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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The world has never ceased to change.

Once, the human population was small. But now, humanity exists in every corner of the world, building vast cities to house their numbers.

In such places, incredible things are accomplished and created.

In such places, darkness festers in low places. People feel pain and anger. Resent and hatred. These bubbling feelings boil over and spill into lonely and isolated places, sinking into a mire of spiritual corruption.

Kegare. The black-red ichor of death and trauma that lingers in sites of devastating accidents and traumatic deaths, of deep wounds that can't easily heal. These spiritual corruption lingers and feeds on the negative emotions of human beings, forming physical bodies with which to sew further pain.


Grudges are these physical beings, these manifestations of spiritual corruption fueled by the negative emotions of humanity. The hatred of an overbearing boss. Jealousy towards the praise earned by a top-rank student. These feelings for the nourishment of Grudges, who in turn sew further pain by attacking humanity. Weak Grudges may simply cause illness or influence others to become hostile or depressed. But once they become strong enough, they are able to attack and kill human beings and feed on them directly.

Grudges have always been the price of humanity's existence. But in this world of mass population and enormous cities, that price has increased dramatically.

For all the amazing things that can be accomplished in the modern world, that can't prevent the manifestation of Grudges.

And yet---

Spirits. Demons. Youkai. Gods.

These beings have existed alongside humanity. Sometimes worshipped and respected, other times reviled and hated. But their nature as beings outside of human existence allows them a unique capacity to destroy Grudges.

And by forging contracts with these beings, humans can gain this capacity as well.

Once, those who formed these Shadow Contracts with the Unseen were a special class of warrior or mystic. In Japan, there were a number of families who formed contracts spanning their entire bloodline for this sole purpose. But in this modern day, more Contract Holders are needed than ever.

It is for this reason that the families permitted the creation of the Shadow Contract Academies, technical schools for the expansion of contract holder numbers and their education. While they still hold a stuff grip on the progression of this side of the unseen world, they have permitted new blood to enter it all the same.

These Contract Holders must face the world of night and destroy the Grudges that would devour human lives.

But, perhaps---

This world isn't so simple.

And Grudges may not be the only enemy.

The Tokyo Shadow Academy is one of the two primary schools focused on the education and development of Contract Holders. Operating in secrecy, hidden from most of the mundane world, these schools are responsible for the next generation of defense against Grudges. Primarily they focus on education about the context and nature of Shadow Contracts, as well as live-fire training exercises where students are sent to destroy Grudges with the supervision of school faculty.

It's the only way to truly prepare for the future, after all.

Students are sent from both the Founding Families of Shadow Contractor Techniques as well as discovered by routinely maintaining observation of the rest of society for anyone who may have formed a contract through other means, or unintentionally formed one. It is not only for the purpose of protecting society as a Contractor, but also for their own sake due to the dangers of holding a contract and the abilities it grants without understanding it.

Its elder sibling, the Kyoto Shadow Academy, operates in much the same manner.

Shadow Contracts: Contracts held between a human being and a supernatural entity, being a spirit, youkai, demon, or god. These contracts grant the contractor an ability of some form, which can manifest in a variety of ways. Some Contract Abilities may be broad and flexible, while others may seem like they are narrow and function in a rigid and structured way. All of these abilities surpass the material world and allow for the permanent destruction of manifested Grudges. The use of Contract Abilities requires a steady supply of spiritual energy. The more spiritual energy a human being possesses, the more freely they can use a Contract Ability. Spiritual Energy levels are determined by a variety of factors, one of them being bloodline. It goes without saying that the founding families possess high levels of spiritual energy. Contracts can be made on an individual basis, but in the case of the founders their entire bloodlines are under contract to powerful supernatural entities. A contract is a two-way street, the human side gains an ability but in exchange they must provide some form of payment in the form of the Contract's Cost. Cost can be anything from a one-time payment to something that must be done every time a contractor uses their abilities. It can be performing an action such as singing or prayer, offering an item or even a piece of oneself, or even pledging years of one's life. Typically, the stronger a contract ability the steeper the Cost, and one-time payments will inevitably be a harsher Cost then those that are paid daily or on ability use. Techniques utilizing Contract Abilities are known as Shadow Techniques, the most developed of which are held by the founding families due to their long history.

Grudges: Masses of spiritual corruption known as kegare that have festered in places rich in negative emotions. By feeding on this negative energy, Grudges are capable of developing a physical form. Weak Grudges can merely influence emotions or cause illness, but once they have become more powerful they can directly affect the physical world and cause harm or even kill human beings. Most Grudges are monstrous in appearance and beast-like in intelligence, but some particularly powerful Grudges can develop human-like intellect and even take on more human-like forms. Grudges are difficult to permanently harm with conventional weaponry, but attacks made using spiritual power are capable of destroying them. Grudges posses their own spiritual energy, and thus operate under similar rules to contracted humans in that regard. If exhausted of spiritual energy, a Grudge will be unable to continue using their abilities. Grudges are ranked from E to S, with E-rank Grudges being low level threats any contractor can deal with an S-rank Grudges being a high grade threat that only the most capable of Contractors may face.

Hey, this RP is mostly just born from a desire for some urban fantasy action! Players are going to be students, primarily first and second years(ranging from 15-17). The RP intro will depend a bit on if we have any new blood just learning about the hidden side of the world now, so a mix of newcomers and people who were born into this would be nice.

I'm aiming for no more than 8 players, and I'm expecting at least one post a week.

Also, @PKMNB0Y will be my co-gm!

  • Name:
  • Age: (15-17)
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Backstory:
  • Skills:
  • Spiritual Energy Grade: (From E to S, E being low and S being a special rank for high level Spiritual Energy. Naturally I'm expecting most characters to fall between these two ranks, and I'm not likely to accept an S-rank without a good reason.)
    • Contracted Being: (As this takes place in Japan, largely Japanese mythology and folklore entities are to be expected. You may also use human ghosts and others being as contracts!)
    • Contract Rank: (A vague grading of contract ability power from E to S. This rank is determined by contracted being, contract ability, and the use and capability of the contractor in use of that ability. Contracts abilities can rank up based on increased performance. Most should fall into the C-B category, though a very well-justified A-rank may be permitted. S-rank contracts are not acceptable.)
    • Contract Abilities: (What does your contract let you do? It can be a broad ability with multiple applications or a narrow one with specific uses, or anything in-between. It should have some thematic connection to the contracted being)
    • Cost: (What does your character pay to uphold their side of the contract? It can be something they pay at regular intervals, something they pay on ability use, or something they paid once when they contracted. Typically, higher rank contracts have higher costs, and single payments are always higher then payments on ability use or on regular intervals.)
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I am here to note interest.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@BOOM: Please don't post non-accepted bios in the characters tab.

I didn't even have the opportunity to review your sheet, it doesn't belong there.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Time to think on ability...
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by BOOM
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: Anna Fez
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Personality: Anna is deeply insecure about her ability to form meaningful connections with others. She holds little respect for authority figures. During stream her attitude is cheery and bubbly, but off-stream she relaxes into the natural state of an average 16 year old college student: a love for starbucks, sushi, and money.

Backstory: Anna's real mom, a Polish immigrant, quietly left her in front of a Japanese Basilica run by Eastern Catholics to avoid the trouble that comes with raising a baby in poverty. Anna grew up fighting with other orphans for scraps of food and toys because she "looked funny" (split lip, flat nose, and a red-black birthmark covering her forehead), and the agonizing search for an adoptive family. There were a few kids who didn't mind how Anna looked, but one by one they left her with their new families - and all she got were pitying looks from the nuns and administrators. When she was 15, Anna left the church and joined the Aleph, yearning for a sense of belonging to a group that the cult promises.

Anna was accepted by Aleph, but she wasn't happy. She worked from dusk till dawn at a cult-run telephone dating club but did not receive a penny, her supervisors forbid her from leaving the premises, and her work to manipulate and extort victims for all of their money ran in contrast to what she was taught in her old church. One night Anna is caught sending encoded messages to the police using a vpn. Horrified, she was frozen as two men armed with shotguns shoved her into the backseat of a Toyota heading into the woods of Aokigahara to kill her and make it look like a suicide - but something answered her desperate prayers - and her powers kicked in for the first time. She ordered both men to STOP at the nearest police station, TESTIFY her story, then BLOW UP THEIR HEAD USING THEIR OWN SHOTGUN. That night she dreams of a golden pyramid, and she is standing at the bottommost rung, and at the summit a blinding figure of light tells her in a booming voice that his gift comes at a price: she is in a 1 million-year lifespan debt with compounded interest! To default means death and forever burn in the pits of hell. She have a month to make good her first payment plan.

She is placed under a rehabilitation program. In this brief period of tranquility Anna experimented with content creation under the name "Internet Angel", discovering that she could sense a connection with her viewers and feel their support somehow empowering her - that feeling of belonging that she was always looking for. More importantly, she realized she can "borrow" a little lifespan from each of her viewers to pay back her God.

Her supernatural conduct on the internet have garnered the attention of online watchdog groups and she is put on house arrest. Then she recieved an invitation to an elite academy that she have never heard of...

Skills: Besides being tech-savvy, she is pretty much an average gal.
Spiritual Energy Grade: A
Contracted Being: Ebisu, God of Ultra-consumerism
Contract Rank: A
Contract Abilities: Persuasion - Super charisma, works best with people, but can be applied to animals. Limitations include the target's willpower, exposure level, and relation with the user.
Friendship - This ability allows the user to form psychic bonds with other individuals, but it can only be done with their consent. Once the bonds are established, the user can amplify their own abilities by drawing a portion of Spiritual Energy from bonded targets, and pass on damage. After all, what are friends for?
Cost: Monthly payment of her debt of 1 million+ years of lifespan to Ebisu.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@BOOM: Okay boy where to start here...

To begin with, I'll point out I'm not a particularly big fan of using RL images for anime-based RPs. It comes off as jarring and incongruous at best. To top it off, the image is pretty much unrelated to the description you give later on which makes it all the more confusing.

As for the rest...

It's sort of a mess? It doesn't really fall in line with how contracts are formed even unintentionally. When I mentioned unintentional contracts, I meant things like "my friend died but now their ghost follows me all the time because I wished they wouldn't go" or something like that, where you did make the contract but didn't realize it was a contract or something like that.

Just suddenly getting god powers from someone you had zero contact with before this point... not exactly. The backstory's also fairly incoherently and poorly-explained.

Additionally, with Ebisu being an actual member of the Seven Gods of Fortune, you've honestly failed to connect anything there to the actual mythological figure. I'm not asking for super adherence in how your abilities work but it should at least be recognizable to some degree.

Your contract, given the abilities given, is not at all A-rank. It's lacking in application and potency, and from an OOC perspective borders heavily on mind control which I'm not inclined to accept. It also doesn't really fall in line with her backstory either, how are people expected to consent to giving away lifespan over the internet when they don't even know that's a possibility?

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

  • Name: Ando Hikari
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Forever stuck looking about 10 when dressed properly.
  • Personality: For someone who looks so young, Hikari's attitude certainly isn't. Despite not even having left school yet, she's by default jaded and bitter, with particularly dim views on authority figures. On the other hand, she's also quietly confident where Grudges are concerned, even though most of her time in battle won't have more to call on than her own skill, or that she might end it without even that to work with. It's also quite hard to get a read on her expressions; Hikari doesn't emote much.
  • Backstory: Hikari was, despite appearances, physically born as a boy. Raised around the Kumano Taisha, Hikari's future was always intimately tied to the shrine itself and the religious practice therein, and something about that was bothersome in a way that could never quite be put into words. Until, of course, the need for new contractors to replace the old came calling as ever, and as a third son there was no question that it would be fine if their shrine's deity thought to answer, to deem Hikari worthy—
    Well, the long and short of it was that Susanoo did consider her worth contracting, and the lack of concern she had for the obvious price paid finally answered a lot of questions. Just turned ten at the time, that left several years before she would be sent away to properly apply her learned skills, which seemed a rather valuable amount of time to prepare given the sheer breadth of options and potential for danger such a contract posed.
    That was when the other costs became clear. Obviously, she wasn't growing, and her endurance steadily decreased—her parents pushing her to practice more and more all the time, even though she knew the link was clear. In the end, by the time she got away to school—and in Tokyo at that, far from the shrine—there was very little of her full reserves to call on. That's obviously not something that a school curriculum has helped with, which Hikari is particularly bitter about, as she knows her own aptitude and the depth of the contract should warrant better.
  • Skills: Although she doesn't look it, the tiny girl is remarkably adept with a sword, although not in a way that lends itself to any sporting usage. She's also astonishingly knowledgeable about the various gods of Shinto, for some obvious reasons, although she could be considered overly specialised for that. Her conventional education is pretty much entirely left to languish… aside from literacy, and for some reason smugly rubbing in her calligraphy.
  • Spiritual Energy Grade: Practically speaking, E. It should be much higher—although how much so, nobody can really tell as she'd already lost a lot of headroom before it came up—but that would take months if not years of total inactivity.
    • Contracted Being: Susanoo-no-Mikoto
    • Contract Rank: C—measured at her current stamina.
    • Contract Abilities: Naturally, such a potent contracted figure offers a wide range of potent abilities: the ability to call a storm or force one to subside; enormous power over the seas or hostile waters, or simply the control and invocation of them oneself; even a very potent healing ability that can cure nigh any disease as well as address injury—and to use any of them would put the wielder out of action for the rest of the day, and anything too grandiose would be left untamed and uncontrolled. Instead, the majority of her contract's use is the comparatively-free ability to manifest Susanoo's own blade, with Hikari preferring to call it the more poetic Ame-no-Habakiri unless a giant serpent actually shows up, and just do the best she can with a plain-looking, straight-edged sword… fortunately, one both indestructible and spiritually effective, even without the rest of the contract's powers to call on it.
    • Cost: The very initial cost of the contract was to be transformed into a girl… which really wasn't much of a cost at all, from Hikari's perspective. Naturally, though, contracting such a prominent and ancient deity had other costs associated with it: Hikari hasn't grown since the contract was made, her potential to reach physical adulthood also traded away, and any severe use of the contract's abilities does more than consume spiritual energy, it's scarring. As a result, her available spiritual energy has been gradually whittled away through carelessness or necessity.
      It even has a tertiary cost... she says. Or maybe she just likes going home for long enough to take part in ceremonies. She certainly dresses as a shrine maiden enough.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Tsuda Tamotsu

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short, has a nimble figure, has messy hair that is colored a dark purple, wears a navy green jacket over a light gray shirt and also long, dark gray pants. He also has a burn mark on his left eye.

Personality: Usually has a pretty quiet demeanor, he never really initiates conversation with anyone unless he is spoken to first, he also has both a flat expression and voice.

Backstory: Tsuda grew up next to the ocean with his family, he had grown up with only one sibling, being his brother. Even though he was raised next to the ocean, he was always wary of going into the water, although, almost every morning, he would go out to the docks, then sit down and watch the ocean peacefully, it was like a comfort hobby of his. Eventually, once he was around 9, his family had gone out to the ocean, but they never came back, they were considered dead, as it had been 3 months since they were seen anywhere. After that, Tsuda would stay inside his home most of the time, alone they with his thoughts, until 2 years later when he decided to finally try to go out to the ocean, where he found the Yokai known as Bake-kujira, a skeletal whale who was said to curse people who hunted or ate whales with plagues and fire. When he saw the Yokai, it startled him, knocking him off of the raft he was on, and since he didn't know how to swim yet, he started to drown. The Yokai noticed this, and ended up saving him, bringing him back to the shore, while also making a contract with him, giving him the ability to summon a limited amount of fire, which he hasn't quite figured out yet.

Skills: He is fairly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, he is also good at healing and treating wounds.

Spiritual Energy Grade: D

Contracted Being: Bake-kujira.

Contract Rank: B

Contract Abilities: Fire manipulation, but a bit weak since he doesn't know how to fully understand it yet, so he rarely uses it.

Cost: When Bake-kujira saved Tsuda from drowning, it gave him a permanent burn mark on his left eye, as a sort of payment. Also, it was Bake-kujira who killed his family, and felt pity for Tsuda, so he saved him and gave made the contract.

Tell me if this needs anything else, please.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Making my presence known
Am likely doing something with the chinese/japanese zodiac
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This seems like it will be very fun :D
Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Okay, want to apologize for any inconvenience this might cause but I think I'm going to need to adjust the OP a bit to better reflect my intentions for RP powerscale and contract rankings.

The big thing though is we're now going to have no player s-ranks.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Half Pint
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Half Pint

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I hope this is ok! I know it's a bit different from what is outlined in the OP, so no worries if non-Japanese characters won't fit. I had the idea of her having attended a similar school in Norway and then transferring, but didn't want to do too much worldbuilding in your world. If this is an option though I might change the last part of her backstory!

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Raineh Daze: Accepted. While I don't want everyone taking these kinds of contracts, the steep limitations make it balanced out and they're not unheard of even if they happen infrequently.

@RoadkilBanana: Declined, this is very flat and doesn't really elaborate on the abilities well enough at all. I don't get a sense of the potency of the fire manipulation or why it would be B-rank.

@Aku the Samurai: As noted by my decision to lower the ceiling for player characters, declined. I also don't think his abilities connect well to Orochi's mythology, being a bit more generically snakey. I feel like conceptually he might be served a bit better starting at a lower rank and working his way up.

@Half Pint: I know it wasn't directly mentioned in the OP, but by this point other countries do have their own contract academies even if the practice likely originated in Japan. You'd be better off going with someone who lived in Japan before making a contract, but originally came from elsewhere or is half-Japanese.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Here we are, a newbie for everyone. Lemme know if things need changing anywhere.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yeah, kinda rushed mine, I totally expected that, lol
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago

What rank of power would you say invisibility and hardened defense against physical contact would be?

Idk if that is considered OP or not...
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@VitaVitaAR I edited the app. Not sure if it's good now.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Brewing up a character. Leaning into something in the vein of a character whose contract is with a shinigami, such made to stave off the character's imminent death. I'm imagining some form of vampirism would be the resulting abilities... still thinking through the wrinkles.
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