Appearance: A large woman standing at 6’2 and weighing around 166 pounds. Having short dark brown hair, with striking blue eyes. Her body type is very muscular, comparable to her male counterpart. Wearing a large black suit of armour, with a helmet that is shaped like a skull.
Bio: Matilda was found by the previous head of the guards named Hilman as a baby, being adopted by Hillman and trained to be a warrior. At a young age, she was in battle with her adoptive father. Carrying his supplies and weapons, killing his first person at the age of 14. Working hard to become the current head of the guards, with her predecessor retiring.
Skillset: Matilda is skilled in swordplay, and archery, and is skilled in battle tactics. Skilled in hand to hand combat.
Spells: Curse Of The Ironsword Clan (Passive)
Matilda’s family has been cursed with going into a berserker like rage, increasing their strength and durability at the cost of them attacking enemies and friend. Most orcs do not use this ability because of how dangerous it is, only a small amount of orcs are able to control their rage while using this ability.
Botanical Communication (Passive)
Matilda has the racial ability to communicate with any form of plant life.
-Her suit of armour is called Drakhjärta, is an heirloom like her sword. It is rumoured that it is made out of the skin of a dragon.
-Her sword is called Oändlig Törst, which means Unending Thirst. This sword has killed many people and is the signature weapon of the Ironsword Clan, passed down from generation to generation.
Name : Jazdia Crystalspark Species : Elf Gender : Female Age : 54 Height : 175
Jazdia is a tall elven woman with a pale complexion, blue eyes, and long, waist-length platinum blonde hair that she often let untied. Elves are all born beautiful and Jazdia was no exception. Her attractiveness is often described as an eternal winter barely touched by the sun's embrace. But that's just another way for the gentlemen to adore her face that seemed to always sport a perpetual frown. At least that's original.
Former leader of a peacekeeping organization, Jazdia understands it would be in her best interest to omit such details from her MO. Not that she is a wanted criminal or anything; she ended her tenure on a relatively high note actually. The thing about working as law enforcement is you will have no shortage of old enemies who would persistently try to even the scales with you even after retirement, and Jazdia does not wish to be tangled with such... nuisances.
So now, she is just Jazdia. An adventurer, restaurateur, and tea connoisseur. Yeah, just put that in her business card.
Traits and spells:
-Blood Phobia (passive) Taking damage would result in lower combat efficiency. Jazdia will start sweating, having a shaky aim and blurred vision. At a certain threshold, her Ultravision cannot be activated. -Curse of the crimson flame (passive) Resting near any fire or under the sun would slowly regenerate her power and heal her wounds. However, any healing magic cast on her would instead deal damage.
-Arrow Enchantment. Channels magic into her arrow. Can only use one type of arrow in a single turn. Has three flavors: A. Crystal Arrows. Glorified fireworks with an equally destructive explosion contained inside. Can be programmed to either explode upon impact, delayed, or remote detonation. B. Crystal Arrows Non Explosive variants, but hot as hell it pierces through plates and mails like a hot knife through butter. Armor Piercing, nuff said.
-Counter Any close-range attack will be answered with heavy retribution. Figuratively speaking, sometimes this extended to the non-combat situation. Proceed with caution.
-Ultravision Channeling magic to enhance her vision, Jazdia can see pass through solid objects and magical manipulation such as illusion and darkness. Imposes varying degrees of strain on her body depending on the area covered and elapsed duration. Prolonged abuse of this skill might result in myopia and gradual blindness.
-Vengeance At this point, taking heavy damage would no longer weaken her. Now she is faster and deadlier and angrier. The third flavor of her enchanted arrows unlocked: C. Poison arrows. Deals heavy damage over time. The enemy killed by this arrow will have their body burst into a swarm of black lepidopteran that attacks nearby hostiles until either they or the caster died, or the effect expires. At the end of its fleeting lifespan, the insect will return to the caster and heals her wounds. Has 3 days of cooldown.
Equipment -Lurea A recurve black bow adorned with gold and silver linings on its limbs. Has an absurdly light draw weight of 44 pounds. -Maugrim A long knife with ivory handle and elven runes inscribed on its blade. -Medium-sized satchel bag A plain-looking bag that doesn't seem too out of fashion despite being designed with function in mind. -Pocket watch A momento from her father. Well maintained and functioning properly. -Medikit Generic first aid kit.
Appearance: Shorter than average, dark hair, somewhat sun-kissed skin from outdoor activity, and way less scars than one would've expect. Usually clad in mail hauberk adorned with pieces of banners from felled foes (or a pretty dress, at rarer occasion), and always with at least one weapon in her person.
Bio: When Yvonne was born she's the only child to the opulent but very much declining house Rosenving, it took less than two more decades of ridiculous parties and all-around bad financial management before it was driven to the verge of bankruptcy. Naturally there comes the talk of marriage upon which Yvonne, an oddball obsessed with distinctly unladylike things like driving the business end of a weapon into someone's soft flesh, all but absconded with her great-grandfather's blade. The rest of her life was spent in a wild ride of mercenary work and avoiding (more commonly, well, thoroughly violencing) the men hired by her family and/or her would-be fiance to bring her back. Her journey brought her all round the three kingdoms and more, even after her ancestral home collapsed and pursuers stopped coming.
Invited by promise of great reward and, among other thing, to try save the little henchman boy that used to follow her around (yes, that would be the prince), and the fact that she happen to be lurking around the border already, Yvonne stepped back toward the royal court of Kindeance once more.
Skillset: Well versed in outdoor survival, knack for murder and violence, oddly high spatial awareness, dancing, easily thrives in chaotic situation, very good at intimidation, weaves pretty dang well, and is proficient using common melee weapons. Personally prefers the mace despite her title.
Spells: -Mansplitter (Self-buff. Gain inhuman strength for a very short period. The stronger the effect, the greater the backlash.) -Warcry (AoE debuff. Inflict terror in a wide area. Greater effect on closer target, and greater effect on direction Yvonne is facing.) -Bloodlust (Passive. Haste, pain tolerance, and resistance to mental effect. Starts off weak but ramps up as the fight goes on.) -Resilience (Passive. Harder to injure, less affected by existing injuries, and heals a lot faster than normal at the cost of increased calorie usage.)
Equipment: Daily necessities (preserved rations, a tin pot, medical supply, knapping, change of clothes, etc), adorned mail hauberk, the sword her great-grandfather wielded that probably never saw use since then until it landed in her hands, a heavy flanged mace, a rondel dagger.
Other: Can be inserted to the plot any time it's convenient (or fun) to do so.
Name: "Cedar" Species: Half-Bear Age: 8 (physically adult) Gender: Male Appearance: 10ft, 550lbs. Unusually long torso. Tawny brown fur with dark brown grizzling. Claws are aggressively trimmed and filed down to thick nubs. Concealed in thick holocaust cloak/robes, gloves, and heavy boots. Carries a coarse wooden staff. Cloak decorated with typical druid paraphernalia. Colorblind (Yellow-green)
If disrobed, and on all fours, would pass easily as just a very large bear.
Bio: Offspring from the "sordid" (depending on who you ask) relationship between a forest hermit and a she-bear. Learned his craft and appreciation for honesty, integrity, and reverence for natural beauty from his dad. His "Good looks" from his mother. Shy/sentimental. Has a brother the same age, and numerous younger siblings. Due to events in his home province before his birth, his father is magically connected with a rather expansive magical woodland, which suits him fine. Local logging town and his dad have a 'mixed feelings' relationship about each other. Cedar helps with diplomatic solutions. Is still young and naive in many ways, but shockingly adult and mature in others.
Skillset: Woodcraft, basic potion lore, basic anatomy, ecology. Possesses "Speak to animals" spell-like ability. Superhuman strength. Superhuman sense of smell. Low-light vision
Equipment: Dark brown and green 'holocaust cloak'/robes. Large wooden staff. Small hand axe. Small boot knife. Ball of twine. Antler knapping tool. Flints.
If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.
135 posts
in 1003 days
4 mos ago
spoiler, this character is set to 'die' and be inactive for the remainder of the game
Name: Gentileschi, Henri Dominique. Species: Half-automaton, half-golem. Age: At least a century (factual), thirty-something (appearance). Gender: Male. Appearance: Looks like a regular handsome middle-aged man with greying black hair. When viewed from relatively close, his skin has several slices throughout, and the reflective sheen of the inflexible ceramic material it's made of could not be mistaken. Dons any such variety of male medieval formal wear. Bio: History tells of a great human painter from more than a century ago. Henri Dominique Greene. His works, signed 'H.D.G.' at the back, still adorn the walls of Kindeance's castle. Portraits of old monarchs. Images of nature, oddly lacking for animals. A medical document stating that he began coughing out blood, whenever he painted animals who'd then come out alive from their canvases. A letter to the royal mage whom he courted and was later engaged to, informing of his decision to isolate from society. A second letter, an invitation to his funeral, held at the Greenes' mansion. None but the King have yet made the connection between that painter of old, and this non-painter who shares nearly the same name, aside from the surname of his true mother before the Greenes' adoption after her passing. Nowadays, he roams the kingdom as a mage and handyman, and, since very recently, lecturer to the prince. Traits: Golem Automaton - Inorganic body. Immune to physical pain. Immune to poison and disease. Immune to basic needs like food, water, air and sleep. Absorbs mana within close range. Converts most sources of energy into mana. Resistant to most forms of magic. Has a 30-foot radius of perception (via a low, constant emission of infrared; has a byproduct of perceiving temperatures) around his core's center of mass. Hears by picking up vibrations on those in contact with the core. Metal Sense - Can sense most metals and the global north direction. Not a spell. Artificial Qi Vessels - Spells only affect those under at most indirect physical contact. Skills: Eidetic Memory Lesser Occult - Limited knowledge on witchcraft and demonology. Arcane Aptitude (mastery, source) - Can mimic others' spells, given enough exposure or instruction. Spells: Telekinesis (innate) Temperature Increase (innate) Core Spreading (innate) - Injects a piece of his golem core into an object, qualifying the object as himself for the purposes of other spells. Lasts for up to 2 spells. Inorganic Repair (100%, Ember) Ward (2%, Scroll of Ward) Flash (0%, Scroll of Flash) Arcane Bolts (5%, Scroll of Arcane Bolts) Detect Magic (1%, Cedar) Enhance/Grow Vegetation (2%, Cedar) Ultravision (1%, Jazdia Crystalspark) Incorporeal Form (1%, Solomon Sparrow) Equipment: Bottle of a curious powder, small - Inflicts sneezing and nose blindness. Cedar's inventory - Dark brown and green 'holocaust cloak'/robes. Large wooden staff. Small hand axe. Small boot knife. Ball of twine. Antler knapping tool. Flints. Modified water barrel. Rope. Shovel. Crate of vodka bottles × 2 Crate of whiskey bottles × 1 Deck of cards - 52-card deck, made of cardboard, paste and paper. Henri's Eye × 2 - Enchanted orbs of ivory, used to see. Has to be within 3 meters of user. Iron kite shield Ironsword Family Medallion - Belongs to Matilda's birth father. Map to the ruins Metal flask - Mineral oil. Pocket watch Scroll of Ward × 3 Scroll of Flash × 3 Scroll of Arcane Bolts × 3 Other: Insides made of mostly iron. Black shoes with bronze soles. Loud clacking footsteps on hard surfaces. Keeps calling Cedar 'Cedrick'. Has never killed anyone. Yet.
Name: Kagetane Chounan Species: Human Gender: Male Age: Around Early 20s Height: 165 cm Appearance: People only heard him on early and during the war, no one knows who he is except the king, prince and king's military personals. They describe his appearances unique and odd along with other knights. It was a iron-clad with a different design, an odd looking headwear with a pair of horned attached, the facewear resembled as a demonic looking. He fought savagely with a multi type of weapon in the heat of the battle. Without an armor, he is wearing kimono and hakama. He has a medium skin tone, handsome facial, shouldered length black hair that always tied as ponytail and a pair of brown eyes.
Bio: He came from the land of Samurai. An only son of the defeated daimyo that fled to the nation along with his mother. With an unfortunate event, the ship they ridden capsized by a tidal wave. He was only the one that had been recovered from the shore of Kindeance. He entered his service at 16 years old from the lowest to the knight of the field. On his skirmishes he gained his nickname of The Horned Ironclad Demon. Adapted with various type of weapon in the heat of battlefield, matching enemies from one against the hundred, he fought savagely and brought fear to the opposing side. He took many of the heads of suspected superiors on opposing side to the king. A samurai way to proven himself as useful fighter. He served loyally to the king and developed a close bond to the young prince.
After his service. He became a member of the Adventurer's Guild. Rose up the rumors about him as he keep soloing the high difficulty quests.
When the event came by, he received a special quest straight from the top, which is the king himself. He accepted it because he knew he was trustworthy and capable to doing this special task and the young prince was involved on this event.
The ronin attended the king along with the unfamiliar new faces.
Skillset and spells:
Mononofu: The way of the samurai. Compatible with various samurai weapons and mentally focus during the battlefield. Gaining almost perfect Hit rate and has an immunity against mental debuff. When mounted, gains high ground advantages along with the compatible weapons.
Ki:a natural energy given off by people and objects when they move. It exists separate from mana. Ki-sensing can be used to predict attacks and others' movement, including natural objects and events found in nature.
Perfect counter: Deflecting melee and physical projectiles. Counter and re-counter counter attacks.
Equipment: Personal horse, samurai armor set and samurai weapons, adventurer bag, convenient consumable stuffs for traveling and a tea set.
Others: He is an experience fighter with quick reaction time and have a sharper instinct than an average. He is also light footed. He likes tea and love to promote his cuisine as he is good on cooking.
Appearance: Tall, yet lanky in appearance, few have ever seen his face. He wears a long cloak, shoal, and a hood of varying shades of black and gray. The hood casts a shadow that covers his face and he also wears a mask up over his nose, so even if the light hits him just right, all one would be able to see was grayed skin and sunken eyes of indiscernible color. He has a true height of 6’6”, but he is hunched over and will likely appear shorter. The only part of his person not covered in cloth are his hands and forearms when his sleeves fall back. They appear to be gray and aged held tight to the bone of his arm. His fingers are long. He has a gold band of pristine shine on his left hand ring finger.
Bio: Solomon once lived life as a traveling doctor, specializing in pharmaceuticals and relying on magic when medicine could not work or work in time. He wanted to help those who didn’t have access or afford magical medical aid such as from healing potions or clerics. He also worked to help aid those where magic wouldn’t help, such as the elderly.
During his travels, he eventually settled when he met a woman working to help those afflicted with an unknown, yet painful and slow acting disease. After he had managed to halt the disease’s progression, he stayed, and married the woman. Shortly after this, he lost them when an ex-military came and slaughtered the village. The village used to be a militia of their own waging battle against the ex-military at a time before the trade treaties were made.
Solomon then turned his attention from curing the sick, to curing the dead. Though he knew that when he gains that knowledge, he could never save his beloved or the people of that village, it still brought him a goal. The goal also tied to his own revenge against the ex military, binding them into his service even after death. He knew time would work against him. In order to keep death, the very thing he was looking to end, away from him, he abandoned his humanity. Imprudent, Solomon turned his life to that of the undead. Death would not be his end, it would become his ally until the time came where it became abolition. Few if any knew what had become of Solomon and fewer if any knew of his new form in undeath.
Solomon still worked as a doctor. Despite his cold appearance, he does render aid to those in need, though his focus in life has changed. He would command death. He had become well known for communing with the dead and unlocking the secrets they took with them. It held true especially for those he held a contract. Healer of the living, and commander of the dead, Solomon’s skills might not be for the faint of heart, but his methods do shed light on what was once lost. The dead see everything, so there are few rocks to hide behind.
Backstory: A traveling doctor of sorts, he spent most of his young adult life studying at the best colleges around the kingdom. He was fascinated with physiology and wanted to help those where tradition magic could not. Not everyone had access to magic, potions, or the like. And there were some conditions magic would not treat. So as he studied, Solomon decided that he would travel to those villages where he could treat the sick, broken, and elderly. He specialized in medicines, using herbs and ingredients he could find in nature. And for those who needed more immediate treatment, he knew just enough about magic to heal so the medicine could do its job.
He didn’t decriminalize between the three kingdoms, and though his trips left him away from home for months, he carried on. Over time, he noticed the routine of what he provided, and saw how often those without support were left without. Potions were expensive, so even in places with a healthy apothecary, his services were never without demand. It was clear that like a horse with a maimed leg, it would be better to leave them behind, or let them pass. If a healing potion could not fix it, the person was not worth saving.
It might have been his sympathy then that when he found a woman trying her best to care for not only her own parents, but several of the other elders within the town afflicted with a cursed disease, he grew quickly attached. He did everything he could to understand the disease and develop a cure. The disease was slow, painful, but had obvious signs of its progression. Using all he learned of pathology and herbology, Solomon was able develop a salve that didn’t cure the disease, but did put it into remission. He stayed there a year continuing to work on a way to perhaps finally dispel the disease.
During that year, his fondness of the woman grew and that autumn they had wed. However, it was not to last. He had left for a neighboring village when they requested his help to treat the bite of a snake to one of the mayor’s children. The trip took him three days, and when he returned, he noticed the village had been burned. He could hear crying and pleading for mercy. When Solomon had entered the center of town, he could see several unknown entities, wearing militia armor, though the fire behind them did not help illuminate the crest in the darkness of the night. They dragged people to the center where a bonfire of bodies burned. The people were slaughtered and tossed in. Solomon could hear them shout. The people of the village were cursed for a reason. The attackers wanted some kind of recompense and since death had not taken them yet, they were to do it themselves.
Solomon did not escape unscathed. He was quickly spotted and cut down. Solomon was trampled, looted, and left bleeding on the ground. As the dawn broke the horizon, so did Solomon’s eyes. He clasped the wound across his torso. The damage was grievous, but thankfully not fatal. He patched himself, and staggered to his home which lay empty. However, he did find the hand of his beloved, cut jaggedly below the wrist lying on the floor by the edge of the door frame.
Solomon was devastated, and now wanted to have revenge of his own. Having traveled the lands for years, he knew where he could go to gather information. He went to traveling merchants, bards, and historians. He discovered the group that had attacked the village were descendants of former military turned into a mercenary group for money. Though they were referred more to as bandits. They were a petty bunch who would take any reason they could to cause suffering and make coin. When Solomon learned of the reason they attacked the village, he grew that much more angry. Back before the trade treaties were made, the inhabitants of the village were a military of their own, and battles over various territories would commence between them, and ancestors of their now attackers. This militia held grudge in the name of someone else against Solomon’s recent home. It might have been better if they had no reason at all. Solomon knew that even with such weak morals, the group was still numerous, skilled and ruthless. While reasonably fit, Solomon was not equipped to deal with the group as a combatant. Instead, he turned to the skill set he knew best.
One night he found one of the bandits drinking alone in a tavern, attempting to flirt with several of the women who were sitting along the bar. He was already pretty drunk, and Solomon used that to his advantage. He managed to coral the bandit into a room at an inn using false promises of booze and women. Once they were alone, and the door closed, it couldn’t be said what occurred in that room. When Solomon left, the room was spotless save for a man sleeping peacefully on the still made bed, never to wake again. The reason for it would be unknown even to seasoned morticians.
Solomon found the camp the former militia had built. In order to make them suffer like he had those in the village, he resorted to poisons and diseases. Those afflictions he was once committed to ending, he had used against the former militia. Their lax nature and hearty attitude of supposed invincibility made it easy to taint their barrels of wine, or burn toxic gases down wind towards their camp. Once they were incapacitated to the point they couldn’t fight, Solomon made his presence known. He made those who had not perished yet swear loyalty to him. He opened a large tome, wrote a contract in blood, and bound them with a seal. Those still conscious swore a pact to Solomon, a bond that would never break even beyond death.
As Solomon traveled seeking answers, he continued his studies more towards the mystical than practical. As a doctor, he wondered if he could fix death. If there was a chance to bring back the only good thing he found throughout the decades he spent moving from town to town. If he could command the dead at least, there may eventually be the chance. For now, though, he had learned enough to bind these doomed outlaws into his service. Once the contract was signed, Solomon walked away. The bandit leader cried out for him to fix what Solomon caused. Solomon continued to walk. He knew that even when the leader passed, he would still be bonded with Solomon. Until death could be cured, they would not escape it.
Solomon continued traveling, spending more time at each stop than before. Time would no longer be an issue for him. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it would work for now. His goal was placed, and even if it took more time than he was granted, Solomon was going to find a way to achieve it. Abandoning his humanity, he kept his soul true, or so he believed. He would end death, but for now it had become a tool. It could wait to claim Solomon a little while longer.
Skillset: Professional medical provider using tools and supplies from a healers kit. Very meticulous with a needle. He can also preform simple surgeries. As a result of his travels, he knows how to mend his own clothes, prepare simple foods, and forage He can make a variety of medicines and salves from herbs and wild plant life As an undead being, he does not need to eat, drink, or sleep, but will still consume food for the joy of it. He cannot be diseased or poisoned, but is still susceptible to bodily harm. He knows by memory most common trade routes, so as long as there is a road, he could figure out where he is.
He can speak with the dead.
Spells: Using his spell book, he can bind other undead into his service. The spirits of those undead are then stored within the book itself until called upon. Undead with physical bodies collapse into ash, and a new body forms where ever Solomon calls them. He can also bind living beings. However living beings cannot be called upon, but once the being perishes, whatever form of undead their soul manifests shall be bound to Solomon. And as long as Solomon holds the contract, an undead will form. If Solomon culls the contract, whether the being passes on will be the choice of the undead. - Animate Dead: If a creature is recently deceased, Solomon can animate them. They will maintain primal instincts and creatures of higher intelligence can recall memories of their past lives. They will listen to Solomon’s command. Creatures animated with way cannot be bound to his spell book. They can only do what is physically capable of them. - Summon Dead: Calls upon any of the undead bound to the book. Spirits can be either incorporeal or made of flesh that is formed out of the earth. Their form will resemble what they looked like in life as well as maintain some of their personality. However, they cannot disobey Solomon’s commands. They can only do what is physically capable of them. - Incorporeal Form: Solomon can temporarily make himself untouchable, and likewise unable to interact with the world. He turns to that of a shadow and can change his stature, and shape, able to hide away in small crevices. In this form he can achieve some variation of flight. The spell has a maximum duration of thirty minutes or until he ends it himself. Once the spell ends, he returns to his normal form and shape. - Dagger Hold: Solomon can latch onto the essence of a living being and prevent them from moving. Fighting the hold is painful and can cause physical trauma. However, the strength of the hold is no stronger than Solomon’s own physical prowess. Though Solomon is stronger than he looks, most able bodied can break the hold, though painful to do so. Solomon has to be within about 30 feet to cast the hold, and he cannot do anything else while maintaining it.
Equipment: Death Tome: Large spell book bound to his person, it holds the contracts of the living and dead who are bound to his will. It also acts as his anchor to the living realm, allowing him to continue existing in the world though he should have passed years ago. The book strapped to his back, partially covered by his robes, and clasped shut between two thin metal plates with several leather belts. As long as he has it, he has access to the spells and contracts inside. Should it ever be destroyed, Solomon would cease to be.
Healers Kit: glorified first aide. Knife roll: Rolled cloth holding knives of varying sizes Sewing Kit: needle and thread Potion’s kit: Vials, pestle and mortar, distiller, water skins and a pouch of commonly found ingredients Vials of unknown diseases Poison
Name: Kaito Species: Kitsune Age: 256 years old Gender: Male
Appearance: Kaito is of rather average adult height and build. Not particularly tall and has a rather slander build. He has messy brown orange hair and a rather boyish face with a disarming smile. Nothing that is particularly remarkable about him except well those fox ears on his head and that fluffy tail. He wears a dark red tunic, a gray pair of trousers, some sturdy boots and a black hooded cloak to finish things off. The quality of the fabric and dye of his clothing indicate that Kaito has significant financial standing.
Bio: There are a lot of folklore tales about the origins of Kitsune. Some say they are foxes that have gained magical properties after turning hundred years old, others tell that they are native to a strange magical realm known as the fey wild and have used their magical abilities to travel to the current plane of existence. None of those stories are true and in good kitsune tradition Kaito tells them all.
Kaito was born 256 years ago in the mystical forest of Kaojiro. A place far away from the three kingdoms. When he reached adulthood at the age of hundred and fifty, the young kitsune decided to travel the world. After visiting various places Kaito found himself in the kingdom of Escudo. Intrigued by its wealth, Kitsune decided that such a lavendish lifestyle would suit him well. However, Kaito is not the kind of man that would work fair and hard to gain a fortune.
No, the kitsune decided that it would be much more efficient and fun to utilize his very particular skill set to extract as much wealth from all the merchants and nobles as he could in very underhand means. For many years he conned and cheated merchants and nobles alike out of their hard earned gold coins. This became such a problem that the government decided to intervene.
When the king’s men finally caught Kaito 5 years ago a spectacle of a process was orchestrated. Merchants screamed “off with his head”, nobles demanded blood. However Kaito valued his head and thus executed a different plan. The night before his decapitation he used his illusion magic to impersonate a fellow prisoner who had served out his sentence and was promptly released by the clueless guards.
For the next five years the kitsune managed to evade every bounty hunter, mercenary and soldier that tried to track him down. But that all changed when an elf working for the king started to ask questions in the more shadier parts of Rascade.
Skills: Shapeshifting: Kaito can shapeshift between his fox and humanoid form. Sleight of hand: Kaito’s hands are extremely fast, accurate and he’s a master of deception. He’s an expert pickpocket and trickster. Very sneaky: Kaito’s ability to move around silently is unparalleled. He has a habit of suddenly appearing into people’s personal space. Lockpicking Acting/deception Multi linguistic: Speaks and reads the various languages of the lands of Escudo, Anggolinsto and Meche.
Impersonation: Kaito can use his illusion magic to take on the physical appearance of people he has seen. His magic also changes the sound of his voice to match that of the person he’s impersonating. However he still needs to act out the way they move and behave. Illusion magic: Kaito can create Illusionary objects, creatures and terrain. These illusions include visuals, sound, sense of touch, smell and sense of temperature but cannot cause any harm. Charm: Kaito can use his magic to charm people. Any person that gets charmed by him regards Kaito as a friend and is very likely to help the kitsune in any way that is reasonable.
Equipment: Wakizashi short sword Tanto dagger Set of lockpicks Shell game set Set of Dice Set of playing cards Spare clothes Camping equipment
If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.
135 posts
in 1003 days
4 mos ago
ETA: When Matilda's team reconvenes at the inn.
Name: Dixie Greene Species: Human Demonoid Age: Thirty-something Gender: Female
. Appearance: Disheveled black hair brunched up in a neck-long ponytail held up with an orb attached to a steel chopstick. Soul-sucking amber eyes with unusually fantastic eyelashes. Freckles. X-shaped mark on her face that kind of blends with her hair. Decently tall height, average build with hints of muscle. Aside from later-mentioned pieces of armor, black sweaters and black leggings that blend well with blood. Her left sleeve is always folded back up to the elbow. Parts of her skin are reddened like burn scars, oddly red-purple like her own blood.
Bio: The Greenes are considered a noble family of adventurers, but in truth, it's an organization that picks up the young dregs of society, particularly those with innate talent, then turns them into adventurers. The young Dixie was adopted into this system, and was sent into the wider world when she was barely a teenager. To begin killing monsters and other humans from that young, is tragedy on its own. Her final mission, to protect a little town surrounded by a rather expansive magical woodland, went relatively well. Even met a man worthy to be her husband. Too bad he was a humonculus, though. The magical woodland turned out to be beyond saving as well, specifically because of her husband. She couldn't accept it. While most others gave up and left, she stayed and murdered all manner of large and/or corrupted beasts for the next eight years. In that time, she paid no mind to ingesting and absorbing the beasts' flesh and blood regardless of their corruption, and it caused changes in her physique. Recently, her old friend the forest hermit pleaded to find one of his two bear-like sons. He couldn't quite do it himself, for he was magically connected to this forest at this point. She figured it was time to take a vacation, too. Maybe she'll even swing by and visit her ancestor who works in the palace.
Traits: Demonoid - Increased physical regeneration. Heightened senses. Taking holy attacks greatly increases fatigue, up to the point of knocking her unconscious. Flexible - Joints and spine have drastically increased movement range. Careless Gourmet - If it can be digested, it's not poisonous. Curse of the Bane of All Life - She gives off bad vibes. Animals fear her and people distrust her, by default.
Skills: Ambidextrous - Equally skilled with either hand. Assassin - Her chosen profession from a young age. Hides her presence. Footsteps and breathing are minimized. Climbs surfaces easily. Attacks are swift and hardwired to path towards vital organs. Slayer - Her second profession, adapted to deal with large beasts. Increased jump height and air maneuverability. (Doesn't constitute mid-air jumping. Rather, think ukemi.) Pugilist - Her third profession; weapons don't exactly come cheap. Unarmed attacks have increased power.
Spells: Curse of Blood Spiders - Turns nearby blood into small droplet-sized spiders under her control (via the mind, one-way command). Maximum of ~100 under her control at the same time. They can secrete black silk and inject numbing poison with their bite. Passively, her own blood also turns into spiders when they leave her body. - The longer the spiders exist, the less susceptible they are to the command, until eventually they become wild bugs. Hellfire Ray - Fires a one-second exploding ray of hellfire from the X-shaped mark on her face. Has tremendous recoil. Inflicts great pain after casting. Hellfire Dominion - Before she knew it, her frost mastery was sacrificed to upgrade her flames. Grants control over red fire emitted from her body. These flames aren't easily doused by water or lack of breathable air. - She needs to sustain the Hellfire. It wont burn indefinitely by itself, and reverts to normal flame without her input. She herself is immune to Hellfire. Soul Siphon - Channeling. Requires full concentration (may be stringed along with simple attacks, at best), direct physical contact at the minimum, sped up by overall proximity between the two bodies. Rapidly drains the mana and stamina of one target at a time.
Equipment: Dagger of Destiny - A blunt dagger made of bone. Exerts greater force than it is given. Norland Scarf - Thick silk scarf coated with a Fire Salamander's blood. Warm to the touch, resistant to slicing. Leather armor, 4 pieces. - Right-arm gauntlet, knee-length boots, chestplate. Resistant to slicing. Persistent Primate - An oddly named, oddly designed cold-iron buckler with wooly fur and a primate's face carved on it. Name etched on back. Magiglass Lens - Extra-durable eyeglasses. Zoom in when infused with mana. Broken turquoise pendant. Sapphire pendant. Silver ring. × 2. Left ring finger. Left middle finger. Steel hairpin with amethyst ball tip. Rotten healing potion. - Eight years unused. They don't exactly age like wine. Tastes worse than kombucha. Doesn't heal. Induces gastric purge.
Other: Cedar's aunt. Not by blood, just friends with his father.
12:26 PM 11/4/2022 - More specific size on the bloodborne spiders, and a 100-spider control limit. 4:45 PM 11/2/2022 - Removed item 'Jack's letter to Cedar'. After consulting with @wierdw, it was concluded that Jack wouldn't have wrote such a letter.
Name: Veronica Blackwater Species: Human Vampire Lord Age: 25 (appears 18) Gender: Female Height: 5' 8" Appearance: Veronica appears as a pale young woman, not to a porcelain degree, but more like she could use a bit more sun. Her long black hair falls in mostly straight waves down to her mid-back. Her irises are a bloody crimson hue, with her pupils narrowed to reptilian slits. Her frame rides a balance between curvaceous and athletic, lined beneath supple skin with wiry, compact muscles that tend not to be apparent without a physical inspection. Though she often wears a smile, it is rarely an open-mouthed one, largely to avoid broadcasting her fanged incisors. She tends to smell mostly scentless, as the combination of scentless soaps and an undead body that doesn't decompose leaves her presence mostly muted to mundane means. Her garb is fairly eccentric, all blacks and velvety sanguine reds with a subtle butterfly motif. Actual metal armor is applied sparingly and primarily to her joints, almost as an afterthought, to the point of giving the false impression it's only for decoration. By the metrics of society, her garb is rather immodest, the design and accents often drawing the eye to exposed skin or tight enough to be somehow more provocative than outright absence.
Born far from the Capital in a place within Kindeance that could best be described as "that idyllic village with some farmer", Veronica was an average human daughter to a peasant hunter... aside from a slight hiccup. Born under a good omen, she was blessed with an innate magical gift for "reading fate", a Seer who might one day have been found and trained to be the mystical advisor of this or that hero, guiding them on the path to a glorious destiny. However, as fate would have it, a True Vampire, one Lord Blackwater, who had long-since set down roots after hailing from a land outside Kindeance, unfortunately heard tell of her and sought to turn her as a subordinate to use her gift for himself. The girl, otherwise defenseless aside from her capacity to see her near future, was captured and a year thereafter turned into a similar creature of darkness, lesser and mystically bound by her hated "master's" bond as her Sire.
Over the two years since her abduction, she was trained in the arts of ninjutsu and magic. she had no choice but to be honed into a weapon and tool for her "master", made an unwilling killer and her magic refined further for the sake of making her a more useful tool for foreseeing misfortune and spying upon the Vampire Lord's enemies... when she wasn't used to murder them outright. Unfortunately for him, training her resulted in the resentful little vampire awakening a second aspect of her gift, one that allowed her to avoid the destiny that she could prior only despair at. Through this, she was able to slip the master bond of her Sire and catch him unawares. Caught off guard, the Vampire Lord was torn limb from limb, and in drinking his blood, Veronica fully became a Vampire Lord like her Sire and shattered whatever might have remained of their bond.
Come the morning, her tormenter's remains were reduced to ashes by the sun, and Veronica once more breathed the sweet air of freedom... Though it was tainted by the bitterness of her new "condition" as a Vampire Lord -if a young one, and she was unsure what to do with herself. Despite bloodied hands and a darkened spirit, she hadn't been under her Sire's yoke long enough to taint her morality irrevocably. She was still herself, and she had no intention of being the monster the next hero would slay.
With that determination made, for the safety of innocent lives, she reluctantly made a home in her Sire's former lair and left primarily only to get sustenance, once more taking up a hunter job of her human family in order to have an at least legitimate supply of blood to drink. In such a way, delivering "pre-drained" cadavers to local butchers of nearby towns and villages, she made a simple living on simple coin... along with whatever her Sire's coffers contained. Her "condition" was one she mostly tried to conceal, but in the end, the King had his ways. Long story short, a year after regaining her freedom, at age 20, she was found out, but the fact that she had stayed a "productive member of society" and wasn't going around murdering people unprovoked and generally being a megalomaniac stayed the hands of potential hunting parties. The fact that it was eventually discovered that she had slain the Vampire Lord before her added another element of potential trustworthiness to her, and so, she was approached as a potential agent of the King to be given a chance to truly prove her loyalty and good will to the kingdom.
As such, for the next half decade, Veronica would find herself occasionally acting on behalf of "favors" from the Crown, working as an espionage agent, Seer, and sometimes soldier and scout for the Guard. Collaborations with Matilda, the Head of the Guard, weren't common, but they weren't uncommon either. Over the course of 5 years, the two developed a basic working relationship. They may not necessarily trust each other, but they don't specifically mistrust each-other either. And Veronica would be inclined to trust her back to the orc warrior.
Over the years, Veronica came to be less resentful of her "condition", and with the tentative faith afforded to her by the kingdom, she has come to redevelop a sense of confidence and acceptance. Nowadays, her "condition" is just another part of life... one she expects will be very long, so she has chosen not to wallow in self-pity and depression. Her once concealing garb has been exchanged for borderline proud eccentricity. While she does not explicitly advertise her "condition", she is no longer shamed by or afraid of it. She is a Vampire in the King's Court, who has earned her place through good will, and she'll not let any tell her otherwise.
Come the present day, due to the seriousness of the kingdom's crisis and the desperation involved, Veronica would find herself requisitioned as an investigator, using her divinations to aid in tracking the Prince's kidnappers with the Guard while the main black ops team was off performing their own tasks. It is because her typical place of residence is a quite a fair distance from the Capitol that she was unable to be reached in time to join up with the main team initially.
Talants: Ninjutsu: She has been harshly trained in this collection of fundamental survivalist and espionage techniques, among which are: methods of gathering information and techniques of non-detection, avoidance and misdirection, along with disguise, escape and concealment. She's no stranger to picking locks or disabling traps either. This is the root of her shinobi teachings, one in which she has attained mastery status or near enough to it. Heavy focus. While medicine and archery are also parts of these techniques, she favors them lesser. Medicine: Her capacity for medical techniques tends towards "field surgery" and making sure injuries aren't immediately lethal. Setting bones. Popping dislocated joints back in. Applying splints, stitches, bandages and salves. She knows where to stab to kill fastest, so she has a pretty good idea how to be more careful when treating certain afflictions. She's not a biology guru or proper doctor; that's for certain. She's just got a good head for improvisation. Archery: She's a decent shot, but she prefers unaware or otherwise stationary targets. She compensates with her magic to predict her targets' movements for more difficult shots. Taijutsu: For those times she is trapped in prolonged CQC, she's adequate in the art of unarmed -or lightly armed- combat. Unarmed combat isn't her favorite, but she's not going to get steamrolled. Prefers to disengage and arm herself. Shurikenjutsu: She is excellent in the art of handling small, bladed weapons, both in CQC and as throwing weapons. This is her preferred fighting style. Fighting fair is for chumps. Sojutsu/Bojutsu: The art of wielding polearms. Particularly, Veronica favors the spear and scythe. Novice but unconventional. Her most inexperienced but also intuitive martial art and her "passion project". Technically, she's got the basics down pat, but her focus was never open combat under her Sire. That is something she became more familiar with working with the Royal Guard. In other words, she's mostly self-taught, so she tends to fight unconventionally in this art. Lip Reading: In the course of spying and assassination, she has developed the capacity to roughly read speech from afar. Parkour: Her vampiric strength makes her an able and acrobatic navigator of unconventional terrain, very useful for infiltration. Hunter: Her family trade, she is a respectable hand at tracking, trapping and skinning prey, along with camping in the wilds. Peasant Roots: Knowledgeable in the basics of various "womanly" tasks like cleaning, cooking and sewing.
True Vampire/Vampire Lord: Darkvision: Even in pitch black, she can perceive the world in shades of grey. Though even this eyesight cuts off into murk past a certain point. Her long-range vision is otherwise very keen under proper lighting. Inhuman Physicality: Undeath has removed the normal limits on human musculature, giving her the capacity for peak human levels of physical feats. However, her muscles will still tear from exerting themselves to their fullest capacity, requiring she only do so in bursts and wait a brief while for them to heal. As long as she doesn't push too hard, she can still operate at normal human levels during the wait. While her body isn't exactly any more durable than a human's, she doesn't feel pain as more than an irritant, and most wounds are not lethal, only disabling. Healing Factor: Her wounds regenerate quickly. Not enough to be all that useful in battle, but outside battle, an hour's rest will mend most wounds, and a night's rest can restore her body entirely, even the loss of her head. Due to the constant nature of the regeneration, she is unable to reattach fully severed body parts. Her regeneration either starts with her mostly intact head or her body if the former is unavailable. Large-scale regeneration rapidly accelerates her bloodthirst's progression. Undeath: She is unaffected by poison, disease, exhaustion or age. Thirst: She doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, though she still requires some blood to sate her thirst. While as an undead, she technically doesn't need sustenance, much of her vampiric strengths will become less prominent with prolonged abstinence. In addition, much as any hungry creature, she is prone to increasingly large spurts of irritation and bloodlust until sated. She can subsist off animal blood, but sentient blood is far more fulfilling. She can also consume mundane foods, but they give her no nutrition. Unreflected: She has no reflection, whether it be a mirror, body of water or any other surface. Sunlight Vulnerability: Though more resistant than a lesser vampire, sunlight is still her bane, burning badly but not lethally unless she remains in prolonged contact. Chop her to pieces and leave her exposed to daylight, and the sun will do the rest in about an hour. Holy Vulnerability: Certain "holy" or otherwise "sanctified" magics have the capacity to be a special bother to her as an undead. Averted Weaknesses: As a Vampire Lord, she no longer suffers from some of the weaknesses a typical lesser vampire exhibits. Running water no longer hinders her, and she doesn't need to be invited to cross a threshold of a residence. Wooden stakes are as any other weapon, even if getting stabbed in the heart would still be pretty annoying, for the splinters if nothing else. Siring: Vampire "reproduction" is fairly simple. While their undead bodies preclude them from being fertile, they can convert other living beings to more of their kind with a transfusion of their blood to a creature that has been drained dry of their own. The recipient will rise a day later as a lesser vampire fledgling, mystically subordinate to their Sire and unable to disobey direct commands. A fledgling that is granted the opportunity to consume a notable quantity of their Sire's blood again will be freed of the bond and become a True Vampire, otherwise known as a Vampire Lord, but only if their Sire was a Vampire Lord themselves. Lesser Vampires can create fledglings, but if the Sire does not become a True Vampire, their fledgling will be left precluded from being able to become a Vampire Lord as well for as long as that state persists.
Born a Seer when she was human, Veronica's magic revolves around divination, the capacity to view the past, present and future in order to gather information.
Sight of the Fated: Shows her the near future up to five seconds. Allows her to "simulate" her immediate future possibilities without committing to them until she finds one she likes. (eg. she can plan to leap through a window, and she will witness what would occur if she did/who or what is on the other side) She particularly favors using this with her archery. However, the present is always moving at least a little, and she can only make scry attempts so fast. She only has so much time in a given moment to make "guesses" and act on one before the "baseline" of her visions changes. And then she has to put up with the result. If she's facing an aware and skilled opponent, this can be particularly troublesome, especially if she has to waste time using her predictions to avoid attacks on herself rather than returning the favor.
Avert the Destined: Allows her to slip out of "phase" with the interference of the natural course of "destiny". When she enters this state, she becomes imperceptible and intangible to forces of direct mystical origin, shedding any hostile afflictions that currently linger upon her, like curses or bindings. A magical explosion and its immediate integral collateral (shockwave, small debris and such) would wash over her harmlessly, but a thrown steel beam would still ruin her day if not dodged. Divination can't see or target her. She treats magical shields and wards like they don't exist, and the barriers won't even register the intrusion. On the inverse, this separation with the mystical means she cannot affect the world with her other magic in turn until she reverts this state. This spell covers more obscure mystical phenomenon, including the "purifying" effect of the sun's rays on vampires, allowing her to be a "daywalker". (eg. this is what slipped her from her Sire's leash)
The Gift Known as the Present: Allows her to scry distant places and events that are occurring immediately in the now. The further she wants to reach and the more senses she wants to use at the targeted location at once, the more intensive the effort required, so she usually only uses sight and sound. Can be used either for short range strategic glimpses in combat, or ritualistically for spying on distant events. She can target specific individuals, but only if she knows what they look like or otherwise has some manner of catalyst related to them. She can scry any location she has seen personally, as visualization is important to the spell. Though, notably, she can expand the number of "starting points" available to her by panning her vision around a targeted location, her scrying gaze sufficient for the purposes of "marking" new places and people as "seen".
What Has Come Before: Through focused, meditative delving, allows her to wind back the clock of her vision and perceive past events that occurred in a radius of roughly 30 feet from her position. She can wind the clock forward as well, accelerating the "replay" to skip less interesting/relevant material. She can maintain this spell on the move and track events of the past up to the present as fast as she can manage to physically keep up with them. That said, she can only peer back as far as three days, so haste in reaching the "scene of the crime" is still a priority to ensure trails do not go cold.
General: Medium-Sized Brown Backpack: Compact and simple to don and doff. Change of clothes: Includes favored garb, a brown cloak, and practical full-body coverage wear for sun protection/stealth. Mundane Rations: Dry foods like jerky, dried fruit and nuts. (Sometimes used to help conceal her "condition".) Blood Rations: Several thick waterskins with blood of varying types in them (usually animal). A sip every meal period is typically enough to keep her topped off at peak performance. Scentless Soap: A standard cleanliness measure ground into her to aid non-detection. Applied whenever bathing. Coin Pouch: A padded, sectioned pouch, made to silence the jingle of coin.
Armament: Light Armor: Primarily leather over vitals, but some metal on forearms, elbows, knees, lower shins, upper sternum & shoulders. Sharpened Sai Daggers: Typically a defensive weapon, when weaponized, they make an excellent tool for liberating a victim of their eye sockets' contents, along with scrambling the brain behind them. Veronica uses them like deadly nails, punching precise holes in her foes' vitals. Throwing Knives: Not particularly deadly unless aimed well, they still make decent distractions if aimed for the face or neck. Passable for melee combat in a pinch. Far more threatening if coated with poison. Seijaku/Silence - Composite Recurve Shortbow: A bow type useful for firing while mobile. (stored in a leather waterproof case) Quiver: 30 arrow capacity. (30/30) Strapped to small of her back. Barbed & non-barbed arrows. Chigetsu/Blood Moon - War Scythe: Bathed in the blood of many lives over the decades, a strange, crimson polearm once belonging to her Sire. One end is mounted with a spearhead and the other with a scythe-head that is bladed on both edges, oriented oddly like a farming tool, rather than a typical war scythe. Normally, this weapon would be rather impractical, but it comes into its own wielded by a vampire's physicality. The scythe has the magical property to shrink down to the size of a sickle for discreet transport or return to normal (takes 5 seconds in either direction). The enchanted weapon's longevity is the result of the property of blood absorption, slowly but surely repairing itself with any sanguine essence that lingers upon its surface.
Miscellaneous/Tools: Tinderbox: Contains flint, fire steel, and dry cloth soaked in oil. Infiltration Kit: Includes a small file, lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors and pliers. Kaginawa/Grappling Hook & Rope: A sturdy, steel hook and a compact bundle of thin but very sturdy and long rope. Weapon Maintenance Kit: Includes a whetstone, rags, specialized oils, and spare bowstrings. Medic Kit: Contains bandages, gauze pads, splints, basic salves, alcohol, needles, thread, syrettes, scalpels, whiskey & biting stick. Pocket Watch: A well-maintained silver-cased device that once belonged to her Sire, it has been quite useful for tracking the sun. Compass: In good condition. Points north. Leatherbound Logbook: A coded log of information gathered during investigations. Pencils included. Maps: A small, leather-bound book. The contents are of a variety of maps of the kingdoms, particularly Kindeance. Also a variety of far more quality, larger maps kept rolled up separately. All maps are kept within a rubber-lined, waterproof case, for preservation.
Other: Blackwater is not her birth name. As a peasant, she had no family name. Rather, Blackwater is a "title" bestowed upon her by her vampiric Sire, a demonstration that she was to be molded like clay into his tool and "family". With his demise, she remains the sole "inheritor" of Blackwater's assets.
She is part of Anderson's team that managed to track the Prince's kidnappers the hard way (with a touch of her divination magic) and will likely be running into Matilda's team at the estate. It is because her typical place of long-term residence is a quite a fair distance from the Capitol that she was unable to be reached in time to join up with the main team initially.