Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
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Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@WhiteAngel25 @Estylwen

The musée du Louvre

The Louvre Museum

Paris, France

Fatigue was forming in his sinuses as he sat there staring at his fluorescent screen. His Word Document sat opened, but empty. It'd been a long day, made even longer by his spouse yet again. A single hand rubbed over his face, before the other joined in. He examined his empty coffee mug, heavily annoyed, but without disbelief. It seemed as though there wasn't enough coffee in the world, let alone time. Thierry sat back in his office chair and sighed, "Dammit, Nicholas."

It wasn't unusual for extra paperwork during one of Nick's runs by any means. It was always more shocking if there was a lack of extra paper trails. However, this was different. It was a bit more personal than usual, now that his spouse had managed to get captured by HiveMind. Not in a dead end job kind of way, but very literally behind lock and key. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. It was all he and several other administrative assistants could do to keep the peace between the biggest scientific and archeological societies. But it'd already been months since Nick had gone down to a supposed underwater cave. None of it sniffed right then and it turned out exactly as bad as he'd imagined it.

"Idiot." Thierry scoffed. Once in French at Mr. Cress, who was failing to respond to his emails in a timely manner, and another in English directed towards Nick... for being well ...an idiot.

Thierry closed the empty document and pushed a button on his phone and hoped his secretary was in a better mood this morning than he was, "Yes?"

"Lucille, please cancel my 9 o'clock. I'm exhausted." Thierry sighed heavily.

"Oh my gosh, Thierry!" Rang Lucy's voice over the phone's speaker, "You stayed here all night, didn't you? I keep telling you..."

"Don't you dare start with me Lucy! I'm in no mood." Thierry rested his head in his folded arms on a pile of unfinished paperwork.

Lucy chimed in, "But you've been a mood, I'm only worried!"

"And that's my problem." Thierry's voice was muffled as he spoke making it hard for his English secretary to understand him, "Stop wasting energy worrying. I can worry enough for the both of us. Use that energy to solve world hunger by getting me another coffee."

"Sir, you know damn well I don't speak French!" The bodiless woman stated with a joking tone, "I'll get you anther coffee."

"And maybe when you're done with those peace talks between..." He paused, "Whoever the hell it is at the moment, I'll let you do harder tasks." Thierry pulled himself upright as Lucy entered his office.

"Like what, Sir?" Lucy laughed setting a fresh cup of coffee on a newly discovered coaster.

"Pick up my dry cleaning."

"That.." Lucy paused holding back a giggle, "Sounds incredibly difficult Sir."

Just as Thierry was about to remark that it wasn't so much the pricing, but rather all the missing clothes, the phone rang. The red buttons flashed indicating that it was a call coming from outside of The Louvre. He instantly grabbed to pick up the phone, leaving Lucy to hurry herself out of his office. He was hoping it was Mr. Cress, with some new information on exactly what HiveMind wanted in return for Nick's... his spouse's ...personal safety.

It was indeed Mr. Cress, but the elder man sounded hushed, almost defeated as he spoke, "I'm so sorry, Thierry. But my hands are tied. I gave the HiveMind assistant your office number as well as personal. I didn't think you'd mind. The Louvre wants Bergman safe just as much as you do, but HiveMind hasn't budged on monetary payment alone. They seem to want more. This new dark energy. They're absolutely obsessed with it. They even went as far as killing off some of The World's Museum's scientists. They seem to think we're exploring it as well, despite no proof. You know just as well as I do, that our interests lie in the past, not the future."

"Is there anything at all.." Thierry felt overwhelmed by all of this information, but sipped calmly on his coffee regardless.

Cress hesitated a moment before adding, "I can tell you something I didn't tell Madame Findley. They even targeted them."

"What kind of balls does one have to have to attack them?"

"Brass ones, my boy!" The old man chuckled through the phone. "They think they've got us all cornered in the market!"

"I'll call you back once I've learned anything." Thierry now sounded defeated as well.

"Of course, Monsieur..."

And that was that. Thierry hung up the phone. Placing it down carefully despite his current oncoming desire to strangle someone. He'd just have to sit there all day and wait for a phone call of some sort from HiveMind, before life could continue as scheduled. Hopefully it would be sooner rather than later.


Nicholas James Claude Bergman

HiveMind Captive

Blinding bright light made him close his eyes again. Good God it was bright! So very bright. There was a throb to his right temple as well. With an extra attempt, there were no recent memories. Nothing at all. He was spacey, loopy, or more appropriately, redacted. He was stiff and incredibly cold. Then he noticed the beeping. Like a steady pulse. Beep, beep, beep. God it was annoying.

He opened his eyes again with a squint. Tried to turn his head to see his surroundings, but the breathing tube that was down his throat, and other restraints hindered his movement.

"Good morning, Subject #004. I thought I lost you there for a minute!" A man with a medical mask blocked out the light, thankfully, but #4 only stared up. Incapacitated.

It might just as well had been some sort of cruel fate, but #4 wouldn't understand in his current position. The man seemed to be prodding at something above him, "Huh."

The beeping went from steady to intense then back again, as #4 could feel prodding. The man placed his pen-sized rod down and looked to #4, "You know, I've always wanted to go to The Temple of Karnak!" The doctor spoke rather enthusiastically, but #4 had no idea what any of it meant.

Then some extra prods made him encounter some names. Stella being one of them. He didn't know much about the woman, but felt she was in grave da... and the thought was gone.

"Do you know anything about augmentations, Subject #004?" The doctor laughed, "Don't worry, you can answer me later."

Somewhere behind #4, Stella's image and voice rang out from a monitor that the doctor was watching closely, "These people are ridiculous. We need a plan, fast..."

"Stella!" #4 heard himself scream, but didn't recognize it. Didn't remember the desperation of the event at hand.

"Yes, you absolutely did, #004. But you weren't fast enough. The cat caught the lab rat. And now you'll be one of HiveMind's super soldiers! You'll go where we say, do what we say." The doctor was exuberant as he spoke.

Every now and then the prodding would sting. Burn. #4 wanted it to end, but even more as after several minutes of the doctor's silence. The pain rushed through and the beeping intensified as Nick laid there, knowing exactly what was going on, who he was. He briefly wondered about Stella and #3. Were they in as bad as he was? He wasn't so sure. He'd thought he'd pushed #3 onto Stella, who fell into the submarine. Or was it he that fell out of the submarine? Everything. All the details. Blurry. None of Nick's memories lingered long enough. Nothing was static as the doctor prodded.

Painful memories about his spouse lined up with the increase of beeping again. Despite being a HiveMind worker, the doctor didn't seem to make jokes about Nick's various memories as he poked around into even more sensitive ones like... the first time he'd kissed Thierry. An unethical company doesn't always mean unethical employees.

"No more of these pesky emotions. No more drama. Just the way you like it, Subject #004." Not that #4 could see it, but the doctor was smiling behind his mask, "You'll love it, I promise."
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HiveMind, Underwater Research Facility

@Lexisheeps, @WhiteAngel25


"No! We can't leave him behind!" Subject #3 cried out, struggling as Stella dragged her out of the simulation room.

The door had been knocked clear off its hinges with a single kick, the bullets creating their escape. However, before Nick could follow, drones snuck into his blind spot, stabbing him with the end of a stun prong. His body convulsed as he fell, stunned on the floor.

The orb seemed not to want to leave Nick's side, and its hesitation caused the drones to hit it point-blank with an electromagnetic shockwave, de-materializing it in one fell swoop.

Footsteps. Security personnel were storming the hallway, prepared to subdue them all. Stella gave Subject #3 one final, forceful tug.


Subject #3 watched helplessly as she was dragged from the room, Stella securing their escape and disappearing from the premises.

There was the sound of barked orders as security personnel dispersed, trying to cut Stella and Subject #3 off, but to no avail. They had only managed to bag one, and Nick was quickly detained and dragged deeper into the recesses of the underwater research facility.

The cause of the tremors remained unknown, and slowly faded as subjugation fell over the research center once more.

The Louvre Museum


As fate would have it, a call rang through on Thierry's personal line. A video call. If he decided to pick it up, he would see the sillouette of a man sitting at his desk, leaned to the side with his head rested on his hand casually, entirely aloof. A single strip of white cut through his slicked-back black hair, his silver spectacles and chain resting on his nose.

Thierry would recognize him immediately. The lead researcher of HiveMind. Von Galloes.

"Morning, Monsieur Thierry. Comment ça va? I trust you're sleeping well these days."

He paused, grey eyes gleaming as he sneered. "No? No, I supposed not."

He leans forward, hands steepling as his cold eyes bore into the leader of The Louvre. "You have no cards, Thierry. No bargaining ground, an no way to save your precious love. Oh, trust me, he's in good hands. But I wonder... What will you give up to keep your little pet safe, hm?"

He gives a wave of his hand. "I'm a simple man, Monsieur Thierry. I want simple things. Just information. Surely, if you want him returned home in one peace, you can do that for me."

His tone dropped to an icy note. "And if you hold back, I will know it."

He flicks at something off-screen, likely a hologram of sorts. "I will send you the details of our 'business meeting'. Hopefully we can come to a... fortuitous agreement."

His smile was cold. "G'day, Monsieur Thierry. And... don't be late."

After the line cut off, Thierry received a text.

Davinci Meeting Rooms
380 Lexington Ave, New York, 10168
Time: 7:00PM
Additional Notes: Approach the front desk and ask to see Director Galloes.

It was dated for later that day. HiveMind was purposefully giving Thierry only a handful of hours to prepare and take a charter to New York. What their aim was, it was unsure. To keep him on his toes, stress on his mind and body, pressure him? Whatever it was, Thierry was now faced with a choice. Attend the meeting with the information related to the dark energy HiveMind sought, or find another way to bring Nick home.

Hivemind Underwater Research Facility, Contained Lab


There was the sound of beeping on the outer console, then a hiss as a security door out of sight was unlocked. Footsteps entered the room, and a silhouette entered Nick's vision. The moment the man opened his mouth, Nick would recognize his voice.

Von Galloes, the head researcher.

"Well, well, how's our sleeping beauty?" He remarked snidely, a cruel smirk on his face. He reached out, putting a hand on Nick's forehead, head tilting.

He turned to the doctor. "He's running a bit hot, doctor. Please be careful with my patient. He's more valuable than you could imagine."

He looked back over Nick, staring at him for a long moment before speaking. "I spoke with your spouse today. Told him not to worry. You're in good hands. The best hands, in fact." There's a cold edge in his voice.

He addressed the doctor again. "Push him a little, doctor. Search him for anything that could be of use to us. Use the serum if you have to. Then, burn away what we don't need. I want him to be perfect."

HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails


After their dastardly escape, the hours quickly slipped into weeks and months. There was no easy way out of the underwater research facility. Stella and Subject #3 made a strong team, but against a wired facility that could hit the panic button and rain hell at a moment's notice, even being seen was risky.

Instead, they followed the duct system deeper into the hidden depths of this old facility, finding a cut-off section that hadn't been inhabited for years, dust covering the floor. The best way to describe it was maintenance rails that seemed to connect the outer side of the facility together. They could reach almost any part of the facility following the rail walks, and enter the duct system. This even allowed them to locate where Nick was being held, as well as the orb.

It was that day, however, as they tried to formulate a plan to save Nick and get out alive, Stella and Subject #3 overheard a certain conversation. From the ducts, they eyed through the grill to the hallway below, where two researchers stood, unaware.

"Status report."

"Nothing, just the same as the past several months. I'd say we've even taken a step back. Memory Core #0217 has become even less responsive."

"Has Director Galloes considered letting Subject #4 visit the core?"

"Too risky. Not until the doctor has finished the inauguration process."

"What about uniting the core and DCC #07?"

"We have done that in the past, it resulted in those shockwaves that almost breached the hull. Regardless, it's too risky, even if it produces a unique result. Nothing seems to break the core, and nothing seems to open the heart."

"We have to keep trying. Director Von Galloes says it's of the utmost importance."

"Of course. Not every day you come across condensed dark energy as strong as a heart."

And their conversation faded off, the scientists walking out of earshot.

Subject #3 stared for a long moment, before looking at Stella. "The heart. I know what it is. What it isn't."

She spoke carefully, tapping her white collar. Saying too much about classified information, especially regarding this, could get her killed, not just electrocuted.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
Avatar of WhiteAngel25

WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

”We haven’t heard from Ghost in weeks, sir. I’m afraid one ofour best has been compromised.” A tall, olive toned, 30-year-old man stated to the older man with salt and pepper hair and gray eyes, however, his left eye had an eye patch over it.

The older man smirked as he stared out the window of the Voidlight building. ”We would’ve been contacted by HiveMind by now if they had her. She’s exactly where she needs to be.”

Voidlight, on the surface, is a maintenance company. Fixing vehicles, resetting technology and simple home repairs are all within their wheelhouse. They even hire employees for hospitals, laboratories, and various other healthcare businesses. At least, that’s what a majority of people thought. Voidlight is an information-gathering group that works outside the government’s boundaries.

Stella had joined up with Voidlight, shortly after she had accidentally hacked into their system when she was attempting to get deals on updated augmentation software. They were impressed her her ability to avoid detection and how she was able to just disappear. They nicknamed her Ghost as no one in the group gave their actual names for safety.

Days had turned into weeks and then weeks into months since Stella and #3 had escaped in the nick of time. Stella didn’t want to leave Nick behind, she honestly thought he was just behind her but she glanced back to see the drone knock him out. She hadn’t slept well since.

Stella and #3 had made themselves a little base in the abandoned section of the facility. They were pretty far down, but still close enough that Stella could move through the vents to find food and water. She also began to hack into HiveMind’s computer system little by little, leaving little trail markers for her employers to use but nothing that HiveMind would notice. Stella usually had only minutes to do so between rotations of guards and scientists.

Stella had slowly pieced together a submarine from parts that she swiped from the maintenance sector. She had it hidden in the abandoned garage port and finally finished installing the programming module.

It was when Stella and #3 were near Nick’s holding cell that they heard the guards talking about the dark matter and a heart. Stella listened to #3 and raised an eyebrow at the young girl tapping her collar. She thought for a moment and her eyes widened.

”We need to get Nick out of here. We all need to get out of here,” Stella murmured.

The plan was to first receive a drive of the memories the scientists had contained from Nick. Stella had watched a few of Nick’s sessions, she had plans for the bastard that was torturing him. No one deserved the things Stella had gone through growing up.

The white-haired woman waited until the observing room was empty before she stuck her ungloved hand down the vent and beamed a laser from her fingertips at the security camera. Disabling them long enough for her to hop down and hack into the security system to appear like nothing was happening. She spied Nick lying on the table in the exam and her heart broke. He was hooked up to so many machines and monitors. They weren’t special to keep him alive, they were to transform him.

Stella shook her head as she had to focus. She popped in the empty drive she swiped earlier and downloaded everything she could that had #4 memories. With #3 monitoring the actual security feed, Stella took the chance to unlock the door.

"We will get you out, Nick. I promise, just a little bit longer," she whispered in his ear before she went back to the observation room, safely ejected Nick's memories, and quickly climbed back up into the ductwork but not before she sent a message out using an anonymous email thanks to Von Galloes sending the video call within the facility. The message would be untraceable and deleted from HiveMind's mainframe as soon as it was sent.

It would be minutes after Thierry would get off the video call with Von Galloes, a message would appear. Upon clicking it open, Thierry's computer would show a blue screen and a series of dashes and dots. It would be unknown to most experts these days unless one was within the archaeology.

-- --- -. ... .. . ..- .-. ....... - .... .. . .-. .-. -.-- --..-- ....... -. .. -.-. -.- ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... -... . ....... ... .- ...- . -.. .-.-.- ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... .... .- ...- . ....... -- -.-- ....... .-- --- .-. -.. .-.-.- ....... -.. --- ....... -. --- - ....... - .-. ..- ... - ....... .... .. ...- . -- .. -. -.. .-.-.- ....... - .... . -.-- ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... --- -. .-.. -.-- ....... -.. . -.-. . .. ...- . ....... -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- ....... .. ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... --. . - ....... .... .. -- ....... - --- ....... -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- ....... .. ....... .-- .- .-. -. ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... - .... --- ..- --. .... --..-- ....... .... . ....... -- .- -.-- ....... -. --- - ....... -... . ....... - .... . ....... -- .- -. ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... .-. . -- . -- -... . .-. .-.-.- -.-. --- -. - .- -.-. - ....... ...- --- .. -.. .-.. .. --. .... - --..-- ....... - . .-.. .-.. ....... - .... . -- ....... - .... .- - ....... --. ....... .... .- ... ....... ... . -. - ....... -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- ....... - .... . -.-- ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... .... . .-.. .--. ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... .- ... ....... -- ..- -.-. .... ....... .- ... ....... - .... . -.-- ....... .--. --- ... ... .. -... .-.. -.-- ....... -.-. .- -. ....... --- -. ....... .-.. .- -. -.. .-.-.- --.

The coded message would be read upon translation.

Monsieur Thierry, Nick will be saved. You have my word. Do not trust HiveMind. They will only deceive you. I will get him to you. I warn you though, he may not be the same man you remember.

Contact Voidlight, and tell them that G has sent you. They will help you as much as they possibly can on land.


After ten minutes, Thierry's screen went back to normal. The message was gone with no indication of who G was only that they were Nick's ticket out of the facility.

Stella caught her breath finally as she slid in after #3 into their little hidey hole. She put her glove back on but not before clipping Nick's memories safely into her forearm. It was a little storage section for such devices. Stella looked at #3, determination in her eyes.

"We're going to get Nick out and get that collar off your neck. As soon as they finish making their rounds. With Nick's memories safe, we can leave and hopefully reupload them at my base on land. I saw one of the lab guards have a key for collars like yours that they put on Nick. We've got this, #3." Stella said with all the confidence she had within her. It was all, honestly, she had left. Raised to be the perfect soldier, this was what Stella was meant to do with her life. Infiltrate, rescue, destroy if necessary and that was exactly what she was going to do.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
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Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@WhiteAngel25 @Estylwen

The Louvre Museum

Monsieur de Villiers

Thierry sat upright, all slouching was removed by perfect business posture. A true clean-cut French businessman. A man clearly in charge of a single sector of The Louvre, but still a necessity as a whole to the organization. The sudden change was due to his personal email's video feed that turned on automatically. He really needed to turn this automatic feature off. He could have been sitting there tieless or worse, getting laid- but of course only if his spouse had been there, safe and sound.

The scowl on his lips were accompanied by angered eyes as he'd been verbally disrespected. Being called Monsieur Thierry? Non. He was Monsieur de Villiers. Only friends, family and close coworkers called him Thierry. Ever. But he made no attempt to correct the bastard with no class and sat in silence, but made mental notes instead.

He'd been just about to get up, to get situated for an emergency meeting that Lucy claimed was dire. Something important about a company, he'd never heard of, Voidlight. It didn't sound like one of the many corporations that Nick had worked for in the past. So who the hell were they? But he sat here instead, at his desk, angered by an eternally ugly old fool.

Thierry didn't say a word and just let the man talk. Didn't budge at the pet comment, only mentally flinched. Nicholas? A pet? Well he certainly needed a better training technique if this was the case. Nick was costing The Louvre way too much expenditure. Bad dog. He sat here, pretending to be a harmless koi, rather than flail about like the dragon he truly was. Letting the man play his desired part as the villain.

Admittedly, he was relieved once the man got bored and exited out his feed. Relieved at that, but annoyed that the meeting place wasn't at HiveMind itself. A good call on Galloes' end to use a public access office space. If it had been HiveMind, Thierry would have rained hellfire down upon the company, with nothing but his best business charm, of course. The empty words of the man rang in his head, You have no cards, Thierry.

"Are you sure about that, Mr. Galloes?" Thierry finally mumbled to himself, straightening his perfectly straight tie. Then adjusted the pistols in their shoulder holsters that sat hidden underneath his business jacket. A man of classy preparedness.

Thierry tapped on his phone, "Lucy, the Voidlight meeting is going to have to-" His screen turned blue with a scripted text of dots and dashes. A coded message, about Nick's personal safety no less, "I'll be there in 5. And please get me a flight ready for New York. I need to be there by 7:00 PM local time. Rubin is in charge while I'm gone."

"New York, Sir?"

"And tell The Council that I need a word with them."

"Sir..." Lucy paused, "Excuse me, but how can you go to Venice to talk to The Council, if you need to go New York tonight? You know they prefer in-person visits only."

"I have my ways." A certain charm that kept giving Thierry promotions through the years; kept him alive.


HiveMind Captive

Subject #004

"Well, well, how's our sleeping beauty?"

Now this was something #4 desperately wanted. It felt insulting being called sleeping beauty, but only because of the lack of sleep the title didn't imply. Rather than the snarky indirect insult of being called a twink... simply because he was in a gay marriage? But then a thought crossed his mind. His anger peaked a little, as the man spoke. Who said Nick was gay again? Oh society, right.

How could #4 realize what was going on, if Operation Nick was currently turned off? A deliberate glitch in the code? Maybe. Maybe the doctor wanted Nick to know what was going on or at least get snippets of what was happening from time to time. Or perhaps there was no containment of Nick's anger, particularly if remarks towards him came off as personal in nature.

Nick could feel a hand place itself on his forehead, "He's running a bit hot, doctor. Please be careful with my patient. He's more valuable than you could imagine."

Oh I'll show you hot, asshole. And if I can't, my husband will.

Well that was weird. It wasn't like Nick to use the H word when describing Thierry. Not even internally. Call it a societal pet peeve, if you will. Not that he or Thierry were against gay rights, obviously. It was just that neither man considered themselves truly gay... or even bisexual. Just that Nick was an emotionally stunted-yet-needy little shit with legitimate daddy issues, and Thierry was empathetically lovesick towards him. The taboo relationship of a mentor falling in love with their subordinate and it just... worked. Despite the odds.

"Push him a little, doctor. Search him for anything that could be of use to us. Use the serum if you have to. Then, burn away what we don't need. I want him to be perfect."

"Yes, Sir."

There were two distinct voices, his doctor and Von Galloes, then two more after they left. #4 wished they'd go somewhere else to carry on their conversation about him. He just wanted sleep. A lot of it. It seemed like every time he woke up, he was more exhausted than before. Like... his brain was purposely not being allowed to rest, despite not being awake. The two voices faded, footsteps and a door closing could be heard.

After a moment of much loved silence, #4 flinched as warm breath hit his ear. It was a third feminine voice that was directly speaking to him, "We will get you out, Nick. I promise, just a little bit longer..."

But Subject #004 had no idea what the woman meant. Who was Nick? But more importantly, get him out of what exactly? He heard a couple of clipping sounds, then the soft sounds of walking again. The woman seemed to have left as well.

Moments later, another set of footsteps entered the room from another door on the far side. The door his personal doctor seemed to vanish off to after their regular sessions. It sounded as though he was about to speak to him, but quickly stumbled on his words, "Hm. Odd. I don't remember copying this memory feed. Subject #004... "

The doctor paused, typing something or other up before continuing, almost as if he was turning certain key security features off, "Nick, The Louvre knows. We're here with you. I've been keeping in touch with Codename Andrew. I know you've worked with him in the past and figured you'd trust him more than anybody else, considering your overall lack of team spirit. He's personally told Aaron what's going on and a few others."

The doctor hesitated a short moment, as if checking security again. Making sure he wasn't being spied on. He lowered his voice a bit before continuing, "And I'm sorry about the augmentations, about all of this..."

"It was either myself or an actual HiveMind employee, so I made damn sure it was me. I tried to pick stuff I thought you'd like, if that's any consolation. It's a prototype ability called Mute. It allows the augmentee to mute external audio and inner emotions. Allowing for mental tranquility in the midst of utter chaos. It's kind of like Adderall on steroids, but it's not been government approved as a medicine replacement."

The doctor spy paused again, to type some more.

"But it can also mean giving up certain freedoms if connected to a database like HiveMind's. A lack of inner thought means a subconscious has to be programmed, but I can't imagine The Louvre, Sphinx or The Council to abuse this part of you. That they'd allow you to control it yourself offline. Codename Andrew suggested it. Most people want to control fire, water. Something other than the mind itself. It took some convincing, but I managed to get Director Galloes think it was his idea... or at least in his best interest."

The doctor's words acted like Thierry's warmth on a cold night, but Nick was still too heavily debilitated to be able to react. The doctor gasped, as if realizing something was wrong, but Nick was still unable to give any kind of true reaction. Some more clicking happened from the side of the room and Nick swiftly turned into #004 again. A cold lifeless shell of a man once more.

"Voidlight is here too?!" The doctor broke out into a hardy chuckle realizing that #3 was safe and the other fugitive was a Voidlight agent nicknamed Ghost, or rather, he felt it just had to be Ghost. He'd only heard stories about the agent in question, but considering his own personal code containing Nick's memories had been copied... it just had to be her, "That's fantastic."
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails


Indeed it was as Stella said. Not too far from them, below the grate of the air ducts, a security technician stood in the hallway, on duty, making his rounds. He checked his watch, awaiting shift change that would cue his turn for a break. The keys to the prisoners patients' compliance collars jingled as he turned, eyeing another guard approaching to relieve him.

In the maintenance sector, Stella spoke. "We're going to get Nick out and get that collar off your neck. As soon as they finish making their rounds."

Subject #3 nodded, pushing her silver hair away from her face as she tried to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding as they sat. Something felt off. Surely, she should feel relieved since Stella got what she needed to help Nick be 'himself.' Especially after everything the doctor had done to him.

Surely, right?

As they sat against the railing of their uncharted area of the research facility, the light flashed a bright white before shorting out, plunging their world into darkness.

No sounds except their breathing. The tinkle of water hitting a cement floor. Echoes of what remained of a haunting, dust-covered maintenance sector.

Then, a single red eye opened in the darkness.


Its laser eye moved forward, cutting swaths of red into the darkness, scanning, searching.

"Are you th-ERE?"

The red eye slowly moved forward, approaching their area. Subject #3 held a hand over her mouth, shivering against Stella as the thing approached closer. This was the first time something had come into the abandoned maintenance area. She didn't know how it knew, or if it was just a stray AI machine with a strange directive, but she could guess only one thing - they were running out of time to remain unnoticed in the oppressive underwater facility.

Below in the hallway, the two security technicians exchanged a few words before one urged the other to take some rest. In a few moments, the guard with the keys would walk down the hall and turn the corner, out of sight of any other employees and off-guard for the 30 seconds it would take to reach the breakroom. Stella's window of opportunity had maybe a few precious minutes left before it would shut closed for another 12 hours.

Hivemind Underwater Research Facility, Contained Lab


There was a long, drawn-out silence as the doctor chuckled to himself. A long, heavy silence.

Then, a string of beeps as the code to the lab's security door was unlocked. In stepped a man in a dark business suit, tie a striking red. The doctor would recognize him as a division above his own in the HiveMind hierarchy - an Internal Affairs officer. He walked in, two other officers following close behind with their heavy frames blocking the hallway light at the frame of the door, hands clasped loosely in front of them.

"Sir?" The leading officer asked, his voice deep and gravely. "You've been requested. Please, follow me."

Requested. By the IA officers, no less. If something like this was happening, they would only be interested in a few key things. Hush-hush things when there was loose talk around the employee breakrooms. If people spoke too much about their request orders, they quickly found themselves relocated, or worse...

The two officers behind the one who spoke shuffled lightly on their feet, eyes staring down the doctor, watching every movement carefully. It seemed they were used to employees trying to run or evade them.

A nurse and two security drones would slide in behind the IA officers, and the nurse, her face friendly and warm, would approach the doctor.

"You needn't worry. I will ensure your patient remains stable and on schedule while you meet their request."

There was warmth and genuineness in her eyes, no doubt. But there was something... off. Like her smile was a bit too wide, her eyes too crinkled. Everything was just a bit too forced.


If the doctor followed the IA officers, they would lead him through the labyrinth of hallways in the facility until they would turn down to a quiet, more ominous-looking area. A steel door would slide open, and a dark room would be revealed, showing none other than Von Galloes sitting idly in one of the two metal chairs. He would smile coldly and gesture for the doctor to sit across from him, his hand resting on the wide steel table.

"Doctor, what a pleasant surprise."
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Stella sucked in her breath as the red-eye thing appeared and began calling out in a choppy manner. She wanted to whine and stomp her foot at the utter insanity she had experienced the thirty or so odd days. She never thought that being sent to explore an ancient dig site would land her in a research facility. It was time to move again. Stella motioned for #3 to follow her back into the ductwork, unfortunately, that meant abandoning the little area they had called home for a month.

Once they were somewhat secure in the vents, Stella handed #3 the mini monitor of the security feeds of the facility. "We're going to get Nick out now. There's no time to waste. First, I want you to wait in the vent by the abandoned garage where our sub is. Don't get in the submarine, wait until I tell you to start it up. I don't want you to get compromised. " Stella whispered as she smiled softly at #3 and handed her the earpiece to #3. "I'll be back in thirty minutes tops. If I'm not, I want you to get whatever that creature was out there to cause a distraction. I think it may be the only way out, unfortunately."

Stella quietly opened the vent, pointed the laser finger to disable the two security cameras in the hallway, and hopped down with barely any sound behind the lone security guard. She took the rifle out of her pack, flipped it around, and knocked the security guard on the side of the head. Stella's swing quickly knocked the guard out with the butt of the gun. She wasted no time and dragged him to a supplies closet and swiped his keys and uniform. Stella tied his hands and feet together before she stuffed a cleaning rag in his mouth to keep him quiet when he woke up. She placed the rod-looking key that matched #3's and Nick's collars into her pack.

Stella quickly threw her hair up into the hat and tightened whatever she could be checking the hallway. As long as she kept her head down, she would be okay. She was just tall enough to be mistaken for a short guy, especially with her hair in the hat and her chest suppressed by her sports bra.

Stella would lay low for a while. She kept moving like she was checking rounds as if it were her actual job. The thing was that Stella and #3 had spent so much time in the vents that Stella had only a vague idea of where she was. She had the ductwork memorized but not the hallway. A couple of times Stella thought she was going to be spotted but she was lucky enough to act like she was getting something from the vending machine or checking rooms.

Finally, Stella's blue eyes spotted where they were holding Nick. She watched around a corner as a nurse and a few guards entered the observation room. The guards exited with the doctor who had implemented the augmentations on Nick, which meant there was only that nurse in Nick's room. Stella could handle her.

Stella waited until the guards and the doctor were out of sight before she slipped into the observation room. She didn't wait to disable the cameras before she took out the nurse. Thankfully, Stella just knocked her out. She then beamed her laser finger at the camera before she started the protocol of unhooking Nick safely and hacking the security cameras, appearing normal. There might have been a moment where the camera got a glimpse of her side profile but it was minuscule. She had to act now.

"What's the status, #3?" Stella whispered as they were fifteen minutes in. She quickly changed into the nurse's uniform and security badge. Nick was going to have to wear something when he woke up.

"Come on, come on," Stella muttered to herself as she watched the loading bar get closer and closer to the end. She looked at the clock on the wall as she knew that they were losing time but this was what she had to do to make sure Nick would be okay. While Stella waited, she prepared the nurse to appear as a body double of Nick to trick the security guards into buying them some time.

Stella finally heard the pressurized release and sighed in relief before she went into the exam room and began to unplug Nick from the various monitors. She helped him into a chair, handed him the uniform, and produced the key to unlock the collar around Nick's neck before putting it back in her pack.

"I don't have time to explain here, change into this and we need to go. We have exactly ten minutes to get where we need to. All I can say is that you're in danger," she said as picked up the nurse and laid her on the table before she covered the nurse's body with a blanket. "Oh, and you're going to need this," Stella added as she handed him the security guard's loaded 9mm and a stun gun from her pack.

Meanwhile, Thierry would be greeted by a tall, young man with dark hair and goldish eyes. He was dressed in a dark navy blue business suit. He stood up from the waiting room chair, smiled, and shook Thierry's hand. "Monsieur de Villiers, I'm Voidlight's Vice President. We are glad that you took the time to speak with us. I know you're a busy man. We can discuss things on the way to the airport. Shall we?" The man said as he handed Thierry a file folder and opened the door to back out in the hallway.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
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Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@WhiteAngel25 @Estylwen

The Louvre Museum

Monsieur de Villiers

The marble floors glistened in the early morning sunlight as Thierry wandered stoutly down several hallways. His lack of sleep had made way for newfound vigour that had been granted by several cups of black coffee, but more notably The Council. The ancient order had been very understanding regarding the current situation; the global crisis regarding HiveMind. The order recognized that if HiveMind was willing to directly assault The Louvre, they were defiantly brazen enough to attack of the rest of the archeological world- and then some. World governments? Nobody was deemed safe in de Villiers' last meeting.

Not only had HiveMind been discussed, but The Louvre found it essential to tread carefully while dealing with artifacts of certain origins. Even more when dealing with trinkets that Thierry had found haphazardly tossed aside in little shops downtown, shops he frequented such as Antiquités du Tourniquet. He'd found all sorts of nifty things through the years that the ordinary person would have no idea of the real power it held. Big things like ceremonial daggers used by The Order of Prémontré, special finds like a replica of The Triangle of Light, all the way down to a lock of hair from Christ himself...

Still, in order to keep the peace amongst the various archeological organizations, it was always best to seek permission before using any store bought antiques. As they were considered black market finds. Or at least ones with special mystical properties. Permission from The Council and permission had been granted.

One meeting turned another.

"Monsieur de Villiers, I'm Voidlight's Vice President. We are glad that you took the time to speak with us. I know you're a busy man. We can discuss things on the way to the airport. Shall we?"

A very busy man indeed.

"So very nice to meet you, Mr. ... ?" Thierry's voice paused, not knowing the man's name, but also at the sight of an old business partner and another of Nick's affiliates.

"Ramses... Aaron. Compliments of The Egyptian and Smithsonian Museums." He started, "Under any other circumstances..."

"A pleasure working with you again, Monsieur." Thierry and Ramses shared a strikingly sturdy handshake before Thierry turned to Aaron.

The younger of the two chirped, "I'm still angry about the situation with my Uncle, but this is bigger than my feud with Nick. This HiveMind group is beyond ridiculous. They need to be stopped, so I'm here to help where I can. Besides..." Aaron paused looking up to Ramses with a smirk fortified through years of working with Nick, "It's been awhile since we've Codename Andrewed anybody and we've heard rumors about a fellow hacker named Ghost, was also involved."

"So it would seem as though HiveMind's struck a nerve with all of us then." The four men stood in agreement with their individual mannerisms showing. Thierry sternly turned to Voidlight's Vice President, "Does Voidlight deal in antiquities at all? I'm bringing a very special object of Louvre admiration with us... on this little trip of ours. Gracieuseté du Conseil. Let us be swift, gentlemen. Time waits for none."


Hivemind Underwater Facility

Operation Mute

"All I can say is that you're in danger..."

Now there was a lackluster statement of the century. When did, Subject #004- Nick's- profession by default, not have him in some kind of peril? If it wasn't the eternally undead mummies of Egypt, it was this sort of shit. He was honestly sick of hearing about it about it over the years.

He tried to sit upright, but his movements were incredibly sluggish. His head was still hazy despite the lack of equipment he was once hooked up to. Kept dropping various parts of the garments. Movement was sloppy as he pulled on the clothes Stella had given him. The clothes acted as a nice barricade against the room's chilled air. And no, for the record, he wasn't embarrassed that Stella had seen him naked.

And then Subject #004 heard a gunshot followed by a loud popping sound. Then more gunshots and what sounded like several scuffles. A very distinct voice was in the mix. All coming from down the hall. What the hell was going on in this place? There was some silence, then a single voice raged. Nick recognized this particular temper. He'd been at the brunt of it several times himself.
"Comment ça va? ...Ça va, toujours.
Especially when dealing with the likes of you, Mr. Galloes."
Thierry paused, "Non. You are no Mister. You are a connard. An enculé. How dare you threaten The Louvre, non, moi."

Thierry? Here?! How? Nick stumbled out of the observation room, hands shaking as he tried to make sure the pistol was loaded. He had to get down there, figure out what was going on. He was heavily involved now, even if he didn't want to be, so he might as well not hold back any potential useful information. It seemed that all the scuffles had left several guards dead. Quite a few bodies were scattered down the hall that Nick found himself stepping over.

"I have many more cards than you seem to believe, Mr. Putain."

Nick attempted to fully stand himself upright, but didn't manage to do so. He leaned heavily against the doorframe, grin across his face. It was times like this that he questioned his asexuality and also very glad to have Thierry on his side. But the grin quickly subsided as he realized his personal doctor had also been caught up in the crossfire, lifeless. Slumped over on the table. Probably at the hands of Galloes himself. Death was a hard truth of being or working with a secret order like The Louvre.

And with another glimpse around the room, Aaron and Ramses were here as well, Let the good times roll.

Subject #004 kicked in after another quick glance at Thierry.

Target acquired.

The gun in Thierry's hand went off as Subject #004 knocked the elder man's arm up. The two scuffled for several minutes to the sounds of laughter mixed with dual sets of feverish typing. Codename Andrew had kicked into high gear as Ramses and Aaron tried to find the file source for Nick's- Subject #004's- potentially lethal assault. But without the doctor spy, it was proving a difficult task.

No matter. Thierry, while technically retired from full time field work, was able to hold his own. He yelled mostly at Galloes, but to whoever cared as well, "Sacré dieu. So help me if I have to kill my own spouse!"

The typing abruptly stopped.

Nick found himself face down bent over the table, with both hands tightly bound behind his back. So now not only was he exhausted, but also in excruciating pain thanks to Thierry's white-knuckled deathgrip. A grip that damn near broke both his arms in the process to acquire. The look on Aaron's face was of utter shock; his hazel eyes were in complete disbelief at what had just transpired and Ramses' olive expression wasn't too far behind. He then looked over to the dead doctor and remembered what he'd said about giving up certain freedoms.

So even if he felt he was incapable under normal circumstances, they could still program him to have the drive? The drive to commit kamikaze for the good of whoever was in control of his mind?

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hivemind Underwater Research Facility, Contained Lab and Hallway

@Lexisheeps, @WhiteAngel25

Stella's operation went off without a hitch. The security officer was knocked out cold, tied in the closet. Even if he were to wake up, it would be a long time before he was found. The security drones that had accompanied the nurse waited outside, falling for Stella's disguise and letting her pass as she entered the observation room of the contained lab. It was soon after that skirmishes broke out in the hallways, and the security drones were destroyed, along with several guards. Included in the death toll was the doctor, though it was clear his death was more of a personal matter.

"Just another rat," Von Galloes thought coldly as he and his men moved through the hallways. His AR vision was wired into the security feeds of HiveMind, and he selectively unmuted the audio when he saw what could be considered a real pleasant surprise. It appeared The Louvre had a few choice words for him as they attempted to free his precious Subject #4. Even brought a few friends along. He recognized the one from the Egyptian museum. Vons Galloes also saw the Ghost in the system, one of the two simulation room escapists who thought it funny to hide in the dusty corners of his home.

His eyes hovered on her features as he observed the feed, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes before his cold voice cut the air. "Now, where is the other one...?"

As he entered the briefing room on the second deck of the HiveMind facility, technicians and security personnel dashing to and fro, a single AI prototype - the Beast, curled at his feet, dragging behind it a struggling Subject #3. Its white metallic tentacles swirled around its singular red eye, one limb extending out to produce a testing device.

"Mission success, Director Galllo-ES. Subject #3 contained. DNA s-AM-ples collected. MAT-ch acquir-ED." It stated, its voice robotic and devoid of compassion as Subject #3 struggled in its grasp.

"Match, you say." Von Galloes said, a cruel grin flickering across his face as he took the device. "So I was right all along."

He smirked, his mind racing with all imaginable twisted and unspeakable things he could do now with this information. The look on their face when they finally realized. The look on Thierry's face when he turned another ally into a mindless enemy, their will suffocated by Von's own.

Speaking of which, he had to note Subject #4 performance was impressive. Every struggle and attack on Thierry that the director observed through the security feed was met with an earnest and cruel nod of approval from Von Galloes. His precious tool was doing exactly what it was told. And it would do so much more.

He looked at the Beast dismissively, his voice stern and exacting. "Now, I need you to follow my instructions exactly."

"Yes, s-IR?"

Red lights flashed against white walls as a siren wailed through the halls of the underwater facility.

A pre-recorded voice blared over the loudspeaker.

"Attention. Evacuate immediately. All personnel are required to evacuate immediately."

Blast shield doors were closing shut on most route accesses, blocking off the majority of the facility. The only path that was laid out for the group was the same path Stella had taken to reach Nick initially - through the hallways to the ducts, and into the abandoned area of the facility. However, the path to the submarine - the group's escape - was ridden with monsters.

All of the test experiments and prototype beasts that were currently locked up under a dark energy merging program were free, roaming the halls. Half-starved, mad, and pre-programmed to be killing machines, these large beasts stood in the way of the group's way back to the ducts.

Looking in front of them, barreling down the hallway, were three bear-like beings, 10 feet tall at full height, roaring and dripping dark energy plasma with every stomping footfall. One locked eyes with Thierry, and aimed its huge teeth straight for the man's throat. It would take more than a couple of bullets to put down these behemoths.

And, at the end of the escape route, if the group managed to make it there in one piece, Von Galloes had one more surprise waiting for them. Subject #3, tied to a chair in front of the garage where the submarine was held in the abandoned area of the facility. There was a blanket draped over her, obscuring something. Her mouth gagged. And the ominous sound of beeping...
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"While I do appreciate the offer to kick at the Hive, I'm afraid I'm scheduled to go pick up our friends. If you do need help though," the Vice President produced a box device with a simple button on it. "This little beauty will immobilize enemies in seconds." He said as he left just before Thierry, Aaron, and Ramses were beamed out.

The device was an electric bomb. The moment Thierry would detenate it, a radius of electricity would be released around him. Electrocuting any close enemies within a six foot circumference.

Stella paid no mind to the fact Nick was naked, wasn't the first body she's seen and probably wouldn't be the last. She heard the gun shots as she assumed it had to be other agents, there was no other explaination. Stella did have a hard time keeping up with him once he got his sea legs back. She followed him into the room where voices were coming from and found him in the thick of battle. Stella recognized agents from various other organizations, including Thierry.

"Whoa, whoa, I don't think killing Nick is the answer here, Monsieur." Stella said as she walked over and squatted down to be eye level with Nick while Thierry held him. She had observed enough of the sessions with his personal doctor to figure out code words.

"#004, assignment is complete. You may relax and help us," Stella said in a calm voice with steady breathing. Then the alarm rang out about the evacuation. Her eyes widen wit slight fear.

"#3, are you there?" She asked the same question a few more times before her heart broke. She went back out into the hallway to see monsters and experimentations. Stella gritted her teeth, #3 was supposed to hide in the vents until she returned, they still had time left.

"If you want to live, I suggest you follow me." Stella said and wasted no time in pulling out her sniper rifle. She then down several beasts. Her augmented vision saw the dark matter energy source of one of the bear creatures. She recalled what #3 said about the heart and what it wasn't. Stella took the chance while the creature was blinded by her sots and slid underneath one, using all her force to punch her dagger like hands into the creature's chest and ripped out its power source. It was one of the masks that #3 had in the VR temple.

Stella ripped it out, she received a bit of repulse shock from said action but took it with whatever she had left. She was on a war path back to find #3. Stella rolled out under the creature in time before it fell on her, she lifted her bloodied arm at Nick and showed him the mask. "I told you these were a dime a dozen," she said a bit breathless as she made her way to the vents. Stella couldn't rest, she needed to make sure #3 was okay. She crawled cautiously through the vents, not bothering to care who followed her.

The white haired and bloodied woman dropped down from the vent. "3!" Stella exclaimed as she was relieved that the girl was still alive. The way #3 was positioned was definitely a trap but what choice did Stella have? She carefully rushed over to #3 but paused as she heard beeping. "Please, don't let it be what I think is attached to you, 3," Stella begged as pulled the blanket carefully off of her.

Stella winced as a bomb of some sort had been strapped to the poor girl before her. She smiled softly. "You were supposed to wait, silly. Now, look at what happened," she spoke as an attempt to keep the situation as light-hearted as possible. Stella's features fell serious. "I'll get that off of you, 3, I promise." She said as she removed the gag from #3's mouth and the blindfold.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
Avatar of Lexisheeps

Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@WhiteAngel25 @Estylwen

Underwater Research Facility

Field Agents The Boys:

Codename Andrew, Bergman, Monsieur

"Whoa, whoa, I don't think killing Nick is the answer here, Monsieur."

"Then help him, sil vous plait!" Thierry's brow crinkled while he inhaled shallowly, wiping at sweat.

"#004, assignment is complete. You may relax and help us."

Subject #004 breathed heavily while registering Stella's words. It felt as if the program was internally fighting Nick for his sanity. It was a simple annoyance at best and an infuriating situation at worst.

"Galloes got away." Aaron stated blankly while typing.

"When we find him again, he's mine." Thierry's anger snapped #4 apart, letting Nick be himself once again.

Nick slipped from the table to the floor as his spouse had finally let go of his arms. He was tired and sore. He was a disaster. Nick didn't know who Stella thought she was kidding if she really felt he could be of any service now. Nick curled onto his side. He kept his eyes closed as a strong desire for sleep came across him. In his current condition, he was useless. The siren rang out, but he failed to react. He could hear Stella nagging him about the VR masks, but he just curled in his ball. Useless.

"That's what this is all about? VR masks? You can't be serious!" Thierry struggled to contain his hardy laughter as he'd spoken.

"Well it is a tech company?" Aaron seemed a little confused by Thierry's lack of interest in the information.

There came a gasp and a bit of feverish typing, then Ramses' voice appeared in the mix, "Stop."

Nick opened his eyes to see Ramses standing in front of Thierry, hand outstretched at a monster that had aimed to kill. Kill Thierry. Thierry must of been caught off guard while laughing about the VR masks. Nick looked to Thierry. His spouse carried a stunned expression, but it was still mixed with the sent of anger.

"Disengage." Ramses' voice was sturdily steadfast as he spoke. A man of confidence as if he'd dealt with these masks before.

With another glance upwards, Stella had vanished off somewhere. Probably not realizing the ease at which these VR masks were controlled. Aaron was still typing in the corner. He was standing with an older box laptop strapped around his neck like an oversized handbag, but the old tech probably couldn't connect to the internet. A security feature and still more useful than Nick was at the moment.

"I think we should see ourselves out." Thierry pulled Nick upright, then to his feet. Then placed Nick's left arm over his shoulder and his right arm curled around Nick.

"Yeah." Ramses grabbed at the newer laptop that still sat on the desk, then wrapped the strap over his shoulder.

"Yup." Aaron agreed while heading towards the hallway.

Codename Andrew kicked in once more as both Ramses and Aaron started their decent into feverish typing. Nick felt it was almost like watching an office on two feet. Or like oversized cellphones. To him, it honestly looked ridiculous, but then a thought crossed his mind, "What about Stella?"

"Who?" Thierry turned to face him. His warm breath removing the chill from Nick's face.

"The girl." Nick shook his head, "There's another one too. She was a prisoner as well."

"Looks as though we're in the midst of a full-blown rescue mission then, doesn't it." Ramses stated softly, not looking up from his laptop.

"Seems so." Aaron paused to look up, then back down to his screen after a quick glance of the hallway.

Nick looked to Thierry, as the man... his spouse, helped carry him down the hallway. His heart was heavy with the formation of tears as he started to speak, "I'm so-"

"Ferme ta gueule." Thierry spat, but didn't hesitate to readjust and pull Nick closer, followed by a quick kiss to Nick's temple.

Nick closed his eyes and let Thierry lead him along. At one point, Thierry mentioned something about a box he'd been given? Ramses mentioned it wasn't completely necessary at the moment, but to keep it handy regardless. Something about electricity was brought up. The dark energy and why HiveMind was obsessed. Honestly, the whole conversation confused him, so Nick just kept his mouth shut as Thierry had said to. That was until...

"Jesus, he straps bombs to people's necks too?"

He finally looked up. Ramses' disbelief pointed to a sad situation involving #3. This made his heart drop even lower. Nick's neck felt tight with a lump. Here he was being rescued by his husband and coworkers that were practically extended family. But who did #3 have? Well it seemed outside of Stella's attempt to remain clam, nobody. He wondered exactly how long the poor unfortunate soul been stuck down here with nobody caring about her. It was a feeling he was empathic towards as he'd felt it all his life. One of loneliness brought on by a roller coaster mix of emotions. Being abandoned at a young age, followed by years of fear of being abandoned by everybody else in his life. Emotions that traditional medications didn't seem to help with- or made it worse. Emotions that even Thierry couldn't seem to remove, even after marriage.

The ground started shaking again, but with more gust this time than previous. Thierry spoke of the situation pointedly, "You must be Stella and #3, but as much as I'd like to stop and chat, time waits for none."

"But what about the ruins?" Nick snapped.

"There are no ruins." Thierry snapped back.

"HiveMind built this base after another base was blown up. I was there. There's a clock tower and Inca-like dunes just outside of a forest like area."

"That was all a simu-" Ramses started, but Thierry cut him off.

"Sweetheart, those weren't real."

"That's exactly what HiveMind wants us to think. But it's bigger than a simple simulation. I came down here under the pretense of examining Dark Energy. And I'm doing just that."

This whine Nick currently sported started up the exact argument that had already taken place not long ago. Much to Ramses' and Aaron's amusement.

"...Oh, dammit all to hell, Nicholas..."

"...No, Thierry..."

"...Stop being a stubborn idiot for just five fucking minutes of your life!..."

Aaron stifled a laugh as he leaned into Ramses' shoulder, "So uh, how long have they been married again?"

"Awhile, from the sounds of it."
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails

@Lexisheeps, @WhiteAngel25

"I'll get that off of you, 3, I promise."

Subject #3 tried her best to hold back terrified tears as she sat strapped in her seat, a second collar affixed to her neck. This new one had a digital timer displayed.


And it was counting down rapidly, beeping. A high-impact bomb, designed to explode everything in a nearby radius. Subject #3 stared up at Stella, then glanced at Nick and the group with him. "You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous. It's- it's- please-"

A deep voice from within the shadows. "No, they're in exactly the right place."

Emerging from the shadows was a ring of 10 or so armed security drones, covered in reinforced white metal, automated pistols loaded and raised menacingly, surrounding them from all sides. If anyone so much as moved an inch, they would immediately open fire, not to be taken lightly. From directly behind Subject #3 emerged the AI prototype, the Beast, its red eye wide and glowing. From the glow, it projected a hologram that took the form of a smiling, sinister-looking Von Galloes. He was outlined in red, the hologram framing him in dark, menacing hues.

He approached Stella, standing beside her as she stared at the bomb device. "Come now, sweetheart. This is child's play for a perfect solider such as yourself."

The hologram made his smile all the colder as he leaned in close, looming over Stella. "After all the drills, all the training I had him do to you, you're going to stand here and tell me you don't know how to disarm a simple bomb? Come now, don't you recognize the technology, my dear?"

He eyed her gleefully, relishing the look on her face. "Don't be shy. Show everyone what I made you for..."

He looked at the timer on Subject #3's neck and chuckled darkly.


He took a step away, the projection shifting as Von Galloes walked to stand in front of Thierry, chest to chest. "So, how do you like the modifications I made to your pet? Satisfying, no? When he tried to kill you, I mean."

His eyes glinted menacingly. "Shame. You didn't even make it to the depths of my facility. And now you're moments from death."

He paced the ground as if in deep thought before raising his hand, pretending like an idea had come to him. "Say, if you beg for my forgiveness now, I'll stop the countdown and let you all live, hm? How's that."

What Nick and Stella would notice, along the right side of the room, was that the wall had been replastered over recently, and looked weak. A simple blow would knock it down, and reveal something else underneath it. If they somehow dealt with the drones and knocked down the wall, they would uncover one of the most significant secrets of this underwater facility. A simple door rusted beyond time, caked and warped. A rune would be carved deeply into the stained metal, recognized only by those who knew about the ancient societies revolving around dark energy. A mark of The Ethereum.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
Avatar of WhiteAngel25

WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Stella glared as Von Galloes. She had no idea why he was calling her 'sweetheart,' and then he continued to speak about information that not even Voidlight knew. She visibly stiffened as she did recognize the bomb on #3's neck, it was the same her father had put around her neck and forced her to disarm. Von Galloes spoke of having him train her. Was her father not her actual father?

Stella paled at the realization as to why her mother was so desperate to get her out of the facility they had called home for so long. Her hands balled up into fists as Von Galloes egged her on to show Nick and the others what she was trained for. She gritted her teeth and wished she would have kept the cover over #3's eyes, she didn't want her to see what she was going to do.

The Ghost took off her gloves to reveal her augmented arms. The metal was flesh colored but anyone with eyes could see the lines of the different sections of the various augmentations. Stella took a deep breath. In a blink of an eye, the white haired woman flicked fire at one of the drones. Now, since it was reinforced metal, it wouldn't affect the drone, however, the drone was now in self-preservation mode. It began to spin and zip around in a frantic manner. Since this drone still had its gun out it was also the immediate threat in the room, confusing the other drones.

Stella worked quick. She jumped up, grabbed a different drone and threw it at another, causing them to spark and create a small explosion. She looked at the clock on #3's collar.


Stella cursed as she got busy with the bomb. She would let the other deal with the rest of the drones. She went behind #3's chair and ripped off the wire panel. Her eyes winced as the wiring was just slightly different. Different enough for Stella to second guess which ones to cut.


First, Stella held her breath as she cut the gray wire. When nothing happened she moved onto the green one. The timer disappeared but nothing else occurred. "Shit," she muttered, "#3, honey, close your eyes." She had two wires left. They were almost the same color, there was no time to to debate which one to snip.

Stella took a deep breath, broke the collar with her hands, and quickly threw the bomb at replastered wall. She quickly shielded #3 from any debris. Her eyes looked #3 over to make sure she was overall uninjured. She reached into her pack and pulled out the key she used on Nick's collar to unlock #3's as well. Once Stella untied #3 from the chair, she quickly hugged the girl. "I am so sorry, #3. I shouldn't have left you behind," she murmured.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
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Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@WhiteAngel25 @Estylwen

Roll up, drop that, skrt that, pop that.

"Good boy."


"So... your pet? Satisfying, no?"

Thierry stood there, not letting Von Galloes' remarks get to him. The man had a temper for sure, and used it often. He just responded differently to certain situations than Nick did. That and Thierry saw no point in wasting energy on a hologram. A damned simulation. Galloes would get his. They all did in the end. Nick silently glared at the hologram. Head swirling with a 1001 snide remarks. He never really understood how, but his husband made it look easy to keep one's cool. It took damn near all his mental ability to not blow up, but then Galloes finally made the wrong remark.

"...my facility."

And then there's this asshole.

That was it, Nick had heard enough for one lifetime. He reached to Thierry's left arm and pushed at his husband's utility watch. He pulled an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment, "You're on Louvre property and you're trespassing. Va te faire foutre, motherfucker."

Thierry tilted his head to Nick as Nick cocked the M16, "Good boy."

Maybe it was years of dealing with Nick's antisocial behavior and trying to force his subordinate into being sociable. Or maybe Nick's sense of identity had finally rubbed off on him sometime after getting married. Or maybe yet, Thierry felt bad about Nick's current situation regarding the augmentations. Either way, as Nick shot at the various drones Stella had set off, Thierry pushed at some buttons on his watch. The screen changed a few times before reading:

Loading Nick's playlist:

Then finally decided to pull out his own personal favorite, the FAMAS.

The music blasting from Thierry's watch was almost as loud as the various explosions that were happening around the room. Downed drones turned into speakers as Aaron laughed at his computer screen. A quick glance and it seemed as if Ramses was enjoying himself as well. Opened laptop in one hand, Ak47 in the other. Nick found himself jumping around to the different beats. He mumbled to himself a few times as well ...Up in here... easily turned into ...you just pulled a pistol on the guy with a missile launcher...

For the first time in a long time, Nick found himself having fun... despite the seriousness of the situation. It was nice to not be down here all alone, even if he'd never verbally admit that to anybody other than Thierry. In the midst of all the gunfire, Stella was making Nick question his asexuality and possibly his marriage as well. That was until Thierry patted his arm. His husband was holding the electric bomb that Voidlight's VP had given him. Thierry looked at him with a charming smile and tossed the box, "Target practice."

The box had been aimed at The Beast that had produced Galloes. The blast the box produced as Nick's grenade hit it, knocked both Nick and Thierry to the floor. Nick was too busy taking out several other drones to really worry about his spouse or Codename Andrew. He figured Stella was taking care of #3 as well. Bits of plaster flew into the mix of sprayed bullets and twisted metal of the drones, causing Nick to look up. White flakes floated softly. It wasn't snowing, was it? Nick smirked. It was like Christmas up in this bitch. A large gaping crack in the wall pinpointed their way out of this hellhole. And with another reload to the launcher, sent several grenades in it's direction. The crack was now a large doorway that led back into the main part of the underwater cavern.

Thierry pushed at his watch; The music stopped. Forgive me for my wrongs, I have just begun.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails

@Lexisheeps, @WhiteAngel25


The metallic screeching reached its peak as explosions ricocheted off the worn, dusted walls of the maintenance rails. As the last of the music faded into the distance, the air was filled with smoke and gun power, the remains of smoldering war. Drones lay haphazardly on the ground, some shattered like broken dolls, while others still tried to move, digital eyes flickering in and out of a conscious state.

And the source of the metallic screech was front and centre of the warfare - the Beast. The red shield it had summoned was cracked, and its glowing eye fluttered, unable to maintain the hologram due to the raucous onslaught of music, fire, and explosions.

Von Galoes stood there, wincing as if he had been physically struck, watching as the fire and grenades rained hellfire on his drones. His hologram, like petals falling from a peach tree, slowly scattered, his form diminishing. Before scattering, he gazed at Thierry, Nick, and his crew, Von's face still holding onto a wicked expression.

"So, you finally figured it out, hm? Then perhaps I'll see you at the depths. Be warned, much has changed since the lower pits of the old facility were sealed off."

His gaze locked on to Subject #3, and he gave her a lethal glare. "When I find you, Subject #3, feeling the cold grip of my fingers around your neck will be the least of your troubles."

Subject #3 visibly stiffened at this, hiding behind Stella and whimpering.

Satisfied, Von Galloes' face turned to Stells, who was singed a bit from protecting Subject #3. His eyes slightly softened as he spoke in a voice that approached disturbingly sweet. "Your mother would be so proud."

The last of the petals fell, and the hologram disappeared, the room returning to a moderate level of lighting. The Beast seemed to whimper and retreat back into the depths of the maintenance rails, taking the vents as an escape route and quickly disappearing from sight.

Subject #3 seemed to relax a bit as Stella hugged her, returning the embrace. She could feel the empty hollowness around her throat. The phantom weight. The marks the collar had left behind were the only remnant of the lock over her voice. She was finally free to speak her mind.

Her eyes widened with realization, then she started up at Stella with gratitude. "You... you've freed me. You've saved me."

"You all... saved me." She said, slowly standing as she glanced up at Nick and his team. She looked at the defeated enemies in the room, the remnants of the bomb that had been around her neck, and her eyes welled up with tears. She hurriedly tried to wipe them, bowing slightly to avoid their gaze.

"Th-thank you..." She whispered.

The door to the side was blown off its hinges, revealing flickering lights of the sealed part of the old facility. It had been a secret project between associates of The Louvre and The Ethereum, a testament to ancient powers and the desire to uncover the secrets buried here below the sea.

If Thierry had old schematics of the sealed-off facility, he would find much of it had remained the same. However, booby traps set in place by HiveMind would make much of it near impossible or highly risky to traverse. They would come across hallways filled with old contraptions, outdated dark energy devices, like containers and enhancers, plus miniature TRUMPET monitors to locate trace amounts of dark energy with pinpoint accuracy.

Observing these TRUMPET monitors would reveal a significant energy source deeper in the sealed part of the facility, leading to the real site where dark energy was present, observable, and influential on its environment. The tapestry for an archaeologist to take foot and discover the source and intrigues of this strange, strange energy, how it affected people throughout time, and what that meant for Nick and Stella.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Stella held her glare at Von Galloes while he threatened #3's life. She ignored the burning sensation that she melted through her leather jacket. The hell he would touch her. Stella would see to it personally that he would eat his own words. Her icy eyes turned even colder when Von Galloes mentioned her mother. What did he know about her mother? He was never around. He had someone else take his place as her father. Stella was convinced of it.

Stella stood until the hologram was discontinued. She turned her gaze back to #3, her eyes softened while her lips curled into a gentle smile. Stella knelt and tilted #3's chin to peer into her eyes. "You don't need to bow, 3. Your life is just as important as anyone else's. It is why we didn't leave Nick behind. His life matters too," she murmured as her thumb wiped away a couple of stray tears from #3's cheeks.

The white-haired young woman stood back up, dusted off her knees, and studied the band of four men. She exhaled in slight exhaustion but ultimately knew that they had to keep going. "Well, shall we continue, gentlemen?" Stella asked as she gestured towards the blown-up wall. "This is where my expertise is restricted, I'm afraid. I do not know this facility outside of being captured within that simulation," she explained as it seemed that Thierry, Aaron, and Ramses, maybe even Nick, had further knowledge about this facility.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
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Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@WhiteAngel25 @Estylwen

New beginnings; same ol' mission.

"You all... saved me."

Aaron blinked groggily while looking up from his laptop, "I'm almost surprised there aren't more subjects to save. But it seems like HiveMind is a master of trickery."

"You got a name little girly?" Ramses asked as he looked down to the small girl. He had closed his laptop with a bit of a snap then folded his arms.

While the four of them talked amongst themselves, exchanging real names and tiny bits of information about themselves, Thierry had gotten into a bit of a heated argument with Nick. Again. But this time it was a little less loud and a little less talky. Sentences between the two grew shorter up until Stella mentioned not knowing anything about the place, "Right." Thierry pulled away from Nick while neither man showed signs of embarrassment, then continued, "Well to be frank, all those files got lost. We'll have to do this the old fashioned way."

"Yeah. There's no signal down here." Ramses patted his laptop, but looked confused at the lost files comment. Was Thierry lying? He shrugged the impossibility aside then added, "This damn thing's useless without a connection to a database."

Thierry was playing a dangerous game, but The Louvre had made it clear that The Egyptian and Smithsonian Museums weren't to have access to any of the files surrounding HiveMind or the likes. At least not until several meetings had passed, but those meetings were days away despite being of the emergency variety. What the hell was an associate of little power to do? Minds had been made up after the meeting with The Council and there simply wasn't anything else the man could say to charm his way out of it. Just being able to tell Nick was a liability in and of itself. And while his spouse didn't particularly care to hide things from Aaron and Ramses while on the field, it simply wasn't his call. And they'd be damned if anybody thought Thierry was willing to lose his job over this.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Chapter 2: The Trial of the Depths

HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails

@Lexisheeps, @WhiteAngel25

"You don't need to bow, 3. Your life is just as important as anyone else's."

Subject #3 looked up at Stella in amazement and awe, new tears threatening to pour forth as Stella's kindness moved her. Her hands pressed to her face, shaking her head as she tried to stifle another sob. The phantom weight around her neck felt so strange. She felt... light. Like a feather.

Is this what it felt like to be free? To be counted among friends?

With one final inhale to steady herself, Subject #3's innocent pink eyes stared up at Stella. "No one..."

#3 paused, and smiled. "...No one's said that to me before."

"You got a name little girly?" said Ramses.

"Subject #3," she said without thinking. Then, a hand flew to her mouth. "Oh! Wait, you mean my actual name? I-I don't know..."

She pressed her fingers together in a shy manner as she addressed Ramses. "I don't remember a whole lot, you see. About my... previous life? Past life...? Apparently, I had one, but the doctors told me I'd..." she trailed off, unease crossing her face. She seemed to be in a bit of pain.

Before Subject #3 had the chance to speak up again, there was a growl. A low, menacing rumble from the depths of the air ducts and dark corners of the maintenance area. Whatever had been unleashed in the facility had picked up on the group's scent, and was slowly, steadily approaching.

The air duct's metal creaked, causing a shiver to shoot up Subject #3's spine.

"I.. I don't think we're alone here..."

Her eyes glanced to the garage where the submarine was held, then back at Nick and Stella, a wavering, panicked crack in her tiny voice.

"You can still leave, you know. Leave all this... madness behind."

If Nick and Stella decided to stay, upon crossing the threshold of the Louvre-Ethereum door would reveal a dimly lit, flickering hallway. The walls were made of plain cement, while the floor was a dark tile. However, the two steps down to reach the floor were covered in a foot of water. Broken, or sabotaged electrical wires hung haphazardly over, brushing the water. The dangerous hiss of electricity scattered sparks across the surface, denoting the water was, in fact, lethal to touch for a regular person.

The first trap set by HiveMind. And, for every trap, there was a solution.

Above a closed steel door, at the back of the hallway were four cement baskets, rims lit up with a strip of LED lighting. They seemed about the size of a shoebox, connected to a steel arm in the wall, and seemed able to move up and down. The steel levers seemed pristine in condition, meaning this contraption had been made recently.

However, how the baskets functioned and how they would solve the trap remained unknown.

Whatever Nick, Stella, and the group decided, they would have to think quickly.

The growls from the air ducts were slowly, ominously, getting closer.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Days
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Days Watermelon Enthousiast

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Voidlight Headquarters, basement research labs, floor -8, security clearance: 4 out of 6, Lab 4B, Doctor Nova Ashford's office

Despite the conditions outside of this building being poor for the lungs, Nova still wished to get out of this basement sometimes. Couldn’t they have put the labs on a higher level? Where she could actually have a window to look out of, and not this sad excuse of a hologram window displaying any scenery she would like? Though she had to admit, it was nice to switch from being in Japan to New York to the streets of Mumbai at the flick of a wrist. But in the end, it wasn’t real. She knew the answer to why, something about the stability of the matter being researched. Something, something, blast-proof ceilings, something, something, secretive mumbo-jumbo. Whatever. It paid well. And she had her own office.

Still, Nova leaned her chin on the palm of her hand and watched people walk Shibuya crossing on the fake window beside her desk. The sight interested her for a while until she pulled herself back from whatever energy dip she was experiencing. She looked at the small plant on her desk. A succulent. What else would survive here but a plant that didn’t need sunlight, and overworked researchers? With a groan, she pressed her palms on the edge of her desk and pushed her chair backwards before standing. With her empty coffee mug in hand, she traversed the office space past the big glass panels with a view of her team of researchers doing God knows what.

In the small break area, she shoved her mug under the coffeemaker and pressed the button. Turning, she leaned back against the counter and crossed her arms. When she was first offered this job, she definitely thought it was going to be more exciting. Some days, the most exciting thing that would happen to her is catching a glimpse of the Vice President walking the halls. She should probably display him on her fake window, that was a sight to see. Yet, with every new thing they discover, Nova was reminded why she liked it so much.

At the very least, Voidlight invested in some really good coffee. Nova took the now-filled steaming mug from the machine and walked the same way back, raising an eyebrow at the researcher within the safe area. She swore to God that if Brenda dropped something again, causing a lockdown just before the workday was over, Nova would personally shove the woman from the roof of this highrise. She had only just taken the very first sip of her coffee when someone knocked on the glass door of her office. After glancing to the side, she noticed it was one of the security guys. Ugh, what now? Frowning, she pressed the button on her desk that opened the door and the man stepped. He looked about just as excited to be here right now as she was. ”Doctor Nova Ashford? The Vice President requests a meeting with you.”

Nova cocked her head to the side, trying not to show the shock on her face as the guard's words formed in her vision. The VP requests her? Was her augmented eye finally dysfunctioning? She ignored the doctor part. Sure, it was an official title, but that was only because of her PhD in energy & environmental science. She barely knew how to treat a blister. ”Just Miss Ashford is fine. When?” She inquired, her face back to blank, taking another sip from her coffee and trying to seem nonchalant about the whole ordeal.

”Now. I’ll wait for you at the elevator.”

Nova blinked and slowly put down her mug. Now? She nodded curtly and the security guard retreated. She waited until he was out of sight for her collected self to slip of off her face. Quickly, she opened her drawer and scrambled to find her handheld mirror. Holding it in front of her face, she quickly checked if she was even remotely presentable. It would have to do, but she definitely wished she spent more time on her appearance this morning right about now. She put her personal and work phone in the pocket of her lab coat and left her office. At the elevator, she was greeted by a woman in a pencil skirt, looking like she stepped out of a magazine. The security guard stepped off the elevator at the ground floor, and the woman typed in a code to take the elevator to a security clearance level Nova could only dream of. Why did he want to see her?

Voidlight Headquarters, floor 40, security clearance: 6 out of 6, Vice President's Office
A collab with @WhiteAngel25

The woman was quick to shove her into a door once they arrived at the top level, saying the Vice President would be with her shortly. Glancing around, his office was nothing like she had expected it to be and she looked horribly out of place in her forest green scrubs and lab coat. Her hair was in a messy updo, curly flyaways framing her face, and she wore comfortable sneakers. Should she sit down in one of the fancy chairs, or was that not done? She blinked and decided to keep standing, her hands in the pockets of her coat. He summoned her here, now, and he wasn’t even there himself? Was this a test to see if she would go snooping? And if so, would snooping be a good thing or a bad thing? It seemed her wishes to get out of the basement were about to come true, but at what cost?

The VP's office leaned towards a modern style. Black marble tile lined the floor with a large white fur rug laid underneath dark gray leather sofas, two armchairs, and a metal coffee bag. Near the door, a white marble faux fireplace showed the comforting flame. Any empty wall space there was, metal bookshelves stood tall with a variety of subjects. The windows were tinted so only one from the inside could look out. At the end of the room was the Vice President's desk, which was the home of his computer and several business papers.

Dragon strode into his office without a warning knock. It was his office, after all, he didn't need to announce his presence. His gold gaze took in the sight of the lab scientist in front of him. Her light brown hair was tussled up in a bun with the tall-tell sign of her augmented vision. She was cute. Rumor had it in the lab sections that Nova Ashford was the leading biologist on dark matter-energy. She was also skilled in other areas as well. Dragon smiled in a welcome manner.

"Miss Ashford, right? It is a pleasure to meet you properly. You may call me, Dragon or Vice President, for now," he introduced himself as he shook Nova's hand. He gestured to the sitting area for Nova to sit. "Water? Coffee?" Dragon offered drink options before he attempted to be a good host before he started to begin.

Nova was getting increasingly unsure. Maybe he was making her wait to make her nervous? If so, mission accomplished. A million scenarios went through her mind as she tried to figure out why she was being summoned to the VP of all people. She had a manager, and that manager had a manager, and that manager was him. So why so directly? Nova blinked, her eyes still scanning the room as she wondered if her manager even knew about this. Her gaze landed on his bookshelf and the bookish woman found herself wanting to peruse it. What did a VP read? Scientific work? Politics? Romance novels? Smut? The door behind her opened so quietly her aid didn't pick it up, nor give her a flashing that there was sound. So when a figure suddenly appeared beside her, she startled slightly. She desperately hoped he hadn't caught on to that as he stood before her. And then, he smiled at her. The scientist wavered, taken aback by an attitude she didn't expect. He hadn't given her a look in the hallways, always seemed busy and unapproachable, but then again, she tried not to ogle him and failed on many occasions.

Her research on Dark Energy was going exceptionally well. She even got more budget, recently, and more team members to lead. Their latest tests included heating the bit of matter they acquired to over 500 degrees. She almost short-circuited the building, but what a damn great energy source. There was so much potential. So much she wanted to discover still. So many ideas flowed in her brain. So as he stood before her and grabbed her hand, sending tingles down her spine, she desperately hoped this was a good meeting, not a bad one. His hand was warm, and it was a welcome contrast to the normally chilly basement. She shook it with a firm grip, regaining her composure. ”That's me. It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Dragon." She said, standing a little straighter. For now, huh? Nova made note of that as she gave him a curt nod, following his gaze to the seating area.

She sat down on the leather sofa, crossing her legs and resting her back against a small pillow. ”Coffee, please." She told him with a smile. Her abandoned coffee downstairs was probably already chilled to the bone. Nova watched him, studied him, but found she couldn't read him well. Would it be rude to demand to know why she's here, or would she let him keep control? She chose the latter.

Dragon sauntered over to the button on the wall and pressed it lightly. "Emily, one coffee for our guest, please," he spoke before he went over to his desk, picked up a thick folder, and returned to the sitting area. He placed the folder on the coffee table in front of Nova. A big red stamp read, CLASSIFIED. Dragon adjusted his black three-piece suit to be more comfortable as he sat on one of the armchairs. Emily, his assistant, came in with a coffee tray and sat it next to the folder. On the tray was Nova's piping hot coffee steamed from a mug with Voidlight printed across it, a small pitcher of cream, and a bowl of sugar with a spoon.

The Vice President waited until Emily was out of the office before he turned his attention back to Nova. "I am not one to beat around the bush, Miss Ashford. The higher-ups and I have been quite impressed with your progress with dark matter-energy. Here at Voidlight, not only do we supply various employer services for a variety of career fields, but we are also in line with other agencies to investigate dark-energy sites. Voidlight would like to send you down to help out some of our allies and fellow operatives," Dragon started as he opened the folder on the coffee table to show Nova a picture of Stella.

"This operative is named Ghost. She went to a site about a month ago. We want you to check in on her and a few of our allies that will be...should be with her," he propped his elbow on the arm of his seat. His honey eyes studied Nova. It was his job to make sure she was comfortable with this. There could be no mess-ups with the personnel they chose for the hidden side of Voidlight. "Well, Miss Ashford, what do you think? Would you like to go study dark matter-energy in the field?"

Nova tried not to tap her feet with nerves when he walked off to order her a coffee. Her eyes roamed over him when he returned, watching him nimbly unbutton his suit jacket to be able to sit down. He was... so well put together. Would he have this couch cleaned once she left, just because she looked like this right now? Maybe. There was not a speck of dust anywhere, and the fur beneath her feet was so white it almost hurt her eyes. Thankfully, her work shoes were always squeaky clean. The scientist merely blinked at the folder on the table. Classified, huh? A swirl of anxiety settled in the pool of her belly. Kind of like being pulled over by a cop for a routine check, suddenly afraid a mysterious package of cocaine has found its way to your backseat even though you've never touched drugs in your life. Was she in trouble?

When the pencil skirt lady returned, apparently called Emily, Nova pressed her lips together in a smile. "Thank you." She said, watching the woman leave the room. The coffee looked hot, so Nova decided to let it stand for a bit. However, the Vice President got straight to business. She appreciated that. There was nothing worse than when one of her team members approached her and tip-toed around the issue. Just spit it out, already. Her eyes were on his as he spoke, and she found herself nodding at his unexpected compliment. Or was it a sweet talking? It was welcome, nonetheless, to hear that they were recognising her work. She glanced at the the folder once it was opened, a picture of a woman caught her attention. Ghost? She didn't look like one. It was a beautiful woman. She left for a site a month ago? Her eyes narrowed a bit as she caught on to the change from 'will be' to 'should be'. Interesting.

Nova sat back and took the mug in her hand, letting it warm her slightly chilly hands. It had been years since she had done any type of fieldwork, but he probably asked her for a reason. She wouldn't be surprised if they knew her background, her hobbies, her other skills, and her previous fieldwork. Hell, she didn't really need to think about this offer. "Call me Nova." She proposed, first and foremost. Despite him being her boss, it still felt odd that a man merely two years older was calling her miss. She took a sip of her coffee and was pleased by the taste. If he wasn't going to beat around the bush, then neither was she. His words made it sound like they weren't quite sure of the agent's status. "I appreciate you recognising my work. I must say, I am intrigued by your offer. Getting to study Dark Energy in the field has been a dream of mine. Yet I can't help but think this mission is more of a search and rescue, is it not?" She prodded, eyeing him confidently. Even if it was, she would be lying if she said she didn't want to go. "Does 'checking in' mean that you've lost touch?"

A smirk tugged at the corners of Dragon's lips. It was clear that little Miss Scientist in front of him wasn't one to be shy. She cut to the chase just like he did. He noted the questioning expression in Nova's eyes and the smirk grew into a knowing smile as Miss Ashford suggested to be called by her first name. "Well, Nova," his tone practically purred her name, "what I can tell you is that we have limited contact, however, the connection was lost just shortly after our allies encountered some disturbances," he explained as he handed her a contract from the folder.

"This is a contract not only to increase your pay. But an entirely new augmentation of your choice will be paid for by Voidlight," Dragon spoke as his smile faltered a bit. Nova was a beautiful and smart woman. He couldn't keep her completely in the dark. "Nova, this job is dangerous. Once you step into this side of Voidlight, there is no going back. You will get a code name and won't be able to address anything else afterwards here in the building. You will be moved from your current lab. Anyone you worked with before will be reassigned to new roles."

Once he was sure that Nova realized that if she accepted this job, her life wouldn't just go back to normal, Dragon continued. "We will send you in a submarine to a HiveMind facility that was built upon a former Louvre site. There is a Louvre director with three allies and Ghost. There is also a person named 'Subject #3' with Ghost. Once you sign, we will begin the process to set you up with the new augmentations and prepare you for the way down."

His voice reverberated down Nova's spine as he said her name. It rolled off his tongue so effortlessly and she tried to keep her cool. She could barely hear a thing but here in this quiet room, she heard his tone. Maybe that was a dangerous suggestion. Miss Ashford was safer. But this was much nicer. He was handsome and charming, and he knew it. After clearing her throat she listened to him being incredibly vague. On purpose, most likely, as she was 2 security levels below him. Still, she eyed him curiously as he spoke of 'disturbances'. She only broke eye contact with him once he handed her a piece of paper. She took it in her hand and glanced at the numbers. Her eyes widened a little. This would make her pay her debt off in two years instead of ten. Hazard pay, or hush money? Both? Probably both. And a new augmentation? They were really trying to sweeten the deal.

Her eyes flickered up to his, and she gazed at him through her lashes. Before she got her augmentation, she had to rely on lipreading and subtle clues in people's faces. And thus, she got really good at it. But this man was incredibly good and not showing much, except what he wanted her to see. What she didn't expect was a genuine falter of his grin, a slightly more rigid form beneath his suit as he addressed her more seriously this time, telling her of the danger. Well, at least he was honest about it. Genuine. And a little concerned? Swallowing, she looked down at the contract and rifled through the pages. Mostly the same as her old, but definitely different. She scanned the contact quickly with her retina, highlighting the sections that were different from her old before putting it down on the table between them.

She watched him as he spoke more. A Louvre director? A person called subject #3? Just what kind of unhinged mission was this? But all Nova had to go back to was her basement, where she could experiment more, but it would never be the same as what was offered here. There was only so much she could test. Who was she kidding? Her hand went up to her breast pocket and she pulled out her pen, with Voidlight on the side. "I understand, Dragon." She told him, before leaning down and signing the contract outright. Guess it was time to find a cat-sitter. She pushed the contract over the table to him with a confident expression before placing her pen back. "You can count on me."

Dragon's expression was a mix of satisfaction that Nova accepted the job and a little regret. He never liked this part of the job. Converting others to become operatives to fight HiveMind. When the scientist gave back the contract, he gently took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles softly. "Thank you, Nova," Dragon paused to lock his golden gaze with Nova's, he felt drawn to her for some unknown reason. He regretted pulling her into this life already. "You will be highly regarded from now on. When we leave this office today, you are no longer Nova Ashford, your name is now 'Star'. It is to protect your home life when you return. Maybe then I'll tell you my real name," he informed with a wink as his warm touch let go of her soft hand.

Dragon stood up and handed Nova the rest of the file. "Let's get you to the Augmentation floor and begin the process of sending you out," he spoke as he offered to usher Nova to the floor he mentioned. "You may take your coffee if you wish," Dragon added as he knew that she barely got to enjoy it but they were working on borrowed time.

It seemed her day was just full of surprises, as Dragon took her hand in his. Once more, she noticed how warm it was, but that must have something to do with his augmentations. Her eyes flickered up to his, curious as his lips touched her knuckles. An old gesture, but from him it seemed genuine. They say it's never wise to meet your heroes, but here Nova was, melting into the couch of said hero. A slight blush crept to her cheeks. There was a flash of confusion when he thanked her, but she nodded slightly in any case. "No, thank you. For the opportunity. And trust in me." She said truthfully.

Dragon kept holding her hand as he informed her of what was going to happen to her right now. She couldn't care less about how she was regarded. All she was currently interested in was furthering her research. And if that came with a pay raise and this man's attention? Nova was all for it. "Star." She repeated as if testing the word on her tongue. A play on her own name. Fitting. She couldn't help but smile brightly at his wink and tease of knowing his name. "I may hold you to that." She said, watching as he stood. Blinking, she stood as well and took the folder that was handed to her. She held it to her chest and listened as the both of them moved away from the seating area.

She followed him like a faithful puppy after quickly grabbing the cup of coffee. "Uh. Okay. Right. Why wait?" She said, somewhat bewildered. Though, while completely suffering from whiplash from the events, an excited and nervous feeling rumbled in her belly, and she knew she was ready. "I have to find a catsitter." She mumbled, more to herself. With a wide grin, she stepped into the elevator with him. To a new adventure. She was finally out of the basement.

HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Submerged section, Research Room

Nova wanted her basement back. And she wanted to slap Dragon in the face and then kiss it better. And then slap him again. She was fine with exploration. She spent a large part of the writing of her thesis in caverns and tunnels just like this one. But this one was deep underwater. And Nova hated water. Despised it. And everything that lived in it. And yet, here she was. In a goddamn diving suit. Her equipment was in a waterproof backpack on her back. And she was in the dark. Equipped with a flashlight. Which just made it more eerie. Was now too late to resign from her job? No, she couldn’t. Her debt would overwhelm her. And begrudgingly, she loved her work. She was wise to keep her mouth shut because her complaints would surely reach Dragon ASAP.

She pulled out the slate tablet, which had no trouble working underwater. The soft light from it illuminated her face in her helmet, as she tried to figure out where to go. The sub only took her so far, and from a bit further back she had been on foot. But a part of this facility was submerged. Something she had not been informed about. She thought the diving gear in the sub was just for emergencies. Shaking her head, she put the small tablet pack to its attachment point on her pants and shined her light into the submerged room she was floating in. She was at the bottom of a massive chamber. It was clear this was a place of research. It was just like her own lab, just… prettier. And scarier. And more wet. Around her, there were numerous glowing, ethereal test tubes and she decided to look at one up close. God, she wanted to take it, test it, but it wasn’t what she was here for. Besides, blowing up an underwater facility by touching the wrong thing surely was gonna get her fired. Or killed. Or both. Not necessarily in that order.

The beam of her light reflected something in the back, and Nova’s eye zeroed in on the source. With a minuscule flick of her eyes, she zoomed in. A big door. Worth a try. Her new augmentation of choice? A massive upgrade to her current one. Before leaving, Voidlight Medical adjusted her augmentation with a new chip. She was now in contact through it with Voidlight, like an in-ear piece but then in her cochlear. What would be said to her would be brought textually into her vision. It held way more options, and the watch was upgraded along with it, too. They also offered to match her eye colour, but Nova was used to the duo-toned look by now, so she declined. She was outfitted with weapons of her choice, though the fancy bow and arrows were of a different level than the ones she practised with. And the gun? Despite knowing how to shoot, this one was fancier than any gun she had ever put her hands on. At the very least, she couldn’t complain about them preparing her well.

Using the thrusters on the legs of her diving suit, she moved forward toward the door, trying to ignore the paranoia that was creeping up. Shadows didn’t move, right? She saw another door to her left, but decided to go for this one instead. She pulled at the handle of the door, but ofcourse, it was shut tight. She banged on it once and then regretted it, shaking out her hand. After placing her feet beside the door, her fingers one more curled around the handle, and she pulled with all her might. Suddenly, it jerked open, tumbling Nova backwards until she regained. The door led to a small set of stairs, which she swam up. However, she could Nova could switch from swimming to walking. Yet, as she came out on top, a steel door blocked her way. This one, for some reason, was easier to open. Immediately, her sound sensor went haywire, flashes of sound came from everywhere and her hand hurried to her watch to turn the function off. Though, she soon saw the issue. A pool of water, and exposed wire, sparking and obviously charged. What the hell?

Movement caught her eye, and her head snapped back toward the end of the hallway. People appeared.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

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Stella thumped her forehead against the wall when she heard Ramses say there was no signal. She peered into the hallway with water. Anyone without leg augmentations would be electro-cooked almost instantly. She used her augmented vision to locate which wires were free, and then her gaze saw the steel door at the end of the hallway. While her arms had many abilities, she didn't possess a grappling rope feature. Something she would hopefully discuss with Dragon and Zeus when she returned to the surface.

Before Thierry and Nick could go at it again, Stella whistled for their attention. "I understand that you two lovebirds haven't seen each other in over a month, but if we are to get out of here alive. Let's focus on getting out of here rather than loudly discussing why you both, are in 'the wrong' with the other. If you need to kiss and makeup, there's the corner," the white-haired woman gestured with her hand to the furthest corner of the room. 'I swear I'm a mother sometimes with the people I come into contact with,' Stella thought with a slight shake of her head.

She clapped her hands together. "Now, do any of you have legs augmented with rubber material or a grappling feature in your arms and hands? There's a hatch in the ceiling at the end of that hallway, however, it is waterlogged and electrified," Stella spoke as she checked the amount of ammo she had left in her rifle just in case those creatures in the vents got too close. While she could take #3 in the submarine and get out of there, Stella knew there was more to this facility than what Thierry was letting on. She didn't believe him that the plans for the old part of the facility were lost. Whatever Von Galloes wanted to keep hidden from them resided below.

Her icy gaze drifted to all the dead drones at least thirty by her count, then Stella got a crazy but brilliant idea. She began to take apart the dead drones as fast as she could. These drones were a standard issue for HiveMind security, which meant. "Ah, ha!" Stella exclaimed as she pulled out the rubber discs that cushioned the control modules inside. Soon, Stella had enough rubbed pieces, about three feet in diameter and ten inches thick each, to use as stepping stones down the hallway.

"Forget what I said," Stella smiled as she walked over to the water hallway and began to toss the rubber discs. "We can use the pipes above to steady ourselves on these rubber discs," she explained a bit breathless from the fast pace she used to take apart the drones. Her ears heard the sound of a metal door opening. Stella peered back into the hallway to see a woman had opened the hatch.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
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Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

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And then Stella started her lecture. Lovebirds? It was more of an emotionally stunted and empathic paring, if anything. And both Nick and Thierry knew it, even if neither man would verbally admit it. Not even to each other. But Lovebirds? Seemed like a bit of a stretch. One that was up for societal debate. Daddy issues times midlife crisis, at best, if you didn't look beyond the superficial. But before Nick could register a smart retort back, Thierry turned to him. Thierry, having worked and then lived with Nick for an extended period of time, knew Nick's explosive temper rather well at this point. It was a temper that could easily take Thierry's on a run for the money.

The Frenchman pointed at Nick and spoke with a stern tone, "Not a word." Before turning back to Stella and losing the hand gesture, "Please. Mind your own business until you understand the full story." While the remark was stern in nature, still one of cordiality. Which was nothing of what Nick was about to say, "But other than that, I," Thierry paused glancing with a head turn to Nick, "We," then back to Stella, "Apologize for our recent lack of self control."

First Galloes, then Stella and now his husband? What was this shit all of a sudden? Find your nearest disgruntled blonde and make him angrier by treating him like a Himbo day? Out of the five of them, he was the only one that was supposed to even be down here in the first place! That meant something, right? Right? Right. Clearly. It had been a long day. A long month. It didn't matter that he'd gotten his happy ass captured on enemy territory and then needed to be rescued. Right? Yup. Surely HiveMind would have released him out to the wild again eventually. Sure it might have taken longer to get things sorted out, but it still would have happened! Just. Ugh.

Admittedly it was hard for Nick to not bicker back at Thierry, but at this point, he was so damned tired anyways, that being quiet just seemed easier to do. But he knew. Nick knew full well that it looked like he was taking orders. Yes, Daddy. He didn't care what the others thought of him. Well... he did. He'd never openly discuss this, but realized it probably was obvious at this point. He just wished people would treat him with decency. Not even necessarily respect. Just human decency. He wondered what Stella would be feeling right now, if she were in his shoes. Embarrassed like him?

He just... wanted to go home. Where ever the hell that even was. Once this was over, Nick decided he was going to figure out how to have the augmentations removed and retire from field work. Call his old therapist and get back on Zoloft. Maybe file for divorce while he was at it. Good God he was tired. Tired of archeology. Tired of life. His- his head was foaming at the mouth with emotion. Nothing new by any means, but this particular trip? This run. This mission. It felt different. Felt strange. A different color. A different beast entirely. He'd never been captured on this sort of level before. Never.... experimented on before. A human sized lab rat.

Just as he was about to follow the others through the rubber path Stella had made, he froze. What was once full of buzz words and toxic self thoughts, were gone. Just... gone. All of it. Like a program being control alt deleted. F5 or esc being pressed repeatedly. A syntax error that caused a Blue Screen of Death. Nick stood there, but not so much. His body stood there for sure, but it was only a warm shell that his former self had inhabited. The feeling would have been odd, but Nick wasn't there to feel.

There was commotion in the hallway. There was a new Voidlight agent down here now too? Thierry finally realized what was going on with Nick. Cries of Help him! and feverish typing filled the air before Thierry started in on Ramses. The Egyptian hacker had just openly admitted it was his fault that the Louvre Doctor Spy had picked the Mute prototype for Nick's augmentation. Bickering between Ramses and Thierry soon found Aaron in the mix as well.

All this noise however, was met with nothing but silence. Subject #6425 stood there, steadying himself. He was trying to figure out if he wanted to follow the order of Kill Museum Agents or not. Why? Yes, the entire group of agents he'd been tasked with were right there in the room with him. But it was a HiveMind order and he didn't entirely feel like it. Somewhere in the thought process of deciding whether or not to kill Thierry, Aaron, Ramses, Stella, #3, and the Voidlight agent, Subject #6425 had collapsed to his knees. A failed experiment.

Upon seeing the lack of participation, willing or otherwise, Von Galloes would probably be very angry if he was watching the live feed through Nick's prototype augmentation. It was only now that individual words and voices could be heard again. Nick's chest was tight. His face hot. Both with his own natural reactive tears to what had happened, as well as the warmth of Thierry. His husband had pulled him tight, wrapping arms around him and repeated just one word with whimpered breathing, "Sil vous plait."

"Sil vous plait. Sil vous plait."

"Sil vous plait."

Had the command word really just been Thierry saying please? Or was it much deeper than that? It was a parting gift from the Louvre spy. Something that Galloes couldn't, despite maximum effort, reprogram: love.

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