Hidden 1 yr ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jen@Punished GN Charlie@FernStone

She did not expect Jen to have a van, much less one as big as this. To rent something like this was a lot per day. As long as she wasn't asking for gas money, then she'd take the ride. During the journey, she checked her phone for reception. She barely had any bars to make a phone call, so she sent off a text to her band mates letting them know she was alright. She worded her message in a way that wouldn't make much sense to anyone else, but would make sense to her band. They spoke in code when one of them was in a sketchy situation. They needed to know if someone impersonated her. She didn't know what they were walking into, but she had her gun just in case.

They arrived at the mansion, but it was blocked off with a gate. She didn't care to get out of the van in this random storm, but they couldn't sit here forever. Jen said something stupid to her.

"Um, um, um, um how about you shut the fuck up talking to me, until you learn how to speak normal. Every time you open your mouth I lose the plot, because you talk like you got cock stuck in your throat. Act like I'm stupid again and you won't have to worry about what's in that house." She glared at her, making it clear she wasn't putting up with her shit. She's been nice, but Jen better watch herself.

She got out of the van, the rain not making her mood any better. It was hard to see, she was soaked through in seconds. They should've turned back, until the weather cleared but they're here. She knew no one would want to go back, and she wasn't going to ask just for someone to say she could stay in the van. That's the worst thing she could do.

She walked up to Charlie, looking up at the gate, then at the lock pad. "I say we climb it. It is someone's property and they could show up any time. The van's already suspicious enough. If it's unlocked, they'll know for sure we're in there. Don't want a run in with Sheriff Dick, because someone's called the cops."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Jennifer Caspin

Interactions: Ophrenia (@silvermist1116), & Charlie (@FernStone).
Road To The Old Black Manor.

Despite the threat, Jen's mouth went open as she shot back,

"I wasn't even talking about you; how about you kiss my a-"

"... Let's keep it in your pants, ladies," Lily replied with a roll of her eyes - with all the weird shit going on out here, these idiots have nothing to do but try and tear each other's hair out. At the same time, Lily would have loved to see that any other time; she wanted to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible. The smell of weed on her clothes permeated through the rest of the van, but did Lily care? Not one bit. What was on her mind was the sudden rain storm, and as she sat in her chair, she quickly glanced at her cell phone, then the weather app. It still said that it was bright and sunny.... then again, the internet out here was god awful, but that didn't explain how sunshine went to rainstorms in the blink of a goddamn eye. Lily just rolled her eyes as she stepped out of Jennifer's van (she was likely the sole reason why Jen wasn't getting back her security deposit).

The rain hit Lily's hair and soaked it, and she knew that her dreads would be in desperate need of retwisting by the time she got back to San Antonio. She walked over to Charlie and Ophrenia as they discussed whether or not to climb the fence. It didn't have barbed wire at the top, so getting over it was easy. It was evident that Ms. Tea and Crumpets never did anything "street," but the New Yorker was more than willing to help her! Lily walked over and gave Charlie a little tap on the shoulder as she stepped past her and teased,

"Maaaaaami! You know you'll have a hard time getting over that fence with all that junk in the trunk!" Lily laughed as she put one foot ahead of herself, placing all her weight on her back leg, and bolted. Once she got in range, she jumped and grabbed the top with both hands, throwing her right leg over the fence and hooking her heel over the top. Lily then gracefully dropped down... and then looked down and saw that her Adidas sweatpants were ripped.

"Awwww fuck, I just got these!" Lily shook her head as she grabbed onto her pants and shook her head. She looked up and saw that Jennifer had vaulted the gate by sticking her hands and feet through the holes and dropped down the other side. Lily turned her head and quickly took off her backpack and dug out the flashlight as if she was not going to have her cell phone get drenched (nor kill the battery). She shined it ahead and asked Jennifer, "Straight ahead, Jen?"

"Y-yes," Jennifer answered.

"Then let's go! My dreads are getting drenched," Lily placed one foot forward and then allowed Jen to lead the group (who had a flashlight of her own). Hopefully, if a swamp bear or something attacked them, it would attack from the front and let their fearless leader take the brunt. Lily felt the mud squish against her feet, but fortunately, she had on some Timberland hiking boots just for this occasion. Jen had her flashlight facing the front, while Lily was scanning the sides of the woods...

Then she came to an abrupt stop, tilting her head to the side as she said, "... What. In. The. FUCK?" Lily's flashlight landed on a strange sight in the swamp, a strange humanoid deer thing that took motionless in the swamp, like some macabre statue made of pulsating flesh that went into the swamp water. Lily had no clue if it was dead or not - but she was sure as hell hoping it was!

"Yooooooo, what the fuck? I seen a lotta' shit, but I ain't eva' seen some shit like that?" Lily was briefly brought back to their conversation about twenty minutes ago about the glowing jar. She was hoping that this was not another thing.

"Yeah, um...." Jennifer looked to the side. "Let's... keep moving."

There was also a deer following behind the group, trailing far enough behind not to be noticed but close enough to keep the group in their sights...
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Zeltzin Sandoval

Mentions: None Location: Road to The Old Black Manor

The notion of riding clown-car in Jen's van with the group of strangers she'd known for all of half-a-day was not an enticing one to Zeltzin. Unfortunately, the idea of her bike sliding off a bank and into some tarry-ass swamp-water, which would definitely fuck it up, was even less attractive. Begrudgingly, she had determined she'd rather leave her bike behind, waiting loyally for her in the Summit Motel parking lot.

As she sat in the furthest-back row of seats, the van cruising down the back-roads of the swamp, she determined her choice was both right and wrong. It seemed the weather had taken a swing for the worse, transitioning into a torrential downpour, which she would've been forced to endure unsheltered, had she taken her bike. The alternative was that she was instead forced to endure the stench of weed coming off one of her traveling companions - and she could only guess who it was. Mind you, she had done her share of recreational medicinals in the past - but weed was not one which she had grown fond of. Fortunately, she hadn't too much time to lament her decision - for the ride was pretty short, as promised.

Her gaze scanned their surroundings through the window as the van came to a halt, looking over the gate and the depths of swamp to either side. She started shifting around as they drew up to said gate, reaching back into the cargo space and retrieving the black canvas bag that concealed the hardware she'd brought along. Considering how calm the ride was through the swamp, it seemed a bit silly in hindsight to come as heavy as they had - but better safe than sorry, as cliché as it was. Either way, it was coming along.

The rain droned against the roof of the van as she checked what few things she had on her person, before reaching over and pulling open the door she was sitting up against. The shower immediately started to dampen her clothes as she started to step out, and it quickly became a drenching. Fortunately, Zeltzin's leather jacket kept her torso relatively dry, but her jeans were quickly wet-through, and her head was also swiftly soaked. Her heavy combat-boots - which she was fortunate to have worn here - dropped heavily into the mud as she hopped out and took a better look at the gate. Yep, no getting through that with what they'd brought along.

She rolled her eyes at the previous notion of them shooting through the lock - that sorta thing was movie bullshit, usually. And 'specially wouldn't work with a scattergun. A softer Zeltzin would've had a chuckle at the response elicited from Ophrenia though - she surely hadn't expected the irritated snapback from someone as chill as her. But she had other things on her mind at the moment.

She started to mess with her canvas bag for a moment before she drew across it in a long motion, pulling the zipper around its length to pull out the shotgun stored within. She was mindful to ensure she didn't flag any of her 'companions' with it as she ensured it was loaded and the safety was on, before she slung it over her back, barrel-down. She imagined there wouldn't be many people out in the swamp, so her wariness with wearing it bare on her back was gone. She tossed the bag back into the van before stepping away.

Her eyes once again fell upon the gate that laid before them. The talk of scaling it had her looking up its length skeptically, before she laid a hand on her thigh reflectively. It'd been a while since she'd scaled a fence - the last time she exerted herself over climbing something like this was when she booked a rock-climbing trip, of all things, when she was with Eleanor. She had a stubborn adventurousness to her back then, and would endure many things for her Eleanor, even if the other made a fuss about it. In truth, climbing something like this would've been significantly easier if someone were to help her up -- but she'd rather die, naturally.

She limped up to the gate and looked straight up before measuring in her head how much of a task it'd be. She took a bit of distance before she rushed forward and hopped up to grab the top of the fence. She threw her left leg up-and-over and started pulling herself up, before she began lifting her right leg too. The latter effort caused her body to shudder as she felt a sudden, sharp pain racking her body. For a moment, she faltered, her muscles twitching in protest as she vainly tried to hold back a loud howl of agony at the attempt.
"A-AHNgh-!" There was a moment where she paused in the pain, and it looked like she might let herself stall - but it itself was halted quickly as she drew her muscles back under her control and redoubled her efforts, managing to finally throw herself over the peak of the fence and fall to the other side.

She just managed to somehow land on her feet, even if her right leg gave way and she fell to one knee. She took an involuntary moment of pause as she felt the nerves in the right side of her body flare and tweak in pangs. She let out a frustrated grunt as she managed to stand up after a moment, her right leg quivering as she violently shrugged off any looks or attempts to ensure she was okay, should there be any.

In truth, the pain was near-blinding. Once she stood up, it took her a moment for her mind to find purchase on what she was doing before the sudden onslaught of physical torment. After a pause, her head managed to readjust itself to its surroundings as Zeltzin found herself standing in the downpour, her comrades in front and behind her. Fortunately for her, she was not the last of the group to scale the fence, and she'd at least have the reprieve of a minute or so as she waited for the rest of them to climb after her. In this meantime, Zeltzin would take the opportunity to dig a shaky hand into the inner pockets of her jacket, searching for something. She was quick to find a bottle and deposit a few pills into her hand, which she swallowed dry as she waited.

Once everybody was ready, Zeltzin followed. She took it upon herself to take position at the right-most side of the group as they moved down the muddy path towards the Black Manor. They walked for some time, led by Jen as her flashlight highlighted the countless raindrops that poured through the beam of its light. That was, until Lily came to an abrupt halt at the front. "... What. In. The. FUCK?" Zeltzin's hand was quick but smooth to reach down and grasp the barrel of her weapon, preparing to whip it up under her arm if they needed it.

Her eyes followed the beam of light that connected Lily's flashlight and the.. thing that sat in the swamp, silently, as if watching them. Her eyes landed on it and she felt a chill run through her flesh as she paused, her grip of the weapon on her back remaining as it was. The thing was.. unmoving. It was just.. there. It - whatever it was - was hard to make out. With the downpour came a misty depth-of-field as the rain spattered down into the putrid, stale water of the swamp around them. Whatever the shape was, it was weird, but.. Jen had the right idea. Ignoring whatever that weird effigy-looking thing was, it was better to keep moving.

Her readiness to pull her weapon eased as they continued walking once again. Although Zeltzin was far from the superstitious type, turning her back to such a thing made her feel.. uneasy. Where she'd normally have tossed a glance over her shoulder every-so-often, now she made sure to give their flank a scrutinous gaze pretty frequently as she continued limping along.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Zeltzin @Bartimaeus
Road to the Old Black Manor.

Neko congratulated herself on having the foresight to pack her umbrella as the first raindrop tinged off the roof of the van. However, the small feeling of self-pride for actually being prepared for once was washed away as quickly as the shower transformed into a storm when she reached down and grabbed air. She quietly groaned to herself and slumped against the window. I’ll get you next time, Neko thought as she closed her eyes and listened to the storm, envisioning the transparent polka dotted umbrella that hid beneath the passenger seat of her rental car and radiated a smug sense of satisfaction that its multi-year-record of avoiding use remained unbroken.

The van braked and Neko was awoken from her short doze by her head banging lightly against the window. A hand shot to her temple, Neko feeling more embarrassed than hurt, before drifting down in a poor attempt to mute her loud horse laugh as Ophrenia verbally doused Jen in gasoline and then skipped on the match in favor of pulling out some old, reliable napalm. Neko’s eyes widened and she bit down on her hand as Jen finally began to show some backbone and seemed like she was about to shoot back before Lily put an end to the pointless bickering. Neko hung back for a brief moment just in case the conflict resumed and to avoid getting drenched while the others figured out how to get past the gate. Neko grimaced when the others began to climb it, but it was certainly better than the idea she had which was to just ram it with the van. She covered her head with her bag and hopped out of the van, the water immediately soaking through her shoes, as she approached the gate.

Neko swung her bag over her shoulder and slowly climbed up as Jen had done. By the time Neko was over the top she was completely soaked to the bone. She began easing her way down when Zeltzin scrambled over the top with a howl and landed hard on her feet, her leg crumpling. Neko gasped and scrambled down the side, rushing to check on the woman. “Oh my god, are you o—” She backed away with her hands held up defensively as Zeltzin bristled so furiously that Neko thought she was about to smack her.

“Sorry,” she muttered quietly and pretended to see something interesting on the ground until they began to move on.

Neko followed behind the group, letting those with lights lead the way, her arms wrapped tightly around her chest as she trudged onwards through the muck. Neko saw Lily get startled by something and point off into the swamp. Neko’s breath caught in her throat as she caught a glimpse of the bizarre effigy out of the corner of her eye before the light fell off of it as Jen beckoned everyone onward. She should’ve listened, but curiosity got the better of her. Neko stopped when she arrived at the place Lily had been standing and pulled her phone out of her pocket to use as a light.

Her chest tightened as she saw on the screen several missed texts from an Abby. The screen lit up Neko’s face through the darkness of the storm as her expression absolutely twisted into a look of pure disgust. Before she had a chance to check the messages Neko felt a tiny tug on the back of her soaked shirt. “What!? she hissed, whipping her head around to see that nobody had touched her. She felt it happen before it actually did—a chill of a wind, a snap of a branch, a twist of a wrist, and a splash of water. She felt a numbness in her hand as something splashed into the dark, rising swampwater below.

“Shit,” she said softly. Neko squatted down and began grabbing blindly into the muddied water as her phone fell in. No, not “fell in”—it had been knocked in. Impossible, but she had felt it get smacked. Her hands brushed against mud, sticks, and stones. No phone. Beyond Neko the shadow of the strange deer sentinel stared holes in the woman as her movement became panicked. Her curses grew loud enough to be heard over the storm as her desperate fishing attempts for her phone quickly became pointless splashing. “Shit. Shit! No, no, nonono!”
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@FernStone@Punished GN@Atrophy

For the drive, he had few words to say apart from the odd "uh-huh" here and "heh, yeah" there. More than anything, 'Carl' seemed to be in his own thoughts and he was. Dealing with Black, finding the money, getting out and gone so he could go back to figuring what he might do to salvage or recalibrate his career. Warily, he briefly glanced towards Ophrenia and Zeltz9n - the two that were openly packing heat, of which he was dubious they even knew how to use.

The van pulled up and steadily people filed out. Clay had come dressed for the job. A rain poncho, gloves, boots with good ankle support and the tool bag slung over his shoulder. There was a dry change of clothes in the trunk of his car for when he got back to the motel, and hopefully a warm coffee somewhere a ways down the road when all this was done.The rain... he'd thought Memphis got it heavy, but thsi place made hometown seem like a shower by comparison. Visibility was down to shit, but that played both ways for anyone else around. He just hoped he wasn't wasting his time here, and made a rough mental note of the route for when he found himself walking back. At least he could trade the pungent stench of weed for rain and swamp water.

And of course the gate was locked. He had brought the toolbag with him, but he wasn't too wild on outing that someone had forced entry to the property in the event that someone came down here. Instead, he kept his mouth shut as Jen and the other girl, Ophrenia - one slinging the twelve gauge - argued about whether or not the latter would try and shoot off the padlock. He wasn't exceptionally willing to count on that either - if the lock wasn't bottom-of-the-barrel quality, it would.more likely chip it than shatter it. He'd seen that once or twice, dumbass perps who'd tried and failed to blow off a lock with a .22 or birdshot and only signalled to that side of town they were trying to rip some olace off.

You bust the lock, that's B and E... the British, no - Scottish girl had it right. Shotgun girl too - it would've been better if they parked it down the road, out of the way, but he suspected Jennifer wasn't going to bother now - and to be honest, the van wasn't in his name either, so it slipped past a point of him caring. Instead, he pulled out a maglite from his toolbag and quickly pointed it at the ground in front of him to make sure he wasn't stepping into any sinkholes, then did the same for the fence.

Lily and Jennifer climbed over first, the former whining about ruining her pants, which prompted Clay to briefly double check there wasn't anything he was going to snag himself on, before carefully maneuvering himself up and over the gate, before dropping to the other side with a faint, sucking splash. "Here-" he said to Charlie, pointing for the same foot and gandholds so the girl would know where to go. Zeltzin seemed like she'd pulled a muscle or twisted something coming over, and he figured it wouldn't be good if another one of the girls ended up the same way - things were slow enough as is.

"... What. In. The. FUCK?" Lily's exclamation caught his attention and his gaze shifted over to the... effigy. Clay blinked, realised it was still there, then squinted hard, his own torch beam further illuminating its features. For a moment, he thought it was some transient or junkie lost in the swamps, then he noted the antlers arcing out towards the treeline in either direction, the fact that whatever tissues - fur and otherwise, looked like it had been moldering there for at least a week, roots and moss growing through its 'body' until it might as well have been a permanent fixture.

His sentiments were shared with Lily. What the fuck? Even by his own standards, this counted among some of the strangest things he'd seen.

"Yooooooo, what the fuck? I seen a lotta' shit, but I ain't eva' seen some shit like that?"

"Yeah, um.... let's... keep moving."

"Fuckin' swamp people." Clay muttered. Somehow, he suspected this was either the work of some locals, on bath salts or otherwise, or some dumbass fratboys off on Spring Break. Who else propped up a warped take on hybrid taxidermy in the middle of this shithole? He glanced over his shoulder, bristled at the notion of being in the company of even more strange characters, and paced over towards one of the others with a degree of impatience.

The other girl, one of the last to come over - Neko - was too busy fumbling for something in the ground. Her phone, he'd guessed. The longer they were here, the less he wanted to linger. Clay grunted, pointing his torch beam at the ground towards what he thought might've been a phone-shaped indentation, and gestured to Neko.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
Avatar of Mixtape Ghost N


Member Seen 2 days ago

Jennifer Caspin

Interactions: Neko (@Atrophy).
Road To The Old Black Manor.

Lily was happy to not be the only one seeing this shit, unlike the glowing jar incident from earlier. What didn't make her happy was Neko dropping her phone into the nasty ass swamp water and then sticking her hand in it. Jesus, white people Lily rolled her eyes as she walked over to Neko, grabbed her by the bicep, and used all the strength a five-two woman had to pull her up by her arm.

"Chiiiiiiica! Jesus! Don't do that! You trying to lose your hand to an alligator or catch something from a leech, crazy." Lily worryingly said - knowing Quintin, the leeches probably carried HIV or something. "Shoulda' brought one of these, chica!" Lily shook her flashlight in her hands.

"L-l-let's get a move on..." Jennifer stuttered as she shook her head and led the group through the swamps. However, Lily noted that she was walking much faster, and Lily could do nothing but shake her head as she caught up to Jennifer. The last thing she wanted was to be left behind by the group-

An animal howled in the distance; it was very high-pitched, so it didn't sound like a wolf (Were there even wolves in the swamp?)). Lily momentarily paused as it caught her off guard, but she sighed and then kept pushing - Jen did not stop, which prompted Lily to narrow her eyes at the girl, but she had no choice but to keep moving.

The group kept moving until they came across a strange sight: a female deer (female as it had no horns) lying on its side, letting out cries of pain. However, it was covered and surrounded by... intestines that writhed around like worms. The deer floundered around, but it could not break free of the hold the organs had on it. When Lily shined her flashlight on it, she wretchedly held her mouth as she tried not to vomit. She turned away and shook her head as she said,

"Okay... what the fuck?" Lily tilted as she looked at the intestines that wiggled like earthworms. Then Lily turned her flashlight at Jen and said, "Jen, what the fuck is going on out here?!"

"Um... do you really want to find out?" Jennifer asked as she was determined to keep walking. "L-let's keep moving. We're almost there."

Little did the group know the single deer stalking the group had multiplied to five, seemingly out of mid-air.

Interactions: None.
Road To The Old Black Manor.

The ride to the mansion would have been better if a certain someone didn't reek of weed and stunk up the car. It took every ounce of self-control in Jasmine's body not to go off on Lily for smelling like a hotbox. Thus, Jasmine sat in silence as close to Jen as possible with her arms crossed, not disgruntled by the rainstorm that came out of nowhere. However, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Jen and Ophrenia's little squabble and exited the car before it could escalate. The last thing she wanted to do was get in between two stupid American girls over their ridiculous squabbling. However, she wished that she stayed in the van - she was almost instantly drenched, and it never occurred to her to bring an umbrella. The forecast did not anticipate rain, even in the slightest, and she was drenched. Whatever, if Jen was correct, the walk should be short - though it would be tricky climbing this gate when it's wet. Lily and Zeltzin did the fancy shit, and Jasmine almost broke out laughing when the former ripped her pants, and the latter almost fell on her face.

Serves them right for showing off.

Jasmine approached the gate herself; slow and steady won the race as Jasmine calmly climbed up, much like Jen, Neko, and Clayton, and fell to the other side with a splash. She had on some running shoes that were ruined by the mud and dirty ass rainwater, but Jasmine would survive. Her hair was getting drenched, and she knew that only Charlie and Clayton would know how bad a black woman getting their hair wet was. Like the others, Jasmine wanted to zip through the swamp and leave before things got worse... there was something about this place, something horrible about it...

... And Lily showed how horrible it was when she (very dramatically) drew attention to a strange deer statue made of flesh. Jasmine tilted her head at the sight as she just figured it was something that the locals made... though its flesh was pulsing. That wasn't something ordinary people could do, but Jasmine could only agree with Jen to keep pushing.

However, when they came across the scene of the deer with its intestines spilling out... Jasmine was taken aback, and she took a few steps backward with her eyes wide open. She briefly removed her glasses, wiped them off on her shirt, and then put them back on. To confirm, that was indeed what she was seeing. Lily questioned Jen, who didn't think much of it.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mention: @Atrophy,@Punished GN

Ophrenia didn't volunteer to be the first one over the gate. She wouldn't be surprised if the swamp next to the path would spawn a gator or something. She's not looking to be the first one to get clapped by gator teeth. Nothing happened when everyone else jumped the gate. She backed up to get a running start when Lily freaked out. She stopped and got a closer look when flashlights were aimed at the thing. What the fuck? is right. That's not...what? It looked it was alive. The shape of it showing movement, yet it was no better than a creepy statue. She wanted to call this shit quits right now, but everyone else was already over and she was on the other side alone.

She got her running start, put her foot where the chain was and pushed up onto the top of the gate. She sat up there, swung both legs over the side, then slid down the bars. She wasn't looking to end up injured like Z. She caught up with the group in a few steps, double checking the chamber on her gun. She knew she put a round in there, before leaving the motel room but better safe than sorry.

She switched the safety off, pulled back the fore-end, held the gun in position to lift and shot with her finger over the trigger guard. She stopped at Neko's side. "Let's go. You shouldn't put your hand in a swamp. Gator's aren't easy to spot in these waters. There could be one ten feet from your face and you wouldn't even know it."

She doesn't have any experience with swamps. She's never lived this far south before, but the rain didn't help visibility. If it were clear and you looked hard enough, it might be easy to spot. In this rain? Forget about it.

She continued on with the rest of the group. They went a longer way aways, Lily and Jen, being overdramatic over a dying deer. "Y'all never seen a dying deer before? You'd see them dead all the time on the side of the road in Tennessee the closer you lived to the forests. This ain't nothin'. Seen a semi hit one in my rearview once. Just went splat. Blood and guts everywhere. Worse if you're a hunter and gotta skin it and cut it up." Was she purposely trying to make them feel worse? Yes. It's funny, but she would admit that this one was odd. There were intestines? worms? something fleshy and pulsing wrapped around it. Poor thing was suffering.

"Anyone got a knife, so I can put it out of its misery?" she asked. If not, then she's have to bash its head in. She wasn't fond of that idea. It was cruel to prolong the death, but it's a shorter mercy to do that than to leave it here like this.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
Avatar of Mixtape Ghost N


Member Seen 2 days ago

Interactions: Ophrenia (@silvermist1116).
Road To The Old Black Manor.

"Chica.... Chiiiiiiiica! I don't know how things are where you're from, but intestines don't do that." Lily was quick to say with a point of her finger at the weird intestines that were wiggling around like little worms.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at the two of them - she had a knife on her, but if Ophrenia wanted to get close to that... Well, that was on her. Crazy ass American girl. She quickly dug into her pocket, pulled out her knife, and promptly walked over to Ophrenia, handed it to her, and said, "Just get it over with so we can move on, please." Jasmine's accent somehow got thicker.

Ophrenia just grabbed the knife, and Jasmine watched patiently... she wanted her knife back, after all. Ophrenia walked over, stepped on the intestines like they were nothing (they squirmed underneath her shoe), and primed herself to mercy kill the poor little deer...

When she leveled her hand towards its mouth, intending to slash its throat, in the blink of an eye, the deer's mouth had inhumanly stretched open and had rows and rows of long, razor-sharp teeth coming out of its mouth. It bit down on Ophrenia's hand and wildly mashed back and forth like a dog trying to rip as much flesh off as possible. The intestines slowly wrapped themselves around Ophrenia, pulling her even closer.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lily shouted as she immediately fell on her ass, rolling backward and getting mud all over her. Jasmine's mouth went agape... she stumbled backward - almost tripping over a tree root - but she managed to catch herself. Her back went up against a tree trunk as she could not fathom what the fuck she was looking at.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Atrophy
Avatar of Atrophy

Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Ophrenia @silvermist1116
Road to the Old Black Manor.

A spotlight courtesy of Carl shone on a dark shadow in the water. Neko’s hand snapped forward like a striking cobra, her fingertips brushing the edge of something smooth and rectangular before a hand wrapped around her arm and jerked her upward. Neko was able to sandwich the phone precariously between two fingers before Lily dredged her up from the water. Lily voiced her concern that Neko was basically offering up her hand to be a free lunch for the nasty critters hanging out in the swamp before waving a flashlight at her. Neko felt her jaw tighten as she braced for the crush from a wave of embarrassment. She had just been given a lesson in safety and responsibility by the same woman who’d given everyone in the van a pleasant second-hand high.

Neko mumbled an apology beneath her breath as Lily moved, but she did not immediately follow after the group. Instead she turned her head down to her phone and grimaced at the absolutely violent spider webbing of the cracked screen that had begun to reveal itself as the rain cleared away the mud. She wiped her hands and the phone against her shirt in a pisspoor attempt to clean it so she could fully assess the damage. The device was an unresponsive mash of kaleidoscopic fragments, a few weekends worth of tips turned into a waterlogged paperweight.

Neko felt her stomach tighten as Ophrenia stopped by her side, coaxing her along while also reproaching her messing around in a swamp full of alligators. Neko sucked in her lip and bit it. She got it. She was the group idiot. Even admitting that she’d forgotten about the danger of their environment because she’d been too distracted by the texts from the psychopath pretending to be her daughter wouldn’t change the fact that she had acted without thinking. Neko uttered another apology, slightly louder this time, and with a thank you. She might’ve thought of herself as stupid, but even she knew it was smart to be polite to the one with a gun.

She filed in behind Ophrenia and hoped the trudge to the mansion wouldn’t be much longer. Neko quickened her pace as a skin-crawling howl cut through the ambience of their footfalls splashing through the rain, suddenly finding herself a lot less uncomfortable with their group carrying guns. She let out an involuntary shriek of her own that suddenly cut silent as her voice broke and jumped back as Lily’s light shined on the writhing mass of a dying deer. She clapped a hand over her mouth, the cries of the dying animal rattling her unable to look away or close her eyes as she drank in the horror of innards moving impossibly. Her mind was incapable of understanding what she was seeing, her brain sending her body signals to run but her frozen feet betraying the orders.

A voice cut through the cries as Ophrenia attempted to justify the sickening sight, downplay it even. Neko’s pupils narrowed into pinpoints as she tried to speak to Ophrenia, as she tried to point out that no semis would have driven through this swamp and no hunter, hell, no human short of an absolute psychopath would’ve carved open a deer and bind it with its own squirming insides. She felt her fingers cinch down on her face even harder as Ophrenia called for a knife. Neko was muzzled by her own nails biting in her cheeks or she would’ve screamed at Ophrenia to just shoot it or just leave it. If she could’ve moved she would’ve pinned Jasmine’s hand in her pocket she couldn’t have offered Ophrenia the knife.

If she had done anything, maybe what came next would not have happened. Instead Neko only watched in silent horror as Ophrenia stepped forward, followed by a flash off too many teeth, blood, and tearing as the deer’s mouth split and the intestines wrapped themselves around Ophrenia’s lower body and pulled her forward like a nightmare lasso.

Ophrenia! screamed Neko as her fear was replaced by a different instinct. She lunged forward and wrapped her arm around Ophrenia’s waist, hoping to prevent the woman from being dragged any further. Neko pulled her pocket knife from her bag with her other hand. Neko bit down on the dull edge of the blade so she could open it with one hand and continue to try to pull Ophrenia away, painlessly slicing the inside corner of her own lip as she unfolded the blade. Immediately she began slicing at the binds wrapping themselves around Ophrenia, trying to carefully slide the blade underneath the intestines and cutting away from Ophrenia to avoid injuring her in the process. Somebody shoot it!
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Ophrenia @silvermist1116, Neko @Atrophy
Road to the Old Black Manor.

Charlie had never climbed over a gate before - well, she hadn't climbed much before. She was fit enough thanks to being on her feet for twelve hours a day at work, but something like this? How did she even go about it.

Thankfully she didn't have to think about it too hard, because "Carl" pointed out where to put her feet and hands. She didn't rush like Lily and Zelztin, one seemingly ruining clothing and the other injuring herself (or exacerbating an old injury? Charlie couldn't tell). She carefully climbed over the wall, following the path Carl had taken, and landing on the other side with an inelegant thud. Nothing broken or ripped, though.

Slow and steady wins the race, or something.

"Thanks," she nodded to Carl, following on near the back of the group.

The swamp was fucking spooky, and the rain made visibility pretty poor. Charlie squinted her eyes against it, glad she'd invested in a good raincoat - her half bare legs were soaked, but her top half and head was safe. Thank god, cause her hair was already a state.

She pulled out her own torch, brand new and shiny, turning it on so she could see in front of her own hand.

"... What. In. The. FUCK?"

"Huh, they have an interesting taste in sculptures here," Charlie joked, trying to ignore the unease creeping into her mind. But she couldn't get rid of it the more she looked at the... Strange deer statue. It looked alive, but also not. It didn't look right just like this place didn't feel right. Charlie shuddered, muttering, "maybe this is why everyone here thinks magic is real."

Moving on.

(Thank god Carl went over to help Neko get her phone, cause Charlie really didn't want to stray further into the swamp than she had to.)

Charlie couldn't bring herself to say anything more as they continued forward. Normally she had endless conversation and energy, she struggled to keep it all in, but not right now. It felt like something would come for her if she uttered a word. The whole place gave her the creeps and she was someone who could handle horror and difficult situations quite well. Just, this one was too much like a horror movie setup. What with it pissing it down with rain, the eery howl from an unknown animal, the creepy deer thing and the- what the fuck.

The deer being strangled by its own intenstines?!

It had to be the rain. Charlie rubbed her eyes. Maybe if she closed them for a few seconds it would be gone.

The same, horrifying sight was still in front of her.

"The fuck is that?" Charlie shook her head, nausea roiling in her stomach. That wasn't normal. Was it some kind of insane parasite? She knew nothing about animal diseases but... Yeah, that didn't happen. She couldn't look at it without wanting to throw up, all the unease she'd been feeling heightening into cold fear. What if those... Worms came for <i>them</i> next.

"Uh, I don't think that's normal. Like, sure I seen a dead deer or two, but nothing like that..." Charlie looked at Ophrenia with complete confusion as she talked as if this was just a normal, dying deer. It wasn't. Who could even drive in here? "Maybe you shouldn't go near-"

Too late. Of course Ophrenia didn't listen to her, was it because she was one of the youngest? Well, it'd probably be fine-

It was like a living nightmare, the deer opening its mouth to show rows of deadly teeth it shouldn't have. It mauled Ophrenia like it was trying to eat her whole, the intensine-worms pulling her in to finish the job.

"What the actual fuck?!" Charlie choked down a scream. She suppressed the panic clawing at her chest, pretending her heart wasn't pounding and her breathing quickening. There was no time to panic, she had to keep her shit together, someone's life was in danger. It was just like work... Ignoring the attacking intestines. Shit, don't think about that. "Shit, we gotta get her outta there."

Adrenaline kicked in, and Charlie jumped forward just behind Neko. She didn't bother pulling out her knife, because she was just as likely to cut Ophrenia or Neko as she was the intestines. Instead she wrapped both of her arms around Neko, helping add her strength where she couldn't access Ophrenia without risk of getting cut herself. She didn't want the intestines, or whatever they were, to somehow drag them both away. She pulled with all of her might, straining against the weight and the intestines trying to pull Ophrenia in the opposite direction. Her arms ached within seconds, feet desperately digging into the slippy mud as she tried not to fall on her ass.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

She really hoped someone would do what Neko had said and shoot it, cause there was no way she could hold out until all the intestines were cut away.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Neko@Atrophy, Charlie@FernStone

Ophrenia didn't process what the fuck happened to her for the first half a second, then the pain hit. It's sharp teeth mauled her hand like a chew toy. She screamed bloody murder.

"What the fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" All she'd been trying to do was end it's suffering. Sure it was a little odd, but she's seen weird shit from deer with chronic wasting disease. Growing up in Appalachia, things went bump in the night in the forest. She'd learned to be more afraid of people than shit that went bump in the night, and it's been a long while since she let any person scare her. But this was on a whole other level. One should could lose her hand over.

Neko and Charlie pulling her back, grounding her, gave her clarity for a few moments. The thing had her writing hand and her shot gun wasn't in a good position for her to shoot it with. It's a good thing she brought back up. She reached into her crossover in a hurry, gripping her pistol and pulling it out. She wasn't as good a shot when she had to shoot from her other hand, but she can't fuck up being this close. She shot the thing right in the head, several times. She didn't stop, screaming all the while, even after it went limp. She emptied all fifteen bullets into it. It's head pulverized and her hand all sorts of fucked up.

She couldn't understand how her hand looked so different to a few seconds ago. It was bloody, tendons and bone were clear as day. Three of her fingers were missing, the adrenaline kept her from the worst of the pain. She couldn't breathe all of a sudden. Her vision blurred and eyes rolled back into her head. She passed out on Neko from shock.
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