Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Chaos In Flight

The F35 jet that Samantha was flying was way faster than the gunship helicopters that had been the primary wave dropping troops off onto the island. Flying a helicopter is a completely different style to flying a jet. A helicopter moves slower and is a more stable platform for guns and dropping down to drop off troops and lift off again. Jets are fast and more maneuverable once in the air. They might need more space to take off and land but once in the air they can do things a helicopter can’t. This disparity had allowed her to dominate the skies as she took out one helicopter after another. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. She could strafe the whole line with her heavy 30MM cannons. She wanted to save her air to air and air to ground missiles for when she really needed them. This modified bird managed to carry more missiles than a standard model but only because someone had miniaturized the missiles making them lighter and smaller but still just as effective. She still only had so many missiles. The number of aircraft she needed to take out was staggering. Artemis had thought to overwhelm them with numbers in a shock and awe campaign. The sad part was it was working. They only had so many assets they could throw at them to stop them. This was a war of attrition. It didn’t matter how good your people were if they ran out of ammo to put in the weapons.

The drones had managed to thin out the initial wave of incoming enemy vehicles. This helped to create the break in the fighting so that the support personnel could reach the small naval cutter masquerading as a fishing boat. They would have been in trouble if she had not prepared her drone cache protocol as a backup to the base’s defenses. She had simply told Tahlia what materials she had wanted. She had not told her what they were for. Skye had trusted her and approved the materials order. She probably thought Sam was building another AI system or trying to improve the one she had. She had developed and built AI systems for the suits she had upgraded such as Chuck’s. Samantha had built hidden caches all over the island that were fiberglass shells that housed the drones and their charging systems. They were camouflaged and designed to blend into the environment. Small solar panels shunted enough power to the drones to keep them charged. When the base alarm triggered it had triggered the protocols to release the drones. The drones were programmed to attack any vehicle or aircraft that was not registering as belonging to Raven Squad. Samantha had worked with Javi to develop a special paint that would designate Raven Squad aircraft and vehicles. The smaller drones were packed with explosives and programmed to magnetically lock to the targeted vehicle and set off their payload. There had been a hundred drones that had taken out boats, armored vehicles, and numerous troop carrying helicopters and gunships. Without that help, Raven Squad would have already been overrun.

Samantha had ensured that the bases SAM’s (surface to air missile launchers) couldn’t be hacked by providing them with individual AI guided tracking and guidance systems separated from the main base. She was grateful for that insight after watching the way Artemis targeted their computer control area of the base. That led to another disgusting and nasty thought that they knew where Raven Squad was and had enough intel to know what was on base. Had Rose infiltrated the base prior to this masquerading as Skye? That thought turned her stomach but made sense.

Samantha pushed those thoughts away and focused on her task which was getting her friends and family off this base. Her eyes narrowed as she slipped into the zone. She pulled the F35 around and started another attack run on a row of incoming gunships. She fired the 30MM autocannons and strafed their V line formation as she screeched by at high speed. She pulled up and around and was satisfied to see explosions and helicopters dropping from the sky. Samantha’s attention was caught by Bob as he told her “Chaos the support ships out at sea are firing missiles. Projected target is the hidden airfield. Your take off revealed it.” Samantha cursed and called out over coms “Raven Squad incoming missiles targeting the airfield. Move your asses!” She flew to intercept the missiles. “Bob target the missiles with autocannon targeting and chaf. Let’s see if we can pull those missiles off course.” Samantha didn’t have long to wait. They managed to take out the two missiles targeting the hidden airfield. She pulled the jet around and started a run on the ship that had fired.

Samantha seemed to merge with the AI and the high speed plane she was flying as she wove the plane around the incoming fire from other support ships as she targeted the ones firing missiles. She targeted them with the air to surface missiles. Her aircraft screamed past the ships their fire failing to be fast enough to catch her. She pulled around as a pair of MIG fighter jets fell in behind her. She was suddenly on the defensive. Dodging right and left. She dove and then pulled up in a hard barrel roll. The MIGs flew by underneath her as she pulled around. The Gs she was pulling would have caused her to black out if she had not hooked into the onboard oxygen system designed to integrate with her suit. She noticed the new gel ballistic padding she had added helped her tolerate the Gs better. She just smiled as her pulled the trigger and watched the guided missiles find their marks. She pulled back around and headed back towards the island. The firefight had taken her away from the island.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hidden Escape Boat Docks

Boomer takes command of the boat

Chuck knew the shit had finally hit the fan. He had just come back from a balls to the walls op in Columbia to disarming a bomb hidden in the sofa in Raven Squad’s lounge room. It had been nonstop action and fighting since. He had no clue what was going on. He knew he would find out the details later. His training had kicked in and the name of the game was to survive to ask questions later. He had thinned out Artemis soldiers at the beach and on the dock before Samantha had taken out the pier with a drone. He had then made it back to the Land Rover and he, Javi, Samantha, Tahlia, and Duke fought their way towards the hidden airfield. They had made it and were piling out of the Land Rover when Samantha began to give them orders. Chuck knew that tone of voice and noticed the focused intent in Samantha’s eyes. For a second he thought she planned to die to get them all out in some kind of stupid hero moment thinking only she could save the day. He relaxed as she explained she was going to take the fighter jet on the runway up to provide air support. That he could get behind. He didn’t question her giving him orders. He shrugged that would have been the role he assigned himself anyway. He called Duke and gave him a quick and reassuring pet and rub taking the time to check in with his canine.

Chuck had Duke take the lead. “Search Duke.” He sent Duke ahead of the group to search out hidden enemies. Duke would find hidden soldiers easier than he could. He followed along behind Duke, his carbine held easily and casually pointed down, his hands relaxed on the gun. He followed after Duke his head swiveling from side to side watching potential ambush points and for enemies. Chuck’s attention was caught by Duke’s body language. Duke went still and tense. His head turned and his ears twitched. Chuck knew Duke well enough to know he heard something. Chuck motioned to Tahlia and Javi to pause with an upheld palm motioning them to stop. He held his finger to his mouth for silence. He moved quickly towards Duke. He had slunk into a lower posture and was moving forward. Chuck moved in a bent knee low crouch that looked awkward but allowed him to move quickly and provide a stable firing position so that he had a better chance to hit his targets. Duke was crawling on his belly now as he approached the side of the hanger opening.

Chuck could hear it now that he was closer. “Squad 421 reporting a hidden dock with a large fishing boat.” There was a pause and a barely audible reply mumbled over a radio. “Orders confirmed by Squad 421 destroy the boat.” Chuck felt that extra dump of adrenaline hit his system as his heart sped up. He turned back to look at Javi and held up a hand flashing 4 fingers. Most fireteams had at least 4 members. Hopefully Javi and Tahlia would interpret that appropriately. He almost laughed when Tahlia grabbed Javi and began pulling him towards to hanger wall and some crates there. Chuck moved quickly to take the lead and dashed around the edge of the wall and began firing his carbine. Duke moved with him and took out the man that had moved at him from the side. Duke leapt and his jaws went for the man’s throat. The man’s gun went off as he hit the ground but Duke’s body had forced it away from him. The shot went wide. Chuck took some hits to his armor but it was lower caliber guns. The bullets pinged off his armor. The men were down in seconds. He moved to back up Duke but the man’s eyes were already glazing over. He looked at Duke and gave him the command to release the man.
“Boomer to Raven Squad. Artemis knows about the boat. We need to leave. They have given orders to take it out.”

He then did a quick recon on both sides of the hanger covering the hidden airstrip. He then jogged back to where he had left Javi and Tahlia. “Its clear. Let’s get to the docks.” He motioned them to move out. He again took point and made a point of guarding them as they moved past him.

Tahlia growled at Javi as he tried to offer her assistance on the rocky path to the docks. “I don’t need help.” She swatted at his hand as he tried to grab her arm.

Javi gave her a saucy wink. “Maybe I wanted to hold your hand.” Javi loved verbally sparring with the proudful Kiwi. He knew he was taking his life into his own hands but he couldn’t seem to help himself when it came to her. He enjoyed riling her up. She turned the most delightful shades of red.

Tahlia just growled at him. “Remember I know how to use a gun and you have to sleep sometime Javi.” She gave him a sweet saccharine smile just before her prosthetic caught on a large rock and caused her to stumble. She went beet red and kept moving, not saying another word.

Chuck shook his head and let the grin take over his face. He was grateful for the faceplate in his helmet that hid his face. Tahlia would kill him if she thought he had witnessed that scene. She was a proud woman. Tahlia was like any proud warrior, they didn’t like to admit their weaknesses. Chuck could appreciate the strength of character and the struggle that her injuries had been to Tahlia. He didn’t know if he would have pulled through as well as the stoic woman. He was grateful to see that their were no more enemies hiding in the dock area.

Tahlia and Javi went up the gangplank onto the boat first. Chuck and Duke followed them up the short ramp. Chuck turned to those milling around on the deck. There were support staff he recognized like Sophie and a lot of miscellaneous guards that he didn’t.

“Tahlia, check in with the Captain of the boat and let them know the situation. Get on the comms and fill leadership in on the situation. Take Duke with you please.” He gave Tahlia a knowing look. He didn’t want Duke up here when the firing started. He couldn’t make much difference in a fire fight. He turned to Duke. “Guard Tahlia Duke.” He motioned him to go with Tahlia. Duke moved to Tahlia’s side. Tahlia gave him a dark unhappy look but nodded. She made her way to the wheelhouse to check in with the Captain.

Tahlia went into the wheelhouse on deck and was surprised to find it empty. No one had been monitoring comms. All the staff on board were support personnel. It appeared the people assigned to the boat were KIA or missing.

Chuck turned his attention to Javi. "Javi, go check in with the engineer and make sure the boat’s engines are on and we are ready to pull out as soon as the others get here.”

Chuck watched as Javi made his way to the ladder below decks before turning his attention to the rest of the people on deck. “If you are not prepared to be part of combat then get below decks and out of the way of bullets. Artemis has been told about the boat. We are expecting incoming. If you have weapons and want to help in the defense, move towards the bow.” He pointed to the relevant direction.

Javi made his way down the ladder below decks. He found the engine room and it was empty. He sighed and began priming and warming the engine. That way they could take off as soon as everyone was onboard. Contrary to popular belief, boat engines were not exactly like a car. There was a longer process to get everything up and running with this type of boat. After he primed the engine, he had to push a button to get rid of the excess fumes so they didn't blow the boat up. Then he could start the engine. It was an old boat but well maintained. He gave a satisfied smile as it roared to life and began to warm up. It settled down into an idling purr.

Chuck managed to get people moving and organized. Noncombatants were moving below decks and would not hinder firing lines now. He turned to the volunteers. “I want you to spread out and keep your eyes open. Call out threats as you see them. Keep your eyes on your arc and trust the person next to you to do the same. We all need to be watching for attacks from the air, sea, and ground.” He waited and watched as people moved into position. They now had people stationed along the edge of the boat, heads moving watching for incoming fire and enemies. It was the best they could do with what they had.

While Tahlia was debating what to do. She had been joined by Sophie and Rafael. They filled her in on what had happened with them. She shared what she knew of the situation with them. Now they were all up to speed. Tahlia did not have enough knowledge about boats to drive this one. She sighed knowing she was going to regret this. "Javi, I need you to come up to the wheelhouse when you are done in the engine room."

Javi cursed a blue streak wondering what was going on now after he received Tahlia's message. "I am on my way." He left the engine warming up and climbed back up to the main deck. He noticed that Chuck had managed to sort everyone and that his helpers were scanning for attack and prepared to repel boarders. He ducked into the wheelhouse to find Tahlia in there with Sophie and Rafael. "What's gone wrong now Tahlia?"

Tahlia looked at him with her hands on her hips. "You need to drive the boat." She pointed to the main console that looked the dash of a jet plane with levers, wheels, buttons, and lights everywhere.

Javi gave her a look filled with disbelief. "What do you mean I need to drive the boat? Don't we have a team dedicated to manning the boat?" Javi's head turned as he looked at Tahlia, then Rafael, and finally Sophie who were all shaking their head at him.

"They either didn't make it or were killed in action. None of us know how to drive the boat. That means your it. Congratulations, Captain. Don't let it go to your head. Now shut up and get over here."

Javi stared at Tahlia as his jaw dropped in surprise. He blinked at her for a moment in shock. He finally closed his mouth and grinned at her as his typical swagger and male machismo attitude reasserted itself."Well Tahlia, I must admit. I never thought you would allow me to give you orders." He began to walk towards the controls and look them over. He knew how to drive the boat. He maintained on it. He had taken it out to ensure it was well maintained and that upgrades worked. He could feel Tahlia's glare as ice running down his back. He was going to pay for that remark later. He just knew it.

Chuck now waited anxiously. He hoped the rest of the team was doing alright. He still had not seen Frigga, Queen, or Tiny Nord. His eyes widened when he heard Samantha’s report that the boat was being targeted by missiles. “Chaos be advised, boat is still docked and waiting for Queen, Frigga, and Tiny Nord.” Chuck began scanning the skies above the boat. He watched as Chaos seemed to magically show up in the nick of time to take out the missiles headed towards him. “I need a beer and a vacation.” He grumbled to himself.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Boraro - D'Urville Island

Good thing they stole the six wheeled version of the Cougar, the heavies would’ve had a tough time squeezing in the back of the short four wheeler. Stepping on the accelerator, the added weight confused the automatic transmission a bit, shifting too early and lugging the engine, the hunk of American steel and aluminum persisting through stubborn determination and the turbocharger working overtime to provide enough air for the amount of fuel being injected. Inertia worked both ways however, and once the MRAP got moving it’d be as hard for Artemis to stop it as it was to get moving. Once they broke contact, Ebrima killed the lights, relying solely on his NODs to navigate. They'd still be about as inconspicuous as one of those inflatable advertisements that looked like a stickman flailing his arms on thermals, but between the darkness and the rain they were pretty much invisible to the naked eye. Frankly, they were still four people in an MRAP and not aerosol hovering around a crater due to several factors out of their control: chaos with a lowercase ‘c’, Chaos with an uppercase ‘C’, shit Russian optics on the surviving Havoks and luck.

That was when the report came, callsign ‘Boomer’ warning them that Artemis knew of their evac boat. Unacceptable, he wasn’t swimming all the way to Wellington, even if the suit probably made it possible. At the same time, the radio set up for use by the front seat passenger was in easy reach, allowing them to listen in. Obviously Artemis knew an MRAP had been tactically acquired, but with the amount of teams out of contact they couldn’t exactly tell which once they lost visual contact. Crossing the island wasn’t a particularly comfortable affair at the speeds they were going, but time was not on their side and Artemis brought enough to occupy a small city. Since they leveled the house instead of clearing it, practically nothing was stopping them from making a beeline for the dock.

Approaching the dock, he spied the sight of a familiar Land Rover Discovery parked nearby. Good to know at least those two had made it, but by now Artemis had wisened up to the fact the squad they sent to destroy the boat went silent and the missiles had likewise been intercepted and were hustling over. ”Chaos should check the sea. They had a submarine, a gunboat catching us once we sail doesn’t seem far fetched.” Ebrima called over his shoulder, parking the Cougar about 50 meters away from the boat and getting out to take cover, expecting trouble.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

We make it out, we all make it out
As one
As a family

Frigga had wrenched the door open as the MRAP had rolled up and ushered Nord in, her own larger bulk better made if the Artemis folks caught up. Her armor could weather it better. She took one look back then piled in as well, sitting by the door, she won't be able to get out right enough if she were further in. Pulling those doors closed, and off they go. She immediately grabbed a brace bar above, and kept her eye out back, again just in case anything were to come up behind them.

Luckily the ride is pretty okay. They bumped and rocked along, and the big woman almost chuckled and voiced words that were said back on an op so long ago it felt like now. She sniffed and just kept her mouth shut for now. Using the time to catch her breath from what has felt like a non stop fight, even with the short break after getting back. It feels like they haven't stopped moving or fighting since they came back from the Mountain top facility.

Yes even a Battle Goddess can feel fatigue, though she'd never show it to the team.

With a grunt she braces as they roll to a stop. She'd heard the alert that Artemis knew where the boat is. As soon as the MRAP comes to a stop she's pushing the door open and out into the open, her AEW up, anti armor mode ready to fire. She makes a full 360 degree sweep of what she can see. Taking the time to truly catch her breath for a short bit, she turns and looks at the boat, "This the way out?"

She grit her teeth, "I'll take rear cover if you guys want to load up and helping get it ready to go. With any hope I should be enough to hold anything back if they do it make here before we can go." She let her helmet snap shut again, and turned to scan the paths into the area. Her eyes darting about, "We're not going to fall here, that's for feckin' sure."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Rangitoto ki te Tonga / D'Urville Island
South Island, Aotearoa / New Zealand

Ka Kite Kaitiaki

Skye barked out rounds from the fifty mounted on the remote weapons station as the two heavies clambered into the back, the weight decidedly shifting as she took out a couple of incoming soldiers, the gun feeling like it was almost at boiling point when Boraro pulled them out of there and floored it. The remaining helicopters were too much in chaos to be able to do anything, and what Frigga and Tiny Nord had left spewed behind would buy them enough at least- luck was certainly on their side but then again, they couldn't leave the Heavies behind- no way in hell would Skye allow that, so some risk needed taking.

It wasn't pretty, but running now made sense, after giving them an almighty kick in the teeth. Rose probably wanted Skye's team quickly eliminated with a JDAM- but of course, their resilience wasn't something she'd bargained for. Sending this was a message, a pure detail that indeed proved the point- she'd gotten in close and gotten what she needed, and now was just ruining the rest. And as they left, Skye dwelled on it a little. Rose must have known everything. Been in there for hours, before they got back even? There would have been a way to wipe her tracks, after all. It felt like they were deep in the shit. It meant that the safehouse in Chile had been raided probably by Artemis, and that Spectre was dead or recaptured by Artemis. After spilling intel, likely the former- Skye knew it was nothing personal, and he would be compromised. It meant no more leads there, and worse, Rose now had everything in her hands. Time would be limited. They would be on the clock, and more than ever, in need to stop whatever she had planned. It was hard sometimes to put a face to evil, but in this instance....it was the one looking in the reflection of the display Skye was networked with.

Skye had to pull all the sinew in one way to keep going, and keep it together, knowing that full well that as that team lead, she'd be looked to for answers. There would be time for emotion, hurt later. Right now, not dying would be handy.

"Agreed, Boaro. We'll need any help we can get. I don't like this method of getting out....but we haven't exactly got anywhere to run. That's where Chaos comes in." Skye replied, the gunfire getting quieter as they bounded through the forest, over the ridge, and towards the other side of the island, to the dirt runway and docks. The message came in from Sam, as Skye adjusted her comms, getting back in touch.

"Affirmative, Chaos. Keep up the fire and keep me in the loop!" Skye called back, the fifty cooling down as she sank back down away from the monitor and joystick for the gun.

For a moment, the drive was quiet, the road back along now emptied of hostiles. Skye exhaled hard, leaning against the wall. Freya sounded exhausted, so did Sam, Oliver, Tahlia, all of them, to be honest. Before she could think too much, they had arrived at the dock, the two bundling out of the back and Skye following, abandoning the MRAP in favour of the boat. Seems like there were bodies here- Chuck, Tahlia and the forward team had cleaned up a bunch, and a few of them had been eliminated with the bodies that were left. Covering the area, Skye followed the same routine as Boaro, before bounding across and making her move to the boat.

Clambering aboard the vessel, Skye had a moment to catch up with various members of the team, even if little was said.
"Cheers, Frigga, Boomer. Keep an overwatch, then let's get out." Skye commented, and walking up the plank, got into position to cover, eyes fixed on her from the bloodied, dirty and then across to Tahlia, who gave a silent nod, as did Sophie, Vincent and Raph. Everyone was pretty fucking ruined, so almost the words didn't carry well. As the Boaro covered sector, Skye set herself up, the MG3 perched, readied.

"All aboard!" Skye yelled, hoping Boaro would bound across from cover and reaching out, took a hand on Frigga's armoured form, a token gesture more than anything, as the boat rattled into life, and with Javi at the helm, and everyone aboard that could be at this final call, left the dock and headed out of the cove into a stormy, dark night in the Cook Strait.

As they set off, the fire seemed to drop back- the combination of the F35 and the straight up firepower of the team had knocked back the enemy. Skye didn't know where the Artemis team had come from- likely from somewhere to the south from the main part of the South Island coastline, using the jungles, forests and mountainous terrain to set up, prepare and spring the attack. But thankfully, their shock and awe hadn't worked- after all, New Zealand was remarkably far away from anything, and in itself, worked almost as a good deterrent. There wasn't much easy way to hide materiel or anything of that kind coming in- so Artemis had thrown the kitchen sink and collectively, Raven had baseball batted it out of the park.

She sat back down, Skye holding onto the side of the boat and coughing up a little, the dirt and dust lodged a little in her throat coming out now. Sophie walked across and with a gentle turn, sat next to her, bringing her medical kit to bear, a surgical kit that an actual doctor might want to use, rather than just one of the team members. Skye had kept going despite all of what had occurred- but the dump of adrenaline wearing down now was clearly having an effect, Sophie being acutely aware of the situation from what she'd gathered from the rest of the team. It was probably a good idea to have a review.
"Right. Let's take a look at you, shall we, now that we have a second." Sophie asked as Skye silently nodded, bringing an IV up into Skye's wrist and pricking it, the smart needle being equipped with enhanced diagnostics that would effectively be like plugging in a fault code recorder into a car. Now they were clear, this was important to check. After an event like that, Skye could be a serious risk to the team and herself- and with Rose's specialist blood, even Skye deep down knew there could be a risk of something like that being around, or perhaps in the toxin trace. With it, Sophie pulled out her tablet, a diagnostics for bloods, heart rate and a few other metrics- a more advanced tool than the one that Skye had access to in her smart AR-enabled telemetry. Sophie was an expert in these sorts of things- she was at the cutting edge of battlefield medicine, and keeping a team like Raven going required understanding drugs and medicine that kept the superhuman at that level. Even so, Sophie's terror at the killing was probably a rather normal response to a situation that was utterly FUBAR, and unbelievable. Back with Skye, she felt professional again, doing her job to distract from that.

"Wow. How you didn't die after that is remarkable. It is quite a potent mixture that's coagulated in your bloodstream. The antidote is real, so we can assume whatever you used, hasn't produced any adverse effects. I can't see it having any other effect on you. Long term, you'll need a transfusion to be safe, because you're going to feel quite messy and whilst I can't see any nanites in your blood, neurotoxins usually leave an effect. You're not seeing any blurring, limpness, anything are you?"
"Rose actually gave a shit about me.....then she's a little narcissistic to not put me to ashes. No, I'm okay. Just hurting, groggy, limp. Adrenaline spiked nicely to push through, but it feels like I want to be sick, Sophie." Skye retorted, shaking her head as almost a sombre reflection she internalised, Sophie nodding in response as she continued to go through it.
"Okay, that's not as bad as it could be. Let's not be sick, keep your fluids. Anyway, your bloods are alright. Adrenaline will wear and you'll probably pass out for a bit. Not much I can do, apart from hit you with more, but then you'll complain more about me. And....oerhaps Rose really didn't know what you'd do, genuinely thought she could change you. And thank you for earlier, by the way. Never thought I'd have to carry a gun, rather than a needle. " Sophie replied, Skye shaking her head, somewhat appreciative.
"That's okay, Sophie. You shouldn't have ever seen this."
"No, I know what I signed up to. Rest up. I'll stay with you and keep an eye on your vitals." Sophie replied, giving a rare smile, the doctor sitting by Skye's side, as she drifted to sleep, the boat on the rough sea peeling away and the waves crashing into the outside areas, the door beyond Skye getting coated in water.

Vincent in the meantime, caught the eye of the other African on the ship, his pastel-white skin something he'd heard of as a merc from back in the day. Boaro was a fearsome operative, a ghost yet you couldn't really avoid someone like this, not in the sphere that the Senegalese merc himself had worked in. Switching to French, the Senegalese no longer had that drawl in his accent, half glad to have a Francophone-speaking West-African on the team to compliment his own.
"Good to meet you, Ebrima. Shame about these circumstances, eh, but we move. I'm Vincent Cisse, ex-FFL, pilot extraordinare. Might have fought against each other someday, maybe togehter, but now, here we are." He commented, passing a hand out to the masked operative, the Senegalese pilot perhaps glad to have kin for once, of somewhat similar origin. The world as they knew it had collapsed, and everyone may have felt depressed, but in the moment, he knew to keep some spirit going, and well, this was as decent as he could be to keep matters at bay.

Meanwhile, Chaos's comms would flutter up with something else, probably not great timing considering she was dogfighting multiple bogeys, and trying to cover the team down below, but she would need to keep tabs on it.

"Chaos, it's Oracle. The New Zealand Navy have a frigate approximately 20 kilometres out from the zone that will clean up any remaining support ships and provide extra SAM support, and we have aerial assets from a nearby US Navy asset inbound for support, approximately 30 minutes out. I'm sending your team a navigation point. They're to head for Wellington Airport, aiming for the southern cargo area for the US Antarctic Survey hangars- get them to run the ship directly to the nav point, getting it aground and, then on foot to where they need to go. Until then, you are the only friendly aerial asset in the sky, keep eliminating any threats wherever you can. Artemis will be hurting and limited after being beaten back, but they will pounce if they can." Oracle called out on Sam's personal comms, taking a breather, knowing normally he wouldn't pause to give more detail, staying professional - except knowing that Sam was likely to be struggling with some of this and rather in shock with it all.

"Listen, for what it's worth, you're doing well. What's going on with Skye is beyond complicated....for now, you need to get her out. I've got some additional intel from Spectre, the data core and from historical records. I'll send an additional navigation point once the team get airborne and we'll go into more detail. Right now, just focus on what's in front and we'll catch up later. Oracle, out."


Wellington Airport, New Zealand

Exit Strategy

The ship jostled through every single wave, every single hit blasting water over the bow in the pitch black- the team utterly and completely helpless out here if they took a hit- this was an inconspicuous vessel, but the fact Artemis knew was a concern. The ship team hadn't encountered any more fire or boats on their journey- the storm had cloaked them, and Skye had been even seasick, the Cook Strait's stormy and dark nature cloaking them as they rolled on through, the Scot asleep considering the state of her. The frigate hadn't seen them either, but in the distance, had probably kept an eye out for any other naval assets trying to make a play, and locked it down. Through a mixture of sheer luck and bad weather, the team had gotten their method out- and crossed into New Zealand's capital city, and headed for the isthmus that the city's airport sat on, a relatively small international airport yet with great significance for its location.

Running aground onto the foreshore, the boat rattled and slumbered over, Skye coughing from the dirt and dust in her lungs, looking down at the drop onto the adjacent rock groyne. With a gentle hop, she dropped down, offering a hand to Tahlia, before clambering down from the rocks and up the beach, towards the southern perimeter road of the runway on the isthmus.
"Fuck me." Skye could only exclaim, sarky and cold as ever, Tahlia shaking her head in response.
"I think you really shouldn't say that when you've killed your doppelganger twice in one day." Tahlia's dry, dark and deeply spirited response got a cackle from Skye, that weird bond between the two hitting so hard when she was at the bottom of her barrel, shaking her head as she looked back.
"Yeah....shame to lose home. Fuck, I'll miss it, weirdly. You holding up okay?" Skye enquired, the prosthetics of Tahlia clacking back, with her giving a quiet nod. She was feeling pretty weary with everything, and right now, didn't have a proper reaction for all that had happened. For now, she awaited Skye's response, as the team bundled down and off the boat, the Scot having some idea of what to do, from the memorised contingency plan. Chaos would brief the team on it, but Skye already knew it internally.

"Alright, team. That there, is our way out...I think I remember it well enough. I'd rather not bring any more Artemis attention to Wellington, or else they'll do that fine city what they just did to us. Let's scoot out of here and leave. She'll give us fire support if we need it." Skye called, and with it, the team kept their areas covered, albeit now they were very much in a civilian area- on an access road looping the airport's southern perimeter, and scaring the ever loving shit out of locals who were seeing almost two dozen personnel, including three giants and three very heavily kitted operators crossing the road.....which must have looked like the scariest thing that had ever happened in south Wellington, ever. As far as you could be from a warzone and that heavy a set of weapons, well, it was way worse than any gang warfare or drugs you could even consider in what was a relatively safe country. The reason Skye kept the team on alert was the uncertainty if Artemis might be here- there was a possibility a strike team could still be a risk- they were covering for good reason, and Skye knew they had no time to waste if they were getting out of dodge.

Bounding across, Skye took a relatively dim view of the gate allowing entry onto the taxiway by using a breaching charge, and well, from there, they had their route through. With a tactical run, the team cleared the cargo parking and taxiway, the shock of cargo staff being told by an invisible hand to do nothing, to sit still because there was a security incident going on that Raven were single-handedly in the eye of the storm for. The airport had been informed incredibly briefly of what was going on, the airport was to stand down- and well, to any civilians, it would be just an exercise, an unplanned security event....not the near end of the world coming down on them. The rainy tarmac mirrored the lights from the skyscrapers and hillside houses in the Wellington marina as well as the floodlighting all over the cargo areas between the 777s and A320s parked up, Skye bounding with the last remaining pace she had to get ahead and ensure that there wasn't anyone in wait when she got to where she was going.

Moving to the hangar, the dated lettering of "United States Antarctic Survey" could be seen on the hangar doors, as Skye headed to a side entrance, no longer having ID so instead, kicking in the door with the last vestiges of her exo's power supply. Heading in, she flickered the lights, and headed to the control for the entry, switching the hangar doors to open and revealing what was inside.

"Damn. Okay, that's not a bad choice. Chaos, keep the skies clear for us. We have our ride. Hawk, she is all yours." Skye whistled, looking to the others, the last part she could hold to a smile, that finally, fucking finally, they may have a ride out of here.

And what a transport it was. An Airbus A400M, a large prop-driven, grey USAF liveried aircraft that was parked up in storage, readied intentionally as a backup aircraft for Antarctic operations, containing a basic habitation unit at the front, and a cargo area in the back. A hell of an option for them in the short term, and while nowhere near as advanced as the prototype VTOL they'd recently been using, it would do the trick for the time being.
"Oh, she's quite something. Okay, all aboard. I'll run checks quickly and get us out. Fire up the APU, Skye, I'll get us moving soon." Vincent said, walking around and starting, Skye clambering inside and running to the rear, the APU flickered on and providing power as Vincent did his thing. The rear door opened up, and moving through the hab, she got to the seating all the way at the back and the cargo door, the wide space able to take the entirety of the team and then some. It would be a home from home for at least a few hours while they headed off, and given this plane was on standby, it was fuelled and ready for long distance.

Skye slunk down into one of the jump seats in the rear, and taking her helmet off, exhaled hard, head back and her body crashing out.
"Ebrima, you have absolutely golden timing. Sorry to put you in the deep end. You did well." She said, brushing her messy red hair with her gloved hand, checking out the Cameroonian following by, and the others beginning to shuffle in, only in utter disbelief of it all. She started to feel like she was melting, her hand on her face, her hurt definitely sinking. This was getting worse and worse. She had zero idea of what now. They would take off, and was she on the chopping block for Rose's actions? Was the entire team? Were they already too late, and Rose was rolling on whatever insane plan she had? It felt a lot more hopeless than even usual. In this instance, the hurt was still sinking, the bits of the neurotoxin that swirled about her still making her still feel a little lethargic and torn, when the exo wasn't basically carrying her willpower up now.

As the other members came in, Skye looked across, unable to stand yet happy to see them intact, at least somewhat after all of this.
"Apologies, everyone. I really, really hope it's not you lot that put a bullet through my brain, I'm not putting you through that." Skye commented, leaning in, off comms, aware that no pickup from Oracle was going to happen here. It was almost a half serious comment, considering the breach- and well, it would have been Skye/Rose that caused it, right? Something stark about that sat untrue, and she felt like she needed answers first, before she was going on that funeral pyre, if she was going that way. Nah. She was too stubborn to die. And she'd go out and kill the bitch a thousand times if that's what it took.

With it, Skye started to explain to anyone who wasn't there what had happened. The entire story. Skye's doppelganger, everything about Rose, what she had said, what she had done, what it meant. The stakes were decidedly high. Rose would come back, Skye was her genetic copy, and well, she'd now taken a lot of Raven's data- though had of course, been cocky and left traces behind they could work with. While physically she hurt, Skye held herself mentally and used it as a crutch to go logically and concisely through it. As she finished up, she knew they may have questions on what next, Skye not so sure now all things considered.

"The plan is a bit loose in my mind of what happens next. What should happen, is we'd relocate to another base run on Raven's behalf. There is half a chance the entire network will be compromised, even if Rose died there, she'll probably wake up sooner or later and find out how to get access through the backdoor. So it may mean we end up somewhere I didn't expect. Either way, we'll have a chance to talk to techs about recovery of equipment, any research, anything at all. It will take a little time, but considering what the stakes might just be, I think we may be thrown an awful lot attention more than what we're used to." Skye added, knowing the team were gagging for answers, must have been, and many more would flow through.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kaitiaki Homestead, Raven HQ

Leaving HQ

Chaos had managed to take out the two MIGs but they had drawn her pretty far from base. She checked how much fuel and ammo she had left. She had turned back towards the base. She had managed to clear the threats that could stop the boat from taking off towards safety. There were still Artemis naval assets in the area but they didn’t have long range missiles. They could get more troops ashore but not before her team got off the island. She prayed that everyone had made it to the boat. She had not gotten any updates from Chuck since he let her know that Frigga and Queen had not made it to the boat yet. Her thoughts going to a dark place where she lost family once again after finding them. The negative dark spiral of thoughts broken by Bob’s voice. “There are two F-18s inbound and while their transponders say they are US military jets, comms intercepted by Oracle make them to be Artemis assets. They are on an intercept course trying to stay below radar. Time to intercept is 15 minutes.” Samantha hit her afterburners as she moved to intercept the F-18s. They were fast enough and had enough firepower to blow that boat and her entire team sky high.

Samantha gritted her teeth. The MIGs had been a diversionary tactic to pull her out of position to support the escape boat. The pilots had been skilled but were nowhere close to her level of skill She breathed a sigh of relief as Tahlia reported that the escape boat was moving out with the remainder of the team on board. Javi was driving the boat. That left Samantha a little confused but whatever works. Oracle gave her an update on the escape plan. “Oracle they will be coming in hot if I can’t intercept these two F-18s.” Chaos focused on flying as Bob monitored sensors, comms traffic, and telemetry to keep her apprised of what was happening. “Chaos to Raven Squad. Be advised we have two inbound F-18s that appear friendly but comm chatter makes them Artemis assets. I am out of position and on my way back. Prepare any sea to air defense you can. Oracle has sent escape plan details. Get to those coordinates and head directly there. Beach the boat and don’t head for a dock. Get to that damn airfield as fast as possible.”

Chaos tried to stay loose and ready as the minutes ticked away. The escape boat was well away from the island and headed towards Wellington. Artemis’s naval assets were pursuing but her team had a great lead. Javi seemed to be making the most of the speed he could coax from the boat. They were about two thirds of the way to Wellington when the two F-18s made a pass at strafing boat and dropping missiles. She saw the missiles exploding before they could reach the boat. The boat had a single SAM unit with four missiles. The fighter pilots used chaf to escape the missiles. She hoped everyone on board was okay. She had finally managed to intercept them. The dog fight was fierce but over quickly. She called down to the boat. “Chaos will escort you in. Skies are clear for now.”

Chaos knew they had another issue. She would need to fly air cover for the cargo plane and she was low on fuel and ammo. She would need to get her bird refueled but she wasn’t sure if they would have any ammo for it. She got on the line to Oracle. “Oracle I will need to refuel at Wellington. I am almost out of ammo. Any chance of getting ammo replaced quickly?” Oracle acknowledged her request and said they would work on it. She could at least get fuel. She looked at her remaining ammo and winced. She only had one missile left and no chaf. She still had ammo for her cannon but if it was her primary weapon she was going to be in a world of hurt if they sent a deluge of assets after them. She covered the team as they made their way to the runway. She landed the jet and taxied over to the waiting fuel truck. The guys on the ground quickly got to work to refuel the jet as fast as possible. By the time the team had made it to the plane. She had been refueled and was taking off in front of the heavy cargo plane. She hoped those friendly assets made all the difference. She had to keep her head in the game. The team wasn’t safe yet.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Raven Squad Escape Boat

Collab with Skye, Chuck, Freya, Tiny Nord, Boraro, and NPCs Sophie, Tahlia, Javi, and Vincent

Chuck breathed a sigh of relief as one of the spotters at the railing caught sight of Queen and those with her. They were quickly helped aboard. Updates were given. Tahlia filled in Chaos and Oracle reporting what had been going on. He grabbed onto the railing as the last lines were untied and Javi backed the boat out and turned it around. The boat jerked under his feet as Javi gunned the boat and headed for open seas. Duke whined at his feet after following Tahlia back up to the main deck. Chuck gave in and knelt to pet Duke. He needed a little reassurance after the bumpy ride and no action. Duke was showing some signs of separation anxiety and Chuck knew why. He knew his canine partner needed some reassurance. “Its going to be okay buddy.” He knelt and kept a hand on Duke’s back.

Boraro made his way over to the boat, covering the distance in three shorter bounds between cover. He hadn’t bothered with the gangplank, instead jumping aboard with his jump pack, skidding on his feet to a stop along the wet deck and putting his kukri to use helping with the lines as they cast off. He stayed on the weather deck, ready to grab the nearest person without a life jacket and throw himself over the side at the first sign of impending doom until the two fighters gunning for them had been reported cleared out.

The danger having passed, at least for now, Ebrima retreated inside and took his helmet off, fishing a clean handkerchief out of a pouch to wipe the sweat off his scalp and brow. ”You’re drawing breath still, no?“ He turned to the other African French speaker when addressed, shaking the offered hand. ”We did not meet as enemies then.” The Cameroonian added with a cheeky grin. That was also the first time he had a chance to look around and take in his squadmates. First off, it looked like they were all alive, small miracle all things considered, though one of the heavies, the mad scientist, was looking rough though and Skye was likewise a prime candidate for a week off.

Vincent nodded to Boaro, a similar chuckle in his response.
“I expect not.” He gave an equally simple reply, looking across to the rest of the team, Skye in particular, who looked passed out, Sophie going from her to Freya’s side, who was quietly whispering.

“So, quick rundown as boss lady I imagine did not tell you. That there is Freya, you may know her mother and father, crazy fucking mercs, mec, I tell you they are wild. Do not even start on her sister, putain, she is so fucking hot it would be worth dying for and many men do. Chuck Simmons, former Marine, he wrecks people too, Tiny Nord is the same. Somehow, we recruited three of giants in heavy armor to our cause, but if you’ve ever fought one, you know it’s a good thing we have them on our side. Sam Dalton is a general purpose hacking wizard and CIA spook that hasn’t got a pilot’s license but knows how an F35 works, I know, Tahlia was our house keeper, now sniper, and well, the others work in support. Sophie, the medic, Raphael, signals intelligence, and Javi, mechanic and engineer. Good people.” It was a quick rundown from Vincent, who had to remind himself that indeed, the cast that made Raven was quite something.

“Skye, she is good. Harsh but fair. As I said, if she liked you, then you have done well.”

“Maybe that’s why everyone is still alive after today. Even without an infiltrator like they had, people of Artemis’ caliber should be able to anticipate what their enemies will do, to a significant degree. But put a group like this together, and it becomes impossible.” Ebrima mused, “It’s hard to anticipate two Onis charging into the middle of you, and absolutely impossible to guess what your enemy will do next if they themselves don’t know it yet.” He added on a more light-hearted note. In its current roster, Raven had everything one needed for a successful raid: The three medium operators were speed, Tahlia and Chaos were surprise and the three giants definitely had violence of action down.

Still, they were miles up shit creek, and although they had a figurative paddle and a literal good boat, Artemis just blew up the proverbial dock. Without facilities, they were just a group of exceptionally well-equipped vagrants that only had whatever fight was left in them, which wasn’t a lot. “I don’t suppose Raven had any safehouses they didn’t tell Queen about?” Given the nature of the infiltrator, they were probably going to be living in a shed in the woods before something else gets set up.

“These things usually work out. Raven is bigger than Skye is, from what I know little. But we’ll have something. Where we are going, the contingency, I believe is the start of that. And yes, it is rather chaotic. I suppose she has a knack for finding people who may not always fit. Makes them feel best doing this. We are so lucky we got out alive.” Vincent replied to Boaro’s query, putting an arm on his shoulder, chuckling.

“A baptism of fire, yes, but there is more to come. Good to meet you, Ebrima.” Vincent smiled back, the Senegalese’s warm charm coming back, even at an operative he knew full well could do some serious damage. The similarity was nice to have in the team, and even in spite of his pasty white skin, Vincent knew behind that was someone with a similar story, a similar heart to the one he had in Dakar. Kin, in a weird way, as he headed off up the deck, heading to check in on Javi.

Tiny Nord: “Alright, now can we go get somewhere before this thing sinks, and I become a submarine in… how deep of water this is?” he asked as he set his stuff back into its spot on the side of the boat. “Also, I know a few places for safe houses, but… they are in the middle of nowhere, a few in nice spots, but urban, and the others are in places like… Detroit, or Columbus.”

In the wheelhouse, Javi was concentrating on driving the boat. He had an uncustomary serious look on his face as he navigated the rocky harbor. He piled on the speed as soon as he could. There was more room in the wheelhouse. Word had come in that the team had made it on board of course and the others had gone up top to check in with Skye. Javi knew that he needed to get them out of there and put as much distance between them and the boats Artemis had waiting to attack the island. Samantha had really bought them some time with all her secret little preparations. He admired that woman’s devious mind.

Sophie had gone topside to check in on Skye and to see if anyone else needed medical attention. Sophie made a beeline to check in on Skye who she knew needed her help. She still felt guilty for her reaction to combat. She knew what she was signing up for but seeing it was still a shock. She had never seen that side of her teammates. Logically she knew they killed people in their line of work. Her natural psychological reaction to it embarrassed her. She wanted to apologize quietly to Skye as she checked her out. She also needed to check on Frigga who was going to crash eventually. She knew Freya was injured and had probably reinjured any healing she had done and made it worse. She would do what she could for the giantess to keep her in the fight a little longer.

Frigga…or well Freya as the battle high was starting to ebb away, had boarded up finally, leading the rear guard with Boomer. Once aboard she could feel the adrenaline almost flushing from her body. And with it gone, the acute feeling of all the pain, and fatigue hit her, seconds before the fact she reinjured her shoulders hit her. And she did her very best not to cry out in pain. But no one is completely immortal. She slumped a bit on the railing, her armor letting out a groan as if trying to voice her pain. And a soft, nearly imperceptible gasp hit the comms as Freya’s hubris hits her hard. At Least she’s out of sight right? She can be mortal for a bit. She finally drops to the deck, luckily still looking back behind them, to watch as the island begins to fall behind them. With a slow motion she reaches up and unseals her upper armor, and reaches back to press a hand to the burning hot skin of her shoulders, yep, those muscles aren’t going to like her soon. Whatever she tore or hurt before, had been retorn and rehurt in this fight. That drug she’d been given was only able to cover up the injury. She’d be paying for it more later. So there she sat, and let herself wallow. Whispering to herself, “Isn’t this a fine shit show we’ve gotten ourselves into.”

Sophie had gone topside to check in on Skye and to see if anyone else needed medical attention. The giantess of the team was wincing, and while she tried to hide, nobody expected the Swiss inquisition. She made her way through the door, and sat by her side, the top of her armour dislodged out and revealing the shoulder blade that was, by usual metrics, pretty bad.

“Freya….okay, sit still. I would prefer you awake.” She called, starting to get to work, putting the diagnostics in and holding herself close.

“You wrecked my work, but you’re not out of it yet. Right. No use of that arm. I’m going to put a splint on it and hold it immobile in that arm until we fix this long term. Chuck will do the hand to hand fighting if we get any more. You use that other arm of yours for now. No hammer work, nothing. Else I will be fitting you with a fucking prosthetic next. And your mother will kill me.” Sophie added, resting up by her side, and getting to work. Tablet by her side, surgical kit adjacent to that, Sophie was a professional, moving from one patient to her next. Anesthetics were limited, but Freya was a big girl, with her disinfected needle in her arm, Sophie looking tiny next to Freya. It was safe to say Freya’s bust was probably the size of Sophie’s entire top half, it was like a mouse tending to a lion.

“You did well though, Frigga. Tell me how your day is going so far.” Sophie nonchalantly called, wanting to let her patient talk, so she would at least not think about how painful this bit would be.

Freya was just out of it enough that she didn’t react to Sophie until she felt the hands rest on her shoulder. And she’d deny it later but she let out a bark of surprise and a jump of shock. But her calm returned quickly and she turned her head enough to be able to see Sophia out of the corner of her eye, “Oh hey Doctor, oh don’t you worry, you’d have time to run, Moms would kill me first, then turn me over to my Dad and sibs before going after you. You’d have about an hour to make yourself scarce!” Her voice went from low to high in the last moment feeling Sophie begin to work, no she wasn’t in pain, you’re in pain. She gulped and nodded infinitesimally, looking at the floor, looking low, looking tired, outwardly probably the most she’s going to show externally for how much they’ve been through.

She took a bit letting Sophie poke and prod and work. Then said “My day…my days. I killed someone who looked like my boss, stomped them almost into a paste. I tore my shoulder up so bad that at first it would have taken weeks. Now it’ll take more weeks. I sat on a bomb, fought some shadowy organization that wants to hurt my friends..oh balls! Easy doc!” She asks plaintively as she feels needles and the surgical implements move around. She took a shaky breath, ignoring that Sophie has her opened up back there, and it’s just by sheer luck that her shoulder hurts more then Sophie having opened her up. The body can do wonderful things somehow. She chuckles, keeping herself from shaking, “I’m good Sophie, I’m good. I could complain, but where’s the fun in that? I’m more worried about Skye, about Sam. That’s my job I guess though. To worry about others. That’s what the Heavies like me do right? We take the heat, so you, and Sam, and Javi and the others don’t have too. I just hope Skye and Sam are okay with the extra heat and work. Is it wrong for me to want to mother the hell out of the both of them?”

“They’ll be okay. They’re tough girls, and so are you. Right, let me finish this up. Deep breath, Freya, this bit really hurts. You’re rather powerful, so please do not hit me with your other arm when I do this.” Sophie added, taking the sharp needle, and taking her almost torso-sized muscular arm, pushed it back up, and, “POP”.

“There. That’s stable, easy now. Strap is tight on it, don’t do anything stupid with it or we’ll have to do that again. Until I can fit another heart inside of you, or prosthetics, this flesh and bone will do.” Sophie reassured her, albeit with a little annoyance on the venom at the end given how badly Freya had hurt it to begin with. Giants were made of something else- their physiology in itself was freakish, and Freya had a heart that was twice the size of even Skye’s to keep her going. She had always wondered if she needed a second one, or perhaps enhanced organs on that inside to make her really live to potential. That would be her next rotation, she pondered internally, but not for now, given keeping the large girl functioning was priority one, turning her into a lunatic would come next.

“Now, I’ll let you rest on. I’m gonna see how Skye is doing. Fucking hell, why does she have to be so difficult. First ribs, now a fucking clone. I have enough problems with one of her.” Sophie mused, annoyed, yet in a way that Freya would probably empathize with- stitching people together may have been what she was good at, but continuously to everyone after every mission was certainly getting exotic.

Freya gave a cough, she had expected every second of it, but wrecking your shoulder, having it covered over by painkillers and drugs, and then wrecking it again, having it opened up and tended too then having it popped back proper and then closed up, all of that finally gets the big girl to let out a sob of pain. It’s quick, it’s brief, it’s small, but it’s pain. She almost melts against the bulkhead wall right beside her. She takes a moment then reaches out and hugs Sophie with her one good arm, “I’m glad you’re on our side Sophie hunny. Thank you, I’ll be good for now. Go tend to our fearless leader, and remind me to get you something good to drink at our next permanent port of call. You do the Gods work Sophie.” She smiled and nods, putting a good face on, and waiting for Sophie to step away. Before she slumps.

It’d be a few minutes later when one of the security team would find her, and cover her with a thermal blanket, the giant out cold, even goddesses need a nap.

Tahlia had gone up on deck to get everyone’s update before heading below decks. She was keeping in contact with Oracle per Chuck’s request. She could have done it from where she was on the deck but now that the boat was moving, she was struggling to move around some. She wanted to sit in one of the chairs in the wheelhouse and get off her legs for a few minutes. They were aching and hot. The wind made it hard to talk as well. She wanted to be sure communications were as clear as she could make them. She collapsed into a padded seat that was bolted to the floor that swiveled. She reported back to Oracle who filled her in on the escape plan. She filled Javi in on the plan and gave him the coordinates. She watched as he plugged the information into the GPS on the ship's console. He turned the boat onto a new heading as they left the mouth of the harbor. Tahlia’s eyes widened as she heard Chaos telling them about the two jets on an intercept course. She turned to Javi with wide eyes. That insufferable man had the gall to look smug.

Javi was aware when Tahlia came back into the wheelhouse. He was always aware of where the Kiwi was. His expression turned from serious back to mischievous as he heard her talking into the comms. He paid attention to driving the boat. He didn’t want to hit an underwater shoal or reef because he was too busy staring at the attractive woman sitting behind him. He heard her gasp as the report came in that two jets were inbound. “Don’t worry so much Tahlia. You do know I upgraded the boat right?” He turned and gave her a lascivious wink as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. “You know I had fun hiding what we didn’t want other people to see…. Right?” Javi reached over and lifted a plexiglas cover and pushed the red button underneath it. You could hear motors whirring and a grinding noise came from the upper deck. “There are only two jets. We have a SAM launcher. It should be able to handle two jets if we are lucky.” A good pilot could outfly a single SAM but he was betting surprise would be on their side. They had no way of knowing what this boat was capable of. If Artemis was smart, they should anticipate anything with this team. The SAM launchers were hidden by what looked like cargo crates tied down on the upper deck. What Tahlia heard was the shell moving away and the launcher coming up and activating to defend them.

Skye woke back up, the Scot grogging as the launcher popped back up, and fired off a round, the missile off the rail and soaring into the sky. The boat lurched, as the round flew into the sky, the Scot watching on and a little confused, but just suffering the effects of what was swirling around her.

“Still hanging on? How are you feeling?” Sophie queried, sitting back down next to her, rather than over, a friend yet professional in her demeanor. She did have that look about her, that she wanted to keep Skye talking rather than asleep.

“Yeah, all good here. You look like you have questions. More than the usual. Go on, I can tell.” Skye replied, sitting on up, wiping her face and taking her gloves off, attaching them to her plate carrier.

“So, how is it that a clone of you happened, and well, can go from body to body like yours? I would love to know this. I know it’s the holy grail in medical research, all of this work. Zero records of mine show any trace of it in your genetic trail, it seems completely, utterly normal. Random almost.” Sophie started, knowing that while now was probably a good time, it would at least keep her patient engaged, and maybe, trying to use her logic. That Skye had, even if sometimes it was more just the percussive maintenance she made on things.

“I know you had good genes, Frau Lyons, but nothing shows manipulation and you have nothing that would indicate you are going to drop dead sooner because of it. They must have been exceptionally good at it. I am envious.” Sophie retorted, the Swiss Doctor almost showing a level of impressiveness, and well, making Skye chuckle, a reaction to her dry, yet somewhat caring demeanor. She was a smart girl that Sophie, but not one that would sugar coat anything. If Skye was stoic and so was Tahlia, then Sophie was in a way that was distinctly Germanic, very….efficient, not angry.

Skye shrugged, knowing there was no easy way to answer that.

“I have no idea. Rose said my ... .adoptive, father, he was good at that. To a point where he realized what he’d have to do. Said he took me home after I was some defective product of a splitting process, due to some weird reason. More or less duplicating Rose’s personality in a copy of her body and leaving me a version of her. Or I guess leaving behind one in her and putting her in me. One of those ways around. I think I share the same memory as her prior to that? It hurts. A lot. Maybe that’s why I want to be sick.” Skye seemed a little confused, yet was trying to unravel, if not make some sense.

“Aha. I see. That is mystical indeed. I couldn’t even imagine how you attempt to try such a thing. I would have to imagine, it would take a genius computer scientist, geneticist, neuroscientist and surgeon to even try, and the success would be remarkably low. They did it. And she must be adamant in it every time. It was natural something would perhaps…..go wrong, as you say, but you are here and well. And much more sane, from the sounds of it.” Sophie observed, clinical in her monitoring, yet querying.

Skye looked on, a little perplexed by Sophie’s wonder. It wasn’t helping, but it was just pure and utter curiosity.

“Am I alright, Doctor? Like, how the fuck does that even happen?” Skye simply wondered out loud, saying the words, Sophie putting her hand into Skye’s. This wasn’t a Doctor’s question, more a moral one.

”Nonsense, Frau Lyons. You are fine. If anything, as freak as an accident it was, your humanity seems to persist if you wonder about it. And perhaps you have it the wrong way around. If there was anything wrong, we’d have clocked it. There’s no biomechanical device inside of you, after all.” Sophie replied, sighing as she sat up, knowing Skye wouldn’t like this, but it had to be said.

“For what it’s worth, I did take a look just in case there were any issues. I like to keep on top of my problem patients, and the initial autopsy for Rose came back to me also, an assessment I did not want to make until we had all the details and I had this cleared. Doctor’s confidentiality, but….indeed, she was right, but half right from what you said to me. Identical in genetics to you, bar one key component- cell degradation happens differently. Hers is not correct. It’s typical in animal clones, epigenetically, cell replication is not ever as reliable or sensical. The telomeres on the end strands of her DNA are not sufficient to protect the strand itself on replication, meaning it starts splintering more, and more, and more ... .they start redacting, doing weird things, and well, falling apart. That’s why clones die early. You cannot manufacture a human being to be the same without consequence…it’s the ultimate cruelty and why it’s banned, and why it’s not exactly done publicly. It would kill you before you hit your teenage years from birth, and a problem that cannot be overridden so easily because the human body seems to fight it- of course, Rose being built for it can override that significantly better, but it affects her still the same, meaning if any of her bodies are in a synthetic womb, that is the only reason they don’t disintegrate. That in itself is a medical challenge, growing a full sized adult human female in isolation identical to yours from scratch and perhaps dozens of them, but well, lesser than destroying the very makeup of your genetics, what you literally are, to lose the neural pathway she would require to an identical mind….which I suppose, is rather fascinating. The reason she jumps bodies is because that degradation happens, once active, it will keep happening, and happening, and happening, giving her likely a few years to live at a time. Your DNA itself may have been tampered with, but I’d almost wonder if it was you that was the original, if you think that a version of you were birthed via IVF and only via some genetic tampering. Perhaps Rose is the one that must continue doing this, and she dies over and over….and will never be able to break the cycle unless she finds something to fix it. Her immortality is made of porcelain, and dependent on there always being a body, always being a failsafe. She believes she’s the original because well, how would she know any other way, she after all shares that memory with you, and perhaps the background, no? That to me is science fiction, but….if so, the man that engineered you must have loved you very much to know he would never have to see his daughter die. And it would explain much of why she is perhaps the way she is. Spiteful and angry because she’ll keep dying and never had that love. Based on just that alone, I think you are fine. If I am wrong, then our next problem is giving you palliative care and understanding how lucky you are to be alive for this long. And I’d spend whatever time I could to keep alive, Skye.”

It was a hell of a heavy thing to take, but Sophie seemed clinical, if not willing to explain. Genetics were exceptionally complex- heaped on top of a whole heap of science-fiction level difficulty in doing what Rose did, which straight up may as well have been magic to Sophie, that base level assessment would at least be the start of how this worked.

Skye’s eyebrows rolled. This just got really, really sciency, and really, horribly heavy.

“Did everyone set up their own shit in the background? Not that I’m mad now, but holy crap, it leaves a wide open trail of paperwork…..though I appreciate it somewhat. Comes in handy in a moment like this, eh. That is a lot to take in. And I appreciate the detail. Makes sense, and well….perhaps relieving to know she might be full of shit too. Megalomaniacal fuckers are though, no shock there, but this is a ton.” Skye sighed, somewhat disappointed from a leader's point of view, but still, captivated. From Sam’s SAMs to Freya’s experiments, she allowed a lot- but knew it returned the favor right here and now.

“That is kind. I appreciate you taking the time to explain that. At least, figure this out.” Skye replied, Sophie giving a warm nod, the doctor annoyed with Skye more often than not, but genuinely, under all of it, caring and if anything, fascinated.

“You have a team of renegades, including me. You are just as bad at this. Yet you are rather good at knowing how to find people who do not sometimes follow the trend, will work for themselves yet deliver, if I must say so myself. I follow the letter, but Skye, we are a team, and sometimes, help needs to come from that. So look, rest, and I know you’ll work that bit out later.” Sophie called back, and with that, knew she had to tend to a few other bits.

Wellington Airport, New Zealand

Javi was grateful that the tide was coming in which helped him get the boat closer to shore. Javi called out in a loud voice “Brace for impact. We are going in. It is going to be a bumpy ride!” His brow furled as he concentrated on navigating in. Once he was past the reef the sandy beach and ocean floor allowed him to run the fishing vessel up onto the beach. To get the heavy boat up onto the beach he had to come with more speed that he would have preferred. He cut the engine and let the boat coast up onto the shore. The weight and speed of the boat did the rest. The resistance and friction slowed it down some but the whole boat lurched as the boat began to bottom out close to shore. The speed slowed even as the boat plowed up onto the beach. Then it listed slightly to one side as it settled on the keel. The side of the ship a good 10 feet from the sand. “Okay folks time to debark.” Javi turned and spotted Taniwha. She had been thrown from the chair she had been in when they hit the beach.

Tahlia had been concerned and worried they would be swimming when she had heard about the jets. She shouldn’t have been surprised that Javi had added extras when he upgraded the boat. It was what he was hired to do after all. She relaxed after Chaos sent word that the skies were clear and covering them. She got lost in thought and was broken out of it when Javi yelled brace for impact. Taniwha did her best to brace herself. The jolt when the boat hit the sandy bottom threw her from the chair onto the floor. She then found herself sliding to one side of the room as the boat settled on it’s side. Taniwha found herself against the wall of the wheelhouse. She had hit her head when she was thrown from the chair. She blinked up at Javi with a confused look shaking her head as if that would clear it.

Javi immediately went to Tahlia. He didn’t hesitate as he moved towards her. Javi scooped her up and into his arms. He looked down at her with concern. He noticed that she had a small cut on her head and was bleeding a little. She looked a little confused. He got even more worried when she didn’t fight with him about it or argue. She wrapped her arms around his neck to steady her body in his arms. He would never admit to her how much he enjoyed that. He began to carry her out of the wheelhouse which was no easy feat with the boat at an angled slant. He kept sliding on the deck as gravity pulled at him.

Tahlia was confused and her head hurt. She was seeing double. She couldn’t seem to find her center of balance. She was feeling stunned like the breath had been knocked out of her. Then the world seemed to right itself. Warmth surrounded her and she felt weightless. She looked at Javi and blinked seeing two of him. She frowned as she struggled to understand what was happening. She didn’t like feeling out of control or vulnerable. She felt both at that moment. She instinctively put her arms around Javi’s neck to steady herself. It was a natural movement. She closed her eyes as her head began to pound.

Javi made his way onto the deck with Taniwha in his arms. He looked around to see how the rest of the team was doing. He saw that Chuck was already on his feet. Duke looked shook but was right by Chuck’s side.

Chuck had watched as the jets flew over the boat. He had covered Duke and as many of his smaller teammates as he could as the jets strafed the boat. He had caught the dogfight and hoped he was never that close to one ever again. He appreciated Samantha’s skill as kept the two fighters engaged and away from the boat. The strafing had taken chunks out of the deck leaving potholes behind. He had kept a hand on Duke and one curled around the boat rail to steady them both. He had tensed up watching the shore come closer. Duke had yelped at the jolt when the boat hit the shoreline. Chuck held on until the boat settled on its side. He then began to move. He easily jumped over the side of the boat and held up his arms and called Duke. It was an easy drop to the shore for his tall frame. It was less than a 3 foot drop for him. His canine partner jumped without any extra encouragement right into his arms. He caught the heavy muscular dog with ease and set him on the ground. He gave him a quick reassuring pat. “Your okay buddy.” He gave one last pet down the back. “Guard Duke” He had Duke guard his back as he turned to help others off the boat.

Javi watched as Chuck went right over the rail and dropped to the beach. He was impressed when Duke leaped right over the rail into his outstretched arms. They really were an exceptional canine pairing. He went towards Chuck. “Oy mate. I need a hand with Tanwha. I think she has a concussion.” He waited until Chuck was in position and then carefully handed the woman down to Chuck. He almost fell over the railing trying to pass her to him. Chuck seemed to take her weight easily as she reached his outstretched arms. He then followed her over the rail. He would leave Chuck who was much taller and stronger to help get others off the boat. Javi sat Tahlia down and began to check over her injuries. He could feel a huge lump on her head with the cut in the middle of it. When he checked her out one of her pupils was dilated and the other was fine. She definitely had all the telltale signs of a concussion.

He asked Tahlia “How are you doing? How do you feel?”

Tahlia was feeling sick to her stomach and she had the world’s worst headache. She did her best to cooperate with Javi and Chuck but was aware that she was woozy and uncoordinated as hell. She hated feeling this way. She was a strong independent badass woman warrior not a weakling that needed protection. Her stomach dropped as she was handed over the rail to Chuck. She found herself sitting on the beach and looking up into Javi’s rugged face. “My head hurts, I have an upset stomach, and my butt is cold.”

Javi was grateful to see some color return to her face and to hear her snark return. He was really worried about her. He told her to stay put as he went to help Chuck with others coming down off the boat. He wanted Sophie to check out Tahlia before they headed to the airport.

Sophie was one of the first people off the boat. Chuck helped her down to the beach with Javi who told her he thought Tahlia had a concussion. She went quickly to check her out. She definitely had a concussion. She didn’t know how bad though. She could give her some meds to help her out till they were safe. She gave her a shot of pain killers and something for the nausea.

Tahlia found herself at Sophie’s ministering hands. She breathed a sigh of relief as the drugs she gave her helped take away the edge of the pain and she no longer felt like she was going to throw up her toenails. “Thanks Sophie.” Her head cleared a little and she was able to think again. She then found herself being hauled to her feet by Skye. “Hey Boss.”

With a gentle hop, Skye dropped down, offering a hand to Tahlia to help out Chuck, before clambering down from the rocks and up the beach, towards the southern perimeter road of the runway on the isthmus.

"Fuck me." Skye could only exclaim, sarky and cold as ever, Tahlia shaking her head in response.

"I think you really shouldn't say that when you've killed your doppelganger twice in one day." Tahlia's dry, dark and deeply spirited response got a cackle from Skye, that weird bond between the two hitting so hard when she was at the bottom of her barrel, shaking her head as she looked back.

"Yeah....shame to lose home. Fuck, I'll miss it, weirdly. You holding up okay?" Skye enquired, the prosthetics of Tahlia clacking back, with her giving a quiet nod. She was feeling pretty weary with everything, and right now, didn't have a proper reaction for all that had happened. For now, she awaited Skye's response, as the team bundled down and off the boat, the Scot having some idea of what to do, from the memorized contingency plan. Chaos would brief the team on it, but Skye already knew it internally.

Tahlia shook her head “I am fighting a concussion and feel wobbly. I will pull my weight and pull through though.” Tahlia looked at Skye and she could see that Skye was feeling about as bad as she was. “How are you holding up boss?”

Skye shook her head, not feeling great herself, but well, not wanting to admit all of it.
“Well, not great. But I’ll live. Probably.” Skye replied, shrugging her shoulders, the exo active again and able to carry her weight, and her weaponry once more, as she clambered down, and started to round the team up as they came down, the support team, any remaining guards, and with that, directing them towards the airport.

Tahlia nodded as she gained her feet and was feeling better. She was able to move better. “Right let’s get to safety first.” She moved in the direction that Skye indicated. She was feeling not a 100% but functional again thanks to Sophie. She raised her gun and scope to her eye and began to look into the distance at the airport not far from the beach. “I don’t see anything other than the standard security you would expect at an airport.” Her scope moved slowly over the airport a few hundred yards from the beach.

Chuck had helped everyone off the boat. He gathered up the guards and got into a loose formation headed towards the airport. Skye was in the middle with Tahlia and Javi. He moved up to take point. “Boomer has point.” He spoke over the comms and moved to the front to act as recon and to take hits away from the team. As a heavy, his armor could take it and they were not exactly going for stealth. He used hand signals to direct the extra guards. He had the extras on the outside of the team. Frigga and Nord was covering the rear of their formation as they moved out. They moved quickly but were not sprinting. Chuck simply tore through the chain link fence. It was no match for his strength, especially augmented by his suit. The team was quickly moving across the ground inside the airport perimeter headed towards the outbuildings off the tarmac.

The team followed fire and safety protocols as they moved quickly through the airport. They could see airport security guards were nervous about them but following the orders to let them through. They were not happy about it. The team made it to the plane without any further incidents.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Somewhere above Wellington, New Zealand
Aboard an A400M Cargo Plane

Black Feathers

"Mon amis, this is Raven Airways, please fasten your seatbelts as we are taxiing for takeoff. For sudden decompression, hold onto the nearest object to you, for lack of oxygen, put your head between your ass and prey, putain. We are leaving the battle zone." Vincent called on the aircraft tannoy, giving a wry chuckle, as he turned up the power, and the plane pulled away.

The team was pretty battered after the entire experience, and as Vincent led the plane to the runway, he let Sam take lead, the F35 roaring back up into the sky following a refuelling, with the A400 ready to go the distance too if needed. It followed up on the runway pretty quick, the driving and pouring rain clapping against the cockpit, and with all engines at power, coasted the aircraft down the tarmac and into the skies, the combat pilot back in his element with headphones on and his breath only back now. He was back in a comfortable position.
"Chaos, this is Hawk, we're airborne. Now what?" Vincent spoke on the shared comms link, Oracle's voice picking up as he pitched the aircraft over the Wellington sky, and headed up to altitude, trying to get separation away from the war to the south, and the absolute anarchy they now had to flee.

"Hawk, Chaos, got the track on the aircraft. Friendly fighter support is en route, should help cap off any trails to you,. Rout yourselves to the navpoint coming through to your systems, Tokyo Haneda airport for refuelling- Chaos, leave the F35 once there with the JSDF squadron on the ground, and join Hawk with the A400 onward Pöyrisjärvi, Finland. We have contingency for the team set up at a site operated by Blue Sword. I will meet you there for a full debrief.....including a status update on Queen. We need her there, post haste. Artemis will be in disarray, but time will be limited. Out." Oracle called, Hawk nodding to an invisible person in response as he put hand to ear.

"Affermatif, we'll set course. Out." Vincent replied, turning the aircraft slightly,

"Chaos, heading on bearing three-five-zero, northbound. Fuel will get us there, very just. I will be the voice in your ears to keep you entertained. I can provide you with Skye's personal commline, if you need it too. I imagine the boss-lady, she may need to hear something from you." Vincent replied, as he turned the comms on for the inside of the plane, following the tanoy from earlier.

"So, we are now cruising at 15,000 feet, and we are heading towards our destination of Tokyo, Japan. We have no snacks, no drinks, but we are going to a location I am sure you will all find many of them on our involuntary layover. So sit back, relax to this flight now with no SAM missiles or cannon fire, and enjoy." Vincent's voice sounded like it should have been on a chilled music radio station, as the man who was visibly shaken took a moment in his Francophonic accent to give one last little remark, much to the chargrin of Skye, who sighed for a brief moment, apart of it.


Skye sat there staring into space, the team likely conversing between each other at this moment, as she took a moment to explore about, breaking out of her trance, trying to at least. She had to do something. Her head was spinning, ticking over lots, and well, it was shite. Roughly half of the aircraft in the back had the team in the jump-seat area, with the noise not so fun yet for a modern military dropship, probably better than half the Hercules that she'd flown in. Sitting up, after chatting to Ebrima, she looked to Freya, who looked hurty, very hurty.
"Nicely done. Glad Sophie had a look over you as well, by the way. Listen, whatever happens after, do rest up. I hope wherever we're going, someone will see sense that we give you chance to heal for a mission. Unbelievably, I agree with Sophie. But you did well. Thanks, Freya." Skye smiled, the redhead illuminated by the soft LED lighting inside the A400, as she made her way across to Chuck and to Tiny Nord, both giants imposing in the way that they sat.

"And you both too. Well earned beer after all of that. Nord, Sophie may need to borrow some of your supplies potentially. I know, you're a good medic, but I'll let the good Doctor have her time. If you can keep an eye on Freya, I'd appreciate it." Skye replied, giving Duke a stroke over his ears, a nice yelp coming back as she smiled, the rare break of a dog actually making her life feel a bit more. From there, onto the rest of the support team, who she found very exhausted, mostly asleep, so skipped by. Tahlia had her legs by her side and was out from the drugs that Sophie had given, her stumps swollen and her body hurting, with Raph the same, his laptop sealed on his lap. Skye went forwards through the cabin and into the sealed unit in front, a temporary hab it looked like, with a small briefing area on the left, and on the right, a makeshift spot for an armoury- which would be perfect as a mobile base it looked like. Beyond that was the front of the aircraft, and Skye poked her head through to there, seeing Vincent give a thumbs up, alone at the wheel but comfortable with long stints. With enough coffee, he'd be alright, Javi being parked up in the co-pilots chair.

Coming back in, Sophie managed to pick her up as she walked through the corridor of the hab.
"Right. We need to do that transfusion, when we get a chance. Thankfully, looks like Nord packed some bloodbags with him so I should be able to do it here and now." Sophie looked pressing, and Skye only obliged, as she walked back to her seat, and Sophie got to work, sticking the needle in.

It felt odd. All of this. Rose said she lived a parallel life to her, and Skye wondered how much of it was true. Rose had been in SIS too, same as Skye, and kept from her. By intent? It meant whoever was in charge was just as bad, just as culpable. Or perhaps, even worse. She never wanted to think too hard about the tentacles of Artemis, after all, people were corrupt all the time, but people who had been involved in that perhaps envisioned a better world. Even if they didn't agree, they were looking to make it right. And now, Artemis wasn't looking like a paramilitary with a perchance for disorder, they looked like they wanted to destabilise it, now with Rose perhaps getting Raven to decapitate much of their structure, they wanted to completely reshape it. Chile had gone, likely so had Corsica, so that left not much else at all, perhaps there was something else to salvage, but what there was, would take time. They needed leads, contacts, and more than that, support. No doubt that would come.

But Skye knew she was a risk to everyone now, everyone on this plane, beyond, and everywhere else. This wasn't about dying, however. She'd have to make a plan. And Tokyo, Japan....that gave her an idea. An idea that popped straight in. An old colleague was there, she knew maybe where to look, and what to do. It would be a risk. Oh, it would be massive. But when Rose chose to fight unfair, then well, Skye had to do the same. After all, she was good at being a ghost when needed. Doing what she would less expect was needed, doing more importantly what was needed to keep the team going with leads would be more still, she could do that.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Made it
Wellington Airport, New Zealand

A security guard was the one to wake Freya. She'd slept right through most of the aerial fighting during the boat ride. Having really needed it really. The big woman did not look at top shape. With a groan she'd gotten to her feet, ignoring the people looking at her bare breast, and slipped her armor back on over her arm. But as soon as she tried to lever herself up with that arm she let out a gasp of pain, yeah that's not happening. With the other arm she's up on her feet, and joining the rest of the team outside. Holding the AEW in one hand, one of the security getting her up to date on what happened while she was out. Looking around at the team she sighs, "Sorry I was out during the trip over. I'm beat guys. I'll try and keep up as best I can though."

She'd taken rear guard with TN. Lucky the AEW is designed to be used one or two handed so ease of use yay. She'd kept an eye on the rear, skyward, the tip of the AEW glowing softly with a shot ready to fire at a moments notice. There was too much to lose at the moment now, what with their base gone. Luckily her experiments had gotten out safe, if they hadn't someone would have tried to call her by now.

And soon they are in the air.

In the A400M

A few minutes later

Freya had found a trio of chairs, across and just down a little from where Nord and Chuck sat. She has a blanket over her chest one of those brown scratchy things that can be found in near any aircraft. Hiding her bust from any on lookers, she didn't have alot of clothing left over after this after all. she looked up as Skye approached, "I'll be okay hun, thank you for worrying." She grunted, "I think I'm out for abit though." She said that part louder, so the other heavies nearby and some of the others further up could hear, "I don't think my shoulder is going to let me do any kind of operations for awhile. The drugs from the fight are wearing off and what ever Sophie did in the moment back on the boat has left me barely able to lift it. I'm out of action until it heals. A few weeks...a month maybe? But I think I can get us a replacement. I just need to make a call. I can get us someone that will likely mesh with the boys if you get my drift." She smiles, "See to the rest boss lady, I'm good."

As Skye sauntered off Freya reached for the cellphone that never left her person, it had been tucked in a padded pocket on her armor. She dials and swallows thickly. The phone ringing for abit until a husky voice answers from the other side, "Privet?" Freya takes a moment, "Privet...Mom..." A squeal from the other side, followed by a growly bass tone voice, can be heard through the phone, "Cripes Nat! What's got you going? I was in the zone there. Who is it?" Freya meeps, "Um is Dad there too Mom?" Natalie Kanatario gasps, "Yes he's here baby, are you okay? We got your Black Out message and were worried? Do you need anything? Where are you?" Freya gulps "We're on a plane, leaving New Zealand. I think we're going to Site Arta? You know the one in Finland that Blue owns? Atleast I think that's what I just heard." There's the sound of a scuffle before the growly voice from before speaks hurriedly, the voice of one Victor Kanatariio, "My Thrud? Are you okay though? Your mother is reaching for her sword I need to know. Please." Freya lets out a sound close to a sob, "Papa...everything is fucked up Papa. I'm hurt, Skye is hurt, everyone here is so tired. Papa...Mom, we need help. I'm out. For awhile. I hurt myself bad saving Skye. I can't use my right arm for atleast a few weeks. But the team, the team needs to keep up the Heavy presense. Can you help?" There's another sound of a scuffle, and Freya giggles putting the rest of the call on speaker. Her mothers voice coming again, "My little Eagle Hawk, you said Site Arta? We'll be there by the time you all arrive. Even if we have to time travel. There's someone in the room over who would love to take a crack at who ever hurt you." Freya blinked, "Oh no...are...they both there? Can they hear me."

Freya can only face palm when a pair of voices call as if from another room, "We heard you sis! Don't worry!"

Freya groans softly.

Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

The Amagi District in Kiyose City

People walked the streets without a thought for the history of the town they are in. Not a care in the world for what has come before, and what has since been. They have only eyes for the lights and glamour of what they see around them. Callers and Hawkers all up and down the Amagi District main road. 3 more streets and 10 avenues make up the Amagi District, one of Kiyose and Tokyo Prefecture's biggest attractions even, almost as famous as Sotenbori, or Iijicho or even the undeniable Shibuya District.

In the Amagi District rests a land of fun, fine dining and other attractions. No less then 7 Hostess and Host centers exist. A seven floor arcade with some of the best retro cabinets still stands. Four theatres no less, with all the latest shows in 10 rooms with seating for one hundred in each. This is a neighbourhood of fun and attraction.

But it's in the light that shadows dwell.

People say that the underworld is just a step away from the light. Into the shade.

So down a path that is often shown to tourists looking for something else to do, past an internet cafe, down a tunnel and into a lovely marble facade building. Is what at first glance, looks like a Pachinko parlour. One hundred and twenty machines there for your enjoyment. Salary men and kids alike sitting and playing. But it's not until you notice the men in suits, styled hair, looking burly and attentive that things begin to get interesting. Sometimes, one of these suited men approaches someone at the machines, and offers something else.

And into the back they go, where they find other attractions.

A Gambling den.

Horse Races, Hanafuda, Cho-Han. And many others besides.

And those men? Once you're inside the Gambling den are revealed to be Yakuza, Yakuza of the Amagi Clan, a sub-family of the infamous Yamaguchi-gumi. But it's all business, right up until you default anyway. Come in, come play, spend your money. You're safe in the hands of the Amagi Clan.

Standing watch at the bar of the Gambling den, wearing a nice charcoal grey three piece suit, hair slicked back, face scarred but shows some panache indeed. Dark eyes looking out over his domain. His suit sleeves rolled up to reveal the Ashura Demon on his right arm and the Twin Gold and Silver Tigers on his left. Stands Ban Kingo, owner, operator, Yakuza member, of the Amagi Clan. And held carefully in his right hand, tucked against his side, a bronze and black laquered wood, the Saya of the Kingo Family.

Yes, all is well now. And has been for years since Ban got out of Raven. He returned to the Amagi District, cleared his name, proved his worth, was accepted back into the family. All thanks to one red headed warrior woman. He hums, and quietly wonders why his mind is going back to Raven suddenly.

As he's mulling this a call comes out from another of the Yakuza, "Aniki. There's another potential mark up front, thought you'd want to come watch." Ban chuckles, "I'm coming Wataro." He pushes off from the bar, and heads up front.

Yes, life is good right now.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Chaos Escort Through Unfriendly Skies

Samantha pulled the F-35 engines slider all the way back as she built up the speed for takeoff. The rumble of the jet engines gave her a feeling of the power of the fighter. It was a powerful feeling. It was one of the things she loved about flying. She smiled as she remembered where she had learned how to fly the jets. She had learned in a simulator when Uncle Sam wanted her help to fix their planes. She had it built into her contract with them that she would only work on the project if the US Military taught her how to fly their jets. They had never intended for her to get into a cockpit. She had explained that she needed to experience what was happening during an actual flight to figure out the issue. She probably could have figured it out without it but she had wanted to learn to fly fighter jets. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. She had done exceptionally well and it had helped her solve the issue they were having with the design. It turned out to be a faulty sensor that was not rated for the g-force that the new craft would pull in some of the dogfighting maneuvers. Once she had tried the upgraded sensor the aircraft worked as intended and Uncle Sam was happy with the results.

Her attention was brought back to the current situation as Oracle reported that the team had inbound aerial assets to cover the team and that they were headed to Tokyo. Samantha had been compartmentalizing like a champ. She frowned as the present situation reasserted itself in her consciousness. Samantha replied to Oracle. “Chaos confirms new orders Oracle. New heading Tokyo Haneda airport where I will rejoin the team on the A400 and leave the F35. The A400 will then be going to Pöyrisjärvi, Finland.” Samantha had Bob switch to the Teams Comms. “Chaos to Raven Squad. New orders from Oracle. We are enroute to Tokyo for refueling before moving onto to Finland. I will be rejoining you in Tokyo.” Samantha made sure the entire team heard the update from her. She wanted them to know she had their back. Samantha looked over the telemetry in her fighter. She saw the incoming support fighters moving to intercept Artemis helicopters that were launching off their boats which had been in pursuit of the team.

She switched to comms just for Vincent. “Chaos to Hawk, thank you for flying the unfriendly skies with Chaos Air. Our friends have moved in to intercept unfriendlies in the area. Skies should be clear all the way to Tokyo.” She smiled at Vincent's reply before her brain couldn’t help going back to the events of the last few hours.

She had Bob switch to a private comms line between her and Skye. “Chaos to Queen.I am in the F35 and doing okay. I am flying cover for the A400. How are you doing? And How is the team? I heard something about Freya being injured.” She bit her lip as she waited for Skye to talk to her. “Talk to me Skye.”

She deliberately shied away from reliving the events of the last few hours. She couldn’t afford the time to break down yet. She still had a plane to fly. She was hyper vigilant about checking the radar for anything in the skies near them. She felt responsible for making sure the team made it to Tokyo.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Boraro - Airbus A400M, somewhere above way too much water

So, Japan. That was a new destination for Ebrima. He didn’t choose the life he lived, hated it for a long time before learning to embrace it, which made it that much ironic that whereas ordinarily he would’ve lived and died in a corrugated metal shack in Southern Cameroon, the mercenary life took him around the entire world - from Cameroon through Nigeria, Mali, Sudan, Somalia, Burma, Thailand, Mexico, Colombia and more. But Japan was a country far too stable for his career to lead him there, so far removed from any conflict that didn’t have anything to do with North Korean submarines that he didn’t know a single thing about it. Well, except for Enri Uemura, Avital’s cyber security expert. A woman who bowed when she greeted people, was guaranteed to be the smartest person in the room - as she never passed up the chance to remind people - ate fish raw for some reason and left this world way too soon in a Los Zetas roadside ambush less than two months ago. In a way he was looking forward to visiting it despite the circumstances, chiefly because it’d be the last stop before a place he knew equally little about. Finland. It was cold, it was dark for months at a time and people spoke in tongue breakers. He hated the place already, its sole redeeming quality the rally stages and giving birth to the likes of Mika Häkkinen and Mikko Hirvonen. Not Valtteri Bottas, we don’t talk about him.

So, Japan: The last stop where he could grab some warm clothes. Because boy, would he need them.

But Artemis had made a critical mistake, although it didn’t look like it at the time, but they turned a professional reason to fight into a personal one for the team. Few things pissed people off more than violating their home. As for him, well, he had been looking forward to living in New Zealand for a little while. But right now, they needed rest so unless anyone was feeling chatty, he’d snoop about the plane for a little bit, and after finding out that there was no way to hook the exosuit up to the plane’s power outlets to recharge it along the way, Ebrima sat down in a corner of the cargo bay and untangled himself from the struts and armored plates - still a bit of trial and error on his part - and went to find a place to lie down. Sleep while you can. As the past few hours have proven, you never know when or where you might be able to do so next.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Skye adjusted her headset, hearing Sam's voice chirp up.
"Yeah, she's hurt. Shoulder's a bit messed up, longer term injury. But she'll survive." Skye said, swallowing the lump in her throat, looking to Freya as she did, the blanketed heavy hurting painfully, on the phone to her family. She had that right, Skye wouldn't say a thing, and well, it was an encrypted line.

"Team's mostly okay. We're fine. And uhh...I guess I am too. Still somehow in one piece. Not sure how, but hey, we roll." Skye replied, a little calmer, easier even when talking to Sam.
"Thank you. I appreciate what you did. That was a lot of responsibility you shouldered. You did well. Look, it's a lot right now, the crown is heavy. But we'll talk properly when you land at Haneda." Skye added, adjusting the comms set, sipping down some water.

Eight Hours Later

Somewhere above Japan

Jet Lag

Soundtrack: More Scrapes- Arthur Beatrice

The flight had whimpered for hour after hour, minute for minute of slight white noise but they were coming closer, and closer. With the daylight long since broken, the aircraft was headed on the final half hour of its flight, inbound to Tokyo Haneda, the city airport of Tokyo. They'd get food, some supplies and fuel, and that was good enough for now. The hum of an old song played through her head, a niche. She liked her metal and rock, but it didn't leave, an ambience to an extent.

Skye had slept for most of it- no further work really, she'd just passed out as had everyone else. Yawning, Skye felt better after her transfusion- the toxin clearing out of her system much faster, and at least, deciding not to stick around. She'd feel weak now, but not from that at least and would recover better. Rations had been handed out, some very nasty stuff from the hab up front that had likely been sitting here for years, and even some warm water had been been boiled up. So eating rehydrated rice and beans were on the menu, and it was grim. But food. Food nonetheless. Heavies get triple portions of course, considering they'd basically need an entire sheep from the homestead's farm to eat, but there was about enough for everyone. A bit of a downgrade from the last meal, but hey, it was what it was.

With it, Skye looked to Ebrima, one seat over from where Sophie had been, giving him a quiet nod as she sipped down another cup of water.
"Morning. Afternoon even? I have literally no idea. Anyway, you good?" Skye asked the Cameroonian, looking at him on the floor, his quiet demeanour likely hiding the fact he'd been straight in a warzone after going out for a short training and prep exercise. He looked well though, all thing considered. Then again, maybe he wasn't as damaged as Skye was. She was holding well, considering she'd been hit with a neurotoxin, nearly died, nearly detonated all her friends, killed herself, twice, thrown herself off an electric motorcross bike into the back of a buggy during an avalanche on a mountain, jumped out of a skyscraper into an airbag, and taken a shitload of hit to the ribs.

Even by her standards, it was what you would call, fucking crazy.

Tahlia looked the same, nodding across as she wondered over, the click clack of her legs back on, loose.
"It is 4pm out there. Even I forgot." Tahlia replied, chuckling as she sat down.

"So what are you going to do, boss?" The Kiwi added, sitting down on the chair spare, where Sophie had been, looking across at the ginger haired Scot.

"I still have no idea." Skye's reply meekly came back, a genuine one, deep in thought, yet well, Tahlia taking none of it.

"Well, Sam really, really gives a shit about you. So do I. And Freya. And Ebrima probably will. Probably when he's not getting his minatures exploded. Trust me, bro. I know. That's two years of my fucking life gone too. Lots of woodwork my mum sent to me." Tahlia replied part to Skye and part to Ebrima, the Kiwi's stoic yet twanged nature coming through, a kinda comedy that sort of held.

"Orders are orders. Chances are, it's contingency. They'll want to limit damage but a bullet in me isn't going to help them. They know that much. It's not exactly good for morale, especially a a time like now. Does make it easy to them to get some safety though....nah. I don't see it." Skye mused, knowing it wasn't a fun discussion to make.

"Well, don't go dying on me. I mean that. I want the bastards that blew up our house dead, and all the sheep, and all the kiwis too, cos you sort of cared about them." Tahlia replied, Skye chuckling, shrugging.

"You make an argument." Skye nodded in return, as Tahlia took her own water bottle out, giving it a sip, before wiping the lid, offering a bit to Ebrima.
"I never properly introduced myself. Tahlia Harris. Yes, the tattoos are from Ngai Tahu. And no, there was no blood ritual for me to lose my legs to get them. I imagine you have some tales to tell too." Tahlia dryly joked, chuckling with a wry grin, the stark Kiwi breaking ice a little more, indulgent a little in that. The ink was visible on her frame up her neck and across her arms, considering the fact she'd evacuated the place in just a t-shirt and three-quarter length cargo pants.

"I used, to source equipment when we were in Kaitiaki. Considering that it just got blown up, I guess I'll need to find some new employment at the next place we go to. And that means I've got more time to actually make introductions rather than run around for this terror, constantly." Tahlia added, leaving Skye to dwell on her thoughts, and well, not be the focus.

She looked across, seeing Freya just laying there still splayed out, as before, and then Raph and Sophie having a chat further down, with Chuck left to his own devices- more likely than not, asleep after all of it, though Skye did peer over at him, saying almost invisibly, yep, glad you were there- even if you couldn't chat earlier.

It was a reprieve. Yet Skye couldn't help but think about all the anarchy that had started from another version existing. She knew there were procedures, protocols. Trained for it for years. Yet now, it was happening for real. And now, she wondered what the fuck was actually going on behind the scenes. The transfusion was done, and she'd napped off the fact that she'd been basically gurgling a few litres of blood, for safety's sake. It was nice to feel less dead.


Purna Chai Gurung

Frankfurt, Germany

Point Forty Five Calibre

Soundtrack: El Cargo- Amon Tobin

Purna sprinted at pelt and swan dived through the now open window and into the wide open skyline of Frankfurt's afternoon, as he heard the lift open, firing the grapple and linking it against the skyscraper he'd just thrown himself out of, the titanium-pointed grapple pulling in as he used it to yank his way around the corner of it, swinging wildly, and then magnificently at the top of the pendulum using his specialised gloves to pin up against a glass window, inverted.

A pull of himself into a crevice and he swung and clasped the window, smashing it from the outside with a couple of rounds from his weighty USP.45, swinging inside and letting the line retract slow, then quick, clasping it back into his hands as he heard the sound of more guards running up nearby stairs into this office. Slapping his wrist, he suddenly turned into a blur and let the armoured security sweep out the area, their G36-equipped arms passing by as Purna stayed dead still, letting them slowly filter through past the concrete pillar in the office. One came within a meter, and still couldn't see the hazy outline using the pillar in the room.

And then the shadow moved. Purna clapped two in the head, dual wielding his USPs now at a split, directing them both into man three's SWAT-team grade helmets, and then using the same pillar to duck as the fourth man tried to turn. Purna rolled and fired his grapple straight at him, the retract not working as it should but doing enough to pin the man, as Purna reeled instead ONTO him, and slammed feet first into his chest, slicing with the Kukri straight through the eyeball in one swift move downwards before he could even get a reaction. Sighing, he dusted himself down, and reloaded each pistol in sequence, heading for the lift.

Purna just needed the cable. And with the lift going up and the doors wide open, he lept out and held the cable, using it as a makeshift rappel, his gloves and suit able to take the strain. Enough to the lift platform's stop below, where he lept onto the side, magnetic gloves active. The lift headed down right on cue as more guards poured out, and he followed it to ground floor, before dropping down with the cable adjacent, absolutely tactile. The way he moved, it looked like an easy Sunday morning.

That's because it was.

Anyway. Enough quipping. Down into the garage level, Purna checked the last time for cameras from the set he'd deactivated earlier, before yanking out his keys.

You could really say there's a gentleman spy somewhere inside of Purna. He came from dirt poor, poverty, and liked that humility, hated things, hated the idea of it, and really wanted just some peace and quiet, order, no drama and just getting the job done stoically. A bigger car would be better, maybe something else. Yet speed was on the back of his mind, and something that could roll out of this compound without looking too suspicious but could put foot to floor if he needed to disappear. A Ranger Rover? Nah, that screams needy young banker. A Lamborghini? Too loud, too much attention. A Tesla? No. A crappy shitbox? It should have never been there and let in with the first place.

The blip of the key being tapped revealing a stolen Aston Martin V12 Vantage's headlights, sitting right there, in the corner of the underground parking lot. An older classic. Purna's choice. An Aston never gets any questions asked. Even if it is the choice of a British fucking spy. Purna knew if he really had to choose, he'd choose this.

Clambering into the dark green car, the phone rang as he took his balaclava and night vision off, revealing his tanned skin and his cowl, Purna peeling it back entirely and dumping his obvious weaponry into a hidden compartment below the passenger seat footwell, grabbing a pair of Ray-Bans, and a white dress shirt. He hit the receive, as he did his thing, at least covering his top half in civilian clothing.
"Hi, weren't you supposed to call until this evening, Oracle? I thought we're on radio silence? What's going on?" Purna replied, genuinely a little curious, considering all that had just happened, instead of pinging on comms, he was getting a call. He wasn't rude, just if anything, a little wonderous about the change of plan. It was dark till home, unless a call came in.

"Things changed a bit quicker than expected." Purna put on a bluetooth headset hearing the call connect to the voice on the other end, and hitting the start, heard the V12 bark into life. A roaring, hearty thing, as he put it into first, and skidded out, driving around the parking garage's left open door, putting foot to floor. It made a noise that can only be described as a lion having its tail stepped on. A roar for the ages.

"How so?" Purna replied, the car sparking as it was sent up the ramp, and Purna slowed down, the barrier open, just the way he liked it, because he'd already had that tapped up. He kept the throttle pinned on, and pulled out of the underground car park up a level.

"Main team's in need of your services. Urgently. I have a team leader who is compromised, an injured operative, a light MIA and three operating sites completely compromised. So it's happening. We are in the shit." Oracle's voice seemed reassuring, yet concerned, worried even more than ever his demeanour would allow. Like the words coming out were very much him pissing his pants. Purna kept on the throttle and skidding around the bend, saw the cluster of G-Wagens coming his way. Fuck. Putting it into a harder turn, he took another ramp and drove straight out onto the street, skidding out, the Aston no longer incognito, but now, a car being driven.

"Why are you calling me then? I thought this is Wilk's territory if that's the case. Also, I'm in a car chase, the asset's recovered, I'm gonna be done in ten. Give me a second to pull out of here. I'm still in field." Purna's accent was an odd one- Nepalese for sure, but it had the odd trace of a British accent melded in, from so much time spent in the UK. It was clear, he had been around soldiers for a while- their mannerisms clasped onto him, even if he didn't say much at all. He seemed incredibly calm considering anything, not swearing, just direct in how he spoke and somewhat sensical.

"Sure. You do you. And he's aware. Get to the safehouse, and pack up shop. The asset you've recovered needs to come with, fry it first for any trackers. I'll get you more intel when I have it, and send details of where next on a secure metric. Wilk can fill you in on the details, I'm sure you two know the score." Oracle's voice was cool, knowing Purna didn't care too much for the overt detail, just the points, given after all he had relation and had heard such chats before, as he pulled the car around a tight corner, wheelspinning the entire way, ripping a long drift as he shifted back on throttle, the tail he had behind him close, but well, about to find out you can't track this type of thing.

"Affirmative." Purna replied, taking a tight turn past Alte Oper, Frankfurt's main city hall, and cutting through a pedestrian area, avoiding civilians and a Frankfurter stand in the process, skidding past some more bollards and putting on throttle. The G-Wagens didn't have the same versatility, and in the corner of his eye, the poor stand got smashed to bits, and the G-Wagen one of of three on its side jolting over as it hit a staircase, with an insanely angry German guy yelling at the crew inside that had smashed his wieners to bits.

Well, that could have gone better....but then again, who was he to complain, with a sly grin, now turning out of the city centre and finding a patch of clear space in front, blasting down Mainzer Landstrasse and through tunnels out of Frankfurt's packed CBD with the car roaring off and on throttle as he danced on the pedals, dodging traffic with a bop and weave and in time, finding the express roads, putting foot to floor and unleashing all the brutality of the Aston's engine. The tail was dropping away quick as Purna got to work on enjoying the speed, and his thoughts switched to his other need. Signs indicated Flughafen. Airport. That was where the safehouse was, and where he had work to do- as he pulled off a junction and kept the grip going all the way around, heel and toe to really make the most of this car's grip.

Coming out of that junction, Purna exhaled, and instead of putting foot to floor, dropped back to a reasonable speed, aware he'd taken a few junctions without seeing them and reasoned now was as good a time as any to maybe not attract any Politzei for this last stint. The bag on the passenger seat was secure, and well, he had what he had come for.

Another call to make now, as he drove for Frankfurt Flughafen. The small utilities hut past the private VIP entry, and well, the drop point for his short term stolen rental awaited, and from there, he was getting the fuck out of there on the next flight to wherever Oracle told him to go. The call connected on, as he heard the sound of birds tweeting in the background, and woodpeckers.


Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Białowieża Forest, near Białystok, Poland


The phone rung, and in a similar manner that Oracle had just called, the man in the cabin picked up. The olive jumper wearing Captain was not on duty, not at work, but enjoying his rare, opportune time off in a hunting lodge in the most beautiful forest in all of Poland. Bialowieza was full of Bison, Deer, Wolves, animals everywhere, mushrooms, fishing lakes, and it was heaven on earth. Green pasture that had been rewilded, it was beyond pretty, it was left untouched. The wooden hut was built by him and his father, and right now, Adam was on his own, whilst his dad had headed out into town- to grab some more supplies. Even in his old age, he had things to do. So, yeah. This was a place made for Adam, his gear stashed here as well as a woodworking bench beyond the shot of the remote cabin, the call an interruption.

Because not far enough out of range to avoid phone signals. He hit speaker, knowing nobody was going to hear. There were no bugs here.

"Kurwa, you too?" Adam replied, sighing, taking a moment as he stood up. The fatalistic Pole had plenty of time for Purna, someone he'd not spent much time training with, but saw eye to eye with. He was a bit more reasonable than Skye, he was just quiet, more than anything.

"How bad is it?" Purna asked, as Adam swallowed his lump in his throat, knowing yeah, there was no easy way of putting it. The two stoically bounced from each other, few words, just intermittent talk. It worked.

"Really bad. I imagine it might just be us. And they have us going to a Blue Sword site. Anything under Raven is currently burned." Adam replied, his heavily accented English trawling through his Polish accent, the baseball cap wearing Pole covering his baldness, albeit keeping his mountain-man beard.

"Blue Sword?"

"It means things are really, really fucked." Adam added, sighing. Yeah, this wasn't a great day off.

"Understood. Who else do you think you're getting?" Purna's voice stayed calm, albeit to a point. It was hard to place. He didn't talk a lot, but well, he did when he had something to add.

"Whoever is left. And.....Frigga's hurt too. Which means......"

"Meaning what?" Purna enquired, a little inquisitive here now. He wasn't THIS bitter. Not even this bad at the end of the world.

"We're working with her, aren't we......if Frigga is really out." Adam replied, Purna knowing EXACTLY who that was. Not like there were many people that could replace Frigga. He had to admit, he felt the same. But had to be reasonable.

"Wilk, she's.....she's good at what she does. She could be useful. Even if...."

"She's a fucking liability? Her brother is a better choice. I imagine she is somewhere getting photos of her lying spread out getting photos of her in lingerie. Again."

"Come on, you can't say that. We are professionals. I get it, you're a better man than any of us." Purna replied, as Adam shook his head. It was sinking in. As much as he was right, he did not want to work with her, but it would have to happen.

Athena Anna Kanataario

Port-Vendres, France

Golden Girl

Soundtrack: Parlais Vous Anglais?- Headie One

There's nothing like the sea, the Mediterranean sun, and oh yeah, Athena spread out wide like the absolute beauty she is in front of the pool, on the decking of the hillside designer house perched high above the renaissance castle framed, picture perfect French town that she'd made her weekend out of, the quiet drill music on the nearby radio putting Athena in the zone of feeling like a baddie. There's something about the hype of it, yet it making her feel like she wasn't giving any fucks.

She'd love it if she could fall asleep here, but when there's a guy with a camera lens clicking off shots as she leans over while lying on the strained deckchair and looks at him, aviators on, hair tucked back, a tight royal blue sports bra and sports underwear on with an outline of a seahorse logo on each garment, work is work. There's no denying it. Athena is the absolute figure here, and her towering presence occupies a great deal of it, in every dimension.

There's no hiding her skin, turning a gentle bronzer and bronzer, every curve, every piece sculped like it was out of a gooey pale caramalised marble with a thin layer of sweat, posing for every, single, photo. The muscle behind it is clear, but she's got more in the trunk than Freya does. There's no denying that Athena is sprawled on the deckchair like it didn't really exist, and with any tensing of her arm or legs, it looks like a hydraulic ram compressing. She's got marks from battle, but well, they're mostly caked over for this shoot. And well, she seems to occupy it all. Relative to the cameraman, her sheer size is just bewildering. Especially in the areas that your jaw would fall off at. Her head almost seems small in comparison.

Love it or hate it, this is an excess, vividly so. Most giants who get attention are too shy to know, but oh, Athena is making every single piece of it. She knows what they write. She was a freak no person could even aspire to be. A monster, even worse. A literal definition of capitalism at its worst. A slutty little princess who should know better. A whore, now that one hurt. For every single one of those people, a hundred more would want her business, both personal, and company, she reasoned. They want their logo on fabric barely covering the tight crack of her rear, because it's worth a million and more to anyone that thinks they can have it. Athena is not getting off on this, but damn, if it don't make her feel....special. She wants that. She thrives on it. She gets paid to do this. But they are not paying her just in money, that's a formality. They are paying in the opportunities that come next, and that well, mercenaries cannot look away, especially.... prospective ones.

Athena is quite possibly the greatest pin-up psy-op of a girl that ever served Blue Sword, and well, she had a bottomless list of thirsty men, and women no less, looking to join. That's why they got the best. That made the business rather easy. Freya was good, but well, Athena has it nailed down, like a surgical art, she is a temptress, and every powerful curve, every strand pointed and well, her rotund rear pointed made that so clear you'd be unable to look away when it rattles with her gentle shift, like a peach occupying everything, her chest compressed by the bra like it was hanging on for deer life to release what was there. Shit, you can convince a man's head with money, but the ape inside, that needs a touch that history has never beaten. And the youngest sibling, well, she is making the best case for that now. Her mother in her prime was a beauty, but Athena is straight up illegal for a man's mind in this form.

Athena sighed, as she looked across to the camera over her shoulder, blowing her long strands away, one last pose as she leaned on her elbows.
"Okay, and one more. Standing, and staring into distance." Athena only obliged, her bright white smile beaming back at him as she stood up, and leaned against the glass balcony, click, click, click, her aviator covered eyes covering her green-eyed visage.
"Thank you, Jean-Pierre. I appreciate a professional." Athena simply said, walking across the wooden flooring, hearing it as the phone buzzed on the table across from the pool. Athena sighed, looking across to the cameraman, shrugging her boulder-like shoulders. He was about to reply, as Athena merely kept going to the phone, replying first.

"Business. They never stop. You caught me at a very lucky twenty minutes. Please, if I could have a little room." Athena replied in turn with her beaming smile, continuing as the cameraman, almost diminutive in size, nodding as he headed in, knowing that she did not at all like to be interrupted. She took that aspect seriously. She hated structure, but life in 20 minute blocks- hers and theirs. Business had to happen between these things, and she was nearly continuously on the phone, a Teams call or something else. And well, he had to calm even his own breathing down. Mon dieu, there is nothing quite like her. It's like being in the presence of a sculpture come to life, the size of her barely fitting through doors of the house.

"What." Her reply was prompt, like she knew the voice on the other end, the smartphone tiny in her less claw-like palm, Athena dunking her feet into the pool, comically so, barely coming up to her hip at the very deepest end and letting her sit on the edge, sloshing water. She continued to listen, holding her tongue, wanting to talk. But this was serious. Very. Oracle wasn't messing about.
"The fuck?" The words carried, to a point where even JP could hear it through the glass of the hilltop designer house, Athena putting her glasses up with her spare hand.

"Really?" She continued to listen, a little puzzled as to why she was hearing this, but equal parts, annoyed.

"Oh, fantastic." Athena sighed, sarcasm implied. It was a deflated one, rare from her, but she knew what it meant. Her Mid-Atlantic voice had a stronger British twang to it, her cacophony of origins certainly making it a stranger accent all around. The voice on the other end continued, as Athena cut in again.
"I guess you already told them where to go. And I appreciate you calling...we can help her out, just focus on the rest of them. Right. I'll meet you there. You know, you could have called sooner, asked for my....no, I am not saying I told you so, or.....fine, fine. I'm on it. See you soon." Athena put the phone down, and with it, exhaled a hard breath. She had more phone calls to make also. To get there, then the one to Mama Natalia, then the next one to Hannula. She'd be on the phone joining in when Freya made that call. She wasn't missing that one.


Antti Järvinen

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

Perkele, the Nokia's ringing!

The Finn's old smartphone phone rang with an iconic Nokia bleep, as he stood outside in the just-cleared snow outside one of the barracks in the quiet camp, the climactic opposite in fact, to where Athena was extending the tan on her wide load. Athena did not hold back her words.

"Antti. I'm coming over. Get Jamie there too....before I tear Skye Lyons's throat out and make that poxy bitch drown in her own blood. If Oracle doesn't do it first, I will." Athena spoke with not the kind of fire that Freya had, but more an assured, immature level of threat. Creative, still. Athena knew Skye, hell, half respected the woman. But right now, considering the news, she had half a thought to just see what happens if she just ran at the bitch and sent her through a brick wall.

"Yes, Miss Kaantario. And hello." Antti replied, in a monotoned, almost automatic manner.

"We are going to be busy. Raven have quite a team likely needing somewhere to stay, and I am told there are complications. My sister needs treatment." Athena exhaled, knowing the cold truth, and sticking to that. It was easier.

"It is done. Oracle has already called. And your mother. We have medical specialists, Jamie, and more reinforcements coming." Antti spoke, with a certain conviction, as if he'd always known. Camp Hannula was a quiet Blue Sword posting, a secondary camp that went through surges- and this was one more, albeit courtesy of the secret Raven Squad that he had heard murmurs of.

"Good. Then seems we're all square and they got to it first. I have words....not all of them good." Athena sloshed a bit of water, sighing as she looked out at the view. For a moment, the gigantic Golden Retriever was not pleased.

"I imagine you do. It is cold here, Athena, if you are moving fast. I recommend you bring something warm." Antti replied, making a reminder of it, white steam coming off his cold lungs.

"I am plenty fucking hot enough under the collar." Athena replied, crassly, and the Finn did not care for it much. Manners.

Antti was the rare person who could reply the way he did. But it said an awful lot about the silver-haired Finnish camp-keeper. And in a way that could only be said by a Finn.

"Yes, and the ice eventually forms on the sweat of boiled blood. See you soon, ok?" Antti replied, Athena absolutely awestruck.

It is rare. Nobody, not a single person. Athena may want to say something witty in response, but she has nothing. Their conversation is done, and Athena knows it. Antti disconnected the phone and exhaled.

It's rare to tell a Managing Director to basically go fuck themselves. Antti solidly couldn't give a shit. She had nice tits, paid well and looked after the place, but well, she could use a few more years of experience. Years Antti just exuded, and he knew when to push the button, and when not to. She had so many priorities she couldn't bother. Besides, flattening an old Finnish man, that was no worth to anyone. Antti was kinda irreplaceable, considering he just knew how to make the unique flow of this base work.

Antti looked around, and finished shovelling the last bit of snow outside of the wooden cabin, the melt coming in quicker this year, and the snowy forest around it mostly containing mossy green grass, the lake all thawed and a shimmering mirage of blue and green. The sawmill ardently standing as it always did. Home was beautiful. And he cracked a smile, knowing he got to enjoy it a little more before the flurry of people came.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Boraro - Japanese airspace

Ebrima’s eyes were still at half mast when he collected his meal - MRE menu 14 ‘Mexican Rice and Bean Bowl‘ two months before its best buy date - and found a seat. Trying to alleviate Skye's confusion, he looked at his wrist, then rolled back his sleeve and only then realized he left his watch in a pouch on his armor with an annoyed sigh. ”I might need a cup of maddener to wake up. This thing has to be a well-kept secret, otherwise Mexico would’ve declared war over it.” He said, looking at his ration of stale beans and questionable rice with disdain before glancing at Freya, Tahlia and back to Skye again, ”But I’m good, all things considered.” He answered Skye's question. ”New blood comfortable? Doesn’t chafe?” The Cameroonian grinned.

Ebrima greeted the Kiwi with a wave of his spoon, quietly wondering how his fellow African had managed to stay awake and alert behind the yoke for that long. Clearly he has, they weren’t dead nor being escorted by JSDF fighters for not answering the ATC’s calls. ”That is hardly surprising.” He chimed in after Skye’s admission, ”Stolen identity is a once-in-a-few-lifetimes occurrence. A doppelganger like yours is unheard of. Nothing to lean on, you’re writing the handbook so to speak. No shame in taking time to think things through, a rushed plan can do more harm than no plan at all.” If they had a bad plan, they were acting on it, potentially making mistakes. If they had no plan, they were staying put. Plus the high-level thinking was being done, well, on higher levels. Beyond elite they may have been, but they were still grunts. It might actually be beneficial to leave Skye out of planning. If she could think of it, why couldn’t her clone or whatever Rose was? Good thing it could also work the other way. ”If you are not compromised and you and your double think the same way, killing you would do more harm than good. Preventing further confusion could be as simple as a challenge and countersign. Something she cannot infer, and changed frequently. And no more biometrics for you.”

He accepted the bottle more for the gesture than thirst, returning it wiped with one hand while offering the other, introducing himself properly. He didn't laugh at the joke, and for a moment the tired cheerfulness in the pale African’s eyes was replaced with unfiltered hatred, not directed at anyone present but still easily noticeable. That comment about magic rituals and sacrificing body parts hit close to home. Too close. ”I understood until around ‘...tattoos are from…’.” Japan wasn’t the only place he knew next to nothing about, ”It’s a lot of effort Artemis took from you.” He could relate. For almost the past year, he’d been putting away savings and paving the way to setting up his own small, permanent merc outfit before Mossad threw a whole bag full of wrenches into that plan.
”What are you going to do about it?”
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Upon a Dream we Hope

Freya - Somewhere In Japanese Airspace

The Big woman shifted. Her face quite firmly in palm.

She'd shown weakness. Now she'd be okay showing weakness to her teammates, everyone is human.

But no, she had shown weakness to the last people you want to show it too.

Her siblings!

On the other end of the call she can hear her sister Athena and her brother Jamie talking about how they're going to be preping to head to Finland ASAP. It's clear Athena is again off getting some clout, as she's speaking on speaker phone somehow. But Jamie sounded clear enough. He might be back home for all she knows. But oh no she's never going to live this down.

Last thing you want to do is show weakness in the presense of your siblings! They will use that against you like the Germans used chemical weapons during WW1. She sighed then continued again into the call, "Mom...Papa...please...we're going to land in Tokyo here in abit...just we need help please. And I need clothes." Victor nods, "We'll meet you in Finland my dear girl. Just hold out."

We're a Family...dysfunctional but still a family
Jamie Kanatariio - Perth, Australia

A klaxon caused the entire base to freeze.

The speed of the alarm said it's important.

A gruff voice hit the PA system of the base a moment or so later, "Now hear this, now hear this. Operative BG has been put out of action, Operative BG is out of action. Medical Team Julius report to Station 4 with full inventory."

A unit of medics quickly starts to gather everything they need for a trip out.

The PA blares again, "Sniper Units two through five report to Station 4 ASAP. Light Infantry Units two and seven, Heavy Infantry Units one and nine, anti-armor unit nineteen report to Station Four ASAP. Scout Sniper Unit one report to Station Four."

In another part of the base Two Giants and four people of a more regular height march down some corridors. One of the smaller folks looking over a Tablet, "They're going to land in Haneda, they're going to have to land in Haneda before they can make the last jump to Pöyrisjärvi. And even then the refueling at Haneda may take abit. The JSDF may want to talk shop for all we know." The tall male Giant, grumbles, "I don't like it, is this Artemis? I swear to the gods we had a hand in icing them, didn't we?" The other giant, a lovely woman of statuesque loveliness snorts, "Like Rats or Cockroaches my love. They don't stay away. Either way, Carl, Ross, Andrew, and Nolan, get the teams squared away and on one of our Galaxies. I want to be in the air quickly."

The four smaller men nodded, one of the more lithe of them saying, "I'll put in a call home, see if we can't get a few favors cashed and get an aeriel refuel, so we don't need to land a refuel ourselves." The giants and others nod, "Good thinking." Said yet another of them, looking like Carl Cardinal, the fellow Raven had met back in Singapore. He reached over and pulled his friend and endless teammate to the side, "Come on Ross we got infantry to please up." And the pair went one way, while Andrew and the fourth man saluted Natalie and Victor before going another.

The Son The Scion

The mountain of a young man had made his way directly to the Armor Shack as soon as the announcements on the PA system had been made. People had spread before him like the Red Sea. It's not easy being one of the Top Kick in Blue Sword, not when your parents set the standard, and your siblings can do as much damage as you can, and on a good day, the spot can switch within a couple of hours. But that's part of the fun of it.

The tides of mercenaries parted before the mountain of a man, until he entered the Armor Shack, the place all the heavies in the company kept their armors and weapons. There he began to pack his kit up into the proper crates.

As he does his father, Victor, walks in and watches him silently. After abit the older giant growls, "You know you don't have to go. I'd wager Athena will be there, and Raven will also have some back ups coming along too." He stepped in and over to one of two suits that hung on chains, that hadn't really moved in a good long time. Looking up at it. Jamie came over to stand by his father, coiling up a length of cord meant to connect his suits pieces together, "I know, but you heard her in that phone call Dad. She needs help. I'm not going to leave my sister in the lurch." Victor nods, looking up at the Brutal Suit, "I know...I wish I was young again so I could march out there in this suit and pull the heads off the people who hurt my little girl." He looks to Jamie and nods, "You all do me and your mom proud you know." Jamie smiles and the two men share a warm quiet moment.

The PA then blares, "All units to ship out to Finland, report to Station four in twenty minutes. Wheels up in thirty minutes. Repeat..." Jamie nods, "I'll see you there dad. I want to get crated up." Victor nods and heads out the door, "Don't take too long son!" He shouts then he's out and around the corner.

Jamie smiles, looking over at his own suit, as he starts to crate it up correctly, "No long at all. then I'm going to hurt people who hurt my sister. Hope Athena is quick, I'm not going to leave anyone for her this time." He lifted a double bladed axe, hefting it, then with an easy motion, "I'm gonna Thorngle someone good."

It'd be a short while later that Jamie walks out into the muster point at Site Four, where the infantry teams are loading supply crates and weapons crates into a waiting Lockheed Martin C5 Galaxy. Jamie places his kit with the crates and then walks over to the waiting Brass of Blue Sword, his parents and uncles. All six of them gesturing to the items.

Jamie snaps a salute, "Operative Super Heavy Scion reporting, and requesting permission to join the operation, Sirs and Madam." The six turn. Carl and Ross trading a look. Andrew and Nolan the sniper trainers narrowing their eyes as they look Jamie over. Finally it's Colonel Denisova-Kanatariio, Jamie's mother who rumbles, "Operative Scion, you are hereby seconded to Raven while Operative Big Gurl, is undergoing proper healing. Help the rest of the team load up, and when we're wheels up in..." She checks her watch, and Victor cuts in, "Eight minutes." Natalie nodding, "Eight minutes, you will board up. Good luck..." She swallows thickly, "My son. And I'm proud of you for stepping up." Jamie snaps another salute as the six brass salute back.

The young Giant turns and goes to help the Boys. Carl whispering, "Those three...if they wanted too...could rule the fucking world." Ross sighing and nodding, "Thank god they had a good up bringing." Victor shakes his head, "A good up bringing would have been no fighting, but they turned out right...fuck it let's finish this catalogue. I wanna go see my baby girl!" Four echoed, "Yes sir!" rolled through the four smaller folks.

Only a matter of time now.

Omake - Non Canon - The Sibs have a moment

Jamie edges carefully down the halls of Blue Sword HQ in Perth, Australia. The Base is calm mostly at the moment, and people are going about their business. And seeing one or two of the infamous Kanatariio siblings making their way through the base isn't exactly a strange thing. And no one really bats at eye to see the middle kid making his way around the base, no one seems to really bat an eye at him seeming to be a little cagey though. But no one really tries to stop the young man.

Especially when Athena walks up and gives him a push, "Come on! We need to find Freya!" Jamie staggers forward out into the intersection of the hallway, "Cut it out sis, we know where she is." He grumbles and turns to head towards Freya's apartment down the way.

It takes them a few minutes, but the pair finally reach Freya's apartment, and after a little work, kneeling in front of the door, Jamie picks the lock. Standing up he grips the knob and makes a counting gesture from three with his free hand. Then throws open the door.

In the time it takes for him to open the door, and take a long leaping step into the room he sees a few things. His big sister looking sad and down, the state of a woman who is NOT having a good day. A depressive state. But before he can react to that what he was going to say originally bursts out of his mouth, "What would you do if..." Landing on the floor he groans gently then continues "ah feck you're depressed..." He rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs, and can feel when Athena peeks around the door frame and sees what he does.

Jamie sighs, "Okay fine, get dressed, comb your hair, we're gonna go off base for some ice cream, Micky Dicks and a massage. Come on quick, before Dad or any of the uncles see you like this." Athena leans forward, "Come on sis, let's get you moving, you remember what happened last time Uncle Andrew found you like this." Freya lets out a shiver, "He dragged me out of here by my ankle and took me shopping...and was like a mother hen the whole time...all fussy..." Jamie nods, "Yep, better us then him come on! Thena, get in here and help her get dressed. I'll keep watch, last thing I need is to see my sister getting dressed...again!"

Athena slips into the room then and helps get Freya up and moving. While Jamie stands outside the door, arms crossed, like a bastion against curious onlookers. He looks around then eeps, "Thena...Frey...hurry up! Uncle Nolan and Uncle Andrew are down the hall!" Athena shouting, "We're trying! Come on Freya! Get you big booty moving!"

And soon the three are stomping down the hall, fleeing the approach of the two elder snipers. Nolan having stopped with Andrew at his side. Nolan's left eye twitching slightly in annoyance, "This family...makes me want to murder people..." He spins on his heel and heads the other way, away from the retreating forms of the Siblings Kanatariio. Andrew just rubs his forehead, this being honestly a common occurrence around here if he's being kind.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

On Board the A400M

Chuck was too tall and big in his suit to take one of the drop down flight chairs in the cargo area. He worked to get out of his suit for now. He wanted to conserve what little charge it had left. He shut it down into sleep mode. The suit had about 25% charge left. He left the suit along the wall of the plane out of the way and strapped down in the cargo area. He sighed knowing the plane didn’t have the right outlets to charge his suit. He kept on the skin tight light weight ballistics suit that was the under armor of his heavy armor. It looked similar to a wetsuit and was black. It stretched over his large frame. He sighed as he realized he would need some clothes. All he had with him was the black boxer briefs he had on under his armor. He settled onto the floor with his long legs stretched out in front of him. Duke came and snuggled into his side and laid his head in his lap. He petted the canine and checked him over well.

They had been in the air for about 30 minutes before his adrenaline finally crashed leaving him feeling exhausted. He had watched as Sophie moved from Skye to Freya working to stabilize and help other members of the squad. Chuck did his best to keep the panic and rage he was feeling under control. He felt like there should have been more he could have done. What was wrong with him? How he had almost lost two teams now? He was comforted by the knowledge that even though they had injured, the team had made it out. Guilt overwhelmed him as he thought about all the support personnel who didn’t make it out. The ones who had given everything so that they could escape. He raised his knees and bowed his head wrapping his arms around his legs. He hid his face in his knees as tried to honor those that had fallen. Was their sacrifice worth it? Was he worth it? He didn’t think he was but he knew they did. All he could do was move forward and honor their sacrifice. It was never easy though.

Duke whined and nudged his face. Duke began to lick his face. Chuck put his arm around his dog and buried his face in his fur. He didn’t want anyone from the team to know he was struggling so much. Men were not supposed to show emotions. They were used as a sign of weakness. He knew from experience though, that if he didn’t deal with what they had just been through it would come out as nightmares. The emotions would cripple his ability to function as a member of the team. He clung to his dog as silent tears were soaked up by his fur. He hugged Duke tight. It was some time later that the tears had stopped. He slowly managed to relax. He curled up on the floor around his dog and fell asleep. He relived events of the past few days in his dreams. He was grateful that when he woke up he felt better. He didn’t remember the dreams. He was grateful when someone handed him some warm bottled water and an MRE. He pulled Duke’s pack out and offered his dog some water and food. Once he was done he took care of the trash and cleaned up after Duke.

He stood and made his way towards the part of the plane with chairs. He sat down across from Boraro. He held his hand out to the man, giving him a firm warm shake. “Hello, I don’t think we have met. I am Chuck Simmons, callsign Boomer. And this is my partner, Duke.” He laid a hand comfortingly on Duke’s head. “Nice to meet you. Thank you for your help in getting everyone out. We couldn’t have done it without you.” He nodded his head in the general direction of where Skye was. He knew that Skye might not have made it out without his help.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Collaboration between:

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Samantha Dalton

Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Japan

Gate to Gate

Samantha was beyond exhausted. She had used autopilot at some points but she had been up over 24 hours at this point. She had been making it through on adrenaline. She had to stay alert enough to defend her family. She had Bob playing music to keep her awake. She had managed to eat some protein bars and drink some water. Her mind had been turning over what was going to happen to Skye. She knew that she was under orders from Oracle to bring Skye in. She didn’t trust that they had Skye’s best interest at heart. She wasn’t sure they would believe her when she told them how she had managed to decide which one was Rose and which one was Skye. She had not worked so hard to save her friend just to allow Oracle to imprison her or worse. Samantha had no choice but to land. She was running on fumes. Her plane was out of fuel and shouldn’t have been in the air for a while now. Tired pilots made mistakes.

The F35 followed the Airbus A400M in for a landing. She followed the directions from the tower and followed the Airbus to a cargo runway off on a quieter side of the airport. She followed the instructions to park the F35 in the hangar at the end of the runway. The Airbus stopped outside the hangar and was left on the runway. Fuel trucks were already moving in. She parked the F-35 and turned it off, powering down the aircraft. She was exhausted but more awake due to the need for action and getting to move around.

The plane skidded down on the tarmac, on the last drags of fuel and finally at last, down to earth. The flight had taken forever, and in the late afternoon, they were here for fuel and some food supplies. It had been a hell of a journey- and as it coasted along, past civilian traffic, the innocuous looking A400 wasn’t exactly making a scene that was unknown for such an airport. JSDF traffic popped in sometimes, and even USAF crews too on training exercises, right in the heart of Tokyo proper. Still, the large prop-driven aircraft pootled along and into a port in the cargo hub area, came to a dead stop. With that, the rear door opened as Vincent called out on the tannoy.

“Alright everyone, rear door is open. Grab some kerosene-fresh air and be back in twenty minutes. We will be setting off for our next part of the journey. Hawk, out.” Vincent called on the tannoy, as Skye, Tahlia, and everyone else got the first glimpse of Japanese concrete, Skye walking out of the back as the ramp hit floor and taking a deep exhale.

Last bit of freedom. Or was it? She was mulling it, thinking it through. Looking around, there was a lot of security. And she did not want to run….yet knew that something Boaro said was right. They wouldn’t want her dead, but right now, whatever was going on, Rose would bank, gamble that Skye would follow orders. She had to do whatever she WASN’T. And that meant…..well, it meant taking a risk like no other. Throwing total anarchy at the wall to make it clear to Rose that she could play her game, and divide attention. Draw it from the team and bring it to her, and her alone. That felt more noble. Fuck, she kicked and hurt herself over the idea this might happen. But before she could think, a Japanese Self-Defence Air Force crew were over, a number of Toyotas with armed troops aboard. This must have been containment, just in case there was any risk aboard. Nothing to worry about, protocol. Though still, it threw a wrench to that. No running away from them on top of airport security.

Skye looked across to the group, as the Toyota Land Cruisers came to a halt, one of the more senior members of the group headed across to Skye, recognizing the redhead from a mile away now her helm was off.

“You must be Lyons-San. I am Captain Ide Takahashi, we are here to help you on your way. I have not been told much about your situation. But is all well?”

Skye heard him ask, his Japanese-accented English deep, as Skye nodded.

“Just about. We have one hurt aboard, the big girl. Few walking wounded. They need at least stabilization till the next step.” Skye said, as the man then yelled back across at a couple of medics. They would at least put Freya right for the time being, as Skye looked to the F35 behind.

“We will help. Do you need anything yourself?” The Captain asked, Skye shaking her head.

To run like hell, maybe, but actually, no way. She had to keep quiet. And know this was something to think over. Boaro was right. Anything she could do, Rose could. But she wanted to use that. Make it pay. A solid technique was to create dilemmas for your enemies, not decisions. Rose wanted to do what she wanted to do. And likely, she had all of it now, thanks to Raven. So Skye had to find some way, she thought to herself, of putting the balance back in. In a way that even Rose couldn’t see. And it occurred to her. There and then, it hit her right. It would be possible to reverse the flow. Turn the situation back on Rose. If she could break into Raven’s HQ, right through the front door….then in the chaos ensuing, Skye could do the same. She would gamble on the fact Skye had empathy, and would stay to her pack, her loyalty, like from all she read. No, she could defy that. Go against the grain, and perhaps, do something that she knew was ultimately highly risky, but highly rewardin. It had saved her life already. It could save plenty more next.

The Scot reminded herself she had to reply to the polite Japanese Air Force Captain too.

“Some water, and rations would be nice. I know you have some of the best MREs in the world.” Skye smiled, trying to hold it together at least, as the Captain nodded, and with that, headed to the truck once again.

Skye looked about, and taking a seat on the concrete, just took a look at the situation.

She was never more grateful for her re-designed suit. She would have never been able to handle being in the air so long without the supports built into her suit. She popped the canopy on the aircraft. She tried to stand up and fell back into the seat. There was only so much room in a fighter cockpit and she had been sitting for a very long time. She stretched and wiggled her toes and massaged her legs. They felt like jello. She tried again and managed to stand. She sucked in a breath as pins and needles surged up and down her legs. She gritted her teeth and managed to climb out of the cockpit. She was standing and working the kinks out when Japanese airport personnel rolled a ladder over so that she could climb down out of the aircraft.

Samantha made her way shakily down the ladder. She almost fell at one point. She caught herself on the handrail. She could see that they had moved closer intent on helping her but there was really no room. She held up a hand and finished the climb down. As her feet hit the concrete, her knees buckled. She remained standing by holding onto the railing. She sucked in a deep breath. She finally stood straight. It hurt but the longer she stood tall and stretched the better she felt. She gave the personnel that hovered a short bow of respect. “Kon'nichiwa, arigatō.” She then began to take shaky steps towards the plane she had passed on her way to the hanger. The thought of seeing her team and family kept her upright. Her body was tired and sore from being in one position so long. You can only stretch so much in the cockpit of a fighter. The more she moved around the better her muscles felt. By the time she made it to the door of the hanger, she was walking fast. She was soon running full out. She had a desperate need to see Skye and Freya. She needed to know they were okay.

She spotted Skye sitting on the concrete behind the plane talking to a Japanese man. She didn't stop moving. She worked on pulling her helmet off. She carried it in her hand and dropped it next to Skye as she slid onto the ground next to her. Her heart raced, wondering if she was alright. “Skye!” Her voice was laden with pain and panic. “Are you okay?” Her face had haggard lines that told how trying the last few days had been on her. Exhaustion was evident.

Skye crawled over, wrapping her arms around Sam, the exhaustion clear on Sam’s face, hurting and feeling like shit. Skye was glad to see her too, knowing the weight of things must have taken one hell of a toll. Running the team and looking after comms were tricky, and it was the first time she’d seen Sam since back at Kaitiaki in the armoury proper. Skye of course was feeling better after the transfusion, but still, not much more than could be expected after that combat.

“Yeah, not too bad. Come here, Sam.” Skye replied with a certain British understatement, sighing as she held on, feeling Sam almost shaking with trepidation and exhaustion herself, holding her in her arms. Skye was hurting too, and a lot was going on.

Looking into Sam’s eyes, the redhead placed an arm onto her armoured shoulder, the burning look still there, even if it was exhausted and jet lagged, holding her close in, knowing she had to calm her, reassure, and ease her down the ladder.

“I’m really proud of you. You did an amazing job….amazing. That could have been the end of us, all of us, but you got us through.” Skye said, glad and happy in a way, yet wanting Sam to know.

“There’s a lot to take in, but breathe. Just look at me. We’re gonna be alright. They’re gonna get us some amazing MREs, the JSDF do the best. And they’re gonna finish fueling, and you are gonna get that well earned sleep on the plane.” Skye said, holding herself together, knowing she had to. This may be the last time she tells her, and Skye isn’t easily giving anything away. Though it’s fairly obvious outside of the Scot’s head. Sam would almost certainly know.

Samantha hugged Skye tightly as tears streamed down her face. “Are you sure you're okay? You have to be okay!” She was muttering randomly as her hands patted over Skye looking for injuries.Samantha’s panic receded some as her brain caught up to her and slowed her emotions down. Samantha hugged her friend and sister of her heart. She had a long time to think as she flew across the world in a plane by herself with periodic updates from Oracle and Vincent.

“I’m fine. Somehow. Breathe.” Skye replied, looking over at her, nodding, knowing she was worried. She had a right to be, but Skye being stubborn wasn’t letting anything go about the neurotoxin, or anything like that. But she saw the worry in Sam’s look.

Sam needed to speak to Skye without any of the team around. This would be her only chance to do so.

“Skye. We need to talk. We don’t have much time. The others can’t know.”

She sat cross legged and released Skye and just held her hand.

“I don’t think you should come with us. I think you need to take the fight to them outside of Raven. We don’t know how many others might be like Rose or how badly infiltrated Oracle is. The one thing we do know is that Artemis needs to be taken down. I trust you. I trust Freya. I am not sure how to trust another leader at Raven. Or to trust Oracle completely. Let me help you.”

She gave Skye a fierce look which turned to pleading.

“I can’t watch them lock you up or worse.” Her voice cracked.

Skye looked back into her burning eyes, seeing the rest of the crew grab food from the back of the Land Cruiser, bringing in crates, Vincent and Javi helping fuel the plane and the ground-team out, and well, Sam and Skye with a moment there and then from a quick skim around. Sam clearly felt it, and Skye felt similar, albeit pushed the emotion deep inside her which wanted to pour.

“Oracle can be trusted. But he won’t trust a single thing I do given the situation. I don’t blame him. It’s operational. Nothing personal.” Skye sighed, shrugging.”

“And…I suppose we could change things, codes and all, but it complicates things too much. Rose believes that she’ll knock the piece off the table in me if she does what she does, because they’ll be terrified and every version of me is a shoot to kill from then on out. Team would be led by someone else, who while I don’t agree with his method, knows what to do. Well, she’d be dead wrong. There is no easy way out here, Sam. I can’t run, they’re on shoot to detain orders for any leaks of any kind. We are guests, but under the strictest secrecy. But there is nowhere to run.” Skye replied, sighing.

“I need answers first. But that won’t come from the position of waiting. I may have a plan. But you would need to trust me. And I need to know you can deal with what’s going to come next. The questions, how I went missing, and why you let it happen. This is up to you, Sam. I really, really do not want to this to you. But this may be the last you see of me if we do this….if it goes wrong. And it may be for nothing.” Skye replied, swallowing a big lump in her throat, giving a last smile, a last, pulling grin back at Sam.

“I don’t ever let anyone down. I’d rather die before I do…..so this may be one of those where I might. So tell me true. Because I need to know you’ll keep going. I can’t do this to you if you can’t hold on, no matter what…..this is up to you.” Skye cooly replied, her look serious again, knowing she needed Sam to say the words. She was the leader, usually brave and brazen, but right here, she knew Sam was at breaking point. It was two roads from here. Skye would accept whatever she said, because Sam was not just the temporary team lead, but well, she was someone she owed a hell of a debt to after all the hell Skye had put her through. Sam had every right to say it was dumb, and they should not risk it. But same time, Skye knew if she accepted it...

Samantha let her frustration show with the current situation. She knew that Skye was right but she didn’t have to like it. She shouldn’t be punished because of something her sister did. That is exactly what was happening though. She understood the operational issues that the situation presented. She also knew that it made Skye one of the few that could be trusted in this situation. Sam let her anger show as well. She was not angry with Skye but Artemis. They kept taking people away from her. She knew if Skye did what she needed to that she might not see or hear from her again. She refused to let Skye go into this thinking she was alone though.

She looked Skye in the eyes with a frustrated sigh. “I understand that you need to do what you need to do and that I might not be able to be privy to your plans. I don’t have to like it though. I will not however have you go off on your own thinking no one cares and that you have no back up.”

She took a deep breath before continuing.

“At least take into consideration some help I can freely offer. If you need a safe place to stay off the grid, go to my grandma in LA. There are no links to be tracked there. At grandma’s look in the saddle bag of my motorcycle, there will be some resources for you to use. You need to do that.”

She looked over at the team who were getting some fresh air by the cargo plane.

“I will stay with Freya, our sister. I want to see her recover and well. I will do as you ask. But only if you promise to go to LA at one point.”

She looked around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. She hugged Skye and whispered in her ear to make sure they were not overheard. Even if the place was wired for sound it was a tarmac at an airport with planes landing and taking off. It was doubtful a whisper in her ear would be captured.

“I had a mirror drive to the information we were finding at the base. I was using it for my own investigation into what happened to my father. I have been backing up all that data to my mirror drive. The information on how to access that is my saddle bag. Got it?”

She pulled back to look at Skye. She tried to memorize her face. She was worried she would not see her again.

Skye looked on in shock, wanting to be mad if it was normally her, but on this occasion, it may have made some sense. Shit, it was a risk but at the same time, well, that could be useful. There was some reason to get out and get some information, and that was one of them. The kind that couldn’t be recovered by normal channels. Something like that would be cause enough to fuck over Sam, completely- all that had happened would come back to Skye allowing Sam to do this, and right now, Skye didn’t even have half the heart to ask about the defences, or anything else. That had to come under Skye’s leadership. A good manager took account, and ironically, whilst good, that buck laid at Skye’s feet. All of it did. She was not to blame anyone but her own self, and well, the fucks at Artemis.

She gave Skye a wry grin. “I know it was against operation protocols.” She raised one shoulder in a wry shrug. “I learned to always have an ace up my sleeve. To me that has always meant information. I hope you are not angry with me?” She raised an eyebrow as she looked for her response.

“I know someone who can help too. I have my own tricks. Like yours. The ones you used, that knowledge and authorisation, that was mine. Even if you didn’t ask me. Anyone that suggests anything…..well, you have your fall girl. Okay. You’re with me.” Skye smiled back, nodding, noting Sam’s voice coming in with vigor.

“Understood. I know where to go. And I will. I have a few things to do first. But….there is something I could get some help with. They are watching me.” Skye said, looking at the guards, leaning in and whispering into her ear.

“There’s a parachute rig in the back of that Land Cruiser, next to a crate containing water. Can you get them both aboard?” Skye whispered, before leaning back out from the hug, nodding back, a quick glance back into the plane, in Freya’s direction, before back at Sam, keeping things incognito.

“Look after Freya as much as you can. Maybe a mission missed, perhaps for her, with her brother in replacement. Though a word of warning. Her sister, I told you already, do not ever let her corner you alone, Chuck will make her think twice. They are bonded close, like us. She will want to rip me into three because of it, no matter what logic she has, I’m the one who pulls us into the situations we are in…..right or wrong. She’ll find anyone else who is a replacement and want answers, and she has connections in Blue Sword that will make life difficult. Nor the new commander, if I think who it is…..he’s a disciplinarian and someone who will not mess around. And he will be annoyed enough that you let what happens next, happen. They’ll screw you around, but you hold your ground and know it comes back to me. All of the wrongs, and rights. Understood?” Skye said, hoping Sam would know what to do.

Samantha gave Skye’s hand another squeeze before nodding. “I will go help load supplies. I can do it.” She looked over to the Land Rover and nodded again as if setting her plan into motion mentally. She paid attention as Skye gave her some advice about Freya’s sister. She wrinkled her nose at hearing about the commander. She sighed, “I will endure what I must to protect Freya and you from any further fall out. The new commander sounds delightful.” She rolled her eyes snarkily hoping to see Skye smile. “I can handle Freya’s sister. Don’t worry about me.”

Skye felt affirmed, and with it, stood up, giving her a hand up, then heading back towards the plane. This was it. This was all there was. She had her bit to do.

Samantha watched Skye walk away and allowed the sadness she felt to wash over her. She then sighed and picked up her helmet and put it back on. She would need both hands. She left the visor up so that her face could be seen. She joined the people loading supplies onto the plane. She picked up the box of water bottles and set them on top of the crate with parachutes in it. She casually lifted them and carried them into the plane. She set the two crates down in the cargo area and secured them with the netting tie downs attached to the wall. She smiled as no one pointed or called out any alarms.

She then made her way back outside. She sat down next to Freya and grabbed some hot food that was being served out of the back of the vehicle. She chugged a bottle of water and began to eat. She was starving. Protein bars only did so much.

She turned her attention to Freya. “How are you doing Freya?”

With the aircraft loaded, the crew were all back aboard, and well, the JSDF commander had sent them on their way. Skye was munching down ramen, the hot and spicy noodles burning the back of her throat, but making her feel. The crew were all in the A400, and well, taxiing quickly.

“Fuck, this is burning.” Skye replied, as the plane jolted and heading down the runway, barreling, the sky back to a dark orange and nearly black following fuel and their hijinks on the ground, as Skye knew the rest of the team were awake. With it, Skye stood once they were up and off the ground and out of the steepest climb, headed on a full loop. She knew the score. The exo was left behind, the only thing she had on were her t-shirt, jeans and well, a stashed set of goggles down by her bra. She knew the run to go on. Fuck, surviving this might be in itself rather risky, but well, it set as loud a signal as it could be that Skye Rosalind Lyons was going rogue, and out of the way.

This was it. Ultimate risk, ultimate reward. She could die, she could be gone for a while, hell, she may never see them again. But she trusted them totally, completely. She had to. Fucking Boaro had just gotten here and was now seeing her do this. Hell, she could even feel like he wanted her to bond, and he had some very good points. Points she wanted to nod and accept, but she knew if all worked out, she’d be back. With a big bollocking, but Skye had to make a change. Do something. And she knew just the man for the job. He was down there in that city. And she had her way down. An express route. Moving to the front, Skye clambered over, Javi flat asleep, in the cabin.

“Vincent. One quick favor. Mind if I get a view of the city, while we leave? Last time for freedom and all.” Skye asked, the aircraft leveled out above Tokyo, currently heading over the bay. This was going to be the most fucking insane dropzone ever. But, it sent the loudest possible message that Skye was gone. If not through the security, it set every single alarm bell off. It would be so loud Rose could not ignore it. Artemis could not ignore it. It would be a point made. And she just had to not get arrested.

For the first time in a long time, Skye was living completely, totally in the moment. A little fear was inside her, but she was ready for this. There was a strange sadness inside of her, but it was like always, the Lyon was roaring inside of her, screaming. Once her mind was set, it was all in now. And she believed Sam. Like the sun in the sky, she’d do as she needed, like Skye herself would.

“What are you meaning, Madame Lyons?” Vincent suspiciously asked, as Skye merely patted him on the shoulder.

“Something for morale. Please?” Skye asked, Vincent sighing, giving into the sultry tone of the Scottish leader, nodding.

“Fine. Only because you ask nicely. I will miss you being a boss-lady, you know.” Vincent replied, licking a smile to Skye, knowing she was wild, but well, she seemed to be perked up again.

“I love you to bits, Vincent. Thanks!” Skye replied, with it running to the back, and with that, walking through. The rear door began to open, and the music began playing in her head.

Looking back across, she saw Sam in particular, and a giggling grin, as Skye bolted across.

Good Feeling- Bakermat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH6yPS7pikE

“We’re getting one last look at Tokyo before we’re out, now how about that!” Skye yelled, knowing that everyone would be yanked awake as the view came into the cabin, and revealed the absolutely glorious, the noise howling as the aircraft slowed a little, for a last little observation.

The sprawling metropolis of Tokyo beckoned below, lights glowing bright and the dusk chorus on the horizon, settling in the hills beyond and the faraway glow of Mt Fuji beyond that, and well, the density down in the city there and there.

Skye was not looking. Instead, she was yanking the rig off the top of the crate Sam had loaded, knowing she’d obliged, and well, flung it over her shoulders and dunked her legs in.

Skye tightened the straps, and checked the holster on her hip, her FNX, the last remaining bit of her tool, with only a spare magazine to boot, and her trusty scout knife in another holster taken from the exo. She looked to Sam, and nodded, flipping her goggles over her eyes, her red hair blowing in the howling wind. The team would be a little mystified as to what was going on, no doubt, and Tahlia stood up, the howling wind blowing all around the cargo bay, watching as the tall (not tallest) redhead stood in front of Sam, calling back one last time.

“You tried to convince me, remember!” Skye yelled to her, and turned and bolted towards that open door. It was the last word she would tell a Raven member for a while, and Tahlia’s jaw dropped, as did Raph’s, and quite a few others. Without context, this seemed ridiculous. It was without a shadow of a doubt, bonkers.

Tahlia could half guess, but still, this by Skye’s standards, was the dumbest shit she’d ever seen her do. She couldn’t run to stop her, or anything. She knew there was no stopping Skye if she was doing this.

And of fucking course it was happening.

Samantha watched as Skye had donned the parachute covertly. No one had really been paying all that much attention to Skye. They had all been awake since they had just taken off. She saw Chuck grab hold of Duke as the cargo bay doors opened and the wind howled through the area. “Long live the Queen!” Chaos cheekily replied and smiled as she watched her fearless leader sow the chaos this time. She already missed her friend but knew she was in a better position by doing this. Queen would always be her commander. She would do her best to respect the new guy as Skye had asked.

Skye ran out to the back, and with no hesitation at all, lept. From 20,000 feet, Skye put her hands in front and saw the sight of Shibuya itself below, far, far below. She put her hands down and dived, the cold utterly stripping anything from her, in freefall and out of the plane, flying through the burnt orange sky towards the middle of a bustling, hustling city.

No team now. For all they knew, Skye was AWOL. Half wouldn’t be shocked. The other half would be trying to recover this mentally, and well, Oracle, everyone, they would be in absolute hazed disbelief that this had happened. Skye was incredibly loyal, attentive, and well, core to this. The person that followed orders, yet her time with the team had taught her…you had to embrace the fact that sometimes, you had to go against the grain. Head down, the redhead plumed through the sky, and into the most unconventional dropzone. The adrenaline kept her warm, and awake, and most of all…alive. She was going to do this, her way, on her terms. She hated being stubborn, but there was no way Artemis was getting away with this, and neither was Rose Lyons. She was coming for her. And going fast. There’s a feeling inside of her that feels beyond odd, but for the first time ever, she felt like even if she wasn’t invincible, the adrenaline hit and she is in flight. Skye can see it all- the skyscrapers in Tokyo proper, the bay and bridges, the highways, Haneda itself, Fuji, and the glowing, glittering lights below. It’s jaw dropping, and unbelievably pounding in her mind, coming fast and thin.

No altimeter meant she had to guess how high she was, her eyes watering and her jaw ice cold, Skye reaching over and throwing the pilot chute and suddenly yanking out the gray parachute with a solid jerk, Skye yanking hard on the rear risers and toggles as she pulled herself into a steep dive, turning past a skyscraper, deep in the most famous square that existed within Tokyo, gigantic LED billboards and neon visible below as she knew she was low, and on course- to avoid power lines, she had to stay right on for the middle. Oh, the entire, fucking world would know. There was not any ignoring where Skye had started up. But where would she end? Well, that part of the story, that she hoped she’d figure out in the next few minutes. She was a good survivor in urban environments, and knew where to go, who to ask, what to say. And for the first time in forever, Skye felt like she was back to herself. She was HER, that spike of adrenaline, that feeling of being alive, it was like nobody else. Rose couldn’t ever take that from her.

Samantha had watched her friend dive out of the back of the plane. She leaned over and hit the button to close the cargo bay doors. She looked over the team. She met Freya’s eyes and wondered how she would take this. She straightened her spine and stood watching the team waiting for the first questions.

Tahlia looked gobsmacked as she held a crate.

“What the fuck?!”

She yelled at anyone, but mostly in Sam’s direction, the shock sinking in, looking across to Sam, the door shutting, the Kiwi still unable to put two and two together.

“I told her figure this out, not jump out of a plane, what the shit?”

Tahlia exasperated, looking genuinely like the GIF of John Travolta looking around confused from Pulp Fiction, puzzled and beyond words.

Samantha felt her resolve firming as she turned to address the team.

“Oracle ordered us to bring Skye in. I know that was truly Skye. I killed Rose the doppelganger clone in her office. Oracle is facing a unique situation with Rose and Artemis. Operational security would have forced them to remove Skye from operations at the minimum. Skye deserved better than that from me. It was my choice. I am asking you to accept that and support it.”

She looked over at them all to see how they were taking the news.

Tahlia looked on in shock, shivering cold, shaking her head and putting her arm on Sam’s shoulder, at least somewhat amenable to an answer like that.

“Well, we’re with you. If you think that’s what we do, boss. For now.” Tahlia replied, knowing it was going to come with consequences- but privately, she agreed. Without saying it, she felt the rest would, even if the confusion was going to stick a while. It would sound weird, but Tahlia knew Skye was long gone. She’d made her choice, and it was sinking in, even if it was the most dramatic way possible. Right now, Sam was team lead. Until that changed.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Last Tango at 1600 Hours (Prior to Haneda)

Skye nodded, looking back across to Ebrima, the white-skinned Cameroonian making sense, yet beneath it, knowing he spoke from a place of wisdom. Weirdly, speaking to someone with white skin from a black background felt a little not unlike her conundrum, except, well, Ebrima’s circumstances cast him out significantly worse. Not something she cared for, in a positive way. Ability trumped any view, and he was effective, proving so today.

"Feels significantly less Scots. Though I'll make it so in time. Not my first rodeo, lad." Skye replied to Boaro, chuckling on his response, knowing it was a serious thing, yet at this point, he was right. This was pretty unprecedented.

“Aye, that is a point. My double will think that way, so it means I need to tap into something else, throw some issues their way. I suppose you're right too, means I have the way into her as well. Alright. I think I might write that handbook then, I might have a method. Just whatever comes, I hope you trust me. You seem a good operative to work with.” Skye nodded back to Ebrima, letting him chat to Tahlia, as the two engaged over the water bottle.

Tahlia replied to Boaro as Chuck made his way over, the spoon wave absolutely fair.
“It’s Maori, and one of the tribes of New Zealand. Sorry, I sometimes get a little too ahead of myself. It’s something that explains all the weird names you’ve seen, homely and all. It’s a lot, but don’t worry, I’m happy to explain. How about you? I won't ask the obvious. It's...well, something I can't say I know but something I can relate to.” Tahlia mused, knowing she was probably a bit cranky from being awake so long, nodding as she saw him reflect on it, and the other bits. What would she do about it? Well…..

“I guess there’s opportunities in Finland. I’ll miss Aotearoa, but whatever we go towards, I’ll adapt to that. See if I can get my legs sorted. Maybe even join you lot in the field. No fun out there but when the stakes are the way they are, I suppose we have little choice. I just hope they have good woodworking facilities. Or at least, somewhere to keep the rest of the minatures. You'd be happy to know there's still a lot of your stuff sitting in a shipping container in Wellington we need to relocate. So, that may not be the end of the world. I'll concern myself with that, perhaps.” Tahlia replied, pulling the prosthetics off as she sat, heaping them next to her and relieving the strain a little, Chuck towering over and then taking the chat onwards.


Shibuya, Tokyo

Making an Entrance, 1800 Hours

Skye sat under the grey canopy above the darkening sky of Shibuya, the night advertising and neon pounding, the massive crowd at the Shibuya Scramble Crossing being obedient in line with traffic regulations, and yet....Skye was not going to be. The canopy fluttering, the adrenaline pumping hard and her blood cold in her exposed skin, Skye had little time to really think about the view, and more time to try and focus on landing. Pulling the toggle, she swooped around a tower, and headed on finals. She was hoping for a park really, but then again, when you were in a situation like this, in as dense an urban area as this, choices were limited. It was here and now, and right into the crossing she went, knowing it was as good of a chance as she had to not clatter a lamp-post or a traffic signal.

Rolling her feet across the tarmac as she flared, Skye barely missed a couple of cars, pulling hard on the risers and toggles to pull the parachute and herself over a cab, rolling off the roof as it honked and clattering into the floor past it on the other side, hard but enough to percuss the fall. Detatching the rig through a simple pull of a her straps and letting the container fall away, Skye broke into a run, and with it, to an absolute blaze of horns. She had to keep moving. The crowds could see her parachute drop behind, and she dived down, nearby police trying to go after, albeit probably beyond any shock to what the fuck just happened. Skye ran faster. She wouldn't stop. Like the animal inside had taken over, all the parts of her pulling in one way to keep going. She wasn't gonna give in. And in the crowds of people she ran towards, while they parted, they weren't exactly easy moving. Like treacle, she found a way in to the shopping street, and at this time of evening, found it heaving- the Shibuya Sakura complex glowing with purple and vivid light, clean and almost a spotless virage yet giving Skye the ability to break from crowds and out from the police that would likely be onto her.

From here, Skye was into her element. Urban survival required doing exceptionally immoral things, fast, and in a method unpredictable. Even with Japan's heightened culture of security, control and policing, polite to the hilt, Skye could survive. Get distance far enough away and clothing enough to make her into someone else. If you followed, maybe you could see the trail, but bit by bit, it would go colder until no logical tracks were left. Skye would go from the redhead that had dropped into Shibuya, into having a different garb altogether. A little money too. You did bad things for good, but sometimes, well, it was better than killing people. It sent a message clear as day to anyone where she was, without saying exactly what spot she sat in next.


Collab with @BigPapaBelial

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Ban Kingo

Amagi District, Kiyose City, Tokyo

Kitsune’s Tails, 2000 Hours

Kiyose was bathed in a pool of neon and puddles from rain much much earlier in the day, the tight city streets further out of Tokyo proper bathed in shops open late, close in power cables and medium-density buildings, impeccably clean yet only like one place on planet earth. Japan was unique, and for a foreigner who had dropped by, took some time to adjust. Skye had been here once, but well, she knew roughly the instruction, roughly the address and how to work it out. She had a good memory like that, and well, never forgot any promises she had made to her.

The gambling den was quite the spot, and plenty filthier than Skye remembered him describing it- it was Yakuza run after all and beyond the pachinko, had its grime, even if the streets were litter-less. In a baseball cap with a stolen hoodie, the night was coming in fast and thin, cold too. Skye’s hair had been tucked into a bun she’d made from an elastic band, the prescription sunglasses she’d shoplifted from a small store coming in handy, and the other part of her being able to run also coming into it. No transit, no dramas since the most loud, spectacular crash into Shibuya had happened of her arrival, and now, it was her alone. With just her pistol, knife, and her wits. There’s something so dark about it, but in a black hoodie, Skye was no longer the Queen of her own destiny, but instead, the Kitsune, changing the shape of her tail as she walked in. A red fox that was the lady of the night, but rather than scraping through garbage, was actually going for a gem in the rough.

And here she would be. To meet Ban Kingo, of all people. She had a favour to call in, a serious one. She hated to do these things, she wanted to let him live in peace, but well, extraordinary measures meant that had to be done. Past the pachinko machines, the horse racing, and the civilian bit. No, she was here for the other side of this parlour. And a pair of them stood right where she could guess the Japanese writing said she needed to go. The guard huffed at Skye at the front, yet her tall presence and confidence looked back. She spoke no Japanese, yet with a convincing look, Skye looked across to them, knowing they would see her as any other white tourist dweeb in the wrong city, wrong part of town. Skye spoke with an air of authority, and in crystal English.
“I am here to see a friend. Kingo-san. Tell him the Queen is here.” Skye said, with a certain level of confidence, hoped he was here tonight. Her clothing concealed any look of her being any threat, instead, making her seem rather innocent. A good disguise had to hold- they could call the police for being that redhead that fell out of the sky this evening after all, and while she’d kept a low profile, part of disguise meant changing everything. Becoming someone else. Not the special forces t-shirt wearing lioness she was, but instead, a tourist in the wrong place.

The bigger of the pair of young-ish Yakuza at the door looked the woman over. His eyes narrowed, his purple nylon jacket covering his upper body. He leaned on the wall on Skye’s left, giving her the stink eye the whole time. He grunts and motions his head to the smaller, but clearly in charge of the pair. The man is short, slicked back hair, mirrored sunglasses with golden rims. He steps forth and looks her over, giving her the classic Yakuza go over, even leaning into her personal space. He sniffs and snorts, “Nan darou?” Clear Japanese, “And what’s this?” basically. The man snorts then in passable English, “And who do you think there’s anyone like that here huh chicky? This is just a storage closet that the boss told us to watch over. Why don’t you turn around and play some games huh? Mind your own business.” He makes a shooing gesture to Skye as he leans back and away.

At the same time the other fella reaches back behind a nearby pachinko cabinet and almost casually pulls an iron kanabo from its hiding place, setting it with a clink on the floor. The pair turned to just staring at Skye.

To most a pair of Yakuza staring them down would probably be intimidating.

Skye shook her head, exhaling out, letting him come close. She could feel his breath, and it smelled of cigarettes and rice wine, a distinctive combo.
“I know he’s here. And I know he would be very upset with you both if he couldn’t talk to Queen. So please, let’s be reasonable before something happens. Just let him know I’m down here. And while I wait, I might go play on one of those machines. How about that?” Skye reasoned, knowing the thug wouldn’t exactly process the Scot’s wit, given her accent was trying to be neutered as much as possible- yet she wasn’t exactly ailing it down. It would be firm though, and enough of a point.

The bigger of the two narrows his eyes and seems to sense some kind of…thing…yeah lets go with thing. He looks over at the slimmer smaller man and motions with his head. The smaller man looks at the bigger fella, and it’s like an unspoken conversation passes between them at high speeds. After abit though the smaller what mutters, “Nanda? Ahhhh.” Pushing off the wall, reaching over and pulling open one of the pair of doors and disappearing into whatever is beyond them.

Meanwhile the bigger of the pair looks at Skye and looks to be about to say something before he pushes off the wall and bows, “Ah! Elder!”

A soft older voice, a voice very similar to the man Skye is hoping to see whispers, “Ah Kintaro-kun. Doing your job I’m glad to see. Where is Jin-tan?” Kintaro the big guard straightens up, “He went into the back to see if he can get Aniki sir. This lady, says her name is Queen-san, wants to see Aniki.” The older gentleman blinks then smiles, stepping forward and bowing, “Yosh! Ahhh the great Queen-san! Skye Lyons!” He grins and offers his hand to her, “I am Hataro Kingo, one of the wakagashira of the Amagi Clan. Come come. Please.” The elder Kingo gently guiding Skye into the back hall past the guarded doors. All while Kintaro the big guard starts to babble and try to stop them, failing miserably.

Hataro walking with Skye at his side smiles, into the back hall, well appointed, and decorated, statues and paintings, wooden paneling, all the culture and finery of Japanese style on display here. Hataro smiles, “You know, my son has said many things about his time in Raven. Many things. The good, and the bad. His teammates, his experiences. They brought great honor on the Kingo name, and the Amagi Clan.” He guided the woman along the hall, and into a large open area, where people gambled heartily. Down the middle aisle past cho-han and dice games, past a rowdy horse racing kiosk where several people watched a Spanish horse race, cheering on their chosen bet.

The older man guided her forth into the back reaches of the gambling den, “My son, has had nothing but good things to say about you, though young Lyons. He said that out of everything his exile brought him, your friendship and determination helped him the most.”

Skye felt a little in shock at Hataro’s presence, but of course, masked it as best as she could. Loud, but well, bringing her in. the gambling, the rice games, the horse racing, and the wooden paneling, the ornate nature of this place rather beautiful.
“I am glad he did well. He served with distinction. I never forget the people that serve, I serve them the same, Hataro-san.” Skye replied, her tone of voice neutral, perhaps almost to live up to expectations, albeit, knowing it was an event that had gotten him out that she had pulled many a finger to make happen. But it had happened. She’d held her end of the deal. Now she was here, and no doubt, Hataro respected Skye’s decisions in that moment to do right.

As the pair near a double pair of large wooden doors, with dragon, tiger and kirin carvings and reliefs the door booms open, and Ban comes out, growling over his shoulder at the slim man, having been named as Jin earlier. Ban, holding his sword in his right hand, snarls, “You didn’t think to tell me sooner that…” He turns around to watch where he’s going and almost runs into Skye, “Ah…” He takes a step back then with a shake in his tone whispers, “Qu…Queen-san…” He gulps then coughs a laugh, “Skye-san.” He bows, a low deep bow, a bow meant for old and good friends. And he holds that bow for a good few moments before straightening up.

Skye returned the gesture, bowing back, seeing the sword in his hands. With a smile, Skye walked up and hugged him, wrapping her cold arms around him, not reaching up due to her height, avoiding getting shanked by accident.
“You have put on a few pounds since we’ve been in work. But, you’re still keeping well. And those pieces of you, those are new.” Skye replied, whispering into his ear on the last with regards to the implants, looking back, and around at the two, son and father.
“I suppose I owe you a bit of an explanation. Safe to say, I am grateful beyond return for the work that Ban has done with Raven. But I am now in my hour of need. An hour of grave personal need. And I am afraid to say this, but I have nowhere else to turn, and the stakes could not be higher.” Skye added, knowing it would likely be sinking into Ban that indeed, if she was here alone, looking like this, then something had to be up. Skye took off her hat, revealing the various cuts and marks from the fighting, and her tired eyes, from being up, out of a plane, shoplifting and generally shenanigans through western Tokyo and now here, in this gambling den of an old comrade.

Ban smiled, then wrapped his free arm around her, squeezing her in the hug briefly, “Yosh, ah it doesn’t show too much does it?” He chuckles, letting her go, and looking down at himself, “I have tried to keep fit, but running things isn’t as physically demanding as running into high amounts of bullets. And my own cooking is still very good.” He looks around as if to remember where they are. Then looks at Jin, “Get back up to the front, watch the door with Kintaro-kun.” He looks to his father, “Otosan, if you would come with us?” He then gestures at the well carved and decorated doors, “Come, this is no place to be discussing important things. Too many ears and eyes.” Hataro Kingo nods, and leads the way into the back. Ban gently guiding Skye through the doors, closing them behind the trio, all while Jin runs back up to the front.

Soon the three are in an office, just big enough to fit the low steel desk with a marble top, the walls decorated by several layers of weapons and samurai armor sets. Hataro goes to mix up a few drinks from a drink stand by the desk, while Ban sits on the top of the desk, motioning for Skye to join him beside him, “So what’s this about grave personal need? The stakes as you say must be higher than the sky, even the stars themselves if you’re being this dour Skye-chan.”

Hataro coughing into the glass of sake he just poured himself hearing that cute familiar style of talk.

And Skye sat down beside, nodding with a certain kind of remorse, it all sinking in she was going to have to explain this utter insanity.
“I’ll try and start like this. The Artemis you put some dents into, we did some work against. They were nearly defeated, until, it turns out, they were being undercut by my doppelganger. Who used me to turn them inside out for her. They betrayed us, and destroyed Kaitiaki, and nearly all of us in the process..” Skye started, knowing the conversation went from zero, to a hundred, instantly.

“That is by my literal clone. A woman by the name of Rosalind, who as it turns out, can jump from body to body, dying and awaking in another. She has a small biomechanical node wired into the spinal column of each one of her bodies that she has, and I could go on for hours about how it occurred, why, and what. I don’t understand all of it, but as such, I am compromised. I left the team over Tokyo, and they’re en route to another facility, to continue working. I am her, yet she is many, and with it, we are deeply in the shit because it means there’s no way to ensure I have any operational security in charge of a team. Don’t worry, check my spine and you’ll see there’s nothing there. It’s the only difference between us.” Skye added, pausing for breath, knowing they would want to cut to the chase.

“But what this means is, she has stolen all Raven data, recovered a critical HVT from us that we captured on a mission, and worse, she has access to a partially compromised satellite network and a drug that I think could be potentially lethal in her hands. Ban, she’s fucking genocidal.” She took a breather, taking the glass of sake on the table poured, and giving it a sip, knowing she had the attention fully on her right here, right now.

“And she doesn’t want to just nuke a few countries, she wants to fucking eradicate people, systematically, from the top to the bottom. And there is no way to kill her. In fact, she’s using it to get better, and better. She wants me off the table so she can be the only version of what I am. Where I am. And with it….means the choice of putting a stop to it in a way that even Rose can’t imagine I would do.” Skye said, exhaling a hard breath, knowing that one would stick.

“So politely, I need help to get back to things…and it’s why I am here. Because the only way I think I can turn the tables, is to go against Artemis as me, throwing a spanner in the works by making sure two of us are always on the table. They think Skye Lyons is rogue, soon to be arrested. I will be hunted, pursued in the next eight hours by teams wanting to know maybe where I went. Yet by being alive, I make Rose unable to act, or at least, unsure. There are people on the inside who can help, but Raven proper will not want me around on the streets. Not unless I bring something valuable back to the table to deliver. I know this is a lot, Ban. I know you left this behind. And I know you would struggle to want to go back. But you are all I have. And the best man I know can help.” Skye added, sipping more back, looking dead into his eyes, knowing full well the weight and depth of what she was saying would take him aback- and probably be a lot to carry on.
“I suppose in your folklore, that would make me the Kitsune. And she is one of those tails, many, many tails, over and over.”

Ban and Hataro Kingo are silent through the whole explanation. Making quiet sounds of understanding and wonder as the story goes. Hataro having sat in the large leather chair behind the bar part way through the story. Hataro smiling as it goes realizing the mythological points. Ban leaning his head back as things go, crossing his arms across his chest, and tapping the Tsuka of his sword on his chin, “Emmm this is worrying indeed. I swear we had cut down Artemis in cold blood back during my time of service didn’t we? I know I had cut one of their captains down myself. How does a weed survive having it’s roots cut clean?”

The younger Yakuza grumbles. Then the elder Kingo asks, “Kitsune, I like that.” He chuckles sipping his drink, “Then while my son mulls this over, tell this old man, Kitsune-chan, what can we do to help? The Kingo Family I think would put everything we have behind you, but to truly do anything, you would need to go before the Amagi Oyabun. And bring your case to him. Takashiro-san would hear you out. You can be sure that though Yakuza are gangsters, we are against the spilling of needless blood, and this Rosalind sounds like an Oni of the worst kind.”

Ban hraumphs, and nods, “Let Shimura walk again. I’ll cut out her heart for you Kitsune-chan. Tell me what I can help you with. And if we’re lucky the Oyabun will offer the Amagi’s help as well. Yes, we should go see him immediately.”

Skye nodded in return, a smile forming on her face. Well, it was a replacement. The Queen may be dead, but perhaps, in a cosmic way, the Kitsune was alive. Fitting, all things considered.
“That sounds like a plan. There is a lot to explain, a lot of ground to cover and I will tell you all I can. But we need to be careful. As few people as possible need to know who, what, and where this is going. I think there may be one method to get back at her, at least, stall things outside of any control or command. It may even be a way back in to Raven itself, to clear things completely. But I cannot do this alone. And it is why I am here, Ban. You’re the only operative I know that can hold their own that I trust.” Skye replied, looking across to him, upon his question of what to help with.
“And when the time is right, we shall part her gaze. And put this to an end.” Skye added, nodding, sipping more sake down. This felt surreal. None of it did. But then, rolling with the punches was part of the game.

There was much not yet said about why Skye specifically had picked Ban to go to here- the opportunism sure, but there was another aspect. Skye had let him go from Raven upon short notice- a John Wick-esque task almost, considering she had to pull an almighty effort to get him released. But it wasn’t a task force requirement, releasing from the roster prior to the end- it was a personal commitment she had made happen. A promise to do right by him, and in exchange, she’d memorized, kept it in detail where he was, what was going on and what it meant. And one day to perhaps call a favor like that in, albeit, in a way she knew she wouldn’t take the piss with. Skye had caught her own crap, but well, Ban had disappeared and into the Yakuza again, allowed his growth, allowed his honour, allowed his strength to carve his own. Spies always needed an out, after all. Much like Sam had her own, and Boaro had made his own as a merc, Freya the family and the other operatives had carved niches, Skye had to keep her own reserve.

Hataro watches, looking at his son and the woman beside him. His eyes widening. As he can see the difference between his son the Yakuza soldier, a man prepared to defend his family and friends from those who would do them wrong. And another side, a side he had only heard stories of.

Ban had called himself Shimura, after a Great Clan from the Sengoku era. The Shimura had been a hard riding, hard hitting southern island clan. And there, swapping back and forth between his son Ban and Shimura he watches it, and can only smile.

Ban gets to his feet and steps to the door, shouting down a side hall outside, “Wataro! Go and bring the car around! We need a ride to the Amagi compound. And send Yotsuyu-tan ahead to ask the Oyabun’s secretary for an emergency meeting, tell him it’s me and my father asking. That should get him moving.” There’s a bunch of cries of, “Yes sir!” And “You got it boss!” And people are running. Ban turns from the door, “I swear here and now Skye-chan, I’ll turn over heaven and hell to help you.” He steps forward and holds out the well decorated Katana in isn’t saya towards her, “I offer my sword, until such time as you release me from this service. You got me out, and now I will return that favor. Let us cut down these foes together.”

Skye stood up, a wry smile returning, an old friend helping out. It was good to have, and well, a favor repaid. It felt bad to call such a thing in, but with old friends, it was never such a thing. Honour was an exceptionally highly placed thing in Japanese society, and Skye knew she’d ruffled a few feathers with what she had returned to him to make such a movement. Perhaps it had gone even further, given she only expected Ban, and nobody else.
“That we will. Let’s get to work, Shimura.” The Scottish accented redhead replied back, standing right by Ban’s side, her stern and stoic look turning to one of trust, belief and for a brief second, a willingness to get to finishing this stupid shit off. End of days? Rose may have had her control, but Skye had her friends, and well, right here and now, she could be grateful for such a thing.


Athena Anna Kanataario

Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Purna Chai Gurung

Somewhere above the Gulf of Bothnia, Finland, Headed North

Aurora's Glimmer / Chaos Theory

The vivid colour of the hazy yellow and red echoed outside the window, the night sky of the aurora kicking in with a flickering brilliance, at altitude and this close where they were headed. The three occupants on fast track were not exactly brimming with confidence, considering the news had trickled out. It had to, because the news of a redhead in Shibuya Square falling out of the fucking sky was something. There would have been a delay, enough to let Skye do her own thing, but it would be found out by the time they were over the Arctic Ocean, and on the other side. Her in the middle of Shibuya narrowed it down to a single city, but that city around it had 18 million people, and in that city, it was a maze, a place you would struggle to find someone making effort to lay low and vanish. The authorities could be contacted, but what was the reason for their manhunt? It felt like Skye had called Oracle's bluff. The occupants knew that, the private Gulfstream 400 a relatively lavish space for a small team to move north on fast notice.

"So why and how did she end up bailing out, into Shibuya....and what does she think she's avoiding? What, does she think Oracle's going to kill her?" Purna enquired, looking across from the seat he sat in, bemused yet in an old-school parka and cargo pants, casual for the time being. The private jet was a bit of a different arrangement, but then again, fast movement meant executive transport. For Purna and Adam, it felt odd- strange even, being flown on something like this. They were being taken to Enontekiö Airport, a civilian airport to the south-west of the remote base in the Poysjarvi National Park, close to the Norwegian border. There was a small airstrip physically on site, but bringing unneeded attention to that specific point wasn't on anyone's radar.

"We have no idea. She's capable of being a ghost, Purna. The stories are all true. If she's as good as I think she is, she will go to ground and disappear. Even if she doesn't speak the language, she'll learn it, and she'll move faster than we can. Maybe have contacts. Fuck, she might have just been playing us all along. Maybe if the report is correct, then she listened to her copy, and has gone off grid for that reason. Kurwa. I don't understand it. There will be two of her....fucking idiot." Adam replied, shaking his head, it fully in his hands, trying to finish his sentence. The bearded man was wearing his woolen jumper still, and similar to Purna, a set of older cargo trousers, perhaps the one unifying thing between old heads and Gurkhas in the game. Adam's Polish accent may have dragged, but it was no less cutting when he swore.
"Oracle is livid. And...." Adam replied, but couldn't completely say it due to the floor itself feeling like it felt presence from the other occupant.

Walking out from the front, Athena had to duck, as she leaned out, into the chair opposite, enlarged for her size. Not the first time she'd travelled with this particular executive manner, her legs long, in thermal tights and her top now more in modesty with a grey t-shirt and bra combo that barely contained the cleavage of her bust, a large puffy jacket that must have taken a dozen ducks to make on her shoulder, the Pata-gucci look in full swing. She had no makeup on, yet even without it, still seemed to have that blonde golden look going.

"I told you. First my sister, now this. Perhaps she knew what she would be in for if she met me. Her team are on all in on it, too." Athena retorted with a blunt brutality, clicking her large neck, rolling her head, as she leaned in.

"You keep forgetting what she's capable of, Athena. She's killed a giant before. And don't blame the team. Skye is too stubborn to let them tell her what to do. They aren't going say no to her." Adam replied, the Pole and the giantess not seeing eye to eye, but well, business had to be beaten past for this sort of work.

"Yeah, but has she met me?" Athena chuckled, Adam shrugging his shoulders. God, she was a bitch. But, he had to eat his words, Purna giving that glare as if to say, "Don't fuck this up", at least, to say something more productive.

"What doesn't add up is that Skye doesn't break protocol. Not at least, any to Oracle or Raven. She may be fluid but not disobedient. Her team helped her, and I know they're all sound enough of mind to not go completely mad. So....the only alternative is, she's doing this to confuse everyone. Including Rose. Skye can work alone, she's trained to do so....but why? If she wants to help her, she would have killed everyone on that plane. That I don't understand." Adam asked, as Purna leaned in, the Nepali not an expert on strategy such as this, but smart enough from working as a mercenary to get it.

"She's probably not willing to deal with security from Oracle when they get back. Probably figured out that Athena there, or Oracle are going to lock her up. And, if she has her contacts, maybe she knows something even we don't. Rose is a threat, but what Adam said is right, it's confusing. If Rose knows Skye's on the loose, she can't exactly go after both her and us at the same time. After all, Skye said that it seemed like Rose was using Artemis for her own ends. It's chaos theory. We have no idea. Rose doesn't either. And we're now picking up pieces. Nothing we can do, except our jobs. And perhaps hope she is on the right track." The Nepali replied, the look of the shorter infiltrator contrasting against Athena's. It was strange, the three almost as opposite as you could make people in three different directions, and three different ways.

"Well, now every Skye we end up seeing is a kill-threat. How's that for clarity." Athena interrupted both, the giantess speaking with a certain authority, in spite of the other two's. Adam and Purna nodded, the conversation breaking from that for a second as Adam poured a Coke, sipping it down whilst Purna leaned in, looking across to Adam.

"What's our operational remit?" Purna asked, his many questions continuing, given he had little else to add in small talk. He sipped down a cup of tea, Chai, ironically.

"The rest of the team joins me and Purna. Athena, how about you? You with us?" Adam replied, with the giantess leaning forward in her chair, that resting bitch face just holding true, just more than anything, frustrated that Raven couldn't hold itself together.

"I'm eye candy to you, apparently. I'll twerk my way out of problems. And run Blue Sword's operation behind what you're doing. My parents and my brother are on the way, but Victor and Natalie will likely have other matters to attend to whilst I run this show behind the scene. Just for your stubborn fucking ass, Jamie is rolling with you, Adam. But I will be managing Blue Sword support teams on the ground, personally. From this point onwards, we cannot afford any fuck ups. I have spoken with Oracle already about this at length. We put resource behind this and get the job done, with as few heads in the game as possible. We have some recovered intel, and enough to go on so we can figure out what this Rose is doing and the remains of Artemis with her, but from here, every second counts. Where Raven fails, the world collapses." Athena's voice carried, knowing she had to make that point clear, that well, she had her weight to throw around and her husky yet sauced international accent had that levity. Which didn't so much stick on Adam.

"They don't get to buy calendars of you then." Adam replied, no fucks given. Screw it. If she caved his head in now, well, he had a witness at least.

"Shut the fuck up." Athena's response was initially cold, before the three chuckled, the rare break in the ice. As much as Adam didn't like her, shit, she had a response worth enough. Athena felt the same, her extraverted self buoyed against someone like Adam, whose strict and structured nature irritated the shit out of her, but his dark humour still bounded back. Perhaps they shared that, at least, they had something in common there. They would be on the ground soon, and meeting what was left of Raven's New Zealand operation, and more importantly, trying to get some answers.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Airbus on the way to Finland: Troubled Skies

Collaboration between Samantha, Chuck, and Freya

Vincent was flying the plane and had just taken off from Tokyo. He did what Skye requested of him and opened the cargo bay doors. He was watching the light and smiled when he saw that someone had closed them from inside the cargo bay. He had no clue that Skye had jumped out of the plane. He just kept flying following the flight path he had been given. He had no clue as to the drama unfolding in the rear of the plane.

“Oracle ordered us to bring Skye in. I know that was truly Skye. I killed Rose the doppelganger clone in her office. Oracle is facing a unique situation with Rose and Artemis. Operational security would have forced them to remove Skye from operations at the minimum. Skye deserved better than that from me. It was my choice. I am asking you to accept that and support it.”

Samantha watched as the cargo doors closed. She lifted her head and looked out over the team. She told them the truth of the matter. She couldn’t be their leader if they didn’t trust her. They wouldn’t trust her if she hid things from them or didn't tell them the truth. They didn’t need to know all of it, but they deserved honesty from her about her decision. She turned her eyes to look at Freya not knowing how she would take this turn of events.

The big woman, draped over with that scratchy blanket looked up as Skye made her proclamation. Freya smiles abit. Skye speaks of loss and worry and other things. Trust, and loyalty and morale and worry, and potential for trouble. And then…and then.

The woman jumped! Skye fucking Lyons raced out the ramp doors and plunged free into the wild blue and the city below.

And Freya, Freya burst out laughing followed by a moan of pain as it lanced through her shoulder.

She turned to look at Sam, “That fucking little bitch went and did it.” The biggest smile on the giant's face.

Samantha smiled as she met Freya’s eyes with a smile. She felt their bond as teammates and chosen family. Freya understood Skye in ways Samantha never would. She figured Freya might be angry that she had left without a goodbye, but would understand Skye’s need to fix this on her own terms. She smiled at Freya’s response. She could weather everyone else's reaction as long as Freya didn’t blame her for Skye leaving or hate her for what happened.

The giant groans a little, leaning back against the inner wall of the plane, “That woman. Unlike anyone else I know. Not even my mom. Or my dad. Skye is, if anything, she’s unique.” She grits her teeth clearly in a great deal of pain. She turns her head to look at Sam, “Did you know I’m not the first person in my family to work with her?” She shifts so she can look at Sam better, “My brother did a stint with her a year or so back. It’s really unfortunate that Skye won’t be around to see my little brother again. He’s coming you know, and my parents, and likely my uncles. They’re gonna meet us in Finland.”

The big woman sighs, “You know I never thought I’d work with Raven, but it was JamJam’s recollections of his time with Skye that got me wondering.” She looks back towards the ramp as it finally seals shut, “The most profound words that I remember Jamie saying about Skye was, “That woman has a drive. A drive that likely trumps even yours sis.” I may have taken that as abit of a challenge.” She gives Sam a big wink.

Samantha moved closer to Freya and took the empty seat next to her. Sadness crossed her face for a moment as it hit her that was the seat that Skye had been in. She turned in the seat to face Freya. Where Freya took up all the space around her as a giant, Samantha was petite and looked even smaller next to Freya. She gave Freya a sad smile. “I never thought I would work in any kind of mercenary or military outfit. Then I lost my dad and grandfather.”

She looked off in the distance lost in her thoughts. “I joined Raven Squad as a way to track down the people responsible for their deaths. I had already taken the investigation further than the authorities had. I knew there was a hidden group behind the terrorists behind it. I didn’t realize it was Artemis till after my first mission. I still don’t know the why.”

She paused for a moment as she thought that through. She shook her head and focused again on Freya. “Skye helped me to see how much my feelings were holding me back and influencing my decisions.” She sighed and smiled at Freya. “I was worried you would be angry with me over this.”

The giant heaves a big sigh. And looks around the interior, her eyes stopping on everyone. From Chuck and Duke, Olly over in a corner, Boraro. Thalia and the others besides. So many people who are part of this family. She takes another deep breath, “I’ll be honest, at first, I might have been. But, as things stand this just makes sense. There had to be some give and take. I don’t like that the order was given to hold her, but in a sense it’s common sense. Am I happy she decided to make the choice to go? Yes!” She smiles, “Skye knows what she’s doing, just like you knew what you were doing when you made the call.”

The big woman nods, “It was the smart call, by what you had in front of you. Just like Skye made the right and smart call to do what she just did. As insane as it might be.” She chuckled gently.

Javi looked shell shocked as he stared at the closed cargo bay doors. He seemed to still be processing what had happened. His eyes went from the doors to Samantha to Tahlia. He looked at Tahlia and took in what she had said about Samantha being their team lead. He just nodded. He was following orders. He had once been in an impossible situation and it was Skye who had helped him into a new life. He would not begrudge her need to do things her way. He had made his decision and seemed to settle more comfortably into his seat.

Chuck let the confusion he was feeling show. He had been standing and listening to Skye as the cargo doors had opened. He was holding onto one of the cargo hook points welded into the ceiling of the plane. He didn’t move as his eyes followed Skye as she jumped out the back of the plane. His head whipped towards Samantha as the doors started to close. Was he supposed to stop her? What was going on? Why did Skye just jump out of the plane? He knew their leadership had changed due to the attack on the base. He thought Oracle just wanted Skye for questioning to clear up any questions about what had happened. Chuck had just joined the team but he had been in the military a while now. He had worked with troops and mercenaries from all over the world on missions. He trusted his judgment of character and Duke’s. He had trusted Skye Lyons.

He thought about everything he had gone through with a compromised chain of command in the marines. Losing his team to the greed of others Almost losing his life to be pulled out at the last minute. He could understand Skye’s need to do this her way. He knew better than most, that chain of command could be compromised. He respected Samantha for telling them straight why she had let Skye leap from the plane. He nodded to her, accepting her as his current leader. He moved closer to her as she sat next to Freya. He had seen the giantess around the base but had yet to really meet her. He knew she was injured and wanted to check in on her. He moved closer to them. He knelt in front of the two women with Duke at his side.

Sam gave Freya a gentle hug. “I am so glad to hear that. I can handle everything else.” She gave Freya a cheeky grin. “So I am gonna get to meet your siblings then? Finland? That is one country I don’t think I have been too. I guess I will need to learn Finnish now as well.” She winked at Freya.

Freya gives a chortle then again groans as her shoulder twinges, “I gotta stop doing that.” She says with a little giggle. She takes a slow breathe, “Well yes you will get to meet my siblings. Actually you may already have met one and know of the other.” She grins and scrambles abit for her phone. “So remember the Singapore op? And remember how I ended up wrestling with Ingwe on the floor for abit there? Remember the big guy who had come up and watched us? I’m sure you remember that report right?” She grinned at Sam brightly, “That was my lil’ brother. Jamie Cole Kanatariio, callsign Scion. I fire bolts of energy, he just carts around a pair of linked .50 BMG GMGs” She finally gets her phone open and flicks abit.

After a short bit she gets her X working, and opens a page, “And this…” She holds the extra big phone towards Sam, revealing the #AthenaAwesome X page open, “This is my little sister.” She chuckles as the first picture is Athena back on to the camera, and what amounts to a bit of FLOSS between her rear cheeks, “Yes…you will get to meet them both in the flesh soon enough.”

Samantha turned to Freya with a smile as she listened to her tell her about her family. “I think I passed him while you had all that attention on you. I was already sneaking into Pavel’s area towards his office. I didn’t get to stop and enjoy the party much.” She shrugged and looked a the pictures. “He is handsome though.” She watched as she flicked over to a picture of her sister. “I have heard of your sister of course. I am on the computer and we have similar hobbies. She models gear for a lot of the brands I buy. You can’t be into that stuff and not see a picture of her somewhere on social media.” Samantha rolled her eyes a little. Athena was a household name in some circles with a personality and reputation as well.

Chuck reached out and put a comforting hand on Samantha’s shoulder. “You will be okay Samantha. Just own your decisions and don’t doubt them.” He had seen younger officers struggle with hard decisions in the field. He wanted Samantha to know he supported her to help with whatever she was going through. He offered her a hand to shake. “I am Chuck Simmons. I know we have passed each other but I haven’t had time to really introduce myself to much of the team yet.” He shook Samantha’s hand warmly and was careful of his strength. He saw Duke sniffing at her hand. “This is Duke, my canine partner.” Duke wagged his tail and sat next to him, his body thrumming with energy again.

Chuck turned his attention to Freya and took her hand. He lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of it. “A proper greeting for the goddess among us. I am so pleased to meet you Freya. I am Chuck.” He smiled warmly at Freya as he looked into her eyes. “I have never met a woman giant before.”

Samantha was startled as she felt Chuck’s hand settle on her shoulder and give it a slight squeeze. She nodded at him. “Skye had told me about you joining the team as a heavy. I am sorry we are meeting under such circumstances. Thank you for helping get our support team out.” She gladly shook his hand. Samantha didn’t ignore his words of comfort about command. She was still processing and didn’t want to dwell on her decisions at the moment. Her eyes widened a little as he kissed Freya’s hand and introduced himself. She grinned while watching. It seemed Freya had an admirer. She pretended not to notice and greeted Duke with a vigorous scratching behind the ears. “You are such a handsome boy. Yes you are.” She greeted Duke and felt his tongue licking her hand.

The giant woman sighs, “The part I’m dreading is having my entire immediate family close by again after some time away. I can already feel the tongue lashing my uncle Ross is gonna give me for getting hurt. And the fussing my other uncles are going to give.” She sighs, “And I can only imagine the ribbing I’m gonna get from JamJam and Thena…”

She sighs then jumps. Yes jumps. She was not at all prepared for Chuck to suddenly appear. Her eyes wide as he slides close and introduces himself. She blinks then and almost yanks her hand back when Chuck grabs it, lifts it and then kisses her knuckles. She blinks, once…twice…thrice. Then with a chuckle she wraps her fingers around Chuck’s hand and squeezes, “Well wasn’t that gentlemanly of you. Chuck, yes I saw you during the fighting. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Freya Kanatariio of course. And female giants are pretty rare yeah.” She smiles then a quick wind up and a resounding smack on the cheek with her good left arm, “I’m not made of lace by the way.”

Chuck smiles warmly at her his eyes lighting up with mischief. He couldn’t regret the way he greeted her. Seeing her smile even though she was in pain was worth it. Even as he took a light slap to the cheek for his forward greeting. “You are a rare gem indeed, my lady. You deserve to be treated like the goddess you are. My mother would beat me if I dared to treat you otherwise.” He winked at her and let go of her hand. He gave her a more serious look now full of concern. “How bad are your injuries? I heard that you had been injured of course.” He felt a wet nose bumping his hand. He looked down and laughed. “Oh I forgot to introduce you to Duke. This is my canine partner.” Duke gently nudged Freya’s good hand and wagged his tail.

Samantha smiled as she saw the interaction between Freya and Chuck. She giggled as Duke moved his head into her hands and pushed harder for more scratches. He finally let her go as he moved towards Chuck. Samantha’s attention was caught by Raphael and Sophie. She got up and moved towards where they were sitting.

The big woman smiled, “Haha you’re a flowery talker here aren’t you? We haven’t had a good drink yet I wanna hear you roaring drunk now. See if it’s the same.” She chuckled then winced, and heard a soft wruff and a worried whine and felt a warm nose under her good hand. She looked down, “Duke…well hello there handsome boy.” She smiles running her hand through his fur, over his ears, giving him a good hearty chin scratching, “Aww look at you. You keep your partner in check don’t you. Not the other way around. I can tell you’re the boss.” She giggles as Duke gives something that sounds like an affirmative sound, at the same time lifting his chin to get more scratches.

Chuck watched as Duke worked his magic on Freya. He knew Duke understood she was hurt. His partner offered comfort in the way he could. He smiled and ran his hand down Duke’s back. “Duke thinks he is the boss of this relationship. I guess in a way he gets the better end of the deal. I take care of him and he takes care of me.” He looked down at his dog with love and pride. His southern accent is evident in his deep voice. “Well we will have to get a drink and see if it makes a difference once we are on base and you can have alcohol.” He grinned at Freya. “It is a date. You name the time and place.”

With a big grin and leaning down to give Duke a kiss on the nose, she nods, “Alright, when we’re on base, we’re all settled, we can break into the base kitchen and see what they have. After what just happened, the entire team needs a drink. And because of all the new faces, we’re going to need an ice breaker.” She gives a nod, “We’ll get a little drunk, get to know each other properly, no bombs, no attackers. We’ve already been blooded, now we can get sloshed.” The giantess nods, “No better way to meet someone proper.”

Sophie had watched confused as Skye made a speech and then jumped out of the back of the plane. The woman had been through hell in the last day and she had completely lost her mind. She jumped out of a perfectly good aircraft! Just like that, with no hesitation. Sophie looked over at Samantha and then back to the cargo bay doors. “What… .just happened?” Samantha told them what had happened but Sophie was struggling. She had been pushed a great deal out of her comfort zone in the last day. She turned to the others she was close to in the support staff and saw that half of them were struggling too.

Raphael felt as if his head was gonna fall off. He tried to follow everything that was going on. He watched Skye give a speech and then jump out of the back of the plane. Samantha closed the doors and told them what happened. He was confused. Wouldn’t Oracle just want Skye to clear up what had happened? They wouldn't imprison or hurt Skye… would they? Why wouldn’t Skye want to report to Oracle. He tried to think it through. He could see from an operational standpoint, how would they know if it was Skye or had been replaced with a Rose clone? How would they trust her on operations? What if there were other ways they didn’t know about; that comprised security? He could see Oracle would struggle with that. It wasn’t exactly fair to Skye but he couldn’t blame Oracle for wanting to protect Raven either. He sighed, feeling conflicted.

Samantha reached the seats where Sophie, Raphael, and Javi were sitting. “I know today has been alot to absorb and cope with. You are all gonna be okay. There will be no repercussions for you over my decisions. I will make sure of it.” She addressed what she thought might be bothering them. “I owed Skye the opportunity to do this. I don’t regret it. The responsibility is mine and mine alone. Understood?” She looked over them all. She didn’t want them in trouble for her decisions. Once she got a nod from them, she moved to find a seat once more.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A400M, 1600 hours, Approaching Haneda airport

”I haven’t known you long enough to tell.” He replied to Skye’s question about trust bluntly, suppressing a chuckle about apparently being trustworthy. Either Skye wasn’t aware of the list of criminals, rebels and illegitimate governments he’d worked for over the years long enough that it might as well be printed on toilet paper, or Raven was even less scrupulous than he thought. He liked the latter thought a lot more than the former, that would be some awkward explaining.

A great shadow blocked out the light, the American eclipse extending his hand toward him with a greeting. ”Ebrima Arendse. What did they feed you people growing up?” Ebrima shook Chuck’s hand, imagining the giants’ daily intake to have been around what he had to eat for three days, his hand getting absolutely lost in Chuck’s palm. It’s been a hot minute since anyone made him feel small. These giants, nope, he didn’t mind never having faced one, at all. The handshake over, he was left with the dilemma of someone who saw and wanted to pet a dog and someone who knew it was a military working dog, the most adorable lethal weapon ever used by mankind. To save your hand, or pet the dog and risk losing it? ”And I wouldn’t overstate my contributions. Skye just needed a chauffeur while she hogged all the fun with the turret.” He chuckled, anyone’s contributions paling compared to two walking tanks strolling into the middle of the fight like two raised middle fingers and beating the tar out of Artemis until their muscles tore. How do you beat that?

A400M, Leaving Haneda airport

Ebrima kept well away from the open rear ramp, the view tempting but fear of falling out being stronger. ”Maybe she forgot something down there?” He noted dryly when his brain processed what his eyes were telling it. The new team leader didn’t leave a strong first impression after weeping for the previous one and now the one person in the squad he did get to know at least a little bit had thrown herself out of the plane without sharing a plan and before agreeing on any counter-Rose recognition method. At least they could be reasonably sure that was the real Skye that had just yeeted herself out of the plane, Rose probably would’ve killed Vincent, crashed the plane, died along with them and resurrected somewhere else. Unfair advantage was one thing, but this was plain cheating.

With the whole team - well, sans Skye, for obvious reasons - gathered together in the back of the plane and Chuck making introductions following Skye’s stunt, he figured he might as well join. ”Since we’re all here and getting situated, I am Ebrima Arendse.” He went around for a round of handshakes with those he hasn’t met yet before looking between Oliver and Freya, ”A Nord fighting beside Freya herself. Must be a dream come true.” If as little time ago as yesterday you’d told Ebrima that Joakim’s weird obsession with pagan faiths would ever be useful to him, he’d ask when you’d hit your head.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interlude: The Bones Of What You Believe

Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Athena Anna Kanataario

Purna Chai Gurung

Antti Järvinen

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

0500 Local Time

The A400M landed down, the slushy and gravelly runway making do for the large aircraft, inbound and coming to a fast stop on its Antarctic-reinforced tyres, coming quickly to a halt. The other vehicle, a Land Rover on site, drove across the slushy snow, coming to a stop. A platoon of armed men stood there also, around various vehicles, fuel supply and other equipment. The dawn was beautiful- the aurora dying out slowly as the light came in, and would replace the yellow glow in the sky with an orange one in due course, the woodland surrounding the airstrip and the base covered still in snow, melting as it might.

As the plane came in, there stood Athena, wrapped up tight in her red puffy jacket dominating the main group, her thermal tights on as part of her full designer yellow and gray body thermals that just about took the modesty out of her, and a necessity in even the thawing snow, flanked by Antti, in his own parka and traditional Finnish huntsman garb, Purna, in a gray puffy and wearing a hat and his mountaineering trousers, and Adam, in a military WZ.93 Panthera camouflage jacket and trousers, perhaps the most tactical of the bunch, and it sort of represented the four nicely. As the plane came to a halt, they looked back across to the Land Rover behind them, as well as the two Unimogs and a HEMTT truck to help offload materials from inside the A400.

As the door opened to the Land Rover, out he stepped.
"You're all keen." Imran said, Oracle himself on hand to witness this. He walked with a certain passion, a limp, but still going strong.
"Leave her to me. Don't do anything dumb, any of you. I have had enough." Imran called back at them, Adam giving a nod, even Athena giving a nod. They didn't dare talk back to him.

As the ramp opened to the plane, the five stood there, almost in anticipation, the other Blue Sword mercs holding back for a moment. They would be headed out of the back of the plane and into the lights of the cars, the scene a rather tense one yet. As the plane engines died down, one by one, Imran looked around, commanding in his presence, not wanting to beat around the bush. There was only one person he stared at, and it would be the first time Sam would have dealt with him. She would recognise the voice, the one she couldn't exactly get a response from over the pole on radio silence en-route to the base.
"I seem to notice you're lacking Queen, the missing Skye Rosalind Lyons." Imran said, with a certain levity to his voice, looking specifically, dead at Samantha Dalton.

"Care to explain?" He asked, a little more questioning this time, Tahlia looking across to Sam, moving first. She felt strongly on this, in agreement, and while it was out of place, well, she felt like helping her friend.

"She's got her reasons. Hardly like we'd let her rot in a cell." Tahlia interrupted, standing right by her side, and between her and Imran.

"I didn't ask you, Miss Harris. I was asking the now former Team Leader. Whom I trusted." Imran once again said, walking forwards, heading straight towards Sam, barely a glint in his eye, Adam following, Athena lurking.

"I'd like to hear a single reason why I shouldn't put you in a brig right now. Not just the fact you let her go, but everything back at New Zealand. How much are you keeping from us? Right or wrong....you think we don't know?" Imran added, as Adam walked across, putting a hand up to stop Tahlia coming in too close.

"Not worth your fight." Adam simply said, as Tahlia looked scornful.

"Not worth the fight? Fuck you, we did our jobs, we did what we did and if not for Skye, we'd all be fucking dead right now. We all nearly go down and this is how you treat us? How about you, where were you?" Tahlia replied, knowing it was escalating things, but no, she wasn't bearing bullshit. With that, Athena looked over, walking into the fray, Sophie and Raph, and likely, the others out now.

"Skye went and turned Raven inside out, years of what Blue Sword, you, everyone in fact, is gone to hell. So we picked up your pieces. And my sister is hurt. So yeah, it's how we treat you. You're in no position to talk, any of you. I want to talk to her before maybe I reconsider before Oracle does." Athena added with a cold glare back at Tahlia, the giantess likely countered by Chuck, as Freya would still be sitting inside. She wanted to go past them, right now, and charge inside, and look at her. But right now, she was needed here.
"So now what? You think we're done? We're complicit? She's gone. And Skye wouldn't listen to us. We tried to stop her, no avail. Sam couldn't." Tahlia replied, as Imran shook his head, looking to them all.

"I don't think you're all really understanding the gravity of the situation. Chaos theory or not, or whether you're lying or not, Sam, we will need to kill anything that looks like her. Blue Sword, and anyone who we work with, will treat her the same. You have attachment to your old Team Lead, I understand how it is. I managed a team like you once. But the rules are the rules. We had a chance to keep her alive. Now, she is a threat on any SIGINT hit, any Echelon call, anything that can even vaguely connect her, or her doppelganger, to anywhere. Perhaps even a chance to kill Rose with what she had. Now, we have to trust your blind faith will pay off, even if she made an almighty racket doing it and made it very clear she's the real one, to anyone that was watching. And in experience, that is not a good thing." Imran said to them all, walking up and down, sighing.

"It's a complication we do not need. However, we are running out of time. You were compromised under no fault of your own and you fought well, got out of there and did what was needed. And your combat reports read well. So you will stay as you are, but will be led by Captain Kajtanowicz, until I say so. Athena Kanataario here, will deal with Blue Sword's element, which will be working in support. We are guests of hers and Antti's here in Camp Hannula, and only because we are here to stop the end of days." Imran called to the others, as Imran looked to Adam, who stepped forwards.

"We will debrief the details later. But I want to sit with each of you. I want full details of your role, equipment, tasking, and speciality, including any changes since the log I have in front of me. I want all of this, and we start in an hour's time, as I trust you are all rested now. I will ping each of you on your personal communication devices. I run a tight ship. And we cannot afford now for any of that to change, because I will not be accepting any changes you make behind your team leader's back, any longer. Are we understood?" Adam called, the last part a bark, a howl from Wilk, the Wolf, himself. This was like bad cop, bad cop, bad cop. Adam didn't really give a shit that they were probably battered after everything- he just wanted to get to the point, and get on with this. He felt frustrated, and whilst he gave a shit about her, end of the day, there was work, protocol and a task to follow."

The scene felt tense, until in that moment, Antti stepped into the side of the frame, sighing.
"We are all cold here. So either we shoot each other now, or go and get a warm cup of coffee. I think we all need coffee, because it is minus ten, perkele." Antti added, sighing, disappointed, if anything, looking around. Stating the obvious really, given the formality of it was done.

There's this air of almost completely lacking fucks for one's own safety, in a moment like this. Anyone, literally anyone, could have told Antti to get fucked. But yet they didn't. They just didn't somehow, the older man just somehow respected for saying what felt like something that had to be said.

"I will fire up the Unimog. Tahlia, with me. They tell me you can work. I will need help for this many of us. Hilmar, Athena, help out Sophie to get Freya into the back of the truck. We shall get her healed up." Antti added, the base liaison clear in the way he spoke as he called to two more people, Athena following, now just going through anyone to run up and up to Freya, wincing over.
"Fuck, sis. They did a number on you. We're here to help. And your boobs are showing.....that's sorta my department for the mercs, Freya." Athena called out, seeing her, but saying the rather obvious thing, even despite the blanket it being clear as day with her half out of her armour- a light chuckle and reprieve of sisterly love. And with that, they were to help Freya get back out, in her partly-disassembled suit, and back out to the vehicle, and then onwards for proper treatment.

It's Boreal

0600 Local Time

The Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness in itself feels like a very weird world. Finland was something most would associate with big, dense boreal woods and lakes and literally nothing else, but this place, this lied at the northern frontier of a wild, untamed wilderness only a place like northern Scandinavia could accomodate, stretching from Karelia through to Norway, Finland and Sweden. A land of Sami reindeer herders, and you could see the packs of cute reindeer jaunting across the snow-bank ridden road, out of the way of the rolling trucks and Unimogs, that crawling their way towards the distant base itself.

Dawn was golden with a tinge of pink on the landscape, a beautiful reflection of snow-covered trees and mossy wilderness, and beyond it all, the lake. Jarvi translates to Lake in Finnish, and well, Pöyrisjärvi was one of the tens of thousands of lakes that dotted the Finnish landscape, just about melted with chunks of ice in it. The far shore was barren, revealing snow covered mountains, and wild hills and tundra-like land, with occasional trees and shrubs breaking the landscape up. Here on the nearshore, was a large boreal conifer and deciduous forest that was thick, and the drive was barely a minute until they went past a checkpoint, manned this time, with a guard in a heated cabin, the encampment fenced off completely. The radio played away, playing some Finnish 80s music, of some poor description on the AM radio.

Through the base itself that could be seen through the just about defrosted windows three concrete barracks existed, old ones yet modernised heavily on the inside, with lodgings for Blue Sword troops, as well as a concrete bunker-like structure that seemed to contain heavier storage and a more general store for the base. A wooden and metal framed shed, almost like a warehouse joined with a lumber mill in appearance was on the lakeshore, and a dotted set of cabins joined it, some small, some larger. The other vehicle parted off, taking the support crew to a barrack, whilst the core of Raven headed on. Freya would be taken to the medical bay, and Athena was with her all of the way, whilst Sam, Chuck, Ebrima, Adam and Purna were headed up to the base proper. Oracle, or Imran had disappeared again, likely on the phone once more and dealing with the next play.

And the final piece, on the far side of the base. A converted wooden storehouse built into the side of the hill, perched on a steep hillside by the lake, facing across the shore with a window looking into the base. It seemed modernised, in particular, modern glass adorning it, looking like a storeroom that had been modernised and made much nicer. A side door existed at the side, as did a garage up a small drive, left open and containing what appeared to be an older British Army Jackal, an-all terrain assault vehicle and a large garage for Javi to work with. Not a bad shout really, but what was interesting was through the next door. This was an odd school of architecture, but it was built for insulation in the ground, and to blend with the landscape. Clearly, Blue Sword had wanted this to be a rather extravagant base, but it was not so.

Their own little lair, not bad at all.

"That is your home." Antti remarked, and with it, the team disembarked as they parked up, the clack of Tahlia's legs following Adam, Athena and Purna, the Gurkha remaining silent.

He looked across the team, taking it in. He saw Boaro's Kukri pretty quickly. Noted. Nothing needed to be asked, yet, but he'd ask. Why. Why did he have that? Sharp eyes on him picked that up.

Heading inside, Antti stayed in front. The room was a large common area, albeit a little less modernist and instead, having a large fireplace in the corner not currently burning logs, a glass front, and some sofas with no less, a singular less fridge that didn't hurl cans of beer. That would be missed from Kaitiaki, no doubt.
"Okay. So that way are your quarters. Adam, Purna, you have your rooms. The rest of you, take a room each. I would suggest you figure it out among yourselves which is which, but the heavies have their own rooms marked with red paint. Top floor is Adam's office, and the briefing room, below is the armoury and Heavies armoury, and the gym, for both heavies and all is down that corridor there at the end. I am over in that hut down there. I am sure you will have questions, but I have few answers for now. I will let you figure it out for now. I will let Adam make arrangements." Antti spoke, the hardy Finn not using long sentences, not because he couldn't speak, but more because well, little else needed saying.

He left silently, almost mystifyingly, and everyone was no doubt confused. Adam stepped into that void, looking around, getting an eye of the remaining team. Not many, but enough.

"I'll ping you all when we need to chat. Dismissed." Adam said, and with it, the team broke. Purna headed down the corridor and looked across to Sam and Ebrima.

"Don't worry. He calms down." Purna said to Sam and to Ebrima, the small Nepali walking alongside the American's side and the Cameroonian, looking across to Sam first.
"Purna Gurung, infiltrator. Adam is a bit of a bastard. But you get used to him." He said, having little to say in his plain Nepalese accented English, walking alongside, then looking at them Sam, then Ebrima.
"Look, irrespective of what happened. You worked with Skye Lyons, and she liked you. That is rare. You must be rather good. Ebrima, I know you joined recently, but I read up on you too. I know your score. And the blade too. I will not talk of it yet, but you should have a good story to tell, yes? Just.....make sure it is good." Purna commented, knowing Sam wouldn't think much of good news now, and was likely pretty fucking broken after all of it. Ebrima would be freaked out by it, but he just put it there for now, wanting to make no scene yet.
"So just let him say what he says. After that, he'll calm down. And we'll be back out again. Your drone tech, I would like to also know more for my own reasons too, Sam. But I'll leave that to later. I'll be around if you need me." Purna added to Sam, on that note, leaving Sam to it, curt and to the point, the smaller Nepali infiltrator making his own way off.


With it, the team had the chance to settle in, Purna returning to his room, the glass window pulling in the dawn light and revealing the bedroom, en-suite, and general quarters that were here. He kept little, a singular small suitcase, and with it, had the chance to at least get in a quick shave and a wash. He was off thankfully from the debrief, considering that Adam ran a ship tighter.

So much so, it was basically not describing in this context what it was like or really playing this out- imagine what it's like to get a performance review at work, and well, it was basically that. No fucks thrown, professional, and sombre. Adam drilled Sam, annoyed, pissed off more than anything. Adam wasn't happy, and well, hearing her version of events, the events that everyone had seen on that plane in plenty vision, were just taken as that- end of the day, it was what it was and now, consequences were borne. He wanted no trouble from her, and more to the point, accepted that Skye was held responsible for all that happened- he accepted that fact now, from earlier and right now, but was still unhappy about it. With Chuck, less to say, given he'd just arrived, but more mutual an understanding. Ebrima? Again, same thing. Dude just got here, no point going too hard. They were dismissed, and told to rest up, recover from jet lag, and get used to the base for the brief moment they had to share.

The team had the chance to decompress, Tahlia following on Antti, and helping unload supplies from the plane, getting things rolling, and it was being shipped in. Raph was off with the small remnants of the support team to the Signals Post, one of the huts by the lake, and with it, some basic kit was rolling in like fatigues, weaposn and a few other bits picked up on in Japan. In the meantime, the team were able to do their own thing afterwards, given the morning off, a rare benefit to heal up, rest and recover themselves. A chance to at least enjoy the Finnish morning, considering the insanity. Set up their gear in the armoury that had come in on the A400, and the limited weapons pool already available. Adam had paperwork to catch up on in his office, Purna was sharpening his knives and going through team data in the common room whilst cooking up brekafast, and Athena....well, she was with the one person she wanted to be with for the time being.


In the medbay, Sophie had joined Doctor Hilmar Ori Palssson as his badge identified, a handsome looking Swede, from what Athena could read his accent to be. Hot, but nah, there were way better guys out there. And anyway, priorities. She had her sister to look after, who was now in an oversized bed, upright and getting her stitches looked at.

"I can't fucking believe it. You're so clever sis, but not worth that. Please, please don't do that to me, JamJam or our parents again." Athena added, her tone sorrowful, yet stern, cutting in.

"They were so proud of you. Would not ever stop talking about you. I would squeeze you so tight if I could avoid hurting your arm. And ribs. You know, I actually worked out a lot more while you were away. Thought you might need some extra help so perhaps it was worth it." Athena added, smiling, chatting away. She wouldn't shut up, wanting to talk, and well, slide herself in, the coat removed and just her full body tights on, without the coat, less compressive and revealing her own tree-trunk like bronzed forearms. It really was rather a bit Pata-gucci, a high end make that wasn't military but more luxury, effective sure yet.....well, not anyone else's choice.

"It's weird you're here. But you're here, you know? And we will get things okay. You get to rest up, Jamie will take the slack, and I'll be there to help them. Shit, I'll even sit on Skye's head and crush her like a bug when I see her. Right?" Athena asked, the look on Freya's face likely to paint another story, as Sophie and Hilmar got to work, immediately containing the job Sophie had done to get her through, and getting to work on at least setting her shoulder straight, painfully. She was hasty to blame Skye, but then again, couldn't really find the emotion or maturity to blame you know....actually Skye, to be fair, but the other version of Skye. See, this was confusing for someone that wasn't a PhD holder.

"Right......you don't seem to think that's a good idea. Please don't tell me Skye has nothing to do with this. That will be really awkward." She added, her usual charm cracking a little, only a little, in front of Freya in that moment.
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