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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Aaron Rockhand
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Aaron Rockhand The Noble Aura Knight

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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name of Ship: U.S.S George Hammond
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Stargate Wikia
Ship Class: BC-304
Role: Battlecruiser/Carrier
Physical Description/Image:

Physical Size (roughly): 225m long x 95m wide x 75m deep
Armament/Complement (roughly):
  • 4 Asgard plasma beam weapons
  • 32 Railguns
  • 16 VLS Missile Tubes
  • 16 F-302s

History of the Ship:
The U.S.S. George Hammond or simply Hammond is the sixth 304 produced by the United States of America, and the fourth operated by the United States Air Force, assigned to the Second Tactical Wing. The ship was slated to be named Phoenix, but was renamed in honor of the late Lt. General George S. Hammond, who'd passed away around the time its construction was completed.

After commissioning, the George Hammond was stationed at Atlantis during the conflict with Queen Death and participated in several battles with the Wraith, including the final battle of the war. While being repaired afterwards Carter was approached by the ascended version of Daniel, and having made some slight modifications to her ships roster. They took the plunge into the unknown once again.

Notable Crew:
CO - Colonel Samantha Carter
XO - Lt.Col Tyrone Franklin
Chief Science Officer - Major Jennifer Hailey
Pilot & Weapons Ops - Major Kevin Marks
Ship Navigator - Captain Pat Meyers

Optional, but helpful:
Unique Technology:
Asgard Computer Core
Asgard Transporter
Crew Size: 200
Faction/Operator/Owner: Homeworld Command
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Home Universe/Name of Franchise: XCOM 2

Ship Class: Ethereal collective cargo barge (Refit)

Role: Mobile headquarters

Physical Size (roughly):
- Length: 350m
- Width: 250m (Including engines)
- Height: 75m

Armament/Complement (roughly): Four anti-personnel turrets defending the entry ramp

History of the Ship:

The Avenger started it's life a cargo barge in the alien collective that has conquered the Earth in it'S local universe. During their conquest, the Avenger was disabled and lied dormant, until it was found by the surviving remnants of the Earth's defenders, the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, now turned into guerillas.

It took 20 years, but eventually, XCOM freed their commander whom the Aliens were using for tactical simulations, and under her leadership united the various resistance cells and eventually kicked the Aliens from Earth by performing a decapitation strike on the Ethereals, the aliens ruling the collective.

Now without a purpose, XCOM heeded Daniel's request to aid a foreign world.

Notable Crew:
- The Commander of XCOM
- Central officer John Bradford
- Dr. Richard Tygan
- Engineer Lily Shen
- XCOM soldiers
- 6x Specialist
- 3x Ranger
- 3x Sharpshooter
- 3x Psionic operative
- 2x Templar
- 1x Skirmisher
- 1x Reaper
- 1x SPARK
- 1x Commander's avatar

Unique Technology:
- Elerium
- Resistance ring (War room/diplomatic hub)
- PSI lab
- Shadow chamber (Special projects facility, includes a teleportation gate)

Crew Size: ~35, with free capacity

Faction/Operator/Owner: Extraterrestrial Combat Unit
Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name of Ship:
U.S.S. Stargazer

Home Universe/Name of Franchise:
Star Trek

Ship Class:

Command Cruiser

Physical Description/Image:

Physical Size (roughly):
1774 Feet Long (540.7 Meters)
720.2 Feet Wide (219.5 Meters)
433.4 Feet Deep (132.1 Meters)
16 Decks

Armament/Complement (roughly):
10x Type-XII Phaser Arrays
6x Arrays of 100 Emitters
4x Arrays of 50 Emitters
4x Torpedo Launchers
250 Total Payload
100x Photon Torpedoes
100x Quantum Torpedoes
50x Transphasic Torpedoes
Multiphasic Shields
Ablative Hull
Ablative Generators
Cloaking Device
Shuttlebay with a full compliment including:
1x Type-17 Shuttlecraft and Argo-Type All Terrain Auxiliary Vehicle
2x Type-18H Shuttlecraft
2x Type-9 Shuttlecraft
3x Work Bee

History of the Ship:
A universally displaced version of the U.S.S. Stargazer, made up of a time-displaced crew, Q has invented another test for Captain Jean-Luc Picard, this time by pairing in a setting both familiar and unfamiliar with faces both known and unknown. While Captain Picard is pulled from the period prior to his promotion to Admiral, mourning the loss of Data and still reeling from the events of Shizon's attack. Beside him is Seven of Nine, now an enrolled Star Fleet member serving under Captain Cristóbal Rios in no small part due to her own adventures with an older Picard. Mediating the two of them is the wisened and elderly Spock taken from only weeks before his actions would create a new timeline.

Under this bridge crew is a mish-match of Starfleet's most famous and even some infamous members.

The Stargazer herself is a modern homage to Picard's first command. The Sagan-Class is the first Starfleet vessel built using technology taken from the Artifact; a derelict Borg Cube. Bolstered by Q's intervention, the Stargazer represents the best technology available to Starfleet including those brought from both the Delta Quadrant and the future by now Admiral Kathyrn Janeway. Fast and versatile, the Stargazer was built to handle itself in a fight with the Federation's deadliest enemies while also being able to act as a command module in a fleet formation.

Notable Crew:
Captain Jean-Luc Picard of 2379

Ambassador Spock of 2386

Command Division:
Commander Seven of Nine of 2401
Ensign Hoshi Sato of 2161
Lieutenant Erica Ortegas of 2259
Ensign Tom Paris of 2376
Worf, son of Mogh of 2402
Joint with members of Security

Operations Division:
Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge of 2366
Commander Jett Reno of 3191
Ensign Sam Rutherford of 2381
Lieutenant Commander Data of 2370
Ensign Brad Boimler of 2381
Commander Tuvok of 2381
Lieutenant La'an Noonian Singh of 2259
Ensign Elnor of 2401

Science Division:
Doctor Joseph M'Benga of 2257
Nurse Christine Chapel of 2259
The Doctor (Emergency Medical Hologram) of 2378
Commander Paul Stamets of 3191
Lieutenant Jadzia Dax
Lieutenant George Kirk of 2231

Unique Technology:
Phasers (10 Phaser Arrays, Type-XII Phaser Emitters)
Transphasic Torpedoess
Photon Torpedoes
Quantum Torpedoes
Ablative Hull Armor
Ablative Generators
Deflector Shields
Multiphasic Shields
Cloaking Device
Quantum Slipstream and Transwarp Velocities (Warp Factor of 9.9+)
Displacement Activated Spore Hub Drive
Replicators (Food)
Bio-Neural Gel
DOT-9s (Repair Drones)

Crew Size:
20 Crew (4 is the bare minimum for a skeleton crew)
450 Enlisted
200 Passengers
In the event of an emergency evacuation, the ship can accommodate up to 7500.

The United Federation of Planets, Starfleet
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carolus Rex
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Carolus Rex Formerly known as the Man Emperor

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name of Ship: UNCN Avalon
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Space Battleship Yamato (Remake)
Ship Class: Retrofitted Andromeda Class Battleship
Role: Advanced Battlefield Support
Physical Description/Image:

Physical Size (roughly):

500 meters long
103 meters wide
143 meters tall

Armament/Complement (roughly):
Wave Motion Shield Projector (modified from twin barreled wave motion gun); allows it to project a massive shield to defend itself and allied ships near it; however, it cannot move or fire while the shield is active.
4 triple-barreled 40.6 cm positron shock cannon turrets
4 torpedo launch tubes
4 graviton spreaders
2 four-barrel anti-battleship grenade launchers
3 shock field cannons around conning tower
2 six-barrel multi-launch lateral beam cannons
Shield Missiles (detonates to form energy barriers)
Wave Motion Shields
History of the Ship:

The Avalon was once one of the automated "Andromeda Black Berserk" Class Battleships churned out of the Time Fault Factory as part of an effort to defend the Sol System from the overwhelming forces that Gatlantis was bringing to bear. It did not bear a name; rather, it was simply identified by a registry number, part of a series of ships that were fully expected to be destroyed in battle against the White Comet Empire.

However, its fate would be much unlike its sister ships, who were almost completely wiped out in the battles to defend Earth and Mars. When the Yamato merged with the energies of the extra dimensional entity known as 'Teresa' in order to deactivate the Ark of Destruction and prevent it from destroying Earth as well as the rest of the universe, the Avalon was at drydock over Mars. It had suffered catastrophic damage, but its automated systems were able to drag it to safety. There, the Avalon was repaired, its captain witnessing the end of the Ark of Destruction as the precursor installation was completely destroyed by a singularity in its heart.

In the years that followed, the Avalon would be staffed by a crew, one composed of both Humans and Gamilans. It would also be given the duty of exploring the Milky Way in search for suitable colony worlds as well as potential allies and useful technology. It was on a mission in the Galactic Core, however, when its fate was once again upended: Teresa, the same extradimensional goddess that empowered the Yamato to save the universe, called upon them at the behest of yet another ascended being. They were to help save another universe from destruction, and so, as honor demands it, they agreed.

After all, they can't have Yamato have all the fun.

Notable Crew:
Captain Libran Sharp
First Officer Aristeidis Moustakas
Chief Science Officer Julian Clark
Flight Lieutenant Ola Piltz

Optional, but helpful
Unique Technology:
Wave Motion Technology: Draws energy from higher dimensions. Power output is extremely high.
Crew Size: 112
Faction/Operator/Owner: Earth Federation/United Nations Cosmo Navy
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