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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yvonne recollected her luggage and weapons from the "safekeeping" by the castle staff, in good anticipation after the carelessness of last time sent her out travelling with her backpack stuck in the inn because the group just departed immediately. Same case this time, it looked like. It's still a light(ish) kit, but enough for a few days worth of forced march if needed.

With how things were expected to went, she'll need every edge she could scrounge against the impending shitshow.

"Who's driving this time? Doc again?" Yvonne inquired to no one in particular as she loaded the saddlebag, picking the decidedly smaller horses of the lot. "I'll take the rear guard then. Anyone praying for safe travel?"

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It was at 5:12 PM

And so the journey begins. Surprisingly, or maybe not, the elderly Thernous was coming with them for this long and dangerous journey, and even offered to be their coachman.

The wagon was impressively spacious, drawn by two warhorses and two large bulls. It certainly gives off the impression of anything but 'ordinary and 'inconspicuous' it makes Jazdia rather perplexed. But the bear could be fitted in easily, along with three more people, so that was perhaps what... they needed?

There was some discussion between Thernous and his grandson, detailing the ferry crossing being out of service/ It seemed we would be taking the usual road now.

Time to go.

Miles and miles passed and it had been an uneventful journey so far. Unsurprising, considering they were still in a relatively 'safe' part of the nation, then again the couple Erwin and Louise, and Varya the elf and Yvonne volunteered to be their outriders, making the journey safer.

For herself, Jazdia had opted to sit beside the man himself. There were not many words exchanged between the two except a few impersonal questions to kill boredom.

The sun was completely out now when they arrived at Hdur. There, they made a brief stop to swap the steers with more horses to speed up their cruising speed.

During their stop, Jazdia considered contacting Baker, if not for some of his equipment, then for his pastries. But perhaps not letting him now was the best. There would be too many questions asked and possibly information leakage.

The bridge was ahead, the same bridge that once was the subject of Cedar's overgrowth spell. It has been repaired now with new supports and masonry, but the unnatural formation of plants was still spreading on its footing, dormant now.

Past the bridge. Thernous retreated into the carriage to rest, and had Solomon replaced him. The convoy maintained its speed with occasional gallop whenever possible.

The convoy was still going, but realistically they couldn't keep cruising through the country non-stop. Though Solomon seems to be unburdened by fatigue or boredom, the horses and the outriders need a proper rest, It was decided that they would be looking for a campsite now, and they picked a spot not too far from the road, surrounded by thin vegetation, yet protected by a small hill, on a stony shelf with a rock-wall behind them, in which there was a shallow cave, a mere scoop in the cliff. There was a small river running nearby, but the water was clean.

The campfire was lit, and the tent was erected. It was 1:31 when Jazdia opened her pocket watch. They were some 11 miles away from Fanghorn, and 23 miles away from Pesti.

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

In the lingering gloom past nightfall, the twin sisters sat in near silence, exchanging only a few more words on the trip. They were unfamiliar with the area, and if they had been, they would have wanted to stop to "Meet the girl!", if they had only known they had just ridden right past where she was living. Thankfully, nobody told them.

Instead, the group, and the wagon pulling them, trudged on through the night, and over a bridge that had clearly been subjected to somebody's nature magic at some point. They were familiar enough with that kind of work-- it had the hallmarks of either their dad or their brother's methods all over it-- but they did not know for sure who it was who would have done it.

There wasn't enough room in the wagon for the two of them, and the kindly old man, to sleep at the same time (unless they slept on top of him, and they "Didn't know him well enough for that yet" (ahem), forcing them to stay awake until the caravan stopped for the night. After a short but vigorous game of "Thumb-war", Lily climbed down from the wagon (which lurched and creaked with the sudden reduction in weight), while Rose roused the kindly old man.

"Hey 'dere fella-- Yas gotta git up fer a bit-- We gotta git da tent out from under ya."

"Asides-- Wouldn' ya rather sleep in da tent no-hows? Prolly warmer." chimed Lily from beside the wagon, ready to have heavy goods handed down from her sister.

Rose chuckled, then turned her attention to the person that had been driving the wagon.

"D'ya see at bridge back 'ere? Sumbuddy try ta wreck it er summat?"
Undeterred by the distance, Lily chimed in: "Were obvious done by sumbuddy wit' magic in min'"
"--An's were min'ful doin' it tuh. Only folks we knowed as work like 'at, be our brudders an' our pa."
"Ifn' eres folks like at 'roun', be min'ful not tuh be messin' with no trees, ya'hear?"
"No sheeit. 'Specially dey willin' ta fuck o'er a bridge like 'at."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

The trip was mostly uneventful, even when he was placed in the driving seat. Despite knowing how to ride a horse, Solomon had little to no experience steering a group of them. Even more so the power and speed of warhorses. More than once the cart veered off the road. The horses complained, and eventually Solomon would correct himself. Though he hardly kept the wagon straight, he eventually found enough of a groove to keep it on the road. He could see Erwin and Varya had taken the lead. Athena stayed in front as well, but closer to the cart than the outriders. Though he didn’t see specially, he could tell the others, such as Yvonne. Over time, he lost track of the others. There were significantly more people than their last party. Given the multifaceted nature of the mission, that made sense.

As the moon rested high in the sky, and the trees swayed in the breeze as the cool air grew more chilly. A perfect time to be studying, Solomon thought. It didn’t feel like much time had passed since crossing the newly pruned bridge. Evidence of fallen foliage littered the side of the road, piles of twigs and branches left to rot along the wayside, as the roads themselves were also patched.

Eventually, the time came calling for Solomon to stop the carriage. He did his best to navigate it off the road safely, following Jazdia’s instruction to a suitable campsite. There didn’t seem to be much resistance along this front. Solomon did wonder why not continue to Fanghorn. Though it had been a mere four months since the encounter that happened there, he knew enough restoration took place for some residence to take place. It at least had some guards on duty. Solomon kept any suggestion about it to himself. While he was used to long distance travel, and even camping in the woods. This was his first time escorting an envoy. He deduced there must be a reason. He’d ask Jazdia about it if he ever got the chance to talk with her during the remaining hours of the night.

Solomon dismounted from the carriage, to meet the others as they were starting to gather and set up camp. The wagon rustled as the two bear sisters started to help unload some of the camping equipment, but they also brought attention to the bridge the had cross a while ago.

“Hmm, yes, the bridge.” said Solomon as he passed the wagon. He paused his steps to answer the girls’ question, “I don’t know specifically what he did, but that was indeed your brother. His aim wasn’t to destroy it. It was to block it. Though that is what I’m told anyway. You would have to ask him the details.”

Solomon then went to join the others. One was building a fire, and someone else received the tent from the twins. Shortly there after, Athena also came up to the group. Silently, everyone worked as the camp came together. Water was gathered, and supplies accounted for. This late at night, Solomon could see how tired some of the party was. Even Thernous appeared drowsy and he managed to sleep through Solomon’s time off-roading.

“We’re still pretty close to the road. It’s not likely anyone else would be traveling this late. Still, I’ll take first watch” said Athena. She was now equipped with her armor and equipment from when last she spoke to the party back at Rascade. In one hand was a shield, decently tall, but very well worn, and in the other a spear. Two pearls embedded just below the spear head gleamed in the moonlight as the spear swayed in her grasp. “I find myself more suited to keeping an eye out in the dark.”
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jazdia moved to stand beside Athena, yawning and squeezing her own shoulder nonchalantly when the cat youkai prepared her shield. Briefly, the elf looked at her, witnessing the resoluteness, eyes gleaming under the moonlight.

“We’re still pretty close to the road. It’s not likely anyone else would be traveling this late. Still, I’ll take first watch” Athena said, swaying her spear. “I find myself more suited to keeping an eye out in the dark.”

"No objection from me..." the elf yawned again, "But we hardly alone."

Now her eyes too gleamed with a faint purplish hue.

Jazdia pointed at the far distance. On the same road, there were four moving dots of light swaying in the darkness, approaching their camp at a slow but steady speed. More detailed inspection revealed a four-wheeler drawn by two donkeys and coached by a man. Traveling merchants seldom travel at night, but they weren't really an uncommon sight.

"Looks like another carriage," muttered Jazdia. "Strange, we didn't encounter any other traveler during our trip. Maybe he was in Pesti when we passed the crossroad? Should we warn the others? Your call, but I don't think the man was dangerous, though his cargo might suggest otherwise."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 7 days ago

Thernous and Erwin

The elderly old man felt something trying to rouse him from his slumber, he had been sleeping since they left Rascade. When something tried to rouse him, he figured it was some form of unknown entity like a dog trying to be sweet, so he slowly turned a but to his side as he sank deeper into the cloth.

Erwin seeing this and having dismounted, relaxed as he began to unfurl his saddle and his things from Bread. He brushed his steed, kept it's lead tied to his things before he moved over to the wagon to look up at the sister, then he just leaned over and slowly lifted his grandfather's shoulders as he pulled the cloth out slowly.

"Take what is needed out from under him, he seems to have made his choice on sleeping arrangements," Erwin said quietly as he freed the tent from its elderly prison. Then he smiled up to them both, "He typically stays in the backs of these while his coachman takes him where is needed. The fact he is so close to the coach seat means there must be something of comfort here. But he's been awake for over a day; he is tired. But, I'll get you both a tent, and if anything else is needed I'll move the hibernating old man again."

He, after helping the tent freeing, went to release the two horses on the wagon, making sure they were tied to the wagon, before doing the same with bread after putting his saddle bags in the wagon near his grandfather. Hopefully, that would keep him warmer or give him something to rest on should the old man decide it.

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena looked towards the direction Jazdia pointed. She didn’t really see anything though the trees, but Athena noticed the change in Jazdia's eyes. Jazdia must be blessed with some kind of enhanced sight. Regardless, there would be nothing to gain on lying. Jazdia was a professional in her own right. Athena turned to look at the others. Some were finishing up setting up camp, while others were lingering around the campfire, keeping warm. Athena’s eyes shifted to look at Jazdia before facing her properly.

“We should let some know. Louise and Erwin to be on guard. Let the others rest. If your eyes are able to see so much from so far, what is the man’s cargo? Even if he is alone, the cargo might give us a clue on his motives. That is if you’re sure he is alone. It is strange enough to be traveling this late.”
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Varya Chandrar

Varya was tired, having spent the past few hours riding a horse, his bottom was sore, his eyes tired from needing to keep constant vigilance, and his mind eroded from fatigue and boredom. He was thankful when it finally came time to make camp. When they stopped Varya dismounted from the horse, his feet jolted awake from hours of disuse and staggering when his feet landed upon the firm earth. Varya immediately took off his shoes, feeling the earth beneath him with his bare feet and sighing in relief. It felt so good to feel the solid soil beneath him after so long being suspended high from it by the horse's back. A moment after he mustered his strength and entered a strong horse stance as he casted his old reliable spell, Bhumidevi's Embrace, enveloping his whole body in a brief green glow. He sighed an even deeper sigh of relief as he felt the magnetic energies of earth flow through his feet up his legs and circulating through his blood like a tree absorbing nutrients from the ground through its roots. "Ah...Thank you Earth Mother." He whispered with gratitude as he felt a great deal of his discomfort leave him.

Varya was still exhausted from the journey and wanted nothing more than to embrace sleep deeply, but he pushed himself to check up on the old man to make sure he was still doing ok. He saw Thernous sound asleep, no doubt more tired than everyone else given his venerable age. He was glad that the old man was getting some rest. He also saw the bear siblings trying to move him, though the young lad and Thernous's grandson, Erwin he thought he heard his name was, carefully grabbing something from beneath the sleeping elder while advising the bears the let sleeping dogs lie. Varya would have done the same if Erwin hadn't done so first, though perhaps not in as charitable a mood. Varya approached him slowly and spoke in a whisper. "Lord...Erwin was it? Mind if I help you set up the tent?" He helped the young lord set up the tent for the bears before swiftly finding a place to set up his own bedding. He settled for the driest spot he could find in the the nearby shallow cave in the rock wall. He wasted no time laying out his bedroll and his gambeson as extra bedding before laying his belongings next to it. Varya got underneath the covers and undressed, setting his clothes aside as he cozyed up for sleep, he was simply too tired to care about anything else. Thernous was ok and everyone else was setting up camp, and that is all that mattered in his tired mind at the moment. Varya had done his part, and now embraces sweet sleep as his reward, entrusting the others to keep vigilance.

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

During the departure. Louise was assigned as an outrider beside her Lord's wagon. On traveling, she kept her awareness during the trip. Thanks to her sylph her detection got wider as long where the wind flows.

On the campsite at night. She readied herself. Sorted all of her belongings together with her tent. Partially put some armor for her body such as for the arms, the knees, the lower legs and the shoes. Grabbed her sword with a scabbard to attach it oh her hip. She then locked her shield on her back by the hidden long strapped. Gun shot would alert the surrounding and they are nearby the Fanghorn. Better to keep sealed in inside on her tent.

She glance with a cinnamon roll look on the two woman as Athena mentioned her name. She decided to proceed into them.

"I heard my name. Is something would you both like to share?" She spoke to Jazdia and Athena.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 7 days ago


Erwin looked back at Varya and nodded as he smiled, "Erwin, I don't hold title or rank too young, not enough experience, and I don't have land. Though my foolery and lifestyle most people would think different. I don't know your name yet." he said as he pulled a bedroll off, he looked over to the road, for a moment, and just went back to walking beside the elf relaxing, he was mostly dressed for the night, and the only thing on him was his sword. He took his chainmail off at the wagon when he put most of things and his saddle bags near his grandfather.

"Hopefully, whatever it is over there wont mean much." he said quietly laying his bedroll out near the tent he just laid down for the bears, "I'll be back in a minute." he said as he went back to the wagon one last time to make sure his grandfather was set, and that his rifle could be retrieved in short notice.

"Girls, your tent is ready if you want to head there."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ah, speak of the devil. The baby face squire approached them and asked eagerly.

"I heard my name. Is something would you both like to share?" She spoke to Jazdia and Athena.

"There is a civilian transport inbound to our camp," answered Jazdia, still maintaining an indifferent expression if not fatigued.
Then there was more inquiry came from Athena asking about the cargo.

"Weapons," she said, still facing Athena, however, the glow in her eyes had faded. "Swords and jewelry and other things. If there are any living beings inside that carriage of his, their life force will be flaring brightly in darkness. I saw no such a thing. He is alone."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

It did not take long to set up the tents with so many people working, leaving the unloading task to complete rather quickly, and the twins out of a job in short order.

However, upon investigating further, they found there was an issue involving "bedrolls;" Namely, all of them were human-sized, and they were decidedly-- Not. the ground was cold, and not all that dry, meaning the night would not be very pleasant for them if they slept in the tent pitched for them.

with a bit of dejection, they returned to the wagon, where the old man was still curled up in the luggage, snoozing away. Stranger or not, sleeping snuggled up with him in the baggage would likely be the least objectionable, even if the tent offered better protection from inclement weather. Maybe they could move it over the top of the wagon on a rope or something? they weren't sure. It'd keep the envoy dry if it rained in that case too, at least.

They returned to the cargo, determined to find some solution to this impasse, when they happened across a bundle that was seemingly added as an afterthought-- Definitely too long to be something meant for human use, and it reeked of their brother. Opening the cloth wrap surrounding it, they found his robe, bow and quiver, the mysterious pendant, and his seed satchel inside, tucked up neatly. The sight of it filled them with mixed emotions: Both happy, and sad.

At least the castle people had seen fit to pack it for them, after taking it from them at the city gates.

Further mixed feelings crossed between them silently, as they looked at each other, then at the package, realizing together the possible immediate utility of the parcel, and its implications. Namely, their brother was half again taller than them, and as such, his robe would serve perfectly fine as a bed roll cloth, but there was just the one. Sleeping on his clothes, further, simply felt... .. They didnt have a name for the emotion that gave them, but there wasn't much option.

The length of cordage that the bundle was tied up with, and the wrapping cloth, however, might prove useful for their immediate goal, which they set to: Rigging their tent to be strung over the top of the wagon, suspended A-Frame style on the cord, with the wrapping cloth used as a makeshift pillow, and the robe stretched over the three of them (The sisters, and the sleeping old man they would have to share the wagon with) for the night. Lily pocketed the medallion, Rose the seed satchel stuffed into her alchemy pack-- The enormous greatbow and its supply of arrows, stashed behind the seat of the wagon.

Not long after completing the task, they climbed in, found their spots amid the luggage along side the sleeping envoy, then settled in for an emotionally uncomfortable night.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

“Ah, Louise.” said Athena as the squire approached. She waited until the archer elf had finished informing the squire of what she found. She then looked back down the road. A faint glow from the late night traveler’s wagon started to peak through the trees, and Jazdia kept her ears focused, she could just hear the soft thuds of the mules hooves, and the creaking wood.

“If he is alone, I say leave him be. His schedule is odd and his cargo potentially dangerous, but I do not suspect he will pose much threat. Should he try something, we have numbers and expertise.” Athena then turned to Louise, “I’ll keep an eye on him, and watch for any other dangers. But keep one eye open just in case.”
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The traveling merchant stumbled toward the camp unhindered, bringing with him the sound of creaking metal and ungreased wheels to alert potential buyers-- well, if not to disturb their sleep. He then turned to the left a bit before stopping at another clearing to the north, and jumped from his carriage to greet the sentries.

"Goodnight goodnight Fellas. I see that you have keen sight over there. I mean ye no harm. But arms ye! I've got arms for those who seem to be bothered by my less-than-spectacular entry!

The man could be seen slapping his bearded cheeks and placing his brimmed hat on his chest. "Ah manners manners! Gotta have manners in front of those upstanding ladies, wandering in the middle of a wilderness, at night even are ye?! But I ain't one to judge. Castor Goodenough, a merchant by trade, and these were my burden beasts, Tom and Jerry."

"Tsk tsk. To the business then!"

Seemingly just slightly offended by their lukewarm response, the man spun and retreated into his carriage, opening the trunk of his enclosed vehicle and laying out a carpet just next to it. A moment later he was already sitting behind his merchandise. Potions, blades, and jewelry were laid neatly. Some look attractive even to the untrained eyes. And all was placed under the light of his four lamps for everyone to see.

Among the other impressive-looking weaponry he had, there was a curved long sword made of jade and a scimitar with edge gleaming with flowy patterns. In his trinkets section, there were wrist beads made of pearls, and a sapphire necklace fitted in a frame that looked like a gold scarab.

Perhaps he had more interesting things in his wagon. All you need to do is just ask!
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Typical merchants. They do unsual entrance. I even encountered a man in black hoody just popped up from out of nowhere and said "What're you buying?)

Louise looked at Athena and Jazdia. To let them know both that she intrusting to watch her back. She approached the peddler with a safe distance and look at him a cinnamon roll look.

"I'd like a tasting...”
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Goodnight goodnight Fellas. I see that you have keen sight over there. I mean ye no harm. But arms ye! I've got arms for those who seem to be bothered by my less-than-spectacular entry!"

The booming voice roused the twins from their labored attempts at sleeping. The very unconscious elderly man had rolled into Lily's chest, and grabbed Rose's arm like it was a blanket, and had nestled between them like he had done this his whole life, and it made them a bit nervous about him, completely unsure how to handle this level of "familiarity."

"Ah manners manners! Gotta have manners in front of those upstanding ladies, wandering in the middle of a wilderness, at night even! But I ain't one to judge. Castor Goodenough, a merchant by trade, and these were my burden beasts, Tom and Jerry."

the voice cried out again.
"Upstandin' ladehs eh?"
"We'll larn 'im ta make a fuss dis late at nigh'! Cain't he tell we's tryin' ta sleepin'?"

The two looked at each other a moment, with wicked sparkles in their dark brown eyes in the dark of the tent stetched over the wagon. The old man snored, and snuggled tighter into Lily's fur, causing both of them to giggle mischievously.

"Sorreh dere fella-- We's got comp'nay." said Lily with a smirk and a giggle.
"Be righ' unciv'l 'o us, not tuh says 'hello'!" wheezed Rose immediately afterward, before both snickered wickedly once more.
"We gunna has tuh sneak out da back, 'en 'round 'ahind--"
"He gunna show up un'nounced in da nigh' like 'is, we's show 'im!"

Shortly afterward, the pair disentangled themselves from the sleeping man, who just grabbed their brother's robe around himself and snored loudly, like nothing had happened at all, eliciting more snickers from the pair.

'Sleep like a rock, don' he?"
"Sure does!"

Then they snuck out from under the outstretched tent flaps and into the surrounding gloom on the opposite side of the road from where the peddler had stopped, to conceal themselves in the darkness, one going one way, the other the opposite, to cross the road in secret, then reconverge on his position from behind, on both flanks at the same time.

All fours-- Naturally.

"Tsk tsk. To the business then!" extolled the man, motioning to his wares in the dark, illuminated by the weak lantern light, as the girls crept into position, then snuck into his periphery like they had done this countless times before. (in fact, they had.)

"Dis a private parteh--" interrupted Lily from the man's left flank
"Or kin anuhbudy join?" finished Rose, from the man's right, just before bumping their wet noses on his exposed ears.

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Slow moving cart. It arrived near the camp a lot faster than Athena had anticipated. Steering off to the other side of the road. The bearded man made his entrance, like any show merchant would do, and set up shop. Already Athena was wary. It was way too late for anyone to try peddle wares. Athena took a step forward when Louise overtook her. Louise looked back before approaching the merchant herself. Athena held back waiting to see what Louise would do.

Whatever Louise said was lost to Athena because shortly after her approach, the party's wagon began shifting. Wood creaked as the two bear children exited from the back, the wood creaking more so than the wagon did on its approach. Athena half expected those who managed to fall asleep to be disturbed awake. It just went to show how discourteous the peddler had been. To be out this late, Athena didn’t have much trust in him or his wares.

Athena walked up to the merchant along with the bears, “Rather inconsiderate to be making a sales pitch this late when many good folks are trying to sleep, don’t you think?” she said, ignoring the twins, letting them do what they want. Maybe the presence of two bears might startle the man into revealing any ulterior motives.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"INDEED! Botherin' us ... Fine... Upstandin'... LADIES.." chided Lily into the man's ear, Rose instantly in sync, right behind her in the other:
"---In .. da .. middle.. uh.. duh... nigh'..."

The two then huffed hot air into his side-burns in unison, then continued their "assault" on his person, Lily nuzzling him gently, but resolutely against the door of his wagon, pinning him there, leaning against the side of it with both arms on either side of the man's head above his shoulders, while Rose waddled over to observe his merchandise.

"What a .. han'some fella... like yous, doin' ou' at nigh' like 'is, Hmmm?" she cooed, before pressing the bridge of her nose against his forehead, and looking intently into his terrified eyes. "He got anuhthang good Roseh?" she asked with an amused chuckle.

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The man seemed to be comically surprised by the twin's unexpected approach his hat jumped out off his head and landed among his merchandise.

"Hey, you there cute lady obe there! Don't be shy. Uncle her won't bite! Keke! He sells stuff! Take a look!"

The blonde squire wasn't moving, yet. But it didn't let him down. More will come and true was his prediction.

"Welcome! Welcome. Got hankering for skewering people? I've got spears!" pausing to look at Athena's impressive polearm, he quickly changed his tune. "Or perhaps want to pawn one? Unlike the other merchants, I only take 20% from me sales! All stuffs will be appraised fairly! Guaranteed!"

Heaving to catch his breath, the seller made a gesture for Athena to look around before bowing to pick up his hat. The shieldguard however was not interested.

“Rather inconsiderate to be making a sales pitch this late when many good folks are trying to sleep, don’t you think?”

"Is that so? Then, Pardon me, ma'am." he coughed, two yellow eyes of his glinted with a strange spark when addressing the black-haired woman in front of him. He lowered his voice, but his jovial attitude remained unchanged for everyone to hear. "If it pleases you some much I can lower me sound a bit. But a man gotta make a living somehow, eh? Tehehehe. When you you see a buyer you peddle. Kindeance way! Please look around!

"And what are these" he asked, shifting at the twin bears who flanked him from both sides and started to get rough with their antics. He smiled, either affectionate or the smile of a merchant seeing two sacks of gold in front of him, you couldn't really tell.

"Cute little things! I like smart animals like yours. What's your name? Both of you? You have names?"

He tried to reach for the bear on his left, intending to pet her muzzle.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Don' you min' 'bout her HAN'SOME.." toyed Lily, continuing the pressure. "She just lookin' tuh see wut you got--- .. SAME AS MEH...."

The two then laughed mischevously in unison, before Rose broke it with a cackled response.

"Don' Hog 'im tuh yaself, naow Lil' -- Save sum fuh meh!"

"You sure got a han'some beard fellah..." she cooed, as he reached out for her muzzle.

This was a routine the two of them had well honed. They could tell this man had been worked over once before this way, the way he was responding to the pressure. Lily had no intention of letting it up either, this was a contest of skill now. Their dad HATED it when they did this, but the results spoke for themselves. They'd get a scolding that would have withstood the ages if he were here-- But he was not, and that meant it was ON.

"you go touchin' on mine, I migh' go touchin' on yours."
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