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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

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Phi Mu Lambda: Friendly Wizarding Fraternity

Welcome to Phi Mu Lambda, your friendly wizarding fraternity at Arizona State! Well I say fraternity, but really it’s a sorority as well – we take anyone who passed their magic classes at High School and still has the right number of fingers! I know you’ll have all the usual High School spells, including a few for your specialization and you’ve probably picked up one or two others along the way!

So I’m sure you’re wondering how we got to this awesome place! Drinking fountain behind the old derelict science labs, chuck a simple light source spell at the fountain and boom! Frat house in a pocket dimension! Just don’t let any normies see you throwing that spell, the Magic Inspectorate really, really, don’t like it when we get spotted doing spells by normies. Though that’s the good thing about being at a party University. If people are properly drunk or on shrooms they probably won’t notice… provided you don’t do anything too ridiculous.

We know some of you might have applied for that OTHER, less friendly, wizarding fraternity, Delta Iota Kappa. Tough break if they didn't let you in, but I promise you, we might be more open, and not have quite as much money, but we're way more awesome!

So anyway, we’re throwing a party tonight and you are expected to attend. Got to start the year off right, you know! Just remember, spells require accurate and precise hand movements with your wand. If you’re drunk or blazed, you might get them wrong and all sorts of funny stuff might happen. So resist the urge to try to impress the target of your affections if you’ve had one too many! Or don’t! It might be funny.

So enjoy your time here, enjoy our perfect climate quad and enchanted grove while you’re attending whatever normie class you’re doing out there in the actual Arizona State. Consider Phi Mu Lambda your personal haven. Just relax and ignore all that stuff about Witchfinders and Megalomaniac Wizards trying to take over the world. It almost certainly won’t have any effect on us!


And an OOC Welcome to Phi Mu Lambda: Friendly Wizarding Fraternity!

In this RP you will play the part of new student at Arizona State University, who happens to also be magically gifted. The world of Phi Mu Lambda is exactly like ours with the exception that magic is (secretly) real and about 1/100,000 people are born with the gift. Mostly to other gifted families.

Sensibly, you have chosen to join a wizarding fraternity, while studying whatever subject you are actually here to learn. This means you can hang out with your own kind of people, spending some of your time in the comparatively safe space of the 'Phi Mu Lambda' pocket dimension where you can do all kinds of silly things away from the prying eyes of your normal classmates.

Magic is a secret and being seen doing it will draw the ire of the Magic Inspectorate, which could imprison you or worse if they think you are out of control... it may also draw the attention of Witch Finders, but more on them later.

There is a more exclusive Wizarding Fraternity on campus, Delta Iota Kappa. Either you didn't apply or they turned you down (bummer) - either way they are now your rivals in all things.

There are dark forces at play in the world that you are dimly aware of. Witch Finders have recently started hunting your kind again, after several centuries of peace and while they might not be magically gifted, firearms have made these people VERY dangerous. There are also stories of a shadowy organisation with plans of world domination operating in the shadows of the wizarding world. These things may well come to affect your first year at Arizona State.

Before that though, you are here to do what the magical community does best - Party! (And hopefully pass some of your exams) I've tagged this as 18+ as there will probably be references to drug use.

This RP will be open to latecomers. If you arrive late we will simply say you just decided to join.


You are magically gifted. Odds are you are from a family of magically gifted people. This is a good thing as all young mages are given an examination by the Magic Inspectorate at the time of graduation and you will have been tutored by your parents or siblings.

If you weren't born into a magically gifted family, you will have been found by the Magic Inspectorate and assigned a tutor who will have worked with you in secret to bring you up to the required standard.

You passed your exams. Maybe you excellent, maybe you just scraped by.

Other than that, your life has been normal so far. Your parents will have done mundane jobs of some description (though may have used magic to help get themselves ahead) and you did well enough in your normal subjects at High School to go onto further education. For some reason, most magically gifted people in the USA go to Arizona State University and there are a number of covert scholarships for magically gifted people if your family lacks the means to put you through the University on their own.

Two magical fraternities exist on Campus. Delta Iota Kappa take the cream of the crop: people likely to go on to big things. Phi Mu Lambda takes anyone. You are in Phi Mu Lambda. Maybe you hate the elites of the world and wanted to be in Phi Mu Lambda. Maybe the elites of the world wouldn't let you in. Both fraternities have pocket-dimension frat houses where you can do magic without upsetting the normal students.

Outside of these details, just about anything could have happened to you!


Magic in this universe is performed with concentration and intricate hand movements using a wand as a focusing device. You don't necessarily need to be touching your wand to perform a spell, provided it is within a foot or so and it moves in the right pattern... which is to say if you, for instance, hide your wand in the handle of an umbrella, you can still perform a spell by waving your umbrella around. You cannot, however, telekinetically move your wand around as telekinesis requires the wand to move before it works... this means that a magic user can be disarmed relatively easily.

Spells require concentration and will drain you over time. Most of the time this won't be an issue, but if, for instance, you do something majorly reality altering, like saving someone's life after a car crash, don't expect to be firing on all cylinders afterwards.

Spells travel out from the user, are visible to a magically inclined person and can be blocked with a shield, if someone else was expecting a spell to come their way.

Obviously if you get drunk or stoned or similar (and it would be rude not to), and then you try to do magic, it could well go wrong. If the situation calls for it, I may alert you in the OOC that your spell has gone hilariously wrong. The details on spells below will give you some idea of how they could go wrong...

Common High School Spells

i.e. the spells you needed to master at high school.

Speciality Spells

You specialised in something. These are your bonus spells, depending upon what you chose. You will probably gather there will be four specialities to choose from when creating a character...


In summary, 'don't be a dick'. But here they are if that comment is confusing:


The moment you have been waiting for!

This app will give you the opportunity to bring a spell of your own devising in with you. In general try to make it in keeping with the nature of the speciality you chose. I will scrutinise these carefully and, if they seem overpowered, I'll ask you to tone it down.

When devising a spell think a bit about what might happen if you give more/less power or concentration and what might happen if you screw it up.

I'd recommend you write as a freshman. If, however, you want to write a sophmore or someone else who might have been in Phi Mu Lambda for longer, I'll consider it. I'd recommend not doing this unless you're on the discord so we can talk about stuff your character should know.

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Half Pint
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Hey! Very interested in this! I'll start working on an app either today or tomorrow, but could I ask what the age ranges are for freshman, sophmore, etc? I'm from Scotland so I'm not sure if your universities are the same ages! Also could I ask in the application it says if you are using a picture it should be something that looks 17th century? Is this set in modern times or in the 17th century?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Bingelly
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Hey! Very interested in this! I'll start working on an app either today or tomorrow, but could I ask what the age ranges are for freshman, sophmore, etc? I'm from Scotland so I'm not sure if your universities are the same ages! Also could I ask in the application it says if you are using a picture it should be something that looks 17th century? Is this set in modern times or in the 17th century?


This is very much not 17th Century and is set in present time. DB probably just failed to snip something out from his last application template.

As for age brackets, college freshmen are going to be typically right out of high school and are going to generally be between 18-20 depending on their birthday and whether or not they took a gap year out of High School.

If you have any other questions, please just ask!
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Half Pint
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<Snipped quote by Half Pint>


This is very much not 17th Century and is set in present time. DB probably just failed to snip something out from his last application template.

As for age brackets, college freshmen are going to be typically right out of high school and are going to generally be between 18-20 depending on their birthday and whether or not they took a gap year out of High School.

If you have any other questions, please just ask!

Thanks for your reply! I'll get started on an application as soon as I'm free :)
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by TheCrudlet
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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@Half Pint
lol whoops! As Bing said, the blurb under the appearance section was from the pirates RP :D I was editing the app from that and was clearly a bit sleepy. I've fixed it.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

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come, join us, do not be afraid!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Hey! Very interested in this! I'll start working on an app either today or tomorrow, but could I ask what the age ranges are for freshman, sophmore, etc? I'm from Scotland so I'm not sure if your universities are the same ages! Also could I ask in the application it says if you are using a picture it should be something that looks 17th century? Is this set in modern times or in the 17th century?

Can you imagine trying to do this in the 17th century?

Finch: Pray, might I declare that you possess a most captivating countenance?

Stifler's Mom: Master Finch, are you endeavoring to allure me?

Finch: Indeed, madam, I am.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Man Emperor
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Something something windgardium leviosa...
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

We are in the Harold and Kumar rather than Harry Potter extended universe. Though I can see the confusion.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Talking with DB about whether I have time to join, but interested.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

We are in the Harold and Kumar rather than Harry Potter extended universe. Though I can see the confusion.

It's never been firmly established that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter do not, in fact, take place in the same universe.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Badarby
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<Snipped quote by Dyelli Beybi>

It's never been firmly established that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter do not, in fact, take place in the same universe.

I believe that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter share the same planet.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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So I am interested, but I’m not sure I want to commit…
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

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<Snipped quote by Tesserach>

I believe that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter share the same planet.

That they do. Harry would have had a much better time at school if the Weasley twins had been to Harold and Kumar's main man instead of that joke shop.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pragia12
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Looks good to me!
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Tesserach


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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Half Pint
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Managed to finish this today! I'm happy to change the unique spell if this is too far into conjuration rather than defence. I was struggling a bit to think of one.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Managed to finish this today! I'm happy to change the unique spell if this is too far into conjuration rather than defence. I was struggling a bit to think of one.

The scouser is accepted. I'm going to assume a lack of concentration when summoning familiars leads to them either appearing as deformed monstrosities begging for someone to end their suffering, or going totally off the rails and eating the furniture.
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