The Current Situation
A dull headache, one that’s familiar to many dreamers. The feeling one gets when they’re a bit too close to insomulite. Not quite as bad as having Dream-suppressant cuffs on, but enough to reduce one’s dream to a mere whisper of its standard strength. Even without opening one’s eyes it’s painfully obvious that the situation isn’t particularly favorable. The dry warmth of a metal floor as well as the uncomfortable feeling one gets after being haphazardly tossed into a cage barely tall enough to stand in. A faint buzz of a few dozen people chattering and cheering nearby at least confirmed that this wasn't in the middle of the wasteland.
Richtor stirred a bit before wobbling to his feet, the pain in his head amplified by the realization that he’d been whacked in the head by something pretty heavy. His memories of recent events were blurred at best. Whoever got him got him pretty damn good. A quick look around revealed that he was in some sort of cage, a single stone hard stuck to the ground…Definitely the culprit behind his inability to smash his way out. He could see a few equally cramped looking cages arranged in either direction. Even he could suss out that they probably held Dreamers too. Looking around the area didn’t exactly make things more optimistic.

The area around the cages was walled in, like some sort of impromptu arena complete with a crowd in the stands patiently looking down upon them all. At the tallest point of the spectator area was a middle aged man on some sort of makeshift throne flanked by a bodyguard on either side. Anyone that’s been outside the cities for more than a week could guess he was either a warlord or at minimum wanted to carry himself as if he were. Upon noticing the people in the cages stirring he stood up and shouted to the crowd and the imprisoned Dreamers.
“Welcome to this week’s show! Had to call in quite a few favors to get those cages…But the fruit of those labors is going to be one of the best brawls any of you have ever seen. Our acquisitions team alongside a few independent mercenaries have been busy snatching up dreamers from the area, burning up a few settlements, ambushing some idiots on the roads. No method’s too much for a chance to see a show like this one.” The man boasted proudly.
Richtor rubbed the back of his head upon hearing the ambushing comment. He felt a bit of dried blood on the relatively fresh wound. Still, he wanted to see this show he’d apparently been kidnapped for.
“These Dreamers before you have one great reason to fight!” The man spoke up, promising an answer for the silent question likely forming in the more intelligent ones’ heads. “Their freedom, of course, as well as a nice little trinket.” He said, patting a box before partly opening it. The glint of a decently sized purple crystal causing the crowd to gasp. One that size could pay for a few months worth of supplies. The crowd began to chant ‘Lord Morski’ over and over as the man was clearly eating up the excitement and praise.
Richtor stood up and tried to just open the cage, the door was shoddily built but just sturdy enough to not give at a normal push. Rearing back, he kicked the cage as hard as he could with his power suppressed causing the rusty fragile lock to snap and the door to fall off. He blinked at how poorly made the whole thing was. Honestly, it looked like something he’d glue together back in his free time back when he was a kid…though he imagined the glue would have held a bit better than that.
A shocked gasp omitted from the crowd as ‘Lord Morski’ looked down a bit surprised. What kind of idiot kicks a metal door? With a gesture, the remaining cages opened as well. “I guess someone was eager...Just take the wind out of my sails why don’t you.” He said, slightly deflated at the clueless blonde that was just looking around, clearly lost. Had he not even been listening?