Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

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There were four of them, grayish in this half-light. Was this what she was, now? Why? Why would anyone bring her here and make her look like that? And for what reason?

The fallen pebble didn't distract them at all, fortunately. They were watching... gelatin? Well, it might look like gelatin, but it was waving tentacles and flashing a weird light, over and over again. Dit dit dit, dah dah dah, dit dit...

She moves without thinking, landing quietly behind the four and dashing between them, scooping up the gelatin creature in her free hand as she pivots, pointing her tiny blade at the four.

"Mine," Sam snarls, baring her teeth at them. A challenge, yes. Would they understand her? She couldn't be sure if she spoke English or whatever they spoke. Or if what she did was safe. Was this thing going to try to eat her? Maybe the four of them were staring with surprise at her for doing something so incredibly stupid.

But it flashed an SOS. If that man turned her into this, maybe he turned someone else from Earth into this light-blinking gelatin!

So what were these four going to do about it?

No, what was she going to do about it?

"Oh god, I hope this was worth it...?" she said, bolting for the nearest tunnel with her prize.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Tiffania & Oriel

@TheNoCoKid, @Silver Carrot

As she was about to step out of the chamber where all the Otherworlders had been... Gathered? Awoken? Dropped? Whatever! The place where all the non-Vectans had assembled, her offer to the others caused only one individual to pipe up. It was... The tiny one. That little midget-thing who'd managed to figure out the whole deal with the magic smartphone before anyone else. Good, she seemed bright - in the sense of being smart, that is - so she'd be a welcome addition to walk and talk with. Plus, she was tiny and cute too! Tiffania couldn't help but smile a little as the smaller otherworlder came fluttering over to join the elf.

Once the little one had made her way over and seemed ready to start heading out, the blonde elf with sparkling blue eyes began moving once more. Though, she seemed to have slowed her stride a bit. Probably because she didn't want to out-pace her new travelling companion who, due to her physically diminiuitive stature, would have to put more effort into keeping up with any being that had longer legs than herself. So, she was just being considerate. Plus, it didn't really look like the little munchkin had quite gotten the grasp on how to fly about just yet.

"Great, let's go." Was all Tiffania said in response to the other girl's reply to her invite.

As they left the chamber where the high priestess and the other otherworlders were though, Tiff almost immediately flipped a swithc to chatty-mode.

"So, nice to meet you and stuff. I'm Tiffan-- Ah, right, I guess I'm Tiffania now." She half-laughed, half-snorted her introduction out. "I was a model back on, y'know, our world" She made the assumption, with no basis what-so-ever, that Oriel was from the same world and reality as ehrself. "before the whole... Dying, thing." She took a moment to look at her own left hand, inspecting it on one side, then flipping it over to look at the other side.

"So like, I'm an elf or something now, 'cording to that magic smartphone-thingy we all got. Honestly, I don't really know much about this fantasy-stuff." She let her hand fall down by her side again, then looked over at Oriel. Eyes twinkling curiously. "What about you?"

"Oh, me?" Oriel replied as she hovered beside Tiffania, sheepishly. "I was a student, who worked a little tech support on the side to pay the bills. Nothing as glamorous as a model. Do you look anything like you used to? Wait..." Oriel trailed off as her eyes grew wide, and she frantically looked around. She spotted what she was looking for; a fountain, and zipped over to it. She peered down and looked at her reflection. She pawed and prodded at her face. She was....so cute! Her hair was green. Her entire facial structure was different. It was a surreal experience, staring at her reflection and meeting the eyes of a stranger. Not just a stranger. A nonhuman fairy. She beckoned Tiffania over to the fountain.

"Hey, do you want to see how you look now. If we both got summoned the same way, you don't know what you look like either, right?"

A student? That wasn't very specific. A grade schooler? Middle? Junior High? College!? Oh well, it didn't really matter one way or the other the elven squire guessed. The little fluttering girl's retort-question gave Tiffania cause for pause though, and she did stop. Thinking about it... Her hand was a lot paler than she remembered. She grabbed a strand of her own hair and held it infront of her face... Yeah... That color wasn't right either... Finally, she looked down, and was rather surprised that her view was blocked by... Welll... A pair of much enlarged twins.

"The heck...? How'd they... Get like... This? Huh?"

In her slight confusion, she watched the green munchkin zip over to a fountain they were passing b... Wait, who put a fountain inside of a church or whatever!? Well, no matter. The tiny thing poked and prodded at her own face for a bit, then called Tiffania over. The much talelr girl strode over, still a bit shocked at her sudden growth--spurt in the chest-area, but nontheless took a peek into the clear surface of the water-ornament. And she blinked. And blinked. Tugged at her cheek. Blinked. Smile. Frown. Poking tongue out. Giving a seductive smirk and wink... Yup... That was her alright.

"I... Look nothing like I used to." She said, staring at her reflection. "My eyes, my hair and my skin are all different... Also, these two grew too." She answered finally, turning over to Oriel and giving a casual poke to one of her own blouse bunnies. She then looked back into the water a final time. "Still good-looking though. Thank you, Goddess." Tiffania smiled happily and gave a quick thank you and hands-together-prayer-gesture to show her gratitude.

Then she started walking back away from the fountain and towards the exit of the temple. She turned back and called for Oriel to come along.

"So where're you from? Before you got here, I mean. My family and I were living in the U.S., California."

Oriel had been averting her eyes, partly in envy, as the elf beside her was posing and poking at her own sizeable cleavage. She was very relieved when they finally left the fountain and began to make their way into the town properly.

"Oh, California, huh?" Orial answered. "I always wanted to visit San Francisco one day. I'm from Tokyo myself. I wonder if the others were all from other parts of the world."
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