Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name of Ship: Vengeance
Type of Ship: Polacre
Rigging: A three masted polacre
Crew Compliment: about 100
Cannon: 2x long 9 lb cannons in the bow and stern. 8x 8lb cannons, 8x swivel guns.
Description: a reasonably unremarkable polacre with the exception of the large, long ranged chase guns.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

Character Description

Name: Coralie D'Ambois: Captain of the Vengeance
Species/Race: Monchian Human
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Appearance:slight, 5'4'', dark hair, blue eyes

Strengths and Weaknesses

Skills: Coralie D'Ambois is literate and numerate. Also quite handy with a cutlass.
Noble background makes her quite capable of talking to and negotiating with people in high places.
Weaknesses: Navigation is a dark art Coralie does not really understand.


Backstory:Coralie D'Ambois was born as the younger daughter of a not-particularly significant Vichian Noble House, but one with delusions of grandeur. Her mother, Callia was a member of the Hasikos dynasty from Inbur... not that Coralie remotely cared about any of that nonsense.

At 17, much to the horror of her parents, Coralie eloped with the notorious (and handsome) corsair, Anquetil Champernon, Captain of the polacre, Hiver . After a year together, Coralie fell pregnant, bearing the corsair a son, also named Anquetil. Only a year later though, the younger Anquetil died of scarlet fever. Coralie was, by all accounts, inconsolable, and the situation was only made worse when the news reached her some months later that Anquetil Senior had died of his wounds after being hit by grapeshot off the Calarian Main.

Coralie attempted to return home, only to find the doors barred to her. Coralie was disowned and neither of her parents would allow her into the house, let alone see her. The scandal she had brought on the family was, it was explained by a butler, too much to bear.

This left Coralie in a rather precarious position as she was quite without any means to support herself. Realising a lack of relatives meant that there was dispute over who owned Anquetil's assets, Coralie decided to make a bid for then arguing she was, in effect, his common law wife and that he had intended to marry her when he returned from his voyage (which was a pure fabrication). The chance paid off and Coralie inherited Anquetil's apartment at port, the Hiver and a whole lot of debt she hadn't realised he had.

The Hiver needed to put to sea and make some money, fast. Mostly to escape the scrutiny of the debt collectors, although also because she needed the distraction, Coralie decided to 'Captain' the ship herself though, in reality, for the first few voyages, she remained a figurehead and let the ship be run by her First Mate, Momin Asinger, while she learned the trade.

Full of simmering anger at life and her family, Coralie renamed the Hiver, Vengeance.

The first voyage brought back a small haul, enough to save the ship, though not the apartment and Coralie put to sea again.

Better at finances than the late Anquetil Champernon, Coralie has made a reasonable amount of money as a 'privateer' over the last six years and has grown into a capable Captain in her own right. Her goal is to earn enough money to set up in a house larger and more opulent than that of her parents - it's not a particularly plausible goal, but it is what drives her. She is known to be kind to captured sailors but, conversely, to try to screw every last drop of ransom money out of captured nobles, despite being a blue-blood herself.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Character Description
    Name: Captain Aghilas Jêle Doeli
    Species: Addonian
    Sex: M
    Age: 35
    Appearance: Tall, imposing, with sea green eyes framed by dark hair and a large bushy beard. Standing 6'5", 225lbs, he's broad shouldered and usually wears a finely tailored, short cut, black satin-silk robe with silver trim. He wears a deep violet head-wrap, made of the same satin-silk, with a tight matching waist-wrap/shoulder sash, which carries a decoratively hilted nimcha, along with 4 flintlocks.

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Seamanship, Swashbuckling, Strength, Great Bravery
    Weaknesses: Excessive Bravery, Spendthrift, Vainglorious, Excessive Swashbuckling

    Backstory: Aghilas 'the Doel' was born son of a Doel slave-servant and an Addonian father he never met who promised to buy his mother's price, but never returned. As a young boy he was taken to sea as ship boy before his 10th year, growing up at sea aboard corsairs. Despite being a slave, Aghilas grew into a large, powerful young man respected among the crew, and a favourite of the corsair captain. It was during this time Aghilas was groomed as a lieutenant, and, in a turn of affairs neither he nor the crew talk about much, elected Captain after the position was abruptly 'vacated'.

    Captain Aghilas, or 'the Doel' as he is sometimes called (despite looking quite Addonian), quickly became one of the best known Addonian Corsairs. Rumours abound however that he has recently had a falling out with several local Addonian princes not offering him and his crew their 'due' - with the result that the al-Marid sailed into Mina-Sakh with several suspiciously Addonian looking prizes, laden with slaves, booty. He and his crew have spent their time in port spending freely as the al-Marid is being refitted, and developed a sudden keen interest in his Doel heritage and sailing to the Calarian Main.

    A larger than life figure in the piracy world there are some who've described him, at times, as 'a bit much.'

Name of Ship: Hamsat al-Marid
Type of Ship: Xebec
Rigging: Three masted xebec rigged, unusually for the time, with large bermuda rigged sails and jibs between the bowsprit and each of the masts.
Crew Compliment: ~100
Cannon: 17
- 14 10pdrs on a small gundeck
- 3 4pndr swivel mounts, 2 fore, 1 aft.
Description: Hamsat al-Marid, often simply called Hamsat or al-Marid is around 35m in length, a beam just over 8m, and a draft between 3.5m. Displacing just under 200 tons. She has a sleek, streamlined hull and three large sails supported by multiple, large jibs. Less obvious to the eye are an expensively retrofitted copper sheathed hull, and a wider, longer keel than typical for xebecs for better stability with her large sails and in heavy seas. In light seas under full sail she's fast enough to give even fast frigates a run for their money with the wind and when in doubt she excels tacking close to the wind. Struggles a little in heavy seas when stability demands cut into her speed a little.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Badarby
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Badarby Literally me

Member Seen 1 day ago

Character Description

    Name: Stefano Bene (real name Astartus Nicolau)
    Species/Race: Human - Shariq
    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Appearance: 5 feet, 7 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Being a legal expert in the maritime laws of many countries in the Circle Sea, Stefano is educated and is often used for taking part in negotiations with many organizations. Add to that, he is known for his charisma coming from his friendly, flamboyant, and laid back attitude; often used for diplomacy and swooning women.
    Weaknesses: While he had trained with weapons for self defense, conflict is not his forte and he’s not one to be looking for a fight. When the fists start throwing, he's finding a table to hide under. He also can’t swim, considering it to be bad luck and tempting the sea spirits.


    Backstory: Astartus Nicolau was born in a small imperial town to a Shariq blacksmith family. Despite his father's attempt to instill the value of honest living, Astartus had little interest in blacksmithing and would fall in the wrong crowd of pickpockets and scammers as a child, getting in trouble with local authorities over petty theft. As part of lashings given by his father and older brother, he would wise up and focus on his education, taking some interest in studying imperial laws. Part of it was a genuine effort for him to reform himself from his teenage years of being a troublemaker, part of it was because he wanted to leave the small town. He made his family proud once he passed the necessary requirements and tests to became a business attorney and was able to move to Inbur.

    However, trouble always seems to follow Astartus as he was under suspicion for possible involvement in a smuggling ring (which he was). He was able to flee the imperial authorities and bribed some Calarian trader for him to flee to Calaria. While escaping, Astartus threw some of his personal items overboard. Hopefully, officials in search of him would have written him off as having drowned in the sea.

    At Calaria, Astartus grew out his hair and beard and had taken a different personality. The quiet and reserved Astartus Nicolau is no more, now he's the flamboyant Stefano Bene, a legal expert from Calaria. Stefano soon found himself in the service of Alberto Grasso, seeking the opportunity to finance his lifestyle of making more money and love to women. However, something is screaming at him from the back of his mind that this venture may be more than he bargained for.
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Demencia
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Demencia Unreasonable Confidence

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name of Ship: Vild Ørn
Type of Ship: Barque
Rigging: Nothing of note
Crew Compliment: 85
Cannon: 12x Brendahlander 12-pounder
Length of Gundeck 86' 0"
Breadth 18' 0"
Draught Aft 7' 0"
image of ship

Character Description

    Name: Særún Þórlindsdóttir
    Species: Human (Brendahlander)
    Sex: Female
    Age: 29
    Appearance: cash money

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Vikingr - Særún is skilled in close combat situations when boarding enemy ships, preferring to use a naval axe over a sword. She also prefers smaller flintlock pistols to larger pistols, and has a custom double-barreled pistol from her previous life in Brendahland navy before the mishap.

    Survivor - The crew of the Vild Ørn was written off as lost by the Brendahland navy, but they persevered for months at sea with minimal supplies by scavenging and fishing.

    Weaknesses: Delusional - Perhaps it was the stress of being lost at sea, or the heat, or some combination, but all of the crew of the Vild Ørn suffers from varying degree of mass psychosis causing them all to go slightly primitive.


    Backstory: When left to their own devices for a long period of time, will man revert to their base nature? Such was the case of the Vild Ørn, a ship that set sail from Hemmeling destined for the Morestad, but somewhere along the way the ship and her crew was hit by a storm and never arrived. Adrift at sea for months, the crew survived only on what they could catch from the waters around them. By the time the demasted ship drifted into a port along the Gold Coast, the crew had all embraced traits of their ancestors. They launched raids along the coast until the Vild Ørn was able to be repaired and resupplied.

    Now with the ship repaired, the Vild Ørn regularly conducted raids upon merchants up and down the coast, seemingly without care for flag or allegiance.

Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
Avatar of Dyelli Beybi

Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

Character Description

Momin Asinger: First Mate of the Vengeance
Species/Race: Addonian Human
Sex: Male
Age: 39
Appearance: tall, muscular 6' tall, dark hair and eyes

Strengths and Weaknesses

Skills: A competent and experienced pirate with a moderate amount of skill in most aspects of seamanship. Strong swimmer.
Weaknesses: No particular weaknesses.


Backstory:Momin Asinger was born 39 years ago in the town of Hatha on the South coast of the Circle Sea. Momin's father was a soldier in the Amir's of Hatha's army which is sizeable for an Addonian city, due to the proximity of the city to the Blight.

Momin followed in the family tradition and entered the army, though after several years of patrolling for, and occasionally fighting orcs, Momin began to realise he far preferred the sea to the sand and instead signed up about a Corsair ship that preyed on shipping along the human controlled portions of the coast, stealing their cargo and selling the captives into servitude either in the Empire on amongst the Addonian cities.

Six years ago, in the midst of a storm, Momin's ship hit rocks and broke up off the wild West coast of Favis. Momin was one of the few crew who managed to swim to safety, managing to build a fire with the survivors.

The fire was spotted, two nights later by a Monchian poleacre, the Hiver, captained at the time by Anquetil Champernon. Champeron offered to pick the Addonians up and, in exchange for a period of service on his vessel, drop them off at a friendly port.

Momin gratefully accepted, finding he quite liked the charming Captain Champernon and, when his agreed period of service came to an end, joined the Monchian's crew, eventually rising to be the man's first mate.

After Champernon's death, hit by grapeshot from a swivel gun mounted on a Calarian galleon, Momin had been somewhat concerned about what might happen to the ship. When his vivacious but otherwise totally inexperienced blue-blooded 'common law wife' decided she would take over as Captain, his concern had turned to dread...

Though that dread quickly lifted when he realised Coralie knew she knew nothing and wanted his help to learn. Momin mentored the young Captain, discovering that she had a much better head for numbers than the late Captain Champernon had done if not quite the skill at sailing, though she makes up for any shortcomings by surrounding herself with good people - a trait Momin found he rather likes in a leader.

After working with Captain D'Ambois for several years, Momin has remained her right hand and become a firm friend on top of that.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Marybecker


Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: Cricket (Katherine)
Race: Human (Monchian)
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: Pale, with short cut brown curls. 5'5 with hazel eyes.
Skills: Pickpocketing, deception, forgeries, agility and lockpicking.
Weaknesses: Hand to hand combat, art, driving any ship, medical work besides triage.
Backstory: Formerly known as Katherine Bouchard, she was the happy daughter of a noble family up until she reached age nine.
Then, her family decided she would be married off to help keep relations stable. Katherine was horrified. She ran away, and through many years of training became skilled in evading capture. Katherine is wanted in many places, as her family is relentless in tracking her down and dragging her back. She currently resides on the Vengeance.
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