Batman was a thing of the past.
After the mysterious death of Bruce Wayne nearly a decade prior, Gotham City only began to get worse. Several of Batman’s allies kept the fight alive but in time they all moved on. Barbara Gordon was the only one who remained and after serving on the GCPD for several years she became the new Commissioner. The city was on the edge of chaos until hope came in the form of a new street gang. The Robins fought back against the Jokerz gang and were more help than the police would ever dare to admit. While she didn’t condone putting children in the line of fire, after several arrests took place following a gang war Gordon discovered a couple of the Robins were metahumans.
Gordon knew she had a better shot at protecting Gotham with a team of metahumans, and after disbanding the Robins she took the pair of super-powered teens and began recruiting for a new team. The Titans of Gotham would come into existence with the aid of Oracle, whose identity was only known by the two former Robins gang members. The team would be comprised of metahuman teens from in and around Gotham and its neighboring cities. Gordon gave the team access to an underground bunker that was built for Batman and his allies years prior to his death. The bunker itself was practically a miniature Bat-Cave complete with a 3D printer and costuming device. It appeared as if one of the Robins, Spoiler, and Batgirl had used the secret HQ last; however everything was covered with dust.
Gotham itself was something of a sight. While it wasn’t quite the Neo Gotham some envisioned for the future, it was well on its way there. Industrial Park had already begun to embrace the future technologies of the world, as did the GCPD and other emergency services. The police, fire department, and EMS crews all had access to hover cars and vehicles. The Bat-signal that used to sit on the old GCPD building was still on the roof of the new building, and the coup de grass for any tours of the department. The criminal element of the city had also adapted. Bane’s daughter had taken over his Venom operation, pushing new patches called slappers on everyone from athletes, to gym junkies, and even law enforcement. After the disbanding of the Robins, the Jokerz gang decided it had nothing better to do than go to war with itself and now there were two factions fighting for criminal supremacy. A vigilante known as Peace Keeper 01 was also wreaking havoc executing criminals for the pettiest of crimes, as well as a couple crooked cops he didn’t even bother exposing before murdering in a public area. He gained favor with the citizens of Gotham after taking down Poison Ivy and Black Mask, however more recently after firing on and killing several citizens for speeding he’s went off the deep end.
Who will answer the call of Oracle?

@Silver Carrot – Wireframe – wire shifting – F – 17
@FalloutJack – Trask – techno being – M – 15
@Blizz – Monolith – strength and durability – M – 17
@Skwint – Ghost – invisibility and intangibility – M – 18
@Lady Mischief – Shade Walker – shadow teleportation – F – 16
@Omega Man – Bolt – electricity generation and manipulation – M – 18
@Birdboy – Purple Haze – mist form – M – 18
So… the stage is set and we’re about to start defending the futuristic streets of Gotham. I’m already partially finished with the opening post for the IC, and once the actual post is ready the rest is just copy/pasting rules and such from some of my other RPs. As you can see there’s a cliff notes version of the cast in this opening post with everyone’s age, powers, etc. Everyone go ahead and repost your accepted CS’s in the character tab.
If anyone would like to join a Discord server for the RP, sound off in the replies and we’ll get one going. I don’t wanna bother if it’s just two or three of us.
GM Notes 6/18/23 – Working on finishing up the IC to get it posted tonight. Might try and make a few micros for this if I get time if anybody wants one.