
The Mutes were a part of everyday culture. They were our neighbors, our friends, even our family. The Mutes had been around as long as anyone could remember. Hell, they had been around as long as history could remember. There were ancient Roman sculptures, thousands of year old Egyptian stones with hieroglyphs, even cave drawings of them. Turns out the Mute gene was probably in our system from the very beginning. But with these Mutes around, the world grew up hard.
Most of them fit in fine with society. Some even excelled, using their powers to whatever advantage they could. But this is not a story about those people. As always there were those that just couldn't quite make it work. The rebels, rulebreakers, and pyschos. So when the Mutes got out of line, the world needed some place to put them (usually for a more than extended duration). A place locked up far away from sight. A place where they could forget they existed.
A place like Sirocco.
Sirocco was an undisclosed prison lost from the world in middle of blazing hot desert. As one of the only Mute prison's in the world it was locked down with some of the toughest prison guards, that kept everyone on a stringent schedule. There are no real rules out in Sirocco. So anyone caught pushing their luck will be at the full mercy of the guards. Ontop of that the Captain is said to be one of the most ruthless men. Some rumors have even stated he may be a Mute, after all there are a few Mute guards.
Tomorrow, is the rare shipment of fresh-meat. New inmates freshly processed from the system. After being drugged, they'll wake up changing into their prison uniforms on the bus, with their specially equipped SkyPulse neckbands. Note: Skypulse neckbands are made of a nano-tech Mute polymer that adapts to the Mute they are currently attached to. They can stretch in any size, or any shape necessary, and adapt to many special circumstances. Depending on the power level of the Mute they can dampen to completely limit the ability to use powers. They also provide a nice incentivizing shock when powers get too out of hand, or when any guard feels particularly trigger happy.
- PG-13 for romance (this is a bi-gender jail). Fade to black or whatever
- Violence goes. This is a jail after all. Feel free to get gross
- Same goes for language, be vulger, swear, cuss, I don't give a fuck
- No discrimination in my OOC. We respect everyone writing here. IC go for it, just use ***** to bleep out any slurs.
- Realistic Pictures required for Character Sheets, doesn't have to be a real photo, just has to be realistic. No anime pls sry
- Get your CS approved before posting it to the Character Page
- Try not to get too out of hand with your powers, add some equally negative limitation
- My word is law
- 2 paragraph min
- Please post like min every 2 weeks (or let me know if you gone)
Powers come in 6 levels. The higher the level the more rare it is and the more Skypulse neckbands will limit the power ability or lower the threshold for shocking treatment (depending on the specific power).
White: Indistinguishable from the average human except at a biological level. Essentially just carried the Mute gene.
Blue: The most basic level, and typically the most common. Not considered a general threat.
Yellow: Moderate ability. Not very threatening.
Orange: Threatening ability. To be kept on high alert.
Red: Very threatening. To be kept on close guard.
Purple: Extreme threat. Do not let out of sight at any time. Some of these powers are still not fully understood.
Character Sheet:
Okay here we go. I've never GMed before but I couldn't find a RP I wanted to join so here I am!
The way I see this is basically a modern day jail RP with superpowers. I like realistic stuff so limitations are obviously in order to keep anyone's powers from getting too out of hand. You can be an existing inmate, a prison guard, an incoming fresh-meat. Happy to have someone play the prison Captain aswell.
Hit me up with any questions you got. Also looking for a Co-GM. This is my first RP so I'd love to have support.