Hello, and welcome to the third attempt of Palm Beach Royals: Class Reunion. The premise is as straightforward as the title suggests: adults in their late 20’s that graduated from one of the most prestigious private schools in the country: King's Academy. We will collaboratively write the story of our character(s) as they get reacquainted with old friends, lovers and/or enemies while celebrating the tenth anniversary of their high school graduation during one glorious night aboard a luxurious, one of a kind yacht: The Thousand Sunny.
- The approach of this roleplay is the lines of a Freeform series: comedic drama between characters, hookups, affairs, embarrassing moments, etc.
- I kindly ask that no angst or any situation that dampens the mood of the rp take place, since the point of the rp is to keep it as entertaining and funny as possible.
- Considering we’ll be writing adults, situations including swearing, alcohol, drugs, sex (following guild rules or course), etc. are to be expected.
- Please use one post per character in both the IC tab and the Character tab.
- Two characters per player max (2 are not obligatory! Only make what you can handle!)
- No WIPs are to be posted in the Character Tab, and please make sure to @ or DM me on Discord when submitting your finished sheet.
- While there will be no relations sheets, all characters must at least know of each other-- small private school, after all.
- There is no obligation or expectation to go extra on sheets or posts! The vibe is basic + low stress.
- There will be no posting deadlines, but expect a nudge from me if things get a little too quiet!
- Communication is key, so if you ever find yourself on a bind or lost on what to do, please don't hesitate to reach out for assistance.
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