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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie couldn't help but smile. He knew Colby didn't mean it in a creepy way, like how Edward creepily watched Bella as she slept. No. This was more loving, more endearing than something like that. He kissed him back, his smile faltering for a moment as he heard the knock on the door. Lucky for them it was just their dads. Unfortunately for them however it was their dad's. His eyes became narrow slits and he gave the door an unamused glare before he heard the sounds of them receding away.

"No privacy here I swear. It's like living on the set of Cheaper by the Dozen. Besides, I don't even know what all they'd think we do with so many people around here." Maddie said with a cheeky smile towards Colby. It was nice however, having this small familial interaction. Like living out a scene from a teenage sitcom. The kind where there were valuable life lessons while holding the image of a perfect family. "You're sure we can't stay and cuddle a bit more?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 18 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Tower

Cass waved off Rose’s help after her father checked in on them. ”Thank’s dad,” she said and stood up. Cassiopeia took a few steps on the leg, testing how much weight it could take. It felt a little sore, but it felt strong. Cass figured she could handle being on it for short spurts, but the long-term would probably be a problem. By the end of the day, Cass expected herself to be exhausted.
Once dressed, she followed Rose downstairs, her hands on Rose’s shoulders for balance as she hobbled down. She sat down next to Layla, eating off her plate.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower

Willow’s shoulder heated where Sierra’s hand rested. She glanced at it, surprised and confused. Willow reached out, touching Sierra’s hand to see if it really was that warm. It wasn’t. Willow’s cheeks flushed when she realised what she had done.
”Sorry,” she stammered and quickly busied herself with getting food. What was wrong with her? Since meeting Sierra, Willow was gradually feeling increasingly confused about how being around Sierra or even just talking to her was making her feel. She liked guys, flirted with the ones she liked, dated and had sex with, but there was something about Sierra that Willow couldn’t get out of her head.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 min ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

She wasn't sure what all to do yet since they were still sort of waiting around for everyone else to show up in general. Right now they still had issues to deal with and no idea what to do in the first place. So that was fun, Rosalia just wanted this whole situation to be over with. That might take a while though still, so here she was hoping things turned out alright.

Her attention shifted towards Flynn when he walked over to her handing her a cup of coffee which she did accept. She took a sip of it, and sort of shrugged in response to his question. "Alright, wanting things to hurry up and get done already since sitting around doing nothing clearly tends to work out well for everyone," she responded, not really wanting to sit around doing nothing all day or anything.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

He was kind of glad that they seemed to sort of be hurrying to get everyone to the main area. Made it so they could actually get started with everything. Of course, he was still wondering what exactly was the plan going to be, hence why he was sort of wanting to rush everyone into the main area. Since that way they could finally figure out what Merlin's plan was going to be, whatever it is.

Turning to look towards Belle, he nodded his head, "Yup, kind of curious to hear what this big idea is going to end up being for how we do everything, but as ready as anyone could ever be really," he said to her. Jack looked to see the bright light that came from outside. However considering the fact that no one seemed to be overly concerned about it, it probably was an ally or something that had caused it.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"No need to be sorry." Sierra said looking at Willow and smiled towards her as she started to eat her breakfast she had a plate of scrambled eggs, and some sausage as well to. "So what is the plan exactly?" Sierra asked Merlin as he set the genie lamp down onto the table. Everyone seemed to be down now for the most part except for the boys who were still taking their time getting down here, right now they needed to get their plan into motion. "The plan is going to be a two pronged attack, with the forces of Atlantica they will attack the front gate and keep Maleficent's forces distracted." Merlin said as Eric listened in and nodded slightly as Merlin then started to speak up once more.

"The smaller group will be Robin Hood's men, they will take the genie lamp, and sneak inside the castle and they will unleash the genie make whatever wish you'd like that would help with the battle and wish him free. And then confront Maleficent herself, and trap her inside of the lamp sealing her off for good." Merlin said as Robin Hood spoke up.

"We can use that entrance we came into the day before and sneak inside." Robin Hood suggested as Merlin nodded slightly Seirra leaned back slightly as she started to think for a moment, the idea seemed well enough to her. "We'll need volunteers for whos going into which group." Merlin said as Sierra turned to look at Willow. "Which do you want to go with?" She asked her, she was thinking with going with her parent's forces.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla looked at her sister and smiled as she went over and sat down next to her gently giving her sister a playful nudge. "About time you showed up." She said teasingly as she continued to eat her breakfast and listened in on the plan that Merlin had come up with and nodded slightly. She already knew who she was going to be going with right now as she looked at her father who suggested the entrance that they entered through the night before.

Gabreilla was standing next to Megan she grabbed some bread and a handful of fruit as well to the plan seemed to be well enough to her as she watched Megan's parents talking amongst themselves. She was curious what they were talking about as she started to assume that it was something to do with the incoming attack. "I'll go with whatever you decide." She said with a slight shrug towards Megan Belle turned to face Jack. "Which are you going on?" She asked her son wondering what he had in mind on going with Flynn started to think he did prefer to stay in the shadows and was leaning to being on the sneaking in group.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Rose got some food onto a plate for herself and Cassi to split. She listened to the plan. The use of the genie was an interesting add."Maybe we should have a plan for what to ask would be a good idea. God knows asking for something under stress would be a bad idea. We could ask for something that wouldn't be helpful or make things worse." Rose suggested.

She took a bite of her food. It wasn't a lot and wasn't great, but considering everything it was good. "Even if it is a general request." She shrugs.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

"As much as I'd love to hide away all day up here, we should get down there. They are making plans on how to deal with Maleficent. We need to be part of that." Colby said. He also was super curious what the plan was with the genie. That was a big ace in the hole for them. Though he suspected by now Maleficent would be aware of the item being stolen.

"Let's go." Colby stood up and headed for the door, waiting for Maddie to join him before heading down. He heard the group talking, catching only a bit of the conversation. Something from Hood about a secret door. Damn they had missed something already. All well. Maybe Willow would fill them in.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 18 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Tower

Cassiopeia listened to Merlin explain the plan to them. Of course, Cass would go with her father and his men. She was good at sneaking around and figured her skills could be of best use there. She looked at Layla and nodded in agreement with her sister. They needed to have a wish plan.
”I agree. We need to figure out something concrete to ask. Something that ensures we can get in without being detected have the upper hand, and release the Genie.” She remembered Aladdin’s three wishes, but they didn’t need to look like royalty. They may need to be saved, but only time will tell.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower

Willow started to eat to keep from embarrassing herself further. She listened to the two descriptions of the groups and made the decision. Although it made her nervous, she knew she made a great distraction. She had already helped her mother in that department, and even though Willow had never used her kickboxing training in a real fight, she did have the skills.
Everyone started talking amongst themselves, splitting into groups, and Willow looked at her mom. However, Sierra spoke to her first. Willow cleared her throat before replying.
”I think I’ll go with the distraction group. I already did that with my mom, and we were pretty good at it.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie knew that Colby was right. They needed to be down there, to be a part of the plans. But…he couldn't help but want to just hide away from it all. He wasn't afraid that they might die, or that they'd lose, or even that they'd get captured. He was afraid that this would be it. The adventure would end. That scared him the most. He felt like he'd been in this for so long now, he didn't know what to do with the after. How did one live happily ever after? This tragedy brought him and Colby closer than the real world ever did, and he didn't know which way Colby felt. They hand one foot in each realm, and Maddie couldn't help but wonder if Colby would still wish to be with him when they weren't constantly on the run.

"Right. Can't let them make all the decisions or we might get some goofy plan involving fake mustaches and a chained up wookie." Maddie quipped before standing up and following Colby down the stairs. He'd caught the tail end, curious as to exactly what the plan was but sure enough that if they were looking for a secret entrance they'd expect to have a covert team. "If stealth is your aim then Colby and I are the game. We've worked a bit on our magic while you all were away. Can easily cover an assault or sneak others in under the cover of fog or with an aetherial step. What do you think Colbs?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 min ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded, thinking over the plan. It was somewhat amusing, trapping Maleficent inside of a lamp - especially if they could encase the lamp in concrete afterwards, to ensure no one could ever free her. It was a cruel and unusual punishment. She wondered if Maleficent would be able to die - or if she would just exist forever, frozen in a hellish limbo. She liked that idea. There was a grim poetry to it. She turned her head, as Gabriella said that she would go wherever Megan went. Megan didn't know much about her expertise, beyond the fact that Gabriella clearly had some sort of necromantic powers.

However, the choice that she made didn't end up being one based on strategy - and more by the vibe of those who had already decided. The irritating boy from yesterday was going to go on the lamp team. Fine. Megan was better off in the more combative situation at the gates anyways, with excalibur at her side. "I'll go with the group attacking the gate," Megan said.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 min ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Rosalia was only slightly paying attention to what was going on, but she did manage to get the jist of what the plan was. Namely two groups, the direct attack on the front, and the sneaky sneaky group going into the area. However the one thing that caught her attention was that the two annoying guys who decided to show up late to the party were wanting to go on the sneaking group. Hell no to that. Which basically cemented her choice as to which group she wanted to go with.

"I was going to say I wanted to go with the stealth group anyway, however you two are the last people who should be going on a stealth mission," she snapped, pointing at the pair, "You caused us issues by being stupid the instant we got here or did someone forget the whole incident with someone disturbing the dead when they were told specifically not to and all of us getting attacked by skeletons? Plus the best thing you two would be for a stealth mission would be as bait to distract anyone from disturbing us. Not to mention anyone whose read a fairy tale could tell you that genie magic is different then normal magic, and probably a hell of a lot better then anything you could come up with. So yeah no, especially if you are deciding to be on that group I'd be going because it's the group I'd genuinely do better with, but also to keep you idiots from getting us all killed within two seconds."

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

The plan was certainly an interesting one to say the least. Not sure how it was really a good one in his mind, and it certainly was a bit of an odd one to say the least. Others were starting to say which group they were wanting to go with, and Jack was wondering what was going on with the people who were even wanting to go with the stealth group. Over all of it, he heard Megan mention going with the front assaulting group.

Jack wasn't exactly the best in combat, however he could throw fireballs which could prove effective if he figured out how to properly throw them to not roast anyone else. "I'll go with the group attacking the front gates too," he answered Belle with a shrug. It was probably for the best that not a million people went with the stealth group anyway, made things a hell of a lot easier for them that way. He was wondering a bit how this was all going to play out though with everyone trying to figure out who was going with who.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra listened to everyone as they started to pick which one that they were going with she looked at Willow and smiled at her when she said that she was going with the front gate group. Which was really nice as she heard Rosalia suddenly speak up when the boys finally decided to join them all downstairs. She did have a point Colby and Maddie did tend to be slightly chaotic together, and that was the last thing that they needed for a stealth mission. Merlin spoke up looked at Rosalia and then at the boys for a moment, he was going to be helping with the stealth group. "I would suggest one of you go with the attack group, they'll need some extra aide on the magic side of things. Since I'll be aiding the stealth group." Merlin suggested.

Gabriella looked at Megan and smiled as she said she would be on the front gate group which was fine with her. "I'll summon an army of the dead to help out to." She said, she was good with necromancy she however wasn't good with other schools of magic. "I'll go with the front gate group as well to." Red said figuring that the stealth group needed to be smaller. "And the remaining knights of the round table will meet us in front of Maleficent's castle." King Arthur said as he looked at Megan giving her a smile, it would be nice for the rest of the knights to meet up once more.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla looked at the boys when they finally showed up, they were certainly late for the party as she listened to them, having both of them in the stealth group probably wasn't the best. One she could deal with but having both and having some kind of disaster happening wasn't really a good thing. "We'll all need weapons and armor." Layla pointed out as Eric turned to look at her and smiled slightly. "Weapons and armor won't be an issue we have more than a few to spare for those who need it." Eric told her which made Layla feel better she knew that some of these people didn't really have fighting experience.

"So when do we leave?" Layla asked she wanted to get ready and get the show in the road and get rid of Maleficent once and for all she went to finish eating the last of her food and get herself geared up. "Once everyone has picked where they wanted to go and we can start the march over there." Merlin answered.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 18 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Inside Tower

So, apparently, figuring out the wishes needed to ask the Genie to survive this mission was less important than gaining up on the wonder twins, who were late to the party. Cassiopeia rolled her eyes at Rose and crossed her arms. Guess they would just wing it since Cass had no idea what they would need to ask. Layla brought up weapons, and Eric had the answers. Cassiopeia grinned and sat up.
”That sounds more fun. Let’s get stocked up. I need more arrows for sure.” Cassiopeia also required new throwing knives and maybe a few daggers. Cass was much better with long-range weaponry, but if she was going to be on the stealth team, she needed something for close-range attacks.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower

Willow frowned when Colby and Matthew started to receive poor character reviews. She understood maybe the need to split the groups up more, but she disagreed with the statement that they were the last people who should be in that group.
”Actually, when we were in Agrabah, they snuck into the vault and stole the lamp for us with their fathers. They are pretty good at stealth. They were even going undetected with Jafar and Rumpelstiltskin in the room.” Sure, they had screwed up with the skeleton things and got them all nearly killed, but they were doing better. All of them were doing better.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 min ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan's dark, barely beating heart kicked into a flurry. Her and Gabriella, at the front of an army of the dead, surging the gates? It was the most romantic scene she could picture. Or well, almost the most romantic one. The only thing that could improve it would be if one of them were a vampire, fangs biting into the flesh of the other. Perhaps another time. Moonlight would be nice too. Perhaps some better clothing... Megan made mental note of these ideas. She'd propose them to Gabriella later.

However, her attention was then caught by her father's announcement that the rest of his knights would be meeting at the gates of the castle. Something clicked inside of her in that moment. She wanted that for herself. She wanted to be a knight. The black knight, even - the morose energy of it felt appealing to Megan. She had excalibur. She wasn't interested in being a princess - that all sounded rather dreadfully boring and dull.

She already had her armor and weapon - the armor was part of the magic ring she had acquired, with her family's seal. She was ready at any moment. She raised an eyebrow, a bit curious at Rosalia's outburst. She'd almost forgotten about that entire business. Well, who had caused it, at any rate. "If you're going to fight to the death, I'd like to watch," Megan said dryly to those three.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Rose rolled her eyes a bit. She didn't like either Rosalia or Colby. They both seemed to think they were in the right all the time. But this place was different than back home. There were some things you couldn't avoid. But she remembered the fight the two of them had had, and at the time she had sided with Rosalia. Colby was an idiot.

Rose still hadn't determined which team she wanted to go with. She could do either. She wouldn't consider herself 'stealthy' but she was a hunter. She was better at it than most, but specifically in the wilderness. Traipsing around a castle was not what she considered an environment that she'd be skilled at. She was leaning more toward the assault group.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby was about to snap, but Willow stood up for him. He gave her a small smile. "I actually don't care which team I go with. I've got something up my sleeve for either. Sowing some chaos for distraction, or getting in somewhere I'm not supposed to be. I'm good at both." Colby didn't even think he was bragging there. He had done plenty of petty sneaking about, and yeah, he could cause a good distraction if called for.

He looked at Merlin. "I can go with team distraction." He felt he was being unjustly blamed for the skeleton thing. That was ages ago (like two days), and no one had gotten seriously hurt in the long run. He also just didn't care what Rosalia thought. He could forget her as soon as she was out of sight and be a happier person for it.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 min ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Well people seemed to at least agree that Matthew and Colby shouldn't be together on this run. She didn't seem to have much of an opinion on Matthew yet aside from the fact that he was constantly with Colby. Which in her mind gave him about as many brain cells as Colby did, so she had decided that she didn't like him either. Oh well, not a whole lot that they could do about it at this point, she just hoped that Matthew would choose to ignore Merlin's suggestion and actually go with Colby on the non-stealth group. Would make her life easier.

Everyone was taking too long to make their choices, which meant that they had a whole lot more issues. The longer they sat around doing nothing, the longer everything would take and the better chance that they'd be prevented from achieving their goals. Rosalia rolled her eyes at Megan, "It wouldn't be a contest I'm not much of an actual fighter but pretty sure he'd lose still," she commented to her.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

The arguments were definitely interesting to listen to to say the least. A few of them seemed to be arguing over who was in what group and someone bringing up the whole skeleton incident again (which was a fun memory to look back on). He was just sort of leaning bac to watch all of this unfold. Of course, it didn't surprise him that Megan had decided to comment on the ensuing shenanigans and the idea of a fight between the trio that were at the center of all of this.

Jack thought that while that might be a bit of an entertaining sort of scuffle, they didn't exactly have time for that sort of thing to happen. They really needed to get moving so that they hopefully would stop Maleficent before she got to the other world to wreck havoc there. Which meant that those three sitting there bickering the entire time was only going to cause more issues for them in the long run.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra was glad that there was some weapons that they were being provided by her parent's army for those that needed it, she didn't really want to be apart of the argument on who else is going where. "Lets go and get geared up." Sierra said looking at Willow and smiled towards her as she gently patted her on the shoulder and headed outside. Outside there was a good number of troops from Atlantica, enough that could fight against Malefiecent's army. She headed towards a cart that looked like it was a mini armory of sorts and the merperson manned it smiled as they waved her over. "We'lll fit you up with the right armor and weapons you need." They said as they motioned towards someone else who was working with the armor.

Gabriella smiled slightly as she snapped her fingers and a set of bone looking armor along with a blank torn looking cloak and a staff that was made with bone, a skull with green looking gems were in place where the eye sockets should be. "Shall we get ready then?" Gabriella said looking at Megan as Arthur and Guinevere headed out of the room as well to in order to get changed as well to. A door could be heard opening as Lancelot came out of the room that he was in, still injured but it looked like he was doing better than he had been while looking at Megan.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Merlin was glad that Colby decided to go with the distraction team they would certainly need someone else with magic on there as he turned to look at everyone else that was in the room. "If you are going i'd suggest getting set up then. I'll open a portal to the front of the castle once everyone is set and ready to go." Merlin said as he started to head out of the tower and he started the spell to get the massive portal started.

"C'mon lets go sis and Rose." Layla said as she started to get up and started to follow shortly behind Sierra where she was getting fitted for some armor. She definitely preferred lighter armor more than anything really there she was started to be fitted with it and started to grab some more throwing knives as well as a bow to. "Are you ready Jack?" Belle asked her son looking over at him, as everyone seemed to be getting ready now, Flynn quickly snapped his fingers and left and headed into a nearby room and came back handing Rosalia a rather nice looking dagger.

"Hopefully you won't need it but just in case you need to use it." Flynn said even though he knew that she wasn't really much of a fighter she did need to defend herself. Rapunzel was seen as she was gathering as much medical supplies that she needed as well to, she was going with the distraction group but she would stay behind and help with the wounded. Those that were already outside Merlin could be seen opening up a rather massive looking portal.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 18 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Outside Tower - Team Genie

Cass followed her sister, pulling Rose along. She smiled cheekily at Rose before kissing her cheek. ”This is kind of fun, hey? I mean, I know we are going to battle against some intense people, and we are in a place that, a few weeks ago, I thought Disney had created, but it’s fun. Getting ready for a fight, a hunt.” Cassiopeia’s skin tingled from the idea of it. She always enjoyed the morning of a hunt. Of course, she was usually up at five o’clock in the morning with the promise of caffeine and bacon.
Cassiopeia got similar armour to her sister’s. Something she could move around in easily but adequately protect her. She grabbed a couple of knives and a quiver full of arrows. She took her usual bow with some extra string should the worst happen. Cassiopeia tucked everything away and surveyed the room. Several conversations were happening around them, and there was a nervous energy about them.

Willow Jones

Location: Outside Tower - Distraction Team

The nervous energy in the room started to affect Willow. She began wringing her hands together, unsure where she should go. Sierra’s hand rested on Willow’s shoulder then, startling Willow momentarily. ”Oh, right. Yes, let’s go.” Willow nodded and followed Sierra outside. All the while, she kept wringing her hands.
Once outside, Willow looked around at all the new faces and warriors. She stood in line, waiting for supplies and swallowed nervously. ”Aren’t you nervous?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 min ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan wasn't amused by Rosalia's boasts that she could beat Colby instantly. Unfortunately, it was all rather dull and boring. Just empty words being thrown back and forth. It wasn't enough to hold her attention, particularly as they were preparing to march off to war. She fiddled with her signet ring, and her suit of armor appeared around her. It was standard armor for the knights of Camelot, complete with the Pendragon crest. She didn't have a shield or anything along those lines, but Megan had never fought with a shield before - she had studied how to fight through the lens of fencing, where such things were unheard of.

Her parents left the room, only for Lancelot to enter. "I hope you aren't planning on coming," Megan said bluntly to Lancelot. "Unless you intend to die today." He was still wounded and going to the battle was only going to be unneeded risk. She paused for a moment, before taking Gabriella's hand and going outside, to where Merlin was beginning to construct the portal. Her cold dead heart beat a little quicker.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 min ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

She was still not thrilled that people wanted Colby or Matthew to end up in any of the groups since they were walking disasters. However if she did have to choose one, she'd prefer to have Matt with whatever group she was in. But she'd prefer to actually have neither of them, but the world couldn't be perfect at all. Oh well, nothing that could be done about it for the most part, they just had to get going with this whole thing already.

Rosalia turned to look at Flynn when he came over to her and handed her a dagger to hold onto. She looked at it for a moment, not super thrilled at being handed it, but also fully understanding why she now had it. "Thanks, I think, though as mentioned, hopefully won't have to use it or anything," she said with a shrug, more then ready for them to see about heading off on their mission.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

People were starting to head out and everything with regards to the plan, which wasn't really a plan just sort of seemed like a lot of it at this point was coming down to luck or something like that. There wasn't a whole lot that they really could do at this point besides head in and hope for the best. So that was something to say the least. His attention shifted towards his mother now as she came up to talk to him.

"Yeah, as ready as possible anyway," he told her. He had the sword that he found a while back, even though he wasn't exactly the best when it came to sword fighting. But he did have access to magic naturally, so all else fails he throws a fireball and hope that he doesn't burn everyone in sight. That's what he had for skills that would be useful in this situation, so here was hoping it worked out in the end for them.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Rose smiled. "Yeah." She nodded. She was a bit scared though. This was going to be a big fight. The skirmishes she had been fine with. Those had been small groups. This would be a whole lot of people. Rose didn't have stage fright or anything. She enjoyed public speaking and performing. Especially with stuff like her archery.

She also had come to realize she didn't care if she killed someone. That didn't bother her. She wondered if part of her still saw this all as a story. That killing here didn't really count. But that wasn't true. Not really. She knew though that Maleficent and her people were planning on attacking Kansas. Stupid really. But Kansas couldn't hold up against magic. A lot of people would die if that happened. Even if the attack eventually failed. The US would be difficult to take down really. So she put aside her concerns and thought of a few people back in Kansas that she wanted to make sure were safe from this.

She gathered armor and arrows for herself. Helping Cassiopeia as she needed. Rose was a bit worried about her going out into a battle injured. But she didn't say anything it was Cass's choice. "I just hope we can stop this once and for all."

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby rolled his eyes. He actually knew how to fistfight. God knew he had been in enough. But he honestly did not care at this point. He just wanted to get this whole thing over with. He wanted to not be fighting. He wanted to just be able to live.

He leaned against Maddie and then jumped up and started getting ready. He got his cat Silky, the magic one, not the mundane one from home. Though he gave Jackson Galaxy some love too. He figured having the magic cat with him on 'team cause a distraction' would be great. Colby also got some light armor, it covered his torso, it wasn't a lot, but it was better than nothing.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie should've anticipated that Rosalia would immediately instigate things. She didn't know them, or their capabilities. Damn the fact that they're the reason why they have a genie in the first place, or how they snuck into the Palace of none other than Jafar while Rumple was present. Or even the fact that under those twos very noses they snuck into a Forbidden vault, snatched the key item needed for this whole attack plan, and avoided getting caught by the guards before finally making their way back here before Rosalia's team deigned to even come here. She had no right to talk, no right to tell them where they could and couldn't go. He'd hoped that Merlin would back him up but instead he wanted him and Colby to split up.

Maddie felt like they were being attacked, no one was on their side until Willow spoke up. Someone who bore witness to how well the pair could do when not being bogged down by the others. But before Maddie could utter a word Colby had already rolled over and chosen to leave the stealth team. Granted he didn't blame him, who'd want to be stuck with Rosalia of all people? He felt the light tap of Colby against him before it vanished and his boyfriend began to walk away. He didn't want to be separated, but that was Merlin's wish. Maddie ran towards Colby, gripping him around the waist from behind. "You come back to me ok? No heroics. I can't lose you too."
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