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While I like good technobabble as the next guy, best writing approach seems to be "as poweryl as needed for the story" in my experience xD

imitates Teal'c

I wish there's a discord server for faster real time talking but I know what some people in RPG feel about that lol
(This silence is unsettling)

Hopefully the entrance I did wasn't too disruptive. Lol
Ah, very great. I've made a first post, btw. :D
Andromeda Class Battleship - UNCN Avalon

Libran Sharp

"Billions of souls cry out for aid from another universe, one like this one and yet not. Warriors of Earth and Gamilas, you shall aid them."

Libran slightly shuddered as the wave of high energy tachyons that the Avalon was riding, plus whatever extradimensional energy Teresa (or was it Daniel that did it?) had interlaced the battleship with, dissipated, pushing it back into realspace. A bizarre coating of ice, having formed around the hull of the ship, quickly shattered and fell away from the vessel upon arrival. From the perspective of the Avalon and its crew, no time had passed since Teresa and this other ascended being that went by Daniel had pushed the vessel to traverse the fabric of space that made up the very multiverse. To think that they, not the vaunted crew of the Yamato, the saviors of Earth, had been the first people (as far as they knew, anyway) to cross from one reality to another was a concept of truly absurd proportions. And yet, here they were, hanging in orbit over the planet that Daniel, the ascended man that had appeared to them, had described to them. To be completely frank, the descriptions did little justice. From a distance, it would appear like a glowing ball of crisscrossing lights; one could imagine that these patterns of city lights aligning to form continent-sized circles were pre-planned to make the planet look that way.

"Captain Sharp, we have arrived. Vessels of varying size and disposition are around us."

"Transmit codes and tell them that we've also received a missive for aid from this 'Daniel Jackson'," Libran ordered, frowning as he looked at the images of the ships that were around them. "That's one fat ship. Not even the Gamilan Zoelegut Class Dreadnoughts are that large," Libran thought as he looked at the massive starship that reminded him of an aquatic creature.

"Good Lord, it really is one gigantic city," First Officer Aristeidis muttered as the ship's visual sensors focused on the planet. "So, captain, it was called Coruscant, right? The name is really descriptive, yeah."

"Remind me what that name means?" Libran narrowed his eyebrows at the first officer, whom he had known since officer school. They had been a pair of very, very lucky men; they survived the Second Battle of Mars, where the then technologically superior Gamilans inflicted devastating losses on Earth's fleets. They achieved a pyrrhic victory back then; many great gambles were cast, ships and their crews were sacrificed like pieces on a chessboard to at least dent their foes. They even lived through the great war against the White Comet Empire; defeating the overwhelming hordes of the Gatlanteans was mostly a miracle, really, even if the massed Wave Motion Guns of the UNCN managed to at least delay the enemy.

And now, they got themselves mixed in a multiversal conundrum. Too bad the Yamato wasn't around to see this!

"It means glittering... sir," Aristeidis nodded.

"Coruscant. The glittering planet. And now the damn robots want to make it not-glitter. No offense, Cognate."

"I am not programmed to be offended," the robot saddled in one of the consoles answered. The squat machine was painted a dull light green, its 'head' filled with glowing lights that might be described to be eyes, though they were more like sensors. It had a pair of tracks for movement, while its rather small arms were simply set to its side.

Right, Libran thought. He then stood up from his seat, his black captain's coat's chest area studded with a golden star of honor that was apparently going to be a permanent part of it. "Open a channel to all vessels around us, please."

The communications officer soon nodded. "You're connected, sir."

Now's the awkward part.

As if on cue, Julian Clark, the chief science officer, turned on his seat. "Sir, scans indicate quantum resonant signatures of each vessel are different from ours and each other. Safe to say, we're from different dimensions."

"Let's make contact nonetheless," Libran answered with a nod. He then turned his attention to the motley fleet before them. "This is Captain Libran Sharp of the United Nations Cosmo Navy battleship, Avalon. We were sent here by extradimensional entities identifying themselves as 'Teresa' and 'Daniel Jackson'. Pray tell that you are the others from other universes that Daniel told us about?"

Name of Ship: UNCN Avalon
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Space Battleship Yamato (Remake)
Ship Class: Retrofitted Andromeda Class Battleship
Role: Advanced Battlefield Support
Physical Description/Image:

Physical Size (roughly):

500 meters long
103 meters wide
143 meters tall

Armament/Complement (roughly):
Wave Motion Shield Projector (modified from twin barreled wave motion gun); allows it to project a massive shield to defend itself and allied ships near it; however, it cannot move or fire while the shield is active.
4 triple-barreled 40.6 cm positron shock cannon turrets
4 torpedo launch tubes
4 graviton spreaders
2 four-barrel anti-battleship grenade launchers
3 shock field cannons around conning tower
2 six-barrel multi-launch lateral beam cannons
Shield Missiles (detonates to form energy barriers)
Wave Motion Shields
History of the Ship:

The Avalon was once one of the automated "Andromeda Black Berserk" Class Battleships churned out of the Time Fault Factory as part of an effort to defend the Sol System from the overwhelming forces that Gatlantis was bringing to bear. It did not bear a name; rather, it was simply identified by a registry number, part of a series of ships that were fully expected to be destroyed in battle against the White Comet Empire.

However, its fate would be much unlike its sister ships, who were almost completely wiped out in the battles to defend Earth and Mars. When the Yamato merged with the energies of the extra dimensional entity known as 'Teresa' in order to deactivate the Ark of Destruction and prevent it from destroying Earth as well as the rest of the universe, the Avalon was at drydock over Mars. It had suffered catastrophic damage, but its automated systems were able to drag it to safety. There, the Avalon was repaired, its captain witnessing the end of the Ark of Destruction as the precursor installation was completely destroyed by a singularity in its heart.

In the years that followed, the Avalon would be staffed by a crew, one composed of both Humans and Gamilans. It would also be given the duty of exploring the Milky Way in search for suitable colony worlds as well as potential allies and useful technology. It was on a mission in the Galactic Core, however, when its fate was once again upended: Teresa, the same extradimensional goddess that empowered the Yamato to save the universe, called upon them at the behest of yet another ascended being. They were to help save another universe from destruction, and so, as honor demands it, they agreed.

After all, they can't have Yamato have all the fun.

Notable Crew:
Captain Libran Sharp
First Officer Aristeidis Moustakas
Chief Science Officer Julian Clark
Flight Lieutenant Ola Piltz

Optional, but helpful
Unique Technology:
Wave Motion Technology: Draws energy from higher dimensions. Power output is extremely high.
Crew Size: 112
Faction/Operator/Owner: Earth Federation/United Nations Cosmo Navy
<Snipped quote by Senhara>

I mean you could comment on whats going on on the Malevolence.

@Sir Lucario@Lewascan2@Martian You guys still good?

@Mao Mao@Carolus Rex are either parties still interested since Roman stepped back.

I'm still interested, yes.
Ah, okay. Daniel's "break in case someone dies" it is.
<Snipped quote by Carolus Rex>

The point in time when Remas and co are from is right after the Great Schism broke into full conflict, so he's not necessarily trusting of humanity yet

Ahhh, I see.

Well, if anything... Libran and co. might be surprised to see aliens that look inhuman, since the Archelian precursors seeded the galaxy with humanoid life in the SBY verse with the only exception being the Beemelans... who are already long dead.

Might as well include Thoth in that convo when it's finally done barricading the temple.

Yes, indeed.
I feel like the Gamilans and Sangheili are gonna have fun conversations.

"Oh, you tried to destroy humanity but then turned around and became allies with them? Me too!"
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