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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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if there is anything you want to do on this island right now, do tell.

After you mentioned that Moon Magic and an understanding of the elements would help restore the heart of the island, I was thinking I'd have Skobeloff see if Tamba, Pleexem, and Echo would be able to work together on that.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

After you mentioned that Moon Magic and an understanding of the elements would help restore the heart of the island, I was thinking I'd have Skobeloff see if Tamba, Pleexem, and Echo would be able to work together on that.

That is something that could potentially be done off-screen and inbetween chapters, unless there's something specific you want to say or ask to any of the aforementioned characters.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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That is something that could potentially be done off-screen and inbetween chapters, unless there's something specific you want to say or ask to any of the aforementioned characters.

I can do settling it off-screen if that's what you'd prefer.

On an unrelated note, did you ever get around to figuring out what happens when an obligation is fulfilled?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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I can do settling it off-screen if that's what you'd prefer.

On an unrelated note, did you ever get around to figuring out what happens when an obligation is fulfilled?

One possibility is tying it to the End of Session move, where each of you are going to be asked a series of questions. For every question you can answer 'yes', you get an experience point. "Have you fulfilled an obligation to your house?" could be made into one of the questions.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Also, just a head's up: I'm gonna be on a trip for the next 4-5 days so I'll be less active than usual. I will have my laptop with me, so I'll try and get responses up when I can.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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We did it, ya'll:

And just as this RP reached 12 months no less. It's been a pretty wild ride so far, and I hope you're all still enjoying the story we're crafting together.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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I'm definitely enjoying it still.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Since we're now at the end of Chapter 1, it's time for some end of session moves. We got two lots of questions here, one for each of your characters individually and one for you as a group.

First lot of questions:

1. Did you learn a lesson from a friend?

2. Did you help a friend solve a problem?

3. Did you fulfill an obligation to your House?
In Stargaze's case, did you get a step closer your destiny?
Both of these are tied to the obligations you guys have on your Characters Sheets.

For every 'Yes' you give, mark 1 EXP. Also give examples.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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In order to fulfil his obligation, would Skobeloff have to reveal what the secret actually is?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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In order to fulfil his obligation, would Skobeloff have to reveal what the secret actually is?

Not necessarily, no. While sharing collected secrets with fellow Myndoth members (particularly elders) is encouraged, it's definitely not required. After all, every member of Myndoth is entitled to their own secrets, and the more who know a secret, the less power it has in general.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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Well in that case...

1. Did you learn a lesson from a friend? "I'm afraid not."

2. Did you help a friend solve a problem? "I did. Twice. I assisted Fellwing when the Darkness made her fearful and I set Stargaze on the path to pull Fellwing back from the Darkness a second time when it filled her with anger."

3. Did you fulfil an obligation to your House? "Yes. I will be keeping the secret I've learned to myself though."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Since we're now at the end of Chapter 1, it's time for some end of session moves. We got two lots of questions here, one for each of your characters individually and one for you as a group.

First lot of questions:

1. Did you learn a lesson from a friend?

2. Did you help a friend solve a problem?

3. Did you fulfill an obligation to your House?
In Stargaze's case, did you get a step closer your destiny?
Both of these are tied to the obligations you guys have on your Characters Sheets.

For every 'Yes' you give, mark 1 EXP. Also give examples.

Sorry for the wait!

1. "Well...Does the opposite of Garrock's lesson count? He said that friends drag you down and that you get more stuff accomplished alone. But I found that that's not true. Friends are the ones who have your back and can help you accomplish great things even if the only thing they are doing is standing by your side,"


2. Hmmm...I helped navigate everyone through the island, and I did help Fellwing snap out of her panic and anger from the darkness, thanks to Skobeloff


3. That shadow dragon infected my home. Is that a coincidence or is that intentional on the shadow dragon's part? Thankfully we were able to chase it away, and I got the sense that it will want to get back at me for chasing it away. I think that's a step in the right direction towards my destiny.


Also, @XxFellsingxX, Would the group be able to check on Echo before they leave to see how she's recovering?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

Sorry for the wait!

1. "Well...Does the opposite of Garrock's lesson count? He said that friends drag you down and that you get more stuff accomplished alone. But I found that that's not true. Friends are the ones who have your back and can help you accomplish great things even if the only thing they are doing is standing by your side,"


2. Hmmm...I helped navigate everyone through the island, and I did help Fellwing snap out of her panic and anger from the darkness, thanks to Skobeloff


3. That shadow dragon infected my home. Is that a coincidence or is that intentional on the shadow dragon's part? Thankfully we were able to chase it away, and I got the sense that it will want to get back at me for chasing it away. I think that's a step in the right direction towards my destiny.


Also, @XxFellsingxX, Would the group be able to check on Echo before they leave to see how she's recovering?

I agree with the first two.

Technically, the third question was relating to the thing you marked on your sheet:
Path of Omens: Discover an artifact or tome connected to your fate.
But considering this mission did involve the island where you were found, I'll allow that to count as well.

As for Echo: is there anything specifically you want to say to her? I am planning on mentioning in the intro of Chapter 2 that you did say good bye to her before you left.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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@XxFellsingxX There isn't anything specific I can think of when they are mostly checking to see if she's okay, and telling her about what happened with the Shadow Dragon.

I do think that right before they leave, Stargaze would have accidentally called Echo "Mom" in front of the other dragons, while saying "Goodbye" to her.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vertigo
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Will get to the questions tomorrow!
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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@Vertigo *boop*
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Hrm, thought I'd have time to do the questions before I got whisked away to a weekend meetup but alas. Will get to them shortly (tonight or in the morning, depending on whether I just collapse when I get back).
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vertigo
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Alright, so! (Last yes I'm a little unsure of, don't know if all knowledge re: Darkness is technically supposed to be secret, but--)

1. Did you learn a lesson from a friend?

2. Did you help a friend solve a problem?

3. Did you fulfill an obligation to your House?

1) Yes. There are things I shouldn't - that I cannot - do alone. Just as I wish to help my friends, they, too, wish to help me in turn, and I shouldn't deny them that.

2) Yes. I helped Stargaze with figuring out what is ailing her home and its inhabitants, and I assisted in finding some of the missing dragons. If only I could've done more come time to face off against the Shadow Dragon... next time, I will not falter.

3) Yes? I used secret knowledge I gained from spying on the Darkness, more so than some might say is safe. But without its aid, I wouldn't have been able to help with the above. All my dealings with the Darkness are to help others. The risk is worth it.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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So from what I've read:

Skobeloff has 2 EXP now, while Stargaze and Felling both have 3. Mark it on your sheets and take advancements if necessary.

Next lot of questions. These you answer together as a group, and for every 'Yes' everyone gets 1 EXP each.

- Did your clutch hold back or expel the Darkness?

- Did your clutch move a dragon older than yourself to action?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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Well Fellwing and Stargaze expelled the creature of Darkness, and Skobeloff returned Fogdance from her Shadowself, convinced Garrock to be nicer, and got both of them to join the Unnecessary Backup Brigade. So I'd say both of those questions can be answered with a yes.
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