Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Well she was glad that at least this time around someone was deciding to agree with her and think of the sensible thing to do. Racing around with a big wagon would be like walking around with a giant target on their backs, and they really couldn't afford that. Since they already were going to be noticed a whole bunch anyway because why the hell not really on that aspect.

Though Rosalia wasn't sure that potentially taking the horses at all was much better of an idea. She personally still thought that being on foot was a better idea then that, since while horses were faster, they would still be more easily noticeable. Then again, she wasn't going to push it too much considering she was just glad that at the moment that everyone at least figured the wagon was out. So now they were going to just focus on the horses, shouldn't be too difficult in theory right? "Distraction probably would ensure that we're not caught immediately so that might be a good idea considering..."

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"I mean the stories most people now a days no are a bit nicer then the original ones that were told, like you know, the original Brothers Grimm version of the stories is a bit different and probably so far seem a bit closer to the truth, and those were more of the versions of the fairy tales I found more interesting... Though one thing I find a bit, well strange, is considering the fact that you and my dad are from two very different stories that are told there, which is a bit amusing to me more then anything honestly," he added with a bit of a shrug.

Then Sierra was mentioning the whole cars and all of that with regards to some of the other things in the other world, and he wasn't sure what else he could really add to the current conversation. The whole situation with them still talking to fairy tale characters was still a bit insane to think about, but then those were mainly because of the memories of the world he grew up in really is why he thought that way.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"Yeah i'll try and not getting myself stabbed next time in a sword fight." Lancelot said with a slight laugh and shook his head as he looked up at her. "Thank you docs." Lancelot said as Rapunzel nodded towards him as she started to pack up her medical supplies. "We should give him some rest." Rapunzel suggested to Megan as she started to head out of Lancelot's room, as she left the door open for her. "It's nice to see you again Meg." Lancelot said giving her a pat on the shoulder as she went to laying back down on the bed he was starting to look pretty tired now as well to.

"What is Disney?" Belle asked looking at the three of them as Sierra looked over at Belle, she did forget that Disney probably wasn't a thing here at all really aside from the stories that they somehow managed to pull from here. "It's a pretty big company they tend to collect a lot of stories and making them into family movies and stuff." Sierra answered as she saw Belle's face sour slightly at the mentioning of Rumple again. "He more or less took me from my home I hope that he gets what he deserves in the end." She said simply keeping it at that as Sierra noticed the door opening and Rapunzel leaving the bedroom that Lancelot was in.

As the mist more or less obscured the bear's view of the little group, the bear didn't seem to charge at them but it still continued to let out a few growls, and it eventually started to loose interest. The boys could see the silhouette of the bear walking off in the distance, until it was more or less out of sight. "Good job." The man said looking at the two boys, it looked like they could also get the plants that Rapunzel had requested them to get now that the bear was gone now as well to.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Robin Hood still wasn't to sure about the new girl but she was willing to help them out and escape and that was good enough for him now. "Do whatever you need to do then." Robin Hood said as the mystery girl smiled and nodded towards him. "May I?" She asked looking over at Layla as she gestured to one of her throwing knives and nodded as she twirled it slightly before handing it back. [color=cyan["Here you go."[/color] Layla said as the girl took the knife and started to cut the palm of her hand and started to chant in some language that Layla couldn't understand at all.

She then knelt down and started to cast her spell, as group of ten undead soldiers suddenly sprouted out of the ground in front of them, and started to shamble their way over to Maleficent's guards. Then the screaming suddenly started as the undead started to attack, Layla was not expecting that at all really as the girl handed the knife back. "There you go." The girl said simply as Flynn watched them attack and quickly got up and quickly made his way towards the horses. He hoped onto one of them and made his way towards his daughter offering her a hand.

Robin Hood quickly made his way towards one of the horses as well to and hopped on, Layla quickly got onto the horse as well to. "Lets get going." He said as he started to quickly move the horse away, luckily the guards didn't seem to notice them at all either as the girl quickly got onto her own horse as well to.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Outside

Cassiopeia watched Rose get them a horse, and she limped over to her sister. Layla handed a dagger to the chick, who turned around and cut her palm. Cassi leaned on her sister, eyebrow raised in a silent question. Why did you give her your knife? She didn’t think giving a weapon to a stranger was a good idea. Then it got really strange.
The ground started to shift as things, humans, crawled out of the earth and started on a rampage. ”Right. That’s totally normal.” She shifted her weight, hobbling back to wait for Rose.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Inside

Willow nodded her head in agreement with Jack. The Grimm Brothers' tales were likely closer to the truth, even if they were rather, well, grim. The Cinderella story always freaked her out. She looked over at Belle as Sierra explained Disney. ”Walt Disney, you could compare to a King, and everything he created, his kingdom. He has long passed, but thousands of people still work to tell stories.”
She watched the others rejoin the group. Her attention shifted back, and she picked at her dress. She hoped the others would show soon. They were running out of things to do and topics to discuss.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan paused as Lancelot patted her on the shoulder. She was not a huge fan of physical contact. It was then a testament to the value she placed on him that she did not say a word; that she did not threaten to cut off his hand. Instead, Megan nodded curtly. "Try not to die," she requested, before leaving the room with Rapunzel. Rapunzel was right - Lancelot did need rest. And the emotional familiarity was beginning to make Megan feel somewhat ill, like she would break out in hives at any moment. She wasn't quite used to that either. The only person she was really close with in the other world was her brother, and he tended to not get too touchy feely with her. Neither of them were particularly skilled at it anyways.

The others seemed to be discussing Walt Disney at the moment. Megan had never really been into Disney growing up - the only movie she really liked was the Nightmare Before Christmas. The Corpse Bride was good too, although she didn't think Disney made it - but she couldn't been wrong. Most of the things she watched were horror movies, not the sort of things the family friendly corporate giant tended to produce.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > On Patrol

Maddie held his breath, his hand clasped around Colby's bicep as he waited for either the Bear’s charge, or his boyfriends teleport. He could hear the growls from across the fog, each growing less and less disgruntled as the creature had finally decided to lose interest in the pair. The obscured darkened silhouette of the massive black bear began to fade away from view. Growing smaller and smaller until the cloud of white finally overtook its shape and hid it away from view. He waited one breath, two breathes, and then finally let out a long exhale as he felt his legs go weak. He looked towards the guard with a weak smile, clearly unsure if what he just did was smart or incredibly stupid. A part of him wondered if this was how Colby felt sometimes. While still holding onto his boyfriend, he let himself plop down onto the dirt ground, keeping his hand up to hold onto Colby’s. ”Thanks, I can’t believe I just got rid of a black bear…me…” He figured if he ever ran into one back home, well he’d either play dead or be dead.

Maddie looked ahead at the space before them, seeing the flowers Rapunzel had asked for still in sight. Luckily none of them had gotten trampled under the terrifying weight of the bear. He went to stand up to grab them when he noticed his legs were on pins and needles. The adrenaline from his previous excursion washing away and leaving him feeling a bit weaker for the wear. He gave Colby a shit eating grin as he nodded towards the plants. ”I scared the bear, you get to get the flowers. “ He declared as he stuck his tongue out towards him. He let go of his hand, smacking his butt a little in an attempt to shoo him forward.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Outside Maleficent’s Castle

Rose was both impressed and a little terrified. The woman could summon the dead. Or create them. Rose wasn't sure exactly which was happening. Whatever it was, it worked. Rose grabbed a horse quickly.

She came back over to Cassi. Helping her up onto the horse before she got on herself. Once they were both safely saddled Rose nodded to Robin. "Ready."

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower - Outside (On Patrol)

Colby was ready to cast the teleport. He wasn't certain if he could take all of the guards too. He would try if he needed too though. Thankfully, Maddie was able to scare the bear away. Colby let out the breath of air he had been unconsciously holding.

"Heh, sure." He opened Rapunzel's book to the page again and read the instructions for how to harvest these flowers. He did it as carefully as he could. Collecting what was hopefully enough flowers for her purpose without messing up the local ...whatever. Colby didn't know. Plants really weren't his thing.

He joined back with the guard and Maddie, carefully putting the flowers away.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

She still wasn't entirely sure what was going on or going to happen with the one girl that they had found when she asked for a knife or something. However, the thing she was not expecting was necromancy where she summoned up a whole bunch of skeletons that started attacking the guards. That is one hell of a distraction, and she followed along heading forward so that they could see about maybe steal the horses and get out of there and back to the tower.

Now, considering where she grew up, she was not exactly great with the whole idea of horseback riding. She'd never done that sort of thing and wasn't super sure about the whole thing just in general. Rosalia was kind of glad when Flynn offered her a hand up onto the horseback, and she eventually got onto the horse. Though she still wasn't entirely sure about this thing.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

The conversation was starting to stall a little bit, at least at this point. He wasn't entirely sure what it was that they were supposed to do now all things considering. They had to just wait around doing nothing still, and with fewer and fewer things to talk about at this point to pass the time. For the most part Jack was just sort of hoping that the group would get back there soon otherwise they weren't going to have much else to do besides sit there bored.

He looked over at Belle when she mentioned hoping that his dad would get what was coming to him eventually. Personally he hoped that too, since his dad kind of had gone off the deep end and all with the whole being a villain thing. "Yeah, Disney though always made fairy tales what they determined to be much nicer and what they deemed to be more kid friendly with how they did things with the stories."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"This Disney sounds pretty interesting then." Belle said as she looked and noticed Megan leaving the room and gave her a slight wave and smile towards her. Both Arthur and Guinevere were standing nearby the fireplace getting themselves something to drink they were talking amongst themselves. "How is he doing?" Arthur asked looking over at Megan when he noticed her he looked like he was in bad shape and hoped that Lancelot would be able to pull through. "I'm going to go outside for a little bit of fresh air." Sierra said as she started to get up and stretched slightly as she made her way outside finding a small chair outside and sat down getting some fresh air.

"C'mon lets head back, we shouldn't stray out to far, and things seem to be clear now." Said Robin Hood's men as soon as Colby and Maddie had collected the flowers the two guards started to head back towards Rapunzel's tower they noticed Sierra was sitting outside and waved towards her. "How'd it go?" Sierra asked them the two men gave a slight shrug. "Nothing interesting other than a bear that the boys managed to scare off." They answered as Sierra nodded slightly then she could see some horses riding in the distance as they approached noticing that it was the group.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Alright lets get going." Robin Hood said as he started to lead the group away from the undead distraction, Layla could still hear the undead in the distance and the men screaming as they were eaten alive. Layla turned to look at the girl wondering how long the undead would be there if they would become a threat. "They aren't going to like spread or anything like that will they?" Layla asked the mystery woman as she shook her head. "They'll return to normal corpses after an hour." She said Layla nodded slightly at least they won't have to deal with some more Walking Dead extra's then.

After being on the main road for awhile Robin Hood steered the horses off road so that their tracks for the most part would be covered by the brush. The ride back was pretty much uneventful as they were able to make it back towards Rapunzel's tower as he noticed two of his men were outside and a girl that he didn't see as he climbed off the horse. "Report?" Robin Hood asked, as one of the men quickly turned to face him. "The others returned from their mission with Merlin's people not to long ago." They reported as Robin Hood nodded, Flynn approached and hopped off his horse offering his hand for Rosalia to get off as well in case she needed some help.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Outside

The ride back was bloody awful. Cassiopeia’s leg was pretty well numb at this point, but that didn’t stop her stomach from doing flip-flops. She leaned heavily against Rose as they rode, hoping she didn’t fall off. Finally, the tower came into view.
Cassiopeia waited for Rose to get off before requiring her help. She hit the ground and sucked in a breath as pain shot up her leg and into her back. ”I need a drink. Many, many drinks,” she declared. There wasn’t a better pain medication in this time than that.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Inside

Willow sat up a little when Sierra turned to go outside for a bit. She sat there, hesitant a little bit. Willow didn’t understand why she was being so clingy. It wasn’t usually in her nature. She frowned at her hands, thinking it through when she heard horses and voices outside.
”Sounds like they are back,” she said and stood. Willow smoothed out her skirts and walked to the door. She opened it up and looked the riders over. She noticed Cassiopeia stumble and saw the dried blood on her leg. Willow turned back inside.
”Rapunzel, Cassi is hurt. I’m not sure if any others are.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Outside Maleficent’s Castle -> Rapunzel's Tower

Rose tried to think pure thoughts the whole ride. She knew Cassi was in a lot of pain. She kept her arms around her just in case. Finally, when they got back to Rapunzel's Tower she hopped off and helped Cassi get off the horse too.

When Cassi waivered she did her best to steady her. "Let's get you into the infirmary." That was probably an exaggeration of what was actually available but at least they had something. She was pretty certain at least one of the transplants had a medical degree, she couldn't remember for certain, but that meant someone among their number could help. And there was, of course, what Rapunzel could do too with herbs and such that they had seen. They hadn't seen a lot of magical healing.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower - Outside

Returning from the short patrol with the herbs in tow Colby looked for Rapunzel. Colby had hoped they'd be out longer. As they arrived the other group returned too. He kept his face from contorting at the site of Rosalia. Colby didn't like most of the group, but Rosalia was his least favorite person.

Almost everyone else he could go with never dealing with again and be happy. Except maybe Willow; she seemed cool. And obviously Maddie. Everyone else was just frustrating to deal with.

"Got the flowers Rapunzel wanted too." Colby said, carefully removing them from where he had stored them. "Hopefully, we got enough."

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower < On Patrol

Maddie watched from afar as Colby gathered the flowers. Glancing every once in a while towards the far distance to make sure nothing came back to bother them. Nothing seemed to come, and once Colby finished up, Maddie was able to relax, his shoulders slumping slightly as he let out a small breath. He closed the gap between them as he looked over his shoulder once more as if trying to recall something about the bear. "Hey…so I had a bit of a bad thought. Not sure if it means anything or if I'm just being paranoid but…"

He kept some distance between himself and the guards, following closely behind Colby as they made their way towards the tower once more. He didn't care much for the welcome wagon that seemed to be rolling in. He hoped Rosalia would be too preoccupied to start another fight with them. In any case, Maddie pulled Colby aside after he'd given them the flowers. "Do you think all the tales are true? If Merida is real…then what if that bear is Mor'du? What if he was scouting ahead to find us or this location? But then again…what if it's just a bear? I don't want to raise alarm for nothing."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Well their getaway seemed to be going surprisingly smoothly to getting back to the tower. Thanks to that girl they had found who apparently like to mess with dead things. Still a bit odd but who was she to judge people's hobbies, her own were mostly dealing with being a criminal in one way or another, usually stealing things from everyone whenever possible. At the moment she was more intrigued by the girl's control over the undead more then anything.

Her attention shifted as they reached the tower once again. Rosalia looked at Flynn when he offered to help her off the horse, and considering she very much was not too thrilled with even being on the horse in the first place, and she landed on the ground. Now she was wondering what exactly they were going to do, especially since they apparently were going to probably have to explain computers and how all of that worked first now.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"Interesting is definitely one way to put things in general, I never was overly a fan of Disney stuff as stated, way too lighthearted and all, especially when compared to reality..." he said, as he glanced over at Sierra as she mentioned going outside for a little while. Not long after she wandered away, there was the sound of something outside the tower, and Willow made the comment about there being the others returning or something.

At least now they might be able to see about doing something other then just sitting around the tower doing nothing and practically begging for something to happen so that they could do something. "Wonder what they found out, hopefully it's useful or something," he commented, just sort of watching as the group seemed to be going about as apparently someone was injured and needing help.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: Medical Science

"He'll live," Megan told her parents curtly. They had done what they could for Lancelot, and Megan was fairly confident that the infection would clear. But there was not much else they could have done for him. If the infection did not clear, he would die. They did not have any other treatment methods available to them, given the nature of the wound. Although, Megan did consider that perhaps Merlin might've had some sort of a magical solution available.

She noted Sierra going outside, but made no move to follow her. She heard the sound of others outside just as Willow announced them. One of them was injured. Willow told Rapunzel this. She briefly contemplated leaving the person to their injuries. Yet as dark-sided as Megan could be, she had still made a vow when she received her medical degree. Megan walked silently but purposefully outside. The injured party was a ginger woman with sharp, almost bird-like features. She almost missed the wound, as she stared at the woman's face. She couldn't remember her name. It was an arrow wound to the leg.

"I need needle and thread, clear alcohol, and a torch," Megan announced. "Get her on the table inside, I can work there." The wound needed stitches. The alcohol would be used for cleaning the wound, as well as (in combination with the flame) sterilization of the needle. Megan's gaze settled briefly on another member of the group of newcomers - someone who may as well have been her twin. That was odd.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra stared at Cassi who seemed to be in pretty rough shape seeing the arrow wound to her leg. "I'll go and clear the table then." Sierra said as she quickly headed into the tower and made her way towards the table. She started taking the various things that were on the table and moved them somewhere else. Rapunzel came out shortly after as Megan quickly asked for the things that she needed and luckily she had all the things that they needed to treat the wound. She went and grabbed her medical kit that she had with her as the boys had gathered what she needed as well to.

"Thank you, there is a cabinet in there with some other medical stuff if you can put that in there that would be great." Rapunzel told the boys, as she went to get the needle out from the kit and started to heat it up. "Also there is some alchohol in there if you can get that to." Rapunzel asked them. By the time Cassi was brought in the table had been cleared and ready for Cassi. Sierra made her way towards Willow gently nudging her. "Are you alright?" She asked her,

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla quickly climbed off of the horse and went to help Rose with her sister and escorted her into the tower again, it was already cleared for her luckily as Layla looked at her sister. "It'll be okay." Layla told Cassi giving her sister a loving smile and kiss on the forehead as she helped lay her sister down onto the table. She made her way back to the horse and grabbed the pack that had the laptop, notebook and portable charger and made her way towards Jack. "We found this and a bunch of other tech thats from home back at the tower, the portable charger we snagged as well to and the notebook looked like there was some passwords or something on it." Layla told Jack, if Jack looked at the laptop he would notice a sticker on it, with the words that said. 'Property of Witchita Kansas Police Department' on it, Layla figured that it would be something useful on it.

The mystery woman looked at Megan with interest as she listened to her give a few orders and asking for some medical tools, as she walked over. "If you need help with the stitching i'm willing to help I know how to sew human flesh well enough." She offered Megan, willing to help the woman out if she did need it. Flynn looked at Rosalia as he stood next to her as he watched everyone going about and helping out with Cassi's injury feeling slightly out of place he didn't know what else to do at the moment everyone seemed to be doing everything else. "There should be some blankets inside we should get some." Flynn suggested.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

The stranger that had joined them outside Maleficent's castle offered to help. Rose could believe she knew how to sew human flesh all things considered. She eyed the woman again. Merlin hadn't stopped her from coming in. Was she from a story that Rose didn't know? That was possible.

Rose helped Cassi along. Rose got her into a position that would be helpful for Megan to work on her leg. Then Rose stepped mostly out of the way but still held onto Cassi's hand. "Squeeze as tight as you need to." She told her.

She sort of remembered that Megan was a medical professional of some sort. They had all be introduced and talked a bit when they first met and as they had traveled. Rose did remember flirting with Megan, and if Cassi and her hadn't officially become a thing she would have again. Megan was enough of her type.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby followed Rapunzel's directions and put away the flowers and removed the bottle of alcohol. He didn't want to watch the proceedings so he placed it on the table near Cassiopeia. "Good luck I guess." He told her before quickly leaving the tower again.

It was an odd thing for him. He could deal with animals and help them while they were hurt. Humans though...no thank you. It wasn't a fear really. Just a lack of bedside manner. Whatever empathy he had for animals didn't translate to humans in the same way.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan glanced up, looking at the woman who could have been her twin. "Recreationally or professionally?" Megan asked. "At any rate, if you can hold her steady, I can sew it shut." It would be more awkward and cumbersome to ask a second person to do the stitching. Besides, Megan knew her own hands were steady. She did not know if the same could be said for her almost-twin. Her eyes glanced over towards the bright red head. She liked her. But now was not the time.

"I don't need luck," she said to Colby. She took the alcohol and a clean rag from Rapunzel's kit, and she wet the cloth with it. "This will hurt," Megan warned Cassi. "If you would like me to prolong the sensation, do ask," she advised. She then pressed the alcohol rag to Cassi's wound. It would sting like hell. But Megan worked methodically, cleaning and sterilizing while Rapunzel got the needle sterilized. Once she figured it was sufficiently clean, Megan removed the rag. "Needle, please," she said, holding out her hand to Rapunzel.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Everyone seemed to be sort of scurrying around doing a whole bunch of things, and at the moment, Rosalia felt like she was going to be in the way, so she stayed back a little ways away in order to not really bug anyone. Right now she was very much not sure what to do since others seemed to be either helping out with the whole injured person thing, or going to see about trying to figure out what was going on with the computer stuff that the group had recovered.

She hadn't fully been paying attention to the fact that Flynn was right next to her until he said something, and it took a second for her to register what he had said. "I mean sure? I don't know, just feel like I'd get in the way of what others are doing," she explained with a shrug, unsure what else to really do at this point really with regards to it.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Well now this was interesting to say the least. Jack had been about to see if there was anything he could do to help the current situation, when Layla walked up to him to explain what they had found. "Well let's see what we can find out from the computer then and set it up," he said as he went to go find a spot to get everything set up so that they could use the laptop, especially considering the fact that this world didn't have electricity, but the stuff seemed to have something like a mini electric generator or something, so that worked out.

Once everything was setup, he found the notebook of passwords that Layla had told him about, and started going through the various ones, though he did notice the sticker stating that it was property of the police department. "Honestly not too surprised that they managed to get this from the station, things tend to get misplaced anyway, what's one more laptop..." he muttered under his breath, before after a while, he found the password that seemed to do the trick. Of course that password was literally the dumbest password imaginable. "Get this, the password was 1234. I am not joking, almost like a 4 year old chose the password... Anyway this doesn't sound like a good thing. Aside from obviously them seemingly stalking all of us in the world we grew up in? Well looks like they were planning an invasion in order to take over that world too... Starting with Wichita," he said to Layla.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Outside

No one was giving Cassiopeia a shot of alcohol. She knew that much would at least numb her a bit. She sucked the breath between her teeth when the alcohol hit her wound, and she did squeeze Rose’s offered hand. ”Oh, just do it. I am no stranger to pain,” she told Megan.
She glanced at her wound and the needle before deciding to look away. Cassi wasn’t squeamish, but she had a feeling she would tense up if she saw it coming, and she didn’t need to make the process worse. Her eyes stared at nothing in particular, but many thoughts flowed in and out of Cassiopeia’s head.
”If we were back home, where would you want our first date to be?” Cassi asked Rose.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Inside

Willow stepped out of the way while the table was cleared and Cassiopeia was brought in. She watched all the commotion in a sort of stupor. She had never seen so much activity before in a small space. She was startled when she heard Sierra’s voice and blushed.
”Oh, I’m fine,” she declared and smoothed a hand over her hair and clothes. ”Maybe we should step outside so we aren’t in the way.” Willow followed the others out and took in a nice lungful of fresh air. At least everyone was back together again.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Everything was so hectic back at the tower. It almost made Maddie miss the forest they were just in. Colby rushed off and helped with the flowers, grabbing the alcohol, and giving it to them before he left the tower again. It was no wonder he hadn’t answered his question, there were easily more pressing matters to attend to than his own worries about what had happened back in the forest. He understood Cassi was injured, but too many chefs could spoil the pot. He had no real medical know how anyways so being around there he’d just be dead weight. So Maddie waited outside, watching as Layla and Jack exchanged a laptop between them. He didn’t think that this world had that kind of technology, but the idea of Maleficent having to recall her windows password for the third time this week did give him a funny visual.

When he saw that Colby had made his way back out of the tower he gave him a bit of a smirk as he looked past him into the tower. ” What's the matter? Don't tell me you’re squeamish” Maddie teased as the poked Colbys side slightly to tickle him. ”You can handle skeletons, guards, and giant bears but not a bit of blood?” A grin spread across his face before nodding towards Jack and Layla. ”So, what do you think is on that laptop? Any chance Maleficent put all her plans on a floppy disk that we can easily trash to foil her plot?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

The mystery girl smiled slightly towards Megan. "A little bit of both you could say." She said as she simply kept it at that for now as she went over standing behind Cassi and held her down by the shoulder so that way Cassi wouldn't squirm around as much. Rapunzel made her way towards a cabinet and found something to numb the pain for Cassi and handed her the bottle. "Just take a little bit." Rapunzel told her as she finished sterilizing the needle and handed it over to Megan as she started to get to work on stitching up the wound, it would hurt as hell. The stitching wasn't that great and it would leave a nasty looking scar once it was fully healed however Cassi wouldn't end up bleeding out or anything really. "Looks like that won't be pretty to look at once it's healed." The girl said looking at Cassi.

Sierra looked at Willow for a moment and gave her a slight nod, she really didn't have any kind of medical knowlege at all to be of any help or use. "Some fresh air would be nice as well to there are a lot of people in here anyway." Sierra said the space was small enough as it was now as well to, she followed behind Willow and was now standing outside seeing both Colby and Maddie there as well to and gave them a slight smile as she sat down on the ground just to get comfortable it looked like it was going to be sundown soon as she could see the sun slowly setting. "How are you two love birds doing?" Sierra asked as her attention turned towards Colby and Maddie as she overheard what the two were saying and smiled at them.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"There should be some blankets nearby follow me." Flynn said as he looked over at Rapunzel and gave her a slight smile as she went to help with Cassi's wound. He was pretty confident that Cassi would make a full recovery, as he led Rosalia headed up to a flight of stairs, he entered an empty roon and looked around finding some clean bedsheets and handed them towards Rosalia. "These should do." He said to her as he gently rested a hand on her shoulder. "You did well back at the castle there by the way." Flynn told Rosalia giving her a smile.

Layla listened to Jack as he managed to get the laptop up and running surprisingly quick but she laughed a little bit when he told her the password which was kind of funny. Maleficent or her men weren't that competent then if that was the password that they used for the laptop, that or their hometown's police weren't that smart either. However when Jack mentioned what was on the computer sounded pretty troubling to her. "We should tell Merlin about this then." Layla said as she looked over at Rapunzel, she hadn't seen Merlin since they had gotten back which was weird. "Do you know where Merlin is?" Layla asked Rapunzel. "He should be upstairs on the top floor." Rapunzel said, as she nodded. "Lets go and tell him then what we found take the laptop with us to." Layla said to Jack.

Layla headed up the flight of stairs and towards the the top floor as she knocked on the door, it didn't take long as the door opened seeing that Merlin had set up shop there. "What can I do for you two, and how did the mission go?" Merlin asked the two of them.
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