vertical swing followed up which Einer blocked with his knuckles. The muscular thug did not retract, but pushed the axe head towards Einer's head.

Einer tried his best to push back, but his opponent was simply stronger. Beads of sweat formed on the bard's forehead as the axe's blade slowly reached his face. Einer cursed himself. If he was stronger, he could have handled this fool no problem and helped the others. But the reality was, he was the one in need of help as he let Hector and the others have more enemies to deal with.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 16 min ago

Hector Wyland

@Polaris North, @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight

Hector puffed his chest up a bit at having his name be recognized, content that someone actually knew who he was for once. Even a minor noble enjoyed a good ego stroke now and again. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Imre, he said before bowing in kind.

With everyone inside the carriage, Hector would relax a bit, proudly adjusting his rifle's holster over his shoulder while Herne idly slithered along his shoulders, the Master and Summon enjoying a bit of a rest after a spirited sprint. The last carriage ride had been filled with lady-puke and general discomfort, so Hector was glad that he would just get to enjoy the light breeze, and sights of the countryside. Hector wasn't in the know on what Ruecian was speaking of, but, if they had to fight some sort of plague beast, Hector was confident enough that he could prove a match for it.

...He was, in essence, absolutely "feeling himself."

Then came the call from the driver for everyone but Imre to step out. A problem had arrived, and bullets may in fact be the solution! Hector would leave the vehicle with the others, staring at the gathered brigands in their veils and hoods. Their weapons seemed wicked in design, but...well, Hector had a far more wicked weapon waiting on his back. Shavis had three to deal with and Ruecian had two facing him down, leaving five to charge at Einer and Hector. "Herne!" the sniper called out, the ghost snake responding with a hearty hiss before launching itself straight at the closest of the attackers. When he would swing upon it however, he would find that the snake lacked a physical body to truly "strike", in turn meaning nothing would happen.

But that moment of "nothing" was all Hector needed to have one of the five a little bit behind. Enough distance that now, Einer and himself could handle two each, with Hector's rifle being quickly brought out with a bullet already loaded in it. "[Smite!]" Hector called out, the incantation for his Thaumaturgy complete as he fired one shot, the range making it difficult to aim, and only managing to hit a little off-center of his arm...only for Hector to see the shot continue going, the arm now having a fist-sized hole in it.

...Oh, he was absolutely feeling himself now!

"Herne! Back to me! [Self Order: Control Left Arm!]" The sniper called out, his snake diving back out from the Earth, slithering up his leg, and seemingly "diving" into his arm, the limb gaining a slightly purple glow as Herne's head poked free of his wrist. The closest brigand facing Hector would swing at him with a wicked looking scimitar, the sniper barely managing to dodge back enough that he wouldn't get slashed across his chest. He didn't have time to pull the lever for his rifle to get another shot off, so Hector would entrust a single command to Herne:

Spin that rifle by the lever. In a coordinated move only possible thanks to his spirit's help, Hector would spin the gun by his middle and ring finger to deflect another swing from the scimitar, the motion carrying just enough force to open the bolt, sending the spent cartridge directly into the left eye of his attacker while Hector moved the bayonet to slide onto the gun. By the time his assailant recovered from the brass hitting his eye, Hector would change the angle of his arm to spin the gun once more at a lateral angle, the knife-tipped barrel slicing at his opponent's sword-arm as Herne kept on spinning. However, it seemed that the bard was having trouble with his opponent. Hector had an opening, and would level his rifle at the burly axeman’s chest before firing, not channeling another Smite due to him suspecting this rifle had more than enough stopping power for a brute of his size. "Are you alright?" he called out, turning his attention back to the wounded scimitar-wielder.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Hammerman @Silverstein @Rune_Alchemist

With Renee currently crippled from PTSD, Lanus had to step up the pace as he summoned his dryad spirit to weaken the swarming arachnids. Being purified from the inside, they easily fell to his Fae blade. Leon had begun to make short work of the horde of spiders as well, having entered a mode that boosted he capabilities thanks to the fell grimoire he had entered into a “contract of sorts with. Uninterested with the little critters, Haaselle shot a blast against the fallen fae, making a snide remark at his proclamations. Her aim was to assist Roze, who was currently deadlocked with their main foe. Unfortunately, she would find that her shot wouldn’t connect, as his large eight-legged summon had blocked the blast for him.

The beast was shaken, but it was certainly not out. It shot out a large net webbing that while covering a wide area, Hasselle and Leon had enough time to dodge or counter thanks to their capabilities. Lanus would have to stave off his attack to dodge as well, however, the corrupt spirit seemed to have made the gambit with purposeful intent. Following its cunning predatory instinct, it used the web netting to create an opening to make a charge at Renee, who was still reeling from her trauma. Even with their speed, it didn’t seem as though they would have enough time to protect her from the creature’s deadly maw. Nearly on her, its serrated jaws nearly reached Renee’s throat when…it suddenly stopped in its tracks. Having oddly stopped its advance, its last action was a pained screech before it dissipated into tiny wisps that scattered and disappeared into thin air.

The party turned to see that the fallen fae was bleeding out across his chest, along with his body beginning to freeze over. Standing a bit in front of him was Roze, who had cut him down with a blade of ice, it dripped with fetid black blood. It seemed that the Triad Witch had won the day.

”W-What have you…doneee…!” He said, speaking in pain, rugged breaths. His voice still sounded like a freakish static that was trying and failing to mimic a human’s voice. Roze did not reply to his question, answering with only a stoic silence. Parts of his body began to turn into a disgusting pus, with frozen chunks of his decayed flesh falling onto the ground. With the last of his strength, he held out a hand as he limped toward Roze with a final effort to rend her. Roze pointed out her index and middle finger, preparing to fire another icy bolt to finish him off. However, before she could, a golden arrow had pierced the rotted fae’s head. He fell completely silent and froze in place, with his body then fully disintegrating into ash.

”What?” Roze said, surprised by the blessed bolt. ”Who are you?”

As the party looked at where Roze was speaking, on a platform high above them stood another fae. Thankfully, she was utterly untainted, unlike their now deceased spider-loving friend. Before them was a fae woman with long and elegant hair. She wore an elaborate green dress complete with a cowl. She stood with a nearly perfected sniper stance, her beautiful bow still shimmering with the energy from the shot she fired. Lanus and Renee, and perhaps even Leon, would instantly recognize that her regal garb marked her as someone who was among the Fae Queen’s highest ranking defenders. More importantly, the party would see the two missing children standing close to her. They were safe!

”Finally took out that scoundrel! ” She said. ”I’ve been hunting him for days, it’s disgraceful that I’ve allowed him to get this far into the human city. But, excuse my manners, my name is Giselle Kostovii. I’m what you’d refer to as a deepwood sniper.”

”I see. Well, thanks for that.” She responded. Noticing Renee in her stupor, she quickly went over to where she was, placing her hands on her shoulders. ”Are you alright, Renee?” Roze said, her voice full of gentle concern. ”I saw you tense up, thankfully I was able to cut that lost soul down. Taking out the summoner also takes out the summon. Well, Giselle was the one to actually land the killing blow…” Roze then jumped up to where Giselle and the kids were with an aiding gust.

”I’m Rozemyne Levina. You know, I think Arteus mentioned you.” She said.

”Indeed, I came here to meet with him and learn more about Eon Tower. I meant to meet with you sooner.” Giselle said. ”However, chasing after our friend there took precedence.” She said, looking over at the ashen remains of their foe. ”I believe Arteus mentioned you as well, you’re been a part of the Tower for a while, correct? I suppose you came here hunting after that fallen fae as well?

”Ah, actually, we knew nothing about him. We actually came looking for these missing kids, we happened upon him totally by happenstance.”

”I see, well, what say we get the little ones home first, then talk later.”

With that, Roze picked up the young boy while Giselle picked up the little girl, and both jumped back down to where the party was. Giselle, upon looking at the rest of Roze’s party, glared at Lanus with wide-eyed ire. She looked as if she would throw the little girl into the air and attack him at a moment’s notice! Thankfully, she didn’t act on her visible anger, though Lanus would feel her dagger-like gaze on him the whole trek back to the surface. Meeting with the authorities, the parents of the children were present as well. The children had a tearful embrace with them, and both they and the law enforcement on the scene thanked the team of reavers. Giselle also explained that she had mopped up the rest of the arachnid nest within the sewer, so the locals wouldn’t have to worry about any eight-legged freaks prowling around looking for food.

With all said and done, the reavers were free to head back to the Tower, or roam around town for a little while and explore Morgenröte if they so wished. However the fae couple could make a decision, Giselle finally confronted Lanus, her furious expression meeting him dead in the eyes.

”Lanus Retily, you lecherous dastard!” She snapped. ”I shouldn’t be surprised that someone with Irvin’s shady character would bring you into his ranks! I should fire 20 bolts into that shameful behind of yours!

Roze shot a confused, if austere, look toward both of them. ”You two know each other?”

”Tragically.” She said. ”You’ve no idea what your nonsense had done to the queen’s image! All the unsavory rumors we had to quell, all the gossip we had to endure…”

”Umm, perhaps we could discuss what this is within the confines of the Tower. I’d…rather not draw unnecessary attention on the streets…” She turned to Leon for a moment, curious about something. :

”By the way, Leon, I meant to ask you what that strange ability you used back there was? I also saw runes glow up on your body; you were moving like a blur, almost like you were teleporting. Mainly, it felt like there was something…off about your mana.”

@Polaris North @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

The reavers would, for the most part, find themselves not too much difficulty in dealing with their attackers. Although, Einer would find that they were a bit more well trained than the thieves they found outside the plant on his previous mission. Einer was on the receiving end of an axe strike, with it grazing his forehead and leaving a small scar. Thankfully, Hector took out his foe and rescued him in the process. The rifleman was making good use of his new weapon, compliments of a gritty old smithy. The assailant who’s arm he blew a hole in groaned in pain, but he was able to get back up and was able to conjure a magic-generated smokescreen from his good palm. Using it as a distraction, he was able to deck Hector in the face, sending him to the ground and knocking his rifle out of his hand. He attempted to jump on the downed noble, but Hector was fast enough to move out of the way. However, he was now disarmed and at a disadvantage. Although the man was still bleeding out and looked very pale, perhaps it wouldn’t be too hard to finish him off. The scimitar wielder was still writhing in pain from has his eye and sword arm torn up.

Meanwhile, Shavis’ gut blow connected with the spearman, however she would find out that the spear had been enchanted with wind magic, which sent her and the man flying back from each other’s attacks. The Shavis clone pouncing on the man with the red weapon would find herself being burned by the fire magic the weapon was able to generate. However, she was able to shock the man into paralysis and deliver a decisive strike nonetheless. Things went a bit differently with the man wielding the blue glowing weapon. In a fit of desperation, the man let loose a frosty blast in the hopes of blowing the clone back. However, instead he ended up freezing himself along with the clone. While he was now effectively finished, Shavis’ clone was now essentially useless. Both the real Shavis and the spearman quickly got back on their feet, but before the feline Belua could mount a counter the spearman was already on her with surprising speed. He attempted to pierce her through her abdomen to return the favor, but she was able to barely dodge thanks to her feral instincts. It left a sizable scar on her gut, but thanks to her biology it would only feel like a little sting.

The other three attackers that went after Hector and Einer were now closing in. One of them who wielded twinblades charged at him and began to swing at him, which Hector was able to dodge quickly enough. The other two, however, would find themselves being blown back by an azure blur. It was Ruecian, who was able to step in and assist them.

”Those were some fancy moves with that rifle of yours.” He said. ”But like I said, don’t take this fucks lightly!”

One of the men who were blown back by Rue’s ice blast had pulled out a talisman of sorts. Channeling his mana through it, he was able to call a summon from it. The creature generated was a large and sinister looking centipede monster. It hissed with a disgusting screech.

”Shit!” Rue spat. ”Mizuchi, come to me!” He said, calling forth his own summon to meet the monstrous spirit. They began to clash, their fighting causing the ground to rumble a bit.

The other downed brigand was beginning to pull out a weapon that looked like a gun, and began pointing it at Einer…


Xashan since the malice behind Scarlett’s and Lupina’s attacks, they meant to kill! Xashan, mentally groaning, prepared to stop them as such force wasn’t necessary for this kind of assignment. However, before he could do anything, he sensed a strange presence taking hold of both women. He didn’t know what to make of it, but it seemed to feel the same about the situation as Xashan did. In an instant, both of the girls fell unconscious, hitting the ground with their summons disappearing before they could make contact with the ruffians.

Xashan looked at both girls, not sure what to make of the situation. Looking back at the gang members, they all had terrified looks on their faces, some even had large darken stains on their crotches. They all began to run away screaming, which caused Xashan to sign for a bit. With his sand magic, Xashan nabbed them all up, slamming them into the concrete until they too, passed out. Walking over to the two gals, he put them over his back while he carried the brutes using his sand.

”Just another day in the life…” He calmly said. Making his way to the police station, he handed over the captured goons and took the payment as posted, ignoring any questions in regards to the two women he was carrying. Exiting the precinct, he sighed again as he looked in the direction of the tower. ”Pity, it would’ve been nice to take you gals out, but I don’t exactly look right bringing two unconscious girls into an eatery. Not that yer even conscious to tell me what you’d want…”

With that, he began to walk back in the direction of Eon. ”Guess I’ll just head back to base. I’m sure Bell will cook us something better anyway.”


Naomi’s enthusiasm began to die down a bit at Damian’s response. O-Oh… No, that makes sense.”” Her eyes lit up a bit as Damian gestured in the direction of her office, offering to compare notes. ”Ah, yes, of course!”

”Makara usually have a month-long period of development between mating and laying eggs.This can vary based on environment and the type of mana they’re exposed to during that time. After that, they usually lay 20-30 eggs that usually incubate for three months. Of course, this is all basic knowledge.” Naomi went out without pause in her discussions, as she always did. Eventually, after walking for a bit, they reached her office door. She opened it up, where Damian would see the inside filled with numerous shelves of books and test equipment. Over in a small corner of a room, he would see a Makara egg being incubating in a special lab tank. It was about ¼ filled with water, and one could tell the humidity was turned up as well. It was also surrounded by swampish foliage.

”I’ve done my best to mimic the typical ecosystem in which these eggs are laid. Eh, however…” She hesitated. ”The part I’m having trouble with is regulating how much mana should be channeled through the tank…”

She gestured toward a peculiar machine that was connected to the tank. An interesting piece of equipment known as a mana generator. Power by alchemic reactions, it was magitech that provided mana created as a byproduct to any apparatus that required it. ”What makes magical beasts so fascinating and tedious to study is how magic is so integrated into their genetics. These particular species are natural lightning elementalists, a quality they are born with. They gain this ability by the mana that flows into the egg during incubation, provided in part by their parents. How much is needed is determined by various factors, and if they don’t get the right amount they may be born with different complications. It may not even hatch at all.”

She looked worriedly at the egg. ”As a researcher, I’d of course like to be able to ensure that the egg hatches with no issues. If not for the sake of my own well-being…” She said the latter part of her sentence under her breath.

”Do you perhaps…have any suggestions?”
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 12 days ago

Leon Hyksos

@Hammerman @Rune_Alchemist@AzureKnight

The price of power is costly.

The feeling of pure ecstasy is drifting.

My head, my body, my soul. it aches.

It's screaming with every inch of my body.

My limbs felt like spaghetti from exhaustion.

My stamina is completely depleted.

I'm so dead-ass tired.

So this is what happens if i skip a few scenes.

When you're too eager to accelerate to the future you don't have time to savor the present time.

Oh well, at least it is over or I hope it is.

I hate to become a deadweight and jeopardize the entire mission but I guess they have to make due rescuing those kids.

The knife-eared fae loses all feeling in his legs as his eyes became heavy.

The last thing he saw was a flying golden arrow that pierces through the corrupted summoner and an elegant archer wearing a familiar garb that signifies fae royalty.

Unable to stand still, The hooded fae awkwardly tripped and fell from fatigue he's suffering right now.

"Hmmmm, soo.. cozy" He manages to get a few steps in before sinking his face and started snuggling with one of Haaselle's tentacles as a cushion before blacking out.

What is personal space right?


Leon woke up feeling like he partied hard and had a really bad hangover.

He was quiet the whole trip, chugging down a bottle of water like there's no tomorrow and sluggishly walks with the group with their new ally talking to Lanus.

All he can hear are mumbles and inaudible bickering before Roze confronted him.

"Truth be told, i don't know what came over me. It started when I've made a pact with this mysterious grimoire I've acquired at Kiff's treasury. It's previous owner didn't like its ways and discarded it for unknown reasons" He said, clutching his head.

"Since then, I've been hearing an ominous voice in my head, guiding me to the optimal path, as if I can predict the future and amplify my espermancy to a tenfold." He said.

"It asked me to become its agent and made a contract. As a result, it bounded with my skin and got these tats" Leon rolls up his sleeves and revealed the runes on his arms.

"I don't know if it's corrupting me or not, but a power like this is so hard to pass by." Leon continued.

"Crazy right? Promise me you won't tell anyone, ya?" Leon said as if he was practically begging the somber witch to keep this a secret between the two of them.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Renee Terfiel and Lanus Retily
Interactions: @AzureKnight


Lanus wrapped his arm around Renee, jumping away while lifting the fae from the expanding web the beast produced. Their speed, however, was insufficient, with some of the webs latching on to Renee's feet.


Lanus yelled when he realized that his lover had slipped away from his arm, pulled back in by the webs glued to her feet. And to make matters worse, the beast was gunning straight at her!

"Damn it! Renee! Wake up!"

Try as he might, he was not fast enough to protect her. She had to do it herself!

And then, to his surprise, and relief, the beast suddenly stopped in his tracks, before dissolving into tiny wisps that promptly disappeared.

He quickly rushed forward to Renee's side, kneeling down to cut through the webs binding her feet. Normally, he would use the opportunity to look up her skirt, but his mind was now solely focused on saving his lover. That was far too close to comfort, even for him.

He stood back up, hugging the shaking elf, telling her everything would be alright.

Only when the blonde fae made her appearance that he looked away from her.

"Giselle?" His mouth fell. "W-why are you here?"

Years ago, back when he was still a royal knight of the Fae queen, she was a co-worker of his. A particularly feisty, hard-to-flirt-with co-worker at that. No matter how many times he tried to woo her, she would always reject his advances.

And so, it was only natural that his jaw fell to the ground in her presence.

His gaze was now locked upwards towards her divine beauty. Or rather, the fabric that rested between her legs, unhidden by the short dress she wore. Now that Renee was safe, it seemed his perverted mind had resurfaced once more.

Ooh, nice sexy black! It fits her perfectly!

"Hey, Giselle!" He waved his hand at her. "Long time no see!"

Rose then came over to where he and Renee stood to check whether the latter was well.

Renee slowly nodded. "I'm-I'm fine. I was just… reminded… how Father… and Mother… was…"

Lanus placed a hand on her head. "It's fine. You don't have to remember if you don't want to." He shook his head at Roze, signaling her to drop the matter for now.

The reavers then returned to the surface world, with the children thankfully alive and well. On the way, Lanus simply gave Giselle a grin as she gazed daggers at him. All the while holding hands with Renee, who was still recovering from her shock.

Lanus smiled at the tearful embrace the children had with their parents. Even Renee did as well, though only a little.

Only after all that, Giselle finally decided to speak to Lanus.

"Why, hello there, Giselle! I thought you've all but forgotten about me!" He grinned. "It's been quite a while, isn't it?" He gave a deep bow towards her.

"Now now, it was Her Majesty who wanted to bed me. I didn't force her into it in the slightest! As a ladies man, and her loyal retainer, I couldn't possibly disappoint her, could I?"

At these words, Renee's grip on his hand tightened. She looked up at him with a mixture of disapproval and disbelief. "You… bedded… Her Majesty?"

"I did. But don't worry, my dear! My body is now only for you and you alone!"

Renee's gaze turned cold. With a huff, she switched her attention towards Giselle.

"Hello. I haven't thank you for saving me, haven't I? How shameful of me." She pinched the hem of her skirt as she produced a curtsy. "I am Renee, Lanus' partner. Apologies if he has offended you in any way, Miss Giselle. I assure you, he shall be punished for it. He never told me he had bedded another woman before me, that's for sure." It was now her turn to stare daggers at him.

Lanus smiled at the sight. His Renee was returning back to her usual self.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

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ATTN: @AzureKnight
As Xashan started back to Eon Tower, his arms would start to burn, as crimson and black wisps of flames like smoke escaped from the suddenly not-so-unconscious women, as they writhed in his hold, and broke free.

For a tense moment, Xashan had to process, as of Scarlett and Lupina were threats, as Scarlett leveled her swordmorph at him, and Lupina aimed her bow at him. However, they weren't the same as before...

As if lifted by an unnatural force, their long hair was raised above their hairline, keeping their third eye in constant view, as the eye glowed - a crimson iris beset in a charcoal scalera, matching the smoke that burned around their form like an aura.

Fortunately, it wasn't to last, as they seemed to... power down... and the smoke faded.

"We aren't... done... here..." Scarlett groaned, rubbing her temples. "Blockheads like those chumps don't act out of turn. There's more to this..."

"The Pheredhel is right," Lupina says, "Something stinks, and it's not just their bad hygiene or breath."

Drawing into her coat, Scarlett would fluff the burgundy material, and reveal her immodesty; only adorned in smallclothes underneath - well, underwear, to be honest. She'd discarded her chest bindings after leaving Elaine's company, having sweat clean through them.

"Do you have no shame, as a woman!?" Lupina bleeted.

"Save it," Scarlett snarked. "Not like I have anything to interest."

Lupina scoffed, as she pushed up on the meager, but present offering of twinned, semicircles of fat storage. "There is enough here to show some modesty. Even you could feed a small child."

Scarlett would growl, and dig her fingers into the much more bountiful harvest of offered fat storage, taking note of the slightly more generous left. "And, there is enough here to feed a small household! You need to show modesty!"

Xashan would likely wanna cut in, before they went from annoyed groping to public indecencies charges...
ATTN: @AzureKnight, @Frozen0Titan
Her attention was divided, literally, though her task was always the same: do what her Mommy wanted most:

Protect her things.

”I’ve done my best to mimic the typical ecosystem in which these eggs are laid. Eh, however…”

"Ecosystems? Living places? What living place like? Living place we, warm.

Is good.


”What makes magical beasts so fascinating and tedious to study is how magic is so integrated into their genetics. These particular species are natural lightning elementalists --"

"Lightning? No. Fire. Fire. Fwoosh!

Lightning annoying. Wanna stop. Now. Make armor.

...but, how Mommy do? Make dirt inside and make hot...

Oh! Fire! Yeah! Hot dirt hard!

”As a researcher, I’d of course like to be able to ensure that the egg hatches with no issues. If not for the sake of my own well-being…

Do you perhaps…have any suggestions?”

As Naomi looked away from the poached Makara egg to address Damien, she would just miss the Alchemical Circle form and spread out beneath it, and the sudden formation and closure of a pear of anguish around the egg - cutting it off from the Lightning Mana.

Upon the petals were symbols from another language, likely another continent, and they were written all the way around from top to bottom in a crude scrawl. It was legible, and decidedly intelligent, due to the repeating symbols in other places, leaning to the credence of words, but unless Naomi or Damien were fluent in the Northern Fae-tongue, and the Desert dialect, they would need a linguist.
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