Elys Adair
Oratorio, //O3 - Bladerights Estate
In collaboration with @ERode
Elys scanned the room, picking up on monochrome ‘feels' of gravity playing off of objects. Her ‘stare’ focused on one item in particular - the humanoid figurine. Hovering, before her attention shifted to the mass as it- she, spoke.
"I'm looking for work, ma'am," Elys said. "Crag said this was a place where a blade could be used."
Yes, Crag had said this was a place where her skills could be used. What she was sensing wasn't lining up, though. There were children here. There were studies. Everything screamed that this place was simply a plain old orphanage, and she could take her staff and move on.
But a singular noise contradicted all of that. The strange noise of wood clacking on wood.
What did it mean?
Elys brought herself back to the conversation, back to the question asked.
What did she value?
A strange question.
Sensations passed through Elys' mind. The smell of smoke, being suffocated under floorboards. The weight of a sword in her hand.
Burning brighter than all of them, ascending the stairs, to the top. Bated breath caught in hopeful lungs.
"I value justice, and a dream."
Another pause.
"Who... am I speaking with?"
That question was left unanswered.
"Come with me," was what Elys heard instead, the presence heading deeper into the estate.
"Who taught you to wield a sword?"
Lips pursed, Elys followed the mass with ease, staff in hand, as they ventured deeper.
"I taught myself, ma'am." A slight pause. "It was... necessary."
There was no response. A door hinge creaked, and the smell of incense was lessened as the outdoor way blew in. The estate had an inner courtyard, where the clacking of wood sounded more loudly now.
Plenty of individuals present. Plenty of pairs, swinging wooden sticks at each other.
The intention became clarified soon enough.
This "ma'am" strode to a rack against a wall, taking two more sticks. One for herself, the other for Elys. Around her, the clacking of wood quieted down, the students shifting to give both women space in the center. A few whispers sounded, curious about the stranger with masked eyes.
"When you're ready."
In one smooth motion, Elys took the stick offered to her while giving her staff to one of the students to hold. Ah, she understood now.
They stood across from each other. Elys’ hand wiped the wooden stick down, getting a feel for its dimensions, before she raised it, lowering her stance.
At once, she shot forward, locked on the mass in front of her. Her stick came down diagonally, and was met with a resounding clack of a block. She struck again, pushing forward, trying to get the mass pinned against the wall. Another strike, and another, before the ‘ma'am’ pushed back.
Elys lost ground, backing out of the strikes as they came. The “ma'am” had a way of making her strikes unpredictable, causing Elys to take another step back.
No matter.
Elys spun, her stick snapping into a scooping motion, before she followed with a furious jab.
Both were parried flawlessly, before the “ma’am” spoke. “Don't lose control.”
Brief confusion flickered across Elys’ pursed lips. How did she know?
A hot exhale of breath, a brief step back, a brief coil, before springing forward again, trying to keep her movements tight and controlled. She began to encircle the mass, trying to find a break in the defense. Diagonal slashes down, from the sides, step, step, more downward slashes. They increased in speed, in fervor-
The “ma’am” swatted aside her attack and came narrowly close to striking her chest. Elys sidestepped, feeling the rush of her hair and robes in the wind from the speed.
“Lower the intensity.” The mass said.
Elys’ lips spread into a thin line, feeling her competitiveness begging to go all out.
But this was a sparring match. She just had to play it smart. Difficult, given the experience and skill she was up against.
Her breath was coming in even gasps, her pulse rushing through her ears, body alive and sharp with adrenaline.
This time, she waited for the mass to approach first. This time, she would be ready.
As the monochrome ‘sight’ of masses playing off gravity, and a stick swinging towards her, Elys took a step forward. Her stick parried to the left, pressing the opposing stick to the side enough to leave the ‘ma'am's body open. She took another step forward, aiming to go for the neck.
But, as her stick snapped forward, a familiar weight was pressed against her own neck.
The “ma'am” had easily slipped past Elys’ own defenses, and now they perfectly matched in their spar-ending poses. Noting her opponent's stick, it had actually made contact, while Elys was just an inch off making contact.
Elys took a gasp of air, breathing heavily against the stick against her throat.
"A draw."
Perhaps if both of them moved at their full speed, it would be a different result, but as it stood, there was no difference between a blade at one's throat and a blade an inch away. Neither trajectory was impeded; both swordswomen would have their necks sliced open in sequence.
"You taught yourself how to fight animals and monsters. That has made you direct and forceful, your sword a cleaver. Your footwork is all over the place, made to work more through athleticism than technique."
She retracted the stick.
"But it's an honest style."
Around them, the sound of clacking wood resumed, some sort of unknown signal made for the students around them to go about their own training once more. There was a breath, a rolling of the shoulder, before the woman spoke up once more. "I am Therese, the instructor of the Bladerights. Wield your sword for me, and I shall teach you how a sword may become more than a sword. But if your dream is of more import, then I can offer you a bed and a meal, on the condition that you spar with my students on occasion."
Elys’ lips parted in awe. Was she just… was she just offered a place among their ranks? A place she could call home? A place where She could wield her sword in a good way, with a good name?
It was everything she could have hoped for.
And, sensing the clacks of wooden sticks resume once more, Elys had every reason to settle down here among the children as a fellow acolyte, as a sparring partner.
“That… sounds wonderful…”
But, alas, she knew in her heart she was not meant to stay. Something pulled at her. To the void that existed within the Abyss. The unknown.
There was a slight apologetic look that graced her lips as Elys squared her shoulders.
“Madame Therese, you honor me. Alas, I’m called to the Abyss. I would like it if I could spar with your students here, spend the night, and venture out tomorrow.”