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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Altoron wondered how it was mystery but wondered what else it entailed. Though whatever was going on behind him, he was sure the others would handle it.

Carth heard the foot steps and as he gripped his sword and drew it while turning to disarm the man only to have the burst of light blind them for a moment and the next he knew the man was frozen in place. He looked back to Scarlet in awe while Kanarus went to subdue the man with shadows.

Why is your mistress so interested in Ash?" Altoron asks next.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash was panting as she stood up, sparks still dancing on her skin. She said in that same tone of power and wisdom “my dear sister…wishes for things to be as they never were…but now she sends cowards and monsters…and I’m done letting my loved ones be harmed…” she tightened her fist and the mana came from him more, his skin pale as the life was being ripped from him

The man cried out and said “no she will kill him! Get away! She’s a monster like the mistress! The guardians are monsters! Only serving the creatures of magic!” Ash glanced his way, her eyes still silver. “If you don’t want death yourself…you will tell them what they wish to know…before I lose my temper…your friend tried to harm one of my scaled family…and I don’t forgive that…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Altoron glanced their way to see what was going on and his eyes widened to what he never witnessed before. It didnt scare him but only surprise him despite the mans shouts. He then looks back to the man and glares. "Yet you serve your mistress. If you want us to run you shouldn't be serving a master like your mistress then. So tell me about your mistress. Where she is, and if you know about the dragons disappearance." He demands.

Carth was quiet at the moment. Learning new things about all of this. This new side of Ash, what the man spoke of. What Ash said about scaled family, which he guessed was him. But to all what end.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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He shook his head and said “I don’t know anything about her! Just that she’s powerful and will kill us if we don’t obey her! What more do you want!”

Ash said “that’s not good enough…” she moved to finish the man off but stopped part way and shook, her eyes flickering “no…this…is…wrong…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Altoron figured that would be all he would get. They were underlings afterall. Without further ado, Altoron made the choice. He gave Kanarus a glance before giving him a nod. The two unsheathed their hidden blades and plunged them into the necks of their victims, ending their usefulness and their suffering. They released their shadows as they sheathed their blades.

Carth still had nothing to say. He went to Ash before stopping infront of her. "It's okay Ash. It's over." He was calm from what anyone could see. But within was reeling with questions.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash was shaking as sparks still danced in her skin, the mana sphere vanishing once the men were killed. Ash looked at Carth, her eyes fading from the silver and she swayed. “I…don’t…” she fell forward, the pain and rush of what happened being too much for her.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth caught Ash and adjusted her before picking her and carrying her in a bridal hold. The three assassins looked to one another before letting Carth through as Carth began on the path to their living space. Maltoran helped by opening the door for him. Carth took Ash to one of the bedrooms before scanning it, then placing her on the bed gently. He would leave the room and go to the main room before sitting down and just close his eyes.

Orion made it to one of his rounds and handing them their medicine and heading to the next. "I'm gonna give records I have for each patient I have to someone who is capable and give the instructions and what to do. They shouldn't get confused for they are detailed."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash was shaking in his arms, the spark burns showing. She laid down and turned her head and flinched in pain.

Scarlet nodded and said “I’m glad there’s…” then she stopped dead and turned, her light element trigging. And was down an alley. She ran towards the scene and she found the bodies. But their bodies were husks now, their mana drained dry. “What did this…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth leaned forward resting his head in his hands, feeling frustrated and confused. Just when he thought something was starting to make sense, something happens to make it all not make sense anymore and not being able to know what to do. While he sunk into his own mind, the three assassins were watching the alleyway when they noticed someone run into the alley to check the scene. They walked over to see it was Scarlet and Orion who was examining the scene.

"Ash did. They went after her and Carth. When they tried to attack Carth, it set her off and she drained the mana out of them in turn." Maltoran explained.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet looked at them and said “she did this? This isn’t possible. For anyone. No one can pull mana out of a living being. Not even a light elemental and I should know. I am one. Where is she now?”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Altoron looked to the building where Carth and Ash were at now. "In your guy's guesthouse. Ash got shocked from one of the men." He says.

Orion makes his way toward the door to go check on Ash by knocking on the door.

Carth looks up to the door hearing the knock. He takes his time getting up and going to the door which he opens seeing Orion. "Hey Doc."

"I heard about what happened. May I check on her?" Orion asks. Carth moves aside for him and anyone comes in. The three assassins follow inside hoping Scarlet would follow. Carth shuts the door after everyone goes inside and sits on the couch once more.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Scarlet was checking the bodies and muttered “seems her true element is starting to show…but this isn’t Ash…she wouldn’t do this…” she got up and followed them inside and stood before them. “Okay what the heck happened?”

Ash was shaking on the bed, her burns nasty and she was breathing hard. Covered in a cold sweat.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Altoron explained what happened from his point of view on the situation. Explaining about being at the food stalls to when the figures showing up. Him finding them and splitting from them to hopefully to catch them only to be too late. He explained the fight and interrogation.

Carth explained being cornered, trying to fight back and when the assassins show up. Him trying to help her only for her to help him from being backstabbed and what Ash did and said.

Orion pulled a chair over to sit ad he got to work. Rummaging through his bag, he pulls out some Aloe extract and bandages. He worked from head to toe that the burns were.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Scarlet listened closely and said “seems her true powers are triggered when Carth is in danger. I’m starting to see the picture here. Carth, show them the book. The one with the story we found. About the sisters. Maybe they know more to the legend”

Ash stirred as he was by her shoulder, her eyes opening slightly. “What…Carth…in…danger…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Carth pulled the book out of his pack and sets it on the table. Maltoran picked up the book and began to look through the book. "From what one of the men said, Ash was one of those guardians and carth was considered one of her scaled family." Altoron informed.

Orion was gently shushing Ash when she woke up. "Carth is no danger. He is in the other room. Rest while I continue to dress your wounds."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Scarlet said “Ash has no memory before five years ago. She was found in a snow storm by rangers but was wearing no winter gear and was wounded badly. I’m thinking she’s linked to that myth of the sister guardians. Do you three know anything of the legend?”

Ash looked around and said “something…took over…Orion…I think…I killed him…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"We've heard some legends on the sisters but one that stuck out was that one of the sisters preferred to be among Dragons. But what we don't understand is what happened to them." Maltoran explained.

"That I do not know. I know that you are wounded and need treatment." Orion states.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Scarlet said softly “ash said in her fever state that she couldn’t protect them…from her sister. Things like that…Carth? You’re a dragon we know this. What do you remember from your past?”

Ash closed her eyes as tears ran down and said “I’m a monster…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Carth didn't look at any of them and shook his head. "I was raised in an orphanage since I can remember. I didn't dragons existed except in fairytales. I don't understand myself anymore. All I knew was to be human." Carth explained.

Orion shook his head. "That you are not and I know monsters." He working on her legs with the aloe and bandages.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Scarlet frowned then cursed softly and said “we aren’t getting answers just more questions. Okay, does anyone have any idea how Ash did that? Were those bodies that dried out when ash left?”

Ash shook her head and said “I lost control…I tried to drain…mana…the life out of him…I’m…a monster just as bad as those beasts…”
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