@XxFellsingxX how much of Flicker's past does the rest of the group, save any new comers, know?
Flicker would have mentioned they were raised by their single mother in a wood elf village, that they have no idea who their father is and for their early childhood weren't even aware they were a fire genasi ('cause when they were younger, they didn't have the glowing hair, the only sign they were odd back then was their glowing orange eyes) They mentioned they didn't exactly feel like they fit in, were constantly picked on by their peers and looked down upon by their elders. At some point in their early teens, they discovered their heritage and powers when they got into a fight with some of their bullies and severely harmed them, which led to Flicker and their mother leaving the village and going to live somewhere else. At some point in their later teens, they also ended up joining a monk order that promised to better teach them how to control their temper and powers, though don't seem to be part of that order anymore for some reason (though they do keep in contact).
I think that's about what they've mentioned, and you also get the sense that Flicker bears a lot of internalised guilt, pain and shame from all of this that they've never been able to shake.