Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Why did you come here...?
Welcome to Recollections: Who Is Eleanor Black?, another RP set in the supernatural horror/urban fantasy universe known as the Recollections universe. Set in a strange and unique universe where magic reflects the core of its humanity and its emotions, beliefs, and thoughts.
In Who Is Eleanor Black? the story revolves around a mysterious woman that has had a profound effect on so many people's lives. She saved some lives, changed others - she is a friend, a sister, a mother, a lover, and many, many other things. However, the only issue is that she doesn't exist. There's not a trace of her in any census or log, and if you ask someone about her they would have nary an idea of who she is. What she did gets attributed to other people, and just leaves the people that apparently know her feeling crazy!

This is a phenomenon as there are other people who know about Eleanor Black - all of them meeting over the internet - with each of them having a wildly different version of her in their heads. They figured that they can't all be crazy and settle to get to the bottom of this. One trait that each version of Eleanor Black has is that she grew up in (or some relation) a small swampy town known as Quintin, Louisiana raised by a rich family known as the Black Family. Organized by a woman named Jennifer Caspin, they all agree to meet in Quintin and get to the bottom of this mystery.
However, Quintin Lousiana is not a place that's welcoming to strangers, especially not the kind that snoops around. More importantly, the Black family and Quintin themselves harbor a terrifying secret that they will fight tooth and nail to protect. They will dive into the world of the supernatural as they learn that Eleanor is more than just a woman. And possibly something other than human. The story is inspired by Life is Strange, Dead by Daylight, Lakeview Cabin/Valley, Bakemonogatari, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. A fusion of genres, this RP will have themes of Urban-fantasy and horror (I call it Off-Urban fantasy) with a southern gothic aesthetic. One of the most important things for me would be having the right tone and vibe, which I think will be darker and spooky. The theme will be the nature of identity and the effects one person can have on a person's life and if they would be the same if the person was different or absent. Above all else its thematic will be Connections, Emotions, and Memories.

There it is; a return to form for me roleplaying and something I'm really inspired to do. Please post any questions, thoughts or w/e and join the discord server.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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