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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Night was fast approaching on the ancient roads of the Carpathian Mountains. The sun was receding, leaving a blood like color in the sky over the dark mountain peaks. Since before any ruler had claimed this area, there were legends of creatures that lived among the mountainside, preying on those foolish to walk the paths at night. Even now, when the whole Carpathian Mountains have been divided into different nations, the locals still knew to avoid the dark parts of the peak, for it is said that monsters still yet lingered there.

And these locals would be right. For hidden among the mountains was a massive castle, one hidden behind a wall of Fae glamor. This was the home of Count Dracula, the one they called the Prince of Darkness. For centuries, he has been the true ruler of this land, manipulating local officials into doing his work. And now he has been extending globally, recruiting monsters from across the world, building his Council of Night.

As darkness descended over the land, the massive form of Castle Dracula was illuminated only by a few candles, perhaps more for arcane reasons than for light. It was in this dim darkness that several vehicles began pulling to the front of the castle. Inside said vehicles were some of the strongest monsters on Earth, all members of the Council.

For a week ago, they had all received a summons from Dracula, telling them to meet him on this night. He had left no reasoning on the parchment, just saying it was urgent. That was enough to draw the whole Council of Night all the way to Transylvania.

One Week Ago

For the ancient vampire known as Orlok, party cities like Amsterdam were like a buffet to him. Walking among the shaded streets of the city, Orlok gave off just enough hypnotic powers to make the humans not take a second look at him. This was not his first time in the city, in fact making it a regular thing to go every few years. It was always a very satisfying trip.

With most of the tourists either drunk and/or hopped up on drugs, Orlok didn’t have to do a whole lot to secure a victim. It was quite simple, hide in the red light district, hypnotizing a passer by into thinking Orlok was an attractive prostitute, before pulling them into an alley and sucking all the blood in their body. After that Orlok would usually dump the body into the canals that went throughout the city.

Tonight, Orlok had already fed twice, enjoying the fatty blood of two Americans. Even though Orlok couldn’t eat human food, he was glad that such a variety was now available, as it did affect the taste of blood. And since Orlok was still thirsty, he decided to perhaps try a different type of cuisine.

Spotting a group of loud, British, females, Orlok went on the prowl. While some vampires would deny it, Orlok knew that there was a different taste to the blood of a man as opposed to a woman. He had lived enough centuries to be something of a connoisseur of blood. And those women had a sweet smelling blood.

From atop the roof of a nearby building, Orlok eyed the three women. Fortunately for him, they decided to cut through a dark road. Seeing his opportunity, Orlok pounced off the roof, knocking down the first woman and sinking his teeth into her neck. Another woman tried to pull him off, but he slashed out with his claws, cutting open her neck. The last woman then tried to flee, only for Orlok to jump onto her as well. In less than ten seconds he had taken down the whole group.

However, before he could start sampling their blood, another figure entered the street. Orlok whipped around, prepared to kill them as well, but then he recognized her as a familiar of Count Dracula. Without saying anything, she handed Orlok an envelope, one with the seal of Dracula on it. She then left, purposely avoiding stepping into any of the blood that splattered the street.


Upon reading Dracula’s summons to his castle, Orlok had his familiars prepare a private flight for him. Loaded in his coffin on a small plane leaving Schiphol Amsterdam Airport, Orlok would sleep through the flight to Târgu Mureș Transilvania Airport. Back in the land of his youth, Orlok would then be driven into the southern Carpathian Mountains. While it was a tricky drive, Orlok’s familiars were used to it by now.

They would arrive at Castle Dracula just as the sun finally went away, leaving nothing but darkness and starlight. As the truck carrying Orlok stopped by the steps of the castle, Orlok arose from his coffin. The shaking of being in a plane had made the vampire’s blood queasy, though Orlok thought it would go away if he had a drink.

Dracula’s familiars would beckon Orlok into the castle. While protocol stated that the first thing they were to do after arriving was go to the Council chamber, Orlok figured that he had known Dracula long enough to be granted some leeway. So he headed for the kitchen.

Though Dracula could consume nothing but blood, he still kept a fully stocked kitchen. But all the organic vegetables and prime cuts of meat would be ignored by Orlok, who instead for Dracula’s secret stash of specialty blood.

Opening the door, Orlok saw what he wanted immediately, a vial of virgin’s blood. It seemed harder and harder these days to find actual virgin blood. Almost all vampires agreed that it was the best tasting. Orlok greedily downed it all in a few seconds.

Satisfied for the moment, Orlok departed to the Council chamber. He was surprised to see that he was the first to arrive, as not even Dracula was here. That struck Orlok as odd, but the Count was known for being mysterious, so perhaps he was planning something.

So Orlok sat in the chair assigned to him and waited. All the while not noticing that he still had blood on his face from that vial. Orlok had learned to not care what people thought of his appearance a very long time ago.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

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Nobody on this planet knew where Cameron Monzel resided. Or so she thought. As the woman relaxed in her humble cabin in the woods, a pecking at the door brought her attention. The skinwalker narrowed her eyes and turned herself into a fearsome arctic wolf. Positioning herself at the front door, the wolf growled and waited for the intruder to leave. Still, the pecking continued. The wolf's eyes darkened before moving over to the front paned window, her nose parting the curtains to see outside. A lone black crow continued it's pecking as Cameron surveyed it. A piece of parchment was hanging by a thread on it's left foot. Only one person she knew would send a black crow.

Huffing out a breath, she shifted and returned to her normal form before moving back to the door. She wrenched it open and stared down at the little black bird. "This had better be good." Reaching down, she untied the parchment and watched as the bird flew away immediately upon her receiving the note. She rolled her eyes before looking back down at the paper in her hands. Her brows furrowed in concern. Dracula had never called a meeting such as this before.

Letting out a slow breath, she nodded slightly before looking around her cabin. She walked up to her cauldron and finished off her stew before placing it to the side. It would go to waste now. Cameron rolled her eyes once more before taking the cauldron outside, dumping it's contents on the ground. At least the animals would feed well tonight. Looking once more down at the note in her hands, she locked up her cabin with a simple wave of her hand. She then focused for a moment before turning herself into a large black raven. It was then that she took to the sky, heading to the Count's abode.

It took her just a few days to arrive at the castle, as her cabin resided in the United Kingdom. Cameron had arrived just in time to see a truck pulling away from the castle entrance. She wondered who else had been summoned to this thing. The raven landed softly just outside the main doors before finally transforming back into her- well, she wouldn't consider it her human form. She was a being with red piercing eyes and a feathered body. More like a raven's body in human form. With a shake of her short black hair, she pulled open the doors and made her way inside.

Not having been to the castle before, Cameron took in everything around her and let out a breath. The Count lived in luxury, albeit somewhat traditionally. With a shake of her head, she waved her hand and the parchment reappeared in it. She looked over the words once more. It stated to meet in the chambers. Shaking her head, she huffed out a breath. Great. Like she had any idea where those were. Suddenly the same black crow that had been at her door just a few days prior appeared before her. It blinked at her before flying down the hall, landing on a perch just in front of another double set of doors.

She shrugged her shoulders and opened the doors, revealing a room full of a long table and several seats. Her eyes widened a bit at the long man sitting in one of the chairs. Cameron tore her eyes away from him before looking down at the table. Placards were situated in front of each placement, marking who was to sit where. She let out a shaky breath as she took her seat, just a few down from the stranger. Cameron didn't play well with others. She much preferred her solitude lifestyle. And yet, she knew what this creature was before her. If his appearance didn't persuade her, then the blood around his mouth confirmed it.

Clearing her throat, she brought a hand up to her face and scratched at it. "You have a little something there."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


~ The Week Prior ~
A pleased smile slithered its way across Nyarlathotep's lips as she took in the chaos unfolding before her. Well... 'took in' wasn't the right term for it exactly. She basked in it truthfully, as there wasn't anything else that brought her quite as much amusement or joy as cutting loose every once in a while to toy with the Earth and its inhabitants. Be that by driving them stark raving mad, forming her own cult, or manipulating humanity in general just for the hell of it. Her regular job: otherwise known as fulfilling those tasks directly assigned to her by her father, the other members of his court, or the rest of her kin, was nowhere near as relaxed, which was why she loathed it as intensely as she did. Even so, she tended to execute their requests with the utmost solemnity and caution, lest she suffer for dallying or making a mistake. For the Sultan's wrath was something that not even a creature as ancient and mighty as she dared risk, regardless of if that was by association or not.

Taking the wineglass that sat on the nightstand to her left in hand, Nyarlathotep undid the uppermost button of her dress shirt--she'd dressed for a business meeting despite having nothing of the sort planned in her cosmic itinerary--to expel more heat as the fires blazing through Cairo's streets had begun to make the hotel room she was lounging in just the tiniest bit stuffy. Swirling the crimson liquid briefly, she took a sip, letting the alcohol dance across her tongue for a beat before downing it alongside the rest of the glass the very next moment. Just as she was about to pour herself another, however, a knock on the door gave her pause. Not because of its unexpectedness, mind you, but because this was just the summons she'd been waiting for. While nowhere near as reliant on her prescience as her nephew Yog, she was still an Outer God. Knowing things that most shouldn't was just one of many specialties she possessed.

Setting the glass aside for the time being, she made her way from the bed to the door in a single fluid motion. Opening it, she took the note from the thrall without so much as a 'By your leave' or 'Thank you', then slammed the door in his face. Even if the man standing before her hadn't been one of Dracula's underlings, all he would have seen was a very attractive businesswoman sheltering in her room while the city around them rioted and burned. Nothing of note in other words. After all, an evacuation order had yet to be given, and who was she to brave the chaos unfolding outside? Better to shelter in place like all mortals did when confronted with something they couldn't control than brave the unknown, especially when she was pretending to be one of them.

"Now," she began as she climbed back into bed and examined the note, the screams and shouts of the rioting masses serving as the perfect backdrop. "Let's see what Vlad wants from me this time."

~ Present Day ~
Nyarlathotep's gaze wandered from the note to the back of her chauffer's seat then back again for the entire ride to the ancient vampire's castle. A few hours later and she found herself sitting outside the castle's gate alongside a smattering of other vehicles, most of which had already started to pull away while some busied themselves still with the disengorgement of their monstrous passengers. The council had come out in force tonight it seemed.

"Punctual as always I see. Damn bootlickers..." she muttered as she existed the black SUV she had been ferried up here in. Her clothing melted and flowed as she went to form a skin-tight bodysuit of black and crimson, while her nails lengthened, hair turned white, and eyes flashed a bloody crimson as a distinguishing mark streaked its way down the left side of her face. Making her way through the gate and up the fortresses' monolithic steps, she entered the main hall and made her way to the council chamber-- heels clacking noisily against the tiled floor with each step she took. Upon entering the chamber she took a seat directly across from the hunched over count, casually tossing the placard that had been placed there to denote the seat as someone else's aside as she did so. Once sufficiently settled, she noted the vitae staining Orlok's jowls with a smirk and chuckle.

"I told you that not being able to see yourself in the mirror would come back to bite you in the ass one day."

With that bit of pre-meeting jabbing taken care of, Nyarlathotep quickly turned her attention towards the young shifter sitting at the far end of the table. There were others seated about at this point as well, but she would get to them in due time. Or maybe not. It wasn't as if linear time or the proper order of things was of great importance to her either way.

"He knows. He just doesn't care," she said, jerking her thumb in the vampire's general direction. "Like talking to a brick wall, that one, except the wall's more likely to listen than he is."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alasta moaned as she trudged up the mountain paths. It wasn't the low, haunting mumble of the typical walking corpse, however- more like a child in the backseat frustrated with being stuck in a traffic jam. Many of the other council members had private jets, or could warp space and time like rubber. Her? She had to make do with what transportation she could scrounge, most likely her own two feet. Alas. Still, it was for a good cause. Unlike many of the other creatures of the night, she was still human in the ways that mattered, rotting flesh be damned. A monster was defined by what they were on the inside.

The doors opened for her of their own accord, as they always did. While she might be able to hold her own against the Prince of Darkness for a time in a purely necromantic contest, the Count was far more adept than her in most areas of sorcery. Her cloak, the same crimson as her hair, brushed gently against the floor as she made her way through the corridors to the council chamber. A few of the other members had arrived, but strangely, it seemed the Count himself could not be... well, counted on. More than a little infuriating. If you tell somebody to come to your place, and that it's urgent, you had damn well better be there to tell them what's going on. Unless... Alasta followed the train of thought to its station, and her decaying eyebrows raised at the implications, but she forced them back down quickly.

Looking around, there were a few old hands already in attendance. Cameron the Skinwalker, looking as aloof as always. Nyarlathotep, the devious creature. How Dracula trusted her was beyond her understanding. And Orlok, still with the remnants of his latest lunch. You know, the mortals have these strange things called blood banks. Perhaps he should start making withdrawals.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

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As the sun's last vestiges succumbed to the embrace of night, a sombre glow emanated from within Castle Dracula. The soft flicker of candles, their light more arcane than illuminative, played upon the walls, casting shifting shadows that seemed to dance to an otherworldly rhythm. And into this mystic ambiance, a procession of vehicles wound their way, arriving at the castle's foreboding entrance. Within these vehicles, harboured in the shadows, sat an assembly of formidable beings - an assembly of the supernatural, the elite members of the Council of Night.

Among them was Aria Nightshade, her spectral presence wrapped in an aura of melancholic elegance, as she slowly emerged from one of the vehicles. Her dark attire seemed to meld seamlessly with the night as she walked, a testament to her mastery of shadows. Sunglasses shielded her ethereal eyes from the faint light, an unspoken necessity in the presence of the moon's pale glow. Her heart, despite its centuries of existence, quickened with anticipation and a touch of uncertainty. Dracula's message had carried an urgency that transcended time and distance, a siren call that had drawn the council members from diverse corners of the world to converge upon this clandestine gathering.

The banshee's gaze swept over the assembly, each member a representative of their own unique breed of darkness. Werewolves, vampires, creatures of lore - all united under the Council's banner, all bound by an alliance that straddled the fine line between coexistence and chaos. Aria felt a kinship with them all, an unspoken understanding that stretched beyond words.

With a steadying breath, Aria’s ghostly form glided gracefully over the ancient stones. Her voice, hauntingly beautiful and imbued with centuries of sorrow, remained silent for now, held in reserve for the moments to come. The air itself seemed to whisper in reverence as she traversed the threshold of Castle Dracula, a testament to her millennia-long existence and her role within the Council of Night. She made her way to the Council chamber, the large doors opening as if by magic once she was near.

The banshee often chose silence in a realm where words held immense weight. It was a choice born not of timidity, but of reverence for the gravity of a situation. Instead of verbal greetings, she offered a subtle incline of her head to her fellow council members seated inside, acknowledging their presence in a manner that transcended language. Her steps were nearly soundless against the polished floors as she walked to her seat, placing her glasses on the table once seated and awaiting the Count’s appearance with familiar patience.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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One Week Ago

Imhotep prepared some documents that he was to be sent to some business partners to finish up a month-long deal. Pressing and holding a button on his landline phone.“Mrs.Johann, could you please fetch Mr.Manners to my office, I just finished signing off on the necessary documents for that deal with Epson Corporation.” The high priest released his finger from the button waiting for a response from his secretary.

“I will bring him to your office right away. Oh, and I got a call from Mr. De Ville wanting to meet you in Transylvania. Would you like me to prepare your private jet for the flight?” She responded waiting for a moment for him to speak.

Yes please, I will have some of my things prepared to be brought along on my travels. I will need a limousine brought in front of my building to pick me up.” He finished his conversion with his secretary before opening his desk drawer. Grabbing what looked like a strange amulet of some kind. He put said amulet around his neck Closing his eyes while mumbling a chant to himself. It was a spell of sorts to protect himself while he travels. He put away the amulet thinking about why Dracula wanted to see him. He had been working with the council for many millennials. Helping them by funding the council through his various business. His many allies helped him amass a vast amount of money, but money was not of much importance to him. He hoped that Orlock or perhaps his master Nyarlathotep could possibly shed some light.


After his rather long flight and car ride he finally arrived at Dracula’s castle. The travel was not too annoying as most people he knew would complain about. Personally, he found travelling to Romania to be quite pleasant. His limo stopped in front of Dracula's castle with his driver opening the passenger door for him. Imhotep stepped out of the limo and told his driver to come back in a few hours. The ancient mummy started walking up the stairs His breath was heavy and haggard as he walked up the stairs. Taking a moment to catch his breath while on top of the staircase. Heading inside and towards the conference room where he noticed the other members sitting down. The first person he noticed was Nyarlathotep. “Vespere magister bone, scisne cur nos hic comes vocaverit? (Translation-Good evening master, Do you know why the count had called us here?)” Bowing his head toward his master before looking over at the others.

Good evening.” He said bowing his head before walking over to his chair. Sitting down and noticing a beetle crawling on the table. The high priest extended his hand watching it crawl up his arm underneath his robes. The beetle went towards his shoulder and mouth, Imhotep opened his mouth as the beetle crawled into his mouth. Letting it crawl into his stomach where the other insects resided. They would be useful whenever he needs to summon them when he is in a conflict.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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Lady Suiko

One Week Earlier...

High up on Mount Fuji, amongst the wildlife and thick groves of trees, stood a once tall, faded red building with chipped emerald rooves, or so it appeared to an outsider courtesy of a glamour spell. The Tamashi No Kyuden, otherwise known as the Soul Palace, was still thriving and teeming with its mistress and her people. The zen garden was filled with cherry blossom and bonsai trees with a small stream that ran through it. Several native flowers and plants thrived in the undergrove of the garden too. Lady Suiko was returning from deep in the forest.

The Kitsune paused on the small red bridge that led to the ground floor of the palace. Her nine tails fanned out to display the power she possessed as a warning. Her fox ears swiveled as the birds nearby stopped singing their sweet song. Someone different was in her garden. Suiko clutched the fan that was in her hands, safely tucked within her kimono sleeves. It was her favorite weapon. With one flick of the wrist, the edges of the fan turned into blades. Her green eyes surveyed the trees, she relaxed with a gentle smile.

"There is no need to hide, little fledgling, your master and I are friends as well as allies," Suiko said as she reached out her right hand, free of the hidden weapon, and took the parchment of the young appearing girl. She opened the letter and frowned slightly. There was little information about the meeting in the letter.

That wasn't like Dracula. He was a very organized man and always had it written out as to why they were meeting. He must feel like someone might be intercepting letters if he is being so vague with the information,' Suiko thought as she dismissed the fledgling and returned back to her palace.


Suiko stepped out of the black SUV with heavily tinted windows, dressed in a red silk dress and a fox mask. Even though she was in her human form, she was still one of the most recognizable faces within fashion communities. A few decades back, Dracula had suggested to her that she should invest in the fashion industry. Lady Suiko already owned most of the silk textile companies, so it would be a breeze to finance herself with the profits from said companies. Humans were enamored with her silk designs and paid out their souls (literally) for a chance to personally meet the mysterious fashion designer.

As soon as, Suiko walked through the gate, her human form transformed into her kitsune form. Her nine tails stretched with relief from being confined as her ears wiggled. Her red kimono adorned with embroidered cherry blossoms covered her body as she removed her fox mask before walking through the halls to the meeting room.

Suiko opened the door to see familiar and new faces sitting around the large antique table. She sat next to the shifter and smiled softly at Nyarlathotep's jab at Orlok's bloodied lip. "Hello, Nyarlathotep, it has been a while. It is always nice to see fresh faces, is it not?" She said as she smiled warmly at the newbies.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


@Eviledd1984 @WhiteAngel25

Nyarlathotep tapped her fingers against the table rhythmically by way of response to her servant's question. To all else currently gathered it would appear as naught more than aimless drumming. A tick perhaps, nervous or otherwise, or--more likely given her known proclivities--the product of boredom as she awaited Dracula's arrival. To Imhotep, however, it would be readily apparent that the Outer God was communicating in morse. More alarming though, was what the tapping conveyed.

'No, I don't.'

For someone who had as many fingers in as many pies as Nyarlathotep did to not know the reason behind their assembly... well, it was worrying to say the least. Granted, it wasn't as if she dwelled on this too long. For the very next moment she had shifted her attention over to Suiko, a pleasant smile warming her face.

"To a point, yes. Too many monsters in one place though and that's when the problems begin."

She raked her gaze across the rest of the assembly.

"Not that we'll end up suffering from such an issue of course."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

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Suiko nodded in agreement to Nyarlathotep as she produced a fan with intricate designs in red from her kimono sleeves, then fanned herself lightly, mainly out of boredom. "I couldn't agree more," she replied as she turned her attention to the skinwalker.

"I am Lady Suiko, young one, you are a Sukin'u~ōkā, correct? One that changes forms? I only exchange between two forms. What is it like to be able to shift into other beings?" Suiko asked with a gentle, easy smile. The fox woman liked to make the newbies feel at ease, she felt like it was difficult meeting the whole council in one night and not just Dracula one-on-one.

It was in Suiko's nature to be curious about others. The kitsune's green eyes studied Cameron as one of the newest members. Suiko took it upon herself to familiarize herself with the newcomers and their abilities. She used the same skills to unify the Eastern demons under her banner, or at least the heads of each clan. There were a few underlings that probably didn't approve, however, they couldn't deny that there was something to be said about safety in numbers.
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