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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Angel's share was never a busy inn.

Managed by a man in his late twenties named Lucas, who would frown when people refer to his establishment as a tavern, it provides the best hospitality service you could find in the entire Rascade.

Really, it cost him a large sum of money from his late Father's inheritance to turn what once looked like a building of debauchery into a respectable establishment worthy of respectable patrons. By the direction of his newfound investor, the south wall was demolished to facilitate the re-direction of the main door toward the city plaza, the second floor was fully revamped, and the interior was renovated and all was maintained with utmost hygiene. The change was drastic indeed, but certainly needed.

Yet despite all of that, the inn and its fancy rooms had never seen much occupancy since its grand opening four months ago. He thought it was simply because they opened their door at the wrong season, but then came the spring and the situation was not improving.

At least until their competitor, The Black Swann suddenly closed their doors a week ago after some nasty fights broke out in the establishment. Lucas never really cared about other people's business, but he couldn't help but eavesdrop on his patrons' swaggering even when he didn't want to; apparently, a dockhand had his jugular sliced open with a broken bottle after picking a fight with a bunch of immigrants. What an idiotic way to die.

It was another busy night when a man barged in and startled the manager. Lucas was quick to recall his practiced courtesy and be ready should the man require a check-in. Unfortunately, the man ignored him and beelined toward the table in the middle of the room and sat there.

"Oy! Where is the table service?"

Rather unusual for his waiter to be this slow, but Lucas chose to not play the role of tough manager to this new staff. It was his investor who endorsed her, so he actually has not much to say about it. Nonetheless, it was not an entirely bad deal; she was decent enough for the job, and pretty too.

"...a bottle of grog for the gentleman." Said the maid.

Lucas begrudgingly pulled out a cask of rum from the cupboard under his table and mixed it with caramelized water. Hesitantly giving it to the maid and watched as she swiftly walked back to the man's table.

Really? Just a grog? Of all the finest drink he could serve the man asked for diluted liquor? He could already predict the payment would be paltry.

The man sat there, alone. One of the other patrons from the next table, a merchant's handyman nudged the man. "Mind tellin me the story of your fondness for a weak drink?"

The man's nose wrinkled, but he ignored him. The handyman, upon realizing the man sitting next to him was not feeling friendly retreated to his group, interjecting the ongoing conversation with a thinly disguised remark about the strange fellow next to them.

"Back when I was a grunt defending the western province from mechean monkeys, grog was all we had," he grumbled, before sipping his drink.

"Some sort of veteran aren't you?" asked one of the handyman's tablemates. Lucas recognized him as a low-ranking noble who had been regular just a few days ago.

"Good sir, thank you for your service!" this time another patron, an assistant dockmaster with a scar on his face joined them. "It was a shame they relieved you from your duty so early. Especially when the war is already upon us."

Lucas wasn't so sure if it was just mere pleasantries or if there was a hidden meaning. The veteran sipped his drink, slower this time as if suppressing a growl. And then to no one in particular, he spoke. "There will be no war, our king doesn't want it."

"It's not decided yet." said the nobleman.

"Honestly what's the problem with our king?" said the dockmaster. "Meche has gone too far and we have been too soft on them."

"Ain't that the truth? Cowardice seemed to have seeped deeper into our proud city."

There was a silence.

"War is a bad business, my friend. And our king knows that." answered the nobleman. Then, to the dockmaster he continued. "And you should know that. Rascade got ships docking in her harbor because this place is peaceful. War means this water is dangerous and no captain would sail into a dangerous water. Means no money for you, Dockmaster, and everyone else. Peace brings prosperity."

"Stop speaking with your ass! What's the use of prosperity when our dignity is trampled?"

"Excuse me, what?"

"Ain't nobody trample our dignity, old man!" an off-duty soldier joined in, and immediately he and that veteran eyed each other intensely. "Rascade is still standing. People are free to do whatever they please and everyone feels safe."

The veteran, not backing off even when facing an official, suddenly slammed his mug against the table. "You too speak like a fool! What's your name? What's your unit? How could a nation be safe when the king was attacked under our nose? Right in the heart of our city? Don't you at least feel ashamed?"

The inn suddenly got frenetic. Lots of people had been muttering assent or disagreement, either with the sentiments expressed or the people expressing them. But this time they became even more thunderous when the veteran mentioned the attack four months ago. Of course, everyone remembered that, and of course, everyone was still antsy with the outcome. Although the so-called mastermind had been publicly polished, the resentment still remained. And the veteran's bold complaints resonate well with the populace.

"Don't you all notice? Things turned for the worse after our king appointed that orc woman as his bodyguard." the dockmaster chimed in again. "Wouldn't be surprised if she was actually an enemy spy! Why was our king so unwi--"

Another soldier, broader and taller than the previous stepped in, and was now towering in front of the dockmaster. "Careful, good sir. Nobody talk bad about His Highness and Captain Matilda unless he wants to spend the rest of his days without teeth!"

"Last time I checked Kindeance was a free nation!" Rigid with a seemingly bottled-up rage, the veteran stood up from his seating and faced the taller soldier. Not sure what happened next, but the situation jumped from a passive-aggressive standoff into an act of flipping the table, showing everyone that he too could be as menacing as a fully trained royal guard.

Lucas' who had been a spectator found himself jolted by a sudden ditching. The manager instinctively yelled from the counter. "Hey! You all will pay for the damage! And take your fight outside!"

"Shut up you pathetic wuss!" Barked the veteran. Now completely lost it, he faced the soldier again and spoke with unrestrained belligerence. "What the fuck are you doing soldier? Threatening people for telling the truth? Is this Kindeance I once defended with my life and limbs? Peaceful my ass! Have you seen what happened in Fanghorn? And what did our king do? Nothing! Are you folks waiting for it to happen in Rascade as well?"


Now stepping on the broken glass like nobody's business, the veteran addressed the crowd "Good folk, do you think the city is safe? While the spies are among us? While our king sits idly?


"Can you feel safe knowing our soldiers are useless the King would rather entrust our problem to be solved by suspicious foreigners?!!"


More people joined it, surrounding them with their rabid cheering. The soldier, who didn't want to lose face rushed to grab the Veteran's collar, intending to make him stop. But the veteran handily evaded the grip and elbowed his face, before landing a well-placed kick onto the soldier's midsection. Sending him away across the room to hit an unoccupied table.

Victorious, he raised his hands, and more people celebrated around him jeered at the soldier.

"Wayne was killed by some immigrant ruffians and what they got? A prison sentence!"

"My family at Fanghorn had to live through the winter in a hovel!"

"There is no justice at all, these soldiers are a big fat disgrace!"

The situation escalated badly everyone seemed all too eager to be the next bruiser. But the veteran was the man of the show. Menacingly he approached the downed guard, ready to give him another beating before a hand grabbed his wrist, and everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

There was an attempt to retaliate, weak and pitiful the maid didn't give him a chance. Three consecutive blows landed on the veteran's jaw; the first blow staggered him, the second weakened him, and the third put him unconscious.

The crowd suddenly lost its buildup.

"What was everybody doing there For? Do you want me to report you all for the assault and property damage? Pay your tabs and get out of my tavern! I am calling more guards now!"

There he was. Lucas was so mad he didn't realize he used the word Tavern instead of Inn. But what the hell! What was the difference anyway if the place was this disorderly?

The night ended just like that. After the maid dragged the unconscious veteran's body out of the tavern and tossed him onto the cold sidewalk, Angel's Share finally closed its door.


Several hours later, the veteran woke up. The world felt like spinning, but with his remaining unexpressed rage, he managed to find the inn's door and banged it several times before the vibration sent a pang to his jaw. Only by then he gave up, and limped away.

The roads were empty, and the night was cold. Embarrassment overwhelmed him, but also excitement, the feeling swelled the more his jaw ached. Next time he would plan better, doesn't matter if Angel's share closed its door. The plaza was right in front of it anyway.

Now it was time time to collect his due reward. The veteran took a sharp turn toward a dark alley. Someone was waiting for him there.

"You are late!" said his patron. Darkness, combined with his inebriated state made the veteran unable to recognize his face, but his voice was well recognized.

"Naw! Naw! We agreed to do this in my term!" still, the veteran asserted his dominance, and rightly so because he has been their useful agent on multiple occasions. But this time he did that to regain his personal pride, a pride that was robbed from him by a mere barmaid.

"Tomorrow the the fire will be bigger," he said, refocusing himself so his words didn't sound too slurry. "I have yet to use all the information. People would be interested to hear who's the true owner of that tavern! Yesterday the message will be stronger!"

His patron nodded. "You have done well!" and handed him a pouch of coins. It dropped just a moment after the veteran held it, prompting him to kneel to pick it back up.

As he stood again. Someone else suddenly appeared behind him. Instinctively he turned back. "Who was that? Who are you?"

The shilloute was taller than him. Clad in black, a mask covered his face, and his breathing fizzled from the transparent tube connecting his neck and where his mouth should be.

Then in an instant, the masked being unsheathed his blade and ran it through the veteran's torso, piercing his heart and part of his spine. The man gasped once before his killer let him go to lie down on the concrete pavement, twitching as his blood pooling around him.

"Yes, you are right. Tomorrow the message will be stronger than ever."

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The sounds of wind rustling through branches, and the soft chirpings of birds fluttered into Cedar's ears, as the grogginess of hibernation finally-- at last-- began to drain from his senses.

He did not feel all that great. Humans often thought that taking "A big nap" like that, surely must leave you feeling invigorated, rejuvenated, and ready for the spring, but they were also very much, very very mistaken.

Consider instead how you would feel if you had drunk several shots of hard liquor, had your liver working overtime, and had not gone to the bathroom for 4 months solid, and you would have a closer approximation of what "coming out of hibernation" feels like.

His mind and body were only just starting to "come out of it"-- where "it" could best be described as a state not quite asleep, and not really awake, in which the lines between fantastical dreams and imaginings, and the waking perceptions of the world are blurred. It's not really "sleep:" Even the slightest noise would have "roused" him, but he would NOT have been "Himself", and would have "Reacted" more than thought or planned like a man-- interspersed by small, perhaps hour-long episodes of semi-wakefulness, in which he might put his nose outside to eat a small mouthful of snow, now and then.

For the moment, he was just some-what grateful to have "man-thoughts" again. It was this state of debilitation, and "Not being worth a shit" that he had tried so very hard to impress upon the king of Kindeance last fall; The reason why he had no choice but to refuse his request to stay and help further-- It wasn't that he did not WANT to, it was that he would have been UNABLE to. Getting that point across seemed like trying to argue with the wind though.

His thoughts wandered, while he waited for his body to finish "waking up"; reflecting of their own accord how that conversation had let to his returning home just before the snows hit, and just in time to get into his hovel for the winter.

The trip back had been more or less un-eventful, but he had been in a hurry to return, lest he be forced to dig in someplace out in the wilds between Rascade, and here, in the great misty forest of the north. He had collected his horse-- A massive black stallion named "Paragon", according to the royal groom-- (a hairy and somewhat dense fellow named Griswold.) It had taken a fair bit of convincing on his part to get the beast to trust him, requiring the services of the groom to get him hitched in harness and strapped to a simple wooden cart he had purchased for the trip. He had spent a few more hours in Rascade, loading it with as much food, grain, and supplies as he could pack in it, then headed home, stuffing his gullet on the way while driving the wagon, then stopping each night to "Chat" with the horse, planning on how best to care for him when they arrived "home."

He wondered how the massive stallion was faring right now, after a whole winter under his dad's care.

He had been paid a king's ransom-- literally-- for his services in bringing home the lost prince, and it has been well more than sufficient to provision the both of them. That wagon had been heaped over the top with half of it full of bags of grain for Paragon, and the other half stuffed with barrels of rendered fat and preserved meat for himself, with several bags of apples to share between them when they stopped.

As opposed to the month it had taken him to wander in earlier that fall, it had only taken a week with the cart, and the improved travel time it afforded.

Arriving "Home" through the village's road (which was necessary to get into the wood the way he needed to go, and meant passing through the town) had been met with spectacle, as he arrived with much more than he had set out with. Even more so, when he had to make arrangements to have hay delivered to the old tower ruins-- then a VERY lengthy, and tear-infused conversation with his father, who had been beside himself with worry and grief at his protracted absence.

That seemed so long ago now, after 4 months of "not really awake, and not really asleep", with "Barely enough fat to survive" after gorging himself on the trip home.

He could feel the bones showing through his tight skin, and he realized he must look like absolute hell. But at least he survived. That was reason enough to be somewhat happy.

His palms and feet itched, like they did EVERY spring, after just "coming back alive again"; Months of being buried over with leaves and tucked away deep into the ground where the frost couldnt reach, meant that the pads over his fingers, toes, hands and feet began to detach, then slough off. He started every year with "New Shoes", and it would mean his feet would be tender for several days at the least. Idly, he curled up, and nipped at the thick and offensive hunks of dead skin, and peeled them off to stop the itching, then groaned as he felt the rest of his body coming into normal function. The need to toilet, being especially prominent.

Like a recovering drunkard, he wobbled this way and that on all fours, as he lifted the trapdoor in the floor of his hovel that led into his winter den, almost knocking over the table and wide bench that served him in the summer and autumn months as he careened for the door, then stumbled outside and into the light for the first time in months. "Relief" was difficult and a struggle, as it always was after hibernation-- but the results were very satisfying and met with much appreciation.

He sniffed at the air. So familiar, and comforting- the smell of wet autumn leaves under melting snow, hints of fresh greenery, and the promise of early spring mushrooms greeted him, shouting into his nose that spring had indeed arrived. He smiled, despite himself, took in the care-free singing of the birds overhead for moment, then staggered back inside, then hoisted himself up onto the wide bench, to hunch himself over the table for a few minutes; the initial "labors of the year" having been seen to, and leaving him tired. He'd need to go find something to eat soon, then go check in with his father, and see how Paragon had fared. Thoughts about what all needed to be done this year flooded through like a flock of noisy geese, but he was glad of them; It beat the inhuman, bear-thoughts that had dominated his mind for the past 4 months. It was good to be "a man" again.


It was several days later, when he decided to go through his things, and actually get ready for the year's work. There was much to do, given that his sisters and younger brother would likely be "Put out" this year, and SOON too, meaning they needed hovels of their own built, and his dad would be far too... "Busy"... with their mother to offer much more than kindly advice on how to put things together that he had prepared for them. The thought that perhaps, next spring, he would have new brothers or new sisters again made him smile, and he was very happy to see his mom and dad spending time together without young ones underfoot. It was like watching them fall in love, as if for the very first time, though this would be the second time he would watch those two go through those motions. He chuckled, then dug through the coarse wooden trunk that served to store his belongings.

Inside was a small wooden chest of very ornate construction, packed clean full of small gold bars and a sizable sack of cut diamonds. He pushed that aside-- then pulled out the folded coarse cloth robes, gloves, and heavy leather boots. He was always happy to see these, as his father had made and gifted them to him when he himself had been "Put out" so many years ago now... He inspected the stitching, noted the beginnings of wear and tear that would need patching, then dusted them off, and laid them aside to put on later. Underneath them, almost forgotten, was a curious heavy medallion with strange letters that made no sense to him-- What exactly was a 'XIV' anyway? How do you even SAY that?-- He picked it up, and held the cool metal medallion in his tender, newly-smoothed paw, and idly felt its weight, while thinking of far away things. He had accepted it, under the premise that he would someday visit Rascade again, and give demonstrations to young people wanting to learn how to do the work he did-- That was good and honest work, and he felt no shame in agreeing to it. Idly, he breathed in the nascent magic that ebbed and flowed through the woods, like blood in the veins of some giant sleeping beast, and let it just filter and flow around and through him, gauging the health of his home, and trying to discern if any part of it would need immediate care this spring or not-- Those wily loggers were wont to take trees they shouldnt in the winter, when he and his father were least active to stop them, and it could sometimes have "unfortunate" consequences if not dealt with and corrected promptly. Those men did not, or would not, understand that these consequences were not merely superstition, and could very much spell a cataclysmic event if not seen to immediately-- all they cared about was the quality of the timber, and the price it would fetch at market. Strangely, he felt the medallion tugging on the magic flowing through him, as if it were hungry, and this drew his attention.

Why would it try to draw in magic like this? Was it magical somehow? If so, what did it do?

His curiosity got the better of him, and he let the flow he was immersed in flow more freely into it, keenly interested in its reaction now...

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

[Royal Palace, Kindeance]

The winter had been a hectic few months. It was a period when everything ground to a halt, where everyone was content to just tide it over until spring. In such idle times, gossips and rumours spread like wildfire amidst the bored populace and... well, it wasn't the good kind.

Despite the king's best attempt, the voice demanding war never faded and on the contrary inflamed further with every passing day. The duchess was busy preparing for that inevitability, alongside some projects that Theodore wasn't privy to. Not to say that he wasn't busy himself, but his responsibilities were on a much smaller scale. And one of them was to lay the groundswork for the mage reform. And to that end, there's one individual that he needed contacting.

He tried scrying to the fourteenth medallion occasionally through the winter, but true to expectations Cedar was likely hibernating. The trinket was in a dark enclosed space and as far as he could tell hadn't moved an inch the entire time, thus the only option was to wait. Once spring came he scried periodically, at midmorning every three days without fail like clockwork. The first few times had failed, a small suspicion budding that the medallion was ditched in a hole somewhere, but eventually it received a feedback response.

On Cedar's end, a translucent image of Theodore projected itself out of the medallion. It was off-center, with depiction of a room filled with books and unusual contraptions fading around the edge of the projection.

"Ah, master Cedar. I was wondering if you'd wake anytime soon." He greeted, his visage carrying a carefully manicured mild and polite impression. "Is this a good time to talk?"

[Great misty forest-- Meche border]

Cedar blinked in confusion, and nearly dropped the medallion in surprise, but instead just oogled the image incredulously for a few seconds, before responding.

He was mindful of the fact that he must look very haggard, given his 'nearly didnt make it' condition.

"Uh.. Uh s'pose so... 'is weren't haow uh'd a thought'a sayin' hullo 'dough.... whatcha need 'ere lil' fellar?"

Theodore Steinwell was not really all that "small" of a person, but he was still fairly young, and most importantly, smaller in build and stature than Cedar himself was. In the greater scope of things, Theodore was many many years Cedar's senior, and despite appearances, was the very image of the coolly collected intellectualism distilled into mages everywhere.

His demeanor reflected this flawlessly.

"I'd like to confirm your availability for a visit, considering how our conversation ends hastily last year." If Theodore had any personal opinion about the bear, he's showing no outward sign of it. Instead his chatter was businesslike as usual, unhurried as if the crisis wasn't in full swing at the moment. "And perhaps you'd like a report on how Fanghorn fares while we're at it."

Cedar, however, was anything but that. He was very much the rural scion of a hermit in basically every way imaginable, including temperament, though he DID try to behave himself. Sometimes it was more difficult to do than others.

"Uh though' you lot said you'd take care uh dem people!"

He blurted suddenly, almost throwing spittle with a shocked, incredulous ferocity that stunned even himself. He quickly reigned in the outburst, sucked in his lips, and tried again, imposing a lot more self control this time.

"Sorreh... bu' as uh kin'a blurt'd ayout 'ere... uh wuz unn'er deh impression at you nice folks was takin' care o' 'em poor people...."

He made a pregnant pause in which he sucked in a breath, held it, then chewed the inside of his lips for a moment before resuming.

"...it been all win'er... ya.... ... ya DID help em people.... ... righ'?"

The issue of the fate of the residents of Fanghorn-- the village that he had "no small part" in destroying last fall-- was one that had haunted him perniciously ever since. (It turns out, abusing wild magic meant to deflect hurricanes from islands and coasts, into brutally terminating an evil flying wizard, has "Repercussions" on the people below. --Like flattening all their houses. As a consolation, it DID put out all the burning buildings that said wizard's cronies had set ablaze-- small as it may be.) Cedar was a kind-hearted, and benevolent sort, that did not take any kind of pleasure in causing harm to people. Especially innocent people, simply caught up in things stirred up by people more powerful than themselves.

He DID NOT relish being one of those who many might call, "More powerful", and the role he had played in their suffering.

Theodore was completely unfazed by the outburst however, strictly business. Almost impossibly cool, and matter-of-fact.

"Of course we did. I gave my word, did I not?" The mage visibly picked up a piece of paper, though the writing wasn't visible through the projection. "Some mages were dispatched to clear the rubble and erect a few emergency dwellings. Alongside with the few that are still in relatively decent condition, there's enough shelter for everyone by winter albeit a bit of a tight fit. We also provided supplies throughout the season. Construction will resume in a few weeks after the road is no longer slushy from melted snow."

The paper was placed down, Theodore's gaze seemingly finding Cedar through the projected image. "You can visit them on the way here if you'd like."

This was... Not the kind of news he had wanted to hear.

"Oh yes, we tucked those people in good and tight-- Built them houses as quick as we could, and stocked them proper for the winter." was more in line with what he would have done himself, if given the chance. That's the kind of help those people NEEDED.. not... Not what he had just heard recanted to him.

"... ... Uh see..." he said again, after a long pause.
"..Uh'll.. ...Uh'll try... Uh ain't in such good shape muhself... Dunno if'n ya kin sees 'at 'er not... .. an' dey's a lot tuh do 'roun' 'ere first.... Mebbe a week er tuhs...."

The condition of those people was not something he wanted to tolerate persisting any longer, but his own condition DID also, need to be considered. You cant help somebody else, when you cant even help yourself. That thought resonated with him awhile, and he wondered if it was just "political blindness" that had driven this "not even barely adequate" response from the castle to their plight, or if... If the kingdom itself was, as he was.. not in a good way.

"Of course. Do take your time, we're not terribly in rush. You look positively terrible." Said the mage, indirectly confirming that the projection was two-way. "If you need to contact us you can tap some mana into the medallion. Now, before I go is there anything else you want to discuss?"

"Naw... I dun think suh..." he replied solemnly, deeply consumed with these troubled thoughts.

"Very well then. Looking forward to meeting you in person, master Cedar. Until next time."

The shimmering image projected from the medallion faded, then vanished, and the draw from it subsided to a dull ebb. Stricken with newfound worries and guilts, he placed it with his robes, then looked up above the (now cleaned out and empty) wooden 'crib' that served as his summer bed. He would need to fill it with fresh bed-straw, and prepare it for use-- if he was going to be using it this summer... Recent news.... Suggested he wouldn't. Again. On a rack above, drawing dust, was an enormous wooden bow his dad had made for him some years back, though he had never actually used it for much except practice shooting. He was not one for going hunting; He detested the idea of ending lives just to sustain his own, and tried to stick to the least costly modes of life he could, but if things were brewing like that outside...

His thoughts returned to that terrible excursion to Fanghorn, and how everything there had gone sideways. He REALLY could have used this thing there... Back then....

He stood, then removed it from the two wooden pegs it was suspended from, and slung it over his shoulder.

He needed to get dressed. He needed to see his father. As soon as possible.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

[Great misty forest, deep interior]

"NO! Jus' Look it ya! Ya ain't goin' lookin' like at!"

The grizzled, one-eyed man's eye was wide with dismay and indignation. "Yous jus' barely survive da win'er on accounta 'em folks, an' ya wants tuh jus' DIVE righ' back in!? YOU NUTS SON!?"

One-eyed-Jack, his father, was a very... Unique... person. To say the least. Not very many people would even consider being "Married" to a bear, let alone find it "Desirable", for instance-- But on top of that, this man had very very little concern for the affairs of humans outside, and far more concern for the health, welfare, and well-being of even the tiniest songbird, in the most scrubby part of the wood, in comparison. That isn't to say he was completely heartless to human sufferings, only that he felt humans were more than capable of caring for themselves, even to the point that their doing so, often very much jeopardized the health and safety of "Everything Else." -- Like his son.

"Uh din' say uh waz!" he protested, leaning on his walking stick for support. Really, he really WAS very weak with protracted starvation. "You an' Me's gots so dayum much tuh duh as-is, an' uh knows it! But *I's RESPONSIBLE* for em people's suffrin, pops! I CAIN'T JUS' Leave em! Ya taugh' me better 'an 'at, and ya knows it!"

"Yous goes ou' 'ere like at, an' it gunna kill yous fer shour!" the old man persisted, then took a more stricken, emotional break in his tone and demeanor. "Uh.... Uh caint lose ya both... Not tuh EM PEOPLE..."

Cedar hobbled on his staff closer to the old man, and embraced him. He loved the old man very, very much. He felt his hands slide through the shedding, coarse fur on his back, taking tight hold, as the man hugged him back hard.

"Pappi...." he muttered, craning his neck over the much shorter man's shoulder, and behind his neck for a nuzzle. "uh ain't ne'er gunna leave yous..."

The man said nothing. Just shuddered, and buried his face into the fur of his chest. He could feel the warmth of his breath, and the slight dampness of tears there. Cedar gently held him close, and the old man did the same. His protracted absence, and unannounced departure, had severely rattled his father, who had worried himself sick, and nonstop until his return, over a month and a half later. Once again, "Unforeseen consequences" of one's well intentioned actions, bearing terrible fruit.

"Uh's gunna stay a bit long'er-- you an' me's gots suh much tuh duh--" he muttered, rocking side to side, still holding the old man. "Uh know's dis year' "Special" fer yuh an' Mammi... Lil' Pine an' em girls' gots tuh has places fer em 'afore win'er... Wit' 'at many tuh make, it gunna take alls 'uh us workin... Ya knows 'at."

The man let go, then backed up a bit-- pained indignation still hard on his face.

"Suh ya jus' gunna go git, an' run off a'gin, is ya?" he scowled.

"Imma gunna eat wut uh cain afore 'en, dontcha wurry none 'bout 'at pappi..." he said, then placed his heavy paw on the man's shoulder. "... Gunna try an' warsh muh hands uh da whole ugly mess, 'en come righ' back home. Nearly da whole time uhs were out 'ere, uh was thinkin' 'bout bein' back 'ere.. ... an' 'bout yuh.... I loves you pappi. More an' you knowed.... But yuh knows I *HAS* tuh go."

"Ya ain't leavin' till all uh dat work's done 'en!--- AN YUHS BETTER GIT FAT, AN' QUICK, 'er yah ain't goin' 't'all!"

Cedar smiled. He loved his dad so very much.

"Uh will, paps... Promise--- We'd better git on it, en, uh? Mammi ain't gunna let em' little-uns tag along 'ahind 'er fer much long'er, 'reckon. Uh knows how dat is-- Buhlieve meh!" he said with a wry chuckle. "We both know'd she aint da type tuh mess 'round wit, when it come tuh stuff like 'at!"

That single, solitary brown eye narrowed and focused in intensity, and the brow furrowed.

"Nuh-- Nuh she aint!" he said intensely, then slapped cedar on the side. "We be'er git on it, en, shoun't we boy?!"


Days turned into a week. Then two.

Old Jack had NOT been idle, while his children had been growing over the past four years. He was blessed with the "Long view" of things, and had been cutting, digging, stacking, and preparing timbers, stones, and other materials as time allowed that entire time, when he wasn't working in the shadows behind the fat, lumbering she-bear he called "Mama", for lack of a proper name, and the cheeky half-human cubs he had sired on her. He always stayed out of her way-- Letting her take the reigns in instructing their children in the hows and whys of surviving in the harsh natural world-- They could not possibly have asked for a better teacher, but he was always there, just in arm's reach, if there was trouble, or need. That was how he and the she-bear managed the need for balance between closeness, and separation that their "Relationship" required. At times, HE would get the kids, while she wandered off to indulge herself on food without competition-- especially toward the autumn months of the year. Times he greatly cherished, and indulged his children with. The man was nothing but love, and affection, with a healthy trapping of fatherly tutelage in "How to be people" when the opportunities arose.

This spring, "Mama" was quite content to let Jack "Steal" the children, as teaching them "How to den" was a very important life lesson that-- as much as it bothered her-- she admitted, she was not the best to give instruction for, given the kind of cubs she bore with her mate, and their unique needs-- and the 4 of them were hard at work putting the supplies he had prepped together, and getting hovels put up.

It was both a source of contentment, and of lament, for Cedar. He loved to see Pine settling into a home of his own-- even if it WAS rather far away from his own-- A necessity actually-- All of them needed quite a lot of space to sustain themselves, and that meant moving quite far from "home", and from each other. But with each hovel being built (thankfully, only two-- the girls had insisted that they would live together, despite incredulous attestations from both their dad, AND their mom, about that), the reality that he would be departing became more and more weighty.

He was still thin, but at least not half-skeletal anymore, by the time all that work was finished.

Discretely, he tracked the old man down again, and cornered him in secret one last time. There were more things... IMPORTANT THINGS.. to discuss with him, before he left.

"Paps... We gots tuh talk."

"Yeas... Yeas we does." said the man, with a kind of cold reservation. "Ya know'd uh ain't happeh 'bout ya leavin."

"Paps.... Yuh GOTTA git dis place readeh... Em problem's outside... 'Ey migh' no' STAY ou' 'ere... You KNOWED what uh mean. We dun talked 'bout dis when uh got back, ya hear?"

"Be a lot easier,---an' uh'd be a LOT happier-- if'n yeh stayed, son."

He was referring, of course, to the risk of both Kindean and Mechean soldiers trying to occupy the village of Mistville, nestled into the bosom of the forest, for its strategic location on the border, and the kinds of supplies either side could pillage from the villagers, in the event of all-out-war. Also, to the risk of serious and catastrophic harm to the forest-- from PURPOSEFULLY SET fires, by the opposing force, if either of them actually SUCCEEDED in that objective. They had decided, that the entire region needed to be as "Completely and savagely unhospitable to any kind of occupational force as was INHUMANLY possible." -- and that meant, rigging the whole forest edge with deadly traps and dangers for any kind of person foolish enough to try to gain admission. A very arduous task indeed, given the immense size of the forest, and the scarcity of able hands to do it with.

Old man Jack and Pine would likely need to spend ever waking moment after the old man's seasonal time with mama, devoted to the completion and succinct assurance of that end.

It would be no small task indeed.

"Uh knowed paps.... Uh knowed." He tilted his head, and smiled at his dad weakly.

"buh' Ya knowed I caint."

"Uh knowed."

There was a long, pregnant pause, then cedar ventured a little more.

"E'res a girl uh cared fer-- in 'at area. Had a narshty woun' in'er chest. Arruh clean through, recon. Poor thang never had a proper meal in 'er life... Did duh bes' uh could fer 'er. Uh wants tuh check on 'er, whiles uhs out. Be on muh way back, quick as kin be, af'er. Promise."

the old man looked at his son with a tipped head, then made a dirty smile.
"AINT LIKE AT PA!" he protested, but the old man just chuckled.

".... A'course it aint--- A'course it aint..." he muttered behind that cheeky bearded smile. "Buh you thinks she need come stay 'ere--- Tuh git be'er, a'course--- Well naow, yuh jus' go righ' on, and bring 'er 'ere. We'll fin' a spot fer 'er."

Cedars ears burned and his nose wrinkled. this was so damn embarrasing.

"PAPS." he protested, but the old man just raised his hand and smiled.

"Bes' be on yer way en, don' ya thank?"

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Lily looked at Rose from where they had concealed themselves-- Downwind, naturally-- to eaves-drop on their dad and brother's "Private" conversation.

Mischief bloomed silently between them, and not a single word was spoken. They had known each other their entire lives, and were "thicker than fleas on a dog", as their dad would often say. They had fleas too, of course, having fur all over, and living outdoors-- but dogs didn't rub themselves with fresh smelling, and sticky tree sap like bears do. Dogs were just too dumb to know such simple but effective remedies to such every-day problems-- and neither of these girls was dumb. They knew *ALL* the rub spots in the area. ALL of them.

Another thing they knew-- was that their older brother was going to see a girl-- and that was something they DAMN SURE was not going to miss out on.

It had been a recurring point of cruel joke they made at his expense, that he was twice their age, and not once told a girl he thought she was pretty. The VERY IDEA that he might ACTUALLY say something-- TO A GIRL-- was just too saucy a proposition for them to even CONSIDER passing up. They just *HAD* to be there.

Naturally, the had come to that simultaneous conclusion, completely without uttering a word to each other, and embarked on their mischief together-- silently stalking their older brother from a reasonable distance.

Cedar was not inexperienced nor did he have a proper lack of being wood-wise, but he wasn't the most discrete about his passing through. The two of them were considerably more sneaky than him-- Mainly, due to their mis-spent childhoods being devoted almost exclusively to mischief when their parents weren't watching. As such, they followed him completely unobserved, as he returned to his hovel, came back outside fully dressed with a huge bow over his shoulder, a fat sack of seeds on his hip, and that absurdly large stick he carried around with him.

It was several days travel, with difficult terrain to stay hidden in (given that several open fields were involved, and requiring them to spend a whole day's travel behind him to avoid being caught), before events turned sideways.

There was a wooded thicket, and their brother had stopped for the night there. In the night, he got up to go relieve himself, as he often did at night, leaving his posessions behind (as there was no need to pick them up and carry the for so mundane and simple trip away), when there was a terrible scuffle.

A red headed woman in flowing robes, a bent old crone, and a handful of ugly, stinky men had concealed themselves, and jumped him in the night as he was squatting. Green bolts of magic flared in the dark, loud cries, and cooing laughter followed as loud male voices called out for ropes and chains.

The two girls watched in silent horror as their brother got drug away into the night, loaded into a nearby cart, and carried off. Neither one of them felt foolish enough to try and intercede on such a dangerous and organized assault. Magic like that-- Neither of them had seen, smelled, or touched-- and it was far too focused for them to consider trying to deflect in the ways they knew. All they could do, was hunker down, and watch in horror.

Stricken, they returned to where his makeshift camp was, and collected his things, trying to figure out what they should do.

It was then that Rose noticed something "Magic" that had been in his pocket. Lily snatched it up like a crow stealing a silver coin, and the two of them hunched over it, examining it closely.

"Uh think it needs some juice put in it--"
ventured Lily, after trying, and failing, to fully explore its use. It was so complicated inside, it made her head swim when she tried to delve it.

"Is it really safe to do that?"

"Uh don' feel no dang'rous bits.. Worth a shot?"

They hunched over it, as Rose gave it a gentle 'nudge', and it sprang to life. A handsome looking and well dressed-- if somewhat short and scrawny looking-- man shimmered into view in the center of the odd metal medallion, and wasted no time in addressing them. He was wearing what looked like fancy pajamas-- The incompetent magician that lived in town wore similar at night, and they were familiar with the practice, even though their dad preferred to sleep naked.

"Master Cedar-- To what do I owe....." the man started, a bit cheeky sounding, before trailing off. "You are not Master Cedar. ... Who are.. You Two?"

Lily and Rose looked at each other, then at the strange man in the medallion, then at each other again.

"I's Lily..."

"An' I's Rose..."

"I see." said the man flatly. "And where, exactly, is Master Cedar?"



The sleepy looking, put out, but still very handsome looking man shook his head wearily before answering as if he were dealing with simpletons.

"WHO. Who has abducted Master Cedar. If you want our assistance, you need to answer my questions."


They blurted in unison.
There was a long pause as the man looked at them with a deadpan expression, that subtly hinted that he knew EXACTLY who the two offending people were.

"You must come to the castle immediately. For both your safety, and his, you must--"

"Mister, we ain't ne'er been tuh no 'castle' afore, how we s'posed tuh git dere?!"

The look of complete exasperation on the man's face was evident as his shoulders slumped, and his eyes rolled.

"Wait there, while I dress. I will contact you again shortly, and then I will tell you how to arrive here."

and with that, the medallion abruptly cut off, the man's visage vanishing in an instant, leaving the two sisters dumbstruck, and staring at each other.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

10:40 A.M.
[Jazdia "Slyph" Crystalspark]
Angel's Share Inn, Rascade, Kingdom of Kindeance

"Three consecutive months with zero net profit."

The elf announced calmly, fingers tapping against the polished wooden table as she returned the income statement back to her manager. Both of them knew how bad it was, but such gestures were needed to emphsaiz how messed up he was, also as another slap to the manager's dignity. He accepted it with his head low.

Sipping her tea, the elf, Jazdia Crystalspark sighed inaudibly before reviewing her findings. "I can understand if low sales and occupancy caused the loss, but windows repairs every two weeks? Chairs and tables? What or who in the world were you inviting in all these months? Circus animals?

"Even circus animals are more behaved than these people!"

The elven woman's blue eyes narrowed.

"Who are these people?"

Lucas straightened. The change in her tone and expression was something he didn't expect, yet he knew the dangers when he saw it. It had been a precious knowledge for him to know that his investor was not someone to be trifled with.

"Locals." answered Lucas in a single exhale. And he immediately wondered if tomorrow he would hear someone was dead again. He had prepared the names should the lady ask for the specifics.

"But it stated there you allocated some of the capital to pay the guards to do more patrol on the neighborhood."


It was at this moment Lucas knew he was the one in real danger. His investor hadn't inquired him about that fateful night, where a rabble-rouser, after being forcefully tossed out, was killed in the same night. The situation turned from bad to worse after that night; sales plummeted and potential guests were turned away by mobs. Not a week passed without one or two windows getting stoned by God knows who. And the city guards, more often than not turned a blind eye to such kind of accident. As if deliberately commanded to do so.

He gave up and told her the rest of the story, along with a letter that arrived two days ago. What else he could do?


What's worse? Letting two thousand gold coins down the drain, or having another audience with Fredricus the Weaselly?

When she waltzed into Rascade royal palace, the guards and sentries were there, manning their station per usual, but strangely nobody seemed bothered to stop her. Oh, she had been expected and she recognized this kind of ploy all too well.

Remembering Lucas's story, such an accusation was not entirely far-fetched. Her last meeting with Fredricus four months ago did not end in an entirely cordial manner. Maybe Fredricus was still holding a grudge after her flat refusal to aid him with removing his political enemy? She could see the situation was not improving from four months ago, and maybe, just maybe, the sleazy monarch lowkey held her business ransom out of desperation.

She knew this hall all too well. Her last attendance at one of Fredricus' banquets was not the first, but turned out of the most memorable. She wondered how the rest of her party was doing right now. Yvonne said she planned to have a vacation somewhere outside of the nation, Cedar returned home for his hibernation, and Doctor Solomon... honestly she wasn't so sure. Fredricus had shown a great interest in having those last two under his command, and her departure was so abrupt she didn't see the aftermath of their dealings.

On her way, a certain boy greeted her, he was accompanied by that poshy chamberlain who stood straight with eyes half opened.

"Greetings Lady Crystalspark! My father has been waiting for you." said the boy, beaming with youthful excitement when Jazdia answered his offer for a handshake.

"Good to see you again, Alec." the elf managed a smile. Was it just her or he'd been getting taller for the last four months?

"His Young Highness Has been coronated, and thus milady shall address him more appropriately." the chamberlain butted in. Really, nobody asked him.

"Oh really?

Managed to set aside her irritation, and turned it into a weapon to tease, Jazdia shifted to Alex again and leaned forward. "So from now on, I have to call you Lord Alec, Lord of Rascade, Heir to the crown of Kindeace? The weather is lovely today, ain't it milord?" '

The prince shot his aide a glare before turning to Jazdia with a suppressed blush.

"Please, milady, that would be unnecessary."

Jazdia continued her march toward Fredricus' office while the prince followed beside her. There was a small talk about her arrival, how her journey was, and then how her business was doing. Awkward, but the elf appreciated the cordiality and did not want to burden this young heir with details too big for his not-so-broad shoulder to bear.

Despite the Chamberlain's assistance, Alec opened the door himself and invited Jazdia to enter. Fredrocus was there, sitting at his table, guarded by his loyal Paladin Matilda Ironsword who looked rather tensed when she saw the elf.

"Ah, you are here, good." said the king after Alex bowed and proceeded to stand by his side. Unlike their previous meeting, there was a chair prepared, and Fredricus gestured for his guest to sit.

"I was actually here to see the minister of trade and industry. Turns out your bureaucracy reform was so efficient all matters went straight to the king himself. Not bad for four months' worth of progress."

Fredricus, who took his time uncorking a bottle of wine and poured it into his own glass, didn't seem very impressed by the sarcasm.

"Cut the chatter. I think now is the time for you to listen more and talk less."

Jazdia took a deep breath when she fished out an opened envelope from her pocket and tossed it toward Fredricus' desk.

"No, you are the one who should listen. What the hell is this? A letter to shut down my business just because one of the patrons was murdered? This is an abuse."

"An abuse, perhaps. But it was a legitimate order." the king sipped his wine before continuing. "I think you have heard that they took advantage of the dead's background to amplify their message. You tell me, as someone who used to deal with this kind of propaganda how should I handle this situation?

Jazdia's silence answered the king's question. And it was a rare occasion.

"I have no dealings with that kind of business anymore."

"Yes, I heard it multiple times..." Fredricus straightened his posture and gestured his chamberlain to prepare him a parchment and ink.
"I understand. I will use my authority to revoke the order and... maybe have more guards stationed there..." Fredricus stated, solemnly, slowly as if his words had a hidden meaning in them.

Jazdia accepted the freshly sealed documents. But then her expression turned sour when she read one of its clauses. "compliance for requisition by the authority for the effort of war?!"

"Good luck running a business in a nation with martial law." Smirking, Fredricus sipped his wine again, enjoying the countdown before Jazdia's imminent outburst.

And Jazdia, not even bothered to remind Fredricus that she might bring this to a court, snapped angrily.

"Are you out of your mind?! A War?"

"Yes, it's waiting for legalization in Parliament. Want me to show you a copy of the draft?"

"I told you you should have still your hand and let the Delving decline on its own--"

Fredricus suddenly barked a laugh

"More reason for you to feel responsible then! I did just that, and the results were those traitorous bastards doubled their effort and pushed me from every direction. Now everyone wants the war, the people, half of the Senate. And maybe Meche too.

Jazdia narrowed her eyes, her hand gripped the decree like it was some wet towel. "What about Meche? What do they say about this?"

"Nothing," answered Fredricus, shaking his head in frustration. "Nothing. I sent my envoys, even before the accident four months ago and none of them are coming back. I have tasked Antigone to relay my message to Savoy and see if their neighbor can respond but that too was unsuccessful.

Jazdia turned her sight away, toward the young prince, and then to the window. "You know very well starting an unprovoked war would earn you a bad name." She said in a quieter voice.

"That's a weak reason to not start one," Fredricus pointed at his wine cabinet to have another stemware delivered. "But fair enough. I know in that elven head of yours, there is a secret you don't want to say. Why this war is bad business and why you are so interested if Kindeance would start it. Fine, keep your secret."

Jazdia tapped her fingers against the handrest of her chair and glanced at Fredricus keenly. "Do you want this war?

Into the new glass, Fredricus poured some of his wine and placed it on the other side of the table.

"Ha! Hardly. But if this is something inevitable, at least Kindeance would annex Meche if we can win this. Unlike you, I don't have much care about some farmers outside my border. If they value their lives, they should move aside and let my army pass, if my army wants their cattle they give it up."

"Same goes for you people in times of war," said Jazdia contemplatively. "with the requisition and all. They can do nothing because war will subsume daily existence, and they can't turn to the law, because law and court too are created for normal daily lives."

"It's a loss for you too."

Jazdia reached for the stemware and downed the wine.

"Shut up!"

"I have a plan---"

"Don't want to hear it."

"You would want to. At least you can mend your damaged pride that way."

"The only thing you can do is contact Meche and see if they are fine with this." Jazdia necessitated. The wine and euphemism made her want to vomit, but she needed the kick.

"That's indeed the plan. I know what you are thinking, attacking Meche unprovoked would trigger a harsh response from your former organization regardless if Meche was their ally or not. We are not that stupid. Internation law-- the old law, stipulated that the challenged nation would be given fourteen days after the declaration of war was signed. Two weeks, then all bets are off.
I know Denon well enough and he doesn't want this."

"So you need King Denon's formalized response to stop this madness."

"Correct! If not for good, then at least people would be able to know his side of the story. I will ink a letter for Denon tonight."

Seeing her puzzled expression, the king shrugged before continuing. "This, despite all said and done, is just a mere... invitation for you, Lady Crystalspark. I have prepared my team and they are expected to heed my summons in three days."

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
Avatar of Mas Bagus

Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Meanwhile, somewhere in Kindeance Westernmost Province

She called the place the Lab workstation. It was the place where ingredients for some potions were ground, measured,
and then prepared to be cooked on small burners. It was also the place for her to 'work' on her test subjects; they were usually placed, tied, or sedated on a rather large table at the corner of the room in varieties of position and condition.

But today she had to empty that table at Stritzel's request. And the reason for it was even more ridiculous; to make the place easier for the eye for an inspection.

Widernia O'heyak doesn't like it when someone invades her turf.

Strangers or patrons didn't matter, the only difference was, for her patron she was willing to hide her dislikes and rein the urgency to backstab them. After all, her research could not continue without their funding. She needs them as much as they need her, and so far she could always draw a line and assure her patron that they were on equal ground.

But there was something different this time, something that tipped the scale and forced Wedernia to be more lenient, if not careful. Unlike the usual pathetic and whiny Stritzel, the patron visiting today was a powerful man, old but so powerful she could smell it.

The man was some sort of "Controller" named Jonas Delving. A patriarch of one of the most powerful clans in Kindeance. Today, after overseeing the deliverance of their regular supplies, he was scheduled to have a tour in her lab, making sure the money spent was put to good use.

So here she was, like a dog on a short leash mustering every bit of patience she could find to 'show him around'

"What is this? Inquired the man as they arrived in front of a set of rooms separated by iron bars. The first cell was dwelled by a very large bear sleeping in a very large and sturdy bed. Despite the premium decoration, and the effort of Stritzel's servant to keep it as clean as possible, the room reeked the smell of foul blood and pus.

To answer their Controller's inquiry, that bear was half the reason why Widernia was here. The diagnosis concluded that he suffered a catastrophic organ contusion and had a piece of arrowhead-shaped crystal buried somewhere under his brain cavity. The internal damage can heal, albeit slowly, but the nose trauma was... not so optimistic. In fact, it only got worse day by day.

"That's my boy." Answered Stritzel, sounding genuinely brittle. The Controller only nodded as if the bizarreness of the answer didn't faze him at all.

Shifting his attention to the next cell, there was another bear chained in an outstretched position. His eyes were opened, but didn't seem fully conscious. His head tilted several times, mostly to look at the oil lamps in the corner of the room. Every once in a while he made a low guttural sound, sometimes a faint whimper or soft whirr of his breath.

It seemed he was having a rough night yesterday. After securing some ampuls of blood from his beastly arm, it was Stritzel's turn to indulge in whatever plan she fancied for their newest plaything. She didn't know what happened after the door was closed, nor did she care, but the moans were oddly spectacular.

The controller gestured for an explanation without having to ask.

"Another specimen, his younger brother." Though her smile was still fake and she was lying to her teeth, Widernia's voice sounded more ebullient this time. "The important one. The very useful one."

"Explain to me."

Widernia set aside some of her disheveled red hair and began enthusiastically. "We have been making an enchantment potion, yet the effect was minuscule. Luckily we secured this bear some three days ago. I've tested his blood, experimenting on it... and."


"His blood is the key ingredient to bypass a certain chemical reaction that is otherwise impossible to maintain with conventional method."

The Controller, after a long-winded pause finally nodded. He looked at the bear again, rubbing his chin as if trying to recall something. But all that mattered for Widernia was the man didn't look very excited, or disappointed after hearing about the progress she discovered, and it insulted her to her very being.

"I see the gold is being put to good use, as it should be," said the man flatly. Then he turned to Stritzel again.

"Now, I have more important things to discuss with you. My source told me Fredricus has prepared a group of agents-"

"No! No! No!"

For a brief second, Stritzel's elderly frame arched as if something had pulled her. "Were they the SAME DAMN CREATURES WHO HURT MY SON?"

"Hard to say. But there was less reason for Fredricus to not employ his previous hirelings if they were that effective."

"Effective huh," Widernia mumbled. In order to calm the impulse to backstab the Controller for his failure to appreciate her work, she had retreated into the second cell where the restrained bear was, grinning from ear to ear when she heard that the king had dispatched them to find their missing friend. The Druid Bear from the Misty Forest.

Such a twist of fate that the Controller himself was unaware that the Druid in question was right under his nose. Such ignorance was deemed advantageous for her. The man got his plan, and she got hers. Her plan was better and theirs... boring.

"You hear that, my dear test subject?" the red-haired mage purred as she caressed the bear's fur. "How lucky of you that your friends are coming. Could I say the same for my master back then?"

Her master. A sudden urge to scissor the bear's exposed neck swelled inside her, but years under her master's tutelage had allowed her to be patient, to compromise. Not now, but soon, she will have her revenge, a long, precise, and bloody. And from that act of revenge, she would create something new.

She would settle with imagining a V-shaped incision for now. And indulging herself in a tough choice between implanting the head and spine or just the head. Letting her imagination run wild before closing the cell again, and activating the runic lock.

She and Stritzel would keep this secret to themselves for this time being. Though the motives were different, it suited her purpose nonetheless.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Jamesyco
Avatar of Jamesyco

Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Two Squires

Louise and Erwin

Erwin stared at the small fortification in the wooded group of buildings. He knew his uncle was inside the biggest hall there, but he just wanted to ride away from the rest for that little while. He stared at it, the road, and all the smaller buildings. He saw pigs and animals in their tiny waddle pens that tied themselves to the hovels and homes of those who lived around them. It was a good community they lived in at that time and an important one. Some trading crossroad from a mine and some craftsman district of a larger town. His uncle was out here doing business, but he and the others in his uncle's guard were just left to do as they could if they weren’t near the Lord.

Erwin just relaxed a bit and turned his horse down the road as he went off the pathway some. He didn’t mind being a bit out of the way; not many people could bother him, and not many people could really annoy him unless he ran into them or they were just pursuing him into the depths of the forest. There were few that he knew would, his uncle could send someone out, but most would just go and hide for a bit. But that one squiress… The squiress was somehow always near, and somehow just ran into him even if she wasn’t looking for him. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed deeply as he placed his hand to it, and he looked up.

“That poor girl, her life has been given up to guard whomever she is told… She got lucky she got grandfather as her ward. He doesn’t look at her like some of the others. Maybe that is why one of the few women in arms is under him.” he said quietly in an out loud thought, “Imagine if war broke out, she would likely have to stay far back with old men while those who she stood beside die.”

He stared up and stopped the horse he was on he saw something out in the forest. He saw blond hair, and he slowly got off his horse as he started to walk up towards the blonde figure.

"Louise, I am usually the one who walks a bit too far, I wouldn't think you would do the same unless if it's to find me." Erwin said with a smile. "Is something wrong?"

“Fun stroll is over, comrade. I’m here to take you back. I need to go for my working shift today fast. Don’t waste my time.” His charming smile won’t affect her and this time she made a move in advance in order to pursue Erwin before he gets derailed. It’s been like routine already since she became part guardsmen of the relative of the King. She is the one mostly able to pursue Erwin, in fact that during her first time, she sent defeated Erwin back with a reversed princess carry.

Being the only woman in the guardsmen group, she can't tag along with the rest of the group. She spends her time alone reading books about learning other languages around the world and their fighting style. Some of her fellow workers tried to disturb her peace and tried to hit her but ended up knocking her back out of the room with a wind burst.

The man held his hands out in front of him, and sighed a bit as he relaxed, “Lady Louise, our shift will start in an hour, we are fine. Relax, grandfather will call us if needed.”

He opened his arms and just smiled a bit, “also, I just got in the forest, a last walk before our guard begins, care to join me for it? I promise I am not drunk, and you will not have to carry me again. Just a walk, we have time… Plus, we can go meet the rider, we are supposed to be getting a letter, a warning came by pigeon a little while ago.”

“It wont hurt… plus, maybe we can enjoy ourselves for once, plus… it’s likely the last time we will be able to; the pigeon came from the capital with the royal seal. So, we will likely have to go soon regardless, and on short order, our guard might not even start.”
His hands slowly went down, and he held the note out towards her, “Lady Louise, care to join Bread and I?” he asked, looking back at his horse, then at her.

Back then she didn't believe his excuses every time she pursued him from derailing. But right now, a pigeon courier appeared, received by Erwin himself. She looked at the letter and it had a royal seal, this satisfied her. She looked at the horse then looked back to Erwin.

“Alright then. I will join you.” She answered his offer as she decided to tag along with him.

He slowly made his way towards her, and slid the letter back into his pouch as he sighed, and he just held his empty hand towards her, “Lady Louise.” he said softly while he walked by her, “We have been playing a game of cat and mouse for some time now, and although I am your senior, by two months. You still somehow always best me in hide and somehow walk in front of the hider as he is trying to hide and relax. But, eight months, a year now since you came to the capital to train with all of us… You distance yourself from most of us, squires, knights, and the lot. But for me and a few others, might I ask why? I know you like your books, but grandfathers curiosity has finally reached me I guess… but I was hoping to know.”

Erwin just smiled as he stopped beside her, and stood beside her with his palm open towards hers, Bread just stared at the two, but was more interested in just being a horse.

“Things just overwhelm me and I’m uncomfortable with that, especially for those who have wild behavior. Despite that, I managed to socialize with other people who are less wilder, but still I haven’t found a friend yet. Back in my younger self before I joined, my time was always full of training and learning things and I haven’t socialized with others besides my relatives since we lived in the woods far from town. The only time I got home was when I started to learn etiquette as a noble woman. Maybe someday, I can find a friend that I can lean into and rely on.” Louise said.

He slowly took her hand while she was talking and started to walk, "I'd say I'm your friend, I constantly drag you into new small adventures. You seem to be straight faced with most things, but deep down I feel as if you enjoy chasing me around. Dealing with those fun things in life, you might see it as work, but you seem to do it when we are on off time more than the few times I've been slightly late to our guard."

"But, still… I would like to think we are friends, or that you enjoy me more than your usual demeanor suggests. Not because of my charming face, or smile, but because you see something you want in me. Something besides rigidity and that constant straight line people have decided for you. It's why I'm going to make you live a bit." Erwin said as he pulled on her and Bread continued down the nonroad path slightly further away from the actual road anyone would use.

As he said, she began to think of it. He expressed what he felt to her and made her think deeper. It would not be nice for her to refuse it since it made sense that she indeed had fun during the time of pursuing. Her heart began to pound more. Perhaps, she can trust him despite his rowdy behaviour. Maybe it is not hurt to try.

"It is true that I did have fun during our time. In that case. I will accept you as my friend. You will have my trust and it will never if you break it. I am looking forward to it. Also, teach me to make more friends." She replied and looked at him with a beautiful innocent straight face.

Erwin smiled as he slowly rested his her hand in his, and he smiled as he looked over at her, “I wont… as I said when I first met you, I’ll make sure to keep you safe. The amount of fights I’ve been in over you was worth it. I am just glad I got to always stand beside you, even if you do treat me like a child sometimes. I just wish we weren’t confided to our lives as nobles, maybe we could have had a different life together, instead we are stuck together with little thought to anything but making sure that my grandfather isn’t in trouble.”

He stopped listening down the road, he heard nothing, he looked back and forth and smiled, “Can I steal something from you? It will not be much, but just close your eyes for a moment.” he asked before double checking their surroundings.

Louise cross her arm and make an upset face. Surprisingly it is a cute one. "I told you. Don't break my trust. This is familiar, I read this in a book. No. I'm not going to close my eyes." Louise said.

He stopped and smiled at her, "I hope to not break your trust, but. Close your eyes for just a moment."

For a moment there he just held his hands out towards her after putting the reigns to his belt.

"I plan on building a strong trust between us, and hope that we can grow it together. Once we get back to the capital, I bet we will have some time, and I wish to take you somewhere. It is a nice spot, but I just want to steal one thing first, for that your eyes should be closed, it is a surprise. You have trusted me before, like with that one brute we had to calm down after grandfather spilled his tea. So why not trust me now?"

"I don't like it. It makes me uncomfortable... Since you will steal something from me." Louise replied. Started to be scared and make a defensive pose.

Erwin sighed, and just chuckled, "I want to kiss you, and then when we get back to the capital, I know a little restaurant that is quaint. I wanted to take you there and just talk." he said quietly, "I wanted to steal a kiss, that is all Louise."

"Kiss. Why? Isn't that supposed to be for someone you love?" She replied as she is confused still on defensive pose.

Erwin just nodded a bit, and he smiled, "It is meant for a few reasons... but, the kiss I wanted to give you is, something like an invitation to that thought. I thought we worked well together, you with your logical thought like grandfather, and I think with my heart. I was hoping you would think your heart in this moment."

His hands went out in front of him, again, palms up towards the sky as he just stood there in front of her. "I have some feelings for you, but, that was my intentions. I should have realized who I was talking to, be plain, straightforward, and you will get an answer. Miss Louise, may I steal a kiss from you, and when we return to the capital, may I take your hand and invite you to dinner?"
"..." She paused still in her defensive pose.

"About that. If you are really serious about it. You should ask my father's approval first before you ask me for something like that and then I will think about it. You won't like it if you cross the line with an Ironside clan." She answered.
"I have... I might act like an idiot and act a fool, but I am not that idiotic. Some rules we must live by are crude, but they are there for a reason, and I try to abide by them. So, I asked your father before we departed if I could court you, he agreed due to my pedigree and relations to the king. He said that we could branch off into our own house should we wish." his hand was out towards her, and he moved his hand to his pocket to pull out another small letter with a stamp of her house as proof. "But he said it must be with your permission..."

"I would not mind crossing that line of the Ironside family, if it was to get you." he said relatively proud, "Plus my uncle would agree getting me father from his throne would be a better option than finding a way to kill me. I would have tried sooner, but, you typically are around others when chasing me. I am lucky that today, you decided to be more prepared than usual."

His hands went back out in front of them empty after he put the note away, "I was also hoping to ask, that if you opened your heart, and thought like I did without all the logic and reason for a moment, if you would be interested in the same?"

Louise was surely surprised especially since it had a seal, she couldn't deny that because she knows how authentic it is. She put down her defensive pose. "The authenticity of the seal... It seems that you are really that serious and you are related to the king. I came here to follow the step of my clan. I didn't think about the marriagement...." she said.

"That can wait, I just want to be close to you, and enjoy life with you some." he said not moving an inch, still there holding his hands to her, "I wanted to see... if you were also interested in the idea, even in the slightest with all we have been through. If there was even a chance that behind all of that logic, reason, behind that locked away mind, there was something that saw me in a similar way."
"I will ask you again before we continue our walk, may I steal a kiss from you? May I start a journey together with you at my side? I am not asking for your hand in marriage yet, I am just asking to take you to dinner."

"For the kiss... I'll save that and my answer. For now, I accept your offer for dinner." She replied.

He nodded, and he smiled a bit, then he heard something and turned his head as he dropped his hands, "I thank you Lady Louise, hopefully we will have time do such a thing when we get back."

He saw a rider, and the rider broke off when it saw them both.

"Sir Est Eluin, this is for you and your grandfather. You are to return immediately, read the letter." he said holding it out to the young squire.

The squire took the letter and slowly opened the wax seal with his fingernail, and he opened it up as his face almost sunk. He looked up at the man, "Go, ride, we will be with haste there..." and the rider did as told and continued down the pathway past the hamlet.

But Erwin looked over at Louise and just sighed, "hurry, get your things together, I will get grandfather... Hopefully, we can ride quickly enough for that dinner arrangement." he said in a worried laugh as he just started to move towards the hamlet, and then he almost went into a run, leaving Bread with her, "Get the horses, take Bread."

He stopped momentarily, turning, "I hope we can make that dinner... I enjoy being around you." he said before deadpan sprinting towards the manor house where his grandfather was.

Louise nodded at him. She took Bread to ride upon for the urgent call to make sure everything was prepared before they left the hamlet.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

10:00 AM
Varya Chandrar
Forest River, Eastern fringes of the Kingdom of Kindeance

Varya sits naked in full lotus position on a deerskin upon the banks of the river which he had bathed in prior, taking shelter from the sun beneath the shade of the abundant trees. Eyes half closed, he focused his mind on the beauty of the ineffable Heavens, which reached far beyond the blue skies of the mortal world. During his mental journey he was serenaded with the beatific symphonies of the earth, the chorus of birds, the squirrels rusting in the trees the flowing waters of the river, the gentle whispers of the wind. Heaven and Earth were smiling, and so was Varya.

When after a hour he finished his meditations he stepped forth into the sunlight, basking in its warmth. He faced the sun and stood tall, his arms outstretched to give salutations to the glorious star. "Praise the Sun!" After saluting the sun he dressed lightly, gathered up his belongings including his trusty Crescent Bow, and began to walk westward through the forest. Varya had only recently arrived in the lands of Kindaence, a land he knew little of, saved that it is currently undergoing reforms under their newest King, Fredericus. Varya had arrived in hopes of finding new work and spreading his reputation, hoping to increase hiring prospects. He had traveled far and wide in search of a cause he could fight for, a people he could help. So far faces came and went like mist as he wandered the earth aimlessly, occasionally being guided by the prospects of proving his worth in the fires of battle. While he was handsomely rewarded with gold for his troubles, he sought a treasure far more valuable, even if he himself was unsure what it was.

2:00 PM
Western forest edge, the Eastern Plains of the Kingdom of Kandaence

After several days walking through the forest, Varya emerged at the western end, where before him lay the vast open fields of the Kingdom. He closed his eyes as he felt sweeping winds, unbroken by the trees touch his skin. The coolness was refreshing. Suddenly he felt a chill in the air that caused a shiver. An ill omen. "A bitter Black wind howls..." Varya saw this as a sign of conflict, of what he could not say, only that he should be prepared to endure it. Varya continued his journey to the towns of men proper, pondering if they possessed more than a utilitarian sense of fashion, for he desired new clothes to wear, preferably with flair.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The King and a Wise man

King Fredricus and Lord Thernous

“My King, there are several routes we can go with, but first, if we wish to be in a better light to the rest of the world, we can create a casus belli here with Lady Stritzel. Use her as a reason for the invasion, no heir, near the border, place her under suspicion for treason, and take her claim. We use her as a scapegoat for invading those who were inciting rebellion in our lands.” an aged man in royal robes said as he looked at a king, moving a stick to push a tiny little flag to a plot of land out on the border. “It is en route if they take a half-days detour through her land. Kill her, make sure she and those who are around her die so that they cannot tell another story. It is cold, but I know you will wish to be extreme to close all loose ties, but that might cause strife among some of those in her lands, even if she is not the best, her family has been there a long time..”

“And I do, I like it, it is brutal for you… more in line with your blood, Uncle.” the King said, looking over towards Thernous, “Something that young grandson might enjoy doing; he hasn’t had a good fight, put him with the others, and they will make a fine weapon, and a good bargaining chip should we find the right opportunities.”

Shuffling was outside the room, and the two men looked at the entryway closest to them.

“The others I assume, similar group to those you used last time?” Thernous asked, “good group, quality, odd choices… but effective in their roles. Are there any changes that you are making, or thinking of making before we let them in?”

“Yes, you, that grandson of yours, his little friend, the young Ironside daughter that was in your recent guard and that your grandson has his eye on, and a few others that seemed to be able to hold their own worth. That seems to be the best for the occasion, I believe that you will be settled with them. Inspire wisdom, and get them to do what is needed for my kingdom.” replied the King, “Feel free to use them both as tools to get what we need, we know they are both youthful, imagine if we can get several allies on the way, sealing those alliances and allegences before moving on would be worth a lot.”

“I will not speak for the family of Ironside, but I can for my son. If the occasion arrises, he will do his duty, but finding allies in those lands will be hard, rivalries and hate run deep and strong, and war wlll likely settle any change of those thoughts for them. Plus, my grandson already has their permission.”

“Well, use my authority as King to do so, and we shall see if it shall come to fruition with time, if the opportunity arise use them as their bloodlines demand of it, I do not care for their personal feelings. For now, lets see if the others are ready to kill for me. I don’t care if the two have a mutual arrangement, tell your grandson to think of the throne, think of his family and his line. The Ironside family is loyal to us, we don’t need to tie down relations with them, we need fresh allies, fresh men to fight if we are to be at war. Now get the others, and let us proceed.”

With that Thernous stood, and hobbled over towards a table with a key on it, picking it up, and moving towards the door with the commotion outside, he opened it to several waiting outside, he smiled a bit and relaxed.

“Come in, come in, we were just finalizing a few things before we all set off. Just find a spot, and let’ us start this most dire of quests,” the aging man said as he picked up a piece of wood, and a lining of paper with a few names on it, lifting a quill to the paper, “Just say your name as you enter please, so I can see if we are all here. He said as he also made a few extra markings for those previously not in the party list, and putting a check by his own name.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Upon hearing the call, Jazdia Crystalspark walked forward. This kind of formalities, though rather trivial, was uncommon if she looked back from the last four months ago.

It seemed Fredricus employed a different person this time. Lord Thernous was the name she heard quite often, and she had the intel about him in her playbook during her survey before opening Angel's share. Apparently Fredricus' uncle, The elderly man held an important position in the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

"Jazdia Crystalspark. I would like to request a copy of the other participants' dossiers if you don't mind. Thank you! " she said, smiling at Therneous before entering the room and sitting on a chair next to a table that had a full set of tea pot and clean cups prepared. And the tea was cold... again? Really?
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Kindeance

Solomon sat at a desk, late at night, pouring over a well worn book. He looked eerily still, his body hunched over the book. The hood of his motionless hung over his head towards the earth, and his robes draped over his body made him look almost like a living shadow hovering over the contents of the page. Were it not for the thin gloved hand reaching from underneath his garb to turn the page, it would have been hard to distinguish him as a man from shadow monster. Even so, it might have still been difficult.

The room was large, yet only one candle burned. The flickering light bounced off rows of shelves, some full of books, others empty with dust. Under the hood, still eyes slowly crossed the page before darting back to the beginning of the next line. After a time, the hand reached out again, and the book hushed as the pages softly collapsed over themselves. His figure stood, the chair pushing across the short carpet of the rub below as he did so. Silently, the book clutched in his hand was returned to the shelf.

Solomon retrieved the candle off the table, and left the library into the ornately decorated hall. Moonlight poured in through the windows shining off the golden trim and the brass fixtures. With his other hand, he reached over the flame, clasping his fingers on the wick. A thin trail of warm gray wisps snaked from the once bright fire. Placing the candle upon a long narrow table next to him, he turned to see a man in royal garb standing there.

“Sir Solomon Sparrow? I was told you’d be here at this time. I have a letter for you. I tried to deliver it at your last request place of residence, but, ah, you weren’t there.”

“Yes.” said Solomon. His arm reached slowly towards the young man from beneath his cloak. “I apologize keeping you up this late searching for me. Thank you.”

“Ah, that’s alright.” the young man murmured. He bowed slightly before turning on his heel and walking back down the hall. Solomon watched him for a moment before his eyes glanced down towards the envelope in his hand. He didn’t need to open it to guess what might have been penned inside. Though it only four months, Solomon knew the king would eventually need help again. The border politics were delicate, and so it was unlikely he could move freely with the Kindeance name.

At the time four months ago, he was willing to lend his hand for the king. However, he had to decline to request to join his court. Though, with how close he remained near the palace, it would have been hard to speak of otherwise. He had no ill will towards the royal family, nor disdain towards their troubles, but he felt more purpose in his dealings with the common folk. He remained by the palace mainly to make use of the opportunity to raid its library. He also was duty bound to both the late Von Kruber, and a certain bestial friend to make sure his family would be taken care of. If Solomon was not at the palace, he resided at the current estate Von Kruber’s widow lived. It wasn’t entirely amicable, but resistance to his presence eventually diminished.

Solomon’s arm vanished beneath his cloak once again. The fabrics of his attire barely illuminated in the glow of the moon shifted as he did towards that source of light. The letter was of short notice. Time must be running out. Solomon supposed the details he would have heard four months ago would be revealed again at the upcoming meeting. He saw first hand the devastation a war could bring. He even lived through part of the aftermath. He decided he could lend his hand again. There wasn’t much to lose, and the library wasn’t going anywhere.

Though the hall was moonlit, the shadows still clung to every surface. Solomon then became one of them. Slowly he sunk into lightless void, his form disappearing into the darkness. In that moment, he ceased to be, his whereabouts unknown. Surely he would appear again at the most appropriate time.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

1:00 PM
Varya Chandrar
Memorial Park, Rascade, Kindaence

Varya's senses were overstimulated when he first entered the capital, for he was not used to the hustle and bustle of the big city, the volume of steps and voices, and the presence of so many people at any given time. He had made it a habit to avoid such places if he had the option to, preferring the more rural areas, though circumstances forced his hand. He could tell it would take some time to get used to for someone as introverted as he was.

Shortly after first arriving at the city he bought with battle earned coin a dapper navy blue gent's suit and pants, wanting to look his best for himself and to make a good first impression with any potential employers. Varya walked with cane in hand, unbeknownst to onlookers that within it secretly was stored a sharp blade.

Afterwards he went to the docs to behold the splendor of Rascade's famous port, pregnant with grand ships that carried within them treasures from across the length and breadth of the world. He sat upon the piers edge to gaze in awe at the infinity of blue expanded before him, smelling the salt around him and feeling the cool coastal winds kiss his cheeks. The coast and the ocean's horizon were sacred to Varya, and the sight of it during the sun's setting was one of the most beautiful phenomenon he had ever witnessed on this earthly plane, a glimpse into the grand tapestry of the cosmos.


Varya after a time went to the memorial park to walk through it as well as peruse the cemetery of Kindaence's great heroes of old, though to his disappointment the locals had informed them that it was closed off to the public. He walked across the park barefoot to feel the grass beneath him. Beneath a shady tree he laid, relaxing after a great deal of walking, appreciating the greenery of the trees.

As Varya was dozing off, from the corner of his eye he saw a mail man approaching him. He stood up and went to address the mail man. The man delivered onto him a letter before departing. At first Varya thought that it was from the mercenary group he was to join within the capital, but to his surprise it was sealed with an insignia of the royal house Kindaence! Recognizing its importance, he concealed the letter in his coat, then retreated to the most secluded part of the park he could find. He then casted upon himself his spell of Invisibility, so that none but he could read the contents of the letter in seclusion.

Varya stood in silence after processing what all he read. The significance of this message could not be overstated. He could never have imagined that a king would summon him, at least not so soon. It was humbling, but it was also intimidating. Now more than ever Varya must prove not just to the king but to himself that he is worthy of this most high calling. Varya was nervous, but he knew in his heart he must muster the courage to embrace this invitation, for it was a sign from Above that pointed towards his destiny. He kept the letter close to his heart as he went to freshen up in preparation for this momentous meeting with royalty.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The winter had been a productive one. After her last stint at the castle Yvonne had left north toward the veritable warzone that was Tretagor, reconnecting with the old company for a short while. From there they navigated to Helvetia, where she stashed her kingly ransom in the most secure bank she could find. She took a small risk and named the captain her next in kin should she failed to reclaim the gold, a measure from years of trust and relationship. Better them than letting her actual family somehow worm their way into that wealth.

That aside, she restocked and rearmed before making her way back to the land of her birth. There's more to be gained, enough for a truly opulent retirement. She honestly wasn't sure if she would quit even after, she liked her current life too much for it... but perhaps it's something to consider.

Eventually the invitation found its way to her, and back to the castle she went. A few familiar faces, a few new ones. Some were missing, but she suppose it's an inevitable development. Flashing a toothy grin, the mercenary briskly followed Sparky as the summon finally called them to meet the monarch.

"Yvonne Rosenving, at your service."

Her weapons were handed over already, but otherwise Yvonne showed up dressed for war. The brigandine was brand new and expertly made, with a suspiciously familiar scrap of purple fabric sewn on the surface. Her gauntlet, greaves, joint protector, and the open-faced sallet too were gleaming like something fresh from the smithies. All in all, she cut a striking figure not unlike a preening peacock, roguish confidence oozing with her every steps.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Two Squires, Louise and Erwin

The yesterday night before the meeting.

The night prior had been a wonderful night, they had enjoyed a moment together where everything went well, and he remembered it as if it was just moments ago. He looked at her and all he saw was the night prior flash between his eyes.

Erwin smiled as they came through the gate, and he looked around for a moment, he just sighed softly as he looked over to his right at the woman riding beside him behind the carriage with his grandfather in it, then he smiled as a few men approached on foot. "Our guard is over for now... it is late Lady Ironside." he said with a slight smile, they likely been quiet the entire trip there, a day or so of constant riding to get here the day before the meeting. "I am sure my uncle has a place to host you for tonight, if not you can stay in one of the buildings on the north wall near me." The man was quiet as he rode closer to Louise, and continued to move them both towards the stables, "If... that would be suitable to you, I... know you haven't read the letter, but, I would like to try getting dinner tonight with you. Seeing what we can do tonight before the meeting, and I will bring you along, I already told grandfather, you are strong, and I know that whatever it is they will be planning tonight is important, we could use you, plus... if something happened, I could use you to pick me up and drag me back."

"I wouldn't mind for the dinner. I will accept anything that you will offer." Louise answered him, since he has her father's approval and planning to court her. She wouldn't mind the offered hospitality from Erwin's side.

"I am glad," he said dismounting, and taking his pack off his horse, he handed it to one of the younger boys at the stable, and smiled, "The rest of the packs to my uncles northern rooms, for both of us. I am sure he wont mind us one bit." Then he turned to Louise and held a hand out, "shall we then? I know a small eatery just down the main path in. They can get our things, and I can escort you back when we are finished. I am afraid this might be the only opportunity we get." he said quietly as he looked up towards her. "Uncle and Grandfather can have their meetings and planning, tomorrow we can wake up, and go to the meeting, I'll make sure you are there too. Prestige and honor for our names, regardless of what is to happen."

"It settle then..." She replied and smiled on him. That the first time for him to see her smile.

He smiled softly as he held his hands up towards her to help her off her mount, and he smiled brightly as he saw her smile, "Come my dear... and with time, I will carry you."

"I... I prefer to walk..." she replied but she offered her hand to him, as she got down, and the stable boy lead her horse into the stable.

"For dinner. To be honest with you. I don't have any dress for the outside stroll. I didn't expect this type of scenario. I just wear my off duty uniform during my break." She spoke up as the began walking together.

He shook his head, "I just meant going right now... in what we are wearing." he said walking towards the gate with her, smiling a bit as he held her arm in his, and looking prideful in the moment.

"Just going, and it's just a small place, not too fancy, it isn't a ball, just a small place where we can sit, and eat, and not get looked at by everyone around us."

"Is that so... I thought I was supposed to wear something like what women wear for a date... I guess those things I read don't happen in reality. Still, I will join you for dinner." She replied. "Also, I wanted to go to a weapon shop, to browse on something. If you don't mind?" She continued.

"We have an armory here, I will take you there after." He said smiling a bit, "what are you looking for, if it's something a bit off quilter I am sure that I know a blacksmith that can make it... With time for when we return next."

He shook his head for a moment, and just kept walking, he moved his cloak around his shoulders more, and he looked at her.

"Plus, that's if they are still awake, sun is going to go down by the time we leave dinner."

"Well we can browse it next time. I was looking for something foreign.

I heard from the Adventurer that the weapon shop from the capitol has something unique that comes from foreign land. It is quite popular for fresh adventurers.

What is it called, again..."
She said and paused to remember it.

"A SA-MU-RAI SWORD!" She mentioned it with a cute face full of enthusiasm.

He just stared at her for a moment as he looked forward, and he just chuckled softly as he looked at her, "you wont find any of those in these lands, they look interesting, but they are phased out by muskets... and our swords, they can hardly penetrate armor like ours." he whispered quietly, "Though, they are fun, and come in several different varieties dear. If, everything goes well, I will get you a full set of blades from the east no matter how expensive."

"Maybe we can travel there as well... Grandfather has been there a long time ago, he knows more about them than I do, he has a few books written about his time he saw there in foriegn lands far away. When in the future, we decide it is time to tie ourselves together, we can go off and see the world before coming home, letting our families watch our holdings and go for a year or so..."
In that moment, all he saw was inspiration and future, hope and a lfie where he never had to work, where he could get away from the politics and life that he lived currently, where he could truly be free with someone besides himself.

"I would like to read his book... Also not just from that sword origin. I wish to travel around the world and learn their cultures when peace has been restored... I'll try my best then... Please take care of me..." She replied

He smiled and his other arm moved to squeeze hers, "I will always take care of you..." he said quietly in a hushed manner as they continued to walk down the cobbled street, and he turned the corner as he looked over at her, "may that brutish nation to the north end it's thing, and may whatever we have been summoned here for be quick." He leaned towards her, and he slowly stopped at the corner and he looked at a nice light coming from the darkening street before he continued forward, and stopping at a small door opening it after releasing her from his escort. "My dear."

Louise had been silent, with her heart is pounding. He was getting on her and her cheeks blushing proved it.

Erwins hand opened out towards the small restaurant inside, and he just smiled a bit, "shall we?" he asked looking down at her, his eyes just smiling as she blushed, to which he replied with a faint one of his own.

She nodded as he moved behind her as they entered, and he found them both a small table to sit at relatively in the back, but just a place out of view of most of those there he pulled one seat out before sitting, "Is there anything wrong, you are red and haven't said a word since we got here?"

"I don't know... I feel overwhelmed and nervous… This is my first time in life...." She replied.

Erwin smiled softly as he looked down at her, "I will always be here, I will always come if you call me, but sit... I am here for you."

She nodded still in blush and getting overwhelmed. "Um... Why me? I can tell there are other beautiful women who have noble status..." She asked couldn't look at him directly.
She heard his reason but she wanted to know more.

"You are the first woman I've met that had some interest in me besides my name, and family, you want to explore and do all the things my father and grandfather do that I am just not smart enough to do. You like to read, but deep down you seek adventure away from the monotonous life we live."

He just sighed a bit, as he stood there in front of her, "Since we have met, since you picked me up from my drunken stupor, I have felt that one day, I will return that favor to you. Your beauty is one thing, but you are another."

"Well... You see in all years of my life. My mind is only to follow my step of my family. I expected to die in battle as a warrior. I didn't think more about having someone who love me and to have a family.... But, as a woman. I can only do the cooking and house chores that's all, I did nurse some babies of my relatives too. For the stuff that noble women do. I don't know about it..." She replied.

"You will be the last of your family in name." he whispered quietly as he slowly placed a hand to her cheek, "You are meant to keep a line going, your father was a warrior, he is with a family. Should you not have the same as him? Should you not... just have happiness in one thing at least? Have someone to hold you, and care for you? You will be a warrior beside me, we will be together in the end, who would go to war with us, why would we go to war? We will just be with each other, together. We can get married with time, all will be well."

"I too. I wish to have a family. And loved by someone for the rest of the life. You have my father's approval. Try your best to make me fall in love..." She replied. Can't able to look at him, her heart is pounding and she keep overwhelmed.

He smiled softly, and he lifted her face, slowly stepping away as he moved to his seat awaiting her, "I will do my best... I hope that you already had a spark within you, I just can't wait for you to see it, to be joyous of it, because when it happens I will see you be free of your thoughts for just a moment, like when I saw you smile."

"I will try my best..."

When she took her seat, he did across from her, and bread was placed in front of them, "meat and cheeses please... Wine as well, a bottle and glasses." he said quietly to someone walking by before he held one hand across the table, still wearing his armor he just smiled a bit. "What do you want Miss Louise?"

"Recommend me something... Sir... Erwin... I need calories that I can able to have some combat exercise in my free time." She replied.

"I was talking about, in life... I just thought some meats and cheese would do good for us with this bread. A bottle of wine, and well... Just, I wanted to know what you wanted, was I your envisionment for a happy life?"

"Oh I was focus about food... My bad, I thought I need to pick some. Hmmm... Perhaps I can give you eight healthy babies..." She shyly replied on blush.

He just looked at her, and he chuckled softly, and just reached out her, "Are you sure you do not love me already?" he asked quietly.

"If things went well after sometime. Right. I can give you eight or I guess even more. I will continue my family's bloodline with someone I love. I actually like children, that is why I used to love taking care some of my relatives..."

"For someone who just has been told that a man has fallen for her, and is sitting across a table from him. I am glad that you are full with enthusiasm, but I meant. Right now, what do you want?" he asked chuckling a bit.

She burst out of redness and quickly shut her face cover by her both arms on the table. "I... Don't know!"

Erwin just smiled, as he just chuckled a bit enjoying her confusion and denial, and he looked at her as a small wooden tray of meat and a few small rounds of cheese came, "well lets eat... and just, walk alright?" he asked smilinga bit. "And enjoy our night, because, honestly, I like this side of you... I like how quaint and beautiful you are right now."

"Shut up...!" A precious cute denial... She regained back, still full of red and can't look at him. Despite her distraction, she is able to eat properly with an elegant table manner. She eats meat and cheese, skip alcoholic beverages with a safer alternative.

He smiled softly as he just began to eat slowly, and he stayed quiet for a minute, as he looked down at the table. Erwin's face just showed happiness as he relaxed a bit, and ate. He poured them both a small glass, and drank slowly. He slipped several coins down on the table for when they were finished, but he just ate slowly. Blushing as well as he looked down, "I like to think you are enjoying this."

"Honestly... Yeah. Well, um?"

"Yes?" he asked looking back up towards her.

"For the stay... I would like to see your room. I want to make sure... If you said it is true. I want to confirm that you don't hide some other women."

"We will be going there, you'll stay in a side building." he said quietly, "My home is open to you, though it is not much of a home, it's just a few buildings in the keep with my Grandfather and his staff."

“Just to make sure that you really you don't hide me something, let’s share a bed.”

He was taking a drink when she said that, and he almost spit it out. Coughing as he swallowed it and plenty of air, he just looked at her, "Should we not wait till marriage?"

"No, let us share a bed. Let's see." Bluntly straight replied. “Are you scared?" A smug face has given to him.

Erwin looked at her and nodded softly, as he was brighter and hotter than the sun in that moment, she had turned the tables in that instant, and he had no clue of what to think of it. He nodded softly, and looked at her, then down at the table as he had stopped eating. He looked back at her, as he pressed his lips into a smile. "I am just surprised… Should someone catch us…"

"Is that so. From now on. You will be mine only. Since you have my father's approval and have a satisfaction to court me in the future. If you break it, you will be facing consequences from me." She keep her smug, her eyes turned into yandere eyes.

Erwin smiled back, and he nodded with confidence as he saw it as a challenge at that point, "You are mine... but, this is not the place for my next question." he asked as he stood and held his hand down towards her.

As the two left, he smiled a bit, and he kept walking with her back up the street, and he slowly moved his cloak around them both, "Will you marry me?" he asked softly as he looked towards her, "if those words were true, I am willing to bind myself to you till the end."

"Good... My answer is yes." A serious look to him. She put both her hands on his cheeks and then kissed him. She let him savor it for a moment and let it go.

Erwin smiled, and kissed her gently, "You stole a kiss." he said chuckling softly as he kissed her again. "Come on, you have a room to inspect." he said as he lifted her up into his arms, and he carried her there bridal style.

Morning before the meeting. Louise rose up with a night gown and looked at Sleeping Erwin.

"Erwin... Wake up... We are about to attend the gathering..."

He slowly looked over as he was literally sown down into the bed, as he looked over at her barely awake as he just stared up at her, "My love." he whispered quietly, "I am bound to the bed by the maids... can you get me out before I suffocate?"

Louise took time to set free the man under bed. "I m going to wash myself first...."

He slowly moved his arms around her now that he was freed from the encasement of the sown bedsheets, "I'll just clean myself with a bucket, and get dressed quickly. We should have some time, I see the sun isn't fully up, knowing uncle and Grandfather, one is scheming, the other is making the thoughts reasonable."
"I would like to tour around then..." She replied.

He smiled softly, "Take your bath, and we can find something to do, but we could probably also meet some of the others... if we aren't too late."

"Right..." She nodded him and proceeded to the room along with delivered family banner clothes.

He smiled a bit as he just slowly looked at her, "I will leave you be for a minute, I will change, and then we can... rejoin each other here."

Louise met Erwin in the room and looked at him. She is wearing her family tarbard of the Ironside along with a cape and a brooch on her hand.

"I don't know where I put this? Is it necessary?" She said to Erwin.

Erwin's hand went to hers, and he slowly moved it to her tabard right under her neck, as he smiled softly. He rested his hand to her cheek, and just smiled. "It is ours, a sign of us. I think it should be included in formalities, no?"

"I hope so..." She looks at him straight and quickly proceeds for a morning kiss on his lips.

"Shall we?" She continued

Erwin took her hand as he placed it there, and he nodded, kissing back. "Let's, Love," he whispered as he held onto her. With that, he took a step out and opened the door, pulling her along with him as he just smiled at the keep across the courtyard, "Uncle's throne... let us just wait outside that room, and fall behind the others, hopefully, we are forgotten, and missed." he said quietly, "maybe we can live peacefully."

The two entered the meeting room.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Varya Chandrar
Royal Palace, Rascade, Kindaence

Varya walked through the halls of the castle, dressed in a navy blue button up coat with a high collar and color matching pants, and wearing black gloves. Adorning his neck was a silver necklace with a precious sapphire stone at its center, a family heirloom passed from generation to generation from his mother's line. He doused himself in many shampoos and oils so that wherever he walked he wafted the scents of lavender mixed with sea breeze, and his soft hair was brushed straight. Varya took a great deal of time maintaining his appearance, and he hoped others would appreciate it as well, though in truth much of it was inspired by his own sense of vanity, and his infatuation with his own reflection. He forfeited all of his weaponry to the palace guards. He took his time walking through the castle, appreciating the craftsmanship of stone, and the decoration of the interior. While he was no expert on the nuances of architectural aesthetics, he could still find himself enjoying them. Though he was still nervous in the meeting of high socially esteemed individuals, he was confident in his ability to hide his self perceived weakness.

When Varya reached the entrance to the room of meeting, he took a look at his reflection in a hand held silver mirror to ensure he still looked presentable, and found himself satisfactory. He put his ears to the door to check if any conversations had started, though he heard not. Slowly he opened the door and entered, closing the door behind him. He scanned the room, and realized that two people were already in the room. One was a tall man with short fair hair and blue eyes, a common physical trait amongst the local peoples it seemed. He was clothed like an exceptionally well dressed squire, wearing the insignia of the royal house of Kindaence! Likely of relation to the King, and thus deserving of the utmost respect. The other was a women a hair shorter than Varya with dark green eyes, with long hair that was also fair, wearing insignia of her own, likely representing a noble house. Varya dared not approach them, recognizing the significance of their company. Instead he silently makes his way to a seat closest to the south eastern corner of the room. He would face the door, watching for anyone that would enter the room and take measure of them, only occasionally diverting his attention to admire his own pretty face in his mirror. He would not talk or make eye contact with anyone unless they engaged in conversation first.

Now all that was left to do was wait.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena stood near the window, gazing out through the soft white curtain. Though the day hours still lingered, something about this meeting made the light appear as though it struggled through storm clouds. She waited in a room with not a small number of others. A few she recognized as persons of notoriety. Such as the King’s advisor’s grandson, and then the squire who had joined not long ago. Then there were those she recognized form the news the king broke four months ago, about the crown prince and his rescuers. The doctor in black and Jazdia. She didn’t know what they looked like in person, but there was something about the elf that made he certain that is who it was. She half expected a bear to also be present. Maybe that would confirm her suspicions. As for the others, she expected to wait and see. The king must have requested them for a reason.

Speaking of the meeting with the King, Athena was surprised when she found a letter lying on the floor, near the front entrance of Voltspear’s house. Never had she thought that she would be good enough to be of personal audience with the king. Despite having seen him multiple times across her duties around the capital city, this was the first she would be addressed by him.

Athena’s ears perked when the door to the meeting room opened. Immediately people began to shuffle in, the elven woman being on of the first. She spoke so casually, it was a little of a shock, and to ask for their dossier’s? Who was she to think she’d be allowed that privileged? She decided to bite her tongue for now. It was too earlier to start a confrontation, especially since it wasn’t her place to say anything. Lord Thernous and his grandson were already here, so that alone outranked her. Instead, she entered the room with the others. She tried to appear as professional as possible, keeping her tails close, and her surcoat straight.

Solomon was one of the last to have entered. He bowed when he came to face the king before he secluded himself back to the rear of the party to allow the others forward. He kept himself in an opposite corner to that of Louise and Erwin, who almost appeared to hide. Not to completely conceal themselves, but perhaps get lost in the crowd. There were more here than when Solomon was at a similar meeting four months ago.

“Your highness. Doctor Solomon Sparrow, once again at your service.” he said simply.

“Er, Athena. Athena Voltspear.” piped up Athena as the other started introducing themselves as well. In the end, Jazdia was confirmed, and so was Solomon. Athena knew little of Yvonne, but the name Rosenving sounded familiar. Didn’t they party themselves into destitution? What would that family be able to offer? Even with the Thernous’ grandson, and the likes of someone like Jazdia and Solomon, this group appeared anything but cohesive. What was the king planning?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Words to an Audiance

King Fredricus and Lord Thernous

While the elderly man smiled at the first woman through the door, he saw a second enter behind her. He smiled at the young lady, "It is good to meet you Miss Yvonne, now just find a spot and relax while the others come in." He saw his grandson and the woman beside him arm in arm. e took a deep breath, and sighed.

Speaking under his breath Thernous said something, "Boy, you take Miss Ironside somewhere comfortable, and stay quiet..."

Finally seeing another man in the back he just chuckled a bit, seeing the man looking at himself in the mirror, before he just continued to make marks on the paper in his hands.

Looking at the next few, Sparrow and Voltspear he marked them down as well. He looked back at the King, and nodded, "I believe the other two are in the other room ready for your words." he said as he walked over to another door as he just stood by it.

The King, just looked at all of those entering the room silently, he looked at his nephew, he looked at those who came to prior arrangements and those who are here now. He took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand, "I thank you uncle, your record keeping skills are masterful. But it seems as if most are here, except for the twins in the other room."

"But let us begin." He slowly moved a map out from underneath the table, and sighed as he looked down upon it. There was his kingdom, his moment in life, and small red pocks throughout it. He moved his hand over the map to flatten the wrinkles and folds in the pages, but it looked relatively freshly drawn.

“Some of you know this, but our Kingdom is fixing to be in a state of war. Our highest legislative body has determined that we have been wronged in our past, and wronged now. There are treasonous scum in our lands that wish to conspire with those in Meche to overthrow both me and our entire governing body.”

The king looked around the room after a moment and then continued, “We are in the process of voting for the war, but I am deciding to be preemptive with those internal threats on the border before the vote has been decided; we need you each to travel west to the Dutchy under Lady Stritzel, she has recently become a problem, with her age, and deterioration with her mind, she seems to have wrong us, becoming traitorous, and colluding with those in Meche. This is a new development that has come to my attention, but she and someone have devised a plan to allow access into our lands unimpeded. There is more of a personal reason for some of you, and that she has kidnapped a certain bear we may all know.”

“After that detour, your real quarter will begin, you must go to Meche, and see if you can end the war before it begins. While armies will likely still march, we are trying to keep the loss of life a minimum. There is turmoil there, a thought of revolution, traitors, and rowdy nobles overtaking those in Meche that we wish to stand beside, they are working with our own people to spread that turmoil into Kindeance and other kingdoms touching Meche. I am tasking you with ending this thought of mind, and ensuring that it doesn’t bring this world into the flames of war. I am asking you to give your life for your families, for your friends if need be, to keep our world from the brink of an all-out war of wars.”
With that, he took a moment to take a deep breath and drinking water before he continued his long speech.

“With innovation, with the industrialization of nations, the next war will be grand, where armies will die in minutes if we continue to innovate the drums of war as quickly as we have, and war will expedite that process, imagine if your musket.” he said pointing at Erwin, “could fire more than three times a minute, imagine if it could do twice that, or even three times in ten seconds. Imagine if the cannons on our walls fired shot that exploded like the flames of a mage. Science is overturning and bringing forth a new age where those that are elite soldiers can be cut down in a charge by men taught to fire one of those sticks of death effectively. Meche will be destroyed, it’s people slaughtered, and our armies will be ruined. While we have defenses surrounding our nation, our forts are not strong enough to withstand bombardment from these new weapons, it will be a war of attrition and mobility, not lines and honor. This will likely be the last true war of honor, where fighting men will embrace with swords in mass numbers. Unless if you all can stop this war from happening, find out what is happening in Meche, and end it somehow. Secure their throne, and our ally, or place someone on top of their throne that is loyal to us. Do what you need so that there need not be war my people. I am being honest to you, this war will drag as many people down into the earth as it can, it will be a ruination of power, and even if we win, we will lose as well in the scale of how this war is likely going to play out.”

The King took a deep breath, and sighed some, pointing at the map, and placing his hand on the western provinces, the Dutchy they are to go to, “First, we will start with her, kill her, and those close to her, find those from Meche that are trying to overthrow their government and kill them, and that will give us call in war. Currently our only call is hearsay and... For those who have been apart of the band, there was another among you that was taken recently. We have his family in the other room, a certain bear... Stritzle took him, and what is happening is likely terrible to him, but save him, and start trying to unravel this conspiracy."

With the queue, Thernous opened a doorway revealing the sisters to a certain bear, "This way my dears, let him finish his speech and then if you have anything to say please do."

"Once that is finished, we will have a way for our nation to survive this war from the rest of the world, we will rid ourselves of a dissident. The agents from Meche’s revolution will likely flee, but, several of you have noble and landed titles, and there are still those in Meche who believe in the old ways, find them and see if we can create alliances. There are several on the way to their capital, and likely several within the capital as well, but once there, you will have to determine the best course of action, we may have a combined force to quell the unrest there, and we may find ourselves allied to Meche again in the end. I hope that we do, but for now, those within Meche are an known, treat all as an enemy unless if you have reason to believe that they will stand beside us all or our old allies there.”

The gloved kingly hand moved to several dots along major roads on the way to the capital city of Meche, and he rested his hand on the capital, “You have kits, and most of you are likely able to move quickly; after this, you will have an hour before you depart on your quest. Are there any questions before you set off, is there anything you wish to say in your time of need, we are here to help your family first?" With that, the hand on the capital moved over to the twins.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

So Cedar got grabbed, no wonder he's missing. Too bad, how sad, but that's how the world went. Shit just happened if you're not alert. Wasn't he also nabbed by Freddy's men back then? Seems that he hadn't learned jack shit. Well, since rescuing him was part of the job description, might as well. However, the rest of the job was... how to say it? Problematic, yes.

"Your majesty, from what I hear you're asking us to slay some of the most well-protected men and women in Meche." That's assuming they can somehow figure out who's pushing for the war. Even after they did, it still entailed the killing of some very important people or even the big man, the king himself. Backward as Meche could be, their equivalent of Jonas Delving would still be guarded by some of the best fighters the country can scrounge up. Especially at turbulent times such as this. "Just one, we can likely manage with the people in this room. But any more is suicide mission, they'll have their guards up by then, and I'm not signing up for that."

No offense to the parties present, but they're more sledgehammers than the surgical blades that were assassins. Whatever altercation will blow out of proportion instead of settle down quietly. Sure, there's a few unknown faces this time, but she doubt it'll make up sufficient difference to whatever fighting formation worked last time.

"I'm all onboard up until Stritzel. Anything beyond that, I'd like to hear a solid plan before I throw my lot in."

Whether dealing with king or baron or even just simple village head, mercenaries will be mercenaries. They're paid to take risk, but all the money in the world wouldn't matter if you walk into certain death trying to hoodwink the reaper. There's a clear difference between risky and suicidal, and Yvonne wasn't interested in the latter.
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