A still with a Federal Insignia and the words "This video is not for public distribution or release" flashes up and holds for three seconds. Before it disappears just as suddenly.
The static snaps to clarity and a talking head shot of a man with a broad smile in a suit appears.
"Hello. I... am Virgil Rowell, the Director of this Aegis Center, and caretaker for your time and experience within the Ju-V program."
"During this Orientation video, we will walk you through our facilities here at the newly refurbished Alcatraz Island. We trust that you will find them far more comfortable than it's previous tenants historically did..."
Director Rowell gets to his feet, and the camera pans back to sweep and follow him as he walk-and-talks.
"As we leave my desk behind, you'll see we have a number of offices and conference rooms that provide in-house training for our own staff and personnel. To ensure that those teaching, and caring for those under our jurisdiction get the highest quality care and education throughout the process. If we continue, in this direction we'll reach the Staff boarding quarters - many choose to stay at the facility full time, and we provide for that possibilty should it be necessary. In order to preserve their privacy, however, we'll cut away and come back somewhere more appropriate..."
The video hard cuts away, and the footage returns to a clean eating area, kept immaculately.
"This is the canteen. Presently catered for by three Michelin star chef Tony Girelli, as well as a hand-picked staff of his choosing, he's also often aided by many within the program who are working towards their own experience in the culinary field. Tony is currently training young Brian, I believe, in learning 'the pass'. Brian is a metahuman with heightened taste sensory capabilities, and as such, well... at this point my explanation of the reasoning may well be quite redundant."
We see as Brian is carefully watched by the Head Chef, he shakes his head glumly, and the food is returned down the line, as the pair explain what improvements are required.
"As you can see, the utmost care is taken with the quality of food here. Those within the program can be assured three delicious meals, from a handpicked nutrition plan set out by Chef Girelli, and the Mess is also left open between meal hours for any who may have extra food requirements."
The camera pans to show the extensive rows of tables and seating.
"The refurbished facilities have been designed with both comfort and ease-of-cleanliness in mind. Gone are the bolted down tables and steel seating. Now this place walks a more humane path, for how can you expect to create the sensitive people of tomorrow when you treat them like animals today?"
The camera pans back to Virgil, broad smile still pasted upon his face.
"--And with that message in mind, I think it's time we move on to the Boarding facilities..."
Another hardcut, and the Director stands before a cold, solidly built, no-nonsense building.
"Just ahead lie the Residential Quarters for those within the program. Admittedly, from the outside, not particularly inspiring..." The camera sweeps up the stairs, slightly shakily due to no use of dolly cart. Virgil opens the door.
"Two-to-a-room dormitories and with freedom-within-reason to personalize living space, we believe this should provide more than adequate space for personal expression and comfort, during your tenure within the program. These are well stocked technologically, we do expect those staying here to respect the desire for privacy and to be mindful of noise for the sake of their fellow man. Much as you will be in the outside world, the place within these walls is itself a community, and consideration is key."
"Ah... but speaking of technology, and noise, why don't we check in on where those within our program may be having more fun, yes?"
Another hard cut and Virgil is seen outside of another cold, stone, solid building.
"Within these walls is the Recreation wing. If you pan over slightly, you might be able to catch a glimpse of the outdoors sporting field - unfortunately it falls just short of regulation size, due to the size limitations we're working with here on Alcatraz Island. But only by about ten to fifteen yards or so. As such the line marking aren't technically accurate, but just proportionate to the space being worked with. Behind this door, however..." Virgil swings the door open.
"We have a full sized basketball court, also convertible to indoor soccer, badminton, uhh, I'm sure a handfull of other sports that--"
"Pickleball." Comes a voice behind the camera.
"That's right. Pickleball, as well as tennis. Volleyball as well, now it comes to me. As well as gymnastics mats, a climbing wall. As we leave the court itself, though... We have a fully furnished gym. Both free weights and resistance machines. Ah... now a restriction - hate that word, but it needs to be said. We do expect NEW people within the program to use the resistance machines until they've demonstrated an adequate understanding of how to safely use the free weights. We would like to keep people out of the infirmary as much as possible. We also have a half-length lap-pool, a dive-pool - again, some restriction on the higher boards, for newcomers. As well as spa, sauna and even steam room facilities. For the sake of the camera, we'll expect you to trust us on that without going in. Oh... around the OTHER side of this wing there is the recreational library, well stocked with novels appropriate for all ages and stages of development, uhh-- we're also very fortunate that a local comics store in San Francisco donate graphic novels about three to six months after their sale date, for no charge. Also in the rec library, there's a revolving catalogue of movies and video games which can be borrowed for three days to a week at a time. I left that out before, the dormitory facilities have some capabilities to play games in communal areas and we have a small Federally approved in-house streaming selection called Juiced-V. But the Recreational Library allows for a wider selection, and also the capability of borrowing for more private usage, beyond just the common rooms." The same broad smile.
"But enough fun and games..."
Another hard cut, and we're taken to outside of yet another no-nonsense cold, stone building.
"Behind these walls we have the Educational Wing, we attempt to provide all within the program a baseline of maintaining current High School pass-level education, and generally aim to far surpass that level. Last census, I believe we had a 97% pass rate, and 85% received acceptances for further college education for once they left these walls. Beyond which we are particularly proud of our Philosophy and Ethics classes, where the youth of today become prepared to face and answer the big questions and dilemmas faced by those with their capabilities."
Panning back to Virgil's everpresent smile.
"This of course is for dealing with the theoretical knowledge of the youth of today..."
Another hard cut and we find ourself outside of a larger, more modern looking building. Still cold and concrete in appearance.
"--But behind these doors, lies the Heuristics Wing. In here we have the most bleeding edge technology for the training purposes of metahumans that currently exists. Here is where your practical knowledge and skills with your own personal powersets will be tested, to allow those within the program to come to terms with the limits of their own capabilities in a relatively safe, constantly supervised environment. Now because there's always limitations to just how safe such an environment can be, this building is also where the facility's infirmary is located, but that also makes it centrally located for any other health related issues which may occur across the facility. Now, due to the fact that we treat the powers of those within our facility as personal information, combined with the large amount of Aegis-owned proprietary technology, we won't be going in there for this video."
"You can save that experience for your first session." Virgil's broad smile flashes once more.
Another hard cut.
"And finally, here we have the Research Wing. Not a daily experience for the teaching staff or those within the program. This is where additional focus and understanding about the data collected regarding your powersets can be shared and understood. Occasionally teaching staff will be brought in to better understand the parameters and capabilities of those under their supervision. General research is undertaken by many of the leading scientists, not merely from the West Coast, but across the world entire, as they look to answer meaningful questions about what we are all ultimately doing here. Finding ways to better understand the metahuman condition. Because only in understanding can peace be acheived."
An awkwardly hard cut and we find Virgil Rowell back behind his desk in the Director's office.
"So with that we hope this orientation video has answered a few of your questions, and perhaps even addressed some prior concerns, about your upcoming tenure in the Aegis-operated Ju-V program located here in San Francisco. We look forward to meeting you in person, and hope we can learn much from one another."
The video ends sharply.