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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: Medical Science

Megan nodded, before beginning her work as Rapunzel handed her the needle. It was by no means her finest stitching. She made no comment about her patient's choice of conversation topic. Perhaps someone might have unkindly assumed that Megan did somewhat crude work on purpose, as a way to express jealousy over the blonde haired girl winning the heart of the red haired girl. Megan had fancied the second woman for a moment. But above all else, Megan was a professional. She took pride in her work.

Would she really intentionally do subpar stitches?

"No, the scar will be prominent - you're very lucky," Megan told her patient. After all, scars just indicated things that failed to kill you. Megan would prefer to have more of them. A wound that healed without one was just a disappointment. She eyed her assistant - the girl who had an uncanny resemblance to herself. "Forgive me, I didn't catch your name - I'm Dr. Megan Pendragon," she said, extending a hand.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Tower

Cassiopeia took the bottle from Rapunzel and took some of the liquid gratefully. Unfortunately, it didn’t help. Cassiopeia squeezed Rose’s hand tightly and gritted her teeth. She squeezed her eyes shut and twitched. A few sounds of pain escaped through her teeth. She was grateful for being pinned down. Once Megan was done, Cassi released Rose’s hand to wipe the tears from her face. She sat up and looked down at the stitch job. At least it was stitched.
”As long as it will heal,” Cassiopeia said. ”Thanks, Megan. Should we cover it with a bandage?” She looked over at Rose. ”Did I break your hand? That was a lot more painful than I was expecting.” Modern medicine was a blessing.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Outside

Once outside, Willow took a minute to breathe in the air and shut her eyes. She played with her necklace, tracing the outline of the key. Sierra’s voice drifted over to her, and Willow opened her eyes to see she was speaking with Colby and Matthew. Smiling, she joined the group.
Willow sat on the ground. She curled her legs up beside her and rearranged her skirts to cover her legs and keep the material from bunching. She continued to fiddle with her dress, needing something to do to keep from staring at Colby and Matthew or Sierra.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Rose watched Megan work. "Let's be honest, camping." Rose said. She smiled at Cassie. Their love of the outdoors was why they had become friends in the first place. Rose hadn't spent any time at the orphanage like the others. She had been separated.

"Lucky for you I dig chicks with scars." Rose joked. "And you didn't break it. Might need to ice it, but not broken." She said flexing her hand.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

"I was planning on studying to become a vet someday. Blood itself doesn't bother me. I just don't handle people well." That was an understatement. He could count his human friends on one hand. Of the group he only liked one person other than Maddie enough to even start to consider them a friend, Willow. Back in Kansas, he had roommates but he wasn't friends with any of them either.

He rolled his eyes at Sierra's question. "Fine." He shrugs. "At least it seems like we're getting near to dealing with Maleficent and from there we can figure this whole thing out." He gestures lightly at the world. He wanted to stay, wanted to have a life in Wonderland. He also wanted the stability and normalcy that Kansas provided. He had a lot of very expensive school ahead of him if he went that route. Maybe he'd let Maddie make the choice for them. Stay or go.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Rosalia wasn't entirely sure what she should do, but currently Flynn was the only one giving her an idea as to something to do, so she just shrugged and followed along after him to get the blankets and everything else. She didn't say anything as he handed her a few of them, but was not sure what to really think with what he was saying to her about the whole adventure at the castle, and she just kind of rolled her eyes.

"Right, because that totally worked out seeing as everyone is so all for attacking everything within ten feet instead of trying to do this thing called be stealthy. Since that would get everyone out of a lot more trouble then the trouble they've been causing. They also don't listen to anything that actually exists to be reason or whatever. Yeah I didn't do anything because as mentioned before, I tend to try to avoid fighting, since you can get away with so much more if you do things other ways. So I didn't do anything but just sort of tag along and exist so eh, whatever."

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"Agreed, this is a bit insane but he definitely needs to know. Odds are afterwards we'll end up telling and showing everyone else, but might as well start with one person," he said, nodding his head as he grabbed everything to ensure that they had what they needed for the laptop, and he followed after Layla to where Merlin was. He couldn't help but wonder slightly about what Merlin was going to think, since they still had the issues with Maleficent here in this world.

Walking into the room, he looked over at Merlin as he spoke, "Well we've got to show you something since this is a pretty big deal, and it involves the plan Maleficent has at the moment," he said towards him, before he set the laptop up on a nearby table, and pulling up the information they were looking for. "She's planning on attacking the other world, starting with the place that we grew up in."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

"I feel like a Vet would suit you. Though you may need to relearn a thing or two if you're thinking of staying in Wonderland. I doubt the heart and organs of a jabberwock or butterfly are the same as the animals we have back home." Maddie teased before they were interrupted by Sierra. He didn't dislike her, though they'd hardly had a chance to bond while all this was happening. Colby seemed to instantly get prickly. Like a cat launching onto its haunches when a stranger comes nearby.

He placed his hand into Colbys, pressing against him shoulder to shoulder with a dopey smile. "Been doing great actually. Agrabah was a lot of fun and we got to meet our parents. Besides like Colby said, we're almost to the end of this story it seems. The time to write the take back to how it should be, heroes triumph and villains get the boot. Once that's over with…" Maddie didn't know what came next. Did Colby wish to stay? Did he want to go back to Kansas? Surely they'd need to pack a few more things but…a part of him wished he could have both. A portal to spend his days off and nights here in Wonderland while the days were off back in his apartment. The world seemed a lot smaller back then.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra looked over at Willow as she gave her friend a smile as she gently nudged her playfully as she listened to the two boys as they spoke. Colby seemed to be a little bit tense to her though she didn't really know him all that well either honestly and maybe he was a hard person to gain trust or something. However Maddie seemed to be more friendly as she nodded towards him, she started to think about what she wanted to do as well. She really wanted to stay here and actually know her parents and also learn more about her home, but she also did have a life back home that she missed as well to. The sun had started to set and it was getting pretty dark now as well to, as Sierra stretched slightly. "I think it's going to be a pretty busy day tomorrow, we should hit the hay pretty soon." Sierra suggested, she was going to see about getting some rest as soon as possible.

The mystery girl smiled at Megan as she introduced herself as she extended a hand towards Megan. "You can call me Gabriella." She said as her creepy little hand companion climbed up onto her shoulder and gave Megan a slight wave as it rested on her shoulder. "It has been a long day i'm going to get some rest, you are welcome to join me if you wish." She said as she headed towards the stairs as she stopped for a moment giving Megan a slight smile as she headed up. Rapunzel started to clean herself up as she looked at Rose and Cassiopia. "I'll be around if you need me." Rapunzel said, Cassi was stable enough now and she wasn't worried about her dying or anything like that, she had a few other patients to treat still as well.

"I try and avoid conflict as much as possible as well to, but sometimes it's unavoidable though." Flynn said as he shrugged slightly as he grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows. "Anyway lets hand these out and we can get some shuteye tomorrow will probably be pretty big." Flynn suggested as he left the room and started to hand out the blankets and pillows to those who wanted them.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Merlin started to make his way towards the table that Jack had set the computer down and started to look at the plans that Maleficent was planning. He knew she wanted to take control of this world but he wasn't expecting her to attempt to try and take over a completely different world. "This isn't really good at all." Merlin said as he looked between Layla and Jack grateful for the information that they had gathered, at least it was some good intel on her next move was.

"Thank you for giving this to me. I'll come up with a plan in the morning and gather everyone at the bottom of the tower all of our forces should be there by the morning. You two should get some rest you'll need it for whats to come tomorrow." Merlin said as Layla nodded, as she looked at Jack for a moment. "Lets go, I need to check on my sister anyway." Layla said as she started to head down the stairs, she wanted to check up on her sister anyway to she felt really bad for leaving her alone.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: Medical Science

"No need to thank me. I made an oath," Megan told her patient simply. She studied the wound for a second. It didn't need a bandage. It was fine the way it was, with the stitching. But perhaps a bandage would be good, simply because of the sort of environment they were running around in. Megan placed one on it quickly. "You do not technically need one, no. If you adjust the bandage, be careful not to pull the stitches." She figured the bandage might make Cassiopeia feel better as well. She did not state that part of her reasoning though. She didn't like it when people babied their patients.

Her eyes flickered up towards the stairs, as Gabriella smiled at her. She didn't recognize the name from any fairytales or fables. But in that moment, Megan knew what Gabriella was asking her. She had never thought she'd be the sort to go for someone who could have been her twin - slightly different skin tones, but twins nonetheless. The severed hand on Gabriella's shoulder interested her.

And Megan had to confess other things interested her as well.

She put down her medical supplies. "If it turns green, tell me immediately - unless you wish to die of blood poisoning, in which case, do nothing," she told Cassiopeia sharply. She then paused for a moment, before heading up the stairs after Gabriella. She had had one night stands before. But this felt like the start of something different.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Tower

Camping. Of course, Rose wanted to go camping. Cassiopeia smiled softly at Rose, so happy she agreed to date her. ”Alright. I’ll make it happen,” she decided. ”Would you want to camp here or back in Witchita?” It just occurred to Cassiopeia that she was starting to miss home. It could be because she was just injured, but it was something that they should figure out. She also needed to talk to Layla about it. The two of them had never been separated.
She refocused on her injury and Megan. She nodded, feeling better once the bandage was on. In this environment, extra protection wasn’t a bad idea. She sat up, swinging her legs over to the side with a slight wince as her skin shifted under the stitches. ”I don’t know about you, but I could use a shower or something. And something to eat.” The adrenaline from being stitched up started to wear off, leaving Cassi thinking about her other needs.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower — Outside

Willow ended up glancing at Sierra a few times and watched Colby with Matthew. She had gotten to know the two of them a bit more with their quest, and she found she didn’t mind them. Colby was a little rough around the edges. He was very guarded, but there was always a reason for that. Willow had to remind herself to shut her psych brain off. No one liked to be counselled when they didn’t ask for it.
”Ya, I’m sure we will have a plan in place tomorrow. It would be good to execute it once we have all had a restful sleep.” Willow stood and shook her dress before heading for the door. After they took down Maleficent, they would have so many options. She could potentially stay and get to know this land and her family more. Or she could go home and continue with her old life. Maybe she could go back and forth between worlds like a timeshare.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Rose thought over Cassi's question for a moment. She was asking about more than a single camping trip. Rose held out her hand to help steady Cassi. She thought of the woods at home, she thought of the woods from her memories. Her family and friends in both locations. She didn't really want to give any of that up. But life in Kansas was a fight to make ends meet. She worked three jobs just to pay the bills. Rose would be happy if she could work just the ranger job. If she got full-time. But really that wasn't likely to happen.

"I'm happy where you are." She finally said. "I'll help you shower so you don't mess up that bandage or the wound. As for camping, I don't care where we do it. I would like to go back to my childhood woods. The places of my memories. At least once. After that, wherever the wind takes us." She gave a small shrug and smiled.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby smiled internally. There was something funny about Maddie comforting him in this social interaction. "I'm pretty tired too." Colby agreed. "Still haven't gotten our post sand adventure shower though." He whispered to Maddie.

He had caught the thought trail that Maddie had left. Where did he want to stay? If he was honest with himself he wanted to stay here. Live in Wonderland. But he'd want to at least say goodbye to his family. There weren't a lot of friends so to speak, but he knew people he'd want to tell he was 'moving'. Did his parents need a better explanation? Could he tell them 'hey I found my biological father and I'm leaving to go live with him'?

Colby wasn't ready for that choice.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"I know that, but then again everyone else here just thinks it is the answer. When a few of the instances today? Very much were avoidable and actually could have caused them to come down on us worse, but no one seems to actually have a brain," she ended up saying, a bit annoyed that he was kind of missing the entire point of what it was that she had been saying, but oh well. No one listened to her anyway so what was she really expecting?

Rosalia didn't end up saying anything else, just sort of following after him, having kind of been getting dragged around a little bit during this whole thing. She still wasn't sure why she was even really there at this point. Personally she'd prefer to be somewhere else doing anything else then here. Right now she just kind of wanted to not have to worry about messing with or dealing with the fact that some crazy fairy tale character probably wanted them all dead.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, she's clearly more then a bit crazy, but not sure how the people in Wichita would react to fairy tale characters come to life suddenly. And not just in the movies or anything like that," Jack said with a bit of a shrug. The fact that Maleficent was wanting to see about taking over Earth was not a good sign at all. Plus Wichita wasn't exactly a place that would have an easy time fighting off that sort of thing.

He couldn't help but be a little annoyed that they were seemingly just waiting around for Merlin to create a plan to fix everything or come up with a plan to solve the problem. Apparently they weren't supposed to be included in any sort of idea making when it came to that as it had been their home, so shouldn't they potentially get more of a say in how to potentially protect it from Maleficent or stop her from even getting over there in the first place. But he didn't say anything, just headed out of the room when Layla said that he should not sure what else to do since Merlin was kind of shutting them out from ideas to begin with.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie didn’t realize it, but he’d kept getting the feeling he was being watched. Subconsciously he’d turned his head, as if there was some strain or knot he needed to relieve tension from. He’d locked eyes with Willow, noticing her as she glanced towards them before looking away once more. He’d offered up a shy smile, and his hand twitched as if he’d wanted to waver hello towards her, to invite her into the conversation. But she’d looked away too fast, going back to what she was doing and allowing Maddie to turn his attention back towards Colby and Sierra for the moment again. ”Ugh I'm exhausted. We’ve hardly had any time to rest since we first got here and the heat from Agrabah seemed to sap away any energy I may have had coming into all of this.” He said playfully before catching the tail end of Colby’s comment.

Maddie’s face turned red. He couldn’t believe he’d just said that right in front of someone else. But he wasn’t entirely wrong either. So, Maddie decided to double down on it for the moment. He’d laced his fingers into Colbys, scooting in closer so they were shoulder to shoulder and their held hands were behind them. ”Well then maybe we should go do that while we still have the chance to. Besides, I don't think we’ll be needed anytime soon with all these new hands that just showed up.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

The night was pretty quiet there weren't any kind of attacks from Maleficent or any of her forces really which was a good thing then as Sierra slowly started to wake up. She would let out a loud yawn as she stretched, she looked out the nearby window of her room the sun was slowly rising now but still a little bit dark. Sierra went and got changed everyone had a room to themselves unless they wanted to bunk with someone else for the night was also fine as well to.

Sierra started to make her way down the stairs as she walked down she could see that her mother was sitting at a nearby table drinking what looked like coffee, she gave her a smile and wave. "Good morning." Sierra said to her mother as Ariel turned to look at her and smiled. "Good morning to you as well, did you sleep well?" Ariel asked as Seirra nodded as she grabbed herself a cup as well to and sat down next to her. "Yep I did." Sierra said as she waited for everyone else to start waking up a few seconds later Merlin came down the stairs carrying the genie lamp.

Over in Gabreilla and Megan's room she was still fast asleep spooned up against Megan as her weird little hand companion moved over and lightly started to poke Megan's cheek and then went to poke Gabreilla's as well tom as she let out a slight groan as she grabbed it and threw the hand across the room, a loud thud could be heard as the hand quickly got up and left the room.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla had decided to sleep with her sister and Rose the night before, their room was large enough to have a normal sized bed and a couch as well to. She decided to let her sister and Rose take the bed as she took the couch itself, which wasn't the most comfortable thing as she slowly opened her eyes and started to sit up. She then tossed the pillow that she was given towards her sister, but ended up missing and hitting Rose instead.

"Sorry meant to hit Cassi." Layla said with a slight laugh as she started to slowly get up and stretched slightly as she looked at Cassi. "How are you Cassi?" Layla asked her sister as she grabbed some clothes that were provided to them thanks to Rapunzel, Layla made her way over and leaned down to check on the bandage, it looked alright to her as she poked Cassi once more.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan had not slept much that night. That was not uncommon for her. She had always been an insomniac. A night where she had five hours of uninterrupted sleep was a good one. Of course, the main reason for her lack of sleep that evening was one Gabriella de la Cruz. They had explored each and every inch of their bodies methodically, analytically, and comprehensively. And when they had finished, Megan had held Gabriella as the other girl drifted off to sleep. Megan instead remained mostly awake, keeping her own sort of unholy vigil. Her eyes moved suddenly, as if possessed by a demon, as Gabriella's Hand poked her.

Gabriella, after the Hand tried to wake her, then threw it across the room. Megan smiled crookedly.

How had she gotten here? She had no idea. But she was not going to question this. She was filled with the horrible, awful, suffocating feeling of being wanted. It was cruel torture. And she wanted more. "The succubus wakes," Megan whispered in Gabriella's ear, nipping at it for a moment. "Did you have any pleasant nightmares?" She was not going to tell Gabriella that she had watched her sleep - not yet.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Tower

”That was an incredibly corny line,” Cass informed Rose before she kissed her lightly and accepted her help upstairs. The shower was painful but nice. It was the most alone time she had gotten with Rose since they agreed to be in a relationship. Cassandra didn’t need a lot of intimate contact, but being exhausted and in pain, her guards came down, allowing her to enjoy Rose’s help in the shower.

The night proved to be uneventful, with Layla sleeping mere feet away from them and Cass’s injury. However, Cass’s mind was full of dreams. She felt the wind across her face from Layla’s missed pillow attack. The last memories of the dreams danced along the edge of her subconscious mind as she slowly became more aware.
Layla’s hand brushed Cassandra’s leg, examining the wound before she poked her. Cass opened her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her. ”How does it look?” Cassandra kissed Rose’s shoulder before she sat up and stretched. She yawned, moved the blankets, and looked over her wound. It looked okay, and as Cassandra moved, it didn’t feel that bad anymore. Good. Hopefully, she will be helpful today.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower

Willow lay curled up on her bed, not feeling very ambitious. She heard the door shut and opened her eyes. Today they would devise a plan to take down Maleficent. Willow shifted and sat up. She wrapped her arms around bent legs and rested her cheek on her knees, staring thoughtfully at the door.
Maleficent was an unknown villain to her, but somehow, she felt connected to Maleficent. She had been the one responsible for putting her mother to sleep for reasons her own, but it was still something traumatic. Now here Willow was the second generation, trying to stop her from taking over yet again. Sighing, Willow got up, ready to start the day.
About twenty minutes later, Willow walked downstairs and joined Sierra at the table. ”Good morning,” she greeted all who were there.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

She had gotten up somewhat early, not too much caring when everyone else got up. Right now she was still sort of trying to figure out if she wanted to stick around in this world, or go back to the one that she had grown up in. Rosalia only had a few memories of this world, with most being of back on Earth, even though most of those memories weren't exactly good. She had always just sort of been by herself without a care in the world, and it was still weird to think that she was from this place of fairy tale characters.

Eventually though, she did get out of her own thoughts and headed downstairs to where others were sort of starting to gather for the most part. Right now she kind of was fine just staying off in the corner by herself for the most part when she entered the main room area, just sort of waving slightly and not saying anything else to those there.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Jack was still somewhat concerned about what they had found on the laptop. Since the idea of Maleficent deciding to invade Earth with her magic and everything wasn't exactly a good thing. Since Earth (especially Wichita) wasn't exactly powerful enough or even remotely prepared enough to actually do anything to put a dent in her forces. So the fact that she wanted to attack there was just asking for a full on disaster. Since well, magic and all.

Though he did wonder what exactly Merlin was thinking with regards to what to do about that entire situation. There were a few ways he could see them potentially seeing to stopping Maleficent from doing that part of her plan. Well, two really. One was to see about putting a stop to Maleficent before she went through to Earth, or the other way was to maybe try and and mount a defense on Earth, in preparation for when she eventually went through. He personally was really hoping for that first option. He walked out to the main area and waved slightly at Willow with a smile, before looking at those around, figuring they'd wait around for everyone else to wander out of the rooms to meet up again.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Rose snapped awake from the pillow. After getting her bearings though she only smiled. "I've been woken up worse ways." She said to Layla. "Thanks again for letting us share the bed." Both of them had been too tired for anything other than the shower. That was fine with Rose. She was letting Cassi set the pace for that anyway. Rose was more liberal when it came to relationships than most of her peers.

"Suppose we'll have to get up and do more things today." Her stomach rumbled and the craving for coffee reminded her that she had lived in a world where such luxuries were easy to get. If they stayed here she'd have to get used to cowboy coffee, no more Kurieg. She got up and got dressed quickly. "Need a hand?" She asked Cassi.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby woke in a tangle of blankets and his own body parts. This was normal. He never could tuck in his sheets as he moved too much. He always seemed to be in a slightly awkward position that didn't look comfortable to the outside observer.

His own shower the night before had been nice. It had washed away the sand of Agrabah. He had liked the area well enough and would be happy to return there sometime, but to him, it wasn't home. The forests they had been in weren't home either. He wondered if only Wonderland would feel right, or if he had been too young when they had left there that even it wouldn't feel right. That he would never feel quite in place here. He wouldn't say he missed Kansas. He wondered if any of the others felt that weird sensation of things not being exactly right.

He got up and dressed, and waited for Maddie to stir. His mind darted from thought to thought. There was a lot to think about. And soon they'd be dealing with Maleficent. What that would even entail they didn't know yet. How many goons did she have? What sort of forces were they? They had gotten a laptop, maybe they had guns too. There were some big questions Colby only nominally paid attention to.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie turned in the bed. Where Colby sprawled and angled himself in ways that seemed almost inhuman, Maddie took up as little of the bed as possible. Simply laying on his side with his knee brought up slightly and the other leg straightened out. The covers at this point were hardly on him, Colby having seemingly moved them during his sleep without so much as waking Maddie. He rolled over, one arm outstretched in an attempt to hold Colby and pull him closer to him. The warmth of where he laid just moments ago still there. But as his hand searched blindly in his slumber for his boyfriend, he found no purchase. He grumbled, annoyed in his lucid state as he shifted within the bed.

His eyes opened up groggily as he tried to wipe the sleep from his eyes. "You're up early. What no extra cat nap?" Maddie spoke in a sleepy voice. His throat strained to say the words as they protested even being active in the first place. He slowly began to stir, sitting up on the bed, legs crossed as he looked towards Colby and smiled. "What? Couldn't afford to wake me up with a morning kiss?" He joked, moving closer towards the edge of the bed. Maddie wasn't ready for what the day entailed. For what they might have to do, or who they may lose. He just wanted to soak in this moment. To remember Colby in this golden light as the sun barely peaked through the horizon and onto him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Gabreilla turned to look up at Megan and gave her a playful smile and leaned forward gently nipped at Megan's lips as she slowly started to sit up. "Oh I had many wonderful nightmares last night." She said jokingly as Gabriella started to get out of the bed and grabbed her clothes as she stared at her. "Did you rest well?" She asked her when there was a knock on the door, Gabreilla cracked the door open slightly to see that it was Megan's mother Queen Guinevere herself she stuck her head into the room seeing her daughter on the bed she smiled slightly and looked away. "You might want to get dressed Merlin is asking everyone to head downstairs." She said as Guinevere left, as Gabriella turned to look at Megan. "Seems she's alright with us sleeping together." She said smiling at her.

Belle came down shortly after as she looked over at Jack as she reached down and grabbed a cup of coffee and handed it over towards Jack while standing next to him. "Did you sleep well and are you ready for today?" Belle asked Jack, she had a feeling that they will encounter Rumple once more during this fight she did want to kill him for what he had done to her. Sierra looked at Willow and gently rested a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Good morning did you sleep well?" Sierra asked as she eyed Merlin for a moment as he seemed to be getting things ready and setting everything up.

Flynn and Rapunzel came down next as well to Rapunzel had gone to do a little checkup on everyone that was injured, and to see if there were some that were ready and cleared to the fight that would be soon to come. "How are you doing?" Flynn asked as he went towards Rosalia and joined her as he handed her a cup of coffee as well to if she wanted it.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

There was a knock on the door a few seconds later Red and Robin Hood had both opened the door slightly Merlin wants everyone downstairs as soon as you are ready." Red said as she looked at her daughter and smiled towards her. "Did the two of you sleep well?" Red asked as Robin Hood came into the room to look at the wound. "It looks like it's healing pretty nicely." Robin Hood said as he checked the bandage for her and smiled gently patting her on the thigh. "It's going to be a long day so get ready." He told the two of them as he left the room and met the others downstairs.

There was another knock on Colby and Maddie's door as both of their fathers looked at the two of them and smiled. "C'mon get up already the boss wants everyone downstairs now." Cheshire said and smirked slightly. "Hope you two had fun last night." He said teasingly as Mad Hatter rolled his eyes slightly. "See you two down there whenever you are ready." He told them as they joined the others downstairs.

Layla was already downstairs and eating some food that was prepared getting impatient already as she watched Merlin. "I want to know what the plan is." Layla said as she eyed the lamp that Merlin had set down and was really tempted to just get the genie out of it but she decided against it. "They should be down shortly and we'll start the plan." Merlin said, he then turned to see a bright flash of light coming from outside as Layla got up and went to see what it was, as she watched a bunch of merpeople coming out of the portal as Eric came out of it as well to and made his way inside as Ariel came over to greet her husband along with Sierra as well to.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Well then. Megan hadn't expected her mother, Queen Guinevere, to catch a glimpse of this. She was completely naked, for one, and her mother definitely knew what had occurred in this room. She raised an eyebrow, having caught the smile on Guinevere's face before she closed the door. "Mmm," Megan agreed with Gabriella. She felt tired. Probably because she had hardly slept. But that was normal. Megan was perpetually tired. She got off of the bed, and quickly put on her clothes. If she was going to stay here long-term - which at the moment, she intended to - she was going to need to get some new clothing. Her wardrobe here was rather empty.

Once she was dressed and Gabriella seemed ready, Megan opened the door and headed down the stairs. She was mildly expecting her parents to shoot her an awkward thumbs up - either them or her brother. Jack was probably going to be relieved that his sister wasn't going to be forever alone, at least for one night. She hoped Gabriella would want a repeat. But she also did not expect it. She expected very little for herself, when it came to the romantic department.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

"I did sleep well thank you." She told Red. As Cassie got ready for the day she was there for her if she needed a hand, but did her best to not be overbearing. Only near at hand if asked for help. Otherwise, she let Cassie be as independent as she wanted. Rose knew she'd get mad if someone was mother hen-ing over her.

When they were both ready to head downstairs Rose led the way. She had been relieved that Robin Hood had said the wound was healing nicely. Medicine here was not great. That might have been the only part of her that didn't want to stay here, well not only part, but it was a loud part. She'd focus on that later. Time for a meeting, time for plans and decisions. Soon they'd face down Malificent and they'd help protect this world and their own for a bit longer.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

"I was enjoying watching you sleep. You looked peaceful. I didn't want to ruin that." Colby says and leans in to kiss Maddie. Then there is a knock on their door. Colby pulls back quickly and smiles at his dad. "Morning, we'll be down shortly." Colby answers. His smile crooked.

"Best get dressed. I'm starving so hopefully there is breakfast." Colby backs up so that Maddie can stand up. He doesn't mind the ribbing from their dads. There is something so familial about it. If it had been any of their 'orphan' friends he probably would have been pissed. But from their dads, it felt...right.
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