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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"Well, it can't be any of us on 'Party-Duty'--" Scoffed Alfonse "--and if he thinks I'll do special orders under these conditions, he's got another thing coming. Rupe and I are stretched thin as it is."

"He DID say 'Leftovers' Al--" chimed Rupert with a naughty smile, before testing the bowtie pasta again, this time meeting with satisfaction at its firmness. "Anything that's been out there long enough to get cold we would just have to chuck out and you know it-- If that silly bear's happy with leftovers, he would be thrilled with that, don't you think?" he continued, while carrying the large stock pot to the drain.

"GIVE ME THAT-- it's about damn time-- --But if His Majesty finds out about it, we'll have hell to pay."

"We still don't even know WHO to send!" chimed in Jeanie. "You lot only got to eaves drop on his little pantry-raid earlier today, you didn't have to watch him drink and carry on! He and my formal charge, Miss Von Rosenving, are such.... such... CADS!"

"Your secret's safe with us, Jeanie--" Rupert ventured with a naughty chuckle.

"SHUT UP you bastard! It wasn't like that!" she countered, scandalized. "They just kept pressuring me to drink and talk! Thank the stars for that doctor showing up!" A loud clank followed her plunking the matching lid for the roaster into the rinse basin, having finished scrubbing it clean.

"Did I miss anything interesting?" came a voice from the doors as they swung open then shut again. It was Melody, the maid that was PROPERLY assigned to the bearman.

"ABOUT GODSDAMNED TIME you showed up!" huffed Jeanie, standing up from the stool she had been using while doing the scrubbing in the scullery.

"So you managed to catch him then?" asked Melody, gliding into the scullery like she owned the place.

"NO THANKS TO YOU! Where WERE YOU anyway!?"

Melody blushed a little, and rubbed the ball of her right foot in a small circle on the smoothed stone flooring in front of her shyly. "... I had to explain to Miss Sylvia why it was I had the bear use the laundry last night..."

Rupert's brassy baritone laughter erupted suddenly then was cut short just as quickly by the sound of a loud metallic thunk.

"WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR DAMN HORSELAUGHS RUPERT-- Get on those stuffed eggplants, or so help me, I'll bend you like a pretzel and shove you in the oven myself!"
---"JEEZE Al-- Lighten up, I have them right here--"
"LESS TALK, MORE SLICING! We have every "Discerning Palette" in the kingdom out there, and it's JUST US in here for gods' sakes!"

"Well, They're in a rare mood tonight, aren't they?" asked Melody with an amused smile, thankful for the distraction from having to discuss "The meeting" she had finished.

"So, you know he got kicked out the party, but don't know what he did afterward then?" scoffed Jeanie.

Melody's face drained a little. The bear-man was actually very nice, but he clearly had a lot of deficits when it came to social propriety. The mind boggled about what all he COULD have done to mess up this meet-and-greet any further than he had already done. "no-- .. Dare I ask what?"

"HE WANTS US TO SERVE HIM DINNER IN HIS DAMN ROOM, THAT'S WHAT!" balked Alfonse, amid a clatter of porcelain. "--PERSONALLY--"

Melody looked at Jeanie with a stunned, wide-eyed expression.

"Ooooh no--" started Jeanie. "You're not weaseling out of this one Melody-- He's YOUR problem; I've got ENOUGH to try and deflect already, having to drink with him and my own charge earlier today-- He wants us to have dinner with him in his room, that's TOTALLY ON YOU to figure out!"

Melody looked blindsided and confused. "--What now?"

Rupert's brassy cackle once more shook the room despite the low-volume cursings coming from Alfonse, who was clearly out of arm's reach this time. "Apparently, he wants us to not only serve him in his room, but he wants us to DINE with him too! Bon-apatite, Melody!"

"I CAN'T, I'M SUPER BUSY RIGHT NOW!" exclaimed Melody in alarm.

"Not so busy you can't come snooping in here, taking up space and not even helping with the dishes!" balked Alfonse. "At least Jeanie knows how to be HELPFUL!"

Rupert's cackle continued uninterrupted, amid his amused humming while he busied himself cutting and coring eggplants.

"Just go find somebody to sit with him Mel-- Al, Rupert and I will get the old carts in shortly, and we can send one of those up to his room when you get back here. Leave the kitchen to us, you just take care of getting the old carts back in here, and finding people to "Entertain" your guest."

Melody heaved a weary sigh. Why was this happening? This was just insult to injury. Everything about having this person in the castle this past day had been messier than a toppled delivery wagon on market day.

"I'll... Try to find somebody then.." she breathed anxiously.

"Better get to it!" joked Rupert, who once more got another thunk from Alfonse "OW Al! I'm working, I'm working! Jeeze!"

"Better go before Al starts contemplating hitting women!" giggled Jeanie mischievously. "I can't WAIT to hear the gossip you stir up with this!"

Melody grabbed up a handful of floating soap suds from the wash basin, and smeared it on Jeanie's face. "I aught to wash your mouth out! You KNOW nothing untoward has happened!"

"IF YOU AREN'T HELPING, THEN GET OUT ALREADY!" balked Alfonse. Jeanie just smiled wickedly at Melody, then pointed to the door.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon found himself sitting at the table alone. Cedar had left the venue. With his departure also meant Stritzel’s interest towards the table disappeared. The Delvings and Yorks were too busy fraternizing with Jazdia, Yvonne, and each other. Politicians were using the banquet as an opportunity to make deals and forge connections. The younger generations were following said politicians like stowaways attempting to steal the secrets of success from their forebears. Beyond the platitudes the king provided him at the beginning of the event, there didn’t seem much interest to interact with the elderly doctor. For the moment, that was fine. Solomon had no feelings about it one way or the other.

Solomon sat at the table with the mushroom dish he had seen Cedar partake of earlier in the evening. It was a delightful dish. Placing down his utensil, Solomon rested his hands under his chin, again. His eyes rifted across the room. The drama was not settling down, though tensions were still high between the factions. Solomon didn’t feel it necessary to involve himself directly in any of the confrontations. He did feel some empathy towards Cedar’s intentions, but beyond what he had offered already, it was best for the bear to feel the weight of his decisions. The consequences at Fanghorn were regrettable. Solomon agreed with Cedar at that. Though the bear had no way of knowing, Solomon was formulating ways in which he could secure the late Von Kruber’s family. At least the bear was helpful in revealing to Solomon the family in question.

As for Silas and his comments, the women were taking care of themselves. So all in all, Solomon had very little reason if at all to involve himself within the political drama erupting around him. An orderly appeared offering Solomon a stemmed glass of fine drink. Solomon accepted, though only had it sitting at the table for now. His plate vanished at some point between then and now, but Solomon paid it no mind. For now, he was people watching still alone at his table. Somehow, even with most of his figure covered in cloth, he didn’t seem bothered by it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

It was some time before a knock finally came at the anxious bear-man's door.

He had arranged the room, and moved items from off the table to elsewhere in the room, to make it available to use for his 'dinner guests.' The people outside were not who he was expecting though. Outside was the man he had been quite rude and cross to earlier that day, a young boy he did not recognize, and Melody, the maid that had initially attended to him here at the castle when he arrived.

The heavy set and hirsute man was wringing his hands anxiously, the young boy was standing to the side as if unsure of himself, and Melody seemed intently trying to console the both of them.

"Oh-- Hullo!" he said in surprise, looking out the door and to either side. ".. Where miss Jeanie at?... I wus es'pectin..."

"Hello Master Cedar!" Melody interrupted, prim, proper, and chipper. "Jeanie asked me to take over. I understand you wanted to have dinner with the staff in your room tonight?"

"Uh.. Yeah, I did-- I wus tol'.."

"Well, I have brought you some of our staff that's currently available. I understand that you.. ..Met each other... earlier today?"

"Uh.. Yeah... abou' 'at.." he muttered, impulsively scratching behind his head like a kid that had been caught being naughty. He turned his attention to the hairy an clearly distressed man. "Sorreh abou' earlier tuhday... I weren't... I wuddn't muhself. Had a lot a bad thangs on muh min', an'... well... I weren't in no talkin' mood... " He made a plaintive but somewhat bemused expression, or at least tried to. "An' yah did ask meh a righ' dumb-arsed question abou' what I were gunna do wit' muh horse..."

Melody turned her attention to the man then, all smiles. "See Griswold, I TOLD you he was actually really nice! Now come on then, let's go in! You too Percy!"

Melody did not at all betray the fact that this was HIGHLY out of the ordinary, and simply pushed the cart in behind the two other 'dinner guests', as they entered the room very unsure of themselves.

Cedar gestured to the prepared table, where they took their seats.

Conversation at the table was a bit.. Guarded, at least at first. "Griswold", the castle's groomsman, and "Percy", the stableboy, seemed to be nice enough folks, but apparently his earlier cold behavior had left a lasting impression of intense, instinctual fear on the former, which had infected the latter. Only Melody seemed undisturbed, though a bit anxious about something. (since she did not tell him about how this little stunt was likely to reverberate through the castle's hierarchy for days afterward, since doing so would be even MORE out of line.) Matters slowly warmed up though, after the groom inquired 'what it was exactly' he had been doing there, sitting and staring at his horse like that for the better part of an hour earlier that day. Cedar was honest and straightforward about it, matter-of-factly stating that he had just been having a very long 'conversation' with the animal, which got the conversation going more directly.

"You mean to tell me, you can TALK to the horse?" Griswold asked with a furrowed brow.

"yeah! Well... Er.. uh.. No... See..." Cedar stammered. "Horses dun righ'ly un'erstan' people-talk, er.. e'en people-thoughts, arigh'? Like mos' critters, deys un'erstan's feelin's, smells, colors, an' simple idear's about wut thangs is, and isn't. Like muh pappy, I's kin sorta.. How's tuh put it... I's kin squish up muh 'people-thoughts' all up in da corner, an' outta reach, so tuh speaks.. an' 'en has more 'critter-thoughts' all shared like with da critter. Sum critter's is smarter, an' has bigger thoughts 'an odders does... like ravens, er crows an deh like.. but no' horses. 'eyes gots da smaller critter thoughts. Me an' 'at big ol' fellar jus' sat daown an' had a long bit a sharin', at's all. I's were havin' a bad day, an' needed some comp'ny as weren't peoples is all.. Sorreh fer bein' a righ' arsehole earlier an all."

"So... What did you ... talk about?" the man asked, more confused than ever.

"Oh--- Dis an dat-- He right friskey for somma 'em lady horses ya gots in da pen fer one thang-- He an' I's talk'd 'bout where I's gunna have to put 'im when I's gits back home, an'.. Wells... How he kin always come gits meh if'n he git in trouble, er git hurt er whatnot-- Mos'ly just ramblin' on, with one thang leadin' tuh anodder, tills we had nuttin' moar tuh share. He a right proud fellar he is. Real sure ah his-self. Tol' me he'd kick da shit outta me I goes in da stall wit' im!"

Cedar let out a jovial chuckle

"--An I 'spects he'd does it tuh! Gunna has tuh work on 'at, if'n I's gunna take 'im home wit' meh, fer sure!"

And so the conversation went, careening over things the bear considered trivial, but that evidently the members of staff had no conception were even possible, let alone part of his normal day to day life.

The food on the cart vanished in short order, and the current guests finished their portions, exchanged pleasantries before departing, before new ones arrived in Melody's orbit along with another cart of food. For some reason, the food was always lukewarm rather than hot but he really didnt care. It was just a curious thing to him, but he didn't ask.

Griswold and Percy gave way to an exotic man with dark skin and a curious accent named Charon, who was apparently the grounds keeper. The conversation turned toward the care of various plants, and on the most effective means of eliminating 'weeds', though there was some argument about what constituted such things. The topic of the missing water barrel came up, which caused the bear a fair bit of embarrased consternation, as he admitted leaving it in Hdur, but assured the grounds keeper that it was probably still there, and likely unharmed. Only a silly person would destroy a perfectly good barrel, after all....

Charon soon gave way to the old gentleman that had survived the prince's ambush and capture. He was apparently also the castle's game keeper. The topic of animal-conversation (and conservation) once more came up, this time with more emphasis about how to convince trouble-animals to shove off. The grounds keeper was amused by, but not terribly swayed, by Cedar's suggestion of personally scent-marking areas that should have 'troublemakers' deterred, asserting that humans probably dont smell as threatening as a bear does, which got mutual laughter from the pair, while Melody sipped her tea in confusion.

It wasn't until much later in the night, that Melody left with the cart for the final time, only to have Jeanie show up again.

She had come to apologize for not participating in his gracious request, but like the cooks, the party had occupied her full attention since their last meeting. She continued to prattle on about her apologies for the circumstances, when a well dressed man-servant sauntered up un-announced, introduced himself as "Gaston", and was apparently a man-servant to a family of wealthy people from the party that he vaguely recalled from the night in Hdur a day ago. They were apparently the family of the two people that had tried (and failed) to get bread at the bakery that night. He wasn't sure why, but they left him a bottle of Chardonnay, which he was happy to accept.

He smiled mischievously at Jeanie, while holding up the bottle.

"Well-- If'n ya's serious 'bout 'pologizin' fer not comin' tuh dinner, 'leas' come sit an' have a drink wit' meh! We got shut-daown earlier tuhday, an' soun' like 'eye ain't no more parteh tuh takes care uh-- Naow c'mmon in, an' has a seat!"

Jeanie simply closed her eyes and shuddered at getting stuck with drinking with him-- AGAIN.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

All talks had been exchanged, all fineries had been shown off and all the dances and music and smiles has been performed. The night continues, yet the party has to reach its waning phase. Only those who were keen enough noticed that their king and the prince had left their thrones at some point during the party

Music was still playing when the last couple of families bid their farewell to each other. And they too... soon left.

In the absence of partygoers, the royal palace staff's replaced them and start their own tunes with neck-breaking efficiency. All tablecloths rolled and gathered, all plates and cups collected, and leftover foods were thrown into a bin indiscriminately. Apparently, the aftermath of such an extravagant occasion was not for everyone to see because the Chamberlain immediately gathered the party and escorted them out of the hall.

Into Fredricus' office, they went. The room where their quest began, and so the same room where their quest will end. There the King was sitting on his desk, waiting for them. The mission had ended successfully, but despite all, Fredricus four days ago and Fredricus today was barely any different; Old, stern, and impatient as if there were tonnes of powder keg sitting right below his palace.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[NPC Post]

The king was the first to leave, followed shortly by the prince who discreetly waved goodbye to the noble youngsters gathering around him. Yet while Alec left to retire for the day, Fredricus still had one agenda left to do before he can truly call it a night. He changed into a more appropriate clothing before taking the seat in his office, finally ready to address the free agents that had completed his mission. Despite the collateral on the way.

Antigone and Matilda already awaited at the office. Those at the party were the next to arrive in the same group, the bear trudging in soon after. He had mixed feelings about this lot - on one hand, they did what they're asked and even uncovered something extra to distract the populace. On the other hand, the whole debacle at Fanghorn had lit the fuse to the powder keg. It's only a matter of time before it all blew up on them. The question was, how big?

His gaze fell on the assortment of irregulars before him, looking almost uniform in their fineries. If he could wield them correctly, his enemies will suffer. But dare he? Dare they?

"We meet again, ladies and gentlemen." The air of weariness still hung over Fredricus like an ill omen, though this time steeled determination instead of fraught worry intermixed on the king. "Before we begin, as a father, I convey my deepest gratitude for recovering my son in one piece. It is truly a shame that such act is to be forgotten in the annals of history, but I hope you understand the sheer necessity of that decision." He nodded at them, the closest thing the king could've gotten to actually bowing. "Nevertheless, I'm afraid trouble hadn't truly departed this land. As my chamberlain had mentioned, I have another prospective job for you all. One that will hopefully stop the flames of war from burning everything, or at least greatly limit the scope. It will undoubtedly be as, if not more, dangerous than the prior trip. If that worries you, you may leave now and be free of any responsibility. Know that if you decline after you hear of the full details, I will have to place you in house arrest until the knowledge is no longer relevant to the security of this kingdom."

This was the last chance to bail out, no strings attached. The reward from the last mission should let a single person to live in relative plenty for the rest of their life.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The light drink he had shared with Jeanie before being summoned here was helpful in soothing his nerves, but noplace near enough to deaden him to the implications of this meeting, or the... connotations... behind the king's proposal.

Even more-so, since he disliked being one to let people down, or leave work unfinished-- The situation had him in a tough spot; He really, already had obligations of his own he needed to see to, and besides, he'd be beyond useless in just a few weeks, more likely than not-- While he did not sleep the ENTIRE time while hibernating, the time he WAS awake, was a kind of dreamy not-really-alert state, with more "reactive" levels of consciousness, and fraught with uncoordinated movement, fuzzy thinking, and irritability. It was NOT a pleasant condition to be in, and he did NOT want to have people trying to tell him "oh how very important doing this thing is!" while in that state. It was a recipe for disaster, hard feelings, and the formation of grudges in every capacity. It was just "Not a good thing" all around, and was completely inescapable. Since nobody else seemed intent on safely escaping while they had the chance, that left him the odd-bear-out; It was nothing personal, and he really DID hate leaving the issue of the war "unresolved"-- but this was something he had no real choice in, anymore than somebody can put off taking a shit indefinitely. As the winter approached, the "Need" to do it became equally unbearable. It was going to happen, like it or not.

He huffed a breath, and looked down at his feet like a child caught stealing cookies from the jar before dinner.

"... Thank-ye fer da chance tuh git loose..." he managed, albeit awkwardly. "... Uh... Uh really hates tuh leave work unfinish', --'specially when uh dun been paid... "

He shifted one leg on the ball of his foot back and forth nervously, but looked up timidly, still hunched in a plaintive manner.

"...Buht uh cain't stay.. In 'bout a week er so, uhs gunna be less 'an useless, an' no good fer nuttin' buh' layin' 'bout fer six month..." He heaved a sigh and cocked his head, making very earnest eyes at Frederic. ".. Uh cain't helps it... It like havin' ta takes a shit-- cain't hol' it back ferever... ... an it gunna happen, ya wants it ta er not..."

He looked down at his feet again, his foot having never stopped the slow rotation back and forth on the floor.

"... Asides..... Like yaself were worri'd 'bout ya boy.. Muh own pa likely outta his min' right naow... I's been gone a whole month, an' he ain't had nary a word 'bout muh safety. ... Ya gotta un'erstand, uh's is somebody else's boy.. an' dey like as not, jus' as wurried as'n you wus... ... an more..."

He looked up again, this time with sadness, despair, and open worry on his huge hairy face--

"... Uh has ta warn 'im 'bout what likely commin'-- Uh din' really come ta save ya boy... --but uh glad uh did--... uh came ta stops da war, ifn uh could... buh' it soun' like we's jus' slowed it daown instead... "

his look suddenly gained severity and intensity-- ferocious intent in it.

"So's me an' paps's gots ta get ready fer it-- Keep 'at shit out, an' at arm's length. 'At take time an' effort-- Uh gots tuh see tuh my own, ya sees? I dun blame you non-'tall, I kin tell ya don' wan' cause no trouble fer us up yonder; but from what I kin put tughether muh-ownself? Soun' likes ya gots some dumb-fuck modder-fucker as ain't willin' ta quit-- an' at fucker need all the discouragin' he kin git, ya know? Mebbe we git at place up yonder so prickley, he all tied up tryin' tuh git in, no? Don' wan' 'nudder Fanghorn. Not ifn' uhs kin avoid it none, 'ats fer damn sure! Unlike 'em poor barstards, we's kin be readeh, --an fuck 'em up good!"

The severity faded back to being plaintive again.

".. Uh wish uh could help ya more... buh I caint... Uh sorry..."

He looked at Jazdia, then at the others with a sweep of his sad eyes.

"Uh wish y'all duh best uh luck. Hones.'"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon stood near perfectly still during the meeting with the king. Solomon knew that by no means were the motions set by the various players of the looming war would halt after the rescue of the king’s son. However, just as he suspected back at Hdur with his conversation with Baker that Solomon’s involvement was not over. At least, the request for Solomon’s favor had not ended. Solomon still questioned the king’s reason, though. He assumed after what happened in Fanghorn, he’d want to attempt to form another special team for the more backdoor operations. With the prince now secure, was there necessity to keeping such a collection of unusual if otherwise specialized under his employ?

No matter, the king did offer to appoint the original team to his court publicly at the banquet. It would be expected that the reinforcement to the prince’s escort and the contractors who took down the Black serpent guild to continue working towards the war effort. An effort sought to not be relevant. Solomon did appreciate the opportunity to decline, An opportunity that Cedar took advantage of. As for Solomon, he didn’t answer just yet.

When Cedar finished speaking, the room was eerily quiet. It was as though few had any comment or even commitment to the king’s request. Solomon took a step forward. By doing so he was more in line with everyone else.

“If I may ask. Why would you task us with this new mission? What do we offer now that your own cannot?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The pause was stretching for a bit too long Jazdia instinctively sauntered from position and found herself some chair to sit on. Immediately cozying herself up despite the disapproving glare from Matilda.

She glanced once at Cedar to acknowledge his wish before turning to the king again.

"It is a fair question." she began. "How many are currently serving in your army? Forty thousand? Fifty? You have all the resources to find the best talents, and it seems you already have. Except for your cooks. They are terrible if you ask me."

The elf shrugged. Beside her was that table again, but it was no longer a pot of lukewarm tea on top of its tabletop, this time it was a basket of fruit instead.

"But, really. If it's the strategic assets that you need, you already have your wizards and far-seers. If it's the brute force that you require...if you, just in case, want to take out that pesky blonde family, I'd say you have no shortage of muscles in your divisions. Though, if you ask me, it's not really a wise move."

She ran her finger on one of the apples before picking up the red one.

"And lastly, if you need someone with political leverage, then I am afraid you are summoning the wrong people. So, why us? And why bother with all the preambles?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
Avatar of Mas Bagus

Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Fredricus, the ruler of the Kingdom of Kindance sat patiently. As a king, he rarely experienced refusal, even more so right in front of his high-ranking aides.

But he was willing to let it slide. He, after all, prided himself as a just ruler. He nodded and gestured Cedar to leave if he wished so. Not going to lie, it was a terrible loss, really.

“If I may ask. Why would you task us with this new mission? What do we offer now that your own cannot?”

Asked the doctor. Fredricus let the question hanged between them for a moment, understanding the weight and how easily it was to be satisfied by heart-swelling flattery; because you all have performed well, because the king trusted you, and nobody would debate that, usually.

But they were not his usual myrmidons, who would carry his will without question. And when he saw the elf detach herself from the group and sit nonchalantly spewing her trademark observation hogwash, he suddenly missed the old days, when the commoners spoke only when asked to, and were only permitted to answer, not asking back.

"What I am going to say is all you have the qualities that are suitable for my needs." Wearing his stern yet calm expression, Fredricus gestured for his chamberlain to uncork a bottle of wine before leaning on his chair, playing along with Jazdia's deliberate insouciance. The elf looked at him back, smiling snidely.

"That's vague," she said. "We are also suitable to be a scapegoat, prisoner, meatshield--- or whatever you wished us to be, or if you need a sacrificial lion to tie loose ends. Come on, Fredricus, you also need to be more specific."

There was an obvious gesture of anger being displayed behind him, yet it was immediately shushed by his calm disposition.

"I apologize if it was not the answer you want, but I think I'm entitled to say whatever I wish to disclose, and you will have to be satisfied by that for now I am afraid."

Fredricus swirled the wine, letting its pungent aroma permeating before sipping it without offering a toast.

"That's not fair..." the elf shrugged, her tone was lackadaisical, though it was hard to discern the true seriousness of her words. "And here I thought Kindeance is the land where the contract is honored and its clauses fair."

"It still is. It's a take-it-or-leave-it sort of agreement."

"Just saying, that kind of contract is illegal."

"I am the king of the land, I make the law if you haven't noticed." Fredricus sipped his wine again. his temper rose but still at a manageable level. The elf smiled bemusingly, yet a sigh escaped her.

"This looks shady, no offense, Mattie." Quickly she shifted to Fredricus again. "Fred, we have known each other for years, and I know exactly what you are thinking without having to wait for you to disclose the damn nation's top secret. But I am not the only one being summoned here, and I believe my friends deserve to know what they are signing up for a bit more than just a spoken promise. Well, of course, the option to leave your chamber now is still open, sure, but a bit more elaboration is decent."

"I think you heard me when I said I shall not disclose anything until we have an accord--"

"Then this is a goodbye. Not sure with Doctor Solomon and Young Mist Rosenving, but I'd say keep your guard up before signing everything up." Jazdia jumped out from her seat, but before the elf turned toward the door the king added.

"Don't get me wrong, I have my reason for not being forthright, and that's for your own safety. You know that my enemy would kill to have this plan leaked out."

"They will try to kill us anyway. Too late now to feel bad for it." The elf stood straight, the playfulness in her expression gone now, and her blue eyes were dull. "Fredricus, I don't care if you think your kingdom would crumble or if someone out there is still stupid enough to try slitting your throat in broad daylight. You had your chance to explain why we should continue working with you and you offered none. I have done my part, and now because you refuse to give me something to consider even as a small gesture of goodwill, I then I simply must go, I have an investment to oversee."

As she walked toward the door, she added. "I still hope to see you at our grand opening. Don't forget to drop by, and tell Alec he is invited. Mattie is welcome too."

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