Jean waited for the moment as his meal would be prepared, finishing his drink in the mean time. “I can’t say for sure what you have packed away in that case of yours, Engie.” said Jean as he placed the empty flagon onto the bar top. Some left over alcohol dripped down the side, slowly racing towards the counter. “But it seems like you’re ready to go to battle against a large monster. Hah, I guess it might be too early to tell. But here is to hoping you’re not going to need everything you may or may not have stored in your luggage.”
"Vell, vo knovs? Ve might pe facing zomezing heaffily Harmored," Engie answered. She pulled out something from her ammo compartment below on her torso. She then showed Jean a clip that fit a pointy, cylinder-shaped five-round bullet. "I sdocked ein punch of zeze pecauze it takes time und material to make zeze. Und mein gun is guite different from ozers zat uze musket palls zat are schtandardised Hefferyvere. I'm from afar; I did haffe ein hapit of backing zings heaffily loated," Engie continued. She pulled out a round from her ammo pouch and give it to Jean. "Take zis und zaffe it. I'm koing to mein room now."
Kood night, Mister Jean." She said. Rose up from the chair and gave Jean an angelic and warmth smile. Proceeded to her room to rest for another day.