The Unlimited Protocol
Superman was in a coma. After the Martian Manhunter was compromised by an alien parasite he almost single handedly took out the League. Batman was suffering back injuries from the same fight and currently rehabilitating in Gotham. Wonder Woman was dealing with a war in Themyscira after someone made an attempt on the Queen's life. Hawkgirl and the Flash chose to enact the Unlimited Protocol when Green Lantern ventured back out into space to deal with Corps business in another sector. They hoped they would get a few dozen heroes looking to step up to the big leagues, what they got was barely a dozen. Heroes like the Question and Animal Man answered the call as well as the grandson of the original Starman. Will these heroes be enough to save the world against a new cadre of enemies put together by a former friend?
The Cast
Featured Heroes & Players
Starman - @Omega Man - Approved
Animal Man - @WXer - Approved
the Question - @Simple Unicycle - Approved
Red Tornado - @GubGar - Approved
Blue Beetle - @rocketrobie2 - Approved
Supergirl - @Eviledd1984 - Approved
Shazam/Black Adam - @Bounce - Approved
Shane TCM - @Hound55 - Approved
Background/Supporting Heroes
Crimson Fox
Swamp Thing
Captain Atom
Doctor Mid-Nite
Manhattan Guardian
Here's a couple episodes and titles to give everyone an idea of where this is going. Only looking for a post per week as far as commitment goes, as the holidays are right around the corner...
Season 1
Episode 1 - Tears for Fears - When a new hero claiming to be taking up the mantle of the Sandman is more than what he seems, someone figures out it's really Batman's enemy the Scarecrow. Who will see their fears come to life while trapped in the Metro Tower under the influence of the fear toxin? And what was Scarecrow's end game?
Episode 2 - Night at the Flash Museum - Two villains (Multiplex and Mirror Master) are tasked with robbing the Flash Museum in Central City. Nobody's sure what they're after, but the League has them surrounded. Who do they work for, and who will they take down in their escape?!
Episode 3 - Gravity is a Liar - Countess Vertigo is causing chaos in the Hub City branch of STAR Labs for information. What can the League figure out when the rooms are spinning, and up and down are both sideways?
Episode 4 - The Door Man - The League works to take down several villains wrecking several branches of STAR Labs. Solomon Grundy, Giganta, the Atomic Skull, and the Cheetah all get away because of one man... the Key. The mysterious cabal of villains are one step closer to their goal!
I should mention I'm the type of GM to give players a bit of freedom. Players can control the enemies to a small degree and if there's any problems they can be addressed. A line or two of dialogue from an enemy and letting them take a few hits is perfectly fine in a post. Just make it interesting and in line with what's been established as the setting. If there's any questions about the enemies we're facing you can always ask about power levels, attacks, weaknesses, etc. This RP is one big collaboration after all.
If you happen to be looking at this OOC at this point and haven't applied, the link to the Interest Check is below. You can also find the link to the groups Discord towards the end of the thread if you wanna get in touch more directly.
JL Unlimited Protocol Interest Check
GM Notes 1/5/24 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Episode List has been updated!!!