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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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I am genuinely sorry this is taking so long, I am trying to get the next post up before the end of January ^^;
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by rush99999
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I am genuinely sorry this is taking so long, I am trying to get the next post up before the end of January ^^;

There is no need for you to apologize. I know how difficult running a game can get. Take all the time you need.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Accurate, but I doubt Garrock would appreciate the comparison. He tries very hard to appear intimidating, after all. XP
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Accurate, but I doubt Garrock would appreciate the comparison. He tries very hard to appear intimidating, after all. XP

Garrock: Skobeloff, what does kawaii mean and why have you been using that word when describing me to other people?
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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So originally I was going to have the next post have the group fly all way to the Capitol... and then I realised based on some pre-established worldbuilding, they couldn't and had to start the post again... which was already taking a long time due to real life stress and because I realised I don't like describing cities.

So yeah, sorry you guys had to wait two months for a shorter post than what was originally planned. This has been a very awkward month for my creativity.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by rush99999
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No worries, I'm just glad that things are moving forward again.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by rush99999
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(a total lunar eclipse where all moons are blocked from the sun CAN happen, and it is considered a very bad thing)

I got my hands on the rulebooks a few days ago and just I've reached the part that talks about this. The chapter in question also mentions an interesting unique move. One you decided not to copy over to the list of unique moves on the first page of the OOC tab. Did you not want us using this move or did you simply forget to add it to the list?
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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I got my hands on the rulebooks a few days ago and just I've reached the part that talks about this. The chapter in question also mentions an interesting unique move. One you decided not to copy over to the list of unique moves on the first page of the OOC tab. Did you not want us using this move or did you simply forget to add it to the list?

*sweats nervously* Hah... Once again, I cannot hide anything from the eyes of Rush.

Well, I haven't copied all the unique moves from Encyclopedia Draconica into the OOC for a few reasons.

1. Some of them are not applicable. You may have noticed while perusing the two books that some of the lore between base Epyllion and our RP is different. As such, some moves either have to be altered or can't be used entirely.

2. Some of the moves are going available at a later point, when they become relevant storywise. If the chapter you are referring to is the one I think it is... let's just say you have glimpsed some somewhat spoilerly lore.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by rush99999
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If the chapter you are referring to is the one I think it is... let's just say you have glimpsed some somewhat spoilerly lore.

Ah... That is unfortunate. I shall hold off on reading any further then.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Ah... That is unfortunate. I shall hold off on reading any further then.

I mean, you can continue reading if you want. That's the main chapter that is a bit spoilery and, again, some of it is a bit different in our canon than in the books. I think there's only other chapter that has some significant stuff and I'll send you the title of that chapter in a PM. Maybe skip that one.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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So originally I was going to have the next post have the group fly all way to the Capitol... and then I realised based on some pre-established worldbuilding, they couldn't and had to start the post again... which was already taking a long time due to real life stress and because I realised I don't like describing cities.

So yeah, sorry you guys had to wait two months for a shorter post than what was originally planned. This has been a very awkward month for my creativity.

No worries. It's all good.
January has also been rough for me in that regard. ^^"

Fogdance then turns her attention to Skobeloff, Fellwing, Shieldwing and Fogdance, looking at them with concern.

Fogdance: *stares at Stargaze* ...Breathtaking. I shall call her....'Mini-Me',

On a different note...
Is there anything we should roll to see if each dragon is holding up okay or is just exhausted?
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Like the others said, no worries at all. Glad to have you back, and hope Feb treats you better!

Also curious about how to determine how exhausted we are, whether it's a choice or a roll. It's been a while but I remember establishing that Fellwing has the technique of flying down pretty well for a drake her age, but-- she is a scrawny one and at the mercy of winds. So I'd imagine she gets exhausted very fast and doesn't have much stamina. Now whether she'd actually admit that...
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Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Fogdance: *stares at Stargaze* ...Breathtaking. I shall call her....'Mini-Me',

... I didn't even notice that. I'm gonna fix that. Clearly, my brain was just so happy to have finished the post by the deadline it freaking crumbled at the finish-line.

As for deciding how tired your drakes are, that is up to you. You can roll for it if you really want to (by rolling a 2d6 like you do with everything else in this game), but you can also just decide based on what you feel fits best for your character in this moment.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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@XxFellsingxX Decided to roll for it, and Stargaze got a 9
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Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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@XxFellsingxX Decided to roll for it, and Stargaze got a 9

As per PbtA rules, that is a partial success.

So... hmm... almost feels like I should make move for this.

Alright, if you decide to roll, here's the rules:
- On a miss (6 or lower), you're exhausted.
- On a partial success (7-9), you're fine.
- On a success (10 or higher), you're not just good, but feeling surprisingly energized despite everything you've been through recently. Maybe you still have a lot of adrenaline in your system.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Oh damn, decided to roll for funsies, and apparently Fellwing continues on her good roll streak, because I got a 10.

Uh. Maybe she's really good at navigating the currents.
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Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Oh damn, decided to roll for funsies, and apparently Fellwing continues on her good roll streak, because I got a 10.

Uh. Maybe she's really good at navigating the currents.

Seeing Stargaze scare a creature of Darkness with her words alone filled her with determination... or something xP

That or she's fueled by anxiety.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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'Snouthold' is great. That is it's canonical name now, thank you Rush.

But what exactly is Skobeloff trying to sieze a position on right now? I'm a little confused.
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