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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Location: Coruscant, geosynchronous orbit over the Jedi temple
Avenger, bridge

As quickly as she came, Colonel Carter has departed, leaving her attaché behind. "Just once can we have a CO present for most of the war?" Central chuckled, with the Commander shooting him a dark look: "Not like I had a choice, Bradford. You took your sweet time getting me out of that tank." The older man seemed unpassed by the comment. "Well, Major, no time to spare. Shen! Take the Major and make sure we have a data pipeline to the Hammond. Link us with ours and theirs security protocols too, just in case something needs to be said without the rest knowing. Central, take the Major on a tour afterwards unless the Colonel has a need of her. Might as well have her deliver a report on what forces the Colonel has available. I'll be pouring over the scans." Black ordered, just as a technician called out a 'Coming up now'. The console in the middle of the bridge lit up, and a holographic representation of Coruscant appeared, with tactical data starting to fill in where the Avenger was scanning.

Some tinkering with Shen later, the hologlobe was pulling data from whatever scans the Hammond was able to provide as well. Central picked up the Major at engineering: "Enjoying your stay so far, major?" He asked, leading the way to the deck one level up from the manufacturing area. "It's not the most clean or modern setup I have ever seen, but I have to say Shen seems able to take nothing much and MacGuyver a flying drone out of it." Hailey commented.

Bradford smiled. "You should have seen what her father had in the pipeline back when we had the funding provided by the wealthiest nations on Earth and before we were stabbed in the back. Looking back at it, I don't know whether we were desperate or mad, but some of the stuff would have certainly been good to have right about now. We might have to dust off the blueprints for the Firestorm to be a bit more useful out here." he remarked offhandedly as they entered another room.

Avenger, bar

"Is that a bar on a warship?" the Major's eyes bulged.

"Warship heh, good one." the central officer grunted as they went towards one of the walls. As Hailey approached, she could see it was decorated in two areas. One seemed like a trophy room, adorned with the figurines of what she thought were soldiers of the occupying force, some of them looking human, some clearly alien. On the top, the stylized heads of three blue skinned beings were mounted. "Are those the Ethereals?" she observed, remembering something from the meeting in between worlds. "I'm almost tempted to say worse. Those were the chosen. Three psions, modified to the extreme and fuelled by the powers of the Elders themselves. by the end game, only the Hunter was left, but he has evolved to almost unkillable level of skill and tech by that point. Compared to him, the Avatars we faced later were not that dangerous. Lost most of the squad that day." he looked to the other side of the wall a she said so, and Hailey did not need asking what that part was for, the posters and pictured stuck to the wall saying it all.

Avenger, barracks

After a few moments, they made their way another level up. "Here's when it gets fun." the CO grinned as they passed the bunks int he barracks and entered the range. "The commander is a bit hands off when it comes to meeting dignitaries ever since ours surrendered, so I was attending the meeting with Daniel. If I recall correctly, the Replicators are not susceptible to energy weapons, but break into splinters under kinetic force. We may have something to increase the lethality compared to what you have. Fancy taking a few shots?" he said, shoving a ballistic assault rifle into Hailey's hands. Curiously, the Major took the weapons, finding it quite intuitive and not unlike firearms she was used to, albeit the caliber seemed rather extreme. When she fired, the weapon gave her a decent kick. "Nice, but hardly sci-fi. That all you got?"

Grinning in response, Bradford swapped her old school slug thrower for something that seemed like a science project weapon cobbled together from scavanged parts held by a wire frame. Pointing it downrange, Hailey had to withdraw her earlier statement. The magnetic weapons packed a lot of punch in only a slightly larger package. "Battery life?"

"Enough to not be a concern. You do need to swap mags though." Bradford answered, "Want to try the plasma rifle as well, or do we see if we have a set of armor small enough to fit you?"

Jennifer bit back a remark about Bradford's age and made a grab for the plasma rifle. One blue beam later, she did whistle in respect. "And you made these not with the multinational backing, but while you were playing partisans?"

"Yep. Meaning it should be easy to make more if they are in demand. Still, that's not the most impressive thing we developed. Colonel Starke? Mind showing the major some of our armor?" Central called out to the barracks. "Sir! Be there in a minute." came a woman's reply. Minute later on the dot, a woman in her thirties walked out of the armory, a happy face plastered on her head, which was covered in a blond bob and a transparent visor. Instinctively, Hailey snapped into attention, only to be waved off. "Ranks in XCOM are not exactly your standard fare, Major. This is what we call a Wraith suit, a stealth and high mobility unit. Usually, we assign this to our snipers, but some of our rangers are also insane enough to make use of it." Colonel Starke said, giving Bradford a meaningful look, who could only shrug in response. "Heads up." the colonel said, tapped a control on her wrist...

...and walked straight through Hailey, the table behind her, and into the area of the range, earning herself a quiet 'Fuck!' from the air force major. "That's it, you're showing me everything."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 40 min ago


Everything was foreign to Hoshi Sato as she sat at the comms station on the twenty-fifth-century vessel. It was a far cry from the NX-01. This ship was not in need of a translator, she couldn't understand why of all members of Starfleet the extra-dimensional being that had allegedly brought them all together would have chosen her. Universal translators were built into every combadge, and the ship itself was capable of deciphering any xenolinguistic anomaly they might have come up against, so Hoshi was at a loss as to why she had been chosen.

As Ortegas flew the vessel into formation with the rest of the foreign vessels, the comms station suddenly lit up like a Federation Day celebration. Pressing the badge bearing the Federation insignia that was pinned to the unfamiliar uniform, the Ensign mimicked what she had seen the Captain and others who were more familiar with this technology do.

"Captain, I don't mean to interrupt but we're being hailed on multiple frequencies."

Looking around the room, Picard recognized several of the faces before him, though many were either older or younger than he last remembered seeing them. He had already been acquainted with Ambassador Spock and Commander Seven of Nine, but they had quickly discovered that the Stargazer also held a younger Geordi LaForge, fresh off of his promotion to Chief Engineer aboard the Enterprise-D and a recently returned from the Delta Quadrant Commander Tuvok who had also been captured by Q along with numerous lower deck crew persons.

Surveying the assembled senior officers one more time, Picard straightened his uniform with a tug before taking a seat at the head of the table and explaining his encounter with Q before opening the floor to the crew persons.

"I believe it would be best if we went over what we know thus far about our situation." Picard started, "The entity known as Q has standard us in a galaxy, possibly even a reality, very far from our own. This vessel, I believe was chosen due to its legacy and association with me."

"Would it not have made more sense to choose the Enterprise then?" LaForge asked, "If Q could fabricate a starship, or pluck one from another time, why not the Enterprise-D, or even your original command."



"I believe Q chose this vessel to aid in some sort of situation." Picard replied, "This vessel is equipped with technologies I have never seen before, Seven, this vessel is your current post, correct? Do you have any insight into why Q might have seen it appropriate to put us on this vessel?"

"The Sagan-Class is the first vessel Starfleet built using technology from the Relic, a derelict Borg Cube. However, this particular iteration appears to be modified further. I've noticed that in addition to the ablative hull, there are ablative generators. Ablative generators were a technology employed on Voyager but ultimately abandoned by Starfleet as the Borg assimilated them. I'm not sure why they would be equipped on this vessel."

"Logic would dictate that whatever foe Q has put us up against, perhaps isn't quite as adept at getting around our defenses." Spock suggested.

"I have noticed that the Stargazer is also equipped with a cloaking device and a full payload."

Picard nodded to Worf, before looking around the room.

"Any other specialized systems we should be aware of?"

"Uh actually," A blonde man at the far end of the table interjected, "Hi, Commander Paul Stamets. It would seem your 'Q' has equipped this vessel with a compact version of my Displacement Activated Spore Hub Drive."

Blank stares came from the staff as they looked toward Stamets.

"It's a classified form of instantaneous travel used during the Klingon War."

"Captain, if I may," Spock interjected turning towards Picard. "I served with Commander Stamets briefly. He is telling the truth. His fate and the technology he's describing were classified and buried by Starfleet in the mid-twenty-third-century."

"Captain, I don't mean to interrupt but we're being hailed on multiple frequencies."

"It would seem that our presence here has been noticed. Keep me updated of any further developments. Dismissed," Picard ordered as the senior officers stood and exited back onto the bridge.

"On-Screen, Ensign." Picard commanded returning to the central command chair. There was a brief pause, as Picard turned towards the communications officer only for Hoshi to shake her head before answering.

"Audio only, Captain. One was also sent via a form of text communication."

"How quaintly archaic." Picard mused, "Very well, audio only then, Ensign."

"Playing the message now, Captain."

"This is General Sinnali of the CIS Malevolence II, contacting unknown vessel. Your arrival was unscheduled. Please declare your origination and intent."

Clearly, Q had dropped the Stargazer into an assembly of sorts and this vessel had identified them as out of place. Picard stood still, listening to the tone and weight of each word. There was a definite authority in the woman's words. She was not used to being challenged, nor did she like being caught off guard. Picard could hardly blame her in what appeared to be a tense military situation. It didn't take a keen eye to notice the mish-mash of vessels orbiting the planet below. While there was a clear fleet, there were also several distinguished outliers, this 'CIS Malevolence II' being one of them.

"We also received this from the larger of the two vessels. Putting it on screen." Hoshi stated, bringing Picard's attention back to the bridge of the Stargazer. Moving her hands across the console before her, the Ensign transferred the message onto the view screen.


There was something distinctly alien about the 'Fires of Antiquity'. It reminded the captain of the first time he stared down a Borg Cube.

"Mr. Worf take us to Red Alert. Shields to maximum." Picard ordered, "Lieutenant Ortegas, full reverse. I want some distance between us and those ships." Stepping across the bridge, Picard approached Commander Data all the while keeping an eye on the view screen towards the pair of massive ships.

"Commander, I want a full sweep of both of those ships. Get me everything you can on their weapons, shields and any other relevant systems. I want to know what we're up against."

"Captain, there's another hail, there's something more familiar about this one." Hoshi stated, speaking up as Picard nodded for her to put it through.

"Unidentified vessel, this is Colonel Carter of the U.S.S. George Hammond. Our scans indicate you're not native to this universe however, we weren't expecting you. Do you require any assistance?"

"Lieutenant Ortegas, continue to put some distance between us and the fleet formation, the minute their weapons systems come online, I want you to go to warp." Picard ordered before motioning towards Seven and Spock to join him at the command chair.

"Ensign, open a channel to the U.S.S. George Hammond." Picard requested as Hoshi nodded to let him know the channel was open. "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Stargazer. We were stranded here by an extra-dimensional being known as Q. Are you the commanding officer here, Colonel?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

CAS-class Assault Carrier "Fires of Antiquity"

"Shipmaster," Vikti says, turning his head slightly to focus on the Sangheili sitting upon his gravity chair. "We have clearance to transfer to the Malevolence."

"Good, I want a Phantom prepared to depart immediately, main hangar!" A declaration of an aye comes out from the bridge. He lowers the chair, standing to his towering stature of over eight feet tall. Heavy metallic footsteps echo as he approaches the rear, checking his combat harness and the fit of his gilded armor. The Blademaster joins him as he passes through the many defenses, door sealing behind them.

"Shipmaster." Remas already knows what's next, Vikti was always one to be overly concerned about the state of the lives aboard the ship. "The crew expresses discontent. They know we are surrounded by humans, and the fact we have not opened fire on them. They know these are not the ones we fought, but amongst their broken morale, some seek vengeance on them for the sins the Demons committed."

Remas spares a glance to the Blademaster, guiding them towards the internal transit system as his mandibles click. "They will know battle soon enough, against these... Replicators. They will find their spirits focused on destroying them, their similarity to the Parasite cannot be forgotten so easily." Vikti steps ahead of Remas, looking him in the eye. "Do you believe they will be... Fine, Shipmaster? The actions of the Prophets-" Remas' hand raises, silencing the Blademaster. "The Prophets have declared war on our kind, Blademaster, with the actions taken by their Brutes. We will pursue the Great Journey on our own terms."

"Are you so certain? Your faith before them was... Strong. The crew are shaken, unsure of what's next." Remas takes a few moments to think, looking down at the transit system's control panel. "I need not remind you that my crew is loyal to me, Blademaster. Through my hand we minimized infighting and slaughtered those bastard Brutes. They believe in me, trust in me. We will pull through, Blademaster. These Replicators will serve as battle, for now. All we must do is glass them from orbit. It will give the crew time to recover, especially the Unggoy. The Covenant may break, but our will is iron."

Vikti's watches Remas for a few moments more. His mind remains swirling with concern, but the way Remas believes in what he says... Reassures him, for the moment. He steps back, allowing the Shipmaster to lead once more. The doors open, revealing the colossal space of the primary hangar bay. He presses forward, quickly spotting the Phantom allotted to this special purpose. A voice crackles over the radio, the pilot of the vessel. "Shipmaster, Blademaster! We are ready to receive you!" Remas sends an acknowledgement in turn, as they both approach the Phantom's gravity lift, being pulled up inside the transport.

Without delay, the Phantom buttons up and leaves the Fires of Antiquity, zooming over to the Malevolence II with it's impulse engines. The Phantom effortlessly slips into the hangar bay, opening it's gravity lift once more to deploy the two over eight feet tall Sangheili, both in gilded armor, however the Shipmaster's is significantly fancier. They waste no time approaching Darth Sinnali. As for their equipment? Both have a deactivated Energy Sword resting on their hip, with a plasma rifle on the opposite side's thigh plate for both. Remas, yet again, takes the lead. "Greetings. I am Shipmaster Remas 'Dalamee, this is Blademaster Vikti 'Laurmai." Remas gestures to the other Sangheili, whom reluctantly takes a slight bow. The Shipmaster takes note of Qui-Gon Jinn and Teal'c, but makes no comment on it other than with a subtle click of the mandibles, simply watching them all.

"There is much to discuss about these... Replicators. About how we must deal with them."

The Stargazer's scan would turn up... Interesting results. There's heavy energy shielding around the vessel, not to mention just how thick and tough that nanolaminate armor is. Scanning the vessel also picks up the gravitational anomalies around it, it looks like the CAS-class vessel is creating gravitational wells to fall into in order to move.

Then there's the weapon systems, several of them are already online and prepped for combat, though currently aimed at no one, two of these weapons look like they're meant to tear ships larger than the Stargazer apart. Eight of them also look like they're meant to engage other ships, though those weapons are notably weaker. Then there's the several hundred point defense cannons, with a few plasma torpedo launchers mixed in, and... Is the entire nose of the vessel a weapon? Granted, this is the one weapon system that's currently completely offline, but scans still indicate that there's an entire weapon system dedicated for the nose.

However, it doesn't seem like it wants to fight, there's no weapon locks on the Stargazer, the ship's combat systems are currently preoccupied with scanning the planet below...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Stargazer. We were stranded here by an extra-dimensional being known as Q. Are you the commanding officer here, Colonel?"

Sam tried to think as best as she could for some mention of Q, extra-dimensional? Was he an ascended being? She sighed as all the vessels lumbered on, and in the background, the scanners indicated the Replicators were living up to their namesake. Thoth had appeared and went straight down to the surface and began firing its beam in an effort to help slow the Replicator's advance, at least something was going on. Teal'c was aboard the Malevolence right now and he'd start the ball rolling on their plan, hopefully, it would all come together and they could be back home before the Replicators became a serious threat.

"Captain, like yourselves we have all been brought here by a multi-dimensional being to deal with a serious threat not just to this reality but potentially more beyond, I don't know if I am necessarily in command however I have dealt with this threat before." Turning to the scan she grimaced slightly. "With your permission, this issue is very... time sensitive and we need to act before it becomes too big to deal with, I would like to transport a member of my crew over to your ship via a transport beam to tell you all we know. It would however require you to momentarily drop your shields. Unless you have some form of shuttlecraft you could send for him." She turned to Meyers. "Give him a visual."

She turned to the screen so that the camera would pick up her image. "We mean you no harm, I know the being who transported us here personally and he wouldn't want you here if you weren't willing. I promise once we're done here we'll do all we can to get you home if we're not finished."

Sam nodded to Tyrone, who walked over to a terminal. He opened a channel to the Avenger.

"Commander this is Lieutenant Colonel Franklin from the Hammond. Suit up, we got a mission for you. We'll fill you in on the details shortly once Colonel Carter is free."


Qui-Gon appeared to turn his attention towards Sinnali, an air of caution about him. "Nearly three standard months ago a ship appeared in orbit, it had no transponder, no identifying signals, and did not respond on the radio at all. It was subsequently destroyed and the debris fell into orbit and we forgot about it. A couple of weeks later they came marching on the Jedi temple-" A somber look crossed his face. "-We lost so many good Jedi in the assault. So few of us made it away. Those of us who were off-world fighting in the war were, ironically. Safe." There was more to the story, but if there was, he didn't seem ready to share.

Before Qui-Gon could continue Teal'c stepped forward.

"I apologize for this intrusion." He pulled a small handheld computer out from a pack he was carrying. He handed the device to General Sinnali. "Colonel Carter wishes to know if your ion weapon would be able to fire a blast at this frequency, it will disrupt the frequency between the individual nanite bonds-" or so he was told. "-We have the ability to make such a weapon, however, it would be quicker to utilize existing weapons."


Mitchell returned the salute, Vala positively beamed at being referred to as Agent. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Colonel Cameron Mitchell. This is Vala Mal Doran-"

She butted in. "I don't know I kind of like the sound of Agent Mal Doran."

Mitchell just sighed. "Don't make me regret bringing you." He turned his attention back to the rangers.

"We'll get some weapons sent down for you, don't worry we'll give you a quick tutorial but energy weapons aren't going to do anything here." He turned to the Mobians. "I'm not entirely sure..." He turned to Vala who just shrugged. "Do you carry weapons? You're not all children are you? I don't exactly... wish to arm children."

After their response, he turned back to the matter at hand. "Currently in orbit, we're working on a weapon that should be able to wipe out the Replicators all at once. We're sending some people into the temple to make sure we get them all."

He grimaced. "For you lovely fellows though... we need to know how deep the Replicators have penetrated into the planet surface. Up for a hike?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Astro Megatimeship

As Tails appeared, Michelle stared at the Rings as he put them away. "I am glad that at least someone else here is utilizing magic. In my experience, machines have very little appreciation for the mystic arts..." She looked around at Philip "Present company excluded." Philip was a robot without an ego to bruise, but he appreciated the attempt at cander from her. "I believe that the solution to these creatures destruction lays in the mystic."

"It is true." Philip replied "The Machine Empire from our timeline had a destinct weakness to magic as they were unable to properly analyze it. The only recorded attempt at utilizing it was King Mundo's Damocles Sword, which ended up destroying him as he was unable to balance the weapons power." He seemed to twitch a little digging into that memory, but thought nothing of it. I minor coding error he would fix later.

Meanwhile, the others were getting a quick lesson in the superiority of projectile based weapons. "Sounds good." Jack responded. "I'm probably gonna try a few shots from the old Tempus Blasters, they may be immune to energy weapons from your timeline, but ours are a little different." He put his hands up at Michelle rolling his eyes "Look, do those Asgard guys you mentioned energy weapons run on actual magic? Well, i think a few shots are worth a go, again, we may find a new weakness for them and anything we can kill them with is another tool in the belt." Jack wasn't entirely confident in the Tempus Blasters, but as he said, no harm in trying if they found an isolated one.

As the Colonel and Vala turned to talk to Tails, Mele and Jay approached Dooku. Jay found it rather refreshing that the Jedi didn't stare confused at his horn, but from what he had seen, there were many weird and wonderful creatures here and he was just another in a long list. It was actually comforting. Mele bowed to him "Master Dooku, i'm glad that you can join us. I have heard a lot about your Jedi Order and as a fellow follower of ancient arts, i am glad i will be able to watch and learn."

"Yeah..." Jay shifted nervously, not too sure if his usual antics would just annoy the old man. "What she said. But anything you can tell us would be great. Rangers live for stuff like this." He smiled. He saw the strange device on the mans belt and he thumbed his own morpher as it was attached his own belt. Eventually, they were all gathered for Mitchell to address, being that he was leading the operation. They nodded about the anti-Replicator weapon being built in orbit.

"If the guys in orbit need any help, i'm sure Mom wouldn't mind giving them a hand." Jack said. "I mean, she's one of the smartest people i know." It was then that Mitchell laid out their mission and asked who was up for a hike. "You know it." Jack pumped his arm, before the 7 of them quickly huddled together and put their hands atop the ranger standing next to them in one big circle, they looked around, inviting the others to join them. Regardless of whoever did, they cried

before pushing their hands down and then throwing them into the air in a show of comradery.

"Alright!" Kai yelled, at whoever joined them in excitement.

"Lead the way, Colonel." Jack said, guesturing Mitchell that he had the full support of the Rangers in his next move.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Location: Coruscant, polar orbit

Having finished what scans they could and having little more than the other ships to show for it, the Commander decided to move the Avenger into a low polar orbit over the planet to make it easier to deploy via Skyranger when called. XCOM did not have to wait long.

This time it wasn't Carter on the horn though. "Folding ourselves into their command was a genius idea. I've had the privilege of witnessing some of your council meetings and had to manage the resistance factions before we got you back. I don't envy Carter having to manage all of the multiversal dignitaries." Bradford grunted.

"Hear, hear. Let's see what got filtered through the grapevine. Patch me through... Hammond, Avenger actual. Roger that. AO and objectives, over?" The Commander inquired.

"We have a strategy gor dealing with the target as a whole, however it is critical that we hit as many of them at once, as the enemy may build immunity over multiple exposures to the weapon. Likewise, we will need to confirm the location of the enemy command element, the humanform known as 'sixth'. It was last seen within the Jedi twmple that is the epicenter of the infection. Major Hailey advised that your unit is uniquely equipped and qualified for deployment in high risk areas. Be advised, we may deploy the weapon as soon as you confirm the objective's presence. The blast will take the form of an EM Pulse, sending the waveform specification now. Plan accordingly. Over."

"Understood, Hammond. We'll have a mission update in ten. Avenger out." As the channel clicked off in her ear, the commander turned to her senior staff that has already gathered around the hologlobe. "What have we got?"

Lily took the word first. "The squad will be deploying into a heavily infested area. From the Hammond's records, if they had enough time to replicate, even the floor may be composed of the angry legos. The Major noted that our magnetic weapons will likely have great effect on the block based replicators, although she noted the limited ammunition as a significant issue. I would recommend deploying with autoreloaders. Makes you wish we pursued the grenadier development."

"Wasn't too useful against the enemy at the time. We may want to investigate that now, but that will not affect this mission." Bradford noted, "Likewise, frag grenades are probably better choice than the plasma ones. We still have old stocks form the original war on board, might as well finally get a use out of them. Given that this is a recon mission, I would suggest deploying only a small squad. Outrider is best to take the lead on this one. Given the potential EMP strike, Julian should probably sit this one out."

"For that matter, the Gremlins of our specialists will also need to shut down to survive it. They are hardened, but not to such degree to survive the hit while operational." Shen frowned.

Bradford nodded, "Given the ammo situation, we should also deploy using rifles only. Shotguns and sniper rifles are not going to be of much use, and I would save the psions for a rainy day. Is the Hammond going to deploy the squad via their transporter?"

"I would suggest deploying via Skyranger." Tygan added to the discussion, "As we know from Hammond's brief, the replicators are attracted to two things: Advanced technology and highly energetic events. The transported technology has been known to attract their attention, whereas the Skyranger is relatively primitive in comparison with the other technologies available on the planet. Unless this humanform intervenes directly, the Skyranger could deploy our squad virtually undetected."

"Don't let Firebrand hear you say the words Skyranger and Primitive in one sentence, doctor. Very well. Tell Dragunova, Starke and Trask to suit up. Warden armor, mag rifles and frag grenades only. I'll brief the squad en-route." the commander decided, "Central, let Hammond know when we're ready, I'll get on the horn to request clear path for the Skyranger."

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carolus Rex
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Carolus Rex Formerly known as the Man Emperor

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Andromeda Class Battleship - UNCN Avalon

Libran Sharp

"Billions of souls cry out for aid from another universe, one like this one and yet not. Warriors of Earth and Gamilas, you shall aid them."

Libran slightly shuddered as the wave of high energy tachyons that the Avalon was riding, plus whatever extradimensional energy Teresa (or was it Daniel that did it?) had interlaced the battleship with, dissipated, pushing it back into realspace. A bizarre coating of ice, having formed around the hull of the ship, quickly shattered and fell away from the vessel upon arrival. From the perspective of the Avalon and its crew, no time had passed since Teresa and this other ascended being that went by Daniel had pushed the vessel to traverse the fabric of space that made up the very multiverse. To think that they, not the vaunted crew of the Yamato, the saviors of Earth, had been the first people (as far as they knew, anyway) to cross from one reality to another was a concept of truly absurd proportions. And yet, here they were, hanging in orbit over the planet that Daniel, the ascended man that had appeared to them, had described to them. To be completely frank, the descriptions did little justice. From a distance, it would appear like a glowing ball of crisscrossing lights; one could imagine that these patterns of city lights aligning to form continent-sized circles were pre-planned to make the planet look that way.

"Captain Sharp, we have arrived. Vessels of varying size and disposition are around us."

"Transmit codes and tell them that we've also received a missive for aid from this 'Daniel Jackson'," Libran ordered, frowning as he looked at the images of the ships that were around them. "That's one fat ship. Not even the Gamilan Zoelegut Class Dreadnoughts are that large," Libran thought as he looked at the massive starship that reminded him of an aquatic creature.

"Good Lord, it really is one gigantic city," First Officer Aristeidis muttered as the ship's visual sensors focused on the planet. "So, captain, it was called Coruscant, right? The name is really descriptive, yeah."

"Remind me what that name means?" Libran narrowed his eyebrows at the first officer, whom he had known since officer school. They had been a pair of very, very lucky men; they survived the Second Battle of Mars, where the then technologically superior Gamilans inflicted devastating losses on Earth's fleets. They achieved a pyrrhic victory back then; many great gambles were cast, ships and their crews were sacrificed like pieces on a chessboard to at least dent their foes. They even lived through the great war against the White Comet Empire; defeating the overwhelming hordes of the Gatlanteans was mostly a miracle, really, even if the massed Wave Motion Guns of the UNCN managed to at least delay the enemy.

And now, they got themselves mixed in a multiversal conundrum. Too bad the Yamato wasn't around to see this!

"It means glittering... sir," Aristeidis nodded.

"Coruscant. The glittering planet. And now the damn robots want to make it not-glitter. No offense, Cognate."

"I am not programmed to be offended," the robot saddled in one of the consoles answered. The squat machine was painted a dull light green, its 'head' filled with glowing lights that might be described to be eyes, though they were more like sensors. It had a pair of tracks for movement, while its rather small arms were simply set to its side.

Right, Libran thought. He then stood up from his seat, his black captain's coat's chest area studded with a golden star of honor that was apparently going to be a permanent part of it. "Open a channel to all vessels around us, please."

The communications officer soon nodded. "You're connected, sir."

Now's the awkward part.

As if on cue, Julian Clark, the chief science officer, turned on his seat. "Sir, scans indicate quantum resonant signatures of each vessel are different from ours and each other. Safe to say, we're from different dimensions."

"Let's make contact nonetheless," Libran answered with a nod. He then turned his attention to the motley fleet before them. "This is Captain Libran Sharp of the United Nations Cosmo Navy battleship, Avalon. We were sent here by extradimensional entities identifying themselves as 'Teresa' and 'Daniel Jackson'. Pray tell that you are the others from other universes that Daniel told us about?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Covenant delegation's arrival aboard the Malevolence II was observed with interest and anticipation by its commander. As the alien vessel of rather unique form entered the docking bay, Sinnali's senses in the Force caressed its structure inside and out. It wasn't an act of a tangible sort, of course, but even so, through her blindsight technique, she gradually got a feel for the shape of the ship and found herself appreciating the uniquely sleek contours it displayed.

Despite being rather less "sleek" than their vessel, the aliens that departed it were no less interesting, tall creatures with lanky, deceptively muscular limbs, fleshy mandible-laden heads, filled with teeth, sitting upon long necks. It was interesting to consider them from an evolutionary perspective, as -if she didn't mis-recall- long necks typically were a trait of prey creatures, allowing them to more easily watch their surroundings, like a periscope. Though, the hunched postures these creatures had didn't seem like it might facilitate that movement. Not to mention the glimmering armor... and weapons.

No, Sinnali had seen all manner of biology paired with all manners of culture and capacities. And whatever else these beings were, they were clearly warriors of at least some note; it would behoove her to respect them as such. Not that she'd had any intent of doing otherwise.

Smiling pleasantly, Sinnali returned the bow of one who took the lead, introducing himself as Remas "Be welcome as honored guests and allies in this critical time, Shipmaster Remas and Blademaster Vikti. I am General Sinnali, co-Commander of this vessel. My second, General Grievous, has delegated the arrangements of alliances to me and so shall remain absent for the time being." Nodding to the Covenant leaders and the Jedi, she folded her arms. "There is indeed much to be discussed, and with any fortune, our conveyances will be fruitful."

Finally finished with the pleasantries, Sinnali listened to the Jedi Master Qui-Gon speak, as he provided them an overview of the crisis at hand. Sinnali's pleasant smile faded a bit at the tale of slaughter in the Jedi Temple, replaced with a more somber neutrality. She allowed a small echo of her sympathies to escape her mental barriers in Qui-Gon's direction, as she nodded, one gloved hand rising to pinch her chin.

"My condolences," she finally said, meaning it.

While she had obviously had her issues with the Jedi as an institution and their rigid ideology, the malice she had once harbored for them had long-since faded in its majority. Her grudge was with those who had wronged her specifically, not the Jedi Order as a whole, and despite her Master's schemes, she'd never quite shared his enthusiasm for ending the Jedi... Not that she was planning to stop him, of course, but then again, it wasn't like she'd ever claimed to be a good person. She simply found it to be a shame and a waste to exterminate something so wholly, especially to the degree of discarding their knowledge as inferior simply because it wasn't the Dark Side.

Which was why she couldn't help but be disappointed in the devastation the Replicators had caused. The potential loss of so much knowledge... of so much potential in so many budding Force users... It was a tragedy. Truly.

She raised a brow behind her blindfold, as Teal'c stepped in before any further elaboration on the situation could commence. Bemused, Sinnali received the handheld computer, her other brow rising to join the first, as she felt out the contents. While seeing screens had been something that had taken her a while to figure out as an expansion of her blindsight, once she'd learned to discern colors and even sensations like heat, things got a lot simpler.

Which is why she had little trouble now perceiving the lines of code trailing down the small screen. She blinked in astonishment at the proposal to alter the Ion Cannon's frequency, turning the idea over in her head, as one hand rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She focused on the numbers running across the screen, mulling them over in her head and making a few broad estimations, before slowly nodding.

Turning to Teal'c, she said, "We might be able to. Admittedly, the idea has never been seriously considered before, given that the weapon was already quite sufficient as-is, but recalibrating the Ion Cannon to fire at a different frequency should be possible. In theory." She waggled the handheld computer in her hand. "I presume this has the capacity to digitally transfer those calculations of yours? If so, then best we get them transferred to appropriate personnel sooner than later."

Pausing, she tilted her head and chuckled. "Of course, we'd welcome any further expertise of yours in this matter when it comes to adapting these calculations to our weapon. I would perhaps send you the schematics of the Ion Canon to get a second opinion on compatibility, but I suspect General Grievous would strenuously object to having that data in outsider hands. Security reasons, you know." Shrugging her shoulders with a wry smile on her lips, she added. "Of course, as long as the data doesn't change hands from our systems to another, I don't see any issues with having an expert simply observe it on our own equipment." She shot a glance at the Covenant delegation's landing ship. "We are among technological peers, after all; judging by these calculations, I doubt our Ion Canon is much of anything your universe hasn't seen before, but I'd prefer not to toss protocol aside on a whim."
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