Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion laughed at the question finding it a tad amusing. "I found them. But that's a story for another time." He goes through a bag of his and pulls out a mana potion and goes to hand it to Scarlet. "Here. It probably drained a good chunk of your mana. It should help."

Carth nodded. "Sad to say but I agree." He sighs sadly at the thought. Seemed no town was safe for them. "So we check our things then go get our weapons."

Maltoran nodded. "No wonder." He then uses his water to purify it before destroying it.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet blinked and took the bottle “umm…wait how did you find a curse first?”

Ash nodded and said “I think we looked everywhere…I think we got them all”

Shinlo nodded and looked around. “How did they have time to do this unless they did this during the fight?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion looked confused at first but then wonder if she meant his form. "This?" Gesturing to his form before sitting on a stool. "It ran in my family of my mother's side. Her line has been cursed for generations. We don't even know why. If we did it's been forgotten for generations. When one comes of age, we gain this wolf like form and it very how it comes about." He explained abit saddened by it all.

Carth was putting his things away before setting it aside. "I think so. We should probably go get our weapons."

Maltoran was wondering that himself before he came to a possible outcome. "Or when Scarlet and Carth were with us at the market yesterday. There would have been plenty of time."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet sighed and sat up saying “that’s not it either. How did the enemy find you? How did that curse know about you?”

Ash nodded and said “should I be running? Should I be keeping everyone coming with me?”

Shinlo nodded softly and then said “Ash might either run…or take the fight to them?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"Ooohhhh. No clue. They must have somehow found out. Maybe they strategically placed it, maybe someone is still about setting the curses." Were Orion's guesses.

Carth shook his head vigorously. "Let us stay. It's already pointed out that we would all stay with you till it's over. Plus...I know it might feel selfish but...I want to know how we're connected. What happened back then, how come I haven't seen more of those like me? I want to understand and find the answers. Maybe they're all tied together?" He looks to her with determination. "If you take the fight to them. Let's not put these people in harms way and on our own terms."

"My bothers and I will fight with her." Maltoran says. He looks down as he sees Altoron as he comes out of the shadows. "Altoron's back. I wonder what happen to Scarlet."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet sighed then tried to get up again. “Ash is goin to do something crazy again…I have to stop her from running off to protect all of us…” she cursed and held her chest. “Come on body…move…”

Ash sighed and closed her eyes. “I figured you would say that…just thought I would try…”

Shinlo frowned and moved to jump down and landed in front of the assassin. “Where is Lady Scarlet?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion nodded. "I figure as much. Guess I'm glad I only have some things left to pack to the wagon. First drink the mana potion while I grab my cloak and my two bags. I could carry you while we head to the cabin." He suggests while going to grab this shoulder bag and long duffle. He sets the duffle by the door and grabs his cloak to wrap himself in that covers his form. He goes to Scarlet. "Ready?"

Carth felt his body sag little like he was going to pout. He then stands up and offers a hand to her. "Ready to go?"

Altoron looks to Shinlo as Maltoran climbs down. "She is with Orion right now. He got cursed by some sort of smoke. Scarlet purified him of the curse as I destroyed it. It took a bit of a toll on her so Orion took her to his place." He explains. "How goes it here?"
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet drank the potion down and sighed, getting up trying not to shake. “Ya…ready as I’ll ever be…”

Ash sighed and said “I would only leave if everyone agreed with me…”

Shinlo nodded and said “we have cleared the cabin. But we are thinking we need to leave today. Wait, lady Scarlet is a Light elemental?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion nodded before he picked up Scarlet to pirch on his arm while he opened the door. He grabs his duffle before closing the door. He walked toward the cabin as he has most of his face shadowed over.

"I meant to go get our weapons. If anything they could go to the wagon as we go get our weapons then meet them there?" Carth asks.

Altoron nods. "She is."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet looked down at him and said “I wish you didn’t have to hide…I find your wolf form charming…”

Ash said “we can give them time to be ready to go. There’s no huge rush now…let’s go pick them up then come back”

Shinlo paused and muttered “do we have all the elements…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion smiled though he couldn't see her. "Oh? I think this is the first time I've had told such a compliment." He states.

Carth nods. "Sounds good. Shall we let them know?" He asks.

"Most likely. Though I don't know what we could be missing." Altoron notes.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet laughed softly and said “I like animals and I like smart guys…two things I like in one…”

Ash nodded and said “we better so they don’t freak out like scarlet did…”

Shinlo held up his fingers “ash is wind, Carth is fire…scarlet is light…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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If this were wolf could blush he would but it has been substituted with his tail wagging. "Good to know." A positive feeling within. "I'm glad I've met such an open minded, and intuitive young woman."

Carth nods as he goes up to the main room where Kanarus was keeping an eye on the three outside.

"I am shadows, Maltoran is water, Kanarus is wind. And Orion has earth." Altoron continued the list.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet smiled and said “I’ve been around the country and I see a lot of things…nothing really surprises me anymore…but I’m excited when I do see new things…”

Ash followed and asked “what’s going on?”

Shinlo nodded and said “I am a magic user but not in elemental…is there any missing?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"I see. It's a good mindset." Orion comments.

"Altoron just came back without Scarlet. Seems their discussing something." Kanarus answers.

"I think we about covered it." Altoron looks to the cabin to see Ash and Carth with Kanarus. "We should discuss the rest inside." Altoron walks toward the Cabin with Maltoran in toe.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet smiled as she saw the cabin and saw the others. “It seems the others are okay”

Ash frowned and moved downstairs to meet with the others. “What’s going on?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Orion stopped half a block away from the cabin. He halted like something was keeping him from going forward. He was nervous. His tail stopped wagging as his ears lowered. He glanced in Scarlet's direction. "I don't know....maybe I should wait till I'm normal again."

Carth follows Ash toward the others. Altoron looks toward Ash when he stepped inside and explained what happen as he told Shinlo.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet looked at him and said “we have a memory blocked ranger, a guy whose best friend is a snake, and a guy who just found out his a dragon. I doubt a werewolf is going to upset anyone”

Ash listened and said “I’m glad scarlet thought of the doctor…I hope they are both alright”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Orion grumbles something and nods. "True....I blame my heightened instincts...." He starts walking once again toward the cabin.

Altoron nodded. "They are. He was letting Scarlet rest a bit." He assures. "Heading out?" He asks her.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash said “we are getting our weapons…” she froze when an aura hit her and she turned and opened the door; her hand on her smaller dagger. She saw the hooded figure then pulled the dagger out before relaxing seeing Scarlet. “Oh good…scarlet you alright?” The hunter smiled and waved at her.
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